#oh yea. yall just dont wanna he even slightly inconvenienced ever
bucephaly · 3 months
watching someone's children is work, and people aren't entitled for asking to be paid for working. where did you get that idea /genq
I got that idea from actually learning about other cultures and breaking the hold western capitalist individualism had on my ideas of how the world works
I'm not saying put up a sign on the street saying free daycare, I'm saying that if someone trusts you enough to ask to watch their kids, that has the potential to be a great friendship if you like, actually help them out. I'm not saying never say no or that you are necessarily an asshole for asking to be paid, I'm saying that they aren't entitled or selfish for asking for help from people they trust.
I just don't get this modern entitlement and individualism where like, a friend confiding in you and seeking advice or a listening ear is seen as 'emotional labor' and shit like that. Like. Humans naturally want to help each other and it's so weird to me seeing people just refuse to like... be nice. It's about building community.
Children are raised communally in sooo many cultures and have been throughout most of history, the modern western idea of the nuclear family is so unhealthy for both parent and kid.
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