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beebeedibapbeediboop · 2 years ago
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" 'Something the matter postwoman? "
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aizawash0e · 25 days ago
y’all y’all y’allllllll i watched Cross on prime and when i tell you im obsessed i binged watch it two days ago and i can’t stop thinking about it, it was so fricking goood!!
i need a new season IMMEDIATELY EXPEDITIOUSLY I NEEDED IT YESTERDAY #NEEDTHATTT anddd the cast soo good and so fineee ugh im attached
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bumpycap · 1 year ago
i feel as if maybe I have hooked a couple people onto The Missing Scarf Comic...
that is a great accomplishment in my book.
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shima-draws · 8 months ago
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Luffy bites I don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Sanji could not stop his onslaught 😔
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 274
You know what is fun? Baby Ghost Jason. You know what could be even more fun? Ghosts are Dragons. 
Jason? Aware of none of this. 
He was on comms, y’know listening and rolling his eyes at Dickwing, who used his real name, really Dick, he mocks. It’s just a stakeout, nothing new there, honestly boring when he could be blowing something up instead. It should have just been a stakeout. 
Yet there’s something suddenly there, something behind him. Something that causes his hair to stand on end and his comms to spark into static like some sort of horror movie. Something, something with clawed hands with corpse-pale skin tipped in black, stained or dead or something else, tilting his head up and up and up as he’s frozen. 
“A child, out here? Alone?” a voice crackles, hisses, hums, and purrs, somehow all at once, unnatural in its tone. He can’t move, he needs to move, he has to move, but it’s like the space around him has gone cold and dead, like he’s stuck in the Pits once more as claws hold his head and his vision blurs. “Sleep, child. Rest- we’ll be home soon.” 
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jubshead · 3 months ago
Let me brag cause I've been saying this since her episode
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rin-hayata · 4 months ago
I just wanna start by saying that I love the way you draw it’s so pretty and amazing it’s beautiful.
I saw you said something about suggestions so if you would like to I think a drawing of the main guys just doing a cuddle pile or sleeping close would be cute. Like I feel for example mr.silvair sleeps like 🧍‍♂️ and I bet Mr. Crawling (canon ig) would just lay on top of the mc, etc, etc.
Just a fun idea I had and wanted to share with someone, cause I really needed to get it out of my system lmao
FIRST tysm?!? 🥺
second here you go. if id render it out it would take like a week.
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Imma have another post where I draw funny sleep headcanons hahahha
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jesuistrestriste · 7 months ago
whispering in art’s ear, playing with his sensitive nipples, putting ur fingers in his mouth as u give him a reach-around while he’s sat on ur lap… ugh, the dream.
art’s bare back rests against your clothed chest, warm and slightly shaky, as your firm words keep his legs obediently spread apart.
“thaaat’s it, hon,” you purr into his ear, nodding, as your fingertips on both hands work to rub little teasing circles over his nipples, “good boy… it feels good, yeah?”
he squirms.
“mm—“ he whines out softly, and his head tips back against your shoulder, but he nods a little to appease you anyway.
his hands move to grip your ankles—the ones keeping his limbs caged in with yours—and he squeezes gently as he lets out a sharp moan and shudders forward. you watch his spine curl over.
“oh!” you smirk, leaning forward a bit to look down between his legs where his darkened boxers barely contain his arousal, “so cute.. you’re wet just like a girl, baby—“
art keens, his abdomen tensing and shaking as a heavy blurt of precome spills into the confines of the material, and he shakes his head.
“can i come?” he whispers breathlessly and desperately.
“nuh uh. not yet. i haven’t even started playing with you properly, you know that. what ever happened to slowing down and just enjoying the ride?” you tease, your hands slowly gliding down his abdomen.
he shakes his head.
“i gotta come, it hurts—“ he whimpers.
you sigh tiredly, but there’s no real anger or annoyance to it.
you just need him to learn when to shut his mouth. and if he won’t do it, you’ll do it for him.
“i’m getting sick all of this whining, art. now be good and open up,” you hum.
he obeys, no surprise there, and you reach your right hand up and gingerly slide your middle and ring finger over the soft, wet warmth of his tongue. he immediately moans and closes his eyes, his mouth working to envelop your digits as he suckles and drools around them helplessly like a starved puppy.
your left hand goes down into the front of his boxers and you wrap it around him as you feel him suck your fingers to the back of his throat.
“MM—! Mmmph—!” he whines loudly and pathetically, his hips arching up into your touch.
he licks and gasps and murmurs around your touch in his mouth like he’s worried you’ll pull away at any second, and your other hand starts to fist his cockhead wetly as his cries get louder, and louder, and louder, and louder—
“AHHMMPH—“ the blonde shakes in his seat between your legs, sticky saliva finally dripping down over his toned stomach as his jaw drops into a sinful ‘o’ and his blunt nails dig into your skin. you pull back your fingers from his mouth, and thick transparent strings of spit follow suit.
art doesn’t waste a second. he can’t.
“ohhh, can i come now..?” he breathes out urgently, like he’s one wrong move away from blowing his load before he can get your say-so, “can i please? oh god, please, i need to come, i wanna come for you—“
it’s hard not to give in when he looks like such a pathetic mess.
“fine,” you say gently, leaning in to kiss the side of his neck, “but i better hear how grateful you are. i wanna hear you say it when you feel it coming out, ‘kay?”
art braces himself, the suffocating flood of pleasure causing his limbs to lock up as he nods the best he can.
“ohh, my god, oh my god, oh my god, yes yes yes, i will, i will i— im— im about to—“
the first squirt of his orgasm catches him completely off-guard, and then he’s tumbling over the steep edge with a sharp sob; tears are spilling before he can blink them away, and the copious wetness suddenly seeping through his underwear and over your moving grasp can no longer be ignored.
“OHH! yes-ss-! i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m fucking cuhhminggh—!” he shudders out lowly and cries, “d-ohh, please, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you—!”
his body trembles against yours as he lets out a stupidly large amount of fluid, but you pump him through every wave till he’s slurring his words and telling you that he “can’t take it anymore” (he could, he can, he’s just a bit of a baby sometimes).
after he’s all spent and done, he tilts his head back and to the side so that he can kiss you, and he’s surprised when the warmth of your hand can no longer be felt against his tingling flesh. and then your tongue in his mouth is being replaced by your fingers that are absolutely covered in his spend.
on another day, maybe he’d feel a little odd about it, but you’ve lulled him into such a fucked-out headspace that he can’t help but start licking and sucking himself off of you.
after all, it’s just another way to show his appreciation for all that you do for him. all that you allow him to feel via your loving hands, and your loving mouth, and your loving hole(s).
“thank you,” he mumbles, his mouth thick and full of his own spit and come and your soft digits, but you understand him perfectly.
how could you not?
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skekdris · 3 months ago
SkekSa smashing all the other skeksis in a beauty contest.
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Fabulous old women yuri ❤️
(Closeups below cut)
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itsallaboutbl · 5 months ago
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Min, you're not fighting this battle alone anymore.
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mortiscausa · 11 months ago
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Now that I have seen your death, I no longer wish to live, except until I have taken revenge on the traitor who did this to you.
march to camelot prompt #6: grudge
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unadulteratedloathings · 10 months ago
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Are you gonna hit me again, huh?
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divinebunnii · 11 months ago
panting into their mouth, lips barely touching
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ukelele-boy · 1 year ago
"sure, maybe he will relapse, turn back into the selfish god he was. but why would you want to believe that it's a story about hope. so have some."
Apollo will stay changed because he will continue actively make the effort to change!!! He wants to change! ❤️❤️✨🔥👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
i think apollo will stay changed after becoming human
first time making something like this. so uh, yeah, kinda sorta analysis after the cut and a lot of this is based off of this analysis and also the toa discord. yeah. let's get this started
i think that apollo will stay "human" even after regaining godhood because that's the point. it's a story about growth, healing, change, hope, and identity. apollo lost his, not just by being put into lester, but his identity, as apollo the god.
and it isn't just apollo. meg is a big one as well, her arc sort of mirroring apollo, with nero being compared to zeus quite often in the narration. i think another arc that sort of mirrors apollo's is reyna. her arc is centered around identity. she needs to find it outside of the senate. apollo needed to find it outside of olympus. and quite ironically, the roman camp is called camp jupiter. and it was reyna that told apollo something he needed to hear. sure, he could never take back all of the shitty things he has done in the past, but he can still do good.
apollo thought he was the worst of the gods, all because he felt. all because he felt devasted when his loved ones died. all because even after all of that pain, he still loved. that is who he is at his core. someone who loves.
the reason he couldn't change at the start was because that man was in denial. but if you ignore his, i will admit this as someone who loves toa, kinda annoying narration and read just his actions, he is actively putting himself at risk to save percy, meg, his kids. he even knows the names of connor and travis, even knowing their personalities enough to know that they are pranksters. because that's who he is behind all of the glitter and blinding smiles. someone who cares, but can't show it.
how can i talk about apollo's change without mentioning jason. jason, i think, is the push that caused him to decide to change. "remember what it's like to be human." apollo and jason both sacrificed themselves for the team, only difference is that jason's stuck. this was his push. that apollo, as the god, could've helped. and that's was what he was going to do.
and in ton, we meet the troglodytes. they called him lester-apollo. lester was used as an epihet for apollo. this is mentioned in the toa server if this rings a bell. lester is now a part of his identity. it's so deeply engrained.
he may forget the people's faces, but their impact will never leave them.
apollo will stay changed because he wants to change. he wants to take those steps. that's what sets him apart from the olympians, the ones who live by one saying. "gods can't change." they can, they just don't want to. because that would mean, admitting what they did wrong and feeling guilt. apollo already was doing this, clear from the song that he sang in tho. he just needed a push.
but there is still hope. the nod from athena showing comradery. the idk what to call it with hera. apollo's trials didn't just impact him, it impacted all of olympus. for better or worse.
sure, maybe he will relapse, turn back into the selfish god he was. but why would you want to believe that? it's a story about hope. so have some.
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Last Resort
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@6kuros had a really cool idea in this post so i drew a thing
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zaacoy · 1 year ago
I have decided that i'm tired of saying im going to post more frequently here just for school to get in the way or for me to get busy with other things or what not, from here on out if I post ever it is a miracle and you should commemorate by letting yourself have a little celebratory treat i thinks
anyways freenoodles cuddle sketch hearts emojiiss :333c
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