#Workout Programs For Women
withsara-ab · 5 months
Maintaining good posture is essential for overall well-being and can positively impact your health, confidence, and appearance. In this blog post, we give you some tips on how to help you improve your posture.
Read More : https://www.withsara.co/blog/10-tips-on-how-to-improve-your-posture
Discover fitness with a smile at Withsara! Join us Today : https://www.withsara.co
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newmusicbreakthru · 2 years
10 Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning...
Things You Should Have to Begin Your Zumba Exercise For anyone who is seeking a workout which is fairly comparable to dancing at a club rather than your boring fitness routine, then go may want to take a look at Zumba exercise. Zumba brings together health, fitness and fun, making use of nearly every muscle […] 10 Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning — Next Weight Loss
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grownstrong12 · 6 days
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Join the GROWN STRONG community and crush your Crossfit goals with our elite Crossfit Training Program. Designed to build strength, endurance, and resilience, our program offers comprehensive workouts and expert guidance. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, GROWN STRONG's Crossfit Training Program will help you achieve your fitness aspirations and push beyond your limits. Join us today and transform your fitness journey.
Visit - https://grownstrong.com/pages/memberships
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designcosmics · 2 months
Transformation Men And Women: Understanding the Excursion
Leaving on an excursion of transformation is a significant and profoundly private experience, one that holds the possibility to reshape lives in significant ways. Whether it's a physical, close to home, or profound transformation, all kinds of people go through momentous excursions loaded up with development, difficulties, and self-disclosure. Transformation Men And Women
Investigating the Transformation Interaction The Choice to Change
Going with the choice to seek after transformation is many times the most vital move towards a fresh start. It requires fortitude, contemplation, and an eagerness to defy deterrents head-on. Whether incited by outside conditions or interior cravings, this choice denotes the start of a groundbreaking excursion.
Beating Difficulties
Transformation is rarely simple, and difficulties are an inescapable piece of the cycle. From self-uncertainty to outside obstruction, people face various snags en route. In any case, through beating these difficulties genuine development and strength are developed.
Embracing Change
Vital to the transformation cycle is the ability to embrace change. This includes relinquishing old propensities, convictions, and examples that never again serve us. By freeing ourselves up to additional opportunities and encounters, we make space for development and advancement.
Looking for Help
Exploring the excursion of transformation can be overwhelming, which is the reason looking for help is fundamental. Whether it's through companions, family, mentors, or expert direction, having an emotionally supportive network set up can give encouragement, direction, and responsibility.
The Job of Self-Reflection
Understanding Inward Inspirations Self-reflection assumes an essential part in the transformation cycle, permitting people to acquire understanding into their inward inspirations, wants, and fears. By inspecting our contemplations and convictions, we can uncover the hidden elements driving our longing for change.
Developing Self-Sympathy
Transformation frequently includes facing parts of ourselves that we might see as trying or awkward. Developing self-sympathy is fundamental during these times, permitting us to embrace our flaws with thoughtfulness and understanding.
Setting Expectations
Setting clear expectations is a strong method for directing the transformation interaction. By characterizing what we desire to accomplish and the means expected to arrive, we make a guide for our excursion and remain fixed on our objectives.
Observing Advancement
Regarding Achievements
As we progress on our transformational venture, praising the achievements en route is significant. Whether it's arriving at a wellness objective, beating a trepidation, or encountering a change in mentality, every achievement is a testament to our development and strength.
Offering Thanks
Appreciation is a strong practice that can upgrade our transformational experience. By recognizing the endowments and examples that come our direction, we develop a feeling of appreciation for the excursion and the people who support us en route.
Embracing Self-Acknowledgment
Genuine transformation starts with self-acknowledgment - embracing ourselves precisely as we are at this time. By relinquishing judgment and examination, we make space for bona fide development and self-articulation.
Transformation Men And Women: A Common Excursion
Transformation knows no orientation, and all kinds of people leave on special yet interconnected excursions of self-revelation and development. While the ways might shift, the objective continues as before - a day to day existence lived with reason, legitimacy, and fulfillment.
FAQs (Often Sought clarification on some pressing issues)
What amount of time does the transformation cycle require?
The transformation cycle is profoundly individualized and can change enormously relying upon various factors like objectives, commitment, and outer conditions. While certain transformations might happen quickly, others might unfurl step by step over the long haul.
Is it ordinary to encounter difficulties during transformation?
Indeed, mishaps are a characteristic piece of the transformation interaction. They give significant chances to learning, development, and course amendment. What's significant is the means by which we answer difficulties and use them as fuel for proceeded with progress.
Do I have to go through a significant life altering event to encounter transformation?
Transformation can happen in different parts of life, both of all shapes and sizes. While some might pick huge life altering events, for example, vocation movements or way of life redesigns, others might zero in on additional unobtrusive has a significant impact on in outlook or propensities. The key is to adjust transformation endeavors to individual qualities and desires.
Could transformation at any point be supported over the long haul?
Economical transformation requires continuous exertion, commitment, and mindfulness. It includes coordinating new propensities, convictions, and practices into day to day existence while staying versatile to change. Normal self-assessment and course rectification are fundamental for keeping up with long haul transformation.
Which job does taking care of oneself play in the transformation cycle?
Taking care of oneself is fundamental to the transformation cycle, as it sustains our physical, profound, and otherworldly prosperity. Focusing on taking care of oneself practices like activity, care, and rest supports energy levels, strength, and by and large essentialness during seasons of progress.
How might I remain persuaded during the transformation venture?
Remaining spurred during the transformation venture requires lucidity of direction, responsibility, and a strong environment. Setting explicit, feasible objectives, following advancement, and commending achievements en route can assist with keeping up with momentum and inspiration.
Transformation Men And Women isn't simply an objective however a constant excursion of development, self-disclosure, and development. By embracing change, developing mindfulness, and looking for help, people can set out on a groundbreaking way that prompts an existence of fulfillment and credibility.
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fitnesflag · 2 months
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Transform your fitness journey with our 7-day progressive workout routine. From cardio and strength training to rest days and mindful recovery, this comprehensive plan is designed to help you build strength, improve endurance, and achieve your fitness goals one day at a time.
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toneitdownnnn · 5 months
Website : https://www.toneitdownnnn.com
Tone It Down, pioneered by Katie Dougherty, is a leading online platform dedicated to women's fitness and wellness. Specializing in virtual personal training and home workout plans, our services include a range of online fitness programs and exercise classes, tailored to meet the diverse needs of women globally. From strength training at home to online yoga and Pilates sessions, we offer a comprehensive digital fitness coaching experience. Our platform fosters a virtual fitness community, encouraging women to engage in fitness streaming services and participate in online fitness challenges. Committed to holistic health, we also provide nutrition coaching online and wellness and fitness webinars. At Tone It Down, we believe in empowering women through accessible, remote fitness training and resources, enhancing their journey towards fitness and wellbeing.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tone_it_downnnn/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@toneitdownnnn
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fitnessworld24 · 6 months
A Simple Guide to Shedding Pounds in 30 Days: Your Journey to a Healthier You
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Embarking on a weight loss journey can be both exciting and challenging. If you're aiming to shed those extra pounds within 30 days, it's essential to adopt a balanced and sustainable approach. In this guide, we'll explore practical tips and lifestyle changes that can help you achieve your weight loss goals without resorting to extreme measures.
1.Establish Realistic Goals:
Setting achievable goals is the first step on your weight loss journey. Aim for a gradual and steady weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week, which is considered a healthy and sustainable rate. This approach not only helps you reach your target within 30 days but also promotes long-term weight maintenance.
2.Adopt a Balanced Diet:
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Focus on incorporating whole foods into your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-calorie snacks. Portion control is key, and eating smaller, more frequent meals can help regulate your metabolism.
3.Stay Hydrated:
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Water is your best friend when it comes to weight loss. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps boost your metabolism, control hunger, and flush out toxins. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day, and consider swapping sugary drinks for water to reduce calorie intake.
4.Engage in Regular Exercise:
Physical activity is crucial for weight loss and overall well-being. Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular exercises (like walking, running, or cycling) and strength training into your routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, and remember that consistency is key.
5.Prioritize Sleep:
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Adequate sleep is often overlooked but plays a vital role in weight loss. Lack of sleep can disrupt your metabolism and increase cravings for unhealthy foods. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your weight loss efforts.
6.Manage Stress:
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Chronic stress can contribute to weight gain, so incorporating stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can be beneficial. These practices help regulate cortisol levels, which are linked to abdominal fat storage.
7.Consider Dietary Supplements:
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While it's essential to get nutrients from whole foods, some people find it challenging to meet all their nutritional needs through diet alone. Puravive, a dietary supplement, is designed to support overall health and well-being. Consult with a healthcare professional before adding any supplements to your routine.
Embarking on a 30-day weight loss journey requires commitment, but with a balanced approach to diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management, you can achieve your goals in a healthy and sustainable way. Remember, the key is to make lifestyle changes that you can maintain beyond the initial 30 days for long-term success. Consider incorporating the Puravive supplement into your routine after consulting with a healthcare professional to support your overall well-being. Here's to a healthier and happier you!
If You Want to Learn About This Program Click Here
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atmonayano · 1 year
Nourished Mama´s Guide to Postpartum Holistic Nutrition + Fitness Postpartum 6 Week Program Review
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Welcome to our in-depth review of the Holistic Nutrition + Fitness Postpartum 6-Week Program! In this comprehensive review, we will explore the key features, benefits, and effectiveness of this program, designed specifically for postpartum women. Whether you're looking to regain your pre-pregnancy fitness level, enhance your overall well-being, or adopt a healthier lifestyle, this program promises to be a game-changer. Let's dive in!
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Exercising While Pregnant. Should You?
“Look at how skinny I was”...
Somewhere out there is a self-help group for children that destroyed their mothers’ bodies after birth. I know they hear about the tragedy in every opportunity that arises. I regrettably get reminded of how I killed my mom’s “hot bod” whenever she pulls out the album of her pictures. ‘Look at how skinny I was’ my mom tells me as she shows me a picture of her in a bikini at 20 years old. I have to…
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withsara-ab · 5 months
Explore our library of 350+ on-demand workouts, From Barre classes to Yoga, HIIT to Pilates Cardio—our classes are designed to sculpt, strengthen, and leave you feeling the burn!  
Find the perfect class to suit your needs and transform your fitness routine.  Choose Withsara—Choose Your Best Self!
Join Withsara Membership for Exclusive Access to Transformative Workouts. Sign up now! https://www.withsara.co/the-classes
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chris-martinez · 1 year
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Aguirre Fitness is the best health & wellness center in Henderson. Which offers fitness training programs including weight loss programs for women. All our fitness coaches are skilled, experienced, professional & certified. Call us at (702) 308-7816 & discuss your fitness needs & diet plans.
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grownstrong12 · 15 days
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Experience all levels Crossfit training with GROWN STRONG's Crossfit Training Program! Whether you're a beginner or an advanced athlete, our program is designed to challenge and enhance your fitness journey. With expert guidance and dynamic workouts, you'll build strength, endurance, and flexibility. Join GROWN STRONG today and transform your fitness routine with our comprehensive Crossfit Training Program.
Visit - https://grownstrong.com/pages/memberships
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dippedanddripped · 2 years
Nike is launching a global maternity training programme focusing on exercise for every stage of pregnancy.
Nike said it aims to invite more pregnant and postpartum people back into sport. Nike entered the maternity market in 2020, with a collection called Nike (M).
“Nike is listening to and learning from a much broader range of athletes, at all levels, and all body shapes. And as one of the most transformative stages of a woman’s life, we want to help ensure Motherhood was the start of a new stage – not a stop – in a woman’s sports journey,” Carmen Zolman senior design director of apparel innovation at Nike, said.
A 24-workout training programme covers strength training, cardio, mobility and yoga throughout every pregnancy stage. In a statement Nike said the guidance and training initiative is an extension of Nike’s support of pregnant people through products and services.
The core training is a 24-workout prenatal and postpartum exercise plan developed by qualified trainers (and vetted by an exclusive panel of five pregnancy experts) Nike said.
Data from Grand View Research estimates the global maternity wear market size valued at 18.3 billion dollars in 2018 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 4.3 percent from 2019 to 2025.
The market growth is attributed to increasing focus on pregnancy fashion and growing pregnant working women population in developing and emerging countries.
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dc-marvel-life · 2 months
Perfect Fit Part 10
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Pairing: Natasha x Wanda x reader
Summary: Y/N is the new member joining the Avengers that came from a top-secret program in SHIELD that she was in all her life. Now that she has joined the team, she is experiencing life for the first time. She has caught the eye of the two most powerful women on the team.
Word Count: ~2.6k
A/N: I am so happy so many people like this series. I love this series because I like to read WandaNat and now I am making my own. After all this time I have planned out the series and it will be 20 parts!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Wanda puts a plate in front of me that has a fresh homemade sandwich on it.  Wanda is truly a wonderful cook. She made fresh bread this morning and went out into the garden to get fresh greens. 
“Wanda, this is amazing like always. How can I repay you?” I say looking up at her with a pout on my face. 
“All you have to do is sit there and look pretty while I serve you food. I can say that you are doing a good job at it” she says then leans down and kisses my pout away. All of the team is either out on missions or decided to go into the city, so we had the compound to ourselves tonight. Which is nice, so we don’t need to hide.
“How about I repay you by taking you on a date?” I say hopeful. 
“YES! YES! YES! I would love to go on a date with you” Wanda says then slips into my lap and kisses my face several times. 
“Great,” I say looking into Wanda’s eyes, then I turn and look at Natasha, “Then I want to take you on a date. I want to go on a date with you guys. Plus it will be a lot of fun” I say softly to Nat. 
“I have been thinking the same thing,” Nat says with a wide smile on her face. I wonder what she is thinking about because Nat isn’t this open with any people besides us, but seeing her this vulnerable. It truly is a magical thing. 
“I think you should take Wanda out on a date, then I take you out on a date, then Wanda and I will go on a date, then finally Wanda and I take you on a date. To make it all fair so each of us will get our time together” Nat says then takes a bite of her sandwich. 
“I think it is a great idea. Hey Wanda, do you want to go on our date tomorrow night?” I turn to look at Wanda who has found a seat in my lap. 
“Yes, it will be so much fun!” Wanda says then pulls her plate closer to her and grabs her sandwich. She leans back so her back is against my front. I sigh in contentment and lean back in my chair getting comfortable. I wrap my arms around her waist and close my eyes. I don’t care that I haven’t taken a bite of my sandwich even though I am hungry. All I care about right now is making sure Wanda is comfortable. 
I open one of my eyes for a second to see Nat with her digital camera taking a picture of us right now. I am definitely going to ask about that later. 
For the rest of the day, we just lounge around watching movies and tv shows while cuddling on the couch. At the end of the night, I walked them to their room.
“I had a great day hanging out with you guys like always. Goodnight” I say then kiss Nat passionately on the lips. Then I turn to Wanda.
“For tomorrow night just wear something casual but cute just like you always do” I wink at her and she blushes. I took my opportunity and pulled her in for a passionate kiss too. Wanda opens her door and walks inside. Nat follows suit until I stop her for one last hug goodnight. She gives me a full embrace then goes inside her shared bedroom. I turn to go walk to my room and fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up and do my normal routine and head to the gym for my morning workout. For some reason, I am nervous about this date tonight with Wanda. I think it is because this will be my first official date.
I start my workout with full force trying to get out all this energy. After I finish my workout, I look at the time. Normally by this point, I would do my cool-down routine and head to have lunch with Wanda and Nat, but today is different. Today I need to get out of these nerves so I don’t mess up this date with Wanda. This day is the day that is going to determine how my future will be with the couple. 
So today, I decided to skip lunch and do an additional workout
I finished my second workout laying on the ground trying to catch my breath. After a few minutes, I get myself up and head to my room. Once in there for a few minutes, there was a knock on my door. 
“Come in” I yell from my closet. I hear the door open and close, and by the sound of it I know it is Nat. 
“So what happened to you today for lunch? Wanda was waiting for you to come and you never did. She was really worried for you.” Nat says and I come out of my closet. 
“I am so sorry. I wasn’t even thinking when I decided not to go to lunch. I was just too nervous for the date that I skipped lunch” I say and look up at Nat who is smirking at me. She then walks over to me and pulls me in my waist and kisses me.
“Do you feel a little better?” Nat says and I smile at her. 
“Okay, maybe that made things a little better,” I smile and kiss her again then lay my head on her shoulder. 
“It’s okay to be nervous. Trust me when I say this but we are just as nervous as you are. We don’t want to mess this up and lose you forever now” Nat says and she starts to sway from side to side while holding me.
“Trust me, you guys aren’t going to lose me,” I take a deep breath, “I am sorry for not commutationing that I wasn’t going to be at lunch today. I will do better next time” I say then Nat kisses the side of my head. 
“It is okay malysh. Wanda is just worried right now. Go talk to her to calm her nerves” Nat says and I look at her. 
“Thanks, Nat! How about after I talk with Wanda, I cuddle with you while you read?” I suggest while backing away.
“Sounds like a plan” Nat smiles and nods. I cheer and go and find Wanda. I head to the kitchen first and see her sitting at the table with my plate in front of her. I walk over to her. 
“I am so sorry for missing lunch today. I know how much time you put into making lunch for us.” 
“Do you still like me?” Wanda says in a low voice. 
“Of course I do. I like you and Nat. Why would you think that?” I ask her then grab her hands.
“Well you skipped lunch on the day that we are going on a date and I just thought that you didn’t want to go on the date or that you just didn’t like me anymore,” Wanda says and I rub my thumb over her knuckles. 
“Wanda please don’t think that. I am so happy to be going on a date with you and I do like you” I say and see Wanda physically sigh a relief.
“Good to know. I also can’t wait for our date today. Where are we going tonight?” Wanda asked.
“See now that is a surprise for you to figure out later” I smirk.
“Okay, I am willing to wait. Now I bet you are hungry. Let me go and heat up your food for you” Wanda then gets up and heats up my plate. We sit down and I enjoy my food while talking with Wanda. I know that I am never going to be tired of this woman.
After that, I went to hang out with Nat. We cuddled while she was reading a book and I was watching TV. Then it was time to start getting ready for the date. 
Once we both are ready, we head to the living room about to head out.
“Wait! Before you leave we have to take a picture” Nat says with her digital camera in hand. She takes a picture of us with my hand on Wanda’s waist and her hand lying flat on my chest. I give her one quick kiss on the lips and she starts to giggle. I hope Nat got a good picture of that. 
“Perfect! You guys look really good tonight” Nat says, eyeing us up and down. Wanda is wearing black leggings with a band tee shirt on. I am wearing jeans, a blue navy shirt with a brown jacket on top of it. 
We head off to the first part of our date
We pull up to our first location and I get out of the car to open the door for Wanda. She takes my hand and we head inside the building.
“Hello, welcome to Sally’s cooking class. Are you guys joining us for tonight’s class” A worker says to us once we come in.
“Yes, I booked us a class and it should be under Y/L/N,” I say and the woman checks her computer.
“Yep! I see you! Follow me and I will get you prep,” she takes us to our station that has a sink, grill, oven, and all the ingredients that we need for today, “Here are your aprons and I will just need you guys to wash your hands. We will get started with the class in about 10 minutes,” the woman says and goes to help another person coming in the door.
“We are going to be cooking together!” Wanda says trying her best to hold back her excitement.
“Yes, we are. I wanted to learn how to cook so I can help you in the kitchen and maybe one night I can cook for you both” I smile at Wanda.
“Well you don’t have to but I am very happy that you want to. Trust me, I love cooking but cooking with someone else is even more fun. Do you know what we are cooking tonight?” Wanda asked.
“Yes, we are making cobb salad, crab cakes, steak, garlic mashed potatoes, and for dessert an apple cobbler” I say and I can see Wanda getting even more excited. I pull her closer and give her a caste kiss. 
The class starts and we get to work on cooking. It was an amazing time that I am happy that I got to spend with Wanda. The whole time we were giving each other stolen glances at each other, whispering in each other's ears, and soft kisses. At the end of class, we got to eat everything and it was delicious. After finishing cleaning up, we head out for the night.
“That was one of my best dates. Please don’t tell Nat that” Wanda giggles.
“Well don’t worry because the date is not over just yet. We still have one more thing to do” I grab Wanda’s hand and walk to our next location. It was only two blocks away so it wasn’t a bad walk. We get to our next place.
“Are you going to a wine and slip?” Wanda asks jumping up and down. 
“Yes, we are. I heard that you wanted to go to one, so I booked us a time tonight” I say and Wanda gives me a kiss and goes inside. 
We settle down in the place and have a few glasses of wine while painting fruit. I stop myself because I see that Wanda is drinking more than me. That is fine by me because I like to see her letting loose and having fun. After about a little over an hour we are done with our paintings with two and a half bottles of wine. 
I take our paintings and head to the car. Wanda is extra-handsy right now with me. I don’t mind having her hands all over me. We get into the car and head back to the compound. 
We get there and Wanda is still a bit tipsy. We headed to her room to put her in for the night.
“I had a really fun time today for our first date,” Wanda says outside of her door.
“Me too. This is my very first date and I can say it was my best so far” I say and Wanda starts to giggle. I couldn’t tell if it was from the wine or if I said something actually funny. 
“Well I am glad to be your first,” Wanda says and gives me a long, slow kiss. She breaks away from me and goes into her room for a second, then closes the door right away. 
“What’s wrong?” I say to her. 
“Natty is sleeping and I don’t want to go in there and bother her. Can I sleep with you tonight” Wanda says, smiling. 
“Sure, you can sleep with me tonight. You can wear my clothes to sleep” I say and Wanda leaps up yelling ‘yay’ and then running to my room. I laugh and follow her. 
Once we get into my room, I go into the bathroom and run her a shower. She tempted me by asking if I wanted to join her and I said no. I want to be respectful and not do anything while she has been drinking. Once she finishes her shower, I hop in quickly to take a shower and head out into the room. I see Wanda snuggled up in my bed wearing my shirt and boxers as short. 
“You look so sexy right now,” I say and get into bed with her. 
“I bet I can look even better, watch,” she says then starts to take off her shirt. I stop her from continuing. 
“Look as much as I would love to do this with you, but I want to make sure that you are sober and to make it special for the both of us,” I say and she smiles at me.
“This is why we like you so much,” Wanda says then cuddles into my side. We say goodnight to each other and go to sleep. 
I then woke up to a noise at my door. I open my eyes and see Nat coming into the room and head to my side of the bed.
“Hey Nat, what’s going on?” I say quietly so I don’t wake up Wanda.
“I am sorry. I had a nightmare and can’t go back to sleep” Nat says with a little shame.
“There is no problem. Come on in” I open up the cover and pat the bed. She crawls into bed and I wait to see what she does. I know she likes to be the big spoon with Wanda, but right now she seems shy and a little hesitant. 
“Are you okay? Do you want to be the big spoon? Or are you just not ready for touch?” I ask.
“I am fine. It is just,” she lets out a sigh, “ I am normally the big spoon with Wanda and when I have a nightmare she normally lets me hold her,” Nat says and I start to get the idea so I start to let go of Wanda. Nat stops me from doing that. 
“No, it’s not like that. I want to be the little spoon and be held” Nat softly while looking down. I lift her head up.
“It is okay Nat. I am more than happy to be your big spoon and hold you. Come here” I open my arms up to her and she snuggles into me. Wanda also holds me a bit tighter. This is honestly the best feeling that I ever had. For the first time ever in my life, I feel at home. 
Taglist: @tigerlillyruiz@marvelwomen-simp@smromanoff@whitewidowsbite @cd-4848@fxckmiup
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rogersideup · 5 months
。°✩ ♊︎ The Gemini ♊︎ ✩ °。
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Chapter one:
Love You More
Series Masterlist
Next part: Wine and Dine
Word Count: 6,987
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
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Steve sat pretty in his office at the compound, he had changed from his usual work clothes into his workout clothes not too long ago, preparing to switch from boring office work to one on one training.
He had gotten a call a few minutes ago letting him know an agent was being sent to him for disciplinary action due to some unfavorable behavior.
So he sat and waited, moving side to side in his swivel chair with a grin on his face, anticipating he knew exactly who was about to walk through that door.
And just like he thought, you stormed in his office like a little grey rain cloud. Not a single knock on the door before entering, not a professional greeting, no eye contact.
Just you, plopping down on the less comfortable swivel chair across his desk. Arms folded, eyes on the pothos plant he tried his hardest to keep alive, and your face contorted in such a manor that gave away all your internal emotions. You were seething, the pinch in your brow and the twinge in your pout told him so.
He sat with a sympathetic grin on his lips as he waited for you to pull your wireless earbuds out so his words didn't get lost behind the music you seemed to always be listening to in order to keep your mind occupied and away from reality.
"Hi, Bug." Steve greeted his friend who had been sent to his office as if he had been through this many times before... because he has.
"Hello Roger Stevenson." You responded in the same tone, slouching further into the same chair you've slouched in dozens of times now.
"What did you do?" He questioned, just as dryly as he greeted you.
"Kicked an agent in the dick." You stated confidentiality.
Steve smiled. "Why did you do that?"
"Because he cornered me durning training and tried to scare me into dropping out of the program with you." You complained.
This was the problem nearly every single time you sat in that very chair. Women agents in the compound were far and few between, and women agents that were high up in ranks were even further and fewer. Not because they were incapable, but because of the way they were treated.
Steve saw the misogyny from miles away, he saw it every day, and he had to deal with it every day. The agent training programs were chalk full of toxically masculine men who very obviously felt threatened by the presence of strong women.
He knew every single woman agent by name at this point because of how many times he had to put the men around them in their place. He had done it a billion times before, and he'd do it a billion times again.
You were the firecracker at the compound. Physically and emotionally, you outranked every agent the compound had ever seen. You worked your way through every training program so easily that you had been 'randomly selected' for more drug tests than any of your other colleagues. Peers always accused you of being on steroids, the men cornered you, belittled you, sexualized you, and sometimes even went as far as to touch your body.
At this point, you found yourself in Steve's generously spacious office a minimum of twice a week. Most of the time it was because your commander always sent you for disciplinary action because the only part of the altercations that were ever caught happened to be you defending yourself, rather than the initial issue. The other times were because you snuck away to the only place in the building you felt like you could take a moment to regain your composure, maybe have a little cry if you needed it.
For a few months now, you've been undergoing a completely new program to continue progressing in your training. Four days a week after your normal group work, you had private training with Steve.
You were learning a lot from him, and all the time the two of you had been spending together had turned you and Steve into close friends but naturally, that fueled the fire of all of your peers. The tormenting had turned up to a level that had you seeing red.
Steve couldn't and never blamed you for all the times you sat across from him for having kicked, punched, or screamed at a colleague. He was proud that you had it in you to stick up for yourself, but sad that you even had to in the first place.
However, everyone in the compound could tell that the never ending abuse from your peers was affecting your mental health. Tony and Fury had formally invited you onto the Avengers team twice now, not only because of your skill set, but also in hopes of making the situation a little better for you. Both times you professionally declined the offer with high honor, and when Steve questioned your choice both times, it was always because you didn't think you were good enough yet. Shit, you hadn't even made it through all of the training programs the compound had to offer.
It was painfully obvious that you were over qualified for a spot on the Avengers to everyone but you. The words being viciously spat at you nearly every day by inadequate men had sunken so far deep into your brain that you started to believe their words to be true. So, more one on one training it was.
"What should your disciplinary action be?" Steve asked, leaning back in his chair.
You noted his work out clothes, then looked at the time. "How about five minutes of peace and quiet before you beat my ass for two whole hours of training?"
"Peace and quiet?! That just seems so cruel." He offered an apologetic grin.
"I deserve it. I'm a terrible team player, far to emotional to ever be a good agent." Sarcasm dropped from your tone. "I must be on my period today."
"Go assert your dominance over on the couch and take a breather, I'm starting to feel way to intimidated by your feminine energy." Steve joked. "I have a few things to take care of but I'll get you when I'm ready for our one on one today."
You nodded, and stood up before making the very short walk over to the cozy couch in his office. Having spent many hours here with him before, you always felt comforted by the suede nook and throw pillow wonderland.
There was always an unspoken sense of appreciation when Steve knew not to make a big deal out of what happened. Sometimes if he harped on it for too long it would just make you cry, and if he went and yelled at the agents who had put you in this position, they'd only come back and try twice as hard to deliver you your downfall.
So pretend write ups and stern talking to's happened to be the best way to go about it.
As you sunk into the couch, Steve got up and grabbed you a water bottle and a snack. Having already trained for a few hours today with a few more ahead of you, he wanted to make sure you were taken care of.
Squatting down in front of you, peace offering in hand, Steve saw all the emotions you were trying to suppress. "Oh, and as part of your punishment you're required to hang out with Bucky and I tonight at my place. We're getting pizza and watching movies."
Only then did your smile appear. "How dare you? It wasn't even my fault and now I'm being punished far beyond the offense."
"I don't want to hear it young lady." He stood up. "You do the crime, you gotta do the time."
"Well I guess I can't say no." You took Steve's peace offering. "What time are you expecting my appearance?"
"I'm off work after training you so just come over whenever you're ready." He shrugged, moving back to his desk.
"I'm gonna shower and nap after this." You raised an eyebrow.
"Just as you deserve." Steve agreed as he sat down and fixed his eyes on his computer screen. "Your cruel and unusual punishment of peace and quiet starts now."
Feeling appreciative of Steve, you closed your eyes and let your head fall back onto the cushion. Trying your absolute hardest to meditate the anger and sadness out of your body, it was difficult to not allow yourself to sit in the emotional puddle of despair that these altercations constantly left you in.
Had it not been for Steve, you would've quit this job and ran far, far away by now. Every work day was proving to be a mental and physical hurdle that was starting to slowly chip away at your spirit, but you had no choice but to truck along considering you've already made it this far.
But eventually sunshine, rainbows, and a hot, cheesy slice to pizza consumed your thoughts to create a calmer peace of mind. That was until all of the green meadows and greasy goodness was cut off by a pillow gently whacking you in the face.
Upon ripping your eyes open, and the same seething pout returning to your face, the soldier stood proudly before you, hiding his invasive laughter by biting his tongue.
"You know, if you weren't my higher-up I'd kick you in the dick too." You grumbled.
All of Steve's self control broke free at your words, and his laughter sounded through his big and beautiful office. "I wasn't sure if you were awake or not."
"So the solution was violence?" You questioned, trying to hide your amusement. Though you could put on a pretty good act, you couldn't imagine a world in which you would ever be genuinely angry at the lump of wholesome goodness in the form of your big, strong best friend.
"That wasn't violent, that was a creative solution!" He smiled widened as your lips tugged upwards. "I chose the softest one!"
"I'll find a creative solution to get you back for that." You playfully threatened. "I know where you live."
"Can you find a creative solution to getting up off the couch so we can get training started?"
You let out a fake cry of complaint "but Stevie, my legs are so sore."
"You're being worked way too hard, we'll take it easy today." Steve offered you his hands to pull you up off the seat. "We can focus of hand to hand combat, give your legs a good break."
"No, it's fine. We can do tricking like you originally planned." You denied. Your hands found his, and he pulled you up with ease.
"Tricking is a martial art that relies mainly on your legs." Steve challenged, letting go of your hands when you were steady on your feet. "I don't think it's a good idea for today. Let's do it tomorrow instead."
"It'll be okay, I can to it." You shook your head.
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." Steve started walking out of his office towards the private gymnasium the two of you trained in together. "I know you can do it, but I'd rather you properly recover than prove a point."
"...it's not to prove a point." You stated, trailing behind him like a puppy. "I'm just trying to be a good little agent and do my best."
"Your worst is better than most of the other agents best." He looked back at you with a grin. "So there's no harm in waiting until tomorrow."
"Whatever you say, Captain."
Though Steve has made it abundantly clear many times that you didn't have to prove your worth to him, you harbored a deep sense of disappointment in yourself for letting that complaint slip passed your lips.
He would've wanted you to feel comfortable expressing your bodies needs and limitations. In fact, he reminded you all of the time that recovery was just as important as the training itself. But you wanted to be capable of doing it all without a single peep about your discomfort.
You wanted to be mighty, you wanted to be strong, you wanted to prove your worth.
Your friend always knew your value even when you couldn't see it, so he made a habit out of advocating for your needs when you wouldn't. While you studied him to become a better fighter, he studied you just as hard. At this point he knew what every single one of your facial expressions meant, he sensed your attitude change before you expressed it, he was an expert in your body language, and was knowledgeable about your body in general.
If you weren't able to properly take care of it, he would. With the most careful respect anyone has ever given you before, Steve knew you better than anyone else in your life.
Although he took training a little bit easy today, he never stopped letting prideful compliments slip past his tongue every time you nailed a new move on the head, or every time he noticed an improvement. Even if you didn't do something so well, his critiques always started with a compliment on your brave attempt and never ended with a belittling statement.
Training with Steve always ended with a hug, or a high five if the two of you were far too hot and sweaty to want to touch each other anymore, then he'd remind you to get some rest, drink some water, and fill your belly with lots of food.
Today was no different, and as he ended the session with a big hug and words of affirmation, your mind felt a whole lot clearer than it did when you initially stormed into his office.
You said goodbye to him, but not for long because not even two hours later, you were knocking on the door to his cozy apartment in the compound.
Most people in the compound lived in barracks. A few agents to a room, with a community living situation for kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms. The only exceptions to this were the Avengers who got their own little apartments in a private sector of the compound and..... well; you.
You were initially assigned to the barracks just like everyone else, but much like the rest of your personal journey here at the compound, the living situation got complicated.
Not only were you getting bullied and harassed while you were working, it started seeping into your living situation too. Sleeping, showering, changing your clothes, there was not a single moment in which you felt safe and confident that you weren't about to get caught in the crossfire of an angry colleague.
So after one too many incidents, your commander moved you to an apartment to yourself. It was away from the avengers and all the other agents, so even though it was nice to have a place for your own, some days it also felt isolating.
Thats why you loved hanging out with the boys. Sometimes you just needed some comfortable interaction with people you trusted in places that felt like home.
Before your hand even made it back to down to your side, the door swung open.
"You know, you and Bucky both have a key to my place. I don't understand why you guys still knock." Steve was on the other side, now wearing a white T-shirt and some cozy pants. A smile stretched across your lips and he gave you the stink eye. "I also don't understand why you showed up to pizza and a movie like that. Especially when you said you were gonna take a nap."
Usually the dress code for his house was strictly cozy clothes only. But you now had a full face of makeup, your hair was curled to perfection, and your outfit definitely didn't look comfortable.
"There was a small change of plans." You shrugged, walking past him entering his place before kicking your shoes off in the entryway.
"What do you mean change of pla-"
"Bucky!" Your smile widened when you saw your other friend sitting on the couch.
Immediately standing up, Bucky approached you and wrapped you up in a big hug. "Buggy! It's been too long!"
"It has been too long, and it's all your fault" You joked, enjoying being wrapped up in his arms.
"How is it my fault?" He asked, pretending to be offended.
"Because you went on that mission a few weeks ago!" You reminded him.
"Well then it's your fault too because you left on a mission the same day I got home." Bucky disagreed, letting you go.
"Maybe if less people in the world were so needy and evil we'd be able to see each other more." You noted, plopping down on the couch.
"Why do you look so pretty?" Bucky questioned.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" Steve added.
"Because I'm going to watch a movie with you boys... then maybe going out with a ...friend right after this." You sneakily explained knowing damn well they were about to hate what you were saying.
Like it was choreographed and synchronized, they looked at each other, then turned their heads back to you with a glare.
"You're seeing Harvey, aren't you?" Steve deadpanned.
"If I was, why would that be so bad?" You questioned.
"Because Harvey is your ex boyfriend. Emphasis on the ex." Bucky raised an eyebrow.
"No he's not. We didn't break up, we simply took a break. Those are two completely different things." You defended yourself knowing they both hated Harvey's guts.
"Taking a break is breaking up but just so much worse. He's just hurting your feelings more and dragging you along." Steve vented with his hands on his hips, like a disappointed dad.
"Exactly. And everyone knows he's one of the worst Agents in the compound." Bucky sassed, sitting next to you on the couch. "He's not nice, he doesn't have a good personality, he's falling behind so far we don't even feel comfortable sending him on missions anymore."
"He does have a good personality, he just doesn't show his true self to a lot of people. He's closed off to the outside world." You defended him.
"He's friends with all the douche bags that torment you every day. How could you be okay with that?" Steve dropped his tone to a more gentle one as he sat on the side of you opposite Bucky.
"I still haven't forgiven him for breaking your heart not even 3 months ago." Bucky reminded you of when he broke up with you over text, just to beg for you back not even a full week later.
"I know on paper it all looks bad, but you guys just don't get it. You won't understand unless you see it from the inside like I do. He can be really sweet, and he is a good agent, he just lets his dumbass friends distract him too much." You continued your defense with a shrug. "He's a Scorpio."
"Oh please" Bucky laughed. "Don't bring astrology into this."
You leaned back onto Bucky's arm and let your legs rest over Steve's lap. If you had to hear their lecture, you at least deserved to be comfortable.
"What does that even mean?" Steve questioned curiously.
"Scorpio's are kind've intense." You explained. "They're mysterious and charming, but sometimes vindictive. Harvey feels things strongly, and acts on his feelings immediately with not much to rationalize his behavior."
"Yeah, vindictive is definitely the right word to describe him" Bucky backhandedly agreed, slinging his arm around your shoulders allowing you to get more comfortable.
"What am I?" Steve asked.
"A cancer, I think." You smiled. "Let me look it up. Your birthday is the Fourth of July, right?"
"You know me so well" Steve nodded.
Your fingers typed on your phone and Bucky watched the screen. "I'm a Pisces." He stated.
"Okay, Steve. Cancers are soft, loving, creative and nurturing. They care deeply for the people they love and are uniquely in touch with their emotions. Cancers are able to handle all the roles their counterparts get lost in, they are chivalrous but are sensitive and easily emotionally wounded." You read the google search to them.
"Okay you can stop now, that made me feel vulnerable." Steve joked with a smile.
"That's Steve if I've ever heard it." Bucky agreed that the description matched him perfectly.
"Read Bucky's now." Steve encouraged, poking your leg.
Your fingers typed quickly once again. "A Pisces man is kind and unafraid to nurture his feminine side. He has the ability to listen compassionately, show deep empathy. They tend to view attention as a gift, and only ever wants to feel loved and cherished. Oh, and they're lazy, idealistic, and use escapism as their main coping mechanism."
"Awww, that's just like our sweet little Bucky boy." Steve cooed.
"Now I feel vulnerable." Bucky momentarily hid his face in his hands earning your laugh.
"What's yours, Bug?" Steve questioned with a giggle.
"I'm a Gemini" You stated proudly. "Most people don't like Geminis"
"What's there not to like?" Steve cocked his head to the side.
"Well the most notable trait of a Gemini is that we have a strong ability to switch between different roles, interests, and perspectives with ease. Kind've like Yin and Yang all in one. We can be emotional and logical, introverted and extroverted, analytical and intuitive all at the same time." You explained.
"I still don't see the problem" Steve said.
"Most people take the duality as being two-faced. Almost like we will use it as manipulation or means to have a hidden agenda. But I think that's a false representation of what I'm really like." You continued with a shrug. "I don't have an ulterior motive, I just try to view all things from all sides and find a good balance of logic and emotion. Like letting your heart and your brain make choices together."
"Being able to see situations from all angles is what makes you such a good agent, that's practically a super power" Bucky commented, lightly nudging you with his shoulder.
"Exactly. Understanding your enemy can let you get two steps ahead of them while still holding your own with grace and precision." Steve agreed.
"Float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee." Bucky added.
"That's exactly why I call her Bug!" Steve enthused with a big smile.
"Oh, I call her Bug because you call her Bug, but that makes sense!" Bucky laughed. "I thought it was because most people are scared of her at first but once you learn more about her, she's really not that bad after all!"
You looked up at Bucky with eyes squinted into a glare worth a thousand daggers. "Worms for brains!"
Steve's laughter at the comment didn't falter either, so you gently kicked him in the rib. "Hey! I'm the second person you've kicked today!"
"I wouldn't have to kick people if people didn't give me a reason to kick them." You defended yourself. "And I stand by that!"
Steve's hands held your two legs tightly in his hands. "Keep your legs closed and to yourself, ma'am!"
You gasped and clutched your chest in exaggeration before joking. "Are you calling me a slut, Captain?!"
"Steven Grant Rogers!" Bucky protectively clutched you closer to him. "That is not how we speak to women!"
"No wait!" Steve laughed. "That's not what I meant!"
“Mmmhmmm" Bucky sassed.
"I meant stop kicking people! Especially me!"
"I'm choosing to forgive you, under one condition." You giggled. "Please order the pizza. I'm starving."
"I heard your stomach grumbling during training, I ordered it 15 minutes ago." Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Ugh, I love you so much." You professed. "Sweet, sweet man."
Steve's cheeks subtly warmed. "I love you more!"
"I'm gonna vomit." Bucky grumbled behind you. "Remember when he called you a slut?"
"I did not!" Steve shrieked.
You barked out a laugh before rolling onto your side to reach for the remote on the coffee table. "What are we watching boys? Lord knows this is going to take at least half an hour to figure out..."
And right you were, because the pizza arrived before the three of you agreed on a movie. You stuffed your bellies and watched the film before saying goodbye to them and meeting Harvey for drinks.
Though you didn't have high expectations of how you wanted the night to turn out with him, Harvey somehow found a way to dig underneath the bar you had set on the floor for him.
It was clear from the moment you showed up at the causal dive bar that he wasn't interested in speaking like adults, so through the entire duration of your first drink he sat and belittled you. It was as if his friends in the compound had taken control of his brain like a parasite. All of the reasons he claimed he could never get back together with you sounded just like the reasons most of the agents at the compound treated you like a piece of garbage.
You weren't even that good of an agent, he didn't like how much time you were spending with Steve, your invitation to the avengers was just coercion, and you spent too much time working and not enough time attending to him... even though both of you worked the same hours.
Needless to say, you cut him off before ordering a shot on his tab. You threw it back effortlessly without as much as a stink face or a wince, slipped the bartender a tip, then walked away without as much as a single goodbye to the man you once loved with your whole heart.
Maybe Steve and Bucky were right. They were always right, and you always ended up looking like a fool.
Much like a fool would, you cried for the entire walk back to the compound. You cried through the hallways up to your apartment, you cried while taking off your makeup and brushing your teeth. You even cried as you slipped on your pajamas and walked back to Steve's apartment, hoping that maybe him and Bucky were still watching movies.
But, you did manage to stop the tears as you slid the key in and unlocked his door. You sniffled as you stepped in and were greeted with a dark living room and his bedroom door shut.
Feeling a little defeated, you still wanted to be with someone. So you quietly made your way into his room and slipped into the unoccupied side of his bed.
You didn't know if it was the big, scary superhero sleeping next to you, or maybe the extra comfortable blankets and pillows, but Steve's bed was the most comforting place in the world to you.
He never questioned why, and neither of you even remembered how it came to be, but you made a dirty little habit of sneaking in and sleeping in his company when you couldn't fathom being alone at night. You had a lot on your plate, and Harvey was known for breaking your heart right before bed. The compound to you wasn't the warm and fuzzy place it was to Steve and Bucky, it was cold and sterile. So Steve was happy to let you come to the one place you found comfort whenever you needed
But there was one unspoken rule, and that was for very obvious reasons. No one could know about this. Not any other agent, not any other avenger. Not even Bucky.
Why? Well, the most obvious reason was that if anyone found out about how close you and Steve really were, especially your little sleepovers, all of the times your colleagues falsely claimed that you were having sex with him to climb up in ranks would quadruple in amount. You were already getting horrifically bullied at the compound, and neither of you could stand to add fuel to the fire.
The second reason being Steve was technically your higher up. Like a manager or a supervisor, you occasionally reported to him. Though him being your main disciplinary figure and trainer, he also occasionally did other duties surrounding your job such as deployment on missions, oversight on testing days, and training assessments.
Your friendship was already crossing way more lines than either of you have ever crossed in a normal boss - employee relationship. Steve had moral dilemmas about it every single day, he could see the dilemma in your eyes every so often as well. On paper it was wrong, but given the circumstances that his friendship with you was similar to his friendships with the avengers, Steve made himself feel better by viewing it as stepping stones to get you onto the team. Because once you were officially an Avenger, the two of you would be equals and there would be absolutely nothing wrong with your closeness.
The third and least obvious reason was the unfortunate fact that Steve was head over heels in love with you.
He really never meant for this to happen, but it hit him harder than a freight train the very first time he ever laid eyes on you. You had just ranked high enough to start agent training under Steve's devision. Anticipating a brand new group of recruits to whip into shape, especially with rumors about a nameless and faceless agent, Agent 306, who had worked their way into his devision in less than 3 months, less than half the time it took everyone else to get there, he walked into the group training room and his eyes immediately locked on yours.
Once they found you, he couldn't look away. You reminded him so much of when he was in boot camp before he took the serum. In a lineup of men that towered over you in height, you seemed tiny but mighty. Steve knew better than anyone else to never underestimate the little guy.
So he started down the line and put the assigned agent numbers to faces while trying his best to memorize them as fast as he could. You stood as tall as you could and improved your posture as he got closer to you. Admittedly, being in front of an avenger for the first time was terrifying and nerve wracking. The closer he got, the harder your hands shook.
Then, it was your turn. The man towered over you with his big, solid frame. But the second you looked into his big blue eyes, you immediately recognized the kindness and warmth that lived within them.
"Agent?" He raised an eyebrow at you.
"306." You stated simply.
Expecting him to nod after he studied your face and move on like he did the rest of the agents, his eyes widened for a moment before his lips tugged up into a smile.
You were the most beautiful thing his eyes every had the pleasure of looking at, and while he had the permission, he took in all your features as quickly as he could. He remembered how much he thought you looked like women painted in fine pieces of art for centuries. Classic, timeless, effortlessly beautiful.
"306." He smiled. "I've heard a lot about you. You've got a big reputation to uphold. Keep up the good work."
Just when he thought you couldn't get any more beautiful, your eyes twinkled. He could tell you you were suppressing a smile to keep a professionally straight face. "Thank you, Captain."
Just like that, he moved on to the next agent in the line.
But to this day, he's never moved on from you. He tried his absolute hardest, but he just couldn't. So he shoved it down so deeply into his heart, and locked it up, and threw the metaphorical key into the middle of the ocean.
Since that very day, he had to work hard so just to make sure nobody would ever find out how smitten he was of you. He'd never look at you for too long, never pick you out of the line unless it was necessary, never overly complement your work, and never let his mind wander too far.
You had a boyfriend, and he was your boss. Plain and simple. He wiped the dirt off his shoulder.
But over time, your friendship blossomed, the harassment got worse, and one on one training with you started. That started a whole new level of trust that he simply could not break for you.
Training was intense, and when all the men around you tried to cop sneaky feels of your body, you and Steve grew a mutual trust in touching each other.
Sometimes he had to throw you, catch you, you had to throw light punches and kicks at him. There were days in which he'd have you in a headlock, maybe you full body tackled him onto the ground, maybe he had to grab your waist to correct you mid-flip to make sure you wouldn't snap your neck upon landing.
You were so confident in his ability to be respectful of you, that you were comfortable enough to sleep in his bed when you had a boyfriend.
It took so much time to gain that kind of trust with you, and that trust was very important to him. To accomplish what you two were doing, feeling comfortable and confident in your partner was make or break.
If you ever found out that he had a stupid little crush on you, he could only imagine it would break a majority of that trust. Immediately, the comfortable energy between you two would become very uncomfortable for you, and he simply couldn't put that burden on you.
If Bucky found out you had occasionally been sleeping in Steve's bed, he would immediately figure out his dirty little secret. It would alter the dynamic of your little friend group, and he would push and push for Steve to just tell you the truth in hopes it had some fairytale ending.
So yeah. Nobody could know about this.
Steve had enough conscious awareness to know that you were there with him last night, but not enough to remember you sneaking out before he was awake. You loved to avoid his questions about what had you down enough to not want to be alone, and you had gotten better at tactics to avoid the post sleep interview he loved to bombard you with.
You were so good, in fact, that you managed to avoid it all day until you walked into the private training gym anticipating your routine with Steve.
Oddly enough, he was late. You were never there before him, and he was never even a minute late to anything. So you took the time to start the music from your shared workout playlist with him, and do some warm up stretches on the floor while you waited.
Ten minutes later, he frantically walked into the room. "So sorry I'm late, had an emergency call down to the track-" he stopped in his tracks when he saw lingering sadness on your face. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing" You shook your head, touching your hands to your toes. "I'm fine."
"You look like you've been crying." He noted, cautiously sitting on the floor in front of you.
"It's fine, I've been looking forward to this all day. Can we just get started?" You asked, unable to fake a chipper tone of voice.
"I was late because an agent decided that working through a hangover was a good idea, and now there's vomit all over the running track. Could that violent hangover have anything to do with your tear stained cheeks, Bug?" He asked.
"Harvey?" You questioned.
"I frankly do not care to hear anything else about him." You shook your head again. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but it has nothing to do with me. I'm not responsible for any of his dumb choices anymore."
"You never have been." Steve agreed with reluctance. "Last night didn't go so well, huh?"
"We're done." You finally looked Steve in the eyes. "You and Bucky were right. I'm done being discredited and disrespected by the worst excuse for a human in this place."
"I'm so sorry." Steve's face softened in sympathy. Despite his internal happiness that you were officially done with a man who has treated you so poorly, it didn’t make up for the empathy he had for your sadness. "I know you loved him a lot, I can imagine this is difficult for you."
"Can we do that thing where we don't harp on an issue for too long so I don't get even more upset about it?" You asked, feeling as if you'd explode into a puddle of tears if he kept being so nice to you.
"Sure thing, we can talk about it later when work is over." Steve agreed, standing up and offering you his hands. "Did you drink last night?"
You let him help you up and let out a sigh. Technically, you weren't supposed to be drinking much or consuming any substances that could alter your sobriety just in case you got called on emergency.
"I did, but not enough to get me hammered." You explained, letting him help you up. "Just a cocktail and a shot. But I also ate and drank plenty of water."
"That's fine, you know I trust you to make good choices." Steve acknowledged, happy you told him the truth.
"Then why did you ask?" You questioned, dusting your hands off on your work out pants.
"Just wanted to make sure you're not going to throw up on me." Steve smiled.
"I think we're in the clear." You giggled.
"You're allowed to take a day off, you know?" Steve reminded you. "We don't have to do this today if you want to just take a day to pull yourself together."
"This is how I pull myself together." Your hands motioned around the room. "If I sit and do nothing all day, I'll lose my mind."
"Fair enough" Steve nodded in understanding, he was the same way. "Want to get started?"
"Yes please"
It took a bit for you to snap your mind into the proper mindset, but with a bit of guidance, Steve got you there. Once you were all in it, he had you practicing and improving skill sets he started teaching you last week.
About an hour and a half in, you were a hot mess. Your shirt quickly came off leaving you in just a sports bra and work out pants, your hair was tied back as sweat dripped down your face, and you were panting so much that all you wanted to do was lay out on the floor.
But this was typically how hard Steve pushed you, and that's why you loved him. You barely left your typical agent training procedures with a hair out of place. With him, you actually felt like you were making improvement.
The upbeat music and Steve's voice guiding you through how to maneuver in defense hardly even masked the sound of running footsteps down the echoing hallway.
Your commander poked his head into room to see Steve trying his hardest to punch and kick you, while you were moving tirelessly to try and block each attempt. As he watched you miss every single fist and foot, he couldn't help but to be impressed.
"306" He called out in a hurry.
You continued blocking Steve until he stopped, only then did you turn your head and stand tall at his order.
"Commander Bennett." You acknowledged, trying to catch your breath.
"Sorry to interrupt, Captain Rogers. We need 306 on an emergency deployment right now."
“Don't be sorry, it's okay." He acknowledged before looking at you. "Are you going to be alright?"
That question had too many layers to unpack at the moment. In general? Probably. After your break up? Maybe not. Going on a mission when you were already worn out? No, but you'd pretend like you were fine.
"Yeah, I'll be okay." You nodded, grabbing your shirt and pulling it back over your head.
"Good work today, we'll pick back up when you get home." He reached out for a high five which you happily accepted. "Stay safe."
"Will do, see you soon, Stevie." You slapped your hand against his.
"Get home quick, Bug." He smiled as you fast walked out of the room backwards. Commander Bennett already running down the hallway.
"Love ya!" You waved, your pretty smile sending a shockwave of physical pain through Steve's heart.
"Love you more" He smiled through the pain.
Then just like that, you slipped out of the door.
He waited until he could no longer hear your footsteps before quite literally back flopping onto the soft floor mats behind him, and took some long, deep breaths.
That little locked box that resides in the depths of his cold heart was desperately trying to work its way up. The contents of love for you inside of it was starting to ooze out of its seams, and you officially being back on the market after months of running back to the same man who was committed to breaking your heart on an endless loop wasn't helping.
He laid there with his eyes closed, letting the thick cushioned material cool his skin as he let the cold hard facts sink into his brain once more.
The only certainty was that he is your boss, your friend, and your own personal cushioned landing mat. He'd be there to catch you if you fell, he'd lend you a shoulder to cry on, and he'd help you get back up on your feet.
He was certain that you loved him as a friend, but he was most certain that he loved you more.
He would always love you more. More than you'll ever know, and more than he will ever tell you.
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Next part: Wine and Dine
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tinyfrog51 · 1 year
I’ve been getting into weightlifting recently (I’m certainly not a gym rat and never really took exercise seriously) and when I tell you what they have been HIDING from us!!!!
Lifting heavy weights makes you feel so physically GOOD. I feel strong, I feel balanced, I feel powerful and capable. The mental and physical health benefits of weight lifting are nearly infinite, and I’m getting these benefits within two weeks of starting! I can already see changes in my body and in my mind.
Women are discouraged from heavy weightlifting because society demands we are dainty, small, and submissive, so many women do weight loss-type workouts like Pilates and cardio. (Nothing wrong with these either! But perhaps analyze if you are doing these things to make yourself healthier or to make yourself look better for men).
Please please please do not be intimidated by weightlifting. Please find a beginners program online and start lifting heavy! You will never regret it, and it’s much easier than it looks!
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