#Yu Nan
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Yu Nan for Marie Claire China's Power Trip Women's Influence Night as she shares she recently got married
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Cdrama: Zang Hai Zhuan (2024?)
ENGSUB 【藏海传 Zang Hai Zhuan】 杀青特辑:全阵容官宣!郑晓龙执导现场曝光, 肖战张婧仪新造型亮相 | 肖战/张婧仪/周奇/黄觉 | 古装 奇幻 | 优酷 YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WLsPr1ociU
#Zang Hai Zhuan#藏海传#The Legend of the Hidden Sea#The Legend of Zang Hai#Tibetan Sea#Tibetan Sea Opera#Zang Hai Chuan#Cang Hai Xi Lin#藏海戏麟#2024?#youtube#cdrama#chinese drama#trailer#Youku#Xiao Zhan#Zang Hai#Zhang Jing Yi#Xiang An Tu#Zhou Qi#Huang Jue#Yu Nan#Michelle Chen#Zhang Guo Qiang#Qiao Zhen Yu#behind the scenes#full cast
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rant incoming!
I fully believe that the expendables series is one of the biggest wasted potentials of a movie series in recent cinema history. This series could have (and should have) leaned heavily into the energy of the expendables 2, which is the best one imo so I might be biased, where it leaned into the fact that it was a bunch of aging action stars from various eras and embraced it instead of constantly trying to hand things over to younger cast members or botching what could have been one of the most entertaining franchises to exist. I mean for goodness sake Jean Claude Van Damme is literally named Vilain and is generic villain™️!!
I personally enjoy these movies because I'm there to watch some of my favorite action stars be cool and shoot up crap and pal around, and thats what it always should have been. Now, it can be as serious or unserious as it wants to be (like I've stated before I lean towards 2 so that's my preference of the ratio) but it should have been focused on this cast of characters. I understand that Stallone had stated with the third movie that he wanted it to open to a wider/younger audience but I really think that was the wrong choice. As far as I've seen from various fan response, we are all here to watch this cast! these guys! Not some younger actors we don't really care about. They should have ham'd it up! Maybe they kill off some mebers every once in a while if they want to keep it interesting. They are the expendables after all! They could bring on so many cool actors too. Imagine if in the expendables 3, instead of being what it is, they brought in some of the female action stars from the 80s / 90s! They could be new additions to the team, a mercenary squad that has a cool, friendly yet competitive rivalship with them, or even as villains! Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, Uma Thurman, Michelle Yeoh, etc!! So many cool ladies that would have been a fantastic and fun way to keep the movies fresh while staying on brand. Now if they wanted to bring on younger crowds then maybe bring on some more established "modern" action stars then. Ronda Rousey kinda makes sense to me because to my understanding she's fighter in real life. I do think you can bring on newcomers and I'm welcome to it! But I wish they didn't want to hand it over to them. I understand many of these actors are aging and may not want to do this forever and thats completely fine, but i feel that there is a better way then how they went. Also! longer standing villains would be so great! Not necessarily like Thanos but maybe keep them on for more then one movie. Allow establishing time or allow more time to have the battle of good v evil! I.e Vilain was two movies and not one, Stonebanks (who was wasted in 3 smh) given 2 or 3 movies due to his connection with barney or 4 if they had a really good concept/reasoning/writing, etc. There's so much I could probably add and maybe I will later if i think of it but it saddens me to see the state of where this franchise is heading. I hate that Tool hasn't been back once, his arc will never be finished. I hate that so many actors that should be in this arent any more or never will get to be due to its decrease in quality. I hate that the latest movie feels like the lacroix equivalent of a tangerine. I hate that these movies have had more bad than good recently. I know they were never masterpieces, but as someone who loves action films and enjoys many of these actors movies, it was such a fun franchise and one that's potential has been squandered. It's just sad. This is also coming from someone who is relatively new to this series. I didn't grow up with this so I have no nostalgia or anything, I'm not blinded by rose tinted glasses. I'm just a fan who wishes better for this series. I hope we get a movie that absolutely revives and revitalizes this franchise but after 4, I'm not betting anything on it.
feeling like we should have gotten sequels to the A-Team (2010) instead right now
#sorry for all the spelling mistakes! i was trying to get a lot of thoughts out#I won't even go into the abomination that 4 was but Tony Jaa and Iko Uwais were criminally underused and I hate that so much#the expendables#film#movies#sylvester stallone#jason statham#jet li#cinema#action movies#dolph lundgren#randy couture#jean claude van damme#terry crews#antonio banderas#rant post#90s#80s#action stars#chuck norris#yu nan#mel gibson#wesley snipes#the expendables 2#the expendables 3#rant#personal#sigourney weaver#linda hamilton#michelle yeoh
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For the past two months I have been explaining the plot of TGCF (or as he calls it: "the gay man lore™") to a friend of mine. I have heavily condensed the plot and we are still not done. Though I would like to tell you all the alternate names he has come up with
Xie Lian = Jay Leno
Hua Cheng = Little red ridding hood
San Lang = Little red vibing hood
Hong Hong-er = kys kid
Wu Ming = gaster the royal scientists
Feng Xin = thing one
Mu Qing = thing two
Nan Feng = thing three
Fu Yao = Thing four
Qi Ying = autism god
Yin Yu = low tier god
Lang Qianqiu = headband guy
Pei Ming = womanizer
Yushi Huang = Susie Deltarune
Lang Ying = Springtrap
Ban Yu = specific girl
Pei Lang = specific boy
Shi Qingxuan = Scott the woz
Shi Wudu = don't lose your head wudu
Black water = Black water
Qi Rong = pac man
Gu Zi = mochi
Jun Wu = Jesus
Ling Wen = female Shakespeare
Mei Nian Qing= gambling man
#xie lian#hua cheng#san lang#wu ming#feng xin#mu qing#nan feng#fu yao#qi ying#yin yu#pei ming#yushi huang#lang ying#lang qianqiu#Hong Hong-er#ban yue#pei Lang#shi qingxuan#shi wudu#he xuan#black water sinking ships#qi rong#Gu zi#jun wu#bai wuxiang#tgcf#heaven official's blessing#ling wen#Mei Nian Qing
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The First Shot | Working family
#huang jingyu#character: zheng bei#liu run nan#character: zhang xiao guang#wang ziqi#character: gu yi ran#xie ke yin#character: zhang xue yao#zhao yu tong#character: ding guo zhu#the first shot#cdrama#favorite#雪迷宫#6squad
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A Love Story of Oiled Paper Umbrella (2024) - 一伞烟雨 - Whump List

List by StayDandy Synopsis : Supreme Court's Nan Fengyi and demon broker Meng Xizhou cross paths through a crime, leading her to apprentice under him as they team up to capture demons. Their growing bond is tested when Meng Xizhou’s inner demon takes control, and Nan Fengyi discovers the demonic core she lost resides within him. (MDL)
Whumpee : Nan Feng Yi played by Yu Meng Long
Country : 🇨🇳 China Genres : Historical, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from the web novel "Yi San Yan Yu" (一伞烟雨) by Chen Xiao Tao (陈小桃)
Episodes on List : 19 Total Episodes : 24
*Spoilers below*
01 : Nan Feng Yi has nosebleed … nosebleed
02 : Trapped in a burning building
03 : (past halfway point) Imprisoned
04 : Fight; knocked back, spits up blood … (near end) nosebleed
05 : (at end) Practicing a new spell; shaking, fingertips bleeding
06 : (near end) Fight; pinned to a wall, coughs up blood
08 : (new end) Controlled by a spell, hallucinating … arrested, interrogated; tortured, repeatedly struck with electric shocks, several cuts bleeding, pain
09 : … continued from previous ep. ... Still imprisoned, clothes bloodstained … straining to practice a spell while imprisoned.. pain … struck with electric shock, pain
11 : Trapped … stabbed, spits up blood.. passed out … pain from wound
13 : (at end) Coughs up blood
15 : Arrested, handcuffed, back of knees kicked forced to kneel
16 : Imprisoned, caged, coughing up blood
17 : Pickup then dropped by a monster
19 : Someone attempts to strip him of his magic core, fails, coughs up blood, passes out
20 : Found passed out … pale, coughing up blood … pushed to the ground, tortured … pain
21 : Magic core removed, pain, spits up blood, falls.. pain … forced to kneel, pain, spits up blood … hit with a force, spits up blood
22 : Protects someone, takes a magical strike … [flashback] binds himself with magic, hit with a force, spits up blood … [present] collapses, passes out … weak, unsteady, pain.. coughing up blood
23 : Collapses … passes out … spits up blood, collapses
24 : Passes out … using all his strength to perform a spell, dies
#whump#whump list#full whump list#Asian whump#China#A Love Story of Oiled Paper Umbrella#一伞烟雨#Nan Feng Yi#Yu Meng Long
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Heaven Official's Blessing ▪︎ Hurdacı Ölümsüz Ve Kızıl Cübbeli Hayalet hakkındaki halk hikayesi
"Orta dünyada şöyle derler, bir zamanlar hurdacı bir ölümsüz varmış.
Ona Hurdacı ölümsüz deseler de bu ölümsüzün kutsadığı hurda toplayıcılar değildi, ölümlüler diyarının huzuruydu. Çünkü aynı zamanda o en güçlü savaş tanrısıydı.
O'nun yenemeyeceği hiçbir kötülük, öldüremeyeceği hiçbir hayalet yoktur. O, dünyayı yok edecek güce sahip olsa da çiçeğe değer verecek yürekten yoksun değildi.
Ancak bir tanrıya ibadet etmek için birtakım kurallar ve tabular vardır. Eğer biri bu ölümsüze tapılan bir tapınağa uğrarsa asla öylesine gelişigüzel secde edilmemelidir.
Ancak bu hurdacı ölümsüzün özel bir yapısı var ve şanssızlığı çağırır. İnanmıyor musun? Bir zar hazırla, ölümsüzün ilahi heykelinin elini ovalayıp zar at, gel gör ki şansın kesinlikle en kötüsü olacak.
Yani, bu Hurdacı ölümsüzün tozlu beyaz heykeline dua eden bir kişi ne kadar çok dua ederse heykelin o kadar çok kötü şans getirebileceğini söylenir. Suyun bile dişlerin arasına sıkışabileceği noktadan Taocu cübbe giyerken hayaletleri görmeye kadar."
"Orta dünyada bir de şundan bahsedilir, öyle bir Kızıl Cübbeli Hayalet Kral varmış ki.
Her ne kadar bu Hayalet Kral'ın insan dışı bir varlık olduğu düşünülse de muazzam sayıda inananlara sahipti. Kendi meskenlerinde Hayalet Kral’ın türbesini gizlice kuranlar sıklıkla bulunur, gündüz ve gece ibadet edip iyi şans için dua ederlerdi.
Bunun nedeni, yalnızca bu Hayalet Kral’ın yenilmez olması değil, görünüşe göre tek bir yenilgiyi bile tatmamıştı ve şansı kıyaslanabilir derecede güçlüydü.
İnanmıyor musun? Zarları atmadan önce onun önünde secdeye kapan. Eğer sana yardım etmeyi isterse o zaman bir sonraki atışınız kesinlikle olağanüstü olacak.
Ancak hayaletler tanrılar gibi değil yani doğal olarak daha fazla tabular var. Hayalet kral çok güçlü olsa da kişiliği tuhaf ve aşırıdır.
Eğer mutluysa sen dua etmesen bile sana yardım edecektir; eğer mutsuzsa sen bin altın versen bile geri çevirir; eğer aşırı mutsuzsa kim bilir belki bir gün canını bile alabilir.
Yani aynı mantıkla, saygınızı göstermek en iyisi ama yine de uzak durun."
"Ancak eğer insanlar hem bu tanrının hem de bu hayaletin ilahi heykellerine beraber ibadet ederse işte o zaman bir mucize olur.
O Kızıl Cübbeli Hayalet Kral, Hurdacı Ölümsüz'ü saran tüm talihsizlikleri kovacak ve onun gerçek görünüşünü ortaya çıkarmasına izin verecek.
İnsanlar bunu şok edici bir şekilde keşfedecekler, görünüşe göre o Hurdacı ölümsüzün rengi tozlu bir beyaz değil, parıl parıl parlayan altın rengiymiş."
"Efsaneler genellikle gerçeklere dayanır. Ancak bu masal muhtemelen çok çok uzun zaman önce belki de sekiz yüz yıl öncesinden başlayarak anlatılması bile gerekebilirdi ve bunu anlatmak çok çok uzun bir hikaye olurdu. İnsanlar dinleme sabrına sahip olmayabilir.
Ancak kesin olan şu ki her ikisinin de en güçlü güçlerini sergilemesine sahip olmak için ikisine birlikte tapınılmalıdır.
Bu şekilde kişi iki kat servet ve iki kat yenilmezlik elde edebilir.
Cennetin kutsamasıyla, hiçbir yol çıkmaz değildir."
"天官赐福 百无禁忌"

#heaven official's blessing#hua cheng#xie lian#hualian#tian guan ci fu#heavenlyblessing#feng xin#ling wen#jun wu#jian lan#mu qing#nan yang#xuan zhen#hexuan#shi wudu#shi qingxuan#quan yizhen#yin yu#pei su#peiming#pei ming#ban yue#yushi huang#hong hong er#mei nianqing
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Calamity Mu Qing this and calamity Xie Lian that. Have you considered Feng Xin as a ghost?? He'd be out there looking for Xie Lian. He would know that's what Hua Cheng is doing too. It'd be the most competitive 2 supreme ghost race of which of them can find Xie Lian first and it would last for 800 years...
#calamity feng xin like i NEED to find his highness and hua cheng is there like No You Don't#feng xin like who even ARE you????! stop messing around this is serious#can you imagine he xuan at any collab#he'd surrounded by the weirdest people and there are two of them#poor yin yu too???#would feng xin hua cheng work together to search or would they kill each other#do you think it'll kill them when mu qing ends up meeting xie lian first#pfffft#like 'that guy wasnt even looking?? he doesnt deserve that?!'#xie lian glancing at the help he gets for the bride case and its 2 ghosts and 1 official and they're all in disguise#xie lian is pretty sure he recognises one of the ghosts and the official#not sure how he can ask about that kindly#like oh fu yao i heard general nan feng died way back haha. how did it happen? ^-^#mu qing: i think he shot himself in the foot amd drowned?#feng xin: you liar?!??!?!!!#san lang: i think i can enlighten you gege. he drowned to death.#feng xin: TF???!?!!#tgcf
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TGCF characters as zodiac signs
I base everything on my astrology knowledge and descriptions of the sun signs are from Labyrinthos.

Xie Lian - Sagittarius
The Sagittarius zodiac sign often gains the reputation of the philosopher among their fellow zodiac signs. They do have a great ability to focus, but this may be surprising since many of them love exploring and wandering the world, tasting all the pleasures of life. From an early age, they must learn how to channel their energy or else they risk stretching themselves out too thin going in too many directions. They often are hasty individuals and lack patience. When they encounter failure they can sometimes make a sudden comeback, much to the surprise of others. While they are loyal friends, they may find it hard to commit as this can run counter to their desire for freedom and expansion.

Hua Cheng - Capricorn
Those born under the Capricorn zodiac sign are talented at applying their keen intelligence and ambition to practical matters. Stability and order are important to them — and this makes them good organizers. Their goals are often lofty, and they achieve them slowly — but purposefully, and systematically. They are gifted with a sharp intuition, although they can be rather secretive about what they perceive. They are patient with themselves — they have confidence that they can accomplish all their goals if they follow their step-by-step plan. They are responsible people that often take the heavy burden of others — whether willingly, or just because they are so capable. However, they find it difficult to share their own troubles and can struggle with depression if they don’t learn how to express their feelings.

But he definitely has a Venus in Cancer.
Mu Qing - Scorpio

Feng Xin - Aries

Pei Ming - Libra
The zodiac sign Libra thrives when their needs of balance, justice, and stability are met. They are charming creatures that somehow always surround themselves with a sense of beauty and harmony. Admittedly, some of them can go to extremes searching that harmony — which can make their situations unreasonable or unhealthy. Their ruling planet is Venus meaning that Libras are nurturing, caring and they can make great defenders of the downtrodden. Sometimes, they can be shy if they find difficulties in coming out of their shell and letting their guard down. Despite their more introverted side they still love a good debate.
with Leo rising
Those born under the Gemini zodiac sign enjoy socialising and love surrounding themselves with people. They are ruled by the planet Mercury, and so they are never happier than when they are sharing their ideas and communicating with the people around them. They enjoy chit-chat and tend to have expression and communication very high on their list of priorities. Sometimes their love for sharing themselves with others, and their never-ending list of ideas can make them seem nervous, excited and sometimes even manic.
Yin Yu - Taurus
Unfortunately, those born under the Scorpio zodiac sign are often misunderstood. They are quite bold, with intense personalities and feelings that hide underneath their cool exterior. They are capable people that can compete great and massive projects with control and confidence. Their intensity when approaching a situation means that they can surmount almost all obstacles if they can truly put their mind to the task. Many Scorpios have an unshakable focus when they need to call on it. However, they are often secretive, seeming withdrawn and uninterested, when they are actually keenly observing.
Those born under the Aries zodiac sign often have an exciting and enthusiastic energy. They often seek new and challenging adventures that can push their limits. They are driven, ambitious and curious, and Aries tend to have a strong sense of justice. They love competition, in all its forms. They are generally quite optimistic, and they love being placed in leadership positions.
Shi Qingxuan - Gemini
The Pisces zodiac sign are the dreamers and mystics of the zodiac — but you may never know it. Many of them have extremely vivid inner lives — filled with fantasy, magic and wonder. They may find it hard to express that inner life, meaning that many of them are introverts. They are honest, compassionate, and trustworthy but they can sometimes take it too far and be rather gullible. Because of that they can be taken advantage of. Beneath their quiet exterior, Pisces has an intense determination, which helps them transcend any obstacles that come their way.

Quan Yizhen - Pisces
People born under the Taurus zodiac sign are often incredibly dedicated, reliable and dependable. Above all things, they value their sense of security and stability. After Aries brings its fiery energy, it is Taurus that lays down the foundations and follow through. They tend to be rather stubborn and dislike change. When they settle with a routine that they like, it can take much effort to get them to change.
#tgcf#mxtx tgcf#my tiny thoughts#zodiac signs#astrology#xie lian#hua cheng#mu qing#feng xin#pei ming#shi qingxuan#quan yizhen#yin yu#xuan zhen#nan yang#ming guang#crimson rain sought flower#qi ying
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Xiao Nan Yu by Karoline Kuras
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Yu Nan for Vanguard
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Today's GENDER is voiced by Chuck Huber and animated by EGG FIRM
And today's main theme is:
#gender#genderqueer#anime#animation#voiced by#animated by#voice acting#voice actors#gender of the day#egg firm#chuck huber#saiki k#kuniharu saiki#soul eater#franken stein#professor stein#yu yu hakusho#hiei#yyh hiei#sao alternative#mushoku tensei#saiki no psi nan#STANCE PUNKS#music
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Noble Jie, the bridge builder, the relationship expert, the communication queen.
#will she finally tell Feng Xin and Mu Qing that they need to bone?#ling wen#nangong jie#ling wen zhen jun#feng xin#nan yang#xie lian#jun wu#yin yu#quan yizhen#qi ying#hua cheng#hualian
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Tiger and Crane | S01E01
Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes
#Drama: Tiger and Crane#CDrama#Wuxia#Mystery#Youth#Fantasy#Enemies to Friends#虎鹤妖师录#Tiger and Crane#Jiang Long#Zhang Ling He#Chen You Wei#Han Cheng Yu#Zhao Run Nan#Liu Yao Yuan
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The First Shot | The squad.
#huang jingyu#character: zheng bei#liu run nan#character: zhang xiao guang#wang ziqi#character: gu yi ran#xie ke yin#character: zhang xue yao#zhao yu tong#character: ding guo zhu#the first shot#cdrama#favorite#雪迷宫#90's aesthetics#6squad#TFS aesthetics#snow maze#xue mi gong
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Cdrama: Douluo Continent (2021)
武魂特效大揭秘 #xiaozhan #douluocontinenet #斗羅大陸#肖戰 #吳宣儀 #soulland #電視劇 #cdrama 完整正片請戳頭像 Hit to Watch Full EPs⬇
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cPI2RWebhqo
#Douluo Continent#斗罗大陆#Soul Land#Douluo Dalu#Dou Luo Da Lu#斗羅大陸#Douluo Continent Season 1#2021#CCTV#Tencent Video#WeTV#youtube#cdrama#chinese drama#short video#shorts#Xiao Zhan#Sean Xiao#Tang San#Wu Xuan Yi#Xiao Wu#Gao Tai Yu#Dai Mu Bai#Liu Mei Tong#Zhu Zhu Qing#Liu Run Nan#Ou Si Ke#Ding Xiao Ying#Ning Rong Rong#Ao Zi Yi
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