#Work experience requirements for dentists
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abhishekdigi-blog · 5 months ago
Dreaming of Practicing Dentistry in Canada? Here’s How!
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Are you a dentist looking to immigrate to Canada? The Express Entry Program is your golden ticket! Here’s a quick guide to get you started:
Eligibility: Hold a dental degree and have at least 1 year of work experience.
Language Proficiency: Aim for a strong score in English or French.
Create Your Profile: Set up your Express Entry profile on the IRCC website.
Receive an ITA: Get an Invitation to Apply based on your CRS score.
Submit Your Application: Complete your application for permanent residency.
Canada is actively seeking skilled dentists! With high demand, excellent quality of life, and career growth opportunities, it's time to take the leap!
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lenasai · 4 months ago
[pt: urgent, no donations in over a week, please help]
this week, i'm spotlighting dr. isam's campaign!
i'll let the organizer's words speak for themself:
Dr. Isam is a successful dentist and a loving husband and father who fully supports his family of eight. Prior to the war, Dr. Isam owned two dental centers: a home for 20 employees including his own children. In this latest assault on Gaza, both of his centers were destroyed, destroying his and his entire team’s livelihoods, futures, and dreams. His family consists of his wife and eldest daughter, Sondos (27 years), who holds a degree in interior design; she has health issues that have worsened throughout the war and require immediate attention. His elder twins, Saleem and Ahmed (25 years), have degrees in Medical Assistance and Computer Programming. Saleem is married, has a beautiful two-year-old daughter, and lives with his wife and daughter in the same household as Dr. Isam. His younger son, Osaam (20 years), also has a medical condition that requires immediate and continued treatment, and sadly cannot be found in Gaza at the moment. Given the terrible experiences they have suffered over the course of the past six months, Dr. Isam, is hoping and praying to get his family out of Gaza in order to start a new life away from the pain of war and constant threats of death. His wife needs urgent medical care, and his children need to continue their education and work to rebuild and maintain their physical and mental well-being.
i have donated $15 cad and hope you will consider matching my donation!
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ID: Screenshot confirming $15 donation to the above campaign. End ID.
if you cannot donate, please share this post. it really does help if more people see the post. to my knowledge, the organizer does not have a tumblr account and cannot fundraise here.
this campaign is featured on the @gazafunds website and i have full confidence in its legitimacy.
$7,825 CAD / $70,000
last donation: 14 days ago‼️
[pt: last donation: 14 days ago]
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hihigherdi · 6 months ago
I spoke to my colleague at work via FaceTime for about an hour today. Corporate America as a system is rotting - the Retail industry is a mess and AI is going to make it even messier. The corporate side of everything, particularly technology in these huge conglomerations - it's all falling apart. It BARELY works as a system.
I think the real health could potentially be found in small businesses and for sure the trades - if I had kids, I'd be giving the opposite push my parents gave me. Go to a four year college I guess if you want the experience, it's good for some stuff - but the mandatory experience I'd require as a parent is learning a trade. Be an electrician, a dry waller, a plumber, learn how to build a house. become a great sewer or an expert in landscape gardening for your hardy zone. Fix engines. Know how to operate heavy machinery. The CONFIDENCE people have as they master a trade is evident. Apprentice in a few but pick the one that you want to get so good at, you'll do it for a few years. That's where the steady money is, the respect for work, the freedom of schedule. The unions which are fantastic (most of the time.) Maybe photography but everyone's a photographer these days. They are such confidence builders and the demand is outrageous. It's honorable work though defining which work is honorable or not feels a little gross. It’s just work.
I should give this advice to myself.
I spent the rest of the day working on my taxes. I have to fill out these tax forms for long-term disability so sent some stuff to my tax person to see if she could help - she's retiring in November so I was nervous if she would be up for it, I didn't know how complicated it would be. Turns out it's complicated, I pretty much need to get all of the stuff ready for my tax return now. The upside is that I'll essentially know what my taxes will be next year which will be good for me mentally, that's always a super stressful time for me for some reason. She gave me a lot of homework to do which took several hours with my foggy brain, I pretty much did it laying in my bed with food positioned on my chest occasionally like George Castanza eating a block of cheese on the sofa. Food is still a little gross but the nausea from not eating is grosser.
Next week, I don't have a lot of appointments. Bud has her vet appointment for her heart and then she has a dentist appointment the week after that on the same day I get my first post chemo infusion, I have to drop her off in the morning, poor thing. My friend A will be here in the event I'm not back from the appointment, it's just two hours but it's at noon so she can go fetch her if needed, the vet is literally across the water channel, a 5 minute walk. So fortunate. Then we'll know what's going on with her. I hope she's OK.
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stromuprisahat · 6 months ago
The Price of Life
How a single side-character with minimum of appearances manages to convey the dilemma of a person valuing life above everything else, forced to find their path in military, better than a POV character...
… I looked at Fedyor. “If you really believe that saving a life is an honor, then why not become a Healer instead of a Heartrender?”  Fedyor considered the passing scenery. “Of all Grisha, Corporalki have the hardest road. We require the most training and the most study. At the end of it all, I felt I could save more lives as a Heartrender.”  “As a killer?” I asked in surprise.  “As a soldier,” Fedyor corrected. He shrugged. “To kill or to cure?” he said with a sad smile. “We each have our own gifts.” …
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 4
Fedyor did the math and figured a well-chosen strike could prevent death of many. Nina seems to believe nobody deserves to die, which sounds like a similar starting point, doesn't it?
One would expect some moral dilemmas, development... and yes, Nina will face a possibly character-changing decision, when standing against the enemy's special unit including their leader. Right after witnessing this:
“Here we are,” Brum said, stopping in front of a door that seemed identical to the others. Nina peered through the glass. The cell was just like the ones on the top level of the prison, but the observation panel was on the other side—a large mirror that took up half of the opposite wall. Inside, she saw a young boy in a bedraggled blue kefta pacing restlessly, gabbling to himself, scratching at his arms. His eyes were hollows, his hair lank. He looked just like Nestor before he’d died. Grisha don’t get sick, she thought. But this was a different kind of sickness. “He doesn’t look very menacing.” Brum moved up behind her. His breath brushed against her ear when he said, “Oh, believe me, he is.” Nina’s skin crawled, but she made herself lean into him slightly. “What is he here for?” “The future.” Nina turned and laid her hands on his chest. “Are there more?” He blew out an impatient breath and led her to the next door. A girl lay on her side, her tangled hair covering her face. She was dressed in a dirty shift, and she had bruises all over her arms. Brum gave a sharp rap on the little window, startling Nina. “Look alive,” Brum taunted, but the girl didn’t move. Brum’s finger hovered over a brass button embedded next to the window. “If you really want a show, I could press this button.” “What does it do?” “Beautiful things. Miraculous, really.” Nina thought she knew; the button would dose the girl with jurda parem somehow. For Nina’s entertainment. She tugged Brum away. “It’s all right.” “I thought you wanted to see a Grisha use her powers.” “Oh, I do, but she doesn’t look like much fun. Are there more?” “Close to thirty.”
Six of Crows- Chapter 34
This is a man, who quite visibly enjoys his "work". He has thirty people to torture and experiment on in this particular facility.
And Nina decides he isn't just "worth saving" in some theoretical way, but that he deserves another chance, promptly leaving him in his own country in the same position he's at the beginning of the story, only a bit balder and without this particular playground with these particular toys.
All of that because her boyfriend tells her those people fear "her kind"...
I know people, who fear dentists. Does it mean we can isolate them and drug them for our own entertainment?!
But hey- it could be the lowest low of Nina's story! She deserves a second chance too, doesn't she?!
Don't worry, she'll get it, when she discovers another facility- this one systematically raping women, forcing pregnancies and collecting their offspring for further experimentation. Only our life-honouring heroine won't break even after this event, saving the man behind all this once again, letting him remain free to boot!
Saving a life is an honour.
Saving a life of unapologetic murderer targeting defenceless people is more desirable than hoping his demise might prevent unimaginable atrocities done to other human beings.
Nina believes all human beings deserve to live, even though their continued existence is the direct, intentional cause of plenty more deaths.
I don't know what to think about this. Nina doesn't even have the excuse of not seeing the direct consequences of her decision. Did she intend to become a Healer? Was she forced to switch to the "easier" choice once her training got cancelled?! A person with this sort of belief has nothing to do in the field, facing the enemy! Making decisions impacting others.
She isn't just incompetent, she's dangerous to those she should protect!
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porcelain-crow · 11 months ago
Barbie Must Have Bullshit Her Resume
Ok, so we all know Barbie as the do-all girl, what hasn't she done? (The answer to that is surprisingly alot)
But the real question is, how has she managed to accomplish so much by the age of 65? Well I'm here to tell you she fuckibg lied. I did the math, I compiled a list of jobs and hobbies she has had(albeit incomplete) and its impossible.
Below is a compiled list of (most of) barbies jobs that require training/schooling:
Fashion designer- 3 years
Nurse-2 years(minimum)
Astronaut-10 years(6 years schooling, 2 years experience, 2 years bt)
Fashion editor-4 years
Fashion model-1 year
Teacher- 5 years
Veterinarian-4 years
Travel agent- 4 years roughly
Business exectuive- 3 years
Surgeon- 4 years school + 5 year residency
Optometrist- 8 years
Dentist- 8 years
Pediatric doctor-4 years
Pilot-9 month's 
In the air force(military pilot)-4 years
Detective-4 years
Makeuo artist/hair stylist- 1 year
Chef- 3 years
Architect-3 years
Firefighter-2 years
Olympic skiier and gymnast,Figure skater -(1 years worth of trianing)
Train conductors - 1 year
Movie producer- 4 years
Computer engineer- 4 years
Marine bilogist- 6 year
Palentologist- 6 years
Zookeeper- 6 years
Baker-3 years
Film director - 4 years
Game developer- 4 years
Scientist(chemist)-4 years
Robotic engineer- 7 years
Astrophysisit- 6 years
Aircraft engineer- 7 years
Entomologist- 4 years
Judge- 10 years
Interior designer - 4 years
Cinservation scientist-  5 years
Microbiologist - 4 years
Flight attendant-10 weeks
Pet groomer-12 weeks
Police officer- 6 months
(While compiling this list, I also chose the bare minimum required amount of schooling for each job, but knowing Barbie, she would not have done the bare minimum)
If you compile the numbers, you reach a bare minimum of 203 years of school/training.
So Barbie could not have possibly gone to school for every job she has had, so she must have bullshit a few things somewhere, as this does not include the time she may have worked in these jobs once finally getting to that point.
This also leaves the question of how does she have time for her long list of hobbies, such as:
Was also a rock star and rapper
Unicef ambassador
Scuba diver
Circus performer
Matador/bull fighter
Cabaret dancer
Soccer coach
Rides horses
Race car driver
Snow boards
Track and feild
Animal rescue
Martial arts
Basket ball
Tooth fairy
Crime??(I'm serious she was a burglar)
So in reality, Barbie is a liar and a fake.
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honestmagpie · 2 years ago
Hey do y'all ever think about how Raz's love language seems to be 'Acts of Service', and how he goes around helping literally everyone he can get ahold of, even people who have objectively been assholes to him?
D'you ever think about how no-one except his own family ever seem to go out of their way to help him? It's always just an exchange, he does a quest and gets a reward, but the only people who go out of their way to do something for him are when his own family lends him energy to let HIM combat whatever major threat is happening. This ten-year-old who somehow has Gifted Kid Syndrome without even going to a public school.
Do you ever think about how this kid's been working his ass off for 3-5 days, and the only sleep he's really gotten was that time he fell unconscious after a plane crash? How he immediately went right back into saving the day, a ten year old among adults and people with way more experience than him? About how nothing is ever going to be more exciting than his first 3-5 days knowing the Psychonauts? About how he's earned the respect of Sasha Nein, his favorite agent ever, and probably can't fully process how impossibly cool that is? How Sasha Nein is probably losing his damn mind at how a ten-year-old child has managed to save the day (AND his ass) at least three times, virtually unassisted? About how Raz didn't know how to levitate exactly, but managed to get through training courses meant for levitators purely because he's an acrobat and he never thought "I'm not able to do this because I don't have the right skills", he just assumed this was what people did?
About how Raz has been parkouring nonstop for 3-5 days and probably the most rested he was during all of it was in the Rhombus of Ruin wen he was kidnapped and strapped to a dentist's chair? About how that ended with him thinking he was being left behind in a building about to blow up because no-one thought to mention to him that he was safe until he was on the jet?
Ever think about how Raz, brand-new psychonaut at 10, probably the youngest psychonaut ever, is probably too excited to sleep? Probably immediately wants a new case? Is confused by the lack of spy action available? Doesn't have the training or adult experience to handle so many possible traumas? About how Raz knows, intellectually, that his nona killed people but has never seen a dead body? About how this job will make him confront the harsh realities of his work? About how he will see true evils and traumas he could not possibly know existed at ten, and will see more? About Raz having to process other peoples' traumas in his sleep, because god only knows he won't realize them when he's awake.
Ever think about how there's a divide in his family? About how his mother still doesn't like to think about psychics, and his brother seems to get angry every time psychic powers are brought up? He's still a big brother to his little siblings, but he works away from the circus now, and they'll all drift apart. About how he has to process that people will still hate him for having psychic powers no matter what he does or how many people he helps?
Do you think he'll help Gristol, and realize that sometimes you can't fix a person's mind in a day, that they require a long process of healing, and even after that, they still might just not be good people?
Idk, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Raz.
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hakuryuu · 30 days ago
the assembled dental saga timeline
2019: i get a cavity in one of my back molars
2020: i go to a dentist who advises me to get my wisdom teeth removed, and fills the cavity
>> quarantine/lockdown goes into effect, and I am removed from my mom's insurance, both of which render me unable to get my wisdom teeth removed and also unable to return to the dentist who filled the cavity
2021: the tooth with the filled cavity, which has been hurting off and on for the last year or so because the filling was too big, dies in my mouth. this hurts like fucking crazy. i call the dentist who filled the cavity and tell them that the tooth died. they tell me that they're not liable because the tooth that died was a wisdom tooth and they advised me to get those removed
>> i'm dying in school and only have bare bones insurance since i don't have a job with benefits, so i just leave the tooth alone
2022: predictably, the dead tooth starts rotting and hurting again. i cannot afford a root canal (the roots on the tooth are weird and require a specialist) and my insurance won't cover it
>> i go to aotearoa with my partner and take advantage of the relative strength of the US dollar to get the dead tooth pulled because i'm fucking sick of it. as i'm explaining the saga that got me to that dental chair, the dentist interrupts with some bafflement to tell me that the dead tooth is NOT a wisdom tooth, and was just a back molar. i experience a rage so deep it passes back around to pure existential calm
>> i make an earring out of my removed tooth and continue on with my life
2025: i finally get a job with benefits, including dental insurance
>>having developed a strong mistrust of dentists, i hunt around until i find one that katie's coworker, who works in the same organization as i do and who should therefore take my insurance, has gone to for years
>>immediately make an appointment to get these fucking wisdom teeth finally removed. i discover that, since the wisdom teeth are so god damn hard to brush, one of them has a huge cavity on it. at the end of the dentist appoint i a) am referred to an oral surgeon and b) discover that i managed to sign up for the wrong insurance and that neither this dentist nor the oral surgeon i was referred to are in network
>>i now have to do another completely new dental exam with a different, NON-VETTED dentist tomorrow in order for them to refer me to an in-network surgeon
>>literally all of this could have been avoided if i hadn't aged off my mom's insurance mid-quarantine in 2020
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thesmileclinic-boronia · 1 month ago
Discover the Best Dentist in Montrose: Expert Care for Your Smile
Our first goal at The Smile Clinic Boronia is to give Montrose's community premium dental treatment. Whether your goals are for basic dental visits, sophisticated cosmetic work, or professional cosmetic dentist Montrose​, our knowledgeable staff is here to help you have the smile you have always wanted. Being among Montrose's best dentists, we primarily focus on your comfort and well-being. All of our treatments—preventive dentistry, fillings, crowns, bridges, and teeth whitening—are aimed at keeping your teeth and gums strong and brilliant. Our contemporary technology and gentle approach ensure a stress-free encounter for every patient regardless of age or dental need.
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Personalized Cosmetic Dentistry for Your Requirement
Our cosmetic dentistry is aimed at making your smile more beautiful. Whether your needs are for veneers, teeth whitening, or smile makeovers, our team will work with you to create a tailored treatment plan appropriate to your goals. We take time to hear your needs and provide ideas for naturally beautiful results.
We are aware of how oral problems could interfere with your daily activities, therefore compromising your confidence and general state of affairs. For this reason, we are always here to offer professional treatment and experienced advice to restore your oral health and return your smile. From regular visits to complex surgeries, our caring team is committed to making every visit pleasant and stress-free so you may experience a better, brighter future.
The first concern at The Smile Clinic Boronia is your smile no matter what and we are always just a call away. Reach out to us now to get the best dentist in Montrose​ and let us assist you to have a lifetime of confident, healthy smile. Schedule an appointment right now! Hurry up!
The Smile Clinic
1/246 Dorset Road, Boronia, VIC 3155
(03) 976 25177
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thehackneypony · 1 year ago
How's Leaky Cup doing?
i know i kind of fell off the planet haha… the horses are all doing fine!
quick answer:
- leaky cup has not grown an inch, but he is developing into a hunky little man
- yoyo is happily snoozing with her friends in a stress-free field
- chalk is being boarded for training/ leased to my mother. she was out of work for a very hot minute due to bleeding ulcers— but the horse coming out of that recovery had a brand new, relaxed mental state! super proud of her
- bugsy is mostly retired due to arthritis, but enjoys trail rides and lots of carrots— fun fact: two separate dentists have looked at bugsy’s teeth and thought him to be in his mid to late twenties instead of like 18-19yo. not a huge jump and just conjecture, sometimes previous dental care or lack thereof can affect how a horse’s teeth look.
longer answer:
something medically happened to me almost a year ago and caused me a lot of trauma lol, i was emotionally uninvolved with my own life— got a promotion and threw myself into work and away from horses or my friends. yoyo & leaky are boarded with a very nice lady— i get updates and texts on them and their needs so i can still schedule the vet and farrier. chalky and bugsy are being doted on by my mom everyday.
my life is constantly being sorted and re-organized, and in this journey i realized i’d always put everything into caring for animals as an excuse to not take care of myself. thankfully, i have someone in my life that cares and helps me to see where i’m not taking myself into account. it’s really a struggle with my heavy work-load and life responsibilities-in-general to balance all that i want to accomplish for both my career and my own personal interests; to be terribly honest, with both the guilt and exhaustion from falling out of habits and healing, i’m having a really hard time finding motivation to go to the barn. i teach my mom lessons, so i get to see chalky and bugsy every week— but yo-yo and leaky have fallen to the wayside unintentionally, and i’m having a really hard time finding my way back to them.
i’m still a bit lost in the sauce of balancing my own life after everything haha and because of that i’ve been toying with the idea of downsizing just a bit.
yoyo is my forever baby, her and bugsy will happily live out the rest of their years with me. chalky is the horse i usually consider my heart horse— she’s so mare-ish and high maintenance i love her— but she also requires a lot of constant work to burn off her anxious energy and tire out her brain. i wouldn’t trust her sensitive emotions with just anyone, but i also know i can’t commit to working her 6 days a week anymore. if i can find a good lease for her, that would be ideal tbh— she can be veeeery fancy with the right rider, and a really fun trail partner. the hardest one is leaky, who i’m very genuinely considering finding another home for. it was such a great learning experience meeting and working with him— but we never really clicked, and i feel like i’m not the best opportunity for him. through professional training we’ve gauged he’d be a rockstar at cross-country— just an absolute tank on the course. he’s outpaced a selle francis/irish sport-horse cross and proven to be the bravest horse you’ve ever met.
the problem is that he has yet to be started under-saddle, and besides the regular handling of a boarding facility, has mostly been left to his own devices with his boy-band herd out in the field. i’ve never sold a horse before, have no idea where to start— and am unsure if i could even find someone interested in him as he is now. tbh, i think a bigger part of why i haven’t really done much more than just think about this is that i’m also just hesitant to let go. even if we don’t click, i’ve cared for him and watched him grow. he’s still one of my babies, and while it would be a suuuuper helpful financial decision to sell— if feels like closing a big chapter on my life that i thought would never end. it is a constant dilemma that keeps be up at night haha
i really appreciate the Ask <3 i keep forgetting i have tumblr— and by extension this huge community of horse people i’ve come to consider friends— to help me. it’s hard, and i’m still learning to ask for help. i hope everyone has been surviving, thriving— and enjoying their new year!!!
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vijayadentalcare · 10 months ago
The Best Dental Care in Ayanavaram, Chennai
Welcome to Vijaya Dental Care, where your smile is our top priority. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for oral health, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care in a warm and welcoming environment. In this article, we invite you to learn more about our approach to dental care and how we strive to help our patients achieve radiant smiles.
Personalized Treatment Plans: At Vijaya Dental Care, we understand that each patient is unique, with individual dental needs and goals. That's why we believe in crafting personalized treatment plans tailored to meet the specific requirements of every individual. Whether you're seeking a routine check-up, cosmetic enhancement, or restorative procedure, our skilled dentists take the time to listen to your concerns and develop a customized plan that addresses your oral health needs while respecting your preferences and budget.
State-of-the-Art Technology: We are committed to staying at the forefront of dental technology to provide our patients with the highest quality care possible. From digital x-rays and intraoral cameras to advanced imaging techniques, our state-of-the-art equipment enables us to accurately diagnose dental issues and plan treatments with precision and efficiency. By incorporating the latest advancements in dental technology into our practice, we ensure that our patients receive cutting-edge care that is both effective and comfortable.
Comprehensive Range of Services: Whether you're due for a routine cleaning or require more complex dental work, Vijaya Dental Care offers a comprehensive range of services to meet all of your oral health needs under one roof. Our services include preventive care, cosmetic dentistry, restorative procedures, orthodontics, and more. Whether you're looking to brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening or restore functionality with dental implants, our experienced team is here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.
Patient Education and Empowerment: We believe that informed patients are empowered patients. That's why we take the time to educate our patients about their oral health and treatment options. From explaining procedures in detail to offering practical tips for maintaining optimal dental hygiene at home, we strive to empower our patients to take an active role in their dental care journey. By fostering open communication and providing personalized guidance, we help our patients make informed decisions that contribute to their long-term oral health and well-being.
Compassionate Care and Comfort: At Vijaya Dental Care, we understand that visiting the dentist can be daunting for some patients. That's why we prioritize compassion, empathy, and patient comfort in everything we do. From our friendly staff and soothing office environment to our gentle chairside manner, we strive to create a positive and stress-free dental experience for our patients. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we go above and beyond to ensure that each visit to our practice is a pleasant and rewarding experience.
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writtenbynath · 2 years ago
What hypnosis can and cannot do
On the one hand, I am inclined to reiterate that I don't have all the answers because I'm just a human being in her thirties who only has limited experience. On the other hand, I am a woman on the internet, I probably need to prove that I know what the fuck I'm talking about. So, with that in mind: I am a hypnotherapist who majored in psychology and social sciences, and I teach kinksters about hypnosis and consent.
What hypnosis can do
People often ask me what hypnosis can be used for. They know little about it, they've seen some unlikely things in the media, and they wonder how to separate facts from fiction. The first thing I like to explain is how the American hypnotherapist Dave Elman devoted his life to teaching hypnosis to doctors and dentists. Because hypnosis is a really effective anaesthetic for small procedures, Elman developed a foolproof method that any person who is not even a hypnotist could use to hypnotise a person. It's a sad story really, because despite all of his efforts his method never really caught on, despite the fact that his son continued his legacy and is still teaching hypnosis in the USA today. Medical professionals rarely use hypnosis as an anaesthetic, despite its scientifically proven efficacy. I've still taught some people self-hypnosis to help people relax and feel less pain at the dentist or the tattoo parlor.
But hypnosis can do so much more than that, it's not just about helping you relax. It's an incredible tool that can help you instantly connect ideas and feelings together, which can be used to learn or unlearn habits and behaviours, to overcome fears and to make other positive changes in your life. Hypnosis can for example be a great help for smoking cessation, something that people often struggle with for a long time. Typically, only one hypnotherapy session is needed to help a client to never touch cigarettes again. The same can be done for nail-biting or stress eating, but such things may require a few more in-depth sessions to figure out what is causing this behaviour to continue against the client's wishes and to help resolve internal conflict that may be holding the client back. A hypnotherapist who is also a qualified psychologist can help their clients overcome trauma, unlearn old coping mechanisms that are no longer useful, and learn new ways to deal with their emotions and the challenges life throws at us instead.
But here's where shit gets murky
Psychologists and hypnotherapists work with a person's mind, and we can't see the mind, we can't dissect it or make a map of it. Psychiatry and neurology has taught us many things about the effects of brain chemicals and how the brain works, but it remains difficult to predict what kind of effects a drug designed to help against psychoses or epileptic attacks will have on a patient. We may be able to scan and study the brain, but that doesn't mean we know how the human mind works. Psychologists and hypnotherapists only have models and metaphors to work with. And in my not so humble opinion, hypnotists often seem to forget that the tools we work with are just that: metaphors. The unconscious or subconscious mind? It's a metaphor that helps us understand that a person is not aware of everything that happens in their own mind, it is not a separate entity with a mind of its own. Metaphors are powerful tools when it comes to understanding the world around us. Something as simple as anthropomorphising an object we interact with has a big impact on our behaviour, for example. And another metaphor hypnotherapists often use is regression.
When you're in a hypnotic trance you can use your imagination to vividly visualise metaphors and memories, just as vividly as when you're dreaming. And it can be a helpful therapeutic experience to use this ability to vividly reimagine a moment from our past, to examine our feelings about this moment, to understand why this moment had so much impact on us. We can learn something about what is bothering us, and what we need to overcome our problems. This is why even past life regression and guided meditation journeys can be valuable, cathartic experiences: because they are an exercise in letting our imagination create a metaphor for our struggles, which in turn helps us accept ourselves and be happier. So if you thought I was going to mock people who believe in past lives, you're wrong. The problem is not with people who use hypnotic trance for more spiritual experiences, it is more nuanced.
How human memory works
Regression, like the word hypnosis itself and many other technical terms in the field of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, is a misnomer. We don't really return to a moment in our past, we imagine it. The way memories are stored in the brain is not like a computer or a filing cabinet at all, our memories are flawed and biased by our own perceptions and feelings. Every time we recall a memory it changes a little, as if we're not actually remembering the original moment in our life, but the last time we recalled this memory instead. Yet many stories about hypnosis are about retrieving and reliving memories, even though it is simply not humanly possible to use hypnosis to "uncover what truly happened back then", let alone to remember things from our early childhood, or from the womb, or a past life.
The big problem with the dream-like experiences we can have in a hypnotic trance is that they can feel super real, and when we are hypnotised we are extra suggestible. If the person helping you regress to this "memory" tells you with the authority of a therapist this is a real memory it is incredibly believable. What is worse, research by the FBI has shown that creating a false memory is alarmingly easy with certain interrogation techniques. The frequency with which people in relationships gaslight each other also shows that no hypnosis is required to fuck with people's memories. So my point here is: it's good to be incredibly critical of hypnotists who claim to help people remember the past more clearly. Though forensic hypnosis exists, it has never been proven to actually provide accurate information. It is not an effective way to use hypnosis, and it doesn't help with the credibility of hypnosis in general.
Why I as a hypnotherapist curse so much
There are many things that fuck with the credibility of hypnosis in general. Not just people trying to use it in ways that simply don't work, like I just mentioned, but also for example fun stage shows that use hypnosis. It is real hypnosis that a stage hypnotist uses to make people come up on stage and pretend they are a chicken, just to name the most obvious example. And that example doesn't help with our academic image, does it? But you know what really, really fucks with our credibility? "Hypnotists" who never actually hypnotise people.
Two things are at play here. One is the trend where self-help gurus are only out to sell their seminars and make money, instead of actually teaching people how to help themselves. This trend motivates hypnotists to try to sell hypnosis recordings, to the point where it might start to resemble a multi-level marketing scheme, which results in people who sell their services as hypnosis but really they make you listen to a hypnotic script that they didn't even write or adjust to your situation.
The other thing is, and this is probably the reason why Dave Elman's method never caught on (although I'm pretty sure aggressive marketing of anaesthetic drugs also played a role), that in order to hypnotise a person the hypnotist must make an effort to understand how that person thinks. Many famous hypnotists and experts in neurolinguistic programming have developed techniques and models that can help a hypnotist understand how people think. And those techniques and models are often detailed in books they try to push on people because they just really want to make money, which brings us back to my previous point. Many of the techniques in those books may not actually be bullshit. The problem is, again, with the people who treat metaphors as truth, who stick to the script and neglect the fact that therapy is about making a connection with another human being, helping them deal with the struggles of life.
Fucking mesmerism
And this the part where I rail at the charlatans and misguided souls who really ruin the reputation of hypnosis. It started way back when Franz Mesmer thought he had invented energy healing. Although Mesmer's claims about how that works were debunked in the late 1800s, many people still practice mesmerism today. Yes, you read that correctly. The thing with mesmerism is that because the technique is a precursor to hypnosis, it brings the client into a relaxed and suggestible trance, which greatly increases the placebo effect. I would like to point out that I am actually a believer with some knowledge about energy healing. Having studied reiki and some pagan forms of energy manipulation, my not so humble opinion about mesmerism is that it is not only bullshit, it can also be harmful.
Practitioners of mesmerism will often half-heartedly use techniques taken from hypnosis and from energy healing to help their clients become more open and accepting, and then encourage the client to relive the memories that are still bothering them from the past, which has a high risk of retraumatising them. Mesmerists will silently watch their clients resolve the images unfolding in their mind by themselves, without offering the client any new coping mechanisms. Perhaps some people who practice mesmerism are really out to help other people, but for fuck's sake, if you really wanted to help people, do your fucking research and don't place your faith in shit that's been debunked over a hundred years ago! Go with reiki, that is well-documented, well-taught stuff! And there are awesome energy healing traditions from other corners of the world as well, you could learn those! Or here's a radical idea, you could learn how real hypnosis works! I know it's a chore to wade through the self-help gurus who just want to make money selling more NLP seminars, but if I could do it, so can you! Learn some fucking psychology and the dangers of retraumatising a person by making them think about the shit that happened to them in the past!
Ok that's enough for now
Thank you for accompanying me on this train of thought, we have now arrived at our destination. I realise that the end of the ride was a bit rough, but I hope you learned something about hypnosis in practice, and why the reputation of hypnotherapy is so shady. If you're still wondering what kind of hypnosis things I teach to kinksters, that is a topic for another time. I write a lot about hypnosis kink, but my patreon is for smut. If you enjoy hypno smut, have a look at the stories on my Patreon and consider becoming a patron. If you want to talk about what hypnosis can and cannot do, leave a comment.
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What Are the Benefits of Visiting a Dental Clinic in Hari Nagar?
Dental health is addressed by Dentistry at every stage of life. From baby teeth to permanent teeth, children's dental needs differ from those of adults. Qualified family dentists provide complete oral care. Family dentistry is concerned with dental health and oral hygiene, just as general Dentistry. A family dentist, however, emphasizes the special requirements of kids of all ages.
Strong teeth and gums are important for overall health, according to our dental clinic in Hari Nagar. To help you achieve your optimal level of oral health, our team of highly qualified dental specialists is committed to providing you with the most innovative and effective treatments.
We offer a wide range of services, including prosthodontics, periodontics, implantology, endodontics, orthodontics, general dentistry, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. We have the newest equipment and technology at our state-of-the-art facility to ensure that our patients receive the best care possible.
Treatments for Gum disease
Family dentists are aware of how children's teeth develop throughout time as well as the possibility that they may be afraid of the dentist. Family dentists take a soft approach to help kids form lifelong healthy oral hygiene habits and positive connections with routine dental exams. The top dental clinics in Hari Nagar will offer a wide range of services, including more complex procedures like root canals, tooth whitening, and routine checkups and cleanings. 
The following six advantages of having a family dentist are:
1. Easy access
Family dentists may treat patients of all ages for a variety of dental issues, so patients won't need to make many trips to the dentist to provide all members of their family routine checkups. Therefore, oral hygiene and cosmetic needs such as veneers, braces, or implants can be taken care of together.The best dentist in Subhash Nagar also offers emergency procedures, such as extractions, to help patients in taking care of any pressing dental difficulties.
2. Scheduled appointments
Family dentists frequently work with patients to schedule an appointment time that works with their schedules. To better serve their patients' requirements, many family dentists, for instance, are willing to accept late appointments.
3. Identifying oral health issues
Early diagnosis of dental issues is facilitated by routine dental checkups. They conduct exams, X-rays, and computer modelling to provide forecasts on oral health problems. A few conditions that can be identified early on include malocclusion, grinding, and attrition brought on by abnormalities in the jaw.
4. Preventive
A family dentist will advise both adults and children on how to prevent serious and widespread issues like tooth decay. They also give the teeth fluoride and sealant treatments.
5. Medication
Of course, they are also in charge of treating dental issues like crowding, misalignment, and other issues. A committed practice will go through all of the available therapy choices with the patient. They will help create a therapy strategy that meets the needs of the patient.
6. Education and updates
To give the patient the finest dental care possible, family dentists will also educate them on proper toothpaste usage, diet, and other topics. They will provide information on the state of the family's oral health as well as the newest techniques and technology in dentistry that can improve the general dental care of the family.
Every member of our staff is dedicated to offering the greatest patient care and customer service to ensure that every patient leaves our clinic smiling. You don't need to look any further for an excellent facility than the Dental Clinic in Hari Nagar. Our commitment to achieving greatness while simultaneously focusing on the well-being of our patients sets us apart. Schedule a meeting with us now to experience the difference for yourself. When looking for a dentist nearby, patients and their families might benefit from knowing what a family dentist does. In terms of the family's dental hygiene, this is the first step toward early identification, prevention, treatment, education, and convenience.
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lisapauldiary · 1 year ago
Dental Check-up in Barnet: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Best Dentist in Barnet
When it comes to maintaining your oral health, finding a reliable dentist is paramount. If you're in Barnet, you're in luck, as there are numerous dental professionals ready to provide you with top-notch care. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of regular dental check-ups and guide you on how to find the best dentist in Barnet.
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The Importance of Dental Check-ups
Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing dental issues. Here are some compelling reasons why you should prioritize your dental health:
Early Detection of Problems Routine check-ups allow your dentist to identify dental issues in their early stages. Whether it's a small cavity or the initial signs of gum disease, catching problems early can prevent them from becoming more severe and costly to treat.
Preventing Tooth Decay Regular cleanings by a dentist can remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of tooth decay and cavities. Your dentist will also offer guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques to help you maintain a healthy smile.
Gum Disease Prevention Gum disease, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss and other health problems. Your dentist will check for signs of gum disease during your check-up and provide advice on how to prevent it.
Oral Cancer Screening Oral cancer is a serious condition that can be life-threatening if not detected early. Dentists are trained to recognize the signs of oral cancer, and regular check-ups include screenings to ensure early detection and prompt treatment.
Maintaining Overall Health Believe it or not, your oral health is closely connected to your overall health. Poor oral hygiene has been linked to various health issues, including heart disease and diabetes. Regular dental check-ups can help you maintain not only a beautiful smile but also your overall well-being.
Finding the Best Dentist in Barnet
Now that you understand the importance of regular dental check-ups, let's explore how to find the best dentist in Barnet who can provide you with exceptional care.
Ask for Recommendations Start your search by asking friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations. Personal referrals can be invaluable in finding a dentist you can trust. Ask about their experiences and whether they were satisfied with the services they received from their Barnet dentist.
Online Reviews and Ratings In today's digital age, it's easy to find information online. Search for "Dentist in Barnet" on search engines or review platforms like Google and Yelp. Read through patient reviews and ratings to get an idea of the quality of care provided by different dental practices in Barnet.
Check Qualifications and Specializations Ensure that the dentist you choose is properly qualified and licensed. Look for certifications and memberships in professional dental associations. Some dentists may also specialize in specific areas such as cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, or pediatric dentistry, so consider your specific needs when making your choice.
Location and Accessibility Consider the location and accessibility of the dental practice. Choose a dentist in Barnet who is conveniently located for you, whether it's close to your home or workplace. Accessibility is especially important if you have mobility issues or rely on public transportation.
Technology and Equipment Modern dental practices are equipped with the latest technology and equipment, which can enhance your dental experience and the quality of care you receive. Inquire about the dental technology used in the clinic and how it can benefit your treatment.
Insurance and Payment Options If you have dental insurance, check whether the dentist in Barnet you're considering accepts your insurance plan. Additionally, inquire about their payment options and whether they offer financing plans if you require extensive dental work.
Schedule a Consultation Once you've narrowed down your choices, schedule a consultation with your selected dentists. This will give you the opportunity to meet them in person, ask questions, and assess their communication skills and bedside manner. A good dentist should be approachable and willing to address your concerns.
Discuss Treatment Plans During your consultation, discuss your oral health goals and any specific concerns you have. A reputable dentist will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and preferences. They should also provide transparent information about the estimated costs and duration of treatments.
Emergency Services Find out if the dental practice offers emergency dental services. Dental emergencies can happen at any time, and it's reassuring to know that your dentist in Barnet is available to provide urgent care when needed.
Dentist in Barnet: Your Partner in Oral Health
Your dentist in Barnet is more than just a healthcare provider; they are your partner in maintaining optimal oral health. Regular check-ups and preventive care can help you enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles. Don't delay in finding the right dentist for you, as early intervention and consistent care are key to preventing dental problems.
Remember, the best dentist in Barnet is one who understands your unique needs and concerns, uses the latest technology, and provides a comfortable and welcoming environment. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision and ensure that your oral health is in capable hands.
In conclusion, prioritizing your dental health through regular check-ups is a wise choice. The key to a beautiful and healthy smile starts with finding the best dentist in Barnet who will partner with you in achieving and maintaining your oral health goals. Don't wait—take the first step towards a lifetime of confident smiles by scheduling your next dental check-up today. Your smile will thank you, and so will your overall well-being.
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
In mid-December, the Moscow Health Department issued an order making it mandatory for medical clinics to keep audio recordings of patient visits. City officials said they had decided to implement the rule after conducting a “successful” pilot experiment in two Moscow clinics.
Under the new policy, which came into effect on December 28, 2023, every doctor in the city’s clinics is required to record all patients’ appointments (with the exception of dentists).
According to the Moscow authorities, doctors should already have all the equipment they need to record patient visits. The government’s official recommendations do not say that doctors should verbally warn patients that their words are being recorded, but there should be signs on display to inform them.
The Telegram channel “Ostorozhno, Novosti,” citing chat groups for medical professionals in the city, reported that “as soon as a patient enters the office, the [doctor] must press the ‘Start appointment’ button, after which everything will be recorded on audio. At the same time, no new equipment has appeared in doctors’ offices, leading medical employees to speculate that the audio recordings are being made through their personal computers.”
Patients will not be allowed to opt out of being recorded. The Moscow Health Department’s order says nothing about doctors obtaining patients’ consent — and it’s unlikely that the doctors even have the ability to turn the recording devices off.
If the new system works exactly as the Health Department’s order prescribes, it will technically not violate patient confidentiality as defined in Russian law. The Moscow Health Department has promised that the recordings will be stored on secure servers for no longer than a month and that they won’t be traceable to specific appointments, meaning it will be impossible to identify specific doctors or patients. But this doesn’t mean it’s not possible for this information to leak.
The policy has received criticism from doctors, many of whom have warned it could be used to facilitate repressions or who simply oppose the idea of a third party listening to patients’ personal information on principle. The Moscow Health Department, however, has said the recordings will improve the quality and safety of patient visits, increasing patient satisfaction overall. According to the agency’s official Telegram channel:
We get complaints from patients about the formal and not always respectful treatment they receive from doctors. No less common are complaints from doctors about the disrespectful behavior exhibited by patients.
In general, both sides are right. To increase the level of trust between doctors and patients, what we need is a culture of communication.
Recommendations for how doctors should interact with patients have already been sent out to all of the city’s clinics, but ensuring the guidelines are followed requires additional measures, the department continues:
The heads of more than half of Moscow’s health clinics formally reached out to the Health Department and asked for an assessment tool and to conduct depersonalized audio monitoring. And the Department supported the initiative.
Each institution’s chief physician will choose some of these “depersonalized” audio recordings to be reviewed and evaluated by a specially trained employee, who will then determine whether doctors are meeting official recommendations for how to correspond with patients and will notify their colleagues of their mistakes.
In other words, the initiative won’t concern specific patient complaints, and patients won’t be able to use the recordings of their visits to prove their case if a conflict arises.
The authorities’ set of communication recommendations for doctors includes not talking down to people; not criticizing patients, colleagues, or superiors; not using complex terms; and avoiding an entire list of words and phrases that includes “Impossible,” “Get up,” “Enough!” and “What’s wrong with you?”
It’s unclear whether authorities in other parts of Russia are planning to implement policies like this one. Meduza was unable to find information about any similar initiatives outside of Moscow.
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o2studies · 1 year ago
༻`` 11 Jan 24 — Thursday
100 days of productivity 11/100
Quick one before I get into the shower. Did an hour of maths revision and I started the homework but I'll continue to work on it tomorrow morning. I also finished all my physics notes (finally! 🥹)
My evening turned a bit productive because I ranted to my friend (it was good for the both of us) and now I'm feeling much better and she dropped an amazing quote in the middle of that I want to share with youse:
"Take your time when you know you have it" -K
I'm didn't really follow my time blocked schedule today and I think it's good, it can help you be really productive but I think I'll be using it more as a guide than a proper schedule. Oh and we got talked to a bit more in school about in-person work experience, haven't gotten an email back yet from a company, but my dad got talking to his dentist today so I think I'll be going into there (not technically formal work xp) for the day. (Also dentistry does require biology as an ALevel which I don't do and the fight is back from when I first picked my subjects almost a year ago.. oh well, I might not like it anyways or do it in my 40s if I really still want to 🙃)
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dentistatplumcreek · 1 year ago
Tips for Maintaining Oral Health Between Dental Visits
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Life whisks us away, and dental appointments often fall victim to the whirlwind. But fear not, fellow smile advocates! Maintaining excellent oral health doesn't require a calendar synced with your dentist's. By incorporating simple yet effective habits into your daily routine, you can bridge the gap between appointments and strut into your next checkup with pearly whites beaming with pride.
Brushing Bonanza: The Twice-Daily Ritual
Think of brushing as a superhero duo: fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush team up to vanquish plaque and bacteria, the arch-enemies of healthy teeth and gums. Aim for two minutes of vigorous brushing, morning and night, focusing on all tooth surfaces, the gum line, and even that sneaky tongue that harbors pesky bacteria. Remember, brushing too aggressively can damage your gums, so be gentle yet thorough.
Flossing Force: Battling the Plaque Between
Brushing can only reach so far. Enter the floss, your trusty interdental warrior. Once a day, weave that magical thread between your teeth, scraping away plaque and food debris that your toothbrush can't reach. Don't be afraid to hug the curves of your teeth—a gentle yet firm approach is key. And if traditional floss feels like a tangled mess, consider floss picks or water flossers for an easier, no-less-effective clean.
Hydration Hero: The Power of H2O
Water isn't just your body's best friend; it's your mouth's superhero in disguise. Sipping throughout the day washes away food particles and plaque, keeps your mouth moist (dry mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria), and even strengthens your tooth enamel. So ditch the sugary sodas and embrace the power of plain old water—your smile will thank you.
Dietary Defender: Choosing Smile-Friendly Foods
What you eat plays a major role in your oral health. Sugary treats and acidic foods create a feast for cavity-causing bacteria, while crunchy fruits and vegetables act like natural toothbrushes, stimulating saliva production and helping scrub away plaque. Choose wisely, and remember, moderation is key even for healthy foods.
Sweet Dreams for Your Smile: The Nighttime Routine
While you slumber, your mouth doesn't stop working. Saliva naturally bathes your teeth, neutralizing harmful acids and fighting bacteria. But if you have sleep apnea or snore, your mouth might dry out, creating a breeding ground for bad breath and cavities. If you suspect sleep issues, consult your doctor or dentist. They might recommend a special mouthguard or other solutions to keep your smile protected while you catch some Zzz's.
Bonus Tip: Embrace the Power of Prevention
Regular dental checkups and cleanings are like Kryptonite to oral health woes. Your dentist can spot potential problems early, offer targeted solutions, and keep your smile shining bright. So, schedule your appointments diligently and don't hesitate to reach out if you experience any dental concerns between visits.
Remember, a healthy smile isn't just about aesthetics; it's a gateway to overall well-being. By incorporating these simple tips into your daily routine, you can maintain exceptional oral health between dental visits, paving the way for a lifetime of confident smiles. And if you're ever in doubt, seeking guidance from a trusted Dentist in Kyle is always the best course of action. They'll be your partner in crime-fighting against dental woes, ensuring your smile remains a beacon of radiant health.
So, brush, floss, hydrate, and choose smile-friendly foods. Your commitment to these simple habits will empower you to conquer the gap between dental visits and reveal a smile that's not just healthy, but truly dazzling.
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