#a real bully who can't handle when their own words get used against them
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There's something oddly fascinating about a particular outfit that Blurryface appears in. In the sea of various dark clothes, there's one that seems to stand out from the crowd. The snow white hoodie, over a button-up and finished off by an identical white pair of trousers. A stark contrast against the charcoal black that coats the skin of their hands and neck, with the addition of ruby red swimming in their irises. This white, the color that symbolizes purity and innocence, ironically being donned by an entity that prides itself on eradicating just that.
Like a taunt, or mockery. Or even more malicious, a disguise. A wolf in sheeps clothing if you will. A perfect fit to appear to introduce itself in, if they were to try to slide their way into your psyche. At your lowest moment, the perfect time to strike. When your vision is too blurred by the overwhelming rush of tears in the midst of a panic attack, you'll be more likely to miss the inky black of their hands as they take you in, brushing your hair or rubbing circles on your back to soothe your anxiety. An anxiety they'd never admit was amplified by their infestation that they already started in your mind. You can only take in the comforting, safety of the white hoodie you'd cry into. You'll develop a trust with your new, otherworldly friend before you could correlate the red eyes and shadows with anything malevolent.
After all, how can they be dangerous? With how they keep you company, when your friends slowly begin to fade from your life, or how they're willing to stay and listen to you spill your flaws and downfalls to them. They do it because they care..
A friend. An odd, eerie even, shadowed friend. They have your best interest in mind. So when they suggest relieving your stress with a razor blade, or satiate your anxiety by encouraging you to stay home, away from the terrifying world, you can assure its from a place of support.
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banduckoot · 7 months
We had proposal and wedding headcanons, now it's time for the next step. Can we get some headcanons of the N Team as fathers?
You sent me this ask three years ago, and now I'm finally gonna answer it, whether you like it or not!
Dr. Neo Cortex:
Cortex would be a very loving father... who unfortunately has trouble expressing that love in a healthy manner, and has abusive means of discipline at his disposal, both due to how he was raised. Like, he cares about his children immensely, and will even spoil them with presents, but you'll rarely hear him say "I love you" or "I'm so proud of you". Usually he only says those things when he's feeling particularly emotional. He loves his children because he made them himself. They are his greatest creations... unfortunately he sees them as extensions of himself rather than their own people. So heaven forbid one of his kids turns their back on him for disciplining them too hard... or trying to give them a sad backstory that makes them turn evil like him... or some other twist of fate... he will consider it an act of betrayal and disown that child, and try to replace them with someone else. But that's just because he can't handle the heartbreak of knowing he screwed up, and he will miss that child every damn day of his life, no matter how much he denies it.
Dr. Nitrus Brio:
N. Brio never really thought about having kids, but considering how many mutants he created and helped care for (and he even helped care for Nina for a little while too), he already feels like a parent even before having one of his own. In other words, he'd be a natural at it. Would he be perfect at it? Oh god, no. N. Brio has so many issues from dealing with Cortex that likely still aren't resolved, and he's going to inflict those issues onto his little one. N. Brio's partner would have to come in and prevent this. But otherwise, N. Brio would be a good caretaker who'd be quite proud of his spawn. Though if Cortex also has a kid, N. Brio is absolutely going to try and make his child bully/humiliate them, as an act of revenge against Cortex. His partner should NOT let him do this and, instead, force N. Brio to attend therapy.
Dr. N. Gin:
N. Gin would be the most well-adjusted parent on the N. Team. He would actively support them and their interests, 1000%. He'd love them unconditionally and never hurt them intentionally. However, sometimes parenting stresses him out, and since he's prone to migraines from his missile, he needs to take breaks and let his partner take over while he recovers. I... have no other thoughts about N. Gin as a parent. Sorry this was so short.
Dr. Nefarious Tropy:
N. Tropy does not care for children. Not even a little bit. He used to be a child, and he hated it. He has dealt with other children growing up, and he hated them, too. However, if his partner wanted a child, he would absolutely have one with them, and he would love that child. He would be somewhat emotionally distant, because he has no real paternal instinct, but he would still make an effort to be there for his offspring and support them to the best of his ability. However, if that kid ends up becoming anywhere near as narcissistic as their dad, Tropy may have a new rival on his hands, and needless to say, he will not like that.
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Sam-reid reblogging posts from nalyra and accusing marius haters of having "surface level takes" is rich. She ignores everything about this blog (your blog which I love!) and deems to punish viewers for not being comfortable with a known pedophile rapist in a book. It's blogs like hers which make me glad to my bones that I'm not part of this fandom any longer. I get chills from the absolute hatred radiating from users like her and nalyra and oh the reciepts you posted about formerly Neilcfreak? I felt sick reading how she lashed out at that black fan who tried to explain to her about A03 and its policies. But sam-reid is a special brand of ignorance and cold indifference towards black fans and fans who have problems with certain areas of the books. She looks down on anyone who doesn't love every word of the books. If she's ok with grooming and rape more power to her; but she so arrogantly asserts that the ONLY reason someone might have problems with topics of RAPE AND GROOMING esp through a lens of pedophilia is because of surface level takes?!
Yikes. BIG YIKES. How someone can be so SURFACE LEVEL IGNORANT is frightening.
She seems to think only in fictional world terms because in the real world, rape happens frequently. Grooming happens daily. So for her to assert that the ONLY reason someone might have issues with a character is because of SURFACE LEVEL TAKES speaks volumes of what kind of human being she is.
Marius triggers victims of rape and grooming for very real reasons, as fiction tends to do, as reading tends to do. That's why we read, and that's why fiction affects us so DEEPLY. So while insensitive and callous racists like sam-reid use SURFACE LEVEL reasons to judge us, the rest of us will be over here, avoiding surface level jerks like sam-reid, on your blog as a safe place. ❤
hi and thank u for ur comment<3
Let me repost a link to the neilcfreak / gorrei / rei thing in case anyone needs to know the context, bcuz this is an important thing to know for ppl engaging with her. This just happened in 2023.
Anyway, I'm glad it feels safe here. I'm always happy to talk about this stuff or let ppl vent about it. The books *are* v triggering and most of the fandom will not talk about it, which doesn't help anyone tbh.
I'm gonna answer most of this under a cut bcuz of the topics, but let me clarify some stuff first. Anyone mentioned here is mentioned for a reason. There's been a real increase on complaints about sam-reid lately, so I hope she's rly paying attention and not just thinking everyone is saying this for no reason. Ppl get harmed when u have a big voice in the fandom and u say things like this and turn ppl against others who are more vulnerable than u, especially when it comes to real trauma issues? I'm gonna get into this more under the cut but just to clarify that this isn't some silly thing or personal bitching about someone for no reason. I don't have any thoughts about sam-reid as a person, idk them beyond posts here. But this same attitude is across all of the big fandom ppl and it trickles down to hurting everyone, which is a big reason why this account is even here.
(I posted these screenshots smaller together but they won't save like that so sry they post long like this)
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I'd also like to say that monstersinthecosmos runs with the og white woman fandom bullies from before the show aired. The fact that the same usernames show up supporting each other all the time is never surprising tbh.
Anyway TW for trauma, CSA, abuse
Everyone handles trauma differently, so a lot of what I've seen from the fandom over the years is ppl who handle it like this ^^ insisting it's the only "correct" way bcuz they can't look at it any other way, yet or maybe ever. Since Marius is so tied to childhood sexual abuse, it's always made sense bcuz a) a lot of ppl read these books as kids and b) Anne Rice wrote things in a way that romanticizes abuse. If u have never looked at the characters and/or ur own abuse as an adult, then here we are. Everything is fiction, everything is fun, nothing needs to be "real." Bcuz abused kids disconnect from abuse that same way. Some ppl stay there forever.
I'm not shaming that either. U can't dictate how ppl move thru abuse and trauma. We all do what we do. Everyone who comes into the IWTV / VC stories however it happens prbly comes from trauma. It just sucks that Anne Rice inspired such a dogshit view of the world in ppl that a group that's already ripe for infighting (traumatized ppl) gets made worse bcuz she taught everyone to be loud and wrong and then louder and more wrong. Don't ever look at ur own actions, just shout ppl down!!
The reason ppl tend to dislike book ppl is bcuz nothing is ever discussed. There's this simultaneous mindset of "I'm v smart" but also "I'm never gonna talk in depth about anything." Everyone can see this but u can't ever get *them* to see it. Conversations are impossible. Then they constantly talk down on others like this to keep everything hostile. They have to be "right," so playing up as if their perspective is the only true one and acting as if criticism of Anne Rice or the books is "so mean" bcuz of misogyny or ppl lacking media literacy or "don't they know they're all monsters lol" is the only thing they know how to do.
Traumatized ppl don't like to feel stupid, ignored, and dismissed. These big voices don't come from nothing. A lot of the vampires in the books reflect real responses to trauma, both in their personalities and how they move around each other. We also reflect that. I wish ppl could learn from that more. Unfortunately, we're prbly always gonna be in two camps about it. That's why this fandom tends to remain small no matter how big anything gets. Those who want to speak more on these themes and explore abuse tend to leave, or at least leave a lot of public spaces, bcuz these ppl have set up to always take in new recruits and bully ppl in groups. They're a small number of fans tbh, in all reality, they just look bigger bcuz they work together to build that illusion. They don't individually have the strength to get attention on their own so they gather together to reference each other a lot, recommend each other to whoever (which has now extended to cast and crew as well), and get in more spaces. Then they get to feel more "important" and soothe all the childhood trauma of nobody noticing them then, but doesn't everyone notice them now? Except look at what u did to get there. They don't care tho, everyone they've stepped over is just a "hater" or w/e.
This is why it's crucial to examine these characters and then reflect on urself too and ask if maybe ur the fucking villain sometimes. The answer will surprise u!
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
I'm so sorry you have to go through the whole pointless drama and hate over something you love so passionately and understand, and I'm so sorry many other fans have to go through the same thing. But truly I'm so proud of you for standing your ground and for knowing that it's best to just send those haters super far.
This fandom is lucky to have people like you truly speaking up for what's right ❤️
Ald, my own little hero, however could I thank you enough for having stood up for me the way you did? You have some guts and I--I am mesmerized by you.
But I'm also entirely grateful to you. To you and everyone who's been supportive. The fandom (and I, personally) is lucky to have people like you who also won't let a bully with a keyboard get away with anything.
I blocked all those people so I couldn't even see the way they're trashing me and making memes about me. I wish I could say I can brush it off with no second thought because it does hurt. It hurts that people with such huge voices can be so wrong and so hell-bent on making people believe they're right, and that it's so easy for them to twist even the most reasonable arguments and make someone who's standing up for herself appear the villain.
But, such is what unreasonable people do when they're cornered, and they're usually only cornered because they can't actually debate or dialogue their way out of an argument, they instead have to personally attack and talk behind the person who deigned to contradict them.
In all honesty, I'm proud of having fought back for a bit, and I'm grateful and humbled by the fact that someone out there would stand up for me as well. But now it's time to let that go. Yesterday I had my fun, and now it's gotten out of hand purely because the people who started the hate refuse to listen or understand and only care about being right because they said so, and I do have other things in my real life and in my online life that are far better and more important than a clique talking shit about me because they couldn't very well handle even a simple debate with me.
And fuck, if I riled up that many people because I fought back against the hate they started, I consider myself the winner.
Now I'm kind of using your ask to rant my heart out and I'm sorry, and I really thank you for your kind words as well as anyone who's been so supportive.
I genuinely hope the rest of the season is kinder on us, but we can make sure of that by blocking the haters and literally not letting them get to us.
So yeah. Be safe, curate your internet experiences, don't be dicks, and don't go around swinging at hornet's nests (without expecting and being prepared to deal with the consequences 😉)
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alreadycrazystuff · 2 years
Now that I'm not emotional I'll vent:
Stranger Things S4
Be careful there will be spoilers❗
I don't know how I'm going to organize this but I can already tell it's going to be messy:
First of all, I didn't like it. And I'll explain what I didn't like:
Vecna: yes, I was excited to learn more about The Creels but the plot of Vecna ​​being Henry/Peter/001, it was kind of bad lol. There were many unanswered questions and in the end we find out that El being "the reason" that it all happened was even worse. But you know what's even worse? that it was Vecna ​​who created Mindflayer and probably the Upside Down. Like, he's the villain but being responsible for everything? it's only now, after three seasons, that we've learned of his existence. He was never mentioned before. How does he, out of nowhere, take credit for everything? He was the "mold/original version" for the other kids in the lab, and for the creation of Eleven's powers. He's probably the only one who has "natural powers", did he only create the Mindflayer, which possessed Will and Billy, because of Eleven? Does he only wants revenge? Did he create the Upside Down because of her or for her? What does this have to do with D&D? Also, what does it have to do with killing teenagers? He's just another villain who wants to end the world because his life was pathetic.
Eleven: My girl, what they did to you? What was it about her losing her powers and then getting them back later? It would be easier if she hadn't even lost. And now she has new powers? Like??? The 8 year old Eleven was much more cool than the 14/15 year old Eleven. She didn't need a boy to make her feel stronger, she just needed to remember her mother's love and feel loved by her. Remember that she was born and that being alive is what is worth fighting for. Not a boy who can't write ily in a letter (and that she had to BEG him for him to say it). First getting the Byers to move was stupid, of course El couldn't adapt to school, she never had time to socialize with other people. They showed her vulnerable because of the bullying, for not having friends in California, for her father dead, for being away from her boyfriend and for not having powers and how hard that would be for her. How would she handle anger, bullying and hate against her without her powers? It would have been so much better if they had made her understand that the real world is like this, that you will always deal with people who don't like you and won't understand you, and what really matters it's the people who love you and what you think of yourself. I know it's a difficult concept (I know I speak from my own experience) but she is so much more than a hero, or weapon, or Brenner's experiment. She would understand that her actions have consequences, that hitting someone has consequences, that you can't blow people up when they hurt you (I'd love that). Instead they made her go back to the lab to get her powers back because she can't live in the real world because they wouldn't win without her powers. It was again used as a "weapon" and nothing more. It was like taking one step forward and two steps back. Why did they make her have this new experience if it was to come to nothing?
Mike: what the hell was Mike this season? They really said goodbye to "smart Mike" and now he's just selfish and dumb. Like okay he has no idea of ​​Will's feelings okay, Will hasn't declared so it's okay, but Mike is so dumb now omg. Did he really believe it was Eleven who asked Will to do that drawing? The D&D drawing??? because he is the "heart" of the group?? Awful. Has he learned nothing since the last season? Saying that Will sabotaged his day with his girlfriend, avoiding hugging Will, or not listening to what Will had to say, or BLAMING WILL BECAUSE ELEVEN HAD LIED TO HIM, ignoring Will's existence and using Will's words to confess to El, like??? Is he incapable of thinking for himself? Does he always need other people to say how he feels about himself because he can't? He needs to copy from someone to say he loves El because he can't do it by himself like??? Will was literally telling him what to say, and you want me to believe he really loves her? It's bullshit!! And that conversation in the van, like, Will had to remember or say that Eleven loves Mike? why? Mike already knows!!! Or he should know since SHE IS HIS GIRLFRIEND AND SHE SAID SHE LOVES HIM!!! I remember S3 why Will had to remind Mike of that? They made Mike so stupid this season it's unbelievable. He didn't believe that Eleven loves him for what he is but when Will said he did? And I'm not even going to talk about how he went from "Will, D&D is for kids" to later joining the D&D club, so the problem was Will right. And let's not forget that he "idolized" Eddie and let that affect and change his style, but he didn't say anything about Eddie's death? or did he not know???? Mike was the worst. What I've seen about him is that he's a bad friend, selfish, self sabotages, doesn't know what he wants or what he is and it seems like he's still the only one who lives in a child's world, or in a fantasy world, it's not Will, it's Mike who doesn't want to grow up, who lives in the comic book world, he's not ready for the real world with real problems, he can't even talk or express himself to other people. It scares me how he's going to become when he's an adult, we've seen that the others (Dustin, Will, Lucas and Max) are much more mature than he is. I don't know how they're going to fix this. I was quite disappointed with how he was portrayed this season, totally different from what Mike was in S1 and S2. He's so immature it's sad, like him comparing himself to Lois Lane, it was a pity. Mike in S1 & S2 knew what he wanted and was determined in everything he did, since season 3 he started to go blank like a white wall. He lost his essence and now his world lives around the version he created of Eleven in his head. He lives in his own fic. I'm sad.
Will: I love him and he didn't do anything wrong the Duffers did. Made him say cringe things like "you are the heart", talk about D&D out of nowhere or talk about Argyle being stoned. He is more than that. He's not just D&D/Mike/Eleven". The scene with Jonathan was cute but he didn't say anything? I know, I said I didn't expect him to come out but not say anything to his brother? He could have said that he was upset with everything that happened, or being mad with himself for not having the courage or that the world is not fair to people like him, or that he will never be happy because bad things happen to him all the time, he could have said anything, but he didn't and the scene ended so fast it looks like it was cut. I was expecting Will to go deeper this season instead they made him third wheel again, sacrifice himself for others again, give advice to Mike and El even though he has never dated anyone before but he is old enough to see that their dating is made up of lies and that without the intervention of other people, they will break up because their "love" is not enough to keep their relationship. They (Milkvan) need support from others to keep dating each other. They put Will in California to be between Mike and Eleven again, he was put in a van for nothing but finding Eleven, and to help Mike say "I love you" to Eleven. He only existed for the Eleven and Mike plot. Wow 👏👏 And don't tell me they didn't have time, that ST is only about fantasy and supernatural stuff and not about relationships, they had enough time to do both, the Duffers didn't because they were lazy. They put countless flashbacks of S3, made Max have an mv with "Running up that Hill" in the background, made Nancy horny for Steve because he was shirtless, for no reason, they did the whole plot of "The Hellfire cult" for no reason, created Russian story (boring) for no reason (Hopper taking it for dead in S3 was stupid, like how it was with Eleven "lost her powers"), they made Eleven asking Mike why he didn't write "I love you" in the letters, they did that Suzie's family scene for what? nothing, Argyle and Jonathan saying "blep, blep, blep" FOR NOTHING. They could have written anything for Will, he only appeared like what 10 minutes or 15 minutes on screen? He is the main character. It would have been better if he had stayed at Hawkins at least he would have had more screen time than he did in the cali gang. And in the end he felt Vecna? Only touching his neck again. Being given as "gay" but not being addressed. It's not a cursed word, they love to say fa*, fairy, freak but they can't say "gay" or "lesbian"? 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
There were so many bad things this season, repeated S3 scenes, the same mistakes again, new characters added only to die for no reason and be easily forgotten, Will's birthday being forgotten, they could have just switched on camera recording, Billy being told as a hero, Max's ending just to be sad and shocking. Eleven as the hero of the day again, and wow they love giving scren time to an idiot right (Jason and his followers/Billy). How much they contradict themselves during the season was insane, saying that El will have her own path, that Mike is strugguling, Will's sexuality would be addressed. Jonathan and Nancy still lying to each other, Jopper and Murray having their history separate from the others again, Steve still likes Nancy and needs to be in a love interest to be happy. Ugh it was a headache!
I'm tired.
I still think Byler will be endgame I just don't want it anymore lol how things turned out this season was just a waste of time, the fact that we waited three years for this is disappointing So much money, more time, more episodes to be trash. I'll just pretend that Stranger Things ended up on S2. And we thought Duffers were geniuses 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm embarrassed guys. I love Will Byers, Jonathan, Steven, Eleven, Max, Dustin, Argyle, Lucas, Joyce, Eddie, Nancy, Karen, Hopper, Bob, Owen, Robin, Mr. Clark, Holly, Erica, Murray, Kali and baby Mike, the good Mike, the S1 & S2 Mike.
I will not deactivate or delete my blog, I will continue to speak bad of ST4 I have the right, I'll still share fanarts, and fanfics and wait (not so excited) for S5. Feel free to talk to me, I'll still be here, I'm not deluded, I'm just a fan of what was Stranger Things.
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lily-janus · 3 years
Us Against The World
Summary: for their entire life, it's always been just the two of them. Virgil and Janus, them and the rest. Until someday something threatens to tear them away from each other.
Pairing: platonic Anxceit
Warnings: panic attacks and hyperventaling, lying, crude language, friends fight, mistrust, self depreciating thoughts and self-talk, Virgil over thinking and jumping to conclusions, bullying, getting lost.
Writing propmts: "Hold on tight, listen to my voice" and forest.
Word count: 3181
"Hey! Why don't you ever talk, loser? Do you not know how to speak?" The teenager asked Virgil, taunting.
Virgil opened his mouth to snap at him, but fear refused to loosen its grip on his throat, making it hard to breathe, let alone speak.
The teenager huffed and pushed Virgil with his shoulder as he passed him, muttering "weirdo" under his breath.
Virgil sighed, hands digging deep into the pockets of his overly large, soft hoodie, his only source of comfort when out in public.
"Oh I'm sure he's quite capable of speaking." A voice suddenly made Virgil look up and turn around in the direction the teenager went merely seconds ago. Another teenager smirked at the one who taunted Virgil, his eyes were forest green, his left cheek covered in some kind of weird birthmark.
The green-eyed teenager examined his fingernails casually as he continued. "I just think he would rather not, especially with the sorry excuse of a human being such as yourself." He looked up to meet the bully's eyes, smirk widening, challenging.
"You're the one to talk, freak," he responded, clenching his fists in barely controlled anger.
Virgil flinched in sympathy at the word, but he didn't look bothered by it, instead just shrugging it off. "I think we both know who's the real freak here… don't you?"
That finally made the other boy snap, sending one of his tightly clenched fists towards his face. And still, the green-eyed boy's smirk refused to leave his lips as he smoothly dodged, causing the boy to fall on the dirty floor by his own momentum and Virgil couldn't help but laugh.
The boy, cheeks flushed in embarrassment, got up and walked away without giving each of them a single glance back, hands still tightly fisted on his sides.
As their eyes met, the boy's smirk turned into a gentle smile and he shrugged lightly, bringing a finger to point at his left cheek. "You get used to it eventually."
"Tha-thank you um… my name's Virgil." He said hesitantly, hands fidgeting nervously inside his hoodie.
"Janus" he reaches out his hand for Virgil to shake, and he does, smiling shyly up at him.
They quickly became friends after that, constantly hanging out, texting. No one in their little town in the middle of the woods seemed to like them, but that was okay, as long as they had each other. Us and them, Virgil and Janus against the world, that's how it's always been.
Until… it wasn't.
Hey Jan, wanna hang out today?
Hang out… with you? And why would I want that?
Pffft Jan, I'm serious, my parents are being boring again.
Oh dear. You know me, I would happily take you away from these two… but I'm afraid I'm busy at the moment… oh how cruel life is, giving me work when you clearly can't handle yourself without me.
Oh get over yourself, I'll be fine… If I don't die of boredom that is…
Virgil turns off his phone with a sigh, reluctantly turning his attention back to his parents, who hadn't stopped their mindless chuttering, his mom complaining about her co-workers and his dad listening and offering his points when he can.
He places his elbow on the table and rests his cheek in the palm of his hand, the very image of deep boredom, waiting for a chance to slip into his room.
He mindlessly turns on his phone, checking for any new notifications, and turning it off when he finds none and repeating, until he can finally run back to his room, closing the door behind him and relishing in the silence that covered him.
He decides to continue some of his crafts projects that he's been putting off for a while, the busyness of his hands helping him relax and letting his thoughts wander effortlessly.
Suddenly, he stumbles upon a realization that… he has actually barely seen Janus lately… should he be concerned? Well… he's always worried but still… is Janus okay? Could he be mad at Virgil? Are they in a fight and he hasn't realized it?
Taking a deep breath, Virgil puts down his current project. His mind is jumping to conclusions again… he should talk to Janus before he starts hyperventilating on every worst-case-scenario. Maybe he'll drop by his workplace, not like he has anything more important going on right now.
So Virgil quickly gets ready to head out and, after making sure he has everything about a dozen times, he opens the door and walks outside, breathing in the cool night air. He tries his best to keep his speculations and worries for the encounter in check, he's sure it's nothing, it's Janus! The only person he can truly trust in this world, there's no way he's been avoiding him or something, right? ….right?
Virgil stops dead in his tracks as he sees Janus inside the bar he works at through the glass wall… He's… Janus is laughing… with people Virgil never even seen before! People their age… other friends… better friends, cause of course, Virgil alone will never be enough, not to someone like Janus… he should have realized it sooner, it's his fault for thinking… hoping… it'll be just the two of them forever…
For once… his cruel, spiraling mind was right, Janus has been avoiding him, he does want to end their friendship, of course he does… now that he finally found someone better-
Janus sees him standing outside and freezes, the people around him continuing their conversation without noticing as the two childhood friends lock eyes.
Virgil swallowed, emotions swirling in his stomach, contradicting themselves and pulling on him in all directions. He should run, no, yell at Janus, no, cry, no, he should hit himself for living in such delusions and setting himself for heartbreak.
It's his fault- no, Janus' fault, Janus is a bad friend, no, Virgil is simply not good enough, no-
Janus starts walking towards him, expression unreadable and, suddenly, Virgil is sure of one, simple thing: he can not face Janus right now.
Virgil starts running just as Janus is close enough so he can hear him call after him. 
"Wait! Virge! I can explain!"
Vision blurred by tears, Virgil doesn't slow his pace even as he begins to sweat and pant in his overly warm hoodie, he doesn't dare to stop to catch his breath, he needs to get away from everything, need to be as far away as possible.
Too overworked and vision getting blurrier as the tears refuse to stop falling, Virgil doesn't notice his feet are not hitting the pavement anymore but rather are crunching fallen leaves underneath them instead. He also fails to notice his surroundings getting darker as he strays away from the bright city lights.
His lungs exploding, Virgil has no choice but to finally stop, hands on his knees as he pants and sobs and cries.
Stupid, stupid stupid! You're so stupid, you should have known better, you should have never let someone in like that, you've had you fair share of bad friends, it's your fault for giving another person a chance to hurt you.
It's true, once again, his mind is right, it's his own stupid fault! Idiot…
Virgil leans on a nearby tree-
Wait, tree?
Heart skipping a beat, Virgil slowly looks around, his self deprecating thoughts dying down for now to be replaced by sheer panic.
Virgil is in the forest surrounding their city… and he has no clue how to get back.
Heart thumping in his chest, he tries hard to remember which way he came from, but it's all a blur, he didn't pay the slightest bit of attention as to where he was going.
Yep, Virgil is indeed stupid, that pretty much confirms it if he had any doubts until now… which he didn't really had but still, nice to know for certain.
It's so dark, Virgil can't see anything… How far away is he? How is he going to get back?
His parents must be getting worried by now…
Wait! His phone!
Virgil quickly reaches for his back pocket, wanting to smack himself in the head for not thinking of this earlier, before realizing it's not there.
Frantically, he searches his other pockets, nothing… must have fallen on the way… great, as if this day can't get any better… What's next? A pack of wolves-
The sound of howling is audible from a distance and Virgil freezes even though he's pretty sure it's way too far to be anywhere near him.
He's going to die here, he suddenly realizes.
Having no clue what else to do, and too afraid to move from his current spot, Virgil sits on the slightly damp ground, leaning on a tree and hugging his knees close to his chest, resting his chin on them.
He stays like this for what feels like hours, surrounded by darkness, literally and mentally. He's all alone, and it's all his fault, he brought this on himself-
Crunching leaves a few feet away from him.
Virgil freezes and waits in tense silence.
Janus' voice… probably the last voice he wanted to hear right now, the mere sound of it making his insides twist painfully.
But wait…
"Virgil? Are… are you here?"
He sounds… worried? But… that can't be right…
"I know you're here, please I- I'm sorry… I should have told you but I feared you'll freak out… and well you did but… I was trying to find the right time and- oh who am I kidding? He's not here… great work Janus, pushing your best friend away like that…" 
Janus continued to ramble but his voice faded to the background of Virgil's mind as he processed his words. Best friend? Did he just call Virgil 'his best friend'?
A sob escaped his throat and Janus' steps stopped in place.
"Virgil?" He asked again, voice full of hope. "Is that you?"
And that was it, Virgil broke down once again, tears spilling from his eyes and sobs wrecking his throat. He was an emotional wreck, having no clue how to feel or even… how he should feel, it was just too much and-
A figure dropping in front of him and wrapping its arms around him.
"Virgil! Thank god I was so worried." Janus says, voice cracking as he continues to hold him.
Virgil sniffed and looked away. "Why?" He asked, voice surprsingly steady and full of spite he hadn't realized he had until now.
Janus retrievs his hands quickly and looks down in shame. "What do you mean 'why'? I… you're my friend, Virgil."
Virgil huffs at that. "Seems like you have a plenty of those, why worry about me?"
"No, stop, I don't want to hear any more lies from you, just leave me alone… it's what you wanted anyway." Virgil tucks his knees closer to his chest, wanting to crawl into a tiny ball and disappear.
"I was going to tell you I just didn't know how-"
"I said to leave me alone! At least do this one thing for me." Virgil snaps.
"Is that… really what you want?" Janus asks, voice small.
With a sigh, Janus gets to his feet. "Very well, here." He hands him his phone. "You dropped this on the way… I called your parents and sent them this location so… you should be fine… sorry again… you… you desrve better than me anyway so, maybe this is for the best…" he trails off, voice cracking again as a sob escaped his throat.
He started to walk away but, as Virgil suddenly realized he was going to be left alone in this dark forest again, panic began to creep into his chest again and he started panting loudly, gasping for air.
At the sound of Virgil's clear distress, Janus dropped down beside him again, this time only putting one arm on his shoulder which Virgil seized and squeezed without thinking.
"Shhh it's okay Virgil, it's okay just… hold on tight… listen to my voice. Take deep breaths, good job Virgil, you're doing great just keep breathing."
Virgil closed his eyes and tried his best to do as Janus instracted, all the while aqueezing his hand like a lifeline. Until, finally, he could breathe normally again and his mind cleared.
He let go of his hand immediately and scooted away from him a little. "Stop doing that." He whispered.
"Doing what, Virgil?"
"Pertending like you care I… I know better than that now but it still hurts when you do it so… just stop." Virgil fixed his gaze on the ground, refusing to meet Janus' gaze.
"Virgil… I do care, I always cared. Some meaningless friends from work will never change that." Janus said desperatly.
Virgil sniffed. "Liar."
"I'm not lying! It's true! Please Virgil I… I can't lose you but… if I'm going to… if you want to end this… at least know I never stopped caring." They both fall silent for a long moment.
"In all those times you said you were busy… were you just hanging out with them? Laughing at how stupid and naive I am to fall for that?" Virgil asked quietly. "Do you… do you perfer them over me?" Another sob escaped his throat.
"No! No it wasn't like that! They mean nothing to me! Really I just… for the first time in my life I… I felt accepted. I don't know… it's stupid and sappy and I shouldn't care about others' approval but… god did it feel good not to be judged by how I look. And I know I should have told you right away but, I feared you'll feel like I replaced you, no matter how I would have phrased it so… I kept putting it off…" Janus trailed off with a sigh. "I really messed up, I know I did… I'm really sorry that I hurt you… that was never my intention. I'll understand if you won't forgive me though… I just want you to know that I'm sorry."
Virgil shook his head. "No, no! Stop it! Stop lying! I… I want this so badly to be true but I know it can't be true and please, just stop."
"Virgil, it is true! You have to believe me."
"Well I don't, I don't think I can believe you anymore…" Virgil said quietly, still refusing to meet his gaze.
They fell silent again.
"Okay." Janus sniffed. "Okay, that's okay, I deserve that. I'll leave and we'll never have to see each other again… if that's what you want. Just, please look at me, just this once and I'll leave you alone." Janus promised, pleading.
Sighing, Virgil finally looked up to meet his gaze and resisted the immidate urge to hug his former friend as he saw so much hurt in his eyes.
It's not real, it's not real, it's not real
Virgil looked away quickly. "There, now leave me alone." He hated how much his voice shook, how every viber of his being protesed to pushing Janus away. But he ignored it, he won't be hurt again, he won't.
He hears Janus shuffling as he gets up once again without a word.
"You were wrong." Virgil said as Janus turned to leave, stopping him dead in his tracks.
"The day we met, you said you get used to it… you were wrong… it hurts more everytime."
"I don't want to hear it, Janus. Go away." Virgil tried to hold back the tears that threatened to come out again, refusing to give Janus the satisfaction.
"Goodbye, Virgil… I… I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss my best friend, I'm truly sorry." Slowly, Janus walks away, making Virgil's heart ache with every step he takes away from him.
But it's for the best. He keeps telling himself, it's the only way to make sure he's not hurt again… it's for the best it's-
And he breaks down again.
His parents find him like this not long after, huddled on the floor and crying his heart out. They both hug him and murmur reassurence as they help him to his feet.
Before he realizes it, he's back in his room, every inch of it a painful reminder to the relationship he ended tonight. Falling down on his bed, he falls asleep crying.
A few days later, Virgil's parents finally convince him to get out of his room to 'breathe some fresh air'. He walks down the streets, music blaring in his ears from his large headphones.
He kinda wandered aimlessly but somehow he ended up right in front of Jan- he gulped at the name, his bar.
Though, thankfully, he wasn't there…. Only his friends.
With a sigh, thinking he could use a drink anyway, he walks inside.
One of… his friends noticed him as he sat down on one of the stools, walking up to him curiously.
"Holy shit, are you Virgil?" His face split into a wide grin.
Virgil frowned, what did he tell them? "Um… yes? Why?"
"Holy fuck! Janus never shuts up about you! He hasn't shown up to work for the last few days but he always said how he can't wait for us to meet you!"
Virgil choked up. "He… he did?"
"Yeah! Oh, I'm Remus by the way, so cool to finally meet you, fuck!" Remus practically jumped on his feet. But Virgil barely paid him any attention as he got up from the stool and turned to leave. "Oh, you're leaving? But you just got here" Remus whined.
"Sorry I… I think I made a huge mistake, I'll be back!"
Before he could think about it, Virgil started running, and running. Not away this time, but closer and closer until, finally, he's standing right in front his door. Panting slightly as he knocks.
There's some shuffling from the inside and soon Janus opens the door, his eyes going wide as he realizes who it is.
"V-Virgil? What? Why?" He trailed off and just stared at him.
Virgil took a deep breath. "Janus I… I'm sorry. I was wrong, I should have trusted you I just… I saw you with them and it felt like all my fears are coming true and I wasn't thinking and it felt like a stab to my very being and-"
Virgil cut off as Janus gently wrapped him in a warm embrace. "It's okay Virgil, I meant what I said, I understand… I'm really sorry I didn't tell you I was just being a coward and I should have just sucked it up and told you everything…" Janus trailed off and the both hugged each other in warm silence.
As they broke they realized they were both crying. They exchanged glances and started laughing, relieved and emotionally warned.
"Best friends?" Virgil asked with a smile.
Janus smirked. "With you? Please, I think I can do better."
Virgil snorted. "Yeah right, good luck with that."
Janus laughed as he beckoned Virgil inside and they spent the rest of the day together.
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mossharpy · 3 years
Do u know any TOH fics where it focuses on human culture/Luz being different? I can't find any :(
i've got two! but then this prompt took me by the hands and i ended up writing my own little drabble.
from ao3:
crossing paths by Vikingfangirl23 | 2991 Words | One-Shot | Summary: Luz deals with bullies, Owlbert's been following her longer than she realizes.
It's Just Hair by foolish_snail | 1889 Words | One-Shot | Summary: Luz is tired of getting bullied for her hair. May as well do something about it.
from me (under read more):
Willow and Gus were avoiding her. It was frustrating; all day they’d been skirting around her questions and attempts to confront them about their unusually skittish behavior. They told each other everything—why was this time different? Luz had briefly worried she’d done something to upset Willow, who tended to still be sore about how much time she was spending with Amity.
Luz understood where the witch was coming from, she’d be upset if her best friend started dating her ex-bully too. But, if that was the case, why was Gus avoiding her? Gus was brutally honest about his feelings; he wore his heart on his sleeve. Willow was more closed off, but Gus was always willing to play middleman if a miscommunication occurred. Even worse, when she’d asked them about wanting to sit together at lunch, the two came up with some on-the-spot excuse about having detention. Luz loved her friends, but they were terrible liars.
But she didn’t push. Luz let them go.
The human poked her PB&J, sighing. She didn’t like being ignored.
Fridays were usually her favorite day of the week. She loved Hexside—don’t get her wrong—more than she’d ever loved school, but on Fridays, as soon as school let out, Willow and Gus would follow her back to the Owl House. There, they’d begin their usual ritual of eating far too much junk food and watching crappy Boiling Isles reality TV. It was fun, it was their chance to put aside all their worries, about school, about magic, about getting home, and let loose.
Their distance made Luz think her friends weren’t willing to hang out that night.
A plastic tray gently found a place next to her, and Luz let her eyes wander upward to land on the face of her girlfriend. She smiled, worries abandoned, and focus turned toward Amity, who nervously pulled a string of lavender hair from her face, a pale blush creeping over her nose and tinging her face.
“Are Willow and Gus joining us?” She spoke formally, a trait the witch often defaulted to when trying to hide how flustered she was.
The question made Luz frown, and she let her head fall against the lunch table. “They’ve got better things to do.”
Amity nodded, taking Luz’s hand under the table, and hesitantly letting their fingers intertwine. “I guess they would be busy, what, with the party, they’re planning and all.”
The purple-haired witch made a small face, “You didn’t know? Gus has been talking my ear off all day about it.” She conjured her scroll to show her girlfriend, gesturing to the dozens of unread penstagram messages she’d likely chosen to ignore.
“The two of them have been insufferable today, how am I supposed to know the difference between Pep Ph.D. and Dr Fizz? And what in Titan’s name is a clown.” She threw up her hands, irritated, before resigning to letting them sit crossed over her chest.
Luz shrugged, still staring at the number of messages, “Pep tastes kinda like barbecue sauce if it was carbonated, Dr Fizz is sweeter, bubblier, and by far the better soda. And clowns are a staple of every good party.”
Amity looked slightly baffled, like she wasn’t expecting Luz to have an opinion either, then gently took her scroll back to rapidly text a message to Gus.
“…What’s the party for?” The words came out muffled, and slightly anxious. She wanted to help, she was a great party planner—Willow knew that, Gus knew that, why were they leaving her out?
“Oh,” Amity was stilly texting, “I think Gus’s birthday is coming up.”
“WHAT?” Luz slammed her hands on the cafeteria table, startling Amity and bringing the attention of the rest of the lunchroom to both of them, various Hexside students glaring or staring, judgingly.
Amity gently brought her hands to Luz’s shoulders, pulling the human back into her seat and nervously laughing. Said human leaned in, close, raising a hand to her mouth to whisper.
“What do you mean Gus’s birthday is coming up?” She was his friend; she should be an expert in these kinds of things! No wonder he and Willow had been avoiding her, they probably didn’t want to break the news to her that she had forgotten one of her best friends’ birthday.
“The party is this weekend,” Amity supplied, mimicking her girlfriend’s hushed tone. “They’ve been sending out invitations on penstagram all day.”
She turned her scroll toward Luz again, this time, a fun-looking, brightly colored invitation with a doodle drawing of Gus throwing confetti, sprawled across her penstagram dashboard. The specific details were cut out, but she could see that Amity was right—the party was this Saturday.
A small knot formed in Luz’s stomach. She couldn’t get a scroll—they were too intertwined with witch magic, and without a bile sack, it was hard to get one. Normally, if she really wanted to see what was going on, she’d ask Eda to borrow hers, but she didn’t have one of her own. Gus knew that, so did Willow. Did they not want her there? Why wouldn’t they give out invitations in person? Why were they hiding this from her?
She slumped onto the table, burying her face in her arms.
“I guess, well—” Amity faltered, catching up on her girlfriend’s sudden deflation, “It is his thirteenth birthday.”
Luz cringed.
“No, no,” Her girlfriend continued, “It’s his thirteenth birthday, Luz.”
She stared, blankly. “I don’t get what you mean. Why are you saying ‘thirteenth’ like that?”
“Oh shoot,” Amity face-palmed, a pointed ear twitching, “Of course you wouldn’t have the thirteenth, I forget how fragile humans are.”
“Hey,” Luz dragged out the word, scowling, “We’re not fragile, we’re just not meant to digest fairies or survive boiling water.”
Her girlfriend snickered, “Like I said, fragile. Anyways, when a witch turns thirteen, you have to go through some… trials.”
“I like trials,” Luz mumbled.
Amity smiled, fondly, then grimaced, “They’re not fun trials, Luz. A witch’s thirteenth birthday is said to be cursed; you have to spend the day with bad luck, and if you manage to survive, at the end of the day you can throw a party, celebrating your ability to wield magic and become a real witch. It’s a rite of passage.”
She ‘oohed’, “That sounds cool. Why wouldn’t Gus tell me about it?”
The purple-haired girl made a face, “I’m not sure. You’re perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, even if you are… squishy. I’m confident in your ability to survive the death threats of a thirteenth.”
Resting her chin in the palm of her hand, Luz grumbled. “Thank you.”
She moped the rest of the school day.
When her final class came, and the last bell screamed, Luz sulked, taking her time to put away her spell books and potions, slowly zipping her bag and slowly tucking away her pencils. She wasn’t looking forward to walking home alone.
Her feet felt heavy, footsteps echoing down the bustling hallway as other students excitedly talked about their weekend plans. She tried to ignore every whisper of ‘party’, flipping her cowl up to hide her face. Normally, Luz didn’t mind people staring. At home, she got enough of it already, but in the Boiling Isles being the only human made her feel… important.
She didn’t feel important right now.
Her hand gently pushed the front door of the school open, light momentarily blinding her as her eyes got adjusted to the outdoors.
“Luz!” An excited voice called her name, forcing her head to instinctively turn toward the offending noise.
Suddenly, two bodies were tackling her, and Luz found herself toppling to the ground.
“Ohmigosh, are you okay?” A very frantic Gus clambered from their pile of entangled limbs, pushing himself and Willow off of Luz.
“Wha—Gus? Willow? What are you guys doing here?” She blinked a few times, rubbing at the arm she had stupidly hit on the stone ground. Dumb human arms, always getting injured. “I thought you would’ve been getting ready for the party.”
They both cringed.
“Oh… you found out about that?” Willow fiddled with the hem of her skirt, looking away from the human’s face.
Luz felt her face get hot. She was not going to cry about this. Absolutely not. “Of course, I found out! What I wanna know is why my two best friends decided I’m not cool enough to go to their really scary thirteenth birthday party? I know Gus has to go through dangerous trials, and like, prove himself and whatever, but I’m tough! I can take it.”
Gus looked between her and Willow, as if debating whether he should say something. A beat of silence passed.
“Of course, I want you at my party,” the younger witch finally spoke, “actually, that’s what we were coming to talk to you about—”
He scratched the back of his neck, pausing briefly.
“Eda told us that humans don’t have bad luck rituals on their thirteenth birthday, so we—well—we may have—”
“It’s a double party!” Willow interrupted, face quickly turning bright pink. “Sorry, sorry! I’ve been dying of anticipation all day.”
She pulled a rolled-up parchment from her bag, unfurling it to show Luz an edited version of Gus’s party invitation. This one included a small doodle of Luz as well as Gus, both donning matching party hats and throwing confetti. At the bottom, the date and time were clearly listed.
Saturday, 9:00pm, The Owl House.
Luz’s eyes widened, a large grin forming on her face.
“You guys!” She d’awwed, pulling them into a group hug.
“We didn’t want you to miss out, and Eda said you’d be able to handle all the bad luck just fine, and King’s okay with it as long as we bubble-wrap you, and we didn’t want to miss your birthday in case you had to go home before we can celebrate—” Gus cut his own rambling off, taking a breath.
“We got a clown!” Willow laughed, excitedly clapping.
Gus nodded enthusiastically, repeating her, “We got a clown!”
“Is this why you were texting Amity all those weird questions?”
Her friends both gasped, Gus especially offended, “I wanted to be as accurate as possible, the party is human-themed after all. Amity wasn’t supposed to tell you about it! That’s the point of a surprise party.”
“Eda was setting up pre-birthday decorations at the Owl House for tonight’s sleepover.” Willow added.
“Sleepover?” Luz repeated, awestruck. “Oh, my Azura, you guys are the best.”
The three kids hugged again, laughing about their birthday schemes. Human or not, Luz should’ve known better than to think her best friends would exclude her like that.
This was going to be the best Friday ever.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Your place Part 2
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (High School AU)
Warnings: yandere, obsession, bullying, degradation, dubcon.
Words: 1776.
Summary: You suffer in the arms of America’s golden boy, the one who has been bullying you for years.
Part 1
P.S. Some more smut, finally! All characters had reached 18 years of age. Hope you’ll enjoy!
"Are you going to come on Saturday?"
Steve moved his hand down your naked belly, watching you laying close to him on your bed and breathing softly. You glanced back at him, his handsome features illuminated by the dim light coming from the lamp on your nightstand.
"Where to?" You asked as he covered the back of your hand with his palm twice bigger than yours.
"The field house. We have a game."
He traced your knuckles with his fingertips and you thought how odd Steve was. Who could have thought the school's biggest bully was such a cuddle-bug after sex? It wasn't bad, though. You actually liked this side of him.
You weren't interested much in basketball or any other sports, but it was easier to come rather then fight Steve again. He was stubborn like a mule. Besides, a part of you felt like you belong there - many of your classmates were coming to see almost every game.
Why did Steve care whether you were there or not? Surely, he had already been showing you off in front of everyone as much as he could as if you were his trophy - now you sat close to him in class and then in cafeteria during lunch time; he was dragging you with him after classes along with his stupid friends. The whole school knew the nature of your relationship, and the first weeks it was making you bitter and hateful. Steve Rogers head fucking forced himself on you, yet instead of sympathy all you got was an enormous amount of jealousy. You were still receiving hate mailes dropped into your locker. The girls kept whispering curses behind your back as you walked down the corridors with Steve and his pack of wolves. He was able to make everyone silent, though. Now even his friends had no right to bully you like before. He reserved it purely for himself.
"Did you buy yourself a dress?"
"What dress?" You blinked in confusion. "Do I need a dress on Saturday?"
Steve smiled at you and leaned closer, pressing a kiss to your lips.
"No, kitten, I'm talking about the prom."
You rolled your eyes at his words. Of course, Steve Rogers needed to show off everywhere he possibly could - he definitely hoped to become prom king. You, on the contrary, didn't care much. In fact, you didn't want to come there at all. You hardly had any friends at school, and coming to watch Steve flashing his smile and basking in the rays of glory would only make you more irritated with him.
"No, I didn't."
"Then we could go together. I know one nice place."
"Where? 5th Avenue again?"
You smirked, watching the guy frown. Last time you went shopping together was a nightmare for you. You ended up with several bags of expensive lingerie Steve paid for, and you were disgusted at yourself for giving in to him. True, his family was twice wealtier than yours, but it didn't mean you wanted anything from him. Except for leaving you alone, that is.
"And what of it?" Rogers asked you sharply, rising above you. "If I want to buy you a dress, I will."
You sighed, turning your head to Steve and pulling your body closer against his. You learned to enjoy this intimacy with time as he taught you what making love to each other meant. You were pleasantly surprised at his efforts to make you feel good.
"Steve, please. I don't want to think of it now. It's... ruining the mood."
He purred as you caressed his blonde hair and snuggled closer to you, dropping little kisses to your face and touching your cheek affectionately. Steve loved being tender. You believed he had a real physical need to touch you one way or another, often without any sexual subtext at all. It was almost as bad as his need to bully you verbally, especially when he was aroused. You were still learning how to cope with that.
If only he didn't make those photos of you and him in the locker room that time. It was the only reason you obeyed him three months ago when he declared he wanted to keep you close. You didn't know if Steve had stored those pictures somewhere, but you weren't worried about them anymore. His obvious obsession with you would keep him from showing photos of you naked with his cock buried inside your wet cunt to the hilt. You could walk away now, yet everything wasn't as easy as before. Steve made sure to gain trust of your parents, pretending to be the perfect caring boyfriend to you and just a very good guy to everyone else. He also made you meet his parents who turned out to be surprisingly nice, nothing like their son. Steve's mother Sarah took an immediate liking to you and often sent you a huge piece of her famous raspberry pie. It was a highlight of your day when Steve handed it to you during lunch. If you broke up with him now, you were sure he'd make up some story where you were the one to blame, and it would make your life even more miserable.
"Why are we doing this, Steve?" You asked him quietly as he played with a lock of your shiny hair. When be looked back at you, you realized he knew what you were talking about.
"What do you mean?" He grunted in return.
"You know this can't last forever." You said, your voice tired. "There are only a few months left before the graduation."
You were still stroking his hair as he bit down on his plump lower lip, his eyes not leaving your face as he stared down at you from above. There was something unsettling in his gaze, something dark, even scary, but you refused to be afraid of his temper tantrums.
"We're applying to different colleges, and they're not close to each other. How do you think we can keep... this going?"
Steve struggled for words, and you saw he was getting frustrated. It was odd - he liked to use aggression as his shield, rarely showing his vulnerable side to anyone and barking off whatever accusation you threw at him. Yet here you were, looking at the guy who couldn't utter a word to answer a simple question.
Was it despair you saw on his pretty face?
"You can choose the same place, too."
"Are you joking? My family would have so sell our house to pay for my studies then." You let out a sigh.
"You can apply for a grant. With your grades it's not impossible."
"Steve, let's be realistic. You wanna go to Columbia University. Do you have any idea how many people are applying for a grant to study there?" You said and, seeing him getting more agitated, wrapped your hands around his muscular shoulders, reaching out to kiss him again.
He deepened the kiss immediately, swirling his tongue around yours and then licking the insides of your mouth when you mewled softly beneath him. The soft vibration against his lips made Steve shivered from pleasure. He spent a bit more time rolling the tip of his tongue all the way around yours and finally released you, dropping a kiss to your chin.
"If you can't make it, I'm going to apply to the same place as you." He whispered, and you felt his cock gradually getting harder. "I'm sure they'll be happy to take me."
"Steve, you're mad." You shaked your head. "What are your parents going to say? They want the best for y-"
"I don't care what they want, it's up to me to decide." The guy growled and bit your lower lip gently, lowering himself on top of you again. "You're my girl, and my girl is going with me. I still have those photos in case you forgot."
You squeezed your eyes shut as his fingers touched your overstimulated clit, rubbing it skillfully as you squirmed. Your mouth fell agape as you were left gasping for air, trapped under Steve's athletic figure. Moaning at his touch, you looked at him, feverish, getting aroused again, your hands caressing his back as he smiled at you. He loved when you were a blushing mess beneath him, crying out his name as you were orgasming. No one else got to see you like this.
"I know you were a good girl today, but I want some more. You can handle it, can't you?" The guy cooed in your ear. "Come on, kitten. Show me how you mewl with my cock inside you. You're gonna mewl for me, right? Do it. Now."
You did as he said when his fingers were slowely fucking your sloppy cunt, your core aching for his dick almost painfully. Mewling softly, you kissed him again, and Steve slammed into you, muffling your high-pitched cry with his mouth  as he started rocking his hips. It felt so good, so fucking good. A wail of pleasure ripped from your throat, and Steve grinned at you.
"You're such a good little kitten, Y/N. I think next time we won't go to a restaurant, I'm just gonna give you a cat bowl full of my cum. You're gonna lick it clean, yeah? You're gonna do that for me, dear?"
"Yes, yesss, Steve." You whined as you felt your pussy kissing the base of his cock with a lewd sound. Panting and moving with Steve, you already felt one more orgasm building up, your mouth open and drooling. "I'm a good kitten, I'm a good kitten... pleaseplease Steeeeve..."
He groaned at your words, speeding up gradually and watching your eyes roll to the back of your head: he was rubbing against your g-spot to make your pussy milk his balls dry. Of, he fucking loved seeing that stupid expression on your face when you came, completely helpless, dependent on him to give you pleasure no one else could.
Steve was the one and only who could make you like this. Who the hell cared what his friends or parents said if he could hear you moaning his name beneath him whenever he liked? You were becoming more and more accepting, clinging to him when others were to mock you in public, spreading your legs for him when he cornered you in your or his own room. You grew to enjoy obeying him like a good girl you were, and Steve was going to keep you, finally, after all those long years of waiting.
He would make sure you never left his sight again.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki  ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@lovelydarkdaydream
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ikemen-stories · 4 years
~My MCs list~
It's a hobby of mine creating OCs so it was just a matter of time before I ended up creating a bunch of MC for my favorite games. Unfortunately I'm not very good at drawing so I had to use picrew to create an image of them.
Ikemen Sengoku
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Name: Kokuri Momose
Age and birthday: 26 years old ~ 8th August (Leo)
Personality: A bit of an airhead with a child-like nature, she's a sunny and clumsy tornado with a great adaptive capacity and a very low self-preservation instinct. She doesn't have a lot of patience and can't stay quiet to save her life: the only way to have her sit down is to give her sewing work. Because she's always running around without paying attention to her surroundings, it's not uncommon for her to get hurt but she usually laughs it off.
Kokuri is very touchy and likes to give and receive hugs. She also usually needs to establish some kind of body contact while she's talking with someone but she's not completely aware of it, it's more like a habit, without any other meanings.
Likes: girly stuff like ribbons, outside spaces, running, hugs.
Dislikes: being unable to move freely, sour things, having to stay inside all day, silence.
She has a habit of switching her glasses with Mitsunari's and Sasuke's just for fun. She's also the kind of person that can be found searching for her glasses while they are sitting right on top of her head.
She gets scolded by Hideyoshi on a daily basis but she usually gets away with it by searching Nobunaga's protection.
Any attempt to flirt with her goes right over her head, doesn't matter who is trying.
She doesn't understand sarcasm and that drives Ieyasu crazy. "Not another one...!"
Every morning, when Kokuri opens her eyes, Hideyoshi feels a new massive headache coming.
Ikemen Revolution
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Name: Maeve Walsh
Age and birthday: 27 years old ~ 11th May (Taurus)
Personality: She's calm and collected, with a good head on her shoulders. She has a somehow arrogant way of talking but she's extremely hardworking and she's willing to do any necessary chores, being them as humble as they can be. She doesn't have a great adaptive capacity so at the beginning, when she arrived to Cradle, she freaked out a bit in her head and it's been difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that she was in another world with magic and all.
She has a sweet-tooth but doesn't like to admit it and pouts everytime someone points it out.
Likes: sweets, work, being independent, coffee, smoking.
Dislikes: inactivity, having no control over what happens to her, rapid changes.
She's Irish. She moved to London because she's aiming to work for a famous patisserie of the city one day. She was gaining some experience in another less famous patisserie before ending up in Cradle.
She like to smoke but she only do it when she's anxious, sad or in a bad mood because it helps her relaxing.
She may look easy to order around due to her usually calm behavior but the sassiness is strong with this one. She doesn't esitate to answer harshly if someone disrespect her. She usually doesn't even raise her voice but being a huge smart-ass she's able to make almost anyone lose their temper.
After a while everyone agreed to NEVER put her in the same room with Jonah or Oliver.
She usually wears a formal and mature attire and doesn't appreciate frilly things.
Ikemen Vampire
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Name: Chika Kitowa
Age and birthday: 24 years old ~ 19 December (Sagittarius)
Personality: She's an easygoing and enthusiastic girl that's always up to try new things and visit new places. She's very extravagant and lives in her own little world so she may come across as a lightheaded person. A little gullible, it's easy to fool her and she's not able to convincingly lie.
She's not able to hold a grunge against someone and, even when someone menages to piss her off, she always ends up forgiving them after the fight. The time needed for her to forgive them depends on how the other part reacts: she's not against giving someone the cold shoulder for a while if they really crossed the line without even say sorry.
Likes: her cellphone and headphones, discovering new places, listening to music, reading.
Dislikes: being told to shut up, being ignored, going to sleep.
She is one thing with her headphones and cellphone and it's been a real shock for her to learn that she was going to live without it for a while.
After the charge of her headphones run down she kept hanging outside Mozart's room in order to listen better to his music. In the end, she menaged to even befriend him to the point that he even allowed her to stay in the same room while he plays.
She tends to talk too fast and sometimes even her thoughts aren't able to keep up with the speed of her mouth.
She's a natural redhead but she completely dyed her hair of a light sky blue a while ago. Now she keeps just a few locks dyed.
It's not uncommon for her to start singing loudly while doing her chores around the house, singing even louder if someone shouts at her to shut up.
I like Izumi too much to substitute her with someone else so for A3! I've created an "extra".
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Name: Noriko Moriyama
Age and birthday: 19 years old ~ 17th October (Libra)
Personality: She's a nerd type of person, always with her nose stuck in a book. Being quiet and a little shy, she doesn't have a lot of friends. Despite her reserved personality, she does a 180 degree turn when she talks about her favorite stories and linguistic facts: she becomes kind of over-excited and very talkative, nearly impossible to stop.
She has a weird sense of humor and often comes up with terrible jokes that usually she keeps in her head due to her shyness: that's why sometimes she giggles on her own.
Likes: every kind of stories, over-sized hoodies, linguistic, bad jokes.
Dislikes: insects, math and any type of calculation, headpats.
She studies linguistic and literature at the local University and she has became close with the Mankai company through Tsuzuru since they share some classes. She often helps him as a sort of beta-reader for his script.
She's very small and looks a lot younger than her actual age to the point almost no one believes her when she says how old she is.
She's easily embarrassed: the smaller compliment is enough to set her face on fire.
She's a scaredy-cat but she keeps watching horror movies because she likes them. But she need someone to hold on for dear life and hide her face when there's a jumpscare.
Nobody is able to take her seriously the few times she gets angry.
Being a big fan of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic and already having Solomon in game, I couldn't help myself and I ended calling my MC Sheba. I had to!
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Name: Sheba Nirmal
Age and birthday: 25 years old ~ 20th February (Aquarius)
Personality: An extremely strong-willed girl, she has a very short temper and a bossy attitude. She's smart but has a tendency to do dumb things due to her contrarian attitude. Also, she has a mischievous side and won't esitate to organize pranks on people that gets on her nerves.
Despite being always ready for a fight and a hothead, she has a weak spot for cute things and she likes playing with children.
Likes: any type of cute things, pranks, eating, riding a motorcycle, kids.
Dislikes: finding someone stronger than her, people bossing her around, rules that she doesn't understand, smart-ass remarks.
Her signature phrase is "Fight me!". She uses it almost as filler words so after a while nobody takes her seriously anymore when she says it.
In the human world, when she was younger, she was a member of a motorcycle gang and kind of a thug so she used to knows how to handle a fight. But of course now everyone could pulverize her in a moment and this really piss her off.
The faster way to distract her and keep her from fight someone is to give her a cute plushie.
She risks to get killed almost once a day, sometimes even twice. Among the brothers, the only one that never tried to kill her so far is Mammon but the two of them bicker on a daily basis.
She has a 9-years-old sister in the human world that she believes being the cutest thing in the entire world and used to spoil rotten, so she really doesn't understand why the brothers relationship is falling apart.
Mystic Messenger
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Name: Yun Pyeon
Age and birthday: 22 years old ~ 17th September (Virgo)
Personality: She has a caring and mother-like nature, a type of calm behavior that is able to shoote the ones around her. She is very patient and usually puts others well-being before herself. She's also very emotional and a bit of a crybaby when it comes to sad stories; also, she is not good at all at hiding her emotions and thoughts. She can be quite stubborn when she makes up her mind and is known to be extremely scary when enraged.
Likes: cuddles, animals, fluffy and warm blankets, playing with other people's hair.
Dislikes: people who yell a lot, bullies and violence, crying.
A disapproving glance from her is able to put anyone to shame (but she almost never gives it to anyone).
100% determinated to hug and comfort-cuddle everyone in need.
She worries a lot about RFA members's sleeping schedule and what they eat.
She gives a lot of headpats, the sweet and gentle type. It doesn't matter if the receiving end is taller or older than her, headpats are her favorite way to comfort someone whom she is not close enough to hug.
She doesn't like being seen sad or troubled, that's why she really hates crying in front of someone else.
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edengarden · 4 years
Hi! May I have a romantic heaven box BNHA matchup, please? :)
I'm Flo, a 19 years old bisexual girl.
Appearance: I'm 164 cm(~5'3) tall, with slim, kinda athletic body. I have medium long brown hair and same coloured deer-eyes(probably most attractive part on me), I also wear eyesglasses. I have thin mouth unfortunately. Also, I have a tiny little scar above my right eyebrow(I opened our car's door on my head years ago lolol), it's barely visible. I'm vain and always dress like a lady: so dresses and skirts, I have a classy, elegant or cute style, depends on my daily outfit. I wear light makeup, but not all the time.
Personality: Ambiverted, Virgo with Leo ascendant and Pisces moon. Slytherpuff. Needless to say, these already represent how confusingly dual my personality is. My behaviour constatntly changes, depending on who I am with: I try to sell myself, being two-faced, wearing a mask(sometimes I appear to be talkative, other times full-stoic), but to people I really do love, I'm quite blunt. Most of the time I'm caring and relatively kind person(but can be an asshole&harsh if tired emotionally). Highly critical, opinionated and rational-thinker, and I usually analyze everything: movies, books, other people, myself. HATE small talk, I always want to talk about some deep shit, sharing my opinions, thougts(only if you ask for it). Enjoy debating. Also, I'm the REALLY clumsy, like clumsy af and I have an invincible talent in getting myself into the most embarrassing, cringe situations. Hate appearing to be weak or crying in front of others(I never do), and generally I can get melancolic and depressed easily. I don't really trust even my loved ones, I always hide my deepest emotional(or whatever) issues, I just can't stand the fact being emotionally vulnerable. Also, I bottle up feelings well. But I can be soft sometimes which suprises people. One of my best friends said, I am suprising, always doing something unpredicted. Additionally, I stress over something all the time. About my humour, it's kinda ironic, dark, morbid, troll-ish; roasting, teasing people 24/7. Don't worry, despite my sometimes serious act, I can be a total dumb idiot. Selfish, vain, lazy,  snobbish hahah. Quite liberal, and I almost never judge people, I mind my own buisness. When I can talk about something I love or just sharing my opinion, I am passionate and be ready for a LONG rambling. Oh, I love alcohol and going out with friends, also I smoke those occassions. Plus, I have god-like hands, everyone told me that I could earn money bc of my massaging skills(I just know by instict how to touch people lol). Oh, and I daydream and zone out a lot. I love going out and drink alcohol with my friends(and sometimes somoke too), the drunken me can be a real asshole, but also hugs out of the blue, I get softer. Oh, and I curse fucking much, I have a disgustingly flithy mouth, bc of my rather innocent appearance and behavior ppl are suprised how much is... cruse.
Relationship: I don't really have a 'type' but I get bored easily: I takes a lot for me to really like in long-term a person, so I fall easier for complex and charismatic ones(but like I said, I can fall for other personalities too!!). I'm a quite difficult person to be with and to love, so I'm suprisingly flexible in a relationship. Only thing I need and without it wouldn't work at all: DEEP CONVOS AND SOME INTELLECT. Also, I have a quite roasting-bullying type humour, so my lover should understand and being able to handle that. Anyways, I'm not much of a PDA person(but I don't mid handholding, short hugs etc. if my partner really want to), and not romantic at all(also cannot flirt hehe), and for a long time I can be bit distant. Love language is words of affirmation&quality time, and if I have to express my feelings I'm best with acts of service. I love cuddling, ppl are suprised when I initiate hugs but tbh I love physical affection. I'm probably more likely the 'friend' lover. I need a lot, lot, lot alone time.
Hobbies/Likes: classical literature, theatre, politics, hiking, sightseeing, mysteries, reading about disappearances(crimes), trying out new things, yoga, running, horse riding, table tennis, listening to music, cats, thunderstorms, rainy days, cider, tequila
Music taste: Oh man, MIXED. I listen to literally everything except techno, it depends on my mood honestly. But if I had to say something, I think indie, alternative rock, electronic and psychedelic songs are the closest to me, but I've grown to listen more and more rap. Most of the songs are depressive as fuck, I mean I can be at my happiest, but I'd still listen some dark shit. But still, I enjoy pop(2000s pop at parties FUCK YEAH), jazz. Also, some occassions all my ears and mind need is some good ol' classical music. Some faves: Tame Impala, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Stauber, Fink and some Hungarian bands that no one knows unfortunately. :(
Sorry if I was too long and more sorry if I've already requested before(my brain just rots lol), then just ignore me, hehe~♡
Did you,,, did you just copy paste like 3/4 of who I am
Man when I was reading your persona I was going “RinRinRinRinRinRin-“ but I decided against it UwU
ALL IN ALL you honestly sound like my type of person?? Like deadass I’d wanna befriend you. Fuck them small talks tell me what you think of the expansion of the universe and let’s talk about what if drugs are illegal bc they make us perceive true reality-
I’m going to match you up with... Shindo!
This one is a Battle of Wits, I swear. You didn’t trust him a single bit when the two of you first met, no one even thought you’d ever become friends. Shindo could practically see the gears turning in your head and quite frankly he was impressed?? You’re a highly intelligent individual who was able to keep your guard up and seclude yourself from others while not appearing TOO unapproachable? Boy was whipped and he didn’t even realize it. While others thought you were sort of cold and pragmatic, he thought you were the most well-balanced human in the world.
You guys 100% had an enemies to lovers thing going on, but it was slightly different. YOU started off completely uninterested in him, but while he made you think the feeling was mutual, I think Shindo found himself gravitating towards you. You can bet he secretly celebrated every little victory and step forward he made with you. Boy did NOT let up.
I seriously think he’s entertaining enough for you to keep interest in him. Shindo is as two-faced as you are (if not more), and he WILL change his behaviour within a second to keep your interest (somehow no one noticed his habit of doing that when he was crushing on you?? SUSPICIOUS). Also not a big fan of small talk; if he’s interested in you, he wants to know how you tick. He wants to know what you enjoy, what you like and what you dislike. And when you tell him while trying to still keep an emotional distance from him, he takes it as a challenge. No, he doesn’t think your relationship is a game, but he does think it’s highly entertaining and interesting.
When you start softening up to him, he won’t even grow bored. He’s worked so hard to get close to you and it finally pays off and he’s so happy??
But he won’t ever initiate PDA, just because he too has an image to uphold lmao if others don’t personally know you they’d never know y’all are falling for each other.
- One of My Turns, Pink Floyd (“don’t look so frightened this is just a passing phase one of my bad days” just hits different for the two of you?? I’m not saying your relationship is toxic bc it really isn’t but the VIBE is there)
- Do I Wanna Know?, Arctic Monkeys
- Dollar Days, David Bowie
- You Give Love A Bad Name, Bon Jovi
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abla-soso · 3 years
I don't think it's cancel culture in regards to what happened to Lindsey Ellis. She still has her audience and is still able to have a platform. She can make a comeback at any time. She just made some really insensitive tweets towards Asians in a time when Asian hate is really prominent in the West. Lots of people are kind of touchy about anti-Asian racism/hate atm and took her statements harder than they were meant to. If you want to see a real example of cancel culture, look no further than the Dixie Chicks or Colin Kaepernick.
As to why she was attacked by the "progressive" left, she really wasn't. You won't find many progressive left on Twitter. It's mostly the radical/woke left (there's a difference). There's also a big subsection of Twitter that just likes to start drama for the sake of drama. They aren't aligned to anything politically. They'll just attack anyone.
In regards to "cancel culture", it's mainly just people voting with their wallets. They're just telling people that they won't support things like racism. They aren't taking away the person's platform or anything. They just don't want to support them. Which is well within their rights.
Sometimes cancel culture can be good. Look at Onision or Shane Dawson. They were content creators who used their platform to groom and do inappropriate things with children/animals. Their type of behavior deserves to be called out and taking away their platform/"cancelling" them is the best way to protect their future victims and make sure that they don't profit from what was racist and pedophilic.
As a Muslim POC living in the west, I won't support a racist nor will I go out of my way and emotionally labor myself to explain why racism is bad. I have had principals tell my parents that they won't do anything to make sure I stay alive when I was 6 years old bc "my ppl shouldn't come here if they can't handle the weather." At this point, I hold no sympathy for racists and they can reap what they sow. If they get fired, I'm all for it bc then they won't be in the position to harm or even kill POC children. My parents shouldn't have to justify or explain to my teachers why their 6 year old child deserves to stay alive in school. If you aren't a POC living in the west, this kind of behavior ("cancel culture") might be hard to understand but I find that it's mostly holding ppl accountable. If they are sincere, they are welcomed back (look at Jenna Marbles). If they aren't and they are harming ppl, they should be put away so that they can't hurt others.
I don't think it's cancel culture in regards to what happened to Lindsey Ellis.
Cancel culture is not limited to trying to take away people’s jobs. You can bully, witch hunt, and viciously harass someone over and over and over again to the point of mental breakdown or mental anguish without ever getting them fired. Cancel culture is a hate mob on steroids, plain and simple. It’s kinda disturbing to me how you’re trying to minimize it. 
She just made some really insensitive tweets towards Asians
Where??? How is simply comparing a movie to a similar tv show is a sign of racism??? How was that enough to instigate this ridiclous hate mob against her???
Lots of people are kind of touchy about anti-Asian racism/hate atm and took her statements harder than they were meant to.
Again, plz stop minimizing or excusing the absolutely unhinged and terrible hateful harassment she received. It’s disturbing. 
As to why she was attacked by the "progressive" left, she really wasn't. You won't find many progressive left on Twitter. It's mostly the radical/woke left (there's a difference).
Lol, is there? I don’t see much difference.
There's also a big subsection of Twitter that just likes to start drama for the sake of drama. They aren't aligned to anything politically. They'll just attack anyone.
Are you for real??? She wasn’t mainly viciously attacked by random Twitter trolls. She was viciously attacked by her “own people”. That’s why she was so upset this time. She literally talked about how she was used to being attacked by the random Twitter trolls and how she always laughed them off. But she couldn’t this time because it was different. Those people aren’t trolls, they’re social justice warriors who truly believe they’re doing something moral and good. 
In regards to "cancel culture", it's mainly just people voting with their wallets. They're just telling people that they won't support things like racism. They aren't taking away the person's platform or anything. They just don't want to support them. Which is well within their rights.
You know damn well that NOT what people mean when they talk about cancel culture. Plz don’t be disingenuous.
Sometimes cancel culture can be good. Look at Onision or Shane Dawson.
Again; that’s NOT what cancel culture means! Holding abusers accountable and simply stop supporting them (so they won’t literally abuse anyone else) has nothing to do with toxic cancel culture. I’ll be honest, it’s kinda gross how you’re trying to defend the toxicity of cancel culture by mentioning unrelated examples.
At this point, I hold no sympathy for racists and they can reap what they sow. If they get fired, I'm all for it 
And you think I do??? I’m all for punishing racists appropriately, but I’m against this sadist, sociopathic need to immediately assume the worst about people and accuse them of vile shit without solid evidence just to justify treating them like they’re less than human.
bc then they won't be in the position to harm or even kill POC children.
Is Lindsey Ellis harming or killing POC children? No, she just made one thoughtless comment that meant no harm, and if people simply corrected her in a respectful manner then I have no doubt she’ll rethink her words and apologize. She’s done it before. So why are you justifying treating her as if she’s part of the freaking KKK? 
If you aren't a POC living in the west, this kind of behavior ("cancel culture") might be hard to understand but I find that it's mostly holding ppl accountable.
I’ve read and watched enough about it to know for damn sure that it’s NOT simply about holding ppl accountable. No one is against holding wrongdoers accountable. We’re against rabid hate mobs. 
If they are sincere, they are welcomed back (look at Jenna Marbles). 
None of the people who canceled her welcomed her back, lol. It was only her massive and dedicated fanbase. What planet are you living in where the hate mob happily forgive and welcome back people after they express remorse???
If they aren't and they are harming ppl, they should be put away so that they can't hurt others.
Since you’re a Muslim, plz read more about how Islam deals with wrongdoers and how it's against hate mobs, and how it encourages giving people the benefit of the doubt and giving gentle, respectful advice to them if it was proven they did or said terrible things. Muslims don’t shun people unless they were active, remorseless abusers who have no intention of reform. 
Your views about justice and mercy are deeply unIslamic.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
"for those of you are are drinking the Kool Aide, you all believe that he shares his entire private life, because we see him all the time and constantly out and about." I can't get over how black and white she sees everything. Darren has to share every part of his life or share nothing. It's just not how things work for any celeb or even people we know irl. I don't know every single detail of my own friends lives and I don't need to, people are entitled to share/not share as much as they want.
Isn’t it incredible? She really has a very literal interprotation of words- several times a week I am still shocked by one of her revelations. That entire ask was pretty interesting.   
Anonymous asked:
It perplexes me that stans try and say we read too much in to D's friendships with people like AC, HS, etc and that they're only his PR friends when they do the same thing with the SKs and others. Just because D says RR and the SKs are his besties on social media doesn't make it true in the same way us believing in a friendship based on social media doesn't make that true. Funny how they use the same tactics as we do to prove their side but we're chastised for it!
Nonnie, the stans are desperate right now. 
I love how she always claims were are shaking in our shoes because we know she’s right-it’s so childish. I think that was the argument strategy I used with my younger sister when I was in middle school. Abby projects her own anguish by claiming “they are desperate”. Except I'm have never said #Iamveryupset over something in Darren’s life, I don’t hate 2019, and I don’t come up with derogatory names to bully his friends and disparage his wedding and the show he created. 
One of them spent hours researching each person we posted about to tell us where said individual was on the day of the horror film  Hours, her post is laughable, because she needs to feel better about the fact that she too knows that the guest list was off. 
It’s hilarious that she believes I spent hours searching for where each person was on February 16. First of all, I mentioned that my fairy godmother sent me those links and second of all, they were from Instagram so not hard to find. 
Not to mention she completely discounted that D&M were ecaged for over one year, 
Then she lays on some classic Abby logic- they were engaged for a year so their “friends” (as defined by Abby) should have known to get the day off. Of course they should have because that is what she did for her friends’ wedding. I’m sure that those who wanted to be were there. But some times work gets in the way (Why are we taking about this 7 months later?).
and most people who wanted to be there would have been there, not one of the excuses she names to me was something that had to happen.
Wow...the people who paid to see the live performances and the costars and crew who worked those show would disagree. Alan, Lena, and Laura all had live shows that weekend soooooo not exactly the same as Abby getting a coworker to cover her at a conference while she was in a wedding last weekend. But more importantly, isn’t this an argument in my favor? I agree, everyone who wanted to be there would have been hence those people You believe are his real friends- that I'm arguing are coworkers- weren’t there (X) (X) (Xk)
I have gotten countless anons saying D is “private” and we don’t know who he hangs out with.  Not true, if you believe in the marriage, he is not private”
 FACT: Each and every time I debunk a cc trope, I methodically lay out the proof and provide evidence showing why and how ccers are wrong. I include links, dates, photos and quotes- all which can be double checked for accuracy.  There is nothing fun about making up facts- it’s only fun if I can prove I’m right. Here you are “taking me down” with some sweet cc proof (X) Take note- they are all gifs. 
I get it, you believe Darren’s closest friends are his former coworkers because those are the people you’ve seen with him in so many photos on social media. Those are the people he said such nice things about while promoting the project but of course, that is what you do when you are drumming up publicly for a show. While I have no doubt he likes those people and they are friendly acquaintances- friends even- they aren’t his closest friends. If the only time he is with those people are when they are working or promoting a project-that is a pretty good hint that they are not his ride-or-die friends.  You have to look for consistency-are they hanging out while working on a project or have thy been friend for 16 years?  The people he has literally called “one of my best friends” are also the people he travels with (Vegas, Palm Springs, overseas, Ann Arbor, NY), they attended each other’s weddings and performed at each other’s ceremonies. They are the people he takes to shows in and around LA. see various music and theater shows in and around LA, Do they mention Mia on social media? All of Darren’s close friends have a friendship with MIa. 
If you really want to have a clue about what is going on in Darren’s private life, you have to look a little deeper. You have to listen to what he says in his interviews-even if there isn’t a gif-worthy moment to manipulate. You ignore the audio and print interviews- even those where he divulged a lot -because they can’t be altered- there is no video to crop, slow-down, and make into an emotional gif. 
Another telltale sign -does he talk about the friends in relation to his future? He calls writing a show with TheStarKid “the most fun thing to do”. Taking in all of the evidence, it is clear to me that the people at his wedding were the people he considers his closest friends.   He hired Nick Lang and John and Jennifer for Royalties because he likes them.  
Fact, they can’t have their cake and eat it too. If you accept that m/iarren is real, they you must accept that D has lied repeatedly about privacy being precious.  I feel like i went to JLB’s wedding. I felt like i went to MS & BH’s wedding.  And like I was on the great family honeymoon in the Philippines. And both European trips.    I see that he has been with the creepster and his “not gf” repeatedly over the past few months.  And I lived the sham mockery we have so much footage.
(starts beating my head against the wall) “He’s private so we don’t know who he hangs out with” except we can see with our own two eyes who he is with. Do you imagine that he stays home so he can hang with Edgar, Jane, Alan and Elvis privately? Oh wait, I know they  all have invisibility cloaks. For the 9000th time, “being private” means he doesn’t share his intimate life secrets. All celebs have to give up some level of privacy. Darren keeps mentioning it to explain why he doesn’t post on social media more- it’s something he thinks? worries? about a lot. He isn’t telling us he’s private because he thinks it’s our responsibly to worry about it. 
He is actually private-compare him to Kylie Jenner or Gigi Gorgeous who share everything. He does however leave his house and we can sometimes see who he’s with. The only person in your list of “friends” that we know he spent appreciate time with when they weren’t working together is Ricky Martin. He has spent personal- non-working time- with StarKids, Ricky, Ben, and Ashley . 
(still beating head against the wall) You didn’t “almost go to” any of thoseweddings. You saw a few short videos and some photos because you stalked all of the people who were invited to those weddings. Darren had NO control over any wedding outside of his own and he clearly wasn’t worried about his privacy at his friend’s weddings and that isn’t something for you to worry about. Darren is an adult and he is making choices in his life.  You let him handle his own life- you will be way less anxious.  
 If they insist the people we see are real friendships like SK, they can’t then go the opposite way and say he is hiding his very private friendship with JC, AL, BF, and PA.  It doesn’t work that way.  If you accept what they repeatedly show us, weekly, often daily, then you accept D is an attention whore. Plain and simple.
(hitting my head against the wall EVEN HARDER) I can absolutely accept that Darren feels like privacy is precious AND also feels very comfortable that what he shares about his life AND is happy about his life choses.  I do not believe that he is hiding his relationship with Jennifer, Ben kor Pamela, and whomever else your initials represent (my brain hurts from all the hitting). Darren’s personal life is private and there is no doubt he has relationships with people we don’t see- they might also be Mia’s friends. Or he knew he was hiring Jennifer for the show and invited her. There are lots of solutions to the equation-it isn’t my job or yours to solve it. Your need for everything to be “all” or “nothing” is what is tripping you up here. It absolute can go both ways.  He sees Ricky, Ashley, StarKids and Ben more often because they are friends who and out, they have a lot in common and enjoy seeing time together because they are at the same stage of life. Pamela and Jennifer can be special to Darren even if they aren’t people he spends a lot of time in public with. People can be very special even if we see them very rarely. Relationships aren’t predicated on spending time together. But the fact is WE DO SEE his friendship with StarKids, Ricky, Ashley and Ben and we know they are good friends because he’s told us so. We have verbal confirmation and we have seen physical evidence.  With Jennifer, Ben and Pamela, we have not seen evidence of a friendship besides the wedding but they were at the wedding and it isn’t our responsibly to figure out who each person is friends with  and how special that friend is. The message is that that person meant enough that they invited them to the wedding.  As for you list of “friends” Alan, Elvis, Jane, Ricky, Edgar etc, we saw a ton of interaction while they were promoting their projects but then it stopped. They also weren’t at the wedding which leads me to believe that they are friends but they aren’t al that close that they would fly to NOLA for a wedding.   
It is Darren’s responsibility to decided how much he wants to share and to know whether he is sharing too much with his fans. It Is NOT my responsibility -as a fan- to make sure he is comfortable or to determine what he means by   “private”.
I don’t agree with you that “If Miarren is real then we must accept that Darren is lying repeatedly about the privacy thing”. What I will agree with is that you constantly misconstrue what he means the says he is private. I also believe that as a general rule, those of us who grew up before social media have a much more restricted definition of “private” than those who were younger when it became popular. So what you think is “private”, younger people  willingly share. 
What I don’t understand is that you claim over and over that everything out of Darren’s mouth is a lie. You claim he isn’t straight, he is with Chris or married to Chris, he is not married to Mia, his wedding was a sham, and that he doesn’t own or even like TSGs, that he doesn’t live with Mia in the home he show off as his home, and that he lies during interviews because he team forces him to interviews 
Sp the question is what lie are you willing to accept?  Because either D is lying about his sexuality or he is lying about his desire to keep his private life private and off of SM.  
 My question to you is “what lies are you willing to accept?”   
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