#You are never alone
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Hebrews 13:5
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Find me
In the darkest places
Of your soul
Waiting by a fire
Welcoming you to
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yourlovelyspace · 2 months
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Don't ever forget it 💝
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walkswithmyfather · 2 months
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Psalm 139:1-14 (NLT). “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”
“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” By In Touch Ministries:
“The Lord sees beyond who you are to who you can be.”
“Looking at all He had created, God declared that it was very good (Genesis 1:31). We’ve been “awesomely and wonderfully made,” with great potential for service in His kingdom (Ps. 139:14; Ephesians 2:10). However, some of us may doubt that this is true, because we notice so many ways in which we fall short. Let’s look at some biblical examples of people who might have felt the same way.
Moses appeared to have many advantages while he was growing up in Pharaoh’s household. Then he killed an Egyptian and fled the country. No longer did he seem a likely candidate to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. But God looked beyond what Moses had done and saw who he could become.
Paul, prior to salvation, persecuted those who believed in Jesus. Yet through God’s mercy, the apostle became a mighty evangelist and author of almost half of the New Testament.
Peter denied—not once but three times—that he knew Jesus. Still, the Lord chose this simple fisherman to preach on the day of Pentecost.
God sees beyond our human frailties to the prospect of what we’re able to become in Him. Because His Spirit dwells in us, we have a greater capacity for spiritual transformation than we can imagine. Seek to become the person God has equipped you to be.”
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tavyliasin · 10 months
Call this one an experiment in a little something different, darlings~
We all have hard days, and some harder than most. So, perhaps a few words of comfort from some of our most beloved characters.
I may expand on these later to be fuller pieces of comfort, but only if that's something people feel they'd wish to see. So do let me know if it should go on my list, for more with these characters and additions of other favourites too~ I can probably so a short piece from anyone, given a little time to get under their skin and find their motivation/voice.
There's going to be some mild tw/cw for mental health, mention of scars, and subtle implications of pain/hurt/etc.
Astarion: "Darling, look into my eyes. That's right, keep your focus right here. Listen to my voice, breathe slowly. No more tears alone, love, you are a light in my endless night and I shall not let your flame burn low. You and I, we are more than the scars we never should have earned, and we are certainly far stronger than any blade or bow that has ever tried to take us down. You still do not believe it? You are here, living and breathing, despite all of your worst days.  Now, one day at a time, darling, one foot in front of the other. No stumble can erase how far you have come." 
Halsin: "I am here, my heart, what do you need? No shadow curse or vile beast can reach you from within my arms, no force of nature can tear you from them either. Take all the time you need, my love, I will not leave. Your tears are your strength, not your shame. Let me teach you of all I see within you, your boundless potential proving the acorn can become the oak. I see how you shelter others with your leaves, so let us - let me - hold you through the storm. Your boughs may bend but they will not break." 
Abdirak: "You endure your pain so well Dear One, but you must stop believing you deserve it. Pain is a gift, it can be loving, and deliver that love to Loviatar. But it must never break, it must not be delivered without purpose. Do not be so foolish as to believe your own hand is purpose enough. Let me show you the right pains, Dear One, the pain that can heal you. No others shall be permitted to taint the art that is you with sullied brushes." 
Raphael: "Little Mouse, you have set quite the trap for yourself, haven't you? Need I remind you exactly who you made a deal with? No. I shall not permit our agreement to be tainted, not by any insignificant insect that would dare to sting my prey. Do not look so forlorn, Little Mouse, your nickname is not an insult. You might be in the presence of a cat, and you would do well to remember that little fact, but a mouse can be swift, cunning, and survive against impossible odds. That is why I trust you, and no other, to bring me what I want most. It is why I offer you a deal that is almost entirely in your favour - no other could expect such generosity, Little Mouse, so keep that in mind. You are my favourite client, and I shall let none break you. Not even yourself."
Haarlep: "Ah my Little Thief, you wish to steal yourself away? No, I shall not have that. How bold you were to look me in the eye and to broker your own deal! I could have killed you the moment you stepped into my abode uninvited, but that, Little Thief, would have been such a terrible waste. You noticed, did you not? When I saw you, when I truly saw you, that I did not see just a body stood brazenly staring me down without a scrap of cloth to cover you. I saw potential, so very much delicious potential. Come now, lie back, tell your dear Haarlep what troubles you, and I shall erase every last one from your mind."
A bonus, from Tavylia Sin, to one and all.
Tavylia: "Hello, darling. I see you, I really do. I can see how tightly you hold on, how easily the little hope you cling to can slip through your fingers. I know you may never read this, I know you may never hear it, but perhaps someone else like you will read this instead and that will be enough. You are too unkind to yourself, even as you show endless understanding and patience to those around you. They love you, darling, they cherish you even when you don't hear it. I know you need to hear it , though, and I don't begrudge you the comfort of soft words. Just...remember them, love. Remember every moment you were heard, every time you were adored just the way you are, and know those feelings are still there. A heart of love is not emptied by a single moment of you not believing in yourself, your worth is not measured by what you provide. Your worth is within yourself. I see it, others do too. Take comfort, darling, you are never ever alone. I am with you, near or far, and my love for you will not fade. If you cannot believe in yourself for now, trust that we believe in you. Rest, love, the dawn brings a new day and you are always a pleasant part of mine."
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bleach-your-panties · 7 months
Message to all my moots/followers:
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I love you, and if you ever feel like no one sees or hears you, just know that I do🫶🏽
My DM's are always open if you need to talk.
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random-xpressions · 4 months
People think that isolation and solitude are to be embarked upon for itself. Let me tell you, it is never an end in itself but a means for a greater goal at the end. I see the two as an exercise. So let's dissect. Isolation, the act of keeping oneself aloof from any sorts of human connection, both physical and mental. This is the first step. So what exactly happens when you have isolated from the rest of the world. It remains an undeniable fact that the human soul craves connection. So now that you're left with nothing but yourself, you begin to rewire yourself and you begin to reconnect with yourself. That's precisely what happens in solitude. You're left with your soul. You're returning to yourself. The journey back to oneself. You will start feeling a sense of tranquility in connecting with oneself. You'll start discovering the joy of keeping one's own company. For the first time, you'll start experiencing an overwhelming peace in your own presence, that's never found elsewhere before. That's the magic of solitude. It introduces you to yourself. Now that I've told you enough about it. Is that it? Or is there still more to it? You've just reached the shore. There's a vast ocean awaiting ahead. Solitude is merely the bridge that connects you to your far greater unknown within. Your soul is merely the gateway to the Divine. Solitude is the stepping stone of spiritual journey. What you are basically doing is that at first you're being deeply acquainted with yourself and once you've done that, you are being taken to the next level. A connection of a different kind. The eternal journey into the unknown. That's when you realize that the word solitude doesn't quite fully do justice because of the simple truth that you are never alone. There's this overwhelming presence of someone greater within, an untapped power, an omnipotent, an omniscient, hidden within oneself...
Random Xpressions
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neon-kazoo · 2 months
“Does it ever get lonely?”
Villain’s nemesis turned their head slowly, caught off guard by the question that broke the careful silence between them.
“What?” The hero questioned dumbly, trying to process the sudden inquiry.
They weren’t by themselves. Their enemy was sat at their side, now giving them a look that Hero couldn’t quite decipher.
“Like, people treating you differently, I guess,” Villain stumbled before continuing, “Don’t you ever just want to feel normal?”
Hero froze, furrowing their brow in confusion.
What wasn’t normal about their life? They ate, slept, went to class, did their work. Saving the world was just…a hobby.
Everybody had those, right?
Hero shook their head automatically.
“Thats just what happens when you lose the mask,” they dismissed, “People treat you differently. It is what it is.”
They weren’t sure what to make of their enemy’s abrupt curiosity. Their face reveal was nothing more than a practical decision. One they had never doubted.
“So you don’t miss before?” Villain queried.
What was there to miss about anonymity?
Now, they didn’t have to worry about struggling with secrets, goggle malfunctions, or their identity being used against them. It made everything easier. The decision had helped them do their hero work more efficiently and live their daily life without constant mistruths.
“Of course not.”
So why did it feel like they were still lying?
They didn’t regret it, they knew they didn’t. It’s just that, somewhere in the process of making life easier, it had somehow simultaneously gotten harder.
Without the mask, there was no hiding. Now, there was only staring at every turn, high expectations in every area. Now, their friends could only share sympathy, not empathy. Without the mask, at the end of the day, it was just them.
“Yes,” they breathed.
“Yes, what?”
The response was too far removed from any question to be sure what the hero was referring to.
“Yes, I miss it. Yes, I want to feel normal. Yes, I feel so alone.”
Their words crescendoed, then fell back down to a whisper at the final confession.
The silence greeted them again like a familiar friend as a few seconds passed.
“You’re not, you know,” Villain spoke into the air.
It was Hero’s turn to ask, again, “What?”
“Alone. You’re not.”
Villain looked up from their fiddling hands, attempting to share their sincerity through their gaze.
Hero’s throat tightened.
Weren’t they?
Sometimes they wished they could just glue the damned thing back on their face. It wasn’t what was best for them, but it was less scary, being ignored. No one knowing them. No one seeing them.
The lies had been destroying them, but the truth was just so much harder to live.
The disbelief showed through on the hero’s face as they picked absentmindedly at their nails.
“Just because you’re my archenemy, doesn’t mean you’re my only enemy.”
Their eyes met, and Hero realized Villain was serious.
“You…fight other people?”
“Of course I fight other people,” the villain laughed lightly, “Did you really think you’re the only hero in the world?”
They didn’t, but…they didn’t think it was the same. It was so easy to get caught up in their own coverage, their own issues. Plus, the superheroes operated on a different level. They couldn’t possibly struggle with something as trivial as an identity reveal.
Hero opened their mouth, but no sound came out.
“I’m gonna give you some numbers,” Villain pulled a pen out from their pocket, grabbing the Hero’s hand from where it rested and writing ink down across it, “Call them. It’ll help, I promise.”
Hero blinked down at the symbols now written in blue on dorsal side of their hand.
It was a strange day to be taking advice from their nemesis, but they’d be lying if they said they didn’t want to try.
Maybe, they really weren’t as alone as they thought.
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If you're ever feeling like you're alone or isolated. Check out this site.
"Queering the Map is a community generated counter-mapping platform for digitally archiving LGBTQ2IA+ experience in relation to physical space.
The platform provides an interface to collaboratively record the cartography of queer life—from park benches to the middle of the ocean—in order to preserve our histories and unfolding realities, which continue to be invalidated, contested, and erased. From collective action to stories of coming out, encounters with violence to moments of rapturous love, Queering the Map functions as a living archive of queer life. If it counts to you, then it counts for Queering the Map.
Through mapping LGBTQ2IA+ experience in its intersectional permutations, the project works to generate affinities across difference and beyond borders—revealing the ways in which we are intimately connected."
The website will probably be laggy due to all of the posts. We really are everywhere.
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braveheart-princess · 1 month
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Psalms chapter 119 verses 49-56 Holy Bible KJV
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samxcamargo · 1 year
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Book: The Pain of Healing by Samantha Camargo on amazon 💛
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astro-souls · 1 year
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you are never alone- for the Lord is with you
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ascendingaeons · 5 months
You Are Never, Ever Alone
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I’m going to share something that might be very controversial, but I’ve come to believe it fully. It’s something I heard someone say and I’ll be paraphrasing it to suit the narrative of my audience.
Your gods and ancestors never abandon you. You draw away from them.
I once had a vision during meditation of myself standing in a bluish-white space. Behind me was a legion of one thousand souls standing in phalanx formation. It was communicated that every soul who incarnates on Earth receives the support of one thousand guides. Most often they are ancestors and individuals within our soul group but some are souls that volunteered to support you. It was also conveyed that gods we formed bonds with throughout previous incarnations are part of this support network.
When we are grieving, anxious, afraid, or depressed our connection to Spirit becomes clouded. We are unable to accept the love and compassion of our guides because our awareness is focused intensely on materialism. It is during a dark night of the soul that this deception is at its worst.
Sometimes we receive unexpected grace during a hard day. Things aren't going our way, but an opportunity appears to turn things around. Or perhaps we receive a boon that turns things around for the better. Maybe not enough to change the situation entirely but still enough to make it substantially easier. I found that if we work to remain open to blessings by practicing gratitude in the present moment, we will be better equipped to receive them. Many times, good things come and go because we are too focused on what is happening in the material world, be it wealth, relationships, status, or any other form of stress. It is in letting go of our attachment to needing things to be a certain way that we can truly begin to change our lives.
I cannot speak for other intuitives but I have never been able to truly sense the entirety of guides in my sphere of influence. They tend to make themselves known to me as they need or desire. Perhaps this feeds the miasma. This is where faith comes in. When we fall our desire is to be caught but sometimes that isn’t aligned with our highest good. Our guides are still there, watching and supporting us, but in that moment we have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and keep going. The journey never ends but we are never, ever alone.
Image is “Spirit Ancestors in Captain Thunderbolt's Territory” by Melani du Jardin
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euesworld · 2 years
"You are not made of wood, but you are still my home.. and you are never alone, never alone."
You could never be alone in this world as long as I breathe, cause I am loving you with every breath.. it's you, it's always been you - eUë
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krskrash · 10 months
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“Good morning :)
God is always with you. Giving you air, supporting your footsteps, nourishing you with sunshine, God is here with you, in truth you are never alone...”
[From: “This Little Light Of Mine,” FB]
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