#a SPOUSE??? and he's NOT SURE???
empire-of-the-words · 2 months
so I read son of the demon straight through today (tbh maybe not my best idea I'm still sad 😓), and came to the realization that Bruce and Talia's marriage never actually ends. like, Talia just tells Bruce to leave and Ra's last line is literally calling Bruce his son. sure, it's implied, but, also. consider:
Random lawyer or finance guy or something: Have you ever been divorced or widowed? Bruce: Y- Bruce: Bruce: Bruce: actually I think I'm still married. Dick: I'm sorry, WHAT?
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beebopboom · 3 months
y’all- it’s the SAME FACE as 1967
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excuse me while I never recover from this…
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p4nishers · 1 year
oh my god. it just hit me. the time they met in eden, the first time in crowley's mind, he asked aziraphale a question and instead of smiting him or ignoring him, he answered. for the first time in his demonic existence, someone answered a question for him without any thought, like he deserved to hear the answer. no wonder he immediately fell in love huh
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u3pxx · 11 months
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[bad omens] you know how it is with me and body swaps and roleswaps orz
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opscuritas · 11 months
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Ineffable wedding Part 2! Because I wanted to see them tipsy and all handsy after a couple of bottles of champagne 🍾🥂
Part 1
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tswwwit · 3 months
Bless that trophy wife anon because they’re right. There’s no way mindscape citizens see whatever dipper does in the real world as a real career and he has no job in bill’s realm either, whether he likes it or not he’s entwined with bill’s world and his people and he can’t blame them for thinking his job is being bill’s husband.
That’s what pisses him off, the fact that they’re right.
No matter how Dipper protests that yes, he DOES have a job, the beings in the Fearamid don't believe it's 'real', or worse - humor him, then give Knowing Looks to the other demons in the room.
Meanwhile, Bill knows it's real - but sometimes he plays along like it isn't just to piss Dipper off.
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alexiethymia · 7 months
With the reveal that Aduo didn’t actually want to be the mother of the nation, looks like we now have a concrete path to a happy ending for Jinshi.
Though I actually really want to see him as the Emperor one day (at least for a time), it would be thematically appropriate if Jinshi takes not after the Emperor, but after Gaoshun and becomes the retainer of the future Emperor.
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palalabu · 7 months
Oh Lando is so ready. esp after that long briefing with the husband's manager.
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canisalbus · 8 months
the ask about marriage recently made me think of that thing i thought up when we were chatting about Separation: Machete reading up about how there were some same sex marriages in pagan Rome ages before and disregarding the church for once to have a little ceremony with Vasco out in the countryside. and i thought your tumblr readers would like to think on that
Oh yeah, I remember that! I actually think about it every now and then, but I've yet to do any meaningful research on the idea.
Machete is kind of an antiquity fanboy and it wouldn't be far fetched to say that his fascination and admiration for ancient Greece and Rome might've made it a tiny bit easier for him to accept his orientation. And even if he'd feel uneasy about acting behind his church's back and the ceremony would be purely symbolic, the need to have their union recognized and sealed in some type of way would be immense.
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muffinlance · 11 months
Toddler, huddled between plants on the floor in the dark dining room: The warmth left my blood so I needed to sit on a vent
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pistatsia · 11 months
Karasu and control
I've been thinking about this for a while, and this part of Hiori's novel (previous reblog) just brought it back to my attention.
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Karasu really likes to control things. I'm not saying he's a control freak, of course, but he certainly likes to feel a safe base beneath his feet. You can see this in his play style (when he gathers all the available information and acts only after that; his choice of France) and his fear of water (if I remember correctly, the thing that scares him the most in it is the unknown). AND also from the whole Marisa (his childhood crush) story (assuming it's true lol) - he's not the type to rush into anything: neither in relationships nor hobbies. I don't think he would have chosen to join Blue Lock if he wasn't really sure in his abilities. He's really mature about things like that.
I was thinking in the context of him probably going to university (data analysis please!) in addition to his sports career, since he seems like a really rational guy when it comes to serious stuff? He gives Hiori some great advice about not wasting his time on something he doesn't like, Ego mentions that his greatest skill is his analytical ability - he never acts because-he-just-feels-it, he was the one who argued with the referee in the U-20 game about Rin's injury (so responsible!), and generally acts very logically (except for the whole Hiori and his legs theme lol). I don't think he would be able to fully relate on the sport, he certainly knows about the statistics of failures and broken careers.
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He loves football, of course, but he is really right about "people who only play football can't become great players". But that's more because for Karasu, it's unrealistic to be stable (which is sometimes a deciding point in the game) when your whole life depends on it. When everything relies on you winning. Karasu really has a glimpse of Snuffy's philosophy in that, and it's great to see that in the character: Failing at one thing doesn't say anything about you. And you should always be more than one thing to have the right mental balance.
That's what makes him so strong - not that he'll never fail. Of course one day he will.
But rather the knowledge that he has done everything to be stable in case of failure; that any possible failure will not ruin his life. 
Because he has made sure that his back is covered.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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Princess Katelyn in this on her wedding day, yes or no??🤔
Been VIBRATING with the need to draw more royal kateaaron for this AUGH
I mean LOOK. LOOK AT THIS, THIS IS WHAT I IMAGINE AARON WEARING TO THEIR WEDDING. maybe more silver but that’s okay we can do that
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They’d look so good. Katelyn in this dress and Aaron in this suit, they’re such a power couple if we’re being completely honest with ourselves. Katelyn kisses him first in excitement, but once he catches his balance Aaron sweeps off his crown and kisses her as she deserves to be kissed (lots of smiles and little laughs and very sweetly)
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Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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varpusvaras · 11 months
I can't believe I only now thought 'what about 17' in Up that Mountain.
He gets one panicked crying message from Cody about how they lost Fox. 17 doesn't get more out of him, so he tries Ponds, because Ponds is not a fucking idiot. Ponds tells him that yes, they did, in fact, lose Fox, but...he isn't sure in what way. Fox is not on Coruscant and Thorn is now the Commander of the Guard, and Fox's name is not even in the GAR database anymore. So, uh, they assume that he is dead? But then there is the problem that they don't have the body, so they have double lost him. And something about this is making Ponds a little suspicious because if there is no body, is he actually dead? He has seen people get into worse situations and come out alive. None of the Guard seems like they are bothered either? They all liked Fox, so wouldn't they be?
17 is getting a headache. After the call he goes to get a drink or something, and Shaak Ti walks past him in the hallway. She smiles at him and then, for some reason, congratulates him, saying that he must be very proud and happy. What 17 is, is really fucking confused.
Meanwhile, on Alderaan, Fox wakes up in cold sweat. He thinks he has forgotten something really important.
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beebopboom · 11 months
So like Aziraphale protects Crowley by keeping him away from whatever it is until he has figured out as much as he can maybe even tries to fix it himself because he knows Crowley is protective of him to the point of impulsivity and he isn't nearly as protective of himself as he should be at least to Aziraphale right?
Because before the beginning it was Aziraphale that gave Crowley the reason he started questioning so imagine how much guilt he holds for that
and in season one when he doesn’t tell crowley about the book that could and does solve all their problems? seems like a pretty important thing to tell your partner? he instead uses it to figure out how to fix this and as his last ditch effort of getting God to stop this war - even if Crowley is mad at him right now he would later see that all Aziraphale was trying to do was protect him if it all works - but it doesn’t and well now he has to figure out a way to tell Crowley
(imagine having your efforts of protection thrown back into your face and to be called stupid - well he’ll forgive him of course)
And then you have the holy water Aziraphale refuses to give him something that could destroy him - he actively keeps it away from Crowley- and then when he confronted with why Crowley wanted it for protection from Hell if they ever found out about them in 1941 and Crowley does nothing just accepts it well he protects him then but he can't always be there so when he hears later that he is still trying to holy water - well he gives it to him
and then i’m season two he doesn’t call Crowley right away when Gabriel shows up. why not? well he has to make sure he is not a threat and to get all the information out of him that he can and only when he establishes he is not a threat and doesn’t have information he can work with well now it’s ok to call Crowley but has to break it to him gently
Idk these are just a few things i can remember off the top of my head maybe there is more or i just read into this wrong
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ask-ethari-anything · 5 months
Viren is the one that imprisoned your cool husband Runaan in a coin. He also tortured him too in the dungeon.
Moon bless and keep him... far away from me. I do try to leave the bloodletting to my dear husband!
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goodnight-islanders · 6 months
I only very recently learned you can romance characters but I'm always down for that
Imagine my surprise when I set my sights on Genzui and then meet his wife?!?!! Like I know these are based on the real people but I didn't think I was gonna have to homewreck
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