#Written Epiosde
pinkopalina · 2 years
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extremely rare shots of.... someone's? bedroom in beavis and butt-head's house
#this episode is weird because butt-head mentions having a relationship with his dad here#but then in the movie it's clear he doesn't recognize his dad#butt-head does passingly mention it's possible he and beavis have the same dad but i think its just a continuity error since#it's such an early epiosde and i don't think they were super fleshed out yet#plus the movie does say the boys are genetic matches for their dads so they do have different moms and dads#also butt-head could be. lying?#i just really hate how they keep implying beavis and butt-head mihht be related#like in this book sucks there is a family tree that implies they might be related but i really think it's just a silly joke#since beavis' mom looks like butt-head and butt-head's mom looks like beavis in that book#also the book says beavis' ''mom'' who looks like butt-head is also the child of the person she might have reproduced with#aka they're saying beavis' mom might have had beavis with her dad 🤮#sooooooooo uhhhhhh BLECH i think it's just a bad joke?#like something mike tossed in to be like this is really silly and i'm against giving them too much backstory so i'm gonna -#-throw out something really weird and obviously wrong#well anyways to my knowledge the book isnt canon anyways bc it was written by someone else#even if created by mike#and the movie - again which ill take over more canon than early unfleshed episodes and dubiously canon books -#confirmed they were genetic matches for their dads that we see and we know they have different moms#just by way of them talking about them#sorry for the tag essay but i thought itd be weird if i didnt acknowledge it#tl;dr old episodes don't count in terms of backstory that had been corrected later and b/bh are confirmed NOT RELATED!!!!#so annoying i wish mike judge would just say it but i dont think he'd have them go through all the gay shit they do#if he honestly intended for them to be interpretted as related#maybe thats why mike doesnt really wanna release the first like three seasons on dvd#it seems like it would just be opening a huge can of worms#especially since they were a lot more raunchy in the beginning LOL
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the-eeveekins · 7 months
The 11th Day of G-Witch: Circling Thoughts
Suletta Mercury is a girl so deeply in love. Her expressions in this episode are an absolute treasure.
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Another classic Suletta moment with her now iconic "Suletta... forgetta" line. Once again, she makes the most adorable expressions of happiness over telling a joke to make her friends laugh.
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I still find it very frustrating how this little conversation played a big part in viewers willing to look past all the horrible things Delling has done. Yeah, he's being less abrasive to Miorine here and trying to give her sound business advice, but don't forget this dude is still a fascist dictator.
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The first official mention of the Space Assembly League! Unfortunately, the show didn't take this moment to expand on who and what the SAL is and leaves it frustratingly vague until late in the series despite the major role they end up playing. Missed opportunity here, another thing that makes me wonder if S1 was paced under the assumption of getting more than 2 seasons.
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A new character named Bob! He seems happy, I already like him more than that Guel guy.
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I know this is supposed to be showing the ruined and dire state of Earth, but I absolutely love nature reclamation and really vibe with these scenes, they're so pretty.
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I love the contrast in this interaction between Suletta & Elan to "their" earlier ones. While Suletta is happy to see him for a moment, she's immediately clearly uncomfortable with how close he's getting to her. And whereas before she wouldn't take Miorine into account when dealing with Elan, she's at the forefront of her mind now, worrying what she would think. And you can tell how upset she is over the idea that Miorine isn't taking their engagement seriously and she's just using her. The almost kiss is so frustrating when you consider it sounds like execs made them remove the Sulemio kiss in S2.
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A communication misunderstanding between Suletta & Miorine was inevitable, especially with Miorine's difficulties in communication and Suletta being primed with self-doubt about the legitimacy of their relationship from multiple angles. And while it mostly makes sense, I definitely have problems with how Miorine is written in this scene with regards to Elan. She says it's okay if Suletta dates Elan and even encourages it, which makes sense for Miorine before epiosde 7 when she was worried about pushing Suletta away. But I feel like in the months since then, with Suletta obviously moving closer to her, she would have lost a lot of that insecurity, and especially wouldn't want to push her back towards Elan. The only way those lines really make sense to me is if she happened to catch Elan & Suletta earlier, thought Suletta was still more into him than her, and was lashing out at Suletta out of jealousy. Why else would she bring up Elan unprompted?
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Either way, it was a hard way to end the episode, especially as there was a 2 week wait for the next episode when it aired.
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drkoestersmithrpg · 2 months
Deadboy Fan Fic
So I would NOT describe this as a will they/wont they type of relationship, because
they are ALREADY heterosexual life mates with a full commitment to stay together no matter what, and
technically they can't feel/taste/smell anything either, so sex may not even be an option
well by the time you get to episode two you will know the but.
AND HERE'S THE THING - this show is NOT a will they/wont they, this show is a WILL HE/WONT HE. You have a ghost who clearly doesn't think of male/male sex as an option (and WHAT THAT EVEN IS to a ghost I don't know - I don't even know at this point if they can "take off" their clothes or if they have to appear in the exact same garments at all times) but, in episode two, it becomes clear that it IS an option and a decision that he's going to have to make or be trapped in this city forever... so...
SO THERE IS A LOT OF "going through a process of self-discovery" type fanfic to be written but
ANYONE WHO BINGE WATCHES THE SHOW will know how it turns out. And I am only watching/only want to watch one episode at a time.
SO YEAH IF YOU COULD WATCH IT I WOULD BE SO SO SO GRATEFUL I need someone to talk to about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND if you wanted/had time, we could actually watch the same epiosde on the same night - we could webkinz/chat about it - that would be cool.
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wefallforever · 1 month
Once Upon a Time Season 6 Rewatch Thoughts
The penultimate season ahh!! Let’s get into it
I am once again asking why Regina and Emma are written so romantically and with such passion if they are “just friends”?! They be risking their lives for each other, parenting a son together, and we’re just supposed to believe there isn’t something more going on??? Damn you Disney! And the fact that Regina doesn’t get a romance at the end? Cruel!
-the Evil Queen is hot as fuck ok? Plus she has great fashion sense. I would HAPPILY enter a toxic relationship with her if she was my dom lol.
-the evil queen read Regina for filth when she said that Regina was trapped in a prison of her own self loathing. Give my girl healing and self love please! She has earned it numerous times over.
-oh man Gold’s abandonment/daddy/son issues are driving him to make some terrible choices with Belle and their son! He causes so much harm (trapping Belle on the Jolly Roger, placing a locater cuff on Belle) but truly believes it’s justifiable. Obviously he is real triggered about how he abandoned adult Neal and wants to do anything he can to prevent it from happening but damn dude. He got real abusive this season smh. The dysfunctional/broken family cycles continue!
-Gold needs better security for his shop man. I swear people let themselves in there at least once an episode 😭 I know that Emma is an expert lock picker or whatever but surely there is some kind of spell to keep people out his shit.
-Emma’s struggle with her destiny is so relatable and real. Knowing that an entire population is depending on you to succeed is a gigantic burden that she definitely didn’t ask for. And yet, despite her ambivalence, we see her succeed and step into her power. Yes there is loss yes it doesn’t go perfect but it goes! A good message for those of us afraid to accept the gifts and roles we have been given ❤️.
-Yeah so Fiona is a dastardly ass woman as well 😭 it doesn’t get much worse than stealing babies tbh. The actress really emulated emotionally abusive psychologically torturous mothers that’s for sure! I hate Rumple but damn he had it rough with the parent cards he was dealt 😫 at least he got to kill her himself? Although I must say I found her death scene to be pretty anticlimactic.
-The MUSICAL EPIOSDE?!?!?!!!!!!! Jennifer Morrison the soprano that you are. Honourable mention to Rebecca Madder as well I loved her song ‘Wicked Always Wins.’ It’s a shame it’s the wedding episode between Emma and Hook (we’re team #SwanQueen over here) but I had a blast watching, especially the last number and Emma’s theme. The music was always in her bitch!! AND NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE THAT AWAY FROM HER EVER!!!
Aah I can’t believe I’m almost done the show! Obviously the original story arc is over and the last season is a spin off, but there’s still a bit more story to go. Expect me to reblog a bunch of posts from the #OnceUponATime tag once I’m done because I’ve been avoiding it so as to not be spoiled.
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soni-dragon · 3 years
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your-turn-to-role · 2 years
so, since i've failed at getting into c3 so far (i've tried, it's just yet to be my kind of story), i've decided in lieu of my liveblogging, each week i will be posting a one sentence summary of the episode based exclusively on what everyone on my dash is freaking out about, regardless of how relevant it is to the episode!
the list so far:
episode 3 - bertrand is fucking dead
episode 4 - s h a d o w b a k e r (who is 100% Not Essek)
episode 5 - "pretend that this is kith and kin, because both liam and i forgot to bring it-" "-both promised to bring it-" "-both forgot!"
episode 7 - revenge of chetney chocolatecane poc o pea!
episode 8 - dorian's brother is a himbo
episode 9 - moon lore just dropped??
episode 10 - i think the party intimidated their way out of a problem but it's hard to tell because there's a shadowgast time loop au now
episode 11 - my whole dash is one art of the nightmare king, chetney is a werewolf, and matt's figured out how to counterturtle!
episode 12 - is it marwa time i think it's marwa time
episode 13 - ~masquerade ball~
episode 14 - everyone forgot that dorian wasn't a permanent cast member and they would like him to stay pls??
bonus one shot! - how many horses can one party stack!
episode 15 - no dorian :(
but also we're bell's hells now motherfuckers
episode 16 - mind condom
episode 17 - laudna in tlovm confirmed
episode 18 - imogen's blue now. that's her attack.
thursday 31st march - we've had first exu what about second exu?
episode 19 - one gold and a lime
episode 20 - new nordvpn, laura has new hair, and an incredibly deadly heist through a gift shop?
episode 21 - i cast yassify
episode 22 - oh my god did they actually get a response back from vex?
episode 23 - is travis actually making all these things out of wood?
episode 24 - imogen is bald now and erika's playing a hot elf
calamity break - brennan's here to destroy the world and it's the best written thing anyone's ever seen
episode 25 - new intro!!!
episode 26 - orym is Gay and erika ishii is Up To Something
episode 27 - erika's hot elf is evil and even hotter (also not an elf)
episode 28 - fearne lore time
episode 29 - [S] CR Fandom: Mental Breakdown
episode 30 - m o o n  l o r e  j u s t  d r o p p e d [bass boosted edition]
episode 31 - "i was waiting for the riegel shoe to drop" ~taliesin jaffe, c2e48
episode 32 -
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episode 33 - somehow the queen is the least relevant person to die today
episode 34 - the true monster in laudna's head wasn't delilah briarwood it was fandom discourse
episode 35 - ashton confirmed spoonie, thank you taliesin for as always giving me personally the representation i didn't even realise was possible
episode 36 - deus vox machina
episode 37 - genuinely i think the delilah fight was so cool and i didn't even watch it
episode 39 - i don't know what happened this episode but im glad travis is fulfilling his werewolf dreams
episode 40 - fearne put your hand up
m9 two shot! - THREE. PACTS.
episode 41 - it's been almost exactly one whole campaign since the last time members of the party got super fucked up on something they shouldn't have eaten, so it was about time!
episode 42 -
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episode 43 - everyone desires planerider ryn carnally
episode 44 - i wanna say amateur porno in the basement. i really do. but unfortunately ludinus is up to some bullshit
episode 45 - turns out he doesn't keep a ledger... he has a kenku... so... we kidnapped the kenku
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whattheheehaw · 4 years
Once upon a time, I saw someone use this scene as anti-Zutara and pro-K@taang evidence:
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Katara: So let me tell you something, right now. You make one step backward, one slip-up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I'll make sure your destiny ends... right then and there. Permanently.
The person said something along the lines of: “Katara threatened to kill Zuko so that’s why Zutara is toxic. Also, this shows Katara really loves Aang because she’d do anything to protect him.” 
I have to admit that at first, I laughed. Literally every Zutarian and their mother have stated multiple times that Zuko and Katara’s friendship does not end here. Like, I guess we’re just going to ignore everything that happens past this episode. But you know what? If people can’t accept the fact that Zuko’s and Katara’s friendship blossomed into something pure and beautiful by the end of season 3, they’re a lost cause, so why bother interacting?
What I want to focus on is the fact that some people actually think this proves K@taang is a better ship.
Yes, it is true that Katara is protecting Aang in this scene. And yes, protecting someone can be a form of affection. But what kind of affection is Katara showing here? Is it romantic? I don’t think so. If anything, I think this highlights how motherly Katara is toward Aang.
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Ursa: That's what moms are like. If you mess with their babies, they're gonna bite you back!
I can’t be the only one who thinks Katara’s dialogue parallels what Ursa said about motherhood. It’s almost like these epiosdes were written by the same person—oh wait.
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Huh, Elizabeth Welch really is a legend.
And I get it, people are going to call me crazy because Katara and Aang kissed 2 episodes ago, so the whole “Katara is Aang’s mom” argument should get thrown out of the window by now. However, Katara’s treatment of Aang throughout The Western Air Temple only highlights Katara’s maternal nature. 
Exhibit A:
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Teo: [The Western Air Temple is] so different from the Northern Air Temple. I wonder if there are any secret rooms.
Haru: Let’s go check it out!
Katara: You guys go. I think [Sokka, Toph, Aang, and I] need to talk about some things.
Aang: Why can’t I go?
Katara: We need to decide what we're gonna do now, and since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this.
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Aang: Fair enough. So what’s the new plan?
Sokka: Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan! You just need to master all four elements and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes.
Aang: [Sarcastically.] Oh, yeah. That's great, no problem. I'll just do that.
Katara: Aang, no one said it's going to be easy.
Aang: Well, it's not even gonna be possible! Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?
Katara: We could look for Jeong Jeong!
Aang: [Shooting her idea down.] Yeah ... right. Like we'll ever run into Jeong Jeong again.
Exhibit B:
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Katara: Aang, can we talk about you learning firebending now?
Aang: What? The wind is too loud in my ears! Check out this loop!
In both instances, it seems like Katara has taken the role of “mom that’s trying to get her kid to do their chores” rather than “concerned girlfriend trying to limit her boyfriend’s distractions”, and this all comes to a head at the ending scene between Zuko and Katara. Katara, who has been treating Aang like her child for the entire episode, is now shown to be protecting Aang from a possible threat in a similar way that Ursa described mothers protecting their children back in season 2. Again, I’m not saying that whenever Katara (or anyone in general) protects someone else she’s acting motherly. However, her actions towards Aang throughout this episode did carry a motherly tone and the way her dialogue mirrors what Ursa, an actual mother, said are indicative of a mother/son bond between Katara and Aang.
The ending scene of The Western Air Temple is not an anti-Zutara scene, nor is it a pro-K@taang scene.
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manda-kat · 2 years
Day 640
Today was good!
I recorded more epiosdes of Plush Opera
If you don't know what that is, here's the playlist:
It's a soap opera I'm creating in Youtube shorts
It is 100% a parody and ridiculous
But I legitimately take it seriously at this point
Every episode has a script written for it and I scrap a lot of scripts that I feel don't suit the characters
And some that suit the characters, but aren't funny
I honestly think it's the best content on my channel ngl
I also drew Jessica from the series:
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"Oh, Officer!"
When I hit 100 subs I'm gonna do a Plush Opera event, so I will keep y'all posted on that
Unfortunately 96% of my views are from people who are not subscribed, leaving me with 73 subscribers forever.
But all I can do is keep posting until I blow up.
It could happen
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aquillis-main · 2 years
I wouldn't mind SatAM Sonic if he also happened to be well written lmao. From what I understand, this doesn't really happen, as romance drama gets focused on instead of letting Sonic and Sally be their own characters, Tails is barely used, Bunnie gets not enough focus (which may actually be good lol), Antoine is French Le Sterotype, Dulcy is clumsy, and so on.
Though, if Robotnik is actually active in 9 out of 26 epiosdes, that's still not sitting on his ass the whole time. Only most of the time :p
Just think on it for a second - if Dr. Fakeman's sitting on his butt for almost all the series episodes, with only nine of them basically showing him outside of that damn chair, that's not a lot of runtime we get to see him in action.
Compare that to at least 20 episodes where Robotnik got off his ass in Underground, or was otherwise present in the show taking command of something. Sure 20/40 still isn't a lot, but in comparison to the 9/26 episodes Dr. Fakeman had to show him moving off his ass... Yeah. that's... a lot less than Dr. Robotnik of Underground.
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cookiedoughmeagain · 3 years
Haven DVD Commentaries; 5.22 - A Matter of Time
Commentary with Joshua Brandon (writer for the last episode), Brain Millikin (writer for this episode) and Colin Ferguson (who plays William and directed 5.20)
BM: This was written really as one big two hour episode with 5.21. We did that a bunch of times this year and I think it does feel that way. In a perfect world they would have maybe aired in a two hour block, because this is the most two-partery episode we’ve done all season long. CF: It does feel that way.  And I like how in this episode, in every plot line there is someone who’s stuck. Stuck in the fence, stuck in the cave and stuck to a chair. BM: Yes, well that was an edict going into this episode, we needed this one particularly to be a bottle episode. Which for those who are unaware, that is when you spend as much as possible, if not the entire time shooting the episode, on your stage. We typically do it to save time, maybe save some money. Or you’re just gearing up for a bigger episode down the road. It can be a challenge, because on the one hand you’ve just got a lot of people stuck in a room. But the opportunity is really high for some longer stronger scenes and interactions between the characters. It becomes a bit more like a play than an epiosde of a TV show. CF: And when you’re a guest star coming in, your job as a supporting actor is to support the other actors. Now at this point in the season, 21 episodes in, Lucas is tired, Emily is tired, everyone’s just burnt. So I come in and I have to know my lines, and we ended up shooting all of my coverage for the epiosde in about an hour and a half at the tail end of one day. JB: Wow. CF: Anything in this direction [the camera facing towards William in the cave] we did in about an hour and a half, because we spent so much time the other way, with the thinny when it appears and all the other stuff that’s happening. There’s so much more movement there that took the lion’s share. And then turn around and hose down Colin. BM: That is unbelievable. Because that’s like ten pages of dialogue! CF: It was a lot BM: Oh my gosh.
BM: I can’t go any further without giving props to Steven Wright our costume designer - I love Emily’s coat. Emily has had exceptional coat game over the course of the series.
[As Audrey and Duke discover Hailie stuck in the fence] CF: Wow! That’s disgusting when you see it there BM: You know, that was somethign that we talked about for a long time. Number one, in the bottle episode way that we had to shape this, we knew that although we had all these outdoor scenes that we needed to keep them contained pretty much to one place. So that we could shoot as quickly as possible. But at the same time we had the season laid out and we knew the tent poles of the story that we had to hit. We knew by the end of this episode that Duke needed to kill her and take her Trouble, and it was going to be a big deal that he would be taking a Trouble now sort of willingly, to use it. And that was going to start him on a much darker path for the rest of the season. So we just needed to try and dramatise that as best as possible. And it just made sense, given how we had already set up Hailie’s mom dying in the same way - becuase all Troubles have a down side, and hers gave out on her at the exact time she needed it most, when she was passing through a fence.  So we were watching a cut of that episode [about Barbara] and we figured the same thing should happen with Hailie. And it winds up telling a story about repeating what’s happened before. The sins of the father, destiny, all that stuff. CF: And a great performance by Tamara [as Hailie] too. That sort of squeal that she had there was not over done. It was gross. JB: She was great. And right from the beginning when she was cast in 5.15, as soon as they started seeing the dailies come in, we were all thinking that if there was a way to bring her back then we should, because she was really terrific. BM: Yes and she did not have an easy job on this one. She spent an entire day standing in this - I think painful - rig, with that fence going half into her. And she couldn’t move. CF: And the issue with that is you can’t go to the bathroom. Or, you can but it’s a time suck, you know if it takes 20 minutes to get out of the thing and 20 minutes to get back in again. BM: Yeah. But the fence was also sort of a practical thing, in that we needed her to be in a situation where she’s probably going to die, but where we could still talk to her. So she couldn’t be cut in half or something. So the fence was just kind of, logical really. And we had looked into some real life accidents where people have been impaled and this idea that the shock means you don’t really feel it, at least for a little while - and that was important because she needed to be able to have a conversation and not just be screaming in pain. JB: And also knife victims; leaving the knife in can prevent you from bleeding out. CF: By the way that fence was built by production, it was not an existing part of the location.
[Dave about to get hypnotised] BM: So this side of the story was probably the most important one. This was the other big tent pole that we knew coming into this was that this was going to be John [who plays Dave] Dunsworth’s last episode. John is fantastic, but we were losing him to another show already, and we had always intended that as we got towards the end game of the season that we would see some of our characters lose their lives. It just felt that with the stakes as high as they are, it wouldn’t really be realistic that everyone would make it through. So it just made sense given the story we were telling, that it would be Dave. But we had some problems because we knew that he was going to be tied up for the whole episode. Because it’s a bottle episode but also because last time we left him untied up he started killing people. So we needed our other characters to be smart enough to tie him up, but we also needed him to have a story that took him beyond just sitting there. So that’s where this whole ‘mind palace’ experience wound up coming from. And the same thing with what’s happening here [Vince and Dwight realising they’ve lost time]. We’d never really leaned into the lost time of it all, it happened on a couple of occasions, but knowing that we were going to dispatch with it this episode, we figured this should be one where we really kind of go crazy with some lost time stuff. I think it wound up really working well, because it gave Adam and Richard [as Dwight and Vince] a lot to play with. Again, as a bottle episode, just standing in the room.
CF: That wide shot of the cave is amazing; it makes the room look significantly bigger than it actually is. That first shot that started the scene. The room was not that big, it was probably only maybe 20 feet square. BM: Wow. You two were terrific in these scene. I wish we could have done more. But we knew we only had you for two episodes CF: Yes, I was contractually on other things before and after BM: Yeah, so we knew where we were going with Nathan and William throughout. We all really liked William, and sort of understood where he was coming from, in a good way. I think all good Bad Guys, you can kind of relate to how they wound up the way they did CF: And you guys did a great job of that, through and through, of making the reasons why he’s doing it real, and defensible. JB: The original title of this episode, I think, as “A Fool For Love” BM: That’s correct. I was like; I love that title, let’s use it - why do I love it so much? And then realised, it’s the title of an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Which I love that episode, it was the one that was all about Spike, also about their bad guy and getting to know what’s the matter with him. So if I’d had my way, we would have had more of Nathan and William in this cave. I think originally they were going to be stuck in there for a whole act CF: Oh wow BM: You were going to be running around, there was more stuff outside. A lot of that got pushed into about two minutes of episode 5.21
CF: I came up to Halifax for this with my girlfriend and my son, first time I’d gone on location with them. So when I come home at the end of the day I’m handed a baby to take care of. So for me, I had a ton of dialogue to learn JB: That’s a lot CF: Well you’re learning, your’e learning how to do it. It’s just a life thing that you deal with. BM: Well and you had just directed the previous episode a couple days before hand, right? How much time did you have off between directing and then having to sit in a cave for a day? CF: About ten hours. JB: Wow BM: Wow.
BM: It was a bit of a chllange this episode because we had three story lines, or four if you think about Dave in his own mind. And we’re just cutting between them all, they basically each get one scene and act, is how it winds up working out. And each one, they’re still in the same place they were before. So we had been really worried at the script stage, that it was maybe going to feel a little too static. But I’m happy to say that you guys killed it. CF: Well and watching it now, Tamara does such a good job of that kind of Faustian moment, of; I’m going to ignore the consequences/oh no here are the consequences. And it’s so hard to make that likeable, because if you do it badly the audience is just going to be going; Well you knew it was coming, you idiot. But she actually pulls it off JB: She’s amazing BM: Yeah, it was a little bit like what happened with Lisa Hawkins in 5.21. We had set up this, well Matt McGuinness had felt that in season four and some previous seasons, we had ignored the reality of the situation a little bit. So he had wanted where possible to really have people just react the way that you and I would. So we felt that this was another example of that, that Hailie’s going to be pretty pissed off about what’s happened to her. And that if Duke came to her and asked for help, she’s not going to be like; Yeah I’m going to be a hero and do the bigger thing. Real people don’t do that, she would instead probably be pretty mad at him and blame him for what’s happened to her.
JB: I love what they did here with this mind palace stuff. We talked about this a lot when we were conceiving these episodes. And it should be no surprise that Brian and I are Star Trek fans, and there was a DS9 episode right towards the end, it wasn’t a great one, it was called Extreme Measures, and it was O’Brian and Bashir’s last adventure, and they wind up in a sort of a mind palace. And I was reading some behind the scenes stuff that they wanted to treat the set differently and have psychedelic images on the walls and really make it different from - Oh we ran out of time and money so we just re-used these sets. They couldn’t do that there because they had to play on a whole thing of; Oh it might be reality, it might not. We didn’t have that, so that’s why you’ve got the tree and the bike and everything. CF: The tree is the best one because as soon as that goes up you’ve got the iconography of being some place else. JB: Exactly, and we really got to play with that. BM: I would like to be able to say that I got the idea from DS9, but I took it from a Stephen King book, Dreamcatcher, which they made into a movie with Damian Lewis and his character spends a good chunk of the film in his own head. It’s visualised as a sort of library, he’s running around looking for books trying to find the right bit of information. And so like so many things we’ve done in the show, we try to pull from other Stephen King books, or the Stephen King universe, and that was another way we were able to do. I’m kind of surprise that it worked and we were able to sell it through - it was kind of a dicey thing. I think Sherlock helped us a lot too. JB: And John Dunsworth is so good in those scenes BM: Yes, which were not easy because he was just there by himself. He had to spend a day just wandering around the Haven Herald alone, and then the next scene he’s talking to a disembodied voice on a radio. Because we couldn’t yet reveal that Croatoan is William Shatner. CF: And on the day when you’re shooting stuff like that it’s always the script supervisor, way off camera, shouting out the lines, and you have to react like it’s coming from … wherever. It’s always a bit of an exercise. BM: And to make it worse, it was his last day on the show. Five years of work, and the big send off for him is that he gets to work by himself. CF: I was there for the send off, it was a lovely lunch and it was quite emotional. And everyone came down from the office, it was quite a send off. BM: That’s great. He’s been fantastic. JB: I really liked John, he was one of the first actors I got to talk to on the phone (becuase I never went up to Canada) but he was one of the first people I dealt with when I started here and he was just telling jokes and being hilarious. Really sweet guy. BM: Yeah it speaks super highly of him that I was - well I still am a nobody, but I certainly was a nobody when I was doing my first episode back in season two. And I was walking home through the parking lot, everyone else had already gone home, and this car comes peeling out of nowhere and starts doing doughnuts around me. Then he slams his breaks on, rolls down his window - I thought I was going to die, but it was John Dunsworth asking me if I had dinner plans, and we went and had some food. He’s a great guy.
BM: So this was something else that we knew we’d have to do at some point in this episode - 5.21 was Audrey and Duke coming back together again, and this episode was going to have to be a bit of of the shit hitting the fan. And she has to ask him to do the thing that he left town for, and that he doesn’t want to have to do. And she’s right. JB: Yeah and on some level Duke knows that. Because it’s all about destiny and that’s the vision he saw, and he can’t escape it - the worst thing he ever had to do was kill becuase Audrey told him to, and now he has to do it again. BM: It was a tough one. We at this point knew where Duke’s story was going, which also made us sad, for Duke. So all of this episode for him, was just about dealing with inevitability that he’s just kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.
CF: I can’t believe that Duke and Audrey just left Hailie there on her own again to go and have another conversation BM: We got that note from the studio, and the way that we were able to get away with it, is that this episode takes place in real time. So she’s only there for about 42 minutes in total. Both of these episodes take place over the course of a couple hours; which is crazy when you think about it.
CF: You guys did a great job of making William’s appeals to Nathan logical. I find the biggest problem is when you get a scene where what you’re being asked to do, no one would do. Where there’s really thin logic that doesn’t really work and you’re supposed to pour your heart into it, but you’re just thinking; why would anyone do this? But with this I feel like I’m in the right. JB: Well it’s also not interesting otherwise. And Brian did such a good job with all that because, we do care for William. Even though he’s done these horrible things. And I think this episode is about him redeeming himself; in his own eyes as well as the audience’s. Because he’s been a fool for love, because he’s done things that he probably wouldn’t have done if he hadn’t felt so strongly for Mara. Who didn’t really care as much about him as he did for her. I think we’ve all been there. BM: I’ve been really attached to this idea that we ended up doing at the end of the episode, where Nathan’s wearing one of those rings around his neck, and we’ve spent a long time this season revealing what they were and what they could do for people like William and Mara. And I had really wanted to try to get to a place where Nathan could give one to Williiam. JB: Definitely. BM: That had been our goal - our stretch goal (if we can get there then great) - for the end of this episode. And there was a bit of push back, because Nathan had been wearing that ring around his neck since season two, and it had been his dad’s and Lucy’s and everything else. But I was just like; Nah, he should give it to William. But I think it wound up working, because it actually required William meeting him half way. JB: Yeah and he deserved it; he deserved to go home. I think that great line, I don’t remember exactly, but it’s like; You don’t deserve to die, I don’t know if they want you there, but you don’t deserve to stay here.
JB: In the cave scenes I also love the play on status, that Nathan is the one whose body is breaking down, he’s getting weaker and weaker, but William is the one pinned under the rock. So in theory William is at a disadvantage, but he’s just watching and he can wait it out if necessary. BM: Well that came out of necessity a bit, because originally they were both going to be in the cave but free, so they would fight for a bit and then get to a detente kind of a place. But enough people were like; That will never happen - they will fight until one of them dies. So it was like; OK, what about if one of them is trapped? So if William’s trapped, he’s smart, he’s a little Loki-ish, his biggest power is maybe his voice and he can break Nathan down that way.
[Vince with a gun pointed at Dave’s head] BM: Oh, so sad. JB: It is really sad, and this is what happens when a show goes on and you have to make big decisions, you don’t want to do it. I remember coming home and my wife was watching the show, the first half of the season, and she was saying; It’s getting dark - I don’t like where it’s going. And I couldn’t say anything, but in the back of my head I knew where it was going. But that’s the beauty of telling a story like this, is you get to have real consequences. You’ve got to make some sacrifices if the story is taking these dark turns. BM: I’m super happy that that voice mail bit with Dwight actually worked. It was an 11th hour save, because we were like; How are these guys ever going to figure out what the hell is going on? Because they keep having their memories wiped. I was like; Maybe Dwight gets a voice mail?? And everyone else was like; That’s a great idea! And I was; That’s a great idea???
BM: And we’re coming up on an Oprah Winfrey call back here [with Vince and Dave]. The first of many callbacks. This was just the idea that there’s some sort of untoward relationship or fascination with Oprah Winfrey that Vince and Dave both share. And that seemed like a good idea because we needed a litmus test to prove it was Dave, and a call back always works. JB: We never established what that was though, did we? BM: No. JB: We just know that it’s something between them. Duke knows about it too because he brings it up at the beginning of season four. BM: Exactly. You’d have to ask Gabrielle Stanton about that one. But it was the first of a few call backs that we tried to squeeze into this episode. Heavy shows up later on, and even Maddie Irons, we brought her back. We really start doing that a lot in this episode and the next few. We didn’t know whether this was going to be the end of the series or not, but regardless it was going to be a big season and we wanted to start looking back to the past a little bit. I think we varying degrees of success.
BM: So we knew that Dave was going to die at the end of the episode and that Croatoan was going to leave his body. But nobody wanted Dave to die in vain. We wanted him to have a hero moment. So we decided really early on, that he could do something to take away the lost time power that Croatoan has. Mostly because, as we tried to break what was happening in the following episodes, the fact that Croatoan could erase the memories at any point in time, made it completely impossible. So we realised we needed to get rid of that, and that gave us an opportunity to have Dave do something, which then beget the wall of clocks and his mission to go back into his mind palace here. But then again, if Dave *knew* he was going to die, that makes him less heroic, so we had to kind of do this whole dance were Dave was going to be spared. We had conversation after conversation for weeks about the levels of heroism - like, too heroic? not heroic enough? But you talk about all of that, and then it goes away when you watch John Dunsworth here because he is fantastic. And those two guys, their last two scenes together, all of those concerns just go by the way side.
CF: They got a sunny day for these scenes with Hailie, that’s great. There had been a lot of rain in the weeks before. JB: Yeah you wouldn’t really think this was shot shortly after the scenes with William and Nahtan in the woods. They got really lucky. BM: And we were just so lucky that Tamara was available to play Hailie. When we had here in 15 and 16 on that Duke side story, at that time we had not intended to bring her back. But we really liked her and found an opportunity, and now, I couldn’t imagine it any other way because Duke’s relationship with her in those episodes, that he started her Trouble and that he knew what happened with her mom - it all plays into what’s happening here. So it makes it so much better. And they were great. Unfortunately he has to kill her here - we talked for a long time about how to do it. There was this idea that he could snap her neck, but that felt kind of cruel, and so what we liked what this idea that he could kind of embrace her and pull her, so that he makes her injuries worse and that was what was kill her. But iti was the idea that he could hug her instead of some brutal thing. You know, he could have suffocated her or various things but that just felt too cruel. But they both sold it. JB: Beautifully directed moment too. BM: Yes. And unfortunately for Duke, and for Eric Balfour, he’s had to do a few really harrowing things like this to people over the course of the series. I think it’s because he started out the show as this kind of care-free, fun-loving guy, it just sort of makes sense with the nature of television that you start torturing people for season after season. But he does such a good job with it, that it was just only natural.  He is as good at dealing with the dark things he’s had to do as any body.
CF: I’m happy that Emily’s walking better. I mean just standing there was an issue when we were shooting 5.20. BM: Even then you can see, we did start re-writing stuff so that she wouldn’t have to walk around as much. He can walk over to her, there just to be more running around in that story.
CF: By the way when you’re working with foam for days, everyone’s walking around on it, the ground gets completely crushed and pulverised into tiny little pieces, so its … your lungs aren’t happy by the end of it. Becuase it’s foam, it’s not meant to last more than a few days BM: That’s a great shot though. It looks great, worked out really well. CF: Yeah they do a great job as a crew, all the prep and getting the right lenses for that super wide angle - because it makes the scene to give it some scope.
[As Nathan takes a handful of aether] BM: So we always knew we were going to try and get to this point in the episode where Nathan was sort of forced to do waht William wanted him to do. And this moves them into a different tone of what’s going on between them.
JB: The controller crystal there, that was kind of modelled on the kryptonian crystals from the 1978 Superman movie CF: And that aether stains anything it touches. So we had to cover our hands with silicone barrier cream and just take it off immediately afterwards or it would stain permanently. BM: It’s funny there’s a bit of a vestige of previous versions of the script where your foot was stuck rather than your arm. So it was still in the script that William would cup the aether with both hands and then open them up again to reveal the balls spinning. And I realised after we shot it that was impractical now - but you did such a good job selling it. CF: Well we had a long discussion about how much pain I could show. Because if your arm is trapped by a boulder you’re going to be in pain, but if I leaned on that through a whole episode, that gets old. Because also Tamara would be doing something similar with Hailie’s story. So I sort of played that it was more numb, so that I could make the point of the scenes be the dialogue.
BM: For the longest time we didn’t have Heavy back, Robert Maillet, but he was such a good sport, he flew up just for the day. I think we got him on a break from The Strain. Really nice guy.
[William, about Duke and Mara; “I should kill you just for putting that image in my head”] *general agreement this is a great line* JB: We were talking about this section and wondering how William would react [to William learning about Mara using Duke] and I think all of us figured he’d be like; Yeah that sounds about right. As opposed to be upset or angry. CF: I did a few versions of that, some were more jokey but I can see why they didn’t get in because you can’t go too light there or the stakes go away BM: You guys really sold it. The idea of how Nathan gets through to William had always been, not that he would make some great argument and convince him, but that he would sort of challenge William, almost insult him so much that he finally got through to him. That felt the most realistic. CF: Well I take my hat off to you guys as the writers and Eric on the lighting, because when you’re reading a script thinking; Oh ok I’m trapped under fake boulders for an episode, … You’re thinking; This could be bad. But it doesn’t feel take.
[As Duke cuts his hand to let out the Trouble] JB: Can I just say, I’ve seen people do this on television a lot and it looks incredibly painful. CF: Yeah I cringe. If I had to cut myself, I wouldn’t use my palm. I’d use the back. JB: I’d be going for a pinprick, not dragging the knife right across my skind.
BM: So this is the place we wanted to get to where William is not a bad guy, not a good guy, somewhere in between. CF: Well and I like that you didn’t make him all of a sudden all like; *overly happy voice* Golly Gee, I’ve seen the light and I was wrong. You know he still has a bit of swagger where he’s just like; Get out of here JB: Yeah; Before I change my mind. Because I might. CF: Yeah. BM: It felt realistic for him. And in a strange way, I mean it’s a cliche, but him and Nathan wind up having more in common than perhaps either of them would care to admit. They are more similar characters. Nathan could have been William if the circumstances were different. JB: I love this too, this wasn’t quid-pro-quo, it was; “get out of here I’m letting you live” and then Nathan decides to hand over the ring. I really like that they don’t strike a bargain as such; it’s just two independent things that these characters decided to do for each other. CF: I like that moment, because I’m thinking William doesn’t get a lot of gifts. Birthdays, christmas, he’s not getting a lot of presents, so. BM: Yeah. And he’s spent a long time in the void.
BM: It’s funny William’s last words to Nathan there. We had always thought that he’d give us some clue that they could use in the next episodes. But then we shot the episode and coudln’t put the clue back in. He just gets a bit of advice - that it’s going to be bad - but it wasn’t really something we could call back to. Missed opportunity.
[Nathan; Where Hailie] JB: That very obliquely references the scene in 5.21 where Duke tells Nathan to talk to Charlotte, and Nathan says, I can’t, and Duke realises she’s dead. And now Nathan’s realising that Hailie is dead. BM: Wow. JB: You didn’t catch that the first time did you? BM: No. I wrote that, too.
[Vince saying goodbye to Dave] BM: So this was a scene we were looking forward to, in a sad dramatic kind of way. We knew that there needed to be a moment between these two. So we wanted Dwight to sign on to Dave’s plan early on, and then give Vince and Dave a moment, because this is their last scene together. And we just felt like we needed Dave to step up to the plate here. These guys have spent their entire lives protecting Haven and it’s secrets, and they’re in uncharted territory here but it’s like; Who are you really and what are you going to do? And we knew that Dave was going to step up in this episode and then Vince is going to do the same thing, pretty much, two episodes from now. It ends differently for Vince, but even going back to the pilot, these two had all of the secrets. And the idea had always been that eventually the show would catch up to them, and bring them along with it - like they would be swept up with it. CF: I love that idea that everything has a cost. That if you want to be the gatekeeper, or the holder of secrets, you’ve got to pay that bill at a certain point. JB: That’s a really sweet moment; Dave’s “Copy that big brother.” BM: Yeah I think we took that from some of the radio speak that Dave did in Roots, 2.05, when he was talking over the short wave radio. JB: That moment really gets me, where he smiles as he goes under BM: When I wrote this I originally imaged the exact same device as Men In Black, for some reason. But then we looked into it and it turns out that is what some people use for hypnosis, these little hand held strobing devices.
[Dave shouting at Croatoan] BM: John Dunsworth is great here. And again, it’s tough; he had to shoot all this by himself, just shouting at a disembodied voice. But you don’t even think about it, because that’s what John Dunsworth can do. JB: And you wouldn’t get many takes at this, either [Dave smashing up the clocks and the wall] BM: No.  You can maybe tell, it might be a bit too obvious, but there’s a late addition to the scene here when Dave writes in his notebook, Because we needed everyone else to know that Croatoan’s plan is to go after Audrey, but there was really no way for them to know that. So we realised it was maybe one little last beat that Dave could do for them, something that he has figured out how to leave a message on himself. And that gave us a cool last beat of the episode. But it was literally added in I think a couple days before we started shooting. CF: John gave a really nice speech that day at lunch when he was retiring from the show. He was quite choked up about how much the show had meant to him. I think he said he didn’t appreciate this coming at this point in his life; having five years on a show and a huge extended family. BM: We got super lucky with both John and Richard. When we were casting the show we knew we were going to be shooting in Chester Nova Scotia, and we needed to cast Vince and Dave as pretty local guys. We didn’t want to have to be flying them in and out, we were hoping to find someone in the area. Those guys both lived a few miles away from where we were shooting, had both done tons of work, and they auditioned and got the job instantly. They were fantastic and everyone could not believe their luck. And they I think had only known each other a little bit, but had this incredible raport. John had lived right in the area forever; his family are like the Kennedy’s of Nova Scotia. CF: Oh yeah they’re everywhere BM: And Richard Donat built his house with his own hands out there in the woods, it’s remarkable, and has been there for decades. They’re both great guys, we were so lucky to have them.
[As Nathan Duke and Audrey discuss the controller crystol] BM: Thiis scene wound up being a bit more important than I think any of us really thought that it would. I thought it was just be funny if they talked about the fact they had no idea how to use this thing they just spent the last two episodes getting, and now they have no idea what to do with it JB: Yeah I think in an earlier draft it was more comedic BM: But this is the last time these three are really together again on the show. And certainly in slightly nicer circumstances. So it really wound up being about them appreciating that. The Three Musketeers together again. So it actually wound up being really moving. And coming right on the heels of what just happened with Dave; it’s pretty sad.
CF: And by the way just so you know, those aren’t the colours of real life. That house is not that yellow. The jeep is not quite that blue. Everything’s racheted up a little bit. I mean just a little; 10, 15%. I guess they were making the fall colours really punch because we’ve never really been in the fall before.
[Croatoan talking to Vince and Dwight via Dave’s body] BM: So this had been part of the plan from way back when; we knew that we would have Croatoan in Haven for the last four episodes of the season, so we knew that the end of this episode would have Croatoan pouring out of Dave. And there was a lot of talk about what that would look like. There were some people pushing for Dave’s body to explode, but that just felt cruel. So I’m so happy that he’s pouring out as this mist. And this made it a bit spookier because the next episode is about what is Croatoan? Because they don’t really know and i’ts not until the end of the next episode that we see that he now looks a lot like William Shatner. And here’s the note [on Dave’s arm] we were talking about that this wasn’t originally in here, and we added it really late. But I’m really happy that we did.
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carryoncastiel · 4 years
I know people don’t like Buckleming (I’m not a fan of them either) but the last episode they’ve written was 15x13 and honestly that might have been the best epiosde they’ve ever done. I only had two gripes with it, one being the AU!Winchesters being kinda pointless and dumb (plus I think the racist porn was there as well) and one line of dialog that I’d call a nitpick from my side. (They’ve also written 15x08 which I haven’t rewatched in a while but from what I gather from my tag it was also pretty good).
Episode 13 was pretty important with Cas having a talk with the empty and mentioning his deal plus Jack getting his soul back. Buckleming did a very good job with the whole thing and that was not the season finale. I’m sure Bobo and Dabb had a pretty tight grip on episode 19 so I expect it to deliver.
There might be a handful of moments where I’ll roll my eyes (Lucifer is probably back so that could be groan-worthy) but I’m not gonna preemptively decide it’s gonna suck just because the duo wrote it.
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majesticnerdynerd · 3 years
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So... I’ve skipped the last 2 weeks of check-ins because I simply forgot, LOL *dumbass* Here’s a new check-in for @wipwc-wednesday​!
Weekly WC: counting the last 2 week ~13k I’ve finished epiosde 12 of Reichenbach Falls, my superwholock fic. Besides that, I’ve reviewed all chapters of my potterlock fanfic, Harry Potter and the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which accounts for like, 85k words. 
WIP Status: RF is doing great, I have started episode 13, so my pre-writing schedule is coming along nicely. My potterlock fic is on the line to start pre-writing a few chapters ahead too, at least 4 but preferably more. My spn flower shop series are on hold for a bit
Chapters: I’ve written a total of 5 complete first drafts for 5 individual chapters. I have also published the whole 8th episode of Reichenbach Falls called ‘National Treasure-Trove’ where John and Irene sought out the town’s original founder and uncovered a conspiracy, and Sherlock helped Sally Donovan solve minor cases while Greg stayed in county jail after a pair of kids pranked him. Yep. Poor Greg. 
Favourite Characters To Write This Week: I have to say writing John Watson is quite interesting. Giving him the background I did, it’s easier to relate to him and put a few lessons forward eventually. Then Greg Lestrade, he is an interesting guy who has a lot of secrets of his own so >:D
Favourite Snippet/Scene: This is from episode 8, Reichenbach Falls, where John found an official file documenting the infamous coverup 
‘Let it be known that Balexander O’Leary, famous in his native Reichenbach Falls for rolling down the hills stark naked and let wild racoons clothe him until he got fleas and for drinking sewage water, thinking it was a magic potion granting him powers to see Jesus Christ and fight him until his second coming on Earth, was chosen to become the first US-allowed official mayor of Reichenbach Falls. O’Leary often spoke in a series of babbles and unintelligible yells, usually screaming his trademark phrases: ‘That sign can’t stop me because I can’t read!’ and ‘Baghferumehamamahaaaaaa! The winged oats are attacking!’’
“Oh my God, he predicted a meme and spoke in keysmash?” Irene said in awe. John grunted a response, his brain focused on the rest of the text.
The rest is under the cut! See you next week, folks!
‘The fabled founder of Reichenbach Falls was, in fact, a fraud. His last miserable, and completely unaccounted for moments on Earth were spent suffocating in a barrel filled with pickled water as he attempted to transcend to the lost world of Atlantis. Whether he’d achieved it or not, no one cares, because Balexander O’Leary was a [CENSORED] hated by everyone who got a whiff of his cologne and personality. He will not be missed.
‘The true founder of the town appears to be a mysterious man who allegedly travelled here from the future year of 2012. Also known as Alexander Hirsch, or King Awesome-Sauce, the eccentric miracle man went crazy the first night he discovered the town’s whereabouts. He claimed that he had had a bet with a friend in the future, which consisted of burning his old, ugly red jacket that was burned under a Full Moon while Hirsch and his friends danced around the bonfire, chanting Satanic verses such as: ‘Hola-Ola-Antilopa-Mola-Dona-Pepsi-Cola!’ or ‘We’re all weevils in a captain’s biscuit!’ In other words, he had sold his soul to an unspecified deity or demon, and thus Reichenbach Falls was created.
‘Hirsch was also famous for riding into the White House and battling Thomas Jefferson and his pet alligator with an army of alloted deer, three of which were constantly addicted to petrol. Hirsch claimed his German surname granted him the magical ability of a Disney Princess, and used his powers most accordingly.
‘Unfortunately, Hirsch’s 21st century antics held no purpose in the late 1700s, and he went crazy in less than a month, drawing odd sketches of two siblings in a mystery town. He was impeached by a group of thug squirrels who took over Reichenbach Falls in an unsuccessful attempt to establish a forestocracy as a protest against deer who licked their nuts (unspecified which kind). The squirrels were gunned by woodpeckers who avenged the local mafia family of beavers, and peace was once again established, but in the meantime, Alexander Hirsch disappeared. The last time the locals had seen him was on the back of a half-paraplegic deer with abhorrent singing abilities as Hirsch yodeled a weirdly familiar theme song of his made-up world.’
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Louie’s Eleven Review
- I love the animation in this epiosde
- Huey becoming unknowingly involved in Louie’s scheme
- Daisy taking the blame for one of her workers
- Dewey distracting everyone with his bad yo-yo skills
- Everyone (except Donald’s loved ones) cringing at his singing
- That Panchito and José are really desperate to be famous. 
- They’re saying Panchito’s name wrong too now
- Wow, I hate Emma for insulting Louie
- Getting kinda tired of hearing anyone not Tony be Donald
- Fuuuuuuuuck. Beaks.
- Emma being Mark’s mom makes sense, but I’m also disappointed cause I really hoping the two wouldn’t be related. It works though, so oh well.
- Dewey and Louie insulting their uncle’s voice
While I’m not fond of how Panchito and José were written in this episode, I loved that they did right by Daisy. Which hasn’t been done since HoM imo. I found myself rolling my eyes or scoffing a lot through this episode (Incorrect name pronunciation, Donald having yet another ‘regular’ voice (which I will only accept in two different circumstances that most of my followers know what they are), and the most annoying character of all being in it- Mark Beaks, but it was Daisy and the stunning animation in this episode that won me over and that’s saying something as I’m not a fan of Daisy. 
- The entire opening before the theme
- Duckworth kicking out the cabs 
- Donald and Daisy being stuck together in an elevator and everything that happens in it
- Falcon organizing a robbery was definitely an unexpected and welcomed plot twist.
- Daisy slamming a vase right onto Graves after kicking his ass
- Donald ripping Emma for going off on Daisy
“That’s the fourth rich guys bathroom we’ve been kicked out of.” - José . (...Who were the other three?)
“My kids!”- Donald 
“Ugh, mom! These parties are boring! Can we go?” - Mark. (I find that to be relatable. Curse you for making Beaks relatable, Frank!)
“Our brotherhood is the greatest scheme of all.” - Dewey
“I could listen to it all night.” - Daisy (I see something in that line)
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emisfritish · 4 years
Hewwo Emma (: I've seen a lot of you reblogging Hospital Playlist recently, and I was asking myself your thoughts on the show ? Is it worth watching, what do you think ? Also do you know any similar shows, or any people that make gifs or similar shows that I could follow for more recs ? Knowing you I expect a long response to this, so I'm ready for it lol
Hi anon !
I’m almost certain you were joking with the long response but well... You do know me after all ;p This ask is so funny because I was just talking with @rants-at-midnight about this show like... 10 minutes ago. Are you sure you actually want me talking about it though ? Because I genuinely love it so much, I could go on and on. You can ask @yihwas she’s the one that had to read all of my live texting about this show she hadn’t even seen.
Okay why I love it...
First, it’s a show where every single character, whether we’re talking main or secondary character, is so well written. It’s genuinely one of these shows where you have a hard time picking a favourite because they’re all so wholesome (although I have to admit Ahn Jung Won does kind of steal my heart with his kindness every time). All of the characters are interesting, but are very humane and realistic at the same time. They have genuine qualities and faults that don’t feel exagerated and are the type you could find in any of your own friends, and all of them are fully fleshed out and WILL endear you, I guarantee that.
Second, it’s a show that basically centers all around friendship (although some ships do make your heart go soft), and I genuinely love that ? The fact that it’s a friendship between adults too, and adults that have known each other for 20+ years makes it all the more real and meaningful, and I genuinely loved this about the show.
Third, it’s the kind of show that can tug at your heart so easily ? Each episode made me go through so many emotions and although it never tries to be emotionally manipulative like other shows in the medical field, I think I cried every other epiosde watching Hospital Playlist. It’s one of those shows where you can go from smiling softly, to laughing out loud, to crying from one scene to another and it’s so well written.
Fourth, although it’s a show that’s very chill and low key, it’s also a show where you can tell the more you watch it (and I’ve watched it way too many times already) that everything was clearly thought out and fleshed out. These writers leave nothing to chance and sometimes you’ll think you understood something and then they hit you with flashbacks from another perspective and you understand then that you saw exactly what these writers wanted you to see. Also whenever something happens in this show, you can go back and see all the subtle hints they dropped towards this particular event happening and I absolutely love that.
Lastly, the humour in this show. Top tier. Seriously you can tell that the writers for this show worked on variety shows (the main screen writer of this show also wrote for some of my favourite variety shows and worked with other people on New Journey to the West- hence why one of the characters is obsessed with the show). The humour is always present without feeling dramatic or exagerated.
In short is is worth it ? A 100%. I don’t know what it is about this show because it’s very low key in some ways but it’s VERY addictive and you should a 100% give it a try, you won’t regret it.
For similar shows, well @ficklefackle and I are currently watching Prison Playbook which has the same screenwriter as Hospital Playlist and we’re loving it ! So I’d recommend this one too :)
And lastly for giffers for this show, and people who could give you recs. I feel like it was a pretty popular show on tumblr so many people giffed the show and I’ve rebloggled a lot already. But a few amazing giffers that allow me to revisit the show regularly and jump to mind are @oh-haru, @thingskateknows and of course Mint (@ficklefackle), you should check out their blogs and follow them because they make A+ gifs for many different shows :)
I would apologize for the length of this response but judging from your ask, you know me already so... I’ll just leave this here and remind you that you did say you were prepared haha. 
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vvivacious101 · 4 years
Re-rewatching S05E16 - Dark Side of the Moon
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Oh god, this episode totally floored me. There is so much happening in this one but despite the information overload, this episode is phenomenal. I can already tell this is going to be a long post.
So, in “Dark Side of the Moon” Dean and Sam die and go to Heaven where Cas tells them not to let the angels find them yet because he sees this as an opportunity to talk to Joshua. Joshua is an angel who resides in the garden at Heaven and is rumored to talk to God, so Cas needs Sam and Dean to find the garden and talk to Joshua. Meanwhile, Zachariah is looking for the boys so he can put them back into their meatsuits so they can play their parts in the apocalypse but not before he gets some time to play (read torture) with them.
Zachariah is an interesting character. I have somehow always liked his character. He reminds me of Crowley.
Zachariah is an overacheiver, a teacher’s pet who thought his job would be so easy. Getting two monkeys to play their part, how hard could it be? He, of course, had never met the Winchesters and I get how he feels. Even though he is a dick, I understand the place where his anger comes from but I guess he does a pretty good job of illuminating that place himself.
Let me tell you something. I was on the fast track once. Employee of the Month, every month forever. I’d walk these halls, and people would AVERT THEIR EYES! I HAD RESPECT! And then, they assigend me you.
And the rest as they say is history. His downfall is so total that it’s almost comedic, but he was an interesting piece of this apocalyptic puzzle.
This dialogue of his from this epiosde is one of my favourites.
Wow. Running from angels... On foot... In heaven. With out-of-the-box thinking like that, I'm surprised you guys haven't stopped the apocalypse already.
Zach catches up with the boys and just as he is really getting started, Joshua arrives on the scene and tells Zach to let Sam and Dean go as God demands it and they get rescued.
This entire season especially after the Colt didn’t pan out, finding God was the only way they had of averting the apocalypse and Joshua basically tells them ‘sorry, no dice’.
But he also mentions other interesting facts about God that I didn’t pay attention to earlier like the fact that he is on Earth and that the amulet wouldn’t enable them to find him, which is an interesting way to put it because in season 11 we will learn that the amulet was basically turned off and thus doesn’t actually work the way it’s supposed to.
So we get that God doesn’t want to intervene. He feels like he has done enough which brings me to another realisation - why did he intervene in the first place why did he put Sam and Dean on the aeroplane, why did he bring Cas back?
The first one is easy to answer when Sam and Dean are in the convent as Lucifer’s cage is opening two things are clear, number one, an archangel going supernova could probably be fatal and since Dean and Sam are critical to what comes next having them killed does no good, number two, considering what had just happened no way was Sam going to say yes to Lucifer on the spot. So Sam and Dean would have to be broken down gradually like we have been watching all season, so even if God hadn’t interevened on the first count nothing major would have changed. But the second question isn’t that easy to answer.
Why did God bring Cas back? In season five, Cas has done very little to influence events. He could easily be written off. The problem is that when Cas came back I immediately felt it was because he still had a part to play but the problem is Cas doesn’t come back to do something Cas comes back because he surprised the hell out of God. Things become really clear when you realise that God is Chuck. Chuck who sees Cas rip up the ending and still be brave enough to stand up to an archangel. Chuck who sees Cas and is inspired beyond belief because for the first time the omniscient has found his blind spot and he is intrigued by Cas and that’s why Cas comes back because of the story he changed, the story that didn’t go the way it was supposed to.
But now God is done, after all what he wants is to see his favourite story end the way it was always meant to and Sam, Dean and Cas are no longer interesting as they increasingly fall into the ruts of his story. In this very episode, both Cas and Dean lose their faith and things look very bleak. So in God’s POV the story is going where it’s supposed to and he wants to play his part in making sure that it ends the way it is intended to go. Famous last words.
I can’t believe I have typed this much and there is still so much more to go.
In their trip to Heaven, Sam and Dean meet Ash and Pamela. Ash is amazing, he was one character I would have loved to see more of and he is still as cool as ever and it was amazing to have him back on the show.
But what I want to talk about is Pamela’s conversation with Dean. She tells Dean that the worst case scenario is Heaven and Heaven is all about reliving life’s happiest moments, so really how bad could things be. Even if the apocalypse kills a bunch of people they get to come to Heaven which is not so bad and Pamela definitely sees it as a better place. When I initially watched the show this made a lot of sense to me and I didn’t exactly get Dean’s POV and this time around I am totally on Dean’s side. Heaven is run by angels, you are in their control and more importantly the fact is that you aren’t alive. We can‘t just all kill ourselves even if the evidence points to the fact that Heaven is a better place because free will only exists on Earth, the place where your decisions can actually make a difference. Living beats dying even if Heaven trumps Earth and I’m on Dean’s side.
The most important thing to come out of this episode is the loss of faith. Cas’ loses his faith in God when it becomes clear that all the efforts he put into finding God were for naught and the righteousness that was the wind beneath his wings falls away. Cas believed that God wouldn’t want the end of the World especially when he brought him back. Cas believed he was brought back to stop the apocalypse and he puts all his efforts into it, buoyed by the fact that God wants it that way and now that hope is all but dashed as Cas crumbles under the rubble of his faith in his father.
The second person who loses faith is Dean. Dean comes to Heaven and sees two memories one of him and Sam as they spend one 4th of July lighting up firecrackers in an empty field and one of him and his mother when she is in the middle of a bad fight with John.
Dean’s heaven is memories of his family while Sam’s best memories are spending a Thanksgiving Dinner at a friend’s place, about living two weeks by himself and about the day he left his family behind to go to college. And as Dean comes to realise this truth he wonders whether he and Sam were ever on the same page.
Dean: Your heaven is somebody else's Thanksgiving, okay? It's bailing on your family. I mean, what do you want me to say? Sam: Man, I never got the crusts cut off my PB&J... I just don't look at family the way you do. Dean: Yeah, but *I'm* your family. We're supposed to be a team, it's supposed to be you and me against the world, right? Sam: Dean, it is. Dean: ...Is it?
What I found most heartbreaking is when Sam reminds him that going to Stanford was a happy memory because he finally got away from Dad and Dean reminds him he wasn’t the only one Sam got away from.
At the end of the episode when Dean drops the amulet that Cas returned into a garbage bin, the message is clear. Dean’s lost faith in Sam. The amulet is an interesting artifact in this context when they had faith the amulet was invaluable to Cas and Dean but as soon as they lose faith Cas doesn't want it any longer and neither does Dean. It's interesting how faith is the difference between something being indispensable and something being garbage.
I can’t believe I have talked so much and I still have more to say. This epsiode is a treasure.
So, I couldn’t end this post without talking about John. John is prominently brought up twice in this episode. Once when Dean tells Sam that their parents' marriage was only perfect after Mary died. This made sense. Every marriage has tough spots and this was a particularly bad one for John and Mary. But John loved Mary and after her death it was easy to remember the good memories, it was easier to put her on a pedestal and fight a war in her name, so of course their marriage was perfect, immortalised forever in John’s heart. But the thing that got me was when Mary, stressed after her fight with John, is soothed by Dean. Dean who is what four years old and Sam has this to say about this - I didn’t know how long you have been cleaning up Dad’s messes. This makes more sense especially in light of another memory. It’s the memory of Sam running away from his family on Dean’s watch and Dean can’t even verbalise what happened when John came back. This is one piece of dialogue that is imcomplete but the words that aren’t spoken are practically engraved on your heart and the pain is hard to overlook. Sometimes, it's easy to forget how traumatic Dean's childhood was while Sam got to rebel, got to be who he wanted to be because John wasn't the only one raising Sam, Dean was too and Dean taught Sam that he was important, he was loved and valued something that John couldn't instil in Dean.
Dean is broken in the aftermath of this episode and if “My Bloody Valentine” had aired after this episode Dean being dead inside would have made a lot of sense, because presently Dean is dead inside. He has lost all faith and their every chance at averting the apocalypse has been dashed.
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Ek Deewana Tha 23rd April 2018 , Written Update Episode Update
Ek Deewana Tha 23rd April 2018 , Written Update Episode Update
Shivani and Akash open hidden door. It’s very dark. They see stairs. Shivani says she is scared. He tells her to hold his hands. They go downstairs.
Rajan and Madhvi come to Shivani’s room and ask her to open the door.
Shivani is very scared. She says usually there are ghosts in such darkness. Akash says ghosts don’t exist.
Rajan looks in the room from window and gets shocked seeing door open…
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