#Wtnv Charles
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vanderbilt-draws · 2 months ago
taking a break from fogtown posting to drop some wtnv art!!! im finally all caught up after over 7 months of on and off binging it--tamika and deb are def my all time favs, but i draw some other characters too ig
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secret-sageent · 4 months ago
Cecil has a deeper voice and Kevin has a higher voice so since Charles is Carlos’ Desert Bluffs counterpart he has a deep voice like Cecil send post
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im-so-normal-i-swear · 24 days ago
I come to you humbly requesting Kevin and Charles morning fluff🙂‍↕️
Yessss! Kevin stuff!!!!! Thank you for the request you have no idea how happy I am rn
Ok here we go folks
Charles padded into the small, tidy kitchen, fluffy robe untied and rubbing sleep from his eyes. His beautiful boyfriend, Kevin, was there, mixing something in a silver bowl.
He turned around, still smiling that same beautiful smile. “Wonderful morning, isn’t it, darling,” Kevin greeted him. “How did you sleep?”
“I slept pretty well, actually.”
Charles made his way over to his boyfriend, who he saw was making pancakes, Charles’s favourite. What a thoughtful gesture. He wrapped his arms around Kevin’s waist from behind, and gave him a soft kiss on the back of his neck. “Happy anniversary, love.”
Kevin’s smile deepened as he turned his head, becoming slightly more genuine. “You too, Charlie.”
Charles peered over Kevin’s shoulder, and saw the little dyed-batter designs he had made on the pancakes, sizzling on the griddle. Little suns, smiley faces, and hearts dotted each one. Most of them looked a little bit amateurish, but Charles didn’t care.
“D’you like them?” Kevin wasn’t using his broadcasting voice. It became a bit more relaxed, a bit softer. Still chipper and cheerful, but slightly more human.
“They’re great, honey. They’re so sweet of you.” Charles took one off of a plate and took a bite, still holding Kevin’s waist.
Kevin methodically transferred each pancake to the plate, talking as he went. “This one is a little sun, this one’s a heart, for you, and this one’s an anatomically correct heart-“ it was a very detailed buffalo, but Charles wasn’t about to judge “-this one’s a smiley face, and this one’s us.” The last one he described had one crude stick figure, and one being that Charles couldn’t even begin to describe. His boyfriend was so nice, making him custom pancakes.
Charles took another bite. “They’re all so cute, dear, I love them. Are we sitting at the island, or are we having a stove breakfast today?”
Kevin tilted his head for a moment. “I think island today.”
Charles hopped up on the stool, leather stained red. Kevin got out two plates and forks from the cupboards, and slid them over to Charles. They sat in silence, enjoying their pancakes.
“Well, Charlie dear, I’m off to work. Have a productive day!” Kevin kissed his boyfriend’s forehead and tossed his plate in the sink.
Later, when Charles was driving his car to work, the clock hit eight. He turned up the radio volume. Kevin’s voice came on through the speakers.
“Good morning, listeners! Now, I know I normally like to keep my job and my family separate, but you’ll never guess who left this gorgeous bouquet of roses on my desk…”
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cloverjester · 2 years ago
Charles really saw a dude covered in blood, with no eyes and a terrifying, inhuman smile and said „Yeah I’m definitely fucking that.”
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beansprout-tea · 9 months ago
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okay so theory post-
i think that the whole alone debate could possibly mean two things
a) he’s not alone because he knows cecil, carlos, and Tamika and the rest of NV will eventually have to be by his side to take out mother Lauren and the boy
b) Kevin went to Charles and together they rallied the residents of pine cliffs to help and Charles did some more research into mother Lauren given that he’s a theologist and religions are kinda his thing
idk im just so overwhelmed and tired from staying up so lmk what y’all think
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joyfully-it-devours · 2 years ago
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☀️💌🦷 we both like to smile ::)
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vintagecandy · 2 years ago
(totes ok if not) you should draw Diego from WTNV!! ik hes more of a fandom creation, but i think you would do him justice :P
Aaabsolutely give me an excuse to post to my art blog between commissions haha-
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Here's my take on Diego and a slight redesign for Charles, just since its been a bit and I felt I could draw him better lol
Can I just say-- as someone who became a fan post Kevin leaving Strexcorp, stumbling upon Kevin's original fan boyfriend and how he is nearly a polar opposite to his canon one is so fascinating to me haha
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takavasen · 11 months ago
A super fluffy Charlevin oneshot, includes a cute dance scene!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years ago
There is a planet of awesome size lit by no sun. You see it in your dreams sometimes. In your dreams you hear about a goddess that you don't understand and that existed long before you and started existing after you had already been born.
No one can cross the Dog Park. Dogs are not allowed in the Dog Park. People aren't allowed. Childrem are specially not allowed there. The school district does not abide by city rules. Papa and dad are not happy with it but they sign the permission slip anyways because they believe education is important and the trip is mandatory. You spend a day (or was it a week?) somewhere else. It's a fun trip. You enjoy the oportunity of using your birthday camera, Desert Blufs Too is your new documentary for two days and you really want to understand why everyone is so adamant on being covered in blood and whose blood it even is. You don't uncover the truth because you are in a school trip and they still have classes and homework. At least you make a friend.
Your new friend likes airplanes and just like your papa he came from somewhere else far away. He says it's called Connecticut. You tell him Connecticut is actually a videogame where you invoke minor demons and fight with other demons while managing a restaurant and trying to find a perefect date for your new friends. He says he knows the game more than the state, that he was too small when he left but that he thinks demons, lots of coffee and date cafes must be the norm there. You think he is right and also that is really cool. You both decided to visit it together one day.
There is a god and he is always smilling.
You knew that even before going to the school trip but it's different when you're there. You never sleep there. For some reason you don't need too. But sometimes when you close your eyes you see the Smiling God. You don't smile at him. It makes him angrier. He really scares you. The goddess you don't really get and that you once offended by friendly calling a bommer likes you for some reason. You think she is protecting you from the Smilling God. She is nice like that. You like her as well even if your dad doesn't, you understand why he doesn't, she is nice and you really like her but she is also really confusing and she seems like she makes things more complicated than it needs to. But most adults do that. And she is really old. Older than the Faceless Old Woman old!
You don't understand why the Smilling God disturbs you. He doesn't try to convert any of your classmates nor your teachers. You tell your friend about it. He smilles and says his stepdad is actually a prophet and his dad is a theologist and they can help.
His parents look a lot like your parents. A lot. His stepdad a bit less in the sense his eyes are black and he is covered in blood. You think that might be what living in a house with uncovered mirrors feels like. They are nice though. They don't help much with your god problem mostly because they don't seem to think it is a problem at all. But they like you and you like them. And they remind you of your parents but not enough to make you unconfortable. Your friend's stepdad is also a radio host and he seems exited you like journalism even if it's film making. He is always smilling a creepy smile even when not happy. He steals cookies from the jar gives you one and tells you to not tell Charles nor Donovan. He winks at you and says that you must be really fascinating if the Smilling God visits you. You decide you like him a lot. Way more than the creepy god. You are also glad you only met him now because if you had met him before closing your eyes and seeing that disturbing smile he might have converted you.
When the week is ending you promisse to call and to visit. You don't think Donovan's parents believe in you. But Donavan does and this is enough. Donovan's stepdad mentioned he knew your papa once. Told you he could help you with your school papper about Desert Bluffs Too. That they used to be friends, that he lived here for ten years and then just bolted one day. You think about how he never mentioned it and wonders what happened? You're sure it's one of those things adults don't tell kids for no reason at all. Like how long it took for dad to talk about Old Woman Josie even though the Erikas were always visiting.
It never occours to you this might be a secret.
Not until you're back home and your week was only a day and you ask for help on your homework and mentions how your dad lived ten whole years in the Desert Otherworld that would become Desert Bluffs Too. You papa is doing crossworld after dinner. It's dad's day to wash the dishes. You hear something breaking. Dad dropped a glass. He mutters "ten years" and papa looks spooked. Dad smilles at you and apologizes for scaring you. He looks like he wants to cry. He doesn't look at papa. He goes to bed. Papa looks like a worse version of how he looked the day he accidentaly droped the wrong chemical and ruined his project. You have no idea what happened.
You know you probably should do something. You open your mouth ready to ask a question or maybe just go to dad and instead all you say is "I really need help with this homework is a third of my final grade".
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faultyvessel · 2 years ago
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“Oh Carlos, how wonderful! You’ve been absolved! You can finally experience true happiness…”
@perfect-cecilos , this one is for you.
Your post gave me such brainrot that I needed Carlos absolved, Kevin dissolved, AKA “what we could have had if Finknor weren’t cowards,” (AAKA: my Carlos harassment conquest continues). Also pulling influence from @like-the-2ides Kevin as well.
A little note on the drawing. I wasn’t exactly sure how to convey explaining something away, but I settled on this fading rainbow gradient. I wanted it to look like one of those halos of light that appear briefly in the corner of your eye before being blinked away. A slight distortion that dissolves away into a dream you aren’t sure was ever there, like everything that the U of what it is touches.
Carlos can be free of that incredible weight. He just has to deal with the emptiness now.
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artisticmenace · 1 year ago
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charles the theologist
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secret-sageent · 4 months ago
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I should be doing school work. Instead I spent way too long on whatever the fuck this is. Enjoy I guess
Original text in case the first two panels are too hard to read :]
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egobraindeath · 1 year ago
i think i will draw kevin and charles to dance macabre by ghost… ohohohoh🤭🤭
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scarletlight-has-issues · 1 month ago
No Longer You - Kevin
Hey so. Here, have this very rough animatic of (mostly) Kevin to No Longer You.
I finished this instead of sleeping last night 👍
Very minor spoilers for the mudstone abyss arc, eps 135-137 (just that a character Exists), and substantial spoilers for ep. 73
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beansprout-tea · 1 year ago
KEVIN: And Charles, who is now turning his CV onto Lighthouse Pass toward the house he rented, listens as I say on the radio:
KEVIN: Few people have ever looked at me with equivalent kindness. You did not turn from my face.
KEVIN: You did not wince. You looked straight into me and knew I was the same as you. You saw me, Charles.
KEVIN: Thank you.
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charles-simmons · 1 year ago
One of my favorite things about night vale is how they treat the sky as a terrifying thing, because that's so real. You look up and you're seeing a small part of the void, of this vast universe that exists outside of what we know, and we're reminded of how small and insignificant our lives are and we'll never even be to close to understand how much bigger the universe can be.
And that's just a casual thing to do sometimes. "Have you pointed at the sky and screamed today?" "Nah, I already felt scared about the empty sky yesterday" like, that's so real, same
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