#wtnv Diego
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vintagecandy · 2 years ago
(totes ok if not) you should draw Diego from WTNV!! ik hes more of a fandom creation, but i think you would do him justice :P
Aaabsolutely give me an excuse to post to my art blog between commissions haha-
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Here's my take on Diego and a slight redesign for Charles, just since its been a bit and I felt I could draw him better lol
Can I just say-- as someone who became a fan post Kevin leaving Strexcorp, stumbling upon Kevin's original fan boyfriend and how he is nearly a polar opposite to his canon one is so fascinating to me haha
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alexalmonds · 2 years ago
Who knows how Diego from the Strex was created? I just asking, 'cause i saw a lot of some old drawings and fics of him
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thegaydepressedone · 1 month ago
I don’t even have to babygirlify that man, he does it all by himself
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thebigfatcaterpillar · 8 months ago
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Welcome to Night Vale won the title of Most Drawn Fandom in my latest sketchbook with 126 drawings! (71 of which were Desert Bluffs)
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buddyilovecentipedes · 8 months ago
You know what's great? I absolutely ADORE Kevin, and so, after Triptych I just kind of invented an entire world made up of a hodgepodge of headcanons for him to live in in my head. So, I can just look at this previous "The Boy is Kevin" arc and say, "Wow! That was a wild fanfic! Anyway, back to canon" When in actuality I have just left canon as far behind me as possible
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palmtree-art · 8 months ago
....so.. you're telling me that it WASN'T dana singing roar by katy perry!?!?! IT WAS FEY!!?!!!!!!?!?!?!??!
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mr-atomicrain · 2 years ago
So I have a question, Does anyone know who Diego Strex is from Welcome to NightVale cause I couldn't really find anything on him on Google and he's commonly shipped with Kevin so I'm just curious on who he is?
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emo-wheatley · 1 year ago
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been a while since i posted smth wtnv related so heres my personal perception of everyone who’s important :3
(ignore diego i was just informed he isny real)
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rahhhhh tysm for the tag biscuit!!! ^^
last song: Let’s Hangout Again by Naethan Apollo (who i’ve been obsessed w lately)
currently watching: i’m still working my way through Welcome to Night Vale (ik it’s a podcast but shut up) and i’ve been meaning to start Murder Drones for a while now.
three ships: Terminal Velocity, LonelyEyes, and Cecilos :3
first ship: tbh probably firestar and graystripe😭😭
favorite color: yellow!!!💛💛💛
currently consuming: wtnv, tmagp and malevolent (just waiting for more episodes for the last two)
current location: bed :3
relationship status: in a relationship (that i don’t want to be in😭😭)
last movie: uhhh (it might’ve been madame web? i hated it😭)
currently working on: like 12 different fics, and i’m gonna start learning guitar again :]]
@lunathefirstofsillyland (idk) (no pressure btw)
tag people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @scalproie 😁
no pressure tags @totentnz @ri-a-rose @killerspinal @cyronite @roofgeese @chadillacboseman @tomothythethird @kumbatant <3
last song: currently listening to bullet with butterfly wings - smashing pumpkins
currently watching: slow horses. it is so good. just finished season 2 and MANNNNN
three ships: mmmm right now? bloodpact, vox, kimjean
favorite color: love a good green
currently consuming: cold brew (<- physically vibrating)
first ship: this is such a hard question to answer KSNDJDDJ I know spirk was an early one for me
birthplace: a small town in the south (us). eastern part of the south. um
current location: PNW baybee
relationship status: taken, pushing five years with my partner
last movie: ocean's eleven (2001)
currently working on: wyll week....... we'll see if I actually get anything finished but I'm trying. obligatory I have about a million wips and drafts at all times 🙃
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spac-e-b0y · 3 years ago
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A commission from my roommate!! I loved drawing this one tbh
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dead-inside-mcgee · 4 years ago
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papyskellington · 5 years ago
Yeah Diego was abusive, he wasn’t meant to be a good boyfriend for Kevin. Their relationship wasn’t made to be a romantic one, Kev was brainwashed and Diego was a power addict
Lord jesus.. well, thank you for letting me know though! From what I've seen they were a little more than romantic but still!! What did Kevin do to deserve that!! Like you said mans was brainwashed he needed someone kind not a power addict. I'm happy Kev properly has someone now- he deserves the world ☀️
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Ghost/living person for Kevin and Carlos
I was so excited to get this ask you have no idea. I'm so glad to have an excuse to write Kevlos💛💜
CW for domestic abuse(not between Kevin and Carlos )
Carlos wasn't sure what to think when a new couple moves into his house, but there isn't much he can do about it, being dead and all. He moves into a corner in the living room and studies the pair. 
The slightly shorter of the two held the obvious authority. This man's wardrobe likely cost more than Carlos made in his entire life. He had dark sharp eyes and dressed in all black. 
The smaller but slightly taller man was clearly the submissive personality. He was almost unnaturally skinny but what catches Carlos's attention is the unnatural amber color of the man's eyes. They were so captivating that he didn't realize at first that they were trained on him. Not through him like most people, on him. Almost as if-
"Can you see me?" Carlos finds himself asking aloud. 
The skinny man starts to respond but Carlos puts a quick hand up to stop him, not missing the heavy flinch from him. Interesting. "Don't answer out loud. I don't think he can see or hear me."
The other man is speaking now so Carlos turns away to face him. 
"Kevin what the hell are you doing?" 
Kevin- the skinner man, Carlos had put together- flinches again at the raised voice. 
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…" Kevin's voice is soft. 
Carlos turns to look at Kevin once again. It appeared that Kevin had taken one of the coffee mugs from the box he was holding but had dropped it onto the coffee table, chipping the handle. It wasn't much damage and didn't really warrant a huge reaction. Or at least Carlos didn't think so.
The man- Carlos decided to dub him Asshole- rips the cup from Kevin's hands and drops it onto the hardwood floor. Ceramic shards scatter across the floor. Kevin shuffles his feet to avoid being cut. 
"There. Now it's trash too."
Kevin keeps his eyes down and seems to be trying to make himself smaller. 
"Clean it up. I'm going out." And with that, Asshole leaves,  slamming the door unnecessarily loudly behind him. 
Carlos watched as Kevin slowly unfolds himself and kneels to pick up the shards. "Kevin?"
Kevin freezes, trembling violently. He keeps his head down but Carlos didn't need to see his face to see the fear there. 
"I'm not going to hurt you." Carlos promises. "I can't even touch you." His attempt at a joke falls flat. 
"Please move your foot." It's just over a whisper but makes Carlos look down. 
A piece of the mug had ended up under his foot. Carlos moves his foot back. "Sorry."
Kevin doesn't speak. He gathers up the remaining glass and stares at the shards in his hands. 
Carlos decided to try for a conversation. It's been ages since he talked to anyone. "Was that mug important to you?"
There's a long stretch of silence before Kevin speaks again. "One of my clients gave it to me."
"I help kids find a good forever home." Kevin stands and presses his lips together, clearly trying not to cry. 
"Maybe I can fix it?"
"How? You're dead." Kevin says rather bluntly before shrinking back. "I'm sorry. That-that was rude."
Carlos chuckles. "Yes. I am. But I still may be able to help." He kneels down beside the living man. "Can I see?"
Kevin offers him the handful of glass. Carlos squeezes his eyes shut as he does his best to focus all of his energy. 
Kevin gasps softly as the mug starts to mend itself. "H-how?"
Carlos smiles gently. "It's a ghost thing. I think. I've only ever done it once before."
"Thank you...um…"
"Carlos." Kevin smiles a little. "Thank you."
"Can I ask you something kind of personal?"
"Does he hurt you often?"
Kevin's eyes widen and he starts to shake again. "He's never raised a hand to me."
Kevin puts the mug down and puts his hands over his ears, curling his fingers into his hair and pulling. Carlos is starting to worry he was going to hurt himself. Carlos bites his lip and leans forward a bit. He touches the back of Kevin's head and a moment later he goes limp, asleep. 
Over time, Carlos and Kevin have stolen conversations when Asshole- Diego, Carlos has learned his name was, but Carlos liked Asshole better- wasn't around. Kevin had slowly started to open up to him. Carlos also had learned that Asshole liked to get drunk and yell a lot. Mostly at Kevin over the smallest things not in his control. 
Carlos made several offers to help or do something about him but Kevin always said no. Some nights, Asshole got a little too close to physically hurting Kevin for Carlos's liking. True to Kevin's word, Asshole never actually hit Kevin but he yelled a lot and broke things. 
He wasn't ready to admit it, but Carlos had gotten attached to Kevin. His smile, his laugh, the way his eyes light up when he talk about placing a child in a good home. Carlos realizes-with horror- that he was starting to fall in love again. He keeps this to himself of course, knowing he had no chance with a living person. He hadn't fallen in love since his fiancee had died during a hiking accident; back when he was alive. 
What finally made Carlos snap happened exactly a year after Kevin moved in. It was the dead of night and Carlos was lounging in the dark living room as he didn't need sleep. 
The front door slams open, causing Carlos to jump and nearly fall off of the couch. Asshole staggers in, clearly drunk. Carlos's danger meter is going nuts. Kevin had been asleep for the last hour and a half. Asshole seemed more pissed than usual. Carlos stands and follows as Asshole staggers to the bedroom. He slapped the light on, causing Kevin to stir and sit up with a confused expression. Carlos would have found it adorable if he wasn't worried for the man's safety. 
"Diego?" Kevin yawns. 
"Who the fuck is Carlos?" Asshole demands. 
If Carlos's heart still had worked, it would had stopped. 
"You heard me. Who is he?" Asshole shoves a piece of wadded up paper into Kevin's face. "Don't lie to me and maybe I'll go easy on you."
Kevin's tired eyes focus on the paper and he pales. "Diego i-its not like that. I promise. I-" he ducks as a fist flies at his face and smashes into the headboard. 
"I told you not to lie to me. After everything I do for you? You turn around and whore yourself out?"  Asshole pulls his hand back and strikes Kevin across the face with an open hand.  The slap is loud and the room goes dead silent for a moment. "Answer me! Who is he?" He hits Kevin again and Carlos can feel himself vibrating with anger.
"He's no one!" Kevin yelped and put his hands up to protect his face. Asshole grabs his wrist in a motion that would at least leave a sprain. "He isn't real! I made him up! Carlos…. Please…." His voice dropped to a whimper. "Help me…" 
That just served to piss Asshole off and he grips Kevin's jaw. "No body wants you." He growls. "You're lucky I took pity on you. No one loves you. No one cares about you. You have only me and you belong to me. I'm going to find this Carlos and I'm going to-" he squeezes his grip on Kevin's jaw. "You're going to watch."
Kevin is still pale at this point and he stares at Carlos with fear filled eyes. Asshole raises his hand to hit Kevin again but something in Carlos snapped. He summoned a strength he didn't know he had and managed to shove Asshole off of Kevin. 
Asshole tumbled into the floor, hitting the wall. Carlos didn't care. He looks at Kevin and reaches for him. Kevin flinches away. Carlos pulls his hand back. "Call the cops love. Don't let him get away with this. Please. I don't like seeing you hurt. I lo-"
"Don't say it." Kevin whispers. "I know. And I agree but please don't say it. Not yet." He stands on shaker legs and takes a stumbling step forward. He continues like this until he gets to the kitchen, where the phone was. 
Kevin manages to make the call before collapsing. Luckily the first responders were fast for once. 
Two stressful weeks later, Kevin is back home and Asshole is in jail. It did take Kevin time to recover but he had Carlos there for support. 
Kevin lived for fifteen more years, helping thousands of children to find good homes. He passes in his sleep, a peaceful way to go. He didn't fear death though, because knew Carlos was waiting for him. 
The first day after Kevin died was overwhelming. They shared the rush of euphoria. 
Carlos puts his hand on Kevin's cheek. "I've waited so long to be able to touch you."
Kevin leans into the touch. "I love you. Thank you for waiting for me."
"I would have waited forever if I had to. I love you."
So I'm not sure if this is what you wanted but its what struck me
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thebigfatcaterpillar · 9 months ago
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Headcanon that Kevin CANNOT cook. Like, in the slightest. He tries though :)
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spellboundcities · 6 years ago
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Local gamer decides to draw his favorite protagonists, soon realizes that all but two of the characters are completely unrecognizable because he diverged from canon years ago and hasn't listened to the media at all since then
(free to use as icons, just credit me and reblog if used!)
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palmtree-art · 2 years ago
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