#a new conspiracy
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bazedjunkiii · 1 month ago
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the sun is a lie.
stars a liars.
a new conspiracy.
baze.djunkiii did this.
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creature-wizard · 2 years ago
Check your conspiracy theory. Does it sound anything like this?
There is an ancient global conspiracy plotting to create a one world government.
The one world government will be headed by a single leader.
The conspiracy intends to make everyone follow a religion it created.
The conspiracy is trying to destroy all true religion/spirituality.
The conspiracy deliberately stirs up conflict and starts wars.
The conspiracy deliberately does whatever it can to confuse, exhaust, and demoralize the people.
The conspiracy creates and/or manipulates art and entertainment to control and brainwash the masses.
The conspiracy uses mind-altering substances to manipulate and control people.
Progressive policies (EG, religious tolerance, equality) are part of the conspiracy.
Communism and collectivism are part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates the economy to our detriment.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the gold standard.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the free market.
The conspiracy intends to tax the rich, which is bad because taxes are just legal theft.
Teaching people about the mistakes and atrocities committed by governments is part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy creates new religions and spiritual movements to further their agendas.
All secret societies (EG, Freemasonry) are part of the conspiracy.
Presidents are manipulated puppets of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates anyone with a high political position.
The conspiracy grooms world leaders.
Agents of the conspiracy are planted everywhere, in all levels of society.
The conspiracy kills anyone who might expose their plans in ways that no one would suspect are actually murder.
The conspiracy follows/uses the Kabbalah.
Literally all of these were claimed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an antisemitic hoax used by the Okhrana to justify violence against Russian Jews. It was used by Nazi Germany to justify the Holocaust, and today it still serves as the blueprint for most conspiracy theories - even if modern conspiracy theorists try to hide it, downplay it, or rationalize it with another, equally absurd conspiracy theory.
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theonion · 1 day ago
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Remarking at the social media user’s ability to immediately cut to the chase, sources confirmed Monday that a conspiracy theory posted on Reddit wasted absolutely no time getting racist. “Man, this guy didn’t even spend a complete sentence describing the cabal of globalists controlling world affairs before going full-tilt with this stuff about ‘Jew bankers’ and ‘intellectual inferiority,’” reported sources, noting that conspiracy theorists usually have the decency to make you read between the lines with references to George Soros or bankers, but this one just jumped warp-speed into calling out the “mongrelization” of the United States genetic pool.
Full Story
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retrogamingblog2 · 9 months ago
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reality-detective · 5 months ago
Weather Modification is such a “Conspiracy Theory” that they literally broadcasted it to the entire world on The View and even showed the planes used to do it.
THE VIEW: “They're taking storms that are already there & given it a little boost — Cloud seeding is ramping up so big“ 🤔
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destielmemenews · 6 months ago
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"Adams has consistently said he is cooperating with the investigations and has denied wrongdoing through the steady drumbeat of searches, seizures and departures of top members of his administration.
But as news of the indictment spread Wednesday night, he began to mount a defiant defense that he was being targeted by the federal government for his political views, adopting language similar to former President Donald Trump and other politicians accused of crimes."
"The indictment alleges illegal actions stretching back to 2014, from when he was Brooklyn Borough president.
“For nearly a decade, Adams sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxury international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople and at least one Turkish government official seeking to gain influence over him,” the indictment reads."
source 1
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oasisr · 1 year ago
yes i am a prude, and hypersexuality is ruining friendships, relationships and society as a whole.
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buckleyanddiaz · 2 months ago
so uh Eddie starts dating/gets together with people in the even numbered seasons
s2 - Shannon
s4 - Ana
s6 - Marisol
and now we're in s8 where everything is turning up gay!
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twin-pisces-art-bin · 9 months ago
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New Zelda game AND Four Swords, I'm eating well!
the fact this things called the Tri Rod and makes copies... Tri Rod, Four Sword what's next dual shield that makes a body double?? lol
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theerurishipper · 10 months ago
Tim Drake, for no reason at all:
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Dick Grayson, Tim's big brother in every conceivable way for the past several years:
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the--dark--side · 7 months ago
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anonymous-existences · 5 months ago
And once again, I exist
Wes/Damian + Demon Sibs AU
HC involved : Gothamite Rich Mother of Wes and the person where he got his Cassandra's Curse from, Danny Knows about his past and Damian knows Danny is alive just doesn't know where.
The Fentons upon finding out about Phantom's Identity as their Son Danny, they don't have the heart to harm Danny but they don't have the logic to accept him as a Halfa, so they decided to kick him out, Danny and Jazz gets into a fight because Jazz believes She can convince the Fenton's but Danny doesn't.
The School finds out about Danny being Phantom and Wes gets paid for the bets they owe him. But Upon Wes hearing Danny got kicked out, decided to take him in and as it turns out Wes's Mom is rich.
Danny lives Peacefully in the Weston Residence(decently big house) until Wes Gets a message from Tucker about the GIW getting a hold of Danny as Phantom's information probably by the Fenton's.
Wes knows it's only a matter of time before the GIW busts down their door so, he calls up his mom.
They escape to Gotham as that's the safest place and also the only place Wes is familiar with and because his mom is there and she's rich enough, she enrolls them to the same school where Damian is and ofcourse. Demon Sibs reunite, Wes and Damian meet.
The part I like the most :
Damian Believes Everything Wes says and is truly unaffected by the Cassandra's Curse especially after being asked by Wes if he's Robin on the first Day Danny introduces them to each other. Damian is intrigued that no one finds this *Obviously Handsome, Intellectual, Logical Boy* ~~that he's Inlove with~~ at all!
Danny also bypasses Cassandra's Curse, You all get the gyst <33
TLDR: Damian is smitten with a conspiracy theorist that's always 90% right and Always Sassy whilst having been reunited with the twin He knows was alive but doesn't know where that is Danyal
Extra : Wes totally figured out every hidden heroes identities but kept his mouth shut and if this is Tim/Bernard then Damian is in the "I have a better boyfriend than you Drake." Because both are gingers(?), Conspiracy Theorists but only one figured out everyone's identities on the spot.
Extra 2: GIW Shenanigans is decided by anyone and you all can take this free and change the prompt anytime or just inspire from it.
Thank you for listening to my crack.
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theonion · 27 days ago
'9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda
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truth-has-a-liberal-bias · 3 months ago
10. Q: How scary is it to see the fringe beliefs that you used to follow become mainstream?
A: Legitimately terrifying. Alex Jones was the main thing that got me into 9/11 Truth, so seeing him being buddies with the sitting president was some of the most hypocritical and terrifying shit I've ever seen on mainstream TV. It also revealed that he was full of shit because suddenly, the Republicans are the good guys when, before, they were [supposedly] performing child sacrifices in Bohemian Grove.
11. Q: Any tips on dealing with conspiracy theorists? How would you approach a discussion with one? Or is it futile anyway?
A: I think it's worth doing, but tentatively. Some people are really far gone, but they usually got that way by being mocked and dismissed and laughed at. If you take them seriously and offer some level-headed skepticism of their beliefs, they will respect you and consider what you're saying. 
It's like being in a cult that you indoctrinated yourself into. They typically end up there because they don't feel like they have anywhere else to go, so you should make sure they know they do have somewhere else to go where they won't be judged or looked down on. You'll never leave the only thing you've ever known if you don't think there are any other options. [...]
(Yes, I know it's Buzzfeed. But this is an interesting article.)
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jjmcquade-misc · 8 days ago
Conspiracy theories that turned out as true
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Here is a list of theories that were initially labeled as conspiracy theories by the mass media but later turned out to be true:
MKUltra: A secret CIA program that conducted mind control experiments using LSD and other methods on unsuspecting individuals. Initially dismissed as a far-fetched conspiracy theory, its existence was later confirmed through declassified documents released in the 1970s, revealing the extent of the unethical experiments.
Tuskegee Syphilis Study: A U.S. Public Health Service experiment where hundreds of Black men with syphilis were left untreated to study the disease’s natural progression. Initially denied and considered a conspiracy theory, it was confirmed in 1972 after a whistleblower exposed the study, leading to widespread outrage and reforms in medical ethics.
Operation Snow White: A conspiracy orchestrated by the Church of Scientology to infiltrate U.S. government agencies and steal sensitive documents. Dismissed as an unlikely plot, it was proven true in the late 1970s when investigations led to the conviction of several Scientology members.
CIA’s Involvement in the Crack Cocaine Epidemic: Allegations that the CIA facilitated the spread of crack cocaine in the 1980s to fund covert operations were initially rejected as conspiracy theories. Investigative journalism, notably by Gary Webb in the 1990s, and subsequent inquiries confirmed some level of CIA complicity or negligence in drug trafficking networks.
NSA’s Mass Surveillance Program: Claims of widespread government surveillance of citizens were dismissed as paranoid theories until 2013, when Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing the NSA’s extensive PRISM program, confirming the scope of global surveillance activities.
FBI’s COINTELPRO Program: A secret FBI initiative to surveil, infiltrate, and disrupt political groups, including civil rights organizations, was initially denied and labeled a conspiracy theory. It was confirmed in 1971 after activists stole and released FBI documents exposing the program’s illegal activities.
Project Sunshine: A U.S. government project that collected tissue samples from deceased children without parental consent to study the effects of radioactive fallout. Initially dismissed as a gruesome conspiracy theory, it was later confirmed through declassified records in the 1990s.
Operation Mockingbird: A CIA effort to influence and control media outlets and journalists during the Cold War. Long considered a conspiracy theory, it was substantiated by declassified documents and congressional investigations in the 1970s, revealing the agency’s manipulation of public narratives.
CIA’s Involvement in the 1953 Iranian Coup: The CIA’s role in orchestrating the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected government was initially denied and dismissed as a conspiracy theory. It was officially confirmed in 2013 when declassified documents detailed the agency’s collaboration with British intelligence.
FBI’s Spying on Martin Luther King Jr.: Allegations that the FBI surveilled and attempted to discredit Martin Luther King Jr. were initially rejected as conspiratorial. The program’s existence was confirmed in the 1970s through released documents, exposing the extent of the FBI’s efforts to undermine the civil rights leader.
These examples demonstrate that while many conspiracy theories lack evidence, some dismissed by the mass media have been validated over time through investigations, leaks, and declassified records, revealing hidden truths about government and institutional actions.
These are less obvious, often overlooked incidents that still carry the weight of confirmed conspiracies:
The Business Plot (1933) Okay, this one stretches just before the post-WWII mark, but it’s modern enough and obscure today. Rumors swirled that a group of wealthy American businessmen planned to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a fascist regime. Marine Corps General Smedley Butler blew the whistle, claiming he’d been recruited to lead the coup. People dismissed it as a wild tale—until a congressional investigation confirmed there was indeed a plot. Big names like DuPont and J.P. Morgan were linked, though no one faced charges. It’s a chilling “what if” that doesn’t get much airtime today.
Operation Paperclip’s Darker Edges You might’ve heard of Operation Paperclip—the U.S. recruiting Nazi scientists after WWII—but the conspiracy angle is less known. Beyond the famous ones like Wernher von Braun, whispers persisted that war criminals with horrific pasts were smuggled in. The government insisted they were just harmless tech experts. Declassified files later showed otherwise: many were high-ranking Nazis whose records were scrubbed to dodge immigration laws. It’s not just about rockets; some worked on biological and chemical weapons projects, a detail that stayed buried for decades.
The Nayirah Testimony Hoax (1990) In the lead-up to the Gulf War, a girl named Nayirah testified to Congress that Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait were ripping babies from incubators and leaving them to die. It was a gut-wrenching story that helped justify military action. Skeptics called it propaganda, but they were shouted down—until it unraveled. Nayirah was the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter, coached by PR firm Hill & Knowlton (hired by Kuwait’s government) to sell the war. Investigative journalists exposed the lie, proving it was a fabricated conspiracy to sway opinion.
The CIA’s Heart Attack Gun (1970s) Ever hear rumors of a gun that could silently kill with no trace? In the ‘70s, people speculated the CIA had a dart gun that triggered heart attacks using frozen toxins. It sounded like James Bond nonsense—until the 1975 Church Committee hearings. The CIA fessed up: they’d built it. The dart dissolved in the body, leaving no evidence. It’s a spy gadget turned real, and while it’s niche, it’s not a household name like Snowden’s leaks.
The Ford Pinto Scandal (1970s) This one’s corporate, not governmental. Word got around that Ford knew their Pinto car could explode in rear-end crashes due to a faulty fuel tank. Ford denied it, insisting the car was safe. Then internal memos leaked: they’d calculated it was cheaper to settle lawsuits from burn victims than fix the design. Court cases confirmed it—a cold-blooded conspiracy of profit over lives. It’s a grim footnote in automotive history that doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves.
Project SHAMROCK (1940s–1970s) Before the NSA’s modern surveillance scandals, there were whispers they’d been snooping on Americans’ telegrams for years. Critics were labeled paranoid—until the Church Committee (again, busy folks) uncovered Project SHAMROCK. Starting in the ‘40s, the NSA collected millions of telegrams without warrants, sharing them with other agencies. It ran for decades before exposure in the ‘70s, a precursor to today’s privacy debates that’s faded from public chatter.
Bohemian Grove’s Real Rituals (Ongoing) For years, people murmured about Bohemian Grove—a secretive retreat in California where elites like politicians and CEOs allegedly held weird rituals, including mock sacrifices to an owl statue. It sounded absurd, a fever dream of conspiracy buffs. Then, in 2000, Alex Jones snuck in and filmed the “Cremation of Care” ceremony, proving it happens. The meetings are real; what they mean—powerful networking or something darker—is still up for debate. It’s not a headliner like Watergate, but it’s verified and eerie.
These cases flew under the radar compared to the big-name conspiracies, yet they all started as dismissed theories before evidence—documents, testimony, or footage—proved them true. They’re snapshots of modern history where secrecy and power collided, only to be dragged into the light later!
1. 9/11 and Government Foreknowledge (2001)
Initial Dismissal: After the September 11, 2001 attacks, claims that the U.S. government had prior knowledge or was complicit were widely rejected as baseless conspiracy theories by officials and mainstream media.
Later Validation: The 9/11 Commission Report (2004) revealed significant intelligence failures, including missed warnings from agencies like the FBI and CIA. While it didn’t prove intentional involvement, it confirmed that critical information was overlooked, lending some credibility to theories of negligence or mishandling.
2. Iraq War and Weapons of Mass Destruction (2003)
Initial Dismissal: Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the idea that the U.S. and its allies exaggerated or fabricated evidence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to justify war was dismissed as anti-government propaganda.
Later Validation: The Iraq Survey Group report (2004) found no active WMD programs, and subsequent inquiries, like the U.K.’s Chilcot Report (2016), confirmed that intelligence was flawed or manipulated, validating the core claim that the war’s premise was shaky.
3. Mass Surveillance Programs (2013)
Initial Dismissal: For years, suggestions that governments were conducting widespread surveillance of citizens via technology were brushed off as paranoid delusions.
Later Validation: Edward Snowden’s 2013 leaks exposed programs like PRISM, run by the NSA, showing that the U.S. and other governments were monitoring communications on an unprecedented scale, confirming the reality of mass surveillance.
4. Financial Crisis and Banking Misconduct (2008)
Initial Dismissal: Before the 2008 financial crisis, theories that major banks were engaging in reckless or fraudulent practices—like predatory lending and creating risky financial products—were often dismissed as exaggerated or alarmist.
Later Validation: The crisis exposed widespread misconduct, with investigations and settlements (e.g., the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act and billions in fines) confirming that banks had indeed acted irresponsibly, validating earlier suspicions.
5. COVID-19 Lab Leak Hypothesis (2020)
Initial Dismissal: Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the notion that the virus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, was labeled a conspiracy theory and dismissed by many scientists, media outlets, and organizations like the WHO.
Later Validation: By 2021, intelligence reports and scientific discussions (e.g., U.S. government assessments and WHO revisits) deemed the lab leak a plausible scenario, shifting it from fringe theory to a legitimate hypothesis, though conclusive evidence is still lacking.
6. Social Media Manipulation and Data Misuse (2018)
Initial Dismissal: Claims that social media platforms like Facebook were exploiting user data for political or financial gain were often downplayed as speculative before 2018.
Later Validation: The Cambridge Analytica scandal (2018) revealed that data from millions of users was harvested without consent and used to influence elections, confirming that such manipulation was occurring on a large scale.
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count-skribula · 7 months ago
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Seward starts theorizing that renfield says this because he has some use for Seward or something that prevents him from hurting him, but I like the reading that renfield is just implying how this whole time Seward is the one who has been hurting renfield.
Because it’s true. Every time renfield attacks Seward it feels completely justified because it cannot measure up to the torture and dehumanization Seward has put him through.
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