Little Miss Muffin
8K posts
Call me Em ● Mainly batfam and Talia, as well as random things I find cute/funny ● ship and let ship ● very Catholic but if you want to talk other religions my nerd brain will activate
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empire-of-the-words · 4 hours ago
For some reason I headcanon that Nyssa is absolutely terrible with kids
Like, she's had kids of her own, but that doesn’t change a thing. She'll be in the room with a crying eight year old and just... awkwardly pat their head. Maybe give them a few bucks to go get ice cream (by themselves, because she is not going through that torture)
While Nyssa was a pretty great mother to her own kids, if a child doesn't share her blood, she's clueless. And even that's an exaggeration because she has no idea what to do with Damian and Mara
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empire-of-the-words · 5 hours ago
This is how the first Avengers went, right?
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empire-of-the-words · 5 hours ago
oh brutalia
what you could have been
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empire-of-the-words · 17 hours ago
trying to find al ghul content that isnt racist (ew), tim-centric (dgaf), abusive/predator hcs (hhhhhhng), rastim (STILL dgaf), racist again/terrorist claims, or danny fucking phantom (????)
guys. pelase. please guys.
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empire-of-the-words · 17 hours ago
very worrying news in Romania recently
a family has been accused of the crime 'withholding education' from their children for choosing homeschooling (which is technically illegal here, unless you're enrolled in a foreign school, which this family was, they were doing an Abeka course, which is actually among the accredited courses)
they made an appeal and are now waiting (the sentence is prison for a few months + supervision so that they don't leave the country etc)
the accusation has been made abusively, as the law isn't about homeschooling, but about people who make their kids beg for food or work the fields etc etc etc instead of going to school. or at least that's what I understood, that it was a law that made education mandatory (in the spirit of preventing child labour and other abuses)
however this family was sued by the teacher of the public school the kids used to go to before the parents decided on 'homeschooling' them (read: enrolling them in an American school online, which is actually the only legal way to homeschool in Romania and many parents do this already), and the law described above was invoked
this is a very concerning situation here. if they're still declared guilty and if they still have to serve their sentence this would set a worrying precedent here in Romania.
please pray for this family (Darius and Estera Cornean) and for Romania in general
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empire-of-the-words · 17 hours ago
“The old magic persists thanks to it’s unfathomable power.”
No, the old magic persists because the new magic can’t run the legacy spells I need to do my job, and keeps trying to install spirits I don’t want or need onto my orb.
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empire-of-the-words · 1 day ago
AU where Bruce knows Jason and Damian are in the league but he can't get the back yet so he just has to deal with th3 fact his kids are in the league
🤣🤣🤣 oh god that would KILL him. and while I could EASILY turn this into an angsty prompt (the angst is there on a silver platter), I am in a crack mood
Bruce: *over the phone* come on, talia. talia: *feigning confusion* what? what is it you need, Beloved bruce: *mutters something indecipherable* talia: repeat that again? bruce: *like it physically pains him* . . . please talia: *checkign her nails* please what, dear? bruce: WE'RE NOT EVEN DIVORCED, HOW COME YOU GOT THE KIDS IN THE NON-EXISTENT SPLIT???? talia: *locking eyes with jason, who is snickering* what kids? bruce: *loudly sobbing* I DEMAND VISITATION RIGHTS talia: *covers phone and addresses jason* demands? jason: an apology letter talia: *uncovers phone* jason would like an apology letter bruce: *so relieved he's incoherent* anything jason: *still a shit, just not little* and a hot rod talia: *primly* and a hot rod bruce: . . . and a hot rod damian: *appearing out of the darkness* i would like to request an dragon. preferably in egg form so that I can raise him from hatching
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empire-of-the-words · 1 day ago
damian is so calvin and hobbes coded i imagine he'd be exactly like that at 6 years old. talia gives him a stuffed tiger that he doesn't leave his room without, it sits and watches him train. instead of imagining himself as spaceman spiff he wears his blanket as a cape and jumpscares ra's while yelling about how he Is The Night. when he gets to gotham he takes his tiger with him. he refuses to talk to it anymore because that's for kids obviously and he is Not a child but he never loses the habit of muttering to himself and everyone tries really hard to pretend it isn't really adorable
i cant come up with a name for the tiger but yeah do u guys feel me
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empire-of-the-words · 1 day ago
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🚬🚬dont even joke lad
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empire-of-the-words · 1 day ago
Just hear me out on this; I'm absolutely certain that part of Bruce's Around The World Teenage Training Montage included training in childcare.
I mean-- we know that he studied medicine, both modern ideas and more metaphysical ones. We know that he studied psychology, both his own and how to use it against his enemies. Hell, we even know that he studied with Giovanni Zatara and learned Houdini-Style escape arts (and some information on fighting magic, but whatever). So, especially considering that the entire origin of his mission was to make sure that no child ever had to suffer the pain he did ever again, why on Earth wouldn't he study childcare?
So yeah-- Batman is a trained midwife, he can tie almost every single style of baby wrapping known to man, and he can silence a crying infant with no trouble at all.
He's well versed in Montessori techniques, always carries candy in his utility belt for the children he finds on the job (candy which, of course, he makes himself and infuses with extra vitamins because he's an overachiever [note-- Dick was 23 when he found out that his childhood patrol candy was full of vegetables and he was FURIOUS]), and keeps every single crayon drawing a kid has ever made for him.
He's excellent at deescalating teenage angst, helping runaways and abuse victims, making sure than when he catches them stealing or graffiting a wall or something it's the last time he does; not just because he scares the shit out of them, but because he gives them the support and resources to overcome their problems at the source.
(Of course, that just means it's all the more painful when he's not quite able to do the same thing for his own kids when they're struggling and angry and hurt, because they know his playbook and only get more angry when they realize what he's doing-- because they don't want Batman to help them, they want Bruce, and Bruce doesn't know quite how to do that... But that's for another, angstier post...)
And another thing-- of course, being Batman, no one other than the immediate Batfam knows about this little trove of hidden knowledge. So usually, when the JLA encounters a kid in the field they hand them off to Clark or Diana or maybe even J'onn or Barry depending on the circumstances, because obviously Batman wouldn't be good at helping the kid-- until the one time he's the only one available for whatever reason.
He does his thing, and after the kid is totally calm and safe, Bruce just hands them off to emergency services like nothing happened and immediately goes back to... You know, being Batman, and refuses to answer any questions on it.
I could go on about this forever but. Batman with kids, guys ☹️
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empire-of-the-words · 1 day ago
arkham brutalia is fun i like when batman arrives at wonder city like an abandoned kitten shows up on a doorstep in the rain and talias like "wtf. howd u find us ? >:( whatever i cant stay mad at u for long ur so sexy haha" and batman, dying, was hallucinating a few seconds ago, using all his physical and mental strength 2 appear somewhat normal is like "i want to b an assassin for real this time" so talias like really? cool :]
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empire-of-the-words · 2 days ago
this running gag of nika being a talia stan is soooo funny to me
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especially when you consider that they’re pushing for talia to be slightly put-off by her.
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(though, this phrasing is, in part, due to ubu’s growing resentment and irritation toward her presence).
so not only do we have bruce being skeptical of her (in typical bruce fashion, to be fair)
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but we also have talia dealing with the ramifications of stan culture, AND ra’s & nika being quite literally attached at the hip
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great introduction to the family, nika. outstanding job.
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empire-of-the-words · 2 days ago
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empire-of-the-words · 2 days ago
I don't know exactly how to phrase this, and I feel like this kind of weird, but there are a few characters I'd like to know your opinion on, given your position in the fandom. Helena Wayne (as an anti-Batcat) Helena Bertinelli (as a Catholic DC fan) And Nika aka Flatline (as a Damian fan)?
Don't worry, you phrased it perfectly!
I know absolutely nothing about Helena Wayne other than that she’s Bruce and Selina’s daughter and elements of her character went on to inspire Helena Bertinello, so I do not have an opinion to give 😅
I love Helena Bertinelli! This is actually pretty separate to her being Catholic (though that doesn't hurt), especially because she kills, and that's obviously not allowed by the Church. I think that would be interesting to explore, though, how she’s a faithful Catholic, but not really a good one. If this already exists and I just haven't read it, please let me know! But just character-wise, she’s really interesting, and has cool, unique dynamics with the batfam
I also love Nika! I haven't read Robin (2021) yet, so most my knowledge comes from her arc in Batman and Robin (2023), but the criminal empire thing is really interesting, personality-wise her confidence and emotional side intersect beautifully, and lbr her design is awesome. She and Damian seem to really like each other, and fit together well, so I ship them too
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
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empire-of-the-words · 2 days ago
"they're irredeemable"
incorrect. they're unrepentant. no one is irredeemable.
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empire-of-the-words · 2 days ago
hey everyone knows that canonically jason did not ask bruce to kill the joker right? we all know that 'jason asks bruce to kill joker for him' is fanon right? we all know that jason said 'i am going to kill the joker, batman will have to kill me to stop me' right? we all understand that vengeance against the joker is something that jason is ready to do himself but he needs bruce 'a father's righteous vengeance is to kill his child's murderer' wayne to stand witness to his failure but not necessarily participate in breaking his one rule right? we all get that when talking about utrh and saying batman had to choose it's about action- killing jason or inaction- not saving joker right? we know batman killing joker wasn't a presented option even though he interpreted it that way right?
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empire-of-the-words · 2 days ago
Someone asked me if I think a Christian can be gay. My answer? Yeah.
The thing is though, a Christian won’t celebrate that. A Christian won’t commit to that lifestyle. A Christian will actively give their life over to God and allow Him to dictate what is right and wrong.
We tend to make alot of bad choices that lead to a lot of defending sin. We tend to let society dictate what is moral and we have seen how twisted its idea of morality is. Instead of speaking over God, let’s let Him speak over us.
So can a Christian be gay? I suppose. But they certainly won’t wear it as a badge of honor.
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