#foreign interference
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destielmemenews · 5 months ago
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"Adams has consistently said he is cooperating with the investigations and has denied wrongdoing through the steady drumbeat of searches, seizures and departures of top members of his administration.
But as news of the indictment spread Wednesday night, he began to mount a defiant defense that he was being targeted by the federal government for his political views, adopting language similar to former President Donald Trump and other politicians accused of crimes."
"The indictment alleges illegal actions stretching back to 2014, from when he was Brooklyn Borough president.
“For nearly a decade, Adams sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxury international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople and at least one Turkish government official seeking to gain influence over him,” the indictment reads."
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trexalicious · 2 months ago
The 100 Labour Party staffers who traveled to the U.S. to campaign against Donald Trump and in support of Kamala Harris may face serious legal consequences under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Did Keir Starmer authorize this? Was Labour acting as undeclared foreign agents?
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lifeland · 4 months ago
TLDR: Possibility that election day bomb threats were for eventually discrediting alterations to tabulation databases
Soooo, someone named Stephen Spoonamore is posting on spoutable that it's possible the 32 bomb threats were to break chain of custody, and cover up a hack to the tabulation systems in those counties. The link to this can be found here.
I have no clue how credible this guy is, nor am I any expert on the claims he's making. Therefore, I'm just sharing this and make no comment agreeing or disagreeing with these claims. While I haven't yet found the tv show he mentions being in, he's mentioned on the wikipedia article on Premier Election Solutions (Edit history indicates his name was in the article since at least 2011)
edit: clarified tldr
edit 2: the first entry in the thread is marked with an accuracy alert; however the author of that alert appears to have conflated Spoonamore's statements with something else.
edit 3: turns out that the number 32 was actually just one county. We are f*cked if we don't do anything.
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davidaugust · 2 months ago
At what point do the democracies of the world push back, decisively, on the wealthiest fool in the world’s meddling.
In some eras, kinetic response would have already taken place.
Today, Royal, US & German treasuries alone could curtail him, if politically viable, with sanctions.
Biden has weeks of power left. Action can be taken.
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motziedapul · 4 days ago
Part of the reason so much of the US government (including many Democrats) is doing everything it can to cater to Trump and Musk is because it has been and continues to be paid for by foreign and corporate lobbyists. The Democrats are paid, the Republicans are paid, and the signs were all there for years under Biden. They're all corrupt.
The idea that Trump was the only one being paid by foreign elements to destroy the country was a silly one. AIPAC puts millions into the US elections for Israel. Many of America's politicians were paid, including Democrats, and you can see that by following Track AIPAC and looking at their other corporate lobbyists.
Money from Pro-Israel to US Senators, 1990-2024
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The only people who haven't been paid by AIPAC are those who've spoken up against them or are 10000% against corporate lobbying in general, like Tlaib and Sanders.
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laughingpainfully · 4 months ago
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I'm trying not to blame you. But why did you have to do us like that girl.
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bitchy-peachy · 2 months ago
Not that immigrant piece of shit demanding a shutdown. Trump isn't even in office and this invasive foreign species pos thinks he owns the place and can demand with his lipless colonizer mouth that nothing more can be passed until Jan 20th.
Fuck off back to your apartheid with your stupid as shit hag mother, you pile dog feces.
I don't recall seeing your deformed intrusive ass on the ballot.
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tomorrowusa · 5 months ago
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Dictators are trying to get one of their own elected in America.
Voters here should not be dictated to by foreign war criminals.
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mossadegh · 6 months ago
When ex-President Harry Truman said he was “disturbed” by the CIA’s illicit covert activities abroad, it set off a firestorm in the agency he founded in 1947...
The Mossadegh Project
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trexalicious · 5 months ago
It's not just about his A1 Visa but also his foreign interference in US elections...
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davidaugust · 5 months ago
Not even a little surprising the watches are a way around campaign finance laws.
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bighermie · 2 years ago
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cultml · 2 years ago
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ivygorgon · 4 months ago
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress
Immediate Investigation Required: Election Integrity Threatened
13 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!
The recent wave of bomb threats at polling sites, delayed ballot counts, and technical malfunctions are raising significant public concerns about this election. With over 30 threats reported at voting locations, alongside signs of foreign interference and operational disruptions, a thorough investigation is essential for transparency and accountability.
To uphold the integrity of our democratic process, we urge immediate action to examine potential interference or fraud. If necessary, a recount or even a revote should be considered to restore voter trust. Addressing these concerns directly will reassure Americans that every vote is secure and counted.
Thank you for your commitment to the principles of our democratic system.
Source: https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/fbi-statement-on-bomb-threats-to-polling-locations
▶ Created on November 7 by Ret. SGT Guild
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I haven’t really seen any of the more recent U.S. election news hitting tumblr yet so here’s some updates (now edited with sources added):
There’s evidence of Trump cheating and interfering with the election.
Possible Russian interference.
Mail-in ballots are not being counted or “recognized” in multiple (notably swing) states.
30+ bomb threats were called in and shut down polling stations on Election Day.
20+ million votes are still unaccounted for, and that’s just to have the same voter turnout as 2020.
There was record voter turnout and new/first-time voter registration this year. We definitely should be well over the turnout in 2020.
U.S. citizens are using this site to demand, not only a recount, but a complete investigation into election fraud and interference for the reasons stated above:
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Here is what I submitted as an example:
An investigation for election interference and fraud is required. We desperately need a recount or even a revote. The American people deserve the right to a free and fair election. There has been evidence unveiled of Trump cheating and committing election fraud which is illegal. There is some evidence of possible Russian interference. At least 30+ bomb threats were called in to polling places. Multiple, notably swing states, have ballots unaccounted for and voting machines not registering votes. Ballots and ballot boxes were tampered with and burned. Over 20 million votes that we know of are unaccounted for. With record turnout and new voter registration this year, there should be no possibility that there are less votes than even in the 2020 election.
Sources (working on finding more links but if anyone wants to add info, it’s appreciated):
FBI addressing Russian interference and bomb threats:
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Emails released by Rachael Bellis (private account, can’t share original tweet) confirming Trump committing election fraud:
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Pennsylvania's Centre County officials say they are working with their ballot scanner vendor to figure out why the county's mail-in ballot data is "not being recognized when uploaded to the elections software:”
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Wisconsin recount:
Multiple screenshots and images.
The first is a screenshot with a link and information for contacting the White House directly regarding election fraud. The instructions include choosing to leave a comment to President Joe Biden directly and to select election security as the reason.
The screenshot then instructs people to include any or all of the following information in a paragraph as a comment to the president:
32 fake bomb threats were called into Democratic leaning poll places, rendering polling places closed for at least an hour.
A lot of people reporting their ballots were not counted for various reasons.
This all occurred in swing states.
This is too coincidental that these things happen and swing in his favor after months of hinting at foul play.
Directly state that an investigation for tampering, interference, fraud is required, not just a recount.
The second image is from the FBI Twitter account that reads:
The FBI is aware of bomb threats to polling locations in several states, many of which appear to originate from Russian email domains. None of the threats have been determined to be credible thus far. https://t.co/j3YfajVK1m — FBI (@FBI) November 5, 2024
The next four Gmail screenshots of an email sent to Rachael Bellis from Chris T. Spackman that read together as follows:
Dear BELLIS, RACHAEL E., The Dauphin County Board of Elections received a challenge to your absentee ballot you applied for in the November 5, 2024 General Election. The challenge argues that a provision of the Pennsylvania Election Code takes precedence over the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), which requires states and counties to permit U.S. citizens who move overseas to vote by absentee ballot for federal offices based on their last U.S. residential address.
The full text of the challenge that was filed appears below this email.
You may respond to the challenge in any of the following ways:
1. Call the Bureau of Registration and Election at (717) 780-6360;
2. Email a statement to the Bureau at Election [email protected]. Any statement you submit regarding the period during which you lived in Dauphin County, any family or connections that you still have here, and why you are now residing abroad would be read into the record.
3. Appear in person at a Board of Elections hearing scheduled for Friday, November 8 at a time to be determined in the Commissioners Public Hearing Room, 4th floor of Dauphin County Administration Building, 2 S 20d St, Harrisburg, PA 17111. The meeting is also likely to be livestreamed on Facebook on the Dauphin County channel.
Christopher T Spackman
Dear Dauphin County Board of Elections,
I am submitting this challenge to an absentee ballot application pursuant to 25 Pa. Stat.
25 Pa. Stat. 3146.8(f) Any person challenging an application for an absentee ballot, an absentee ballot, an application for a mail-in ballot or a mail-in ballot for any of the reasons provided in this act shall deposit the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) in cash with the county board, which sum shall only be refunded if the challenge is sustained or if the challenge is withdrawn within five (5) days after the primary or election. If the challenge is dismissed by any lawful order then the deposit shall be forfeited. The county board shall deposit all deposit money in the general fund of the…
The rest of the forwarded email is cut off.
The last image is a screenshot of the official statement from the Centre County, Pennsylvania Board of Commissioners released on November 6, 2024 that states:
Centre County Working with Ballot Scanner Vendor to Export Election Results.
(Bellefonte, PA) -Centre County Elections Office is working continuously to provide mail-in ballot data in order to post unofficial results.
To this point, all ballots have been scanned, including all mail-in ballots.
Centre County's Election team and IT team have identified that the data are successfully being exported from the mail-in ballot scanners, but that the data is not being recognized when uploaded to the elections software.
Centre County's Administrator, John Franek, Jr. stated, "We have not stopped working, and we will continue to work until unofficial results are posted and reported to the Pennsylvania Department of State."
As a next step, Centre County has begun working with the equipment vendor to adjust configurations to make the two systems-the mail-in ballot scanner and the elections software where data are uploaded -compatible with one another.
We will provide updates as we make progress.
/end ID]
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agentfascinateur · 26 days ago
Palantir again...
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trexalicious · 4 months ago
Harry - useful idiot or witting moron?
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