#Wtf is wrong with my class
tyu1forever · 4 months
Real things said at my school: An ever growing list Pt 2
I'll come in you if you come here
i want some male-manipulator pants
ariana glande
A wild ✮𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂✮ appeared.
*cackles bones irishly*
pov: ur singing to along to a song and accidentally say the n word
im gonna put a wasp up your penis
why are you giving me winkys
im not using my tounge because it's sensitive
thats so real, but i dont do taxes, it would be more relateable if it was 'and.....depression!'
*puts on glasses* oh wow she turned into a fattie
butt! at the fart go
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smilingroadkill · 5 months
Hey so why the fuck is tumblr letting people post actual irl gore here and not doing anything about it <333
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coralmelody · 7 days
Things kid in my class have said as Pjo characters
*Taking a test*
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bucephaly · 3 months
watching someone's children is work, and people aren't entitled for asking to be paid for working. where did you get that idea /genq
I got that idea from actually learning about other cultures and breaking the hold western capitalist individualism had on my ideas of how the world works
I'm not saying put up a sign on the street saying free daycare, I'm saying that if someone trusts you enough to ask to watch their kids, that has the potential to be a great friendship if you like, actually help them out. I'm not saying never say no or that you are necessarily an asshole for asking to be paid, I'm saying that they aren't entitled or selfish for asking for help from people they trust.
I just don't get this modern entitlement and individualism where like, a friend confiding in you and seeking advice or a listening ear is seen as 'emotional labor' and shit like that. Like. Humans naturally want to help each other and it's so weird to me seeing people just refuse to like... be nice. It's about building community.
Children are raised communally in sooo many cultures and have been throughout most of history, the modern western idea of the nuclear family is so unhealthy for both parent and kid.
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grmpgm · 5 months
ok executive dysfunction is kind of ruining my life actually
#i have an incredibly time-consuming project i NEED to finish and i genuinely don’t know if i can#i’ve started which is good but i’m horrifically behind where i need to be and i’m just so overwhelmed#i technically have enough time to finish it i think? but it’s my final project so i literally cannot miss this deadline#my professor is really cool + likes me but it’s already been so long w/out me bringing it up#and wtf am i supposed to say? yeah. i WANTED to work on it. i just chose not to????? like wtf#it’s just so humiliating and i’m so behind i don’t know wtf i’m gonna do#it’s worse bc it’s an animation and it’s gg related and i really really wanted this to be good and i wanted things to be different this time#kind of funny bc i’m actually mid getting an adhd diagnosis rn but it’s just so fucking awful because i do this constantly#it fucking sucks so much i feel so helpless and i don’t know wtf is wrong with me. i’m so tired of letting everyone down constantly#it’s so bad rn i literally cannot do anything. it’s humiliating like WHY can’t i just be a functional normal person#it fucking SUCKS because i KNOW if i had any self control or work ethic whatsoever i could be really fucking successful but i don’t.#so i won’t be i guess.#and i KNOW it’s tied into a bunch of different stuff too but like gd i DO NOT care i just want to be functional#worst case scenario i have an A in the class so if i completely blow it i’ll at least pass? hopefully?#i might be able to talk my prof into an extended deadline but it’s so embarrassing bc i didn’t need one in the first place.#i have literally no excuses#it just makes me so upset because i just keep doing this over and over and i don’t know how to stop it or how to get better#and LOL sorry for posting this here i just feel weird talking to anyone personally about this (+ currently avoiding responding to messages!)#it’s just like. man if i can’t get a fucking grip i will literally waste my entire life. Oh Well! LOL
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skhardwarevers1 · 2 months
how much aura did I lose when my Spanish teacher got so mad about students being on their phones he slammed the whiteboard and it scared me so bad I started crying and had to be excused from class
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tyu1forever · 9 months
Real things said at my school: An ever growing list
I was so fuking depressed i fell asleep
I just wanna backhand you into medieval friday
my doctor was examined by my health
stress is so stressful
Poopoo peepee
break it up, ladies
Can i get ur snap. No sorry im gay. FUUUUKKKKK
gay ppl suk. My dick
murdoc 😍. STFU
Adhd meds are weird. Like you have to remember to take the pills that make you not forget things. That took moment to understand
Hurting stands up
If you dont listen to ABBA you're tasteless af. I don't like ABBA. KERIS U ABBA HATER
Shush gay one
Lady, calm your fuking nachos
I fell in the shower and i tried to grab water
The colour 3 tastes sandy
Gun pigs. They shit like machine guns
Thats what i was implying imbicile
O nu ma pp
now let me listen to beyoince
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlcock
i left my gf on read bc she hung up on me
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (reaction to seeing friends new haircut)
Can we not talk about bondage? This is a library
HOW TF IS THIS SHIT IS ALR DEAD. yall im a lesbian. One of us one of us one of us
Im just casually vibrating inside this man
Ima put my headphones back in, if you need me just dislocate my arm.
kai and cooooooper sitting in a tree, f u c k i n g
Why datig? Ah yes why datig
WOAH (friend name) X (other friend name) CONFIRMED????
Luffy can stretch his dick. YEA- WAIT WHATTT????
That's my future wife you're taking about
That's not an ant that's a spider END ITS LIFE Australia man (sobbing bc got bit by spider-ant)
sToP eAtInG mY gRaNdMoThEr
Shut up before I kill you with my shoe Damn she pulled out the shoe
do you want cummies?
Look at the size of that thing!
damon is praying that the towel won't fall
Birth certificate reveal! NOW!
Can we use subtitles? (She meant subtopics)
Apparently avocados have a similar taste to dick
Schools back on tomorrow Kys Me too
bangs hand on wall OW FUCK
Vaping gives of such SDE (small dick energy)
Are the anger issues coming back?
Grandma wants a beer The realest shit I heaver heard
I need to bask someone's head in specifically a toddler's
the end of this one dw there is more
part 2
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cartoon-skeleton · 8 months
I THOUGHT the lighter course load would save me this semester but IT DIDNTTTTT it’s like my brain couldn’t just hold out for one last semester of school. it short circuited literally the second school started back up. Bro come back I need u. Like I was so creative and productive over the break so I know my brain isn’t TOTAL mush. right. BLEASE im scared
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nationmckinleyscorset · 3 months
The time I'm writing this is 1:14 am and I have just finished the final movie in the most disturbing trilogy I've ever watched.
The human Centipede is one of my favourite topics because I like to figure out who watches it for enjoyment (because who the fuck do you think they are) and who treats it as an endurance test. I personally have only watched all 3 movies because after the second, despite vowing to never go near the movies again, I had to know just how much more twisted they could get (plus I like closure and can never leave a series alone once I've started it).
Perhaps the most disturbing part of the final sequence is that Tom Six (the director) included himself as a character in the movie, aside from the odd comment along the lines of this is so messed up, his character had a sick fascination with the whole thing. Are we really surprised? The man was inspired to make the series after thinking up the punishment for a criminal he had seen on TV. I find it worrying that, although Six has stated he has a very innocent soul and can't abide violence, he has thought out real world applications for his disgusting punishment.
Not to piss off any fans of the 3rd movie but I also despise the fact that the main character Bill was yelling so much that his character had no substance. I got that he was insane and had discriminatory ideals but had no reason to sympathise with his character (as in the 2nd movie where the man had been abused, not an excuse by any measure but at least some backstory and vulnerable moments rather than just screaming slurs at the top of your lungs and sexually assaulting the same woman repetitively).
You know the movie was twisted when, rather than coming away from it thinking "damn, that actually made me think about society" you go to Google and spend half an hour searching "what the fuck is wrong with Tom Six"
I do appreciate that Six has veered away from the severely graphic surgical scenes and extreme gore but think the racism, misogyny and various other disturbing, incorrect viewpoints were unnecessary.
We get it, you want to shock people, you've been doing it for years. In trying so hard to disturb people these movies are becoming predictable, besides the plot lines are becoming more obnoxious and the acting is becoming so over the top that it isn't believable.
Honestly Six needs to get over himself and stop taking pleasure in being labeled the sickest man on earth, the constant desire to shock audiences is becoming childish and because the same Storylines are being reused (for example starting each movie with a character inspired by the last movie) they're actually becoming less shocking, I could probably create a bingo card of things I expect to happen and they will. As a random example, "someone gets shot", "crazy person inspired by dodgy movie", "crazy person attempts acts committed in movie", "woman sexually abused", "barbed wire mentioned/used", the list goes on
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cringelordofchaos · 4 months
Sees an overly sarcastic, monochrome, aloof fictional character with no fucks to give, maybe a soft spot and a monotone voice: wow I want to be like them
Sees an extremely excitable, energetic, chaotic and quirky character who's extremely expressive of themselves, but probably suppresses negative emotions under a positive attitude: wow I want to be like them
Sees a calm, kind, chill, polite, respectful and genuinely compassionate and sincere character that's like an older sibling or parent figure to everyone: wow I want to be like them
Sees a shy, awkward, reserved and soft character with a love for floriography/floriculture: wow I want to be like them
Sees a robot-like/literal robot character with eloquent, formal and rich vocabulary, with no understanding of human norms or cues (such as sarcasm), but one that still experiences emotions in their own way: wow I want to be like them
Sees a literal (non-human) animal, existing: wow I want to b
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kittycatcarrot · 1 year
had a dream about wayne (hylics) where he murdered some kids mom and then was in a music video dancing to Dr. Sunshine is Dead and my entire math class had to watch
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coronangelic1 · 7 months
learning the basics of python for my disruptive tech class and. everyday i find myself respecting trans girls even more. how do yall do it???? i feel smoke coming out my head coding has hands dear god
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missshame · 1 year
I had the saddest weirdest realest dream about snorting coke btw
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ugh. i wasted a lot of time and money today#bc my leg was suddenly hurting a lot more today and it kinda freaked me out so i went to urgent care#and then they had me get an x ray. luckily my hip looks fine and like i thought i probably strained or tore like an adductor muscle#so all that for something i already knew. but she said i should just chill for like 3 weeks and let it heal#at least nothing worse was wrong but its really annoying. i want to run ��#wtf am i gonna do to dispel energy??? ugh. and i was supposed to go to thr post office today to send stuff#ill have to go tomorrow. bleh. its so annoying#part of it is just that i hate having to interact with people. like talking to people. like im sure i come across as v young#bc im so anxious and hesitant and im like zero eye contact. so idk it just feels kinda embarrassing#i wanna b like. bro i promis im not stupid. i have 2 advanced degrees in biology and im going for a 3rd. u can talk to me like an adult#its probably just me projecting. my perception is distorted from being made fun of by my sister lol#whatever. at least its just 3 weeks. tho it does remind me i havent been to an actual doctor in like 5 years#...probably should do thst before i move. or idk maybe ill just wait a month and go before school starts#ugh. fuck the American Healthcare system. they looked at me for like 5min and to go to urgent care was $125 with my insurance#thats just to b seen. like i can afford that but what r u supposed to do if u cant?#unrelated#at least its not as bad as when i passed out in class and took a 10 min ambulance ride that somehow cost $700
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valentine-cass · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time someone confessed to me in the last five months, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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