ca-suffit · 1 month
begging whoever runs the sam-reid blog to take a healthy dose of shut the fuck up before they decide to return from hiatus because identifying that Anne Rice was a problematic asshole who wrote a lot of disgusting shit isn’t “pearl clutching” and a great deal of the shit she wrote that people take issue with wasn’t necessarily “dark/gothic” as it was just problematic. There’s no excuse for the constant racism in her books from where I stand and I don’t care if Anne is dead. I don’t have to respect an author who was blatantly racist in her writing and added in endless p*do apologia just because she happened to find success. Success isn’t a shield for comments and criticism and why this person feels a constant, deep seated need to protect Anne from any and all criticism is just ridiculous and pretty telling. They need to stop vague posting about other people, acting like Rice was Mother Teresa of vampires and taking some kind of moral high ground because said people are voicing their dislike or taking a stand against Anne.
idk if sam-reid will ever pay attention to these, but jeez they're piling up lately.
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heartiella · 5 months
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rustingways · 2 months
Sam Reid for like two fucking years: Nobody has seen the real Lestat yet.
The real Lestat:
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kayascodelorio · 2 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE S3 TEASER | Meet the Vampire Lestat ft. Sam Reid
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recny · 2 months
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dreamstat + appearing whenever louis gets the ick
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sallysbutter · 2 months
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Vulture reviews The Vampire Lestat’s new single (x)
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ayo-edebiri · 3 months
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#And he was right!!!
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celestialmar · 2 months
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everyone spread this and tag amc on various socials >>>>>
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sandushengshou · 3 months
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Interview with the Vampire | 2x08 “And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else”
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littlegirlinvisible · 3 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.08: And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else IWTVTwT Version.
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Sam-reid reblogging posts from nalyra and accusing marius haters of having "surface level takes" is rich. She ignores everything about this blog (your blog which I love!) and deems to punish viewers for not being comfortable with a known pedophile rapist in a book. It's blogs like hers which make me glad to my bones that I'm not part of this fandom any longer. I get chills from the absolute hatred radiating from users like her and nalyra and oh the reciepts you posted about formerly Neilcfreak? I felt sick reading how she lashed out at that black fan who tried to explain to her about A03 and its policies. But sam-reid is a special brand of ignorance and cold indifference towards black fans and fans who have problems with certain areas of the books. She looks down on anyone who doesn't love every word of the books. If she's ok with grooming and rape more power to her; but she so arrogantly asserts that the ONLY reason someone might have problems with topics of RAPE AND GROOMING esp through a lens of pedophilia is because of surface level takes?!
Yikes. BIG YIKES. How someone can be so SURFACE LEVEL IGNORANT is frightening.
She seems to think only in fictional world terms because in the real world, rape happens frequently. Grooming happens daily. So for her to assert that the ONLY reason someone might have issues with a character is because of SURFACE LEVEL TAKES speaks volumes of what kind of human being she is.
Marius triggers victims of rape and grooming for very real reasons, as fiction tends to do, as reading tends to do. That's why we read, and that's why fiction affects us so DEEPLY. So while insensitive and callous racists like sam-reid use SURFACE LEVEL reasons to judge us, the rest of us will be over here, avoiding surface level jerks like sam-reid, on your blog as a safe place. ❤
hi and thank u for ur comment<3
Let me repost a link to the neilcfreak / gorrei / rei thing in case anyone needs to know the context, bcuz this is an important thing to know for ppl engaging with her. This just happened in 2023.
Anyway, I'm glad it feels safe here. I'm always happy to talk about this stuff or let ppl vent about it. The books *are* v triggering and most of the fandom will not talk about it, which doesn't help anyone tbh.
I'm gonna answer most of this under a cut bcuz of the topics, but let me clarify some stuff first. Anyone mentioned here is mentioned for a reason. There's been a real increase on complaints about sam-reid lately, so I hope she's rly paying attention and not just thinking everyone is saying this for no reason. Ppl get harmed when u have a big voice in the fandom and u say things like this and turn ppl against others who are more vulnerable than u, especially when it comes to real trauma issues? I'm gonna get into this more under the cut but just to clarify that this isn't some silly thing or personal bitching about someone for no reason. I don't have any thoughts about sam-reid as a person, idk them beyond posts here. But this same attitude is across all of the big fandom ppl and it trickles down to hurting everyone, which is a big reason why this account is even here.
(I posted these screenshots smaller together but they won't save like that so sry they post long like this)
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I'd also like to say that monstersinthecosmos runs with the og white woman fandom bullies from before the show aired. The fact that the same usernames show up supporting each other all the time is never surprising tbh.
Anyway TW for trauma, CSA, abuse
Everyone handles trauma differently, so a lot of what I've seen from the fandom over the years is ppl who handle it like this ^^ insisting it's the only "correct" way bcuz they can't look at it any other way, yet or maybe ever. Since Marius is so tied to childhood sexual abuse, it's always made sense bcuz a) a lot of ppl read these books as kids and b) Anne Rice wrote things in a way that romanticizes abuse. If u have never looked at the characters and/or ur own abuse as an adult, then here we are. Everything is fiction, everything is fun, nothing needs to be "real." Bcuz abused kids disconnect from abuse that same way. Some ppl stay there forever.
I'm not shaming that either. U can't dictate how ppl move thru abuse and trauma. We all do what we do. Everyone who comes into the IWTV / VC stories however it happens prbly comes from trauma. It just sucks that Anne Rice inspired such a dogshit view of the world in ppl that a group that's already ripe for infighting (traumatized ppl) gets made worse bcuz she taught everyone to be loud and wrong and then louder and more wrong. Don't ever look at ur own actions, just shout ppl down!!
The reason ppl tend to dislike book ppl is bcuz nothing is ever discussed. There's this simultaneous mindset of "I'm v smart" but also "I'm never gonna talk in depth about anything." Everyone can see this but u can't ever get *them* to see it. Conversations are impossible. Then they constantly talk down on others like this to keep everything hostile. They have to be "right," so playing up as if their perspective is the only true one and acting as if criticism of Anne Rice or the books is "so mean" bcuz of misogyny or ppl lacking media literacy or "don't they know they're all monsters lol" is the only thing they know how to do.
Traumatized ppl don't like to feel stupid, ignored, and dismissed. These big voices don't come from nothing. A lot of the vampires in the books reflect real responses to trauma, both in their personalities and how they move around each other. We also reflect that. I wish ppl could learn from that more. Unfortunately, we're prbly always gonna be in two camps about it. That's why this fandom tends to remain small no matter how big anything gets. Those who want to speak more on these themes and explore abuse tend to leave, or at least leave a lot of public spaces, bcuz these ppl have set up to always take in new recruits and bully ppl in groups. They're a small number of fans tbh, in all reality, they just look bigger bcuz they work together to build that illusion. They don't individually have the strength to get attention on their own so they gather together to reference each other a lot, recommend each other to whoever (which has now extended to cast and crew as well), and get in more spaces. Then they get to feel more "important" and soothe all the childhood trauma of nobody noticing them then, but doesn't everyone notice them now? Except look at what u did to get there. They don't care tho, everyone they've stepped over is just a "hater" or w/e.
This is why it's crucial to examine these characters and then reflect on urself too and ask if maybe ur the fucking villain sometimes. The answer will surprise u!
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danielsarmand · 3 months
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Interview with the Vampire 1.05 | 2.05
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starberrysap · 3 months
the interview with the vampire cast are so funny about their characters they’re like
jacob anderson talking about louis: he is me i am him there is no separation
sam reid talking about lestat: that is my close personal friend lestat and i am also his lawyer providing his professional statements on the events taking place
assad zaman talking about armand: every time i get on set i get possessed for a few hours and wake up in my dressing room. also he’s a freak and wants that young old man bad
eric bogosian talking about daniel: i’ve always wanted to be a vampire also [spoiler spoiler spoiler]
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knownoshamc · 1 month
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which could mean nothing
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drunkeddiediaz · 2 months
The Vampire Lestat returns
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claudiadpdl · 4 months
whoever made the decision to cast jacob anderson as louis dpdl struck fucking gold and i mean that. not only is he a phenomenal actor but every time i look at his beautiful face i too realize that i would do utterly deranged, fucking unhinged shit to keep him in my life forever. at the end of the day lestat and armand and everyone else need not explain a damn thing.
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