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reptil-enjoyer · 1 year ago
My silly favorito mi querisimo heath te quiero tanto nadie te entiende como yo (estoy loco)
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worm-in-a-trenchcoat · 1 year ago
If I see any G3 Venus fanart and y’all make her white I’m taking out your kneecaps
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tae-shimura-is-my-wife · 2 months ago
Ok so Jinafire in g3 is green because the yellow skin is a racist caricature makes sense, but why does Mattel still sells g1 Jinafire then? Why didn't they changed her skin color too? Isn't she racist? It is okay to sell a racist caricature as a collector? And why aren't mh fans talking about it? "Jina is offensive but look at her beautiful fang vote doll!", nothing makes sense in my head...
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the-ghost-rat · 6 months ago
Hey @ the mh g3 stans on tiktok; if you think claiming anyone who prefers g1 over g3 , the gen that happens to have two fat characters(both dressed horribly mind i add), means they r fatphobic that they just hate fat ppl EVEN IF THEY ARE LITREALY FAT THEMSELVES maybe just maybe
Reconsider your thought process yknow just maybe
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nexo-nex · 3 months ago
Happy birthday ca cupid i hope that mh g3 gives you a far better storyline than whatever the hell they did to you in EAH
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clamorybus · 2 years ago
tbh i am happy they made twyla canonically autistic, and it's genuinely wonderful she states it in the show. but it does feel off doing all that after removing all of ghoulia's disabilities
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asagi-red-wolf · 2 years ago
ok but you KNOW Monster High did something SEVERELY right when I spent last year worried about all the changes they’d make to g3 because I love g1 so much but now all I can do is worry about all the changes they’ll make to g4 (because you know it’ll happen eventually) because I love g3 so much
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silksinging · 2 years ago
I somehow picked both the best and worst time to get into monster high huh
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imreadydollparts · 7 months ago
More Mattel Head Glue Mess.
So this was posted on X:
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And it caused a lot of collectors/enthusiasts to be kind of mean to OP for trusting a tutorial by a well-known doll rehabber (keep in mind, well known doesn't mean they know what they're doing...) and trying that person's glue head removal method of saturating the hair in WD-40 then washing it, causing the hair to all fall out.
They were also saying she should have used L.A.'s Totally Awesome, because we all know that works well and is generally safe. Generally.
At first I was sure that the problem wasn't the oil because oil does degrade plastics, yes, but not THAT fast. I figured the glue being removed made the hair fall out in that removing the glue removes the hairs' anchor inside the head.
I thought this doll had Saran and tried WD-40 on a Barbie because I can't assume I know exactly what happened without having tried this method, but Barbie's hair was fine. WD-40 is very fast at removing the head glue (but difficult to wash out again, just like Goo Gone in our hard water), but still not recommended due to the way oils degrade plastics.
Then @oak23 told me this doll does NOT have Saran hair, she has a special hair fiber meant to hold a shape without heat.
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That changes things!
So I ordered one of the same doll on eBay to test on and she got here yesterday.
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Her hair is already breaking around the scalp and the hair texture looked weird, there.
That got me thinking the head glue is what's destroying the hair fiber, not the removal method, in this case, oil. That supports my earlier theory that applying oil didn't instantly destroy the hair.
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I gave her a quick wash because she was dirty, chopped off some of her hair right up by the scalp so there was gluey and not-gluey hair, and soaked samples in T.A. and WD-40 for two hours.
I can't record while I'm working but after that 2 hour period I pulled the samples out, held it in both hands, and yanked on them hard.
I also yanked on the hair still attached to the head, which did not break any more than it had when I had combed it.
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The WD-40 hair, when yanked, did not break. When I pulled specifically at the ends that had glue, though, just that area disintegrated!
The Totally Awesome soaked hair had the same results when yanked.
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However, the hair broke apart even more at the glue end than the sample treated with WD-40!
This tells me that the head glue is what caused the hair to destabilize either by changing it's composition in some way or by integrating with the hair, and regardless of the glue removal method, once the glue was dissolved, the affected hair fell apart.
Link back to the post full of links to the other post about this issue:
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rarepairqueenmochi · 3 months ago
Monster High and East Asian Representation
Alright MH fans, we need to have a semi-serious conversation about how East Asian rep has been handled in the franchise. Representation itself has been a big point of conversation in the community, so it's important to talk about all of its aspects. The good, the bad, and the ill-conceived.
For context, I am an East Asian-American who has seen time and time again her culture be misrepresented, boiled down to stereotypes, and even mocked by other Asian cultures. Am I the all-time expert? Absolutely not, which is why I encourage other East Asian/Asian-American fans to give their comments about the franchise's handling of Asian characters.
Now then, we'll start with G1 since it probably has some of the most infamous pieces of representation
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There is a lot to unpack with G1 Jinafire's design and personality. Not only the choice of golden skin, the misguided outfit choices, and emphasis on honor and discipline, but also the oriental riff often accompanying her in every backing scene. Highly encourage people to look into the Asian Dragon Lady stereotype, because unfortunately, that is what Jinafire is.
It is acknowledgeable that Jinafire's voice actress, Stephanie Sheh, is also Chinese, but there is still error with her character as a whole. Jinafire was personally one of the first Asian characters in media that I was introduced too, so it's upsetting to reflect on how negative her character design is.
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Shibooya is... not great. The exchange program as a whole feels like a minefield of issues (though I don't have much liberty to discuss the other transfers), and this one especially rubbed me the wrong way. They gave the vampires of Shibooya yellow skin, and the doll is supposed to kimono-inspired while hardly even resembling one.
Harajuku style was right there and easily fit the fashions of Monster High. There are also a number of Japanese yokai that could've been featured within the short and would have likely been better representation than the vampires.
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Kiyomi is okay, and certainly an improvement compared to the previous G1 characters. She's based off the Noppera-bo, aka the faceless ghost, and it's used decently in her design. However, her personality is boiled down into being shy, quiet, and reserved, which is a stereotype many Asian girls face under the name "Lotus Blossoms". She even has blossoms on her dress sleeves, and her outfit again is a loose interpretation of a kimono.
There are a number of modern Japanese outfit designs that could be used, and kimonos are often associated with modesty and respect. Kimonos are not meant to be revealing in any way, covering the body in full and being intricately wrapped. I personally take issue with the designers noting her chains meaning to resemble the sailor collar, which is used in middle school uniforms, not high school uniforms.
Kiyomi is, of course, hardly mentioned and refined to a movie role, in which she copies and mimics the personality/style of an European character.
Now onto G3!
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Honestly, nothing really to critique here! Draculaura's been canonically been confirmed to be at least half-Taiwanese and speaks Mandarin. Now would it be nicer to get more appearances of her culture other than a couple throw-away lines? Yes it would, but there isn't anything really negative about this portrayal. I think it'd be interesting if Draculaura had a Taiwanese name she went by around her mother, or just casual moments of her eating scallion pancakes or aiyu jelly.
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aaaaaand here's where we automatically fall back on representation. This may not seem that major to people, but considering this is the first Japanese character we get in G3, it's not great. Points for the writers looking past the most common yokai, but I don't know any person that wants to be represented by an animal.
I really do need people to realize how this is compared to the other characters. I wasn't initially reactive to Kuma's introduction until I realized they were making him a consistent character. Considering we don't have many other anthro/fully monstrous characters, and they chose to make him the Japanese representation doesn't seem right. Especially since they gave him the lead in the cultural appropriation vs. appreciation episode. An excellent episode, but it loses some sentiment coming from a literal bear.
Plus I would implore you all to rewatch Horrorscare and take a close look at the Japanese water dragon Pearl. And I'll remind you she exists in the same world as Jinafire.
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now this is what I'm talking about! Not only has the skin issue been resolved, but the creators took a step in the right direction and made Jinafire more akin to Chinese dragons, who are often connected to storms and rain. Her outfit is also much more akin to street fashion in China. I still wish there was more to see with Jinafire's character, but she absolutely an improvement to her G1 iteration!
Well that's a lot to unpack there! Again, I am in no way the expert on East Asian representation and I'm going to miss some things. I encourage other fans to think about these characters and how you feel about them, and maybe even point out things I missed, good or bad! I did this simply out of my own feelings and wanted to see if anyone else felt the same.
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ghoulish-skullects · 5 months ago
late post but…kinda rant…sorry in advance
With the now fully confirmed news that Monster High G3 season 3 cartoon and 3rd live action movie are cancelled, the cmnt section of those post have mainly been full of praise that its getting cancelled...like huh???🙁 they are acting like its the worst thing ever made in existence.(and yes ik everyone is entitled to their own opinion but still.)
The cartoon was actually entertaining and you got to know these new versions of the characters sm better because of it. can agree the live-action movies could have been better but i don't blame the actors they brought the characters even more to life.
i can also admit i was hesitant when the reboot and the dolls first came out but after some time + actually watching it and getting these dolls with a new lens i love it so much. And knowing that now multiple generations are loving monster high too thats even more awesome.
Theres like so many characters and things we’ve yet to see in show yet and character depth yet to be revealed and explored!
sorry, but it just makes me upset that so many ppl are just so hateful towards MH-G3 even after all this time that it has been out now. I would’ve loved a show like this as a kid but now as a adult i can say this has helped heal some of my inner child like fr.
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zimulacrum · 11 months ago
LISTEN I take back everything I ever said about g3 in the past two years I’m dumb and stupid and I love it BUT I will say the one thing that’s been bugging me about it is…. Why did they give all the main characters both biological parents (minus Deuce as I’m not sure whether Lyra has any bio relation)???
Most of the main characters in g1 had either one living parent or divorced parents or adopted and to be honest that was good rep (as minor as it was, as most rep was actually in the diaries) the p much the only big showing of divorced parents even AROUND that time was Phineas and Ferb (hehe mentioning my two big special interests)
Draculaura was adopted after her mom died, Lagoona/Clawdeen/Cleo only showed one parent, Frankie was created by one man, and YES I know that g3 wants to avoid talking about death but you can have different types of families without saying a parent is dead!! All we really have is everyone with a mom and a dad, then deuce with two moms, and spectra with her ghoulma. And to be honest!! It’s fine!! Not everything HAS to be represented everywhere!! And I know that g3 is an alternate universe!! But it’s still a bit disappointing that pretty much everyone has two parents now
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snortoborto · 1 year ago
This is literally the only website where fans of G3 Monster High can exist in peace without being fucking crucified by G1 purist types.
I grew up in Pony Fandom, I'm used to seeing how adults react to reboots, but I have never seen a fandom (of a children's toy line, lest we forget) act so horribly vindictive towards a reboot, and it's fans. A very high quality, thoughtful reboot at that.
You literally can't just enjoy G3 without someone screaming in your ear about how bitter they are that theyre not a kid anymore. That Monster High isn't catering to the youth culture of of 14 years ago.
I grew up in the 2010s and so many franchises from that time have been reworked. Some good and some bad, but I've never really seen quite the level of dedicated, continuous, distain for a reboot, that I see in the MH fandom.
Its just weird cause they're the same people who tout the "Be Yourself, Be Unique, Be a Monster" tag line of G1. Unless you like a different doll than them...I guess? It's so unserious. I think they remember G1 as being better, or more countercultural/progressive than it actually was. Those dolls and movies are not quite the high art, people pretend that they are.
They also constantly act like G3 killed G1. Wiped it off the face of the earth. All the old stuff is still there, PLUS Mattel is constantly releasing G1 collector dolls. Like, a lot of them.
The pride merch for this year had the G1 ghouls on it, eventhough G3 is the only version with actual cannon representation. (Yes Ik the G1 creator confirmed queer theories and intentions on social media, but it never explicitly made its way into the TV/movies. Its just coding, which is good, but still NOT explicit representation. Plus Garrett likes the new dolls, and posts them on socials. G3 has his blessing.) Why didn't we get some G3 Frankie merch to rep their NB identity? Why didn't we get G3 Clankie on a shirt or something? Mattel is still putting G1 first.
There's plenty of normal G1 fans, obviously, but the shitty ones are LOUD. Mattel can't even post an insta or tiktok video of the G3 cast, without the comments being full of people trashing G3 and attacking any commenter who likes it. Sometimes even shitting on the live action actors and VAs on their personal socials. It's gotten a little less bad since the reboot has been out over a year, but it's still a huge problem.
I'm genuinely confused as to why MH fans are acting worse about a reboot than literal bronies did about MLP G5. I love bronies, I'm a life long pony fan, but ik the fandom can have STRONG opinions on horse show.
When I started using Tumblr, I was surprised to only see love for G3. I'm sure there's hate somewhere, but not that I've seen.
Anyone else have any idea about why this might be? Are other doll-centric fandoms like this? I only really like MH dolls, so idk.
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horsegamergirl · 6 months ago
A new game blog just came out with many interesting things, here's a link if you want to read it whole, I'm gonna write down what I think is the most important/interesting:
They plan to release the showjumping with faults and penalties permanently sometime this fall or winter
They planned to release the wardrobe update in April, but they had to postpone to June. They ran into a problem with UI scaling, so it's again postponed, but they want to release it this year.
This delay also affected their plans to put more slots on the character and horse sheet. This mean that the ability to wear earrings and glasses at the same time, or the release of ear bonnets and horse blankets will be set to later. (Expected realease 2025 and later)
The customizable stables are coming (they said September on instagram under one post). Throughout the rest of this year, they'll release more options, so we can "mix and match". If people like it, they will continue to evolve and release new ones during 2025.
The new system for retrofitting older horses is nearly finished. They plan to finish it late 2024 and have all G3 horses retrofitted before summer 2025.
I'm gonna just copy this one: "We’re introducing a new way of interacting with your horse and fellow players in a revamped area set in a ye olde time. We hope you're as excited as we are for this addition — we think this journey in time will be magical!"
wait, wait, wait... a REVAMPED AREA?!?!
For now, breeding horses is off the table. Instead, they're focusing on more customization for horses and more interactions between the horse and the rider - this includes personality and reactions from your horses! (this will be G4 I think)
They started to work on the name changes, but changed the focus on functionality of the launcher and the handling of Star Coins Wallets. The name change is not forgotten, but it won't come in 2024 or 2025.
More body types, more face options and more skin colours are planned, but they have to optimize and improve graphical pipeline first, otherwise it could lead to game crashes and game instabilities. These optimizations and improvements will be done by January 2025. Additional body types will be worked on during 2025. They're also thinking of making it as a slider, so people can create themselves. Whatever they choose, it won't come earlier than late 2025 or even 2026, depending on what gets in the way.
Copying: "Narrative and Story!: This will be for another post. We will not stop, ever, to share stories from the universe of Jorvik—there are still many untold secrets, and much more to discover in the stories we've already begun." That sounds ominous lol, but does that mean they plan to finish the unfinished storylines?
There will be part 2 of this game blog, when it drops, I'll let y'all know.
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reashot · 2 years ago
Ruby Is For Headpatting Not For LEWDing. (Slightly NSFW. )
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Jaune: *pat, pat*
Ruby: *Purr*
Jaune: There-there Ruby do you like it.
Ruby: *nod*
Jaune: Okay, I'll see you later then.
Ruby: No. More!
Jaune: More headpat?
Ruby: No. Lewd me.
Jaune: *gulp* Ha-ha-ha... I'm sorry but Ruby is for headpatting only not for LEWDing.
Ruby: I said Lewd me!
Jaune: Wow look at the time. I better get going or I'll be late for something... *run as fast as the wind*
Ruby: Oh, just you wait Jaune Arc. I'll make you mine soon enough. Or my name isn't Ruby Rose.... And speaking of which I have just the idea.
A few days later....
Yang: Hey Rubes your package of roses are here.
Ruby: Quick gimme, gimme!
Yang: Yeeesh what's in this thing. Did Glock do a promotional or something with this roses?
Ruby: Oh-ho-ho-ho. No, no, no you see Glock doesn't need to do some shameless promotion to sell their products. Their name is already a testament to quality unlike some other brands... Now if you would excuse me I have to prepare this for someone. Oh and Yang please tell Jaune to come to my room later tonight. *walks into her room*
Tai: *talking to his Taurus G3* Oh don't listen to my daughter. Taurus brand are just as good as Glock...
*Pistol died*
Tai: Huh? Still somehow more sturdier than my marriage life...
Ruby's Bedroom.
Jaune: Hey Ruby. Yang said you wanted to see me.... OH MY OHM!!!!
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Ruby: Hey handsome. See anything you like?
Jaune: (Everything) I-I mean. Oh look at the time I forgot to wash my stove... Why is the door locked?
Ruby: Oh Jaune... The door won't open until you make sweet, sweet love to me... Or just fuck me till I lose consciousness. Whichever you're cool with.
Jaune: Ha, ha. Oh Ruby I get it it's a joke. It's hilarious so please let me go before we do something we all regret.
Ruby: Oh no it's no joke you have to use your big Arc's key to open this door I'm afraid. And thankfully we have an entire night to practice. So are you into kinky things?
Jaune: I guess I know now why Yang give me this box of condom.
Ruby: Give me that condom! *burns the entire box to ashes*
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Jaune: Ruby! You can shoot laser from your eyes?!
Ruby: Wow, I guess my silver eyes have power I didn't know about. Now where were we... Oh yes, you were about to raw dog me.
Jaune: Wait Ruby please don't, we can't just do it without protection. What if you have a baby.
Ruby: ...... That will make me the happiest woman in Remnant. Now come lover boy I will put a baby in you too.
Jaune: I don't think that's how it work.
Ruby: I just shot laser from my eyes don't tell me about how stuffs work. Now either join me on the bed or I will plant my baby to you on the wall.
Jaune: No means no Ruby.
Ruby: The wall it is then!
Jaune: Ahhh!!!!
Ruby: Your screaming will only serves to turn me on even further.
Jaune: *whimper*
Ruby: And your scared whimpering somehow makes me even hornier.
What will happens next is up to you.
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mummywrappers · 1 year ago
Cleo de Nile in G3
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I’ve seen a few posts of some people complaining about how Cleo in g3 has nothing to her except being Frankie’s girlfriend and the problem is that most of the people who complain about this have admitted that they don’t even watch the show…
G3 Cleo is my favorite character and I’m gonna make this post to talk about her hobbies, her struggles, her responsibilities and everything she likes/cares about. If all you see her as is just being Frankie’s girlfriend, then that’s on you! Either watch the show or just stop complaining about something you don’t even watch or know anything about.
Cleo’s hobbies/what she like to do:
I’m gonna start with the basic and most known thing Cleo likes which is social media, how she wants to have more followers, be more popular and have all the attention. She vlogs, unboxes gifts, does grwm and dance videos. She follows and is obsessed with monster celebrities such as Pearl Ryuzaki and Autumn Patch.
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She also loves dancing and is in fact the head of the dance committee and even though she has that responsibility, she’s still in a lot of other clubs, including sports. She also takes extracurriculars.
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Cleo loves planning whether it’s party planning or making a list of what type of ''eye scream'' each monster in monster high would like to have in the school rally. Her excellent planning skills and leadership helps her be very persuasive and charismatic as she got Autumn Patch a really famous celebrity in the Monster world to perform at the Monster Ball.
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She loves acting and performing even though she thinks Nefera is better at it than her. She loves her scarabs and takes care of them as if they were her children. She loves and cares about monster high, she even protected it with one of her amulets. She loves jewellery, has a huge closet full of them and follows/is obsessed with Pearl Ryuzaki because she loves her jewellery designs. She admires humans and envies them because she loves the concept of being truly alive.
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First struggle I want to talk about is that she has a perfect older sister that always overshadows her. Nefera is great at everything and not to mention she’s also next in line to be Pharaoh. They have a one-sided rivalry that I love so much. Most of the time it seems that Nefera is unaware of how Cleo feels, but there was a scene when Nefera was hanging on a cliff where she said “why do you have to do things like that” to Cleo after Cleo stole Cleopatra’s necklace to get more attention and get the role of Cleopatra instead of Nefera. Cleo is slowly trying to accept and get used to the fact that Nefera is next in line to be queen, so she’s trying to find what she wants to be in the future and her own way in the world. She believes it’ll be fame.
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Her parents love her, but they obviously prefer and love Nefera more than her and it shows. When Cleo came to visit them the first thing they asked her was “is something wrong with Nefera?” and when she told them everything was fine, her parents continued to talk about how they miss Nefera and how they think she's the best, etc etc... They throw jewellery and bling at her thinking that will make her happy. When Cleo asked them for a request her mother immediately said, “didn't we just give you something? Yes, that bracelet!”.
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Lastly, I would love to talk about her song in “Look Over There”. In that series, there was a spark that came to life and whenever it hit someone, it makes them sing about how they exactly feel (Like how it made Heath, Toralei and Deuce talk about their parental issues). So in Cleo’s song she talked A LOT about her struggles, how she feels like no one takes her seriously, how she tries so hard yet no one sees or notices, how she feels like she will never be enough for herself or anyone, she cares about how others view/see her and that bothers her “Why do I always care about what they think?”, how she's scared people won't like her and won't stick around, she wants to always be on top and doesn’t want to let her guard down.
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Notice how NOTHING of what I said has ANYTHING to do with Frankie. If all you view Cleo as is Frankie’s girlfriend, then that’s on YOU! Also, Clankie is literally the most developed couple on the show and the couple where both characters are most developed, yet it’s the only one you complain about? Idk but it seems to me like you’re just mad Cleo likes Frankie instead of Deuce now. The only couple you complain about is the sapphic one.. if it bothers you so much stick to G1!
ALSO, how some of you are complaining about how she has a poster of Frankie in her Monster Fest doll… that’s literally only the second Clankie thing we got in dolls from Cleo (the first one was a picture in her ss1 locker). In fact, Frankie has WAY MORE Clankie crumbs on their dolls, (their ss1 locker has a picture of them and Cleo making bracelets together, their phone in their Amped Up doll, their ss3 doll has a laptop where they have a heart sticker with their and Cleo’s hands, their Welcome Committee doll’s poster, and now their Monster Fest doll has Cleo’s heart as a sticker in their bag and they are wearing the bracelet that they made with Cleo in their SS1 locker) yet I don’t see you complaining? Or question Frankie's importance? Not to mention the posters in Monster Fest are supposed to be of singers and musicians that’s why Clawdeen has the Hissfits poster, why Lagoona has a Catty Poster, and if you didn’t know Frankie is a singer and a musician, so of course Cleo will choose her partner as her poster, but Cleo isn’t a singer or a musician (she sings sometimes but very rarely and wouldn’t consider herself a singer or a musician), so why would Frankie have a poster of her? That wouldn’t make sense.
Season 2 SPOILER:
Frankie was supposed to have a poster of a new character named Phoenix that will show up in season 2, but they changed it probably because it’s too early to reveal her design now. So, they just changed it to a poster of Frankie and their friends.
In conclusion, I would love for Cleo to have more scenes and interact with new different characters because she’s my fav <3, but saying she’s only Frankie’s girlfriend now is factually incorrect.
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