#DC say sike right now say it RIGHT NOW
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theerurishipper · 11 months ago
Tim Drake, for no reason at all:
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Dick Grayson, Tim's big brother in every conceivable way for the past several years:
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cypresswood3 · 16 days ago
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frogaroundandfindout · 9 months ago
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Bruce reacting to Tim’s death (Robin #95)
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bonzai-bunny · 10 months ago
wally never letting it go that bruce eats a burger with a knife and fork
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clanofjones · 1 year ago
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ao3feed-wondersteve · 2 years ago
I'm gonna steal (save) you from him
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dIBgEHc
by Karmawillcollect
Bonnie Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Playgirl (or PlayBunny if you're good at curating your brand) extrodinare, the worlds most eligible bachelorette, is a raging butch lesbian, it's not at all a secret.
But when the woman she's been in love with (for ten YEARS) starts dating the man who SHE'S been in love with since the forties, Bonnie gives up, ready to pine forever.
Then Diana begins to change uncharictaristicly, and Bonnie is more than concerned. So she does what she SHOULD'VE done five years ago, and sweeps Diana Prince right off her feet, like a true Princess and her Dark Knight.
WARNING: There's a scene where Diana is drunk and starts to make out with Bonnie, Bonnie tells her to stop, Diana doesn't, then Bonnie says stop again, and Diana stops, nothing else :)
Words: 2336, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of DC General
Fandoms: DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Steve Trevor, Bruce Wayne, Female Bruce Wayne - Character, fem!Bruce Wayne - Character, Bonnie Wayne
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Fem!Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Steve Trevor
Additional Tags: Genderbent!Bruce Wayne, fem!Bruce Wayne, lesbians in love, LOVE WINS LMFAO, Steve Trevor Bashing, nothing against him, i just needed a bad guy, Butch/Femme, Femme Diana (Wonder Woman), Fem!Bruce Wayne is now Bonnie Wayne, Mentions of Sex Toys, No Smut, No Angst, Flirting, Drunken Flirting, Drunken Kissing, Kissing, Neck Kissing, Girls Kissing, just girls being pals....SIKE, this fic is for the girls and gays, Men Bashing kinda as a whole, Bonnie hates men lowkey, drunk propositions, and almost dubcon, but nothing actually happens, it stops, wlw, Wonderbat, God I loved Writing this, Inspired by Music, That song is Boyfriends by Dove Cameron, Black Cherry, Perfume, Makeup, Lipstick & Lip Gloss, Emotional Manipulation, BUT it's not the fore front, nothing on screen, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like robins, The Author Regrets Nothing, Love, Love Confessions, Making Out, gods theyre both so hot, men will not like this fic me thinks, sorry sorry, CIS men will not like this fic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dIBgEHc
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
I'm gonna steal (save) you from him
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SplKmyt
by Karmawillcollect
Bonnie Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Playgirl (or PlayBunny if you're good at curating your brand) extrodinare, the worlds most eligible bachelorette, is a raging butch lesbian, it's not at all a secret.
But when the woman she's been in love with (for ten YEARS) starts dating the man who SHE'S been in love with since the forties, Bonnie gives up, ready to pine forever.
Then Diana begins to change uncharictaristicly, and Bonnie is more than concerned. So she does what she SHOULD'VE done five years ago, and sweeps Diana Prince right off her feet, like a true Princess and her Dark Knight.
WARNING: There's a scene where Diana is drunk and starts to make out with Bonnie, Bonnie tells her to stop, Diana doesn't, then Bonnie says stop again, and Diana stops, nothing else :)
Words: 2336, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of DC General
Fandoms: DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Steve Trevor, Bruce Wayne, Female Bruce Wayne - Character, fem!Bruce Wayne - Character, Bonnie Wayne
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Fem!Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Steve Trevor
Additional Tags: Genderbent!Bruce Wayne, fem!Bruce Wayne, lesbians in love, LOVE WINS LMFAO, Steve Trevor Bashing, nothing against him, i just needed a bad guy, Butch/Femme, Femme Diana (Wonder Woman), Fem!Bruce Wayne is now Bonnie Wayne, Mentions of Sex Toys, No Smut, No Angst, Flirting, Drunken Flirting, Drunken Kissing, Kissing, Neck Kissing, Girls Kissing, just girls being pals....SIKE, this fic is for the girls and gays, Men Bashing kinda as a whole, Bonnie hates men lowkey, drunk propositions, and almost dubcon, but nothing actually happens, it stops, wlw, Wonderbat, God I loved Writing this, Inspired by Music, That song is Boyfriends by Dove Cameron, Black Cherry, Perfume, Makeup, Lipstick & Lip Gloss, Emotional Manipulation, BUT it's not the fore front, nothing on screen, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like robins, The Author Regrets Nothing, Love, Love Confessions, Making Out, gods theyre both so hot, men will not like this fic me thinks, sorry sorry, CIS men will not like this fic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/SplKmyt
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teamtitans · 5 years ago
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antiloreolympus · 3 years ago
10 Anti LO Asks
1. if there was ever a short, chubby man in LO it would just be someone to creepy after Persephone and be the butt of the joke about how he's not "hot" compared to Manly™️ Hads. Rachel has the weirdest hard-on to mock anyone who isn't a conventionally attractive, straight rich person and it shows itself way too often.
2. are .. are LO characters supposed to look attractive? is that RS' intent? 😵‍💫 say sike right now because none of them look good
3. I would just be so pissed if I was an Original creator seeing what this WT does. These creators are busting their asses week in and out to make a weekly comic with a tight story and great art with little to no help (some even broke their hands and RELEARNED HOW TO DRAW WITH THEIR OTHER HAND to keep going) but WT continues to ignore them while giving Rachel as much help and promotion as she could ever want or need and she gets to rake in the money for what little she does. How is that ok?
4. I’m just gonna put it out there, but the fact that Eros was confirmed bi/pan in an earlier episode only for him to later be exclusively shown attraction to women is so gross. Especially when he’s the only mspec character which was revealed along with him being very promiscuous. It’s very “pick a side” and “all mspec people are very sexual. As a bi person it’s just way too gross.
From OP: Hera also seems to be mspec as there’s a thing (??) between her and Echo. It’s not 100% confirmed but, let’s face it, RS would face a lot of backlash if she goes back on Hera x Echo after that girlfriend comment Ares made.
That being said, I hate how she’s also mspec and (potentially) cheating, which is something a lot of mspec people get accused of just for liking more than one gender.
5. i feel like there's a big difference between stylization versus whatever rachel is doing. we know she can draw but the style she's chosen for LO is only getting worse even as rachel tries to "improve" it with lineart and attempts of anatomy (despite her being nearly 40? why is she only NOW trying to learn it??)
6. I mean yeah the art in LO isn't the worst thing ever, but the fact it markets itself off being the most unique, beautiful art on the whole app is just like ... really? Based off what? Often the bright colors and "painter" style, especially in the last few years, is a hindrance instead of a strength. I can browse the Canvas Top 30 and see miles ahead better art with only one person doing it, not a team of five or more people.
7. did ... did rachel just slap harpy aesthetics onto eris and call it a day? can she even try to keep any of these creatures straight. even daphne and the other nymphs loses their pointy ears  half the time and that's their only defining feature.
8. wait, so RS did a comic for DC and WT wasn't screaming about, even though they have a DC partnership??? Even RS wasn't?? Surely that's far more legitimate than anything else? I'll agree we can see with actual time and effort put into it she can actually draw, but are just going to ignore her depiction of WW and Superman are still the same exact buxom female and just Hades with dark hair now? Also PS, the Circe/hamster thing is directly ripped off from Percy Jackson, so that's not very original.
9. RS would make Wonder Woman be a tiny teenager huh. She's allergic to tall women with muscles. At least we should be glad she's not a repeat of Athena or making them highlighter yellow and blue.
10. RS making Helios be pro-global warming is damn near evil. He's one of the most loving gods ever?? He was one of the few Titans who was worshipped well beyond antiquity because of his love for humans?? I get DC's versions are also different from mythology but even they tend to be framed as good guys, wtf?? She literally can't write them correctly even with it's someone else's version. Talk about a negative team player.
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halohalona · 2 years ago
my depression was going away, now Henry ISN'T playing superman anymore?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
I. AM. BAWLING. my eyes out in the car right now.
No Witcher, No Superman, what is life anymore. Literally one of the only things keeping me going.
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vecna-official · 3 years ago
absolute disaster of a boss fight last night <3
the party faced off against Rex the bard's sibling, Ash, who he hadn't seen in 25 years. in the intervening time, they'd been radicalized by a false god, and were leading the local chapter of paladins (the Solaric Order) determined to Light Yagami all crime out of existence (by killing anyone who commits a crime)
start blasting Ten Piedad from the Blasphemous soundtrack
Ash goes right for Rex, putting him on single digits HP with a single turn, and the rest of the weaker paladins rush the party
KAID, the hexblade warlock, dishes out 50 damage a round for a few turns before getting dropped by some of the mooks. it's a running joke that he goes down at least once a fight, and it's holding true here.
they kill off most of the minor enemies with Shatter, Spirit Guardians, and the dragonborn Fighter's cold breath.
Ash is desperate, bleeding, and cornered. So they call down a blast of heavenly light which closes all of their wounds and fixes the gashes in their armor. Begin stage 2.
sike, Rex casts Charm Person
the last few minor enemies are cleaned up by Kirsi, the fighter, and the warlock *instantly* starts a short rest, hoping to finish it before the Charm Person wears off (textbook warlock behavior)
Ash is now real friendly, happily gives away plenty of information about the Solaric Order, and gets into a theological argument with both Rex and Kura the cleric.
Ash says they should probably dispose of all of these bodies, and begins loading them into a wheelbarrow to take them to the city graveyard
the members of the party who aren't taking a short rest follow. leaving the warlock. whose player is something of a powergamer, and who is the party's main DPS character. Mistake.
about halfway to the graveyard, they realize that the spell will wear off at some point, and it might be better to start the fight now, so that they have the element of surprise.
so everyone preps their spells (Kura casts Spirit Guardians and activates Twilight Sanctuary for temp HP) and then Kirsi walks up to Ash and shish kebabs them. Begin stage 2 for real this time, but it's a 3v1 instead of a 4v1
and Ash, in a frenzy, is using smites now.
Crits the Cleric. 47 damage. He's at 1 HP. DC 23 Constitution save to maintain concentration of Spirit Guardians. Literally impossible. They flicker out.
Cleric casts Cure Wounds at 3rd level, going to an effective HP of somewhere around 30.
Fighter puts attack after attack into Ash, rolling better than she has in the entire rest of the campaign so far. Rex is out of spells so he's spamming Vicious Mockery.
Ash smites Kura again. Does exactly enough to down him.
Kirsi force-feeds him a healing potion before stabbing Ash another two times.
Kura disengages. He doesn't bother healing himself, just recasts Spiritual Weapon. 1d4+5 points of healing won't make much difference against an enemy outputting 30+ a turn.
Ash is on their last legs, at 2 hit points. Rex casts Vicious Mockery. They fail the save. Rex just says "I'm sorry," and catches them as they slump to the ground.
They're buried in an unmarked grave in the city graveyard.
End of session.
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theficplug · 5 years ago
Wild N Out - Karlous Miller
Karlous Miller x Black Reader
warnings: none, fluff
{You are the new Wild N Out girl. Fun ensues.}
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Wild N Out was never your first option , hell, it wasn’t even really your last option. So, becoming the new Wild N Out Girl never even crossed your mind.
You had met Karlous at an event on a business trip in L.A. where you two had hit off and began dating ever since. You were in school to become a dentist and did modeling in your spare time, but both were becoming something you despised.
After your boyfriend convinced you that you were the funniest person he knew and your manager agreeing with him. You finally caved and went through the casting call process. Fast forward and you were chosen to be a part of Wild N Out: New School vs Old School. 
The day had finally come for the first taping and rumours were that Mo’Nique and other well known fans of the show were in attendance tonight. 
Karlous massaged your sides backstage and gave you a run-down of how the show would typically flow and run.
“Bae, Keke Palmer said she liked my shoes earlier and asked me where I got em from. Bae she called me a pretty girl and everything, like, I’m really doing this.” you say talking a mile a minute
“I call you that everyday now I’mma have to come up with somethin’ else. Keke just gon’ steal my girl right in front of me.” he jokes. “You gon’ be alright . It’s like a family here so everything gon’ go smooth. You up here worrying for nothing with your fine ass.” Karlous says holding your hands and kissing them gently.
“Okay, you right.  I got this and don’t think just cause you my man i’mma go easy on you! You not on my team, Old School.” you say to him teasingly and the stagehand lets you both know that it’s time to go on. 
“Alright but don’t be talkin bout “you sleepin’ yo ass right on that couch” when I return that heat!” he calls after you and you just shake your head laughing as you walk out onto the set and wave at the fans. You see a few familiar faces like Tim and Justine and Chico/DC of course. But, there's also a few new faces that you didn’t recognize. Probably people who couldn’t make it to the welcome dinner so you make sure you go by greeting everyone and accepting hugs from some of them.
“Welcome to Wild N Out: New School vs Old School Edition. If you’ve been watching the show you already know what the hell is about to go down. Dj D-Wrek is going to give us some answers and we’re going to come up with some funny questions, and then rush up to this buzzer. Team with the funniest answers wins the game.  I am your new host Keke Palmer and this is Hood Jeopardy.” she announces and the crowd cheers before the round starts. You blow a kiss at Karlous and his goofy self catches it and places it in his pocket dramatically. 
Your eyes scan the crowd and you definitely seen some well known faces in the crowd. You even flanced over at Dulce Sloan on the upper deck. 
You give a small smile to the crowd and then keep your focus on Karlous knowing that he’d either nod his head at you or do something to distract you from your nerves.
“Things Karlous Miller is built like.” DJ D-Wrek calls out 
You let out a loud laugh before your team starts ooh-ing and ahh-ing like schoolyard children as you run over to the buzzer at the same time as DC. 
“Aww hell naw , bae you just gon do me like that?” Karlous shouts while throwing his hands up in the air and you can hear the crowd giggling already. 
“Move DC. That’s my man. You BETTA MO-” you squabble with DC and play fight over the buzzer before knocking him on the floor with your hip and he makes a show of it flying and sliding across the floor yelling “damn she-hulk damn”. 
You smile softly to yourself as the bell goes off and a point goes to your team, letting the small victory ease your nerves.
“What is zaddy built like. Well, that’s easy, what is  “a beautiful chocolate man” ”. you say in the White Chicks voice before Karlous adds “that’s right baby, that’s right.”
“Sike, what is Crash Bandicoot. What is Perry The Platypus from Phineas and Ferb. What is-” you blurt out as you hear the crowd and both teams in hysterics laughing and falling over each other as Karlous stands there with his lips pushed out. 
The bell goes off repeatedly signaling that your team had won that round as DJ D-Wrek stands there wiping tears from his eyes and Chico comes over to join you. 
“What is a small Booker T.” Chico wheezes into the microphone as you two hold onto each other’s shaking shoulders. 
“Hold on I’m not done. Who is Thurgoode from the PJs. What is-” Karlous cuts you off by running over and saying “Yo baby daddy” into the mic and your team yells oop. 
“Don’t be salty baby. It’s not my fault you built like a Fun Dip stick and a thermometer had a baby. You still luh me though?” you ask and he follows up with hell yeah. 
The crowd eats up your dynamic as they watch the both of you interact. 
“Alright, Alright , Alright.  That round goes to New School. They coming with that heat for the o.g.” 
You take a quick commercial break before starting the next segment “Now You Wild Out”. 
“Everybody already knows how this goes. We get a topic from D-Wrek and we go in. Team with the best improvs wins the round. Let’s get it!” Keke says before going stepping back onto team New School. 
Each person from the team goes with almost everyone being evenly matched with points until it’s finally you and Karlous up next with the category Date Night. 
“I got this. I got this.” you tell your team as you strut to the front of the line and Karlous runs over to steal a kiss real quick while the crowd aww’s .
“Aww nothing. Get your milk dud headass over here Lous.” DC says pulling him by the back of his shirt. 
“Lemme get a quick wax. Lemme get a quick wax. Now you wild out.” you say and you hear a mhm before a roar of laughs from the women in the crowd.
“Gotta wash the balls off. Gotta wash the balls off. Now you wild out.” Karlous returns with quick fire while his team copies him and dances with one leg up.
You dance to the music before patting your pockets and all over you “Where’s the plan B? Where’s the plan B? Where’s the plan B? NOW YOU WILD OUT.” you say and Karlous stands there with his hands on his hips with his mouth slightly open as the crowd and your teams laugh along. 
He was standing there shook at the fact that your lil quiet shy self was standing there talking about it. 
He quickly snaps into the character and starts yikin side to side yelling “I sholl did. I sholl did. I sholl did. Now you wild out.” 
The audience erupts into laughter at the chemistry and comedy between the two of you. 
You push him playfully and return to the back of the line as the bell signals that his team had won that round.
The rest of the episode goes smoothly and your team comes close to winning but Old School ultimately won overall. Karlous finds you waiting for him in the parking lot and in a conversation with some people from your team.
You grab his hands softly as he hugs you from behind. “Damn Justine, I've been thinking bout you too.” you joke and turn around to kiss him deeply for a moment.
“Girl you were on fire. I’ll see later. “ Gabby,  one of the new girls on your team says before leaving you two alone. 
“I was talking to one of the producers and baby, they loved what they saw from you. They think you add something extra to the show and in they words “you guys were off the chain”. I know you ain’t have nothing to worry about.” Karlous says mocking them and congratulating you. 
“Thank you baby, for pushing me to do this. I actually really enjoyed today and can’t believe this is my new gig and my new lil found family. I love it here. I can’t believe freaking Mo’Nique was in the crowd. I got to talk to her. Queen gon’ tell me “You remind me of how comedy used to be. Just spittin’ about life and shit. We ain’t mean nothing by it. Just shooting the breeze. You’re going to go far niece.”  I thought I was gonna pass the fuck out or something babe.: you say to him and he just stands there in awe of you while you give him the rundown.
“I told you. You be funny without even trying. Just doing the most random ass shit and I still be in the crib hollering.” he says chuckling softly
 “Thanks baby. But the way you was looking at me all night in my lil Wild N Out shirt. You like what seen or what?” you tease as you lean in to lick over his lips and he lays you against the car grabbing your chin and kissing you. 
“Where the Plan B? Where the Plan B?” he jokes and you shake your head , chuckling softly.
“Now you wild out.” you say , wrapping your arms around his neck
@arination99 @genuinedonnie @ljstraightnochaser
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black-streak · 5 years ago
Little Pistol - Millstone
Chapter 4
First Previous Next
This feels almost like I'm starting a new story and in a way I am. Tim's story. His side of this world in creating. That being said, for those who only got into DC and Batman and the Robins through the Maribat fandom, this actually gives a lot of background on Tim that isn't normally covered from what I've seen. Or at least, not in depth. Sure, I'm giving my own perspective on how canon events could of turned out, but all the way up to Damian taking up Robin is technically canon compliant.
That being said, here we go. (Song is Millstone by Brand New. All songs are featured on my Timinette Angst Playlist)
LP Taglist
@zalladane @moonlightstar64 @amayakans @elmokingkong @queen-in-a-flower-crown @karategirl119 @dreamykitty25 @danielslilangel @melicmusicmagic @xahriia @sassakitty @yin-390 @zotinha456 @indecisive-mess-named-me @heldtogetherbysafetypins @theatreandcomicfreak @alexandriamw @messymessyml
Permanent list
@naoryllis @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @my-name-is-michell @maribat-is-lifeblood @dast218 @novicevoice @shizukiryuu @princess-of-fangirls @bigpicklebananatree @pirats-pizzacanninibles @abrx2002 @breemeister @darkthunder1589 @thestressmademedoit @severelyenchantedwonderland @isabellemasen @multi-fandom-freak0221 @fantasyloversblog @bzz75 @cloudiedraws @jardimazul @orbitsvt @gingerdaile @sotheresthatthought @kadmeread @novaloptr @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @crazylittlemunchkin @18-fandoms-unite-08 @tiny-goddess-of-chaos @ladybug-182 @toodaloo-kangaroo @the-alice-of-hearts @vixen-uchiha
Traveling downhill seemed so much easier than trekking up. In truth, it all depended on how you went. Slowly making your way on foot could end in braced, straining joints and burning calves from the effort of keeping balanced on steeper angles and rougher terrain. You could bike down faster, but you might miss everything that happens along the way or hit an edge and end up crashing to never see it through one way or another. Taken out of the race too soon. Running proved dangerous and much the same as a bike. One could always roll down the slope, but that leads to veering off course and coming up dizzy and disoriented. Falling was easy, but there was no control on how you went or how fast and many end up injured or lost by the time they hit the bottom.
Tim decided to mark his own path. He hadn't necessarily meant to find the bottom, it sort of found him to be honest, but nevertheless, he chose to make his way slowly down from the start. Twisting and winding carefully, every step deliberate and calculated until he stood where he is now, living in the brownstone with Jason Todd of all people. His would be murderer.
Funny how that worked.
It started early on, far sooner than most would guess, with his blackmailing his way into the mantle of Robin. Sure, it was ultimately Bruce's decision, but what else does one do with a kid with photographic evidence of your identity who saved your skin and insists on helping any way he can? Train him, send him around the world, and hone his skills under the nose of his parents, apparently.
Then his mother died and his father went into a coma. Bruce feared he'd fall to anger and vengeance, bringing up Jason as a reminder of what not to do.
It was interesting, the amount of times Jason was brought up as a form of warning. As a guidance for what not to be. It came to a point where he resented hearing the name, equated it to disappointment and idiocy. To brashness and brute strength. To death. His opinion of Jason was similar to that of a dumpster fire. Contained and expected, but needing to be put out before it could do any real damage to something actually important. 
That was in part due to being a child who'd grown up watching Dick fly in the Robin colors and seeing how his successor performed afterwards. In some ways, the magic of the Robin suit transferred with its new owner, still amazing Tim with its ability to make Gotham a little brighter, a little safer. But the disconnect between Robin and Jason was too strong for him to see them as the same person. He still thought of Dick as Robin, despite knowing he wasn't in that suit. Then Jason died and soon after he began his training, not really out of desire to BE Robin, but more for knowing someone had to do it. 
Then Bruce and in parts, Dick himself, kept reinforcing the story of Jason as something bad. As something to be avoided and better than. Jason was no longer a person at all in his mind. More of an urban legend told in bedtime stories to scare children into being good.  It only furthered the disconnect he felt between looking at the case with the old Robin suit and hearing the name Jason Todd.
It was a while afterwards that his next step down occured, with his return to no man's land, his rescue and finally, his father barring him from Robin and Stephanie taking up the title. He didn't mean to feel resentful, but it happened nonetheless. He fought so hard to be good enough, to hold the Robin title and be worthy of it only to have it ripped away by Jack Drake's form of blackmail. Oh, the irony of it being the same as his own from long before.
It took manipulation and carefully working from the other side, but soon he convinced his father of his need to be Robin. Of how Gotham needed him. And Jack let him. Too bad it led to him being killed.
He faked an uncle to avoid being completely under Bruce's thumb. Wanted a say in his own life and felt adoption wouldn't be the way to go about it. Didn't want to replace his dead dad so soon after losing him.
Things went faster after that. Stephanie died. Then Kon. He switched his colors in remembrance of his fallen friend. Became a little darker. Colder. Distant. Bart died. He fell further. Stephanie was alive. She let him think she was dead. Batman knew and felt no need to tell him. She lied to him. Bruce lied to him. Everyone he loved left him one way or another. Jason tried to kill him. More than once.
Surprisingly, almost dying at his hands was what began to help Tim see Jason as he truly was. A human being. He opened up the files on Jason and began his own research, no longer taking his mentors for their word. If Jason was alive, he needed to know who exactly he was up against. And he did, now. He knew who Jason was. A guy who'd been just a kid, taken off the streets and thrown into the nightlife of Gotham. A kid who loved his mother and did what he could to keep her alive. Who did what he needed to keep himself alive. Who loved school and maintained perfect grades and read classic literature. Jason Todd wasn't some punk who died because he was a brash idiot who got in over his head. No, he was just a boy who found out his birth mom was alive and went looking for her. Who died trying to protect the woman who birthed him, despite being the one who betrayed him. The Robin costume wasn't magical. Wasn't it's own living thing. The mantel was only as strong as the one who wore it and Jason had worn it well.
Funny how the resurrected version saw who filled the suit now and decided to try and kill him. Guess he couldn't really fault him for it, though. Talia threw Jason in the pits and practically siked him on Tim. If only she had kept Damian to herself. 
Tim took the child's attempt on his life to heart, despite the pardon to Jason for much the same. See the difference there was that Bruce didn't treat the two attempts the same. Both tried to kill Tim. But while Jason was condemned and seen as the enemy for it, Damian was barely punished. Sure, Bruce expressed anger and disappointment, but all and all, that was it. Quite frankly, Tim thought Jason was more justified and yet, he received the harsher treatment. 
The injustice and unfair treatment of the Robins was never more clear than in that moment.
The true fall of Tim, however, was after Bruce died, leaving the others as orphans to battle over the cowl.
He never wanted to hold the title of Batman, but Dick was so reluctant and then Jason started posing as Batman, so Tim took him up. Just to put an end to it. To make the madness stop for just a second.
And finally, finally, Dick took his rightful place. After the loss of his father and adopted father and so many friends and teammates, Tim was ready for a semblance of normal. He'd worked under Dick before and it'd gone so well, he knew this is what they needed. What the city needed. Something was finally going to be okay.
But then it really wasn't. Dick gave his position to Damian. To the kid who killed, who tried to kill him. To an ungrateful, insubordinate, murderous child who held no morals or standard for anything that wasn't an animal. Dick took the only thing Tim had left and gave it away to the person who hated him most.
It should have come as no surprise that when Jason showed up, offering him refuge, a place to belong, a place at his side. He took it. 
He took it on his own terms.
Taking up the mask, not behind Jason, but at his side, as his partner, Tim took over the Brownstone building and created his perch. His and Red Hood's basis of operation. Dick thought Gotham needed a cruel, brutal, ruthless Robin? Fine. He'd give it one.
Sipping on his mug of hot chocolate and looking out into the night, he couldn't help the twinge of a frown that creeped onto his face. The downhill descent was a difficult one, yeah, but one way or another, he found his way to the bottom.
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bi-hop · 4 years ago
DC, unprompted: the Kryptonian word for a month is a lorax
me: say sike right now
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0ynes · 5 years ago
DC say sike right now. Damian and Raven can't be a thing. Isn't she much older than him? Like Dick and Starfire age?? Also they are both so emotionlly constipated I don't see it happening between them.  He looks like a baby next to her 😂 . He is 13 here and she is in her 20′s....DC why??
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  Eh, just another canon I will ignore.
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godstaff · 5 years ago
Really, what have we Superman fans done, and not Lois's, not only does Batman constantly humiliate him, but the woman also degrades him socially and emotionally. I'm siked of seeing how they have lost respect for a character who is or has been my favorite character in the comics. Because I don't even recognize him anymore. Hopefully and I wish it really closed DC, I feel ashamed how they have turned Superman into a clown. From 5 comics I see of Superman 3, I am horrified by how they treat him.
I’ll try to answer both your questions here.
Humiliating Supes has been DC favorite sport since 30+ years ago. Incapable writers has to simplify the character not because of the difficulties the public had to understand him, but for their own lack of competence to grasp such hero in its whole. And by simplifying I mean degrade him, taking him to a level their little minds could encompass: making him “human” by putting him under the authority of the all mighty Batso, under the high heels of Lois, chaining him to a city, a job and a family, reducing his mental capacity to that of the most stupid of humans, when he was once a genius intellect, elevating every mortal he’s in contact with so they can surpass him in every discipline he should be the best at by default.
Sadly, fans all over the World were okay with all of that or, at least, didn’t say a word until it was too late to come back.
The problem is, after all this degradation and humiliation, the incompetent editors and writers still don’t “get” Superman, because they are too busy making his human friends and lover awesome. They are human, Superman is still a filthy alien with no connection to humanity unless the awesome humans teach him how.
Funny how he’s supposed to hear everything on the planet, but failed to detect Batso sneaking behind him in the issue of JL you mentioned. Funny how he’s fast like the Flash, or almost, but couldn’t dodge in time to avoid been stricken by Bruce and his energy knuckles. Also funny how an energy discharge  from the Spectre could knock out every member of the JL, included Batso, who should’ve been disintegrated by a force capable of knocking Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Aquaman and Flash down. That’s an occasion where being a smart asshole doesn't amount to much.
Funny how Batso accused Supes of looking down on us, when he dismissed the apology of Clark, as if he was just an annoyance, and always treating everyone on his team like idiots. And Supes has to always act reverent towards Bruce, even though he looks at him like a good for nothing alien scum. Being a good guy it’s okay, but that is just being a submissive idiot.
DC started mistreating Superman coincidentally with the beginning of their own decline, which we are witnessing at its peak right now, as if their destinies are, somehow, bonded: if Supes is okay, the company is okay, if he’s facing his downfall, also is DC Comics. The company started with him and will fall with him too. They should take better care of their foundational character.
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