#feng xin: you liar?!??!?!!!
worstloki · 4 months
Calamity Mu Qing this and calamity Xie Lian that. Have you considered Feng Xin as a ghost?? He'd be out there looking for Xie Lian. He would know that's what Hua Cheng is doing too. It'd be the most competitive 2 supreme ghost race of which of them can find Xie Lian first and it would last for 800 years...
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muzsmoux · 5 months
Reviewing tgcf characters because I have thoughts
I finished S2 recently and I need somewhere to put my not exactly hot but like warm (?) takes because it's taking up too much storage space in my brain.
🤍 Xie Lian 🤍
It's a good thing I'm not into guys because if I was I would be on my knees for this man in every sense of that expression and his pet menace to society would mince me up like garlic.
So I'll try to be brief about my overflowing feelings about him. Xie Lian is the best main character I have come across in a WHILE. He's the embodiment of compassion and kindness. And also a cold blooded murderer. A babygirl. A father figure. A terrifying martial god. A silly little guy. A pathological liar. The most genuine man you'll ever meet. He's everything, and Hua Cheng is 100% valid in his obsession. I'm right there with him.
Rating: 10/10
❤️ Hua Cheng ❤️
Idk if we ever figured out who wrote My Immortal but I'm pretty sure we have our culprit.
"Hi my name is Hua Cheng Crimson Rain Sought Flower Red-Robed Ghost King and this is my evil weapon of death E-ming. I've killed soooo many gods with it!! My dark power is I can summon storms of BLOOD and SUFFERING. I have my own scary city of DEMONS and they all love me and think I'm HOT but I only want my BOYFRIEND who's the only REAL GOD so STOP FLAMING HIM YOU POSERS-"
Needless to say I love him. Being the 8 time winner of the Loverboy of the Century Awards with unbeatable records in the yearning olympics is truly a remarkable feat.
Rating: 9/10
(Bonus: E-ming. Cute little guy. Likes his stepdad more than his real dad. Not afraid to show it's feelings even if it makes it look like a muppet, 10/10)
🧡 Feng Xin & Mu Qing 🧡
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum gets a shared rating because they would hate to be grouped together like that and that's funny to me. Their dynamic is great, they're good characters, I wasn't sure which one was which until midway through the second season. But then also I have a pair of 7yo twin cousins who I still can't tell apart despite them not looking even a slight bit similar so that might just be a character flaw on my end. Oops.
Rating: 7/10
🩵Shi Qingxuan🩵
I'm doubling the rating because she is best boy and best girl at the same time. I love that I can use any and all pronouns for him because he's literally a pride parade personified and therefore all of them are correct. You don't get that type of chaotic fun just anywhere.
He is truly living my dream, presenting as whatever gender they want depending on what's more convenient and/or funnier in the moment. Super useful, for things like gathering intel and terrorizing Feng Xin by being a woman.
And I personally think we should crown her the new emperor. She'd look significantly better on that throne, with her Barbie-like radiance and flourishing Kenergy.
Rating: 20/10
🖤 Ming Yi 🖤
Listen, I hate to say it because I like a sunshine x grump moment as much as the next gay but he's just... not giving what he thinks he's giving. Everyone is whispering ominously about him having some dark devastating secret but MY point is no matter how big his boobs are in his female form, Shi Qingxuan could do better. I'm sorry. She really could.
Rating: 4/10
💙 Lang Qianqiu 💙
Just an honest man with good intentions and a sickass fucking sword. He did NOT hesitate to attack the infamous Crimson Rain Sought Flower on SIGHT and I respect a quick decisionmaker, even if it shows some himbo tendencies. He also has the same distinct energy as Fred from Scooby Doo.
Rating: 6/10
💚 Qi Rong 💚
He's got some odd dietary and moral choices going on. Definitely. But he's just such a fun villain!!! Being Xie Lian's nr 1 source of migraines SHOULD make me like him less but I'm sorry, every time he was on screen I was LIVING. He would do numbers on reality TV. Someone put this guy on Kitchen Nightmares, I need to see him 1v1 Gordon Ramsay.
Rating: 7/10
🌚 Jun Wu 🌚
He has his emperor status & DILF card going for him but something about this man just ain't right. If he came to a party I was attending I would cover my drink is all I'm saying.
Rating: 2/10
🔥Pei Ming🔥
I don't know much about him besides he had that one shady empolyee or whatever (could not hear the plot over the deafening sound of Hua Cheng's yearning) but I'm partial to a good manwhore character. The thought of people praying to him like "Hugh Mungus, who art in heaven-" really tickles me.
I know he's probably straight but I headcanon him as at the very least bi-curious because you can't be that hot with that much game and not use it for evil. (That evil being causing large scale gay awakenings among his soldiers.)
Rating: 7/10
❓Pei Xiu❓
Unreliable, unimportant, unattractive, unemployed.
I remember not a singular thing about him besides fucking up Xie Lian's daughter's life and also being on my last nerve from the jump. If you're going to be evil at like least be memorable about it, you know? You can't be a bad person and a bad character at the same time. Pick a struggle.
Rating: 1/10
📚 Ling Wen 📚
I heard she committed some war crimes but honestly if I had to do an entire realm's tax returns by myself AND teach Pei Ming how to read (I refuse to believe that man is literate, just look at him) I would want to rage on occasion too. I hope she has a hot wife waiting for her at home to give her massages after carrying the whole system on her back all day. It's what she deserves.
Rating: 8/10
Thank you for reading!! Opinions might change once I read the books but as of now this is it. Remembering everyone's names has been a journey and a half so this post is sponsored by @kirstenly 's character cheat sheet go look at it! and everything else too!!!
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margarrivergod · 7 months
I’m bored so i’m here to recommend some of the brain rotting fics i’ve read recently(all on ao3):
A Dolls House by Abyss_In_Wonderland_likes_sexy_cannibals
Rating: M
Warnings: NA
Description: “Chuuya and Dazai get trapped inside of an ability made sigil. Now there's a creepy lady telling them that in order to get out they need to complete five tests. If they don’t pass they’ll just stay there forever or die, but no biggie, right?”
this is a high favorite of mine, the author does a PHENOMENAL job at characterizing the characters, plus the story is *chefs kiss*🤌🏼 i pray that they’ll write more skk fics in the future!!
the liars house by burgundytshirt
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: “Dazai, Chuuya, and four others are trapped in a cursed house where you cannot lie—each time you lie, you lose an organ. In seven stages, they are asked deeply personal questions that need to be answered in order to escape. Welcome to The Liar’s House.”
Dare I say this is one of my favorite, if not my favorite, skk fanfic?!? Like holy shit this is SO GOOD! This is a translation of the original, which is in mandarin, but it’s 12/10 regardless!!
Thank You For The Venom by xoTsundoku
Rating: E
Warnings: Underage, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: Mu Qing is guarded and hollow after losing his mother but he's content in his darkness until he moves in with the Fengs, and a light pierces his comfortable solitude in the form of his soon-to-be stepbrother. Two people who can never be together fall in love.
There’s a tag that’s reads “pseudo incest” and idkw but i found it to be the funniest shit lmaoo. But in all hknestly I REALLY like this fic. I still reading it currently but i’m bulldozing through it. I also believe the author does an amazing job at characterization while tying them into a modern au
Bad Intentions by bizzybee
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Despite their hatred for each other, renowned cook Feng Xin and first-timer Mu Qing co-judge an amateur cooking show with a strong following on social media. As filming wraps up, Feng Xin is set to go on an international tour for the release of his debut cookbook. Their public relations coordinators team up to devise a plan that will not only jumpstart sales of Feng Xin’s book, but also boost Mu Qing’s rising fame and satiate the thirst of their shared fans: They will accompany each other on the book tour. Together. As a couple for the cameras. Whether they'll kill or kiss each other first is anybody’s guess.”
This is the first fengqing fic I’ve completed and it will forever hold my heart it’s SO GOOD! My emotionally cknstipated boys thrown into a cooking au!
if you can’t summon the flames directly from hell, store bought is fine by buthgoth (GremlinGirl)
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Shi Qingxuan gets more than he bargained for when he steals a candlestick from a mysterious magic shop's private collection. A haunted apartment may be the least of his concerns, however. The demon he awakened is ancient and hungry, and it seems Shi Qingxuan might be his new obsession.”
Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with butchgoth’s work?… YES! this is the first fic of theirs that i’ve read and one of my faves. If your a beefleef stan then PLS read this fic plus their others!
as if by destiny by debwriting
Rating: M
Warnings: NA
Descriptions: “Hua Cheng stumbles upon the mysterious Midnight Cafe. He enters for a much-needed meal, and stays for the enigmatic owner, Xie Lian.”
A cute hualian coffee shop au with a twist!
Back to Bite One by diamond bruise
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “or, lwj, wwx and a couple of lan disciples get stuck in a haunted manor”
this one is cute and a tad angsty (like i wanna ram my head in the wall cause y’all r dense lol) but nothing too serious imo
RAWR! is I Love You in dinosaur by FireAwayy
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Xue Yang has spent a life running only to find himself as an animal wrangler at Jurassic Park. He spends his time managing previously extinct monsters, and loving every second of it. Until Xiao Xingchen shows up.”
i love this author i love this fic i love this author i love this fic i love this author i love this fic!!!! if i couldn’t make that clear enough
Furry Porn Costs Extra by Fireaway
Rating: E
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: “Lan Xichen is the CEO of one of the richest companies in the world. He's efficent, savvy, and altogether bored. Lan Wangji is a ruthlessly efficient police officer with the highest moral code of anyone who had ever donned the uniform. Jiang Cheng is living day to day, getting by with his art. And when that doesn't work, robbing people blind. Wei Wuxian is the thief who hides behind a guileless smile and his uncanny ability to simply vanish when needed. What happens when their lives intertwine with one another? Will they find the answers they're looking for, or will they end up losing more than they ever bargained for?”
If i didn’t make it clear enough this author writes lovely fics! this is my fav Xicheng fic to date, it has its serious plot plus the humor is spot on (there is no actual furry porn)
Thicker Than Water by athena_crikey
Rating: M
Warnings: NA
Descriptions: “A disaster, is Lan Zhan’s first impression as the bike squeals to a halt on the far side of Song Lan’s car. The man riding it – and he’s tall, and lanky, and sure-footed – hops off and locks it to the car’s back door. The back door of a police vehicle. He pulls his helmet off to reveal long, sweat-soaked hair with a shaggy undercut, bright grey eyes, and a smile that launches like an arrow straight through Lan Zhan’s chest. No, he thinks, watching this trainwreck of a man shimmy between the narrow space dividing Song Lan’s back bumper and the next car’s hood like he’s doing some kind of dance step. Absolutely not.”
I absolutely ADORE athena crikey and her work- ALL OF IT!! this one in particular is one of my favs- here we have a modern cultivation au with my fav neurodivergent duo
Every River, Every Stream by athena_crikey
Rating: E
Warnings: NA
Description: “Wei Ying, rookie architect and chronically unable to prioritize his love life, in a moment of madness turns out to be tested for compatibility with famous new entertainer Lan Zhan, struggling with the after-effects of chemo. Unexpectedly matched with a man on a very different career trajectory, he's presented with a litany of unappealing choices. Oh, and also love.”
Another work by dear ole athena. This was the first fic I’ve read of hers and it will forever be a strong favorite.
Post Mortem by Cataclysmic_Calamity
Rating: E
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Descriptions: “Life is a horror movie sometimes. You ignore all the warning signs. You end up standing there in the final scene, covered in blood, contemplating your life choices. Wei Ying is used to that. But it’s harder when you’re in love with your best friend.”
If you guys are heavy into the tgcf or mdzs fandom than you’ll know exactly who this author, Evie, is. She wrote NPAB and The Soul Remains, along with a bunch of other beautiful fics. BUT MY GOD THIS ONE!!! I never see anyone talk about Post Mortem and I will proudly say this is my fav Wangxian fic, and one of my favorite fics period. The story is wonderful, characters r well written, beautifully paced, plot is to die for(lol). She’s an amazing author all in all so check her work out if you haven’t!!
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freewilllife · 8 months
Hua Cheng and Mu Qing
Nothing will be ever as ridiculous for me than people claiming that Hua Cheng was such a great victim of Mu Qing´s classism. Like literally no.
He called him Hong a liar, as he could see that his clothes were mended by a female relative, most likely his mother. I guess he thought the kid was a runaway and wanted to spare his mother the pain, as Mu Qing is known to greatly love his own mother. He did not know up until that point that the kid was abused.
Second part: throwing him out of the army. Make it make sense. He either was jealous and threw him out or he was concerned for him. In both cases no classism would have been involved.
Third: Mu Qing considered Hua Cheng a threat, because he was a threat to him. Hua Cheng had literally tried to kill him in the past.
Fourth: Hua Cheng did not break your imaginary circle. He is literally a ghost king with his own servants. He reigns over a whole city, getting power by the same source as the gods. The believers. It´s literally the same.
Additionally you are speaking about the person who used to have barely any own power himself. All this just to completely disregards past Xie Lian´s superficial attitude.
If he truly wanted to have little Hong by his side, he would have kept him in every case and would have not continued to forget who the guy even was! Was he kind and nice to little Hong? Yes. But he did not look further for him. Did not strive to help him beyond immediate help.
Yes Xie Lian was nice to Mu Qing, but he also gained something from it: Mu Qing became a formidable servant for him and Xie Lian wished for comrades. The only comrades he had were two of his servants. Xie Lian was blind to his own classism or how normal is it that only the "friend" who used to be a servant is the one doing all the chores even after the fall of Xianle and has to work physically along with everybody else, doing twice the work and being continuously talked over by Feng Xin?
People completely disregard Xie Lian´s classism...considering his two servants who had to follow his commands as his friends. Having barely any interest in Hong after he had rescued him. He could have even searched for the kid after he had run away, but he didn´t. Heck...even Feng Xin´s classism who treated Mu Qing long after the end of their servitude as a servant is completely irrelevant. But sure...the literal servant with the unpleasant character is the most classist person of all!. Eye roll to the heaven and back!
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tklpilled · 1 year
hold me like a grudge
"why the fuck were you following me," feng xin growls, barging in like he owns the place.
mu qing can't bring himself to be bothered too much. he scoffs. "why would i do that?"
"i don't know! that's why i'm asking you, bastard!"
mu qing rolls his eyes. he's just gotten back—from a trip of his own, of course, because he'd never go near feng xin if given the choice—and he's too tired for this conversation. "use your brain for once. i didn't follow you anywhere."
feng xin steps closer, poking his finger into mu qing's chest, and mu qing flushes (with anger) at how close he is to feng xin's stupid, annoying, unfortunately pretty face. "if you weren't following me, then where have you been?"
mu qing crosses his arms. "i don't owe you that."
…okay, yes, maybe he had been following feng xin. it doesn't mean anything, alright?
"you're a terrible liar," feng xin snorts. "what, were you worried about me?"
"of course not."
feng xin pauses. "you were, weren't you?"
"no." mu qing really, really wants him to leave.
"that's it." feng xin grins. "i'm right."
"you're an idiot—"
"admit it."
"it's not true."
"it's in your best interest to say it."
"oh? why's that?"
mu qing…did not expect to end up in this situation.
"w-wa-hahahait! st-stohohop, i hahate you!"
it's embarrassing that, in eight centuries, mu qing hasn't grown out of being ticklish. the only thing saving his wounded pride is the fact that he's not the only one.
"you," feng xin starts, with a terribly smug look on his face, "care about me."
"i dohohon't!" mu qing digs his heels into the ground. "f-fuhuck, stohohop it!" great, now he's even starting to pick up on feng xin's vocabulary.
(a memory flickers through mu qing's mind, and suddenly he's hundreds of years in the past, when xianle was still at its peak.
"please, you two," xie lian mumbles as they get into another shouting match, because this is long before he gives up trying to stop them. "can't you get along for once?"
"well, your highness," says mu qing, "that might be more doable if feng xin—"
"stop," xie lian sighs. "surely there's a better way you can vent your frustrations with each other?"
mu qing scoffs and crosses his arms, but he waits for feng xin to answer first. which, after glaring for a few moments, he does.
"fine," he says simply, and then he turns to face mu qing with an air of sudden confidence.
tickling isn't a stranger to them, although it's not on purpose; it's just rather hard to ignore the way xie lian squeaks and giggles when they touch his sensitive spots, and that tends to happen often. so, while a tickle fight is far from anything mu qing had expected, it's not quite a big surprise.
in only a second, mu qing is on the floor of xie lian's room, and before he can stop himself he's curling into a ball as uncharacteristically bubbly laughter spills from his lips.
"i think i may prefer this," says feng xin over mu qing's peals of laughter. "seeing as there's no way you'll ever beat me."
"i'll kihihill yohou!"
again, xie lian sighs, but there's an unmistakable fondness lingering underneath.
and then mu qing is back in the present, and his heart aches.)
"if i remember right," feng xin is saying, "you'd always squeal like a girl when i got you right here…"
mu qing does not squeal, because he's much more dignified than that, but he will admit that his laughter does get more frantic as feng xin's calloused fingers skitter near his ears.
"stop! stohohop, ple—" he cuts himself off quickly. he's not going to beg.
"admit it," feng xin pressures him again. "you were worried about me."
"l-lihihike hehell i was!"
don't listen to a word feng xin says—mu qing has never been concerned about that man, never in his life. and he's especially wrong with his stupid idea that mu qing is so stubborn because he wants feng xin to tickle him. absolutely preposterous.
the smile on his face isn't genuine. he's being forced to laugh.
that's all. really.
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ao3feed-fengqing · 7 months
Saying I love you hurts more when you cant hear
by Kuromi_lover2005 Feng Xin wanted to say I love you. But now he cant Words: 529, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 天官赐福 | Heaven Official's Blessing (Cartoon) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Relationships: Fēng Xìn/Mù Qíng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) Additional Tags: liars, Mu Qing lies, Angst, Suicide, Blood, Violence, not canon, Tears, Crying, Death, Swords, Sharp Objects, people die ig via https://ift.tt/x0fpKjF
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hwabin-6 · 2 years
FENGQING modern au
Feng Xin was in Mu Qing’s kitchen. Not a very rare sight but certainly not a common one. He wasn’t alone, Mu Qing was right beside him, hands moving methodically as he stirred the batter. 
Really what was a rare sight was them being so amiable while together. It usually took one exasperated Xie Lian and two separate ranting sessions before they could get along on a good day. On a bad day…well that was something else altogether. 
But they couldn't have Xie Lian with them today, after all, the whole reason they were here in the first place was to make a cake for Xie Lian’s homecoming party. Xie Lian did not know about this party, if he did he would try to cook something too and no one wanted that, except maybe his deranged boyfriend. Thus Mu Qing suggested they make it a surprise, so here they were.
“Get me the measuring cup from the bottom drawer,” Mu Qing said as he leaned over the edge of the counter, his right hand mixing the batter while his left moved the empty bowls to make more room.
“Please,” Feng Xin muttered. Really, it was a simple word, not that hard to say. Feng Xin stood in the middle for a second before turning on his heel to stare at Mu Qing wordlessly.
“Ugh, the bottom drawer to my right.”
Feng Xin nodded and did as told. He handed Mu Qing the cup before going back to skimming through his playlist for a good song. He wasn’t being lazy. He already did his part. They were making a double layered cake and Feng Xin had the honours of making the first batter. Which was done and ready to be put in the oven with Mu Qing’s. 
“Pick something else this time, I’ve gotten bored of your taste in music.”
“Liar, heard you humming under your breath at the last song. Bet you’re going to search it up later and dance to it as you finish up your skincare routine.”
“Say something as stupid as that again and you can walk your ass out the door.” 
Feng Xin laughed but decided on a more bubblegum pop song. Mu Qing raised a brow at his choice.
“It’s Cuo Cuo’s favourite.” 
Mu Qing just sighed but his lips tiled at the side.
It was pleasant. Feng Xin hadn’t ever really thought about it, but despite their many disagreements, Mu Qing was a constant in his life. 
He had that crushing realisation that he had always expected Mu Qing to stay beside them when Mu Qing had left back in their first year of university.
The many days when he’d turned to the side, expecting to see that swish of ponytail, only to be met by the chilling silence of…loneliness, was when he realised.
Mu Qing was a constant in his mind…in his heart. No matter what Feng Xin did, no matter how hard he tried to move on. No one gave him that same feeling of exhilarating relief that Mu Qing did.
There were many times when they’d met again that their hostility reached out of bounds. But never had Feng Xin wished to go back to those days where he’d stare blankly at life.
Feng Xin was just an idiot for having realised a lot later. Now, he could only hope that maybe these feelings could be returned. Even just a little.
Mu Qing closed the oven before turning to clean up the dishes in the sink.
Feng Xin grabbed his shoulders, fingers tangling in the soft material of Mu Qing’s shirt. Mu Qing’s dangling earring on his left ear brushed against his knuckles.
“Nope, you sit, I’ll do the dishes,” Mu Qing sat down, his face blank but his eyes lit up just the slightest.
Feng Xin rolled the sleeves of shirt up, his face scrunched as he tried to wipe the residue of cake batter from the bowl. Mu Qing was humming, although he didn't look like he was aware of it. He was leaning on his elbow, fingers drumming against the counter top, the slush of water drowning out his little sighs. 
Feng Xin was mesmerised. He supposed that God took his fair time when it came to sculpting Mu Qing. The man was impeccably perfect. It left this stinging feeling to rush inside Feng Xin, like those little electric shocks that run through the body on cold frigid days. 
Mu Qing tilted his head towards him, his lashes fluttering, the light from the window panning on his face. His eyes stayed locked with Feng Xin’s and the two stayed there staring.
“Shut the tap, it’s wasting water,” Mu Qing jerked his head towards the sink. 
Feng Xin looked at the dish in hand and winced. He really is bad at multitasking. Feng Xin sighed and quickly finished up before shutting the tap as instructed. 
“When will it be done?” Feng Xin asked, pulling at the stools near the counter and joining Mu Qing.
“Still another 20 minutes.” 
Feng Xin nodded. 
Mu Qing was quiet, listening to the tinkling sounds of voices that skipped out of Feng Xin’s phone. 
Feng Xin had never felt so at peace. The cooking had initially scared him. He’d thought they’d be halfway into an argument right now. Or that he’d even be pushed to leave. But neither happened. 
It was pleasant. 
He didn’t want this to end. 
“You have anything else planned today?” Feng Xin asked.
“No, why?” Mu Qing shifted, his shirt dragging against the marble countertop as he lay his head on his arms.
“Want to watch a movie?”
“I don’t have any snacks,” Mu Qing glanced up at him, his eyes fluttering, “unless you’d be willing to run to the convenience store to buy some.”
Feng Xin raised a brow, “are the snacks needed?”
Letting out a low whistle Feng Xin nodded, “fine, but then you get everything here ready. I’m talking like the whole thing.”
Feng Xin wanted to reach out and run his fingers through Mu Qing’s hair, he could almost feel those silk strands wrap around his fingers as he gave them a light tug in jest. 
He pushed off the stool and turned to leave, grabbing his jacket, he turned towards the door. His heart dancing in his chest. He’d almost reached the door when he heard his name leave Mu Qing’s lips.
Confused, he looked back, only to reflexively catch what had been thrown at him.
“Don’t forget your phone dumbass.” 
“Oh right,” Feng Xin grinned at Mu Qing, his eyes trained on Mu Qing’s face, and he was glad it was because right then Mu Qing’s face bloomed the most beautiful scarlet.
Red had never been Feng Xin’s colour but it suit Mu Qing so well.
That blush left Feng Xin’s erratic heart jumping up his throat, like it wanted to present itself to Mu Qing. 
Feng Xin unlocked the door, glancing over his shoulder he called out to Mu Qing.
“Wait for me okay?”
Just as he was closing the door, he heard a reply. One that left him unreasonably giddy all the way down the steps.
“Of course. Where else would I go.”
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sofyflora98 · 2 months
You dont have to answer if you dont want. But i stumbled upon an old post about Mu Qing up holding classism and that its Hua Cheng should be the face for it and i just felt conflicted? I tried to be open minded. And the big example they used is him kicking out of the army which imo kinda odd… to say.. But its combined with the fact Mu Qing called Hua Cheng a liar and he obviously didnt want Hua Cheng tagging along and he let Feng Xin with a broken arm carrying Hua Cheng . tbh, im fine with open intrepretation of that.
We all know Mu Qing doesnt have soft personality and hes prickly. I definitely do think in that liar scene, i saw it more as Mu Qing just being truthful than empathatic as he analyze the situation which i guess fine, MQ theres obviously time and place for that as hes scared and dirty. But even if his family condition was bad, based on how someone fixed up his clothes he could have thought he might at least have another person who does care which was why he even mentioned it in the first place. Anything is possible after all. Although, i did get confused whether did he know the info background on him because XL did overhear the mean things the kids yell at him about him being kicked our. Anyways, it wasnt as he was like no this kid cant stay. Unless theres a line that i missed. And he did try to carry Hong Er but hong er wouldnt let him which he did show hesitation to do it or not afterwards.
And how i view the army situation is even though it is indeed that youth dying rate is higher in war and Hua Cheng did die lol. But its also mixed with Mu Qing’s need to not want to be replaced. This man’s mind never rest lol. Which i get it. Hes very interesting for that. After all, his core character is all about being a survivor. But to say that he upholds classism is fucking deranged. Like Guoshi is right there for ruining his mortal life lol. Funny enough, they certainly dont mention about Feng xin (though hes in rage as Mq was frustrated and being rude with xl but still that was uncalled for) who reminded him to know his place. I brought FX up because in one of the comments of that post they were saying at least FX acted with good will. Lol okay. We definitely can see you not being genuine about the topic. At least be consistent.
And Hua Cheng beats classism by creating another system of his own? ive seen people say its different in ghost City as its really based on mutual beneficial agreement and all especially with Yin Yu. But my guy…. ..you mean him as the King? Bruh its not as simple as that 😭 The heaven is indeed full of classist Gods which is why they look down on LW and MQ and QYZ. But the system to get there isnt, as long as you have the abilities, hard work and luck. Idk like feel free to talk about Hua Cheng overcoming society classism and rise to the top and all. But i find that answer to be so simplisitic and not well thought out?
Also he isnt mentioned alot with that Topic because his narrative isnt strongly focused on that??? Its very clear hes about devotion to his God and the strength he does to be the best so he can take care of Xie Lian. And hes the main character too at that 😭 take it up with MXTX for making Mu Qing a side character, story to strongly ties around it. His insecurity is because of that too.
And the funniest part imo is to Hua Cheng, his insecurity is his appearance - i mean u can still make an argument that is rooted in him being born under a bad star and the classism that he faces over it. But still. Similar at its core but different hurt.
Anywyas, idk i feel the argument is just so???? I just need to rant lol
But how do you feel about the revision on him kicking out Hong’er because of guoshi words thaf hes a misfortune that will bring bad luck to XL? That i would like to know.
I think I know what post you're talking about, and I agree with you. The argument that Hua Cheng is the one who "fought" classism and that Mu Qing is upholding in it doesn't stand, in my opinion. First of all, because Hua Cheng's supposed victory over classism doesn't even take place in the world of the living, and Ghost City is everything but an egalitarian place. Which isn't his fault, of course, because a single person cannot change the world. Then, again, his plot in the novel doesn't mainly revolve around classism the same way Mu Qing's does. I'd say that his plot is more about marginalisation and abuse, even if social class was obviously a fundamental part of his condition.
Regarding Mu Qing, literally, unless he somehow became a revolutionary leader, what could he even do? He had one chance to get away from misery and he took it. Gods are not allowed to interfere with the mortal world more than what concerns their duties toward their worshippers. The heavens are a classist world, because they reflect the human world, since all gods used to be human, but I see no instance where Mu Qing even remotely upheld classism. A good part of his lines are specifically to complain about how others are classist, so it really doesn't make any sense. I think that the issue of Hong'er being kicked out of the army has an ambiguity, and the desire to keep a child (who by the way didn't have the age to be in the army) far from war, and his fear of being replaced and possible jealousy, coexist. Human emotions aren't a mono-dimensional thing.
I don't really have an opinion about the revised version, but having read the first version years ago, I'm more attached to it.
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
@masqce continued from here!!
he glares at the other, sure that the other man is doing this specifically to piss him off, although he's also sure mu qing is genuinely just incapable of expressing whatever the fuck is going on in his head. he glares at mu qing for a moment, clearly frustrated at the other's continued silence at the one topic they've touched on today that doesn't make him want to rip his hair out and go to sleep for the next month.
"they are, and you did. word for word, exactly what you said, actually. i wouldn't make that shit up, you know i'm a terrible liar." and why would he make that up? it's such a stupid fucking lie to tell, that he'd said something he did not remember saying but feng xin did? that was the dumbest story ever, and what did he even get out of it? mu qing knows people's memories can be fucked, and yet he still insists that that's not what's happening here. he huffs out a long sigh as mu qing rips his arm free, clenching his jaw before crosses his arms over his chest. "you absolutely were, and you knew i wasn't possessed after the first time we talked. you can admit you were worried about me, i'm not going to give you shit for it."
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queensconquest · 3 years
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@safaerax​ said:  “I think we should come up with a safe word” //pm @ fx I’m so sorry 🙏🏽
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    “  Why  ? Think  you’re  going  to  need  one  ,  General  Pei  ?  “  Feng  Xin  crosses  his  arms  over  his  chest  with  his  head  held  high  and  amber  gaze  steady.  “  Because  I’m  certainly  not  going  to  need  one.  “  First  came  pride  and  second  came  the  dawn  of  uncertain  realization.  “  Wait  ,  wHAT  THE  FUCK  ?!  “  His  voice  raises  for  a  multitude  of  reasons.  “  WHY  THE  FUCK  WOULD  WE  NEED  ONE  ?  !  “  He....probably  should  have  thought  of  that  before  his  retorts.  His  hand  raised  to  facepalm  ,  ears  burning  bright  red.  Maybe  if  he  claimed  he  didn’t  understand  it  properly  -  but  obviously  he  did.              
   This  is  mortifying.  Made  doubly  so  by  both  what  HE’S  the  god  of  and  Pei  Ming’s  reputation.
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I don't know who originally owns this but fengqing slipped my tongue.
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evilsanlang · 3 years
I've noticed that ppl sometimes try to soften Mu Qing's edges for some reason - as if he's not perfect the way he is (ergo: petty and always taking things personally). I've seen the class warrior thing before and it always struck me as odd because MQ really isn't that and as you stated, whatever negative feelings he had for XL were personal. I think his feelings toward/treatment of Hong-er (same class? Lower class? Definitely intentional) are a good example of MQ being motivated individually and not out of compassion for any "class" (e.g. basically calling him - a clearly hurt child - a liar when he said he had no home, dismissing his suicidal tendencies that he admitted to in that one shrine because "others have it worse", kicking him out of the army - which might have been partly because of his age, but definitely also out of pettiness seeing how he reacted when XL praised Hong-er's skills and potential for the sabre - etc. etc.). But then again, I don't see those things discussed often, ppl rather like to act as if HC hating MQ is irrational and makes no sense; FX definitely is harsh but he also didn't have the whole story behind FX leaving. You also get the "MQ did nothing wrong in the past" takes as if MQ himself didn't apologize for the mountain incident... (The bit about his mom was obviously understandable and not the issue.)
Lol, this isn't hate, btw! Sorry if it comes across as such! I just feel like in every fandom, ppl latch on to a flawed character they find relatable and proceed to remove their flaws entirely and I don't get it. Sorry for rambling in your inbox 😓
you're completely right! I was talking to @feng-xin about this and it's obvious that a lot of people create their own version of a character in their heads and treat it as if they see something in them that others don't, when they're really just ignoring the original text. like. do you really like that character or do you like what you projected onto them? mu qing was clearly written to be complicated and hard to like, and it's weird to me that the same people who love him try to shave off the things that make him mu qing. he's a normal person capable of showing sympathy for those close to him (e.g. the poor kids near his mother's house), and the things you cited make it pretty clear he's motivated by his personal feelings, not by some grand ideology. and I love that he's that way! it's one thing to disagree with the direction mxtx took with his character and another entirely to make up stuff that isn't there
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MXTX Big Bang 2021 - Teaser # 3
Working Title: On the Wings of Paper Butterflies
Xie Lian had barely shut the door behind him when Feng Xin rounded the corner of the entrance hall.
“Where. The hell. WERE YOU?” Feng Xin snarled. His broad shoulders were drawn up to his ears and his fists were clenched at his sides as he stalked towards Xie Lian.
“Good evening, A-Xin. How was your day?” Xie Lian asked delicately with a sweet smile as he dropped his keys in the bowl on the hall table.
“You don’t just disappear for hours without letting someone know where you’re at!” Feng Xin barreled with emphatic hand gestures as Xie Lian began to toe off his sneakers.
Has it been hours? Xie Lian thought as he pulled his messenger bag strap over his head. He remembered running to get to the library by five, but everything after he met San Lang had been a blur.
“We thought you could have been abducted.” Feng Xin continued as Xie Lian side-stepped his gesticulations. “Or worse...dead!”
Xie Lian stopped at the end of the entrance hall as Mu Qing stepped into his path from the kitchen, his arms crossed over his chest.
“He thought you were abducted or dead,” Mu Qing corrected evenly as he flicked his high black ponytail over one shoulder with a tilt of his head. “I thought you were fine.”
“You fucking LIAR!” Feng Xin growled from being Xie Lian. “You were just as freaked out as I was! Xie Lian can check his phone for proof! You messaged and called him just as much as I did, if not more.”
Mu Qing rolled his eyes with exasperation, but still refused to budge, leaving Xie Lian boxed between them.
Xie Lian gently cleared his throat. “Thank you, guys, for your, uh, concern. But as you can see, I’m fine!” Xie Lian grinned for good measure and hoped it came across as genuine and not manic.
Feng Xin blinked slowly. “Okay...but where were you?”
“Fuck, you’re so nosey,” Mu Qing scoffed.
Feng Xin opened his mouth but before he could boil over Xie Lian interrupted.
“Great question!” he said with his right index finger in the air. “Which I’ll answer with my own. How do you know when you’re on a date with someone?”
The question was followed by a thick beat of silence before Feng Xin and Mu Qing both began speaking at once.
“What the fuck-”
“You were on a date-”
“One at a time!” Xie Lian said forcefully, holding his hands up. He looked between them expectantly, waiting for one of them to go first. Finally Mu Qing spoke.
“You were on a date?” he repeated. When Xie Lian shrugged, he rolled his eyes. “Well, you typically know you’re on a date before you’re on it. Did you not?”
“Uhh, it was kind of…?” Xie Lian started but trailed off when he realized he did not know how to describe it. Calling whatever happened at the cafe “unplanned” would imply that he knew San Lang before that moment. At least that’s what Xie Lian thought.
“Who the hell were you with?” Feng Xin asked, taking Xie Lian’s silence as an indication that it was his turn to speak.
“A gentleman I met at the library,” Xie Lian said slowly. He blinked, unsure why he chose the term “gentleman” to describe San Lang. He may not have been in regal attire, but it seemed a better word to use than the phrase “some random guy”.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing exchanged looks over Xie Lian’s head while Xie Lian stared at his hands which had unconsciously snaked around the strap of his messenger bag.
“A gentleman you met at the library?” Feng Xin repeated at the same time Mu Qing asked, “You’re gay?”
Xie Lian nodded at Feng Xin then turned to shrug at Mu Qing. “I don’t know.”
Xie Lian had never really thought about his sexuality. It was likely expected from his parents that he would one day marry, preferably a woman if he had to guess, and have children. That thought aside, Xie Lian really did not feel strongly one way or another. Going to a private school, despite it being co-ed, did not provide him much time to explore dating, or so he told himself at the time. He always thought studying and passing exams to prepare for college was more important than wondering if a classmate’s boobs were real, as Feng Xin often mused during their homework sessions.
Once they moved and started college, Xie Lian had thought that perhaps he’d have time. Although his dance performance curriculum was strenuous, he still attended a handful of parties but could barely get behind the concept of talking to strangers let alone making out with them. He did note, however, that Feng Xin had no problem adapting to the exploratory collegiate lifestyle, if the number of women Xie Lian watched slink out of their apartment in the early morning hours was any indication.
Xie Lian had then thought that maybe things would line up after college and he’d wade into the courting pool, a bit late with water wings but finally ready. It had been almost a decade since he flipped his tassel and he’d yet to dip even a toe in. Now he was stranded on an island of other misfit thirty-something year olds who had never been on a date let alone been kissed. Feng Xin had kindly suggested online dating a few years prior, but Xie Lian froze during profile creation when asked about sexual preference.
“Is there an option for kind people?” Xie Lian had asked desperately.
Feng Xin raised his brows. “Kind people? You’re sexually attracted to kind people?”
Xie bit his bottom lip and tentatively answered, “Yes? I mean...I wouldn’t want to hang out with them if they were mean…”
Xie Lian remembered Mu Qing laughing for hours after.
“Sexual orientation aside,” Mu Qing continued, waving his right hand in the air dismissively as his ponytail bobbed back and forth, “are you telling us that you went on a random date with a stranger you met at the library? As in, you just met him today?”
“San Lang is not a stranger,” Xie Lian said quietly yet defensively. At least he would not consider him a stranger after, well, whatever their shared experience was that evening.
“Oh, I’m gonna creep on him,” Feng Xin said, pulling his phone out of his gym shorts pocket.
“Mmm, good call,” Mu Qing said nodding.
“Hey!” Xie Lian scolded.
“What?” Feng Xin growled, his thumbs already tapping furiously on his phone. “We gotta screen this guy. Who just asks random people out seconds after meeting them?”
“It wasn’t like that!” Xie Lian protested.
“Really?” Mu Qing asked sarcastically as he leaned against a wall, his arms still crossed over his chest. “Then please, regale us with the details.”
Xie Lian groaned and leaned his back against the wall opposite Mu Qing. He recounted the chain of events, from the butterflies in the poetry book, to the encounter in the library, to the origami butterflies that they made together. He even showed the picture on his phone, which half looked like a kaleidoscope of random colors on his screen, as proof. By the time he was done with his story, Xie Lian had slid down the wall and was sitting on the hardwood floor, his black legging clad legs stretched out in front of him with his mismatched socked feet against the baseboards.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing were silent and Xie Lian hid his face in his hands to escape the weight of their judgemental looks.
“I know, I know...I’m an idiot, right?” Xie Lian asked, his voice muffled by his palms.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing exchanged a look which Xie Lian missed.
“No, you’re not an idiot,” Mu Qing began while Feng Xin said, “I think it’s kind of cute.” Mu Qing silenced Feng Xin with a glare before he continued.
“But you do need to be careful. Not everyone you meet will be a charming gentleman like this...San Lang.” If Mu Qing added a pinch of derision to San Lang’s name, Xie Lian did not notice.
“I’m thirty-one,” Xie Lian grumbled, dropping his hands into his lap as he leaned his head back against the wall. “I’m not a child.”
“Jury’s out on that, I think,” Mu Qing quipped.
Xie Lian narrowed his eyes at Mu Qing. Feng Xin let out a quiet whistle.
“This guy is a ghost,” Feng Xin said, his dark eyes wide and illuminated by the blue glow of his phone that he was currently holding close to his face. “I can’t find him on any social media platform.”
“Not everyone has social media,” Mu Qing said with a roll of his eyes.
Xie Lian raised his right hand slightly. “I don’t have any social media either. Does that make me a ghost?”
“You have a tumblr!” Feng Xin said with a quick glance away from his phone screen.
“To look at pictures of baby animals!” Xie Lian retorted, shaking his fists lightly.
“Alright, I’m done,” Mu Qing announced, swaying away from the wall as he unfolded his arms. “I’m going back to watching Ninja Warrior.”
“You better wait for me!” Feng Xin yelled, even though the living room was literally only ten steps away from the entrance hall. Feng Xin sighed and pocketed his phone then offered both of his hands to Xie Lian.
Xie Lian smiled as he let Feng Xin help pull him up.
“Seriously though,” Feng Xin said quietly once Xie Lian was upright, “please let at least me know if you’re going to go on any more weird dates. Especially with that guy.”
“I will,” Xie Lian said with a nod, “as long as I know about the dates beforehand, that is.”
Feng Xin sighed. “That’s the best I can hope for, I suppose.”
“I’m starting in five seconds!” Mu Qing said loudly.
Xie Lian snorted as Feng Xin rolled his eyes dramatically in an obvious impression of Feng Xin before he retreated to his end of the couch. Xie Lian took up his seat in the middle, sitting cross-legged as Feng Xin sprawled on his left and Mu Qing crossed his right leg over his left on his right. Together, they finished the episode of Ninja Warrior. Although Xie Lian always enjoyed watching it, Feng Xin and Mu Qing’s bickering over contestants or challenges always made it better.
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pokemonispain · 2 years
OMG I didn't know you write for Heaven Official's Blessing!! So ahshvsjd brain rot moment.
So i was thinking of this AU based Fengqing thing - like all the characters are in university - Xie Lian a law major, Feng Xin on a sports scholarship and Mu Qing studying fashion.
Maybe the three of them used to live together and then Xie Lian moved out to live with his new boyfriend Hua Cheng, leaving his chaos children besties alone.
Mu Qing: It's your damn turn!!
Now imagine those two being roommates while simultaneously getting on each other's nerves. Like Xie Lian gets texts every day:
Feng Xin: We're starving to death because the git refuses to do the groceries
Feng Xin: How the hell was I supposed to know that?
Or something like,
Mu Qing: Your best friend's smelly jockness is messing with my aesthetic. Take him away please
But yeahhh, now imagine one day after whatever sport practice, Feng Xin comes home feeling rather unwell and it turns out later that he caught a bad case of the flu which ended up triggering a subdued childhood asthma.
And Mu Qing looking after him while simultaneously trying to appear cold but crazy with concern. Maybe ends up calling Xie Lian who explains the childhood condition and maybe they decide to take Feng Xin to the hospital.
Later when he wakes up and the two have a heartfelt conversation.
Mu Qing: No, I was not concerned at all
Feng Xin: You know you're a terrible liar, right?
Mu Qing: Says the one who claimed to have not eaten the cake with cream around his lips
Feng Xin: How should I have known you'd be staring at my lips?
Mu Qing: ???
That kind of interaction 😭
Oh god this got so long - I'm sorry 😭😭
But yeahhh, if you could do something along these lines I'd be forever grateful! I love your works and can't wait to read anything you write in the future!!
This is absolutely adorable omg😭 it’s going on the list 👁👁 this really is precious and thank you so much for your kind words❤️❤️
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incorrecthobquotes · 5 years
[Everyone in Heaven is standing around a broken coffee maker]
Jun Wu: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad, I just want to know.
Xie Lian: …I did. I broke it.
Jun Wu: No. No, you didn’t. General Pei?
Pei Ming: Don’t look at me. Look at Shi Wu Du.
Shi Wu Du: What?! I didn’t break it.
Pei Ming: Huh, that’s weird. How’d you even know it was broken?
Shi Wu Du: Because it’s sitting right in front of us, and it’s broken.
Pei Ming: Suspicious.
Shi Wu Du: No, it’s not!
Feng Xin: If it matters, probably not, but Mu Qing was the last one to use it.
Mu Qing: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!
Feng Xin: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Mu Qing: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Feng Xin!
Xie Lian: Okay, let’s not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Your Majesty.
Jun Wu: No! Who broke it!?
Shi Wu Du: Your Majesty…Ling Wen’s been awfully quiet.
Ling Wen: REALLY?!
[Everyone starts arguing]
Jun Wu, later: I broke it. I burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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zzh3 · 4 years
Some of the funniest scenes in TGCF (in my opinion)
Please, note that I read TGCF in Spanish so some terms and quotes might be paraphrased
• Honestly, the funniest one has to be when they’re at Puji shrine, Feng Xin is disguised as Nan Feng and Xie Lian is about to give him food and Feng Xin pretends that there’s an emergency in heaven and runs for his life so he won’t have to eat Xie Lian’s food.
• When Xie Lian is explaining the red thread to Mu Qing and Feng Xin and he’s like “its not like the red thread of fate lol” so MQ and FX are like “ah okay then what does it do”, so he tells them and they are literally two seconds away from smacking him in the head like what do yOU think the red thread of fate is like
• When Xie Lian and Hua Cheng “”“"exchange spiritual energy”“” and everyone’s like “…” Yi Zhen is like “????” and Pei Ming just goes “Ho Ho”. That cracked me up.
• The statue of Xie Lian running around in heaven half-naked.
• When they’re on some mission in book 3, and Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are talking through their communication array and someone (I think Pei Ming?) asks them if they’re exchanging secrets or talking privately and Xie Lian is like ofc nope, so Hua Cheng raises his eyebrow and says: “Liar.” Please ahdhsbf.
• When the officials think the demon fetus is Pei Ming’s and he is so offended so he asks if the all have wrong preconceptions of him and Shi Qingxuan is like “…nope we just know you too well lol”
• When they caught Ling wen and said she had to pay for what she did and I guess we all thought they were going to jail her or something but their lazy asses just dumped all the bureaucratic work on her.
• The ghosts from the first arc who were fighting because according to one, the other was holding his head ahfhahfhs
• Qi Rong calling Hua Cheng a dog and then calling Xie Lian a dog-fucker hfjavfns
• When Hua Cheng’s skeleton chauffeurs (I don’t know their names so I fondly call the skeleton chaffeurs) arrive at Puji Shrine and Yi Zhen is like WOOOOW. He is like a kid seeing a new toy
• When Hua Cheng is trying to impress Guoshi. I love one demon king.
• When the heaven Eye guy was like “wHY is there so much essence of evil Inside You” to Xie Lian. Is everyone a virgin in this book hahaha
• Pei Ming being like couldn’t you guys just build a bigger coffin @ HuaLian
• I don’t remember what they were trying to do, but I think they were all digging so Hua Cheng who was definitely Not helping was trying to get Xie Lian to stop working bfhwhf
• The officials gossiping in their communication array like it's a WhatsApp group chat.
• Xie Lian having amnesia but somehow still remembering he got laid the night before.
• When Hua Cheng and Xie Lian thought Jun Wu was torturing Guoshi but he was… playing cards…
• The ghosts from Ghost City being such HuaLian shippers and tricking Xie Lian into saying they’re husbands.
• The chicken ghost just chilling in the soup lol.
• When some heavenly official whose name I can’t remember rn was like “ooh you know so much” @ hua cheng and hua cheng’s petty ass replied “no you just know too little”, I love him lmao
• SQX giving away merits like he was Oprah.
I’m sure there is more but my memory is terrible, if anyone reads this and wants to add something please do so ♡
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