#Woman talk
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marune2 · 9 months ago
Johan and Sterling and Discordia
Sterling is @loosesodamarble oc
Discordia is @lyranova oc
Sterling Johan are whit Discordia and make dress up for a party and Johan is the innocent in person
Sterling is 17 and Johan is 16
Sterling and Johan are whit Discordia the other are not there nobody know how it’s came how it’s came
Johan:oh dress up oh I can try women clothes after all I have breast“chirping he happy and piking some elegant and revealing clothes
Sterling:sure johan but are the dresses you like not to……
Discordia:children this day’s say johan it’s interesting dear nephew this you want’s to wear something like this
Johan:of curse women looking pretty in it and tzubaki did say I would looking pretty in woman dress because I have a good looking body or so“chirping he happy whit innocent in he’s voice
Sterling looking to Discordia wo smile back
Sterling:so want’s to looking good for him? But other will stare too are you sure?
Johan:they can looking I don’t harm someone after all dresses are to looking at „smile
Discordia:how can Heinrich raise so a dense and innocent child? Even you should mean he did have the talk whit Johan whit he’s background………..
Sterling:don’t know Johan are you sure you wanted to wear it people can get really disrespectful because you looking pretty and try bad stuff
Johan:it’s fine a will punch them if it’s happened plus then will people be nicer to your if it’s happened I know I’m a devil so I’m use to it so I’m fine
Discordia smile : you don’t need get use to it well as long we picking a elegant dress I’m fine(after all Heinrich and the other are useful if the children are in deangerus situation ok mostly Heinrich motherhen)
Sterling:I will take care of you Johan not you of us I’m you older cousin after all“smile at him
Johan smile happy:ok come let’s dress up papa josele Harmonia and and the other are waiting
Say he and begin to dressing a black/blue dress
Discordia:at least he came good out not like a dear somebody (Nacht)
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jakeperalta · 10 days ago
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saw this very [ben affleck depressed smoking image] comment and thought why does blue job / pink job sound like an established concept so I looked it up.....
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what's next?? having a bank account is a blue job 💙🏦☺️ not being legally recognised as a person in your own right is a pink job 🩷🥰💅
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redhoodfucker69 · 1 year ago
bastille has done more for the queer community by just making all of their love songs about "you" instead of specifying a gender than taylor swift has in all of her discography. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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deathtokillian · 4 months ago
If you are trans I need you to stay alive.
Stay alive for every other trans person fighting, stay alive for every trans person who is no longer here, and most importantly stay alive for yourself.
They don’t get to erase us! They don’t get to take away our rights, and treat us as less than human. Don’t let them erase us, and don’t let them make you a statistic. Don’t let them win.
Stay alive
If you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for others. Do it out of spite.
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beebfreeb · 10 months ago
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martinamuliadewi · 1 year ago
Pilihlah Peranmu!
Ada satu nasihat indah yang aku baca dari sebuah tulisan. Nasihat ini disampaikan oleh Ustadz Fairuz Subakir Ahmad, tentang peran seorang perempuan dalam 3 level. "Jadilah wanita dalam 3 level ini: Pertama, melahirkan tokoh. Kedua, pendamping tokoh. Ketiga, menjadi tokoh itu sendiri. Jika kamu tidak bisa menjadi tokoh, maka bercita-citalah keluar dari rahimmu seorang tokoh Alim, Ulama, dan bermanfaat bagi umat dan bangsa. Saat itu juga energi besar yang luar biasa menyengat tubuhku. Jiwa optimis bangkit kembali. Panggilan untuk "menjalankan peran terbaik" ada di 3 level ini. Hanya tinggal menemukan peluang dan kesempatan yang mana yang akan diambil, maka lakukan terbaik untuk peran tersebut. Karena setiap orang punya peran istimewa yang bisa kita pilih dari kesempatan dan peluang yang Allah berikan. Yuk para perempuan bangkit!
🌻18 Februari 2024 @martinamuliadewi
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densewentz · 9 months ago
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When a cunty witch beats you to death then steals your boy toy for eternal torment 😢 (based on that 'don't you miss her???' meme)
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kaogens · 1 year ago
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mikus once again :P
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biblicallyaccuratemoth · 11 days ago
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And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
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marune2 · 11 months ago
Ida Faust josele canty
Josele is needed to tell Ida how to be woman there Ida came whit 17 in her second puberty as devil and in human her right puberty whit Periode and other stuff
Josele is @loosesodamarble oc
Nacht: I’m not made for this
Josele:well I can understand you the puberty of a woman is different of this of a man it’s mesh scary you„laughing
Nacht: I’m not „scared“ but I don’t want the talk whit her and Sukehiro wo is mad why the bath is full of blood and why she eats all the flesh or why she is creepy because she is happy and chill out of nowhere because of her Periode
Josele:okay okay……“laughing
Ida whas just enjoy her coffee whit a raw steak what charmy made for her as josele come in
Josele:hello Ida how are you whit you first time um…..have Periode?“say she whit a smile it’s interesting to give her the talk at least
Ida:oh josy I’m doing fine thank you oh wana have steak too?“smile happy
Ok josele is creeping out Ida’s personality did. make a 180% out of it
Josele:oh thank you but no is it ok if we have a talk to woman to woman?
Ida: of curse love“smile
Josele:is ok you know what a Periode do right?
Ida:oh yes you get baby’s out of it“smile
Josele:yes but I’m not scared because lucky you like women
Ida raise a eye brow :um I like everything man woman both gender-fluid gender less specific I’m pan but I have just se€ whit woman because I don’t want to be pregnant remember Gimodelo the cute devil
Josele stare at here ok this new but yes Gimodelo he is he at least she thinks so
Josele:oh good to hear are you doing fine?
Ida laughing like a little child and quick like one it’s still creepy but it’s how Ida show love yes josele know ida have still trouble
Ida:oh I’m doing fine ok it’s hurt a little but not mush I think a hod bad make the magic and walking love you too love oh and red flesh whit salt is god like right now
Josele:good do you have some ask to ask?
Ida:do no I’m just more horny right now but I think it’s just puberty at least Heinrich and Owen did say it…….wana have se€
Josele just stare at her did she ask her this really god no not this…!!!!!!
Josele: Ida dear you are little Sister to my but you can just ask for a cuddle or different type of love like siblings plz“say she uncomfortable ok ida have big trouble to show love
Ida:oh ok is fine to dear oh!!!!!“ ida jump up and go to josele and hugging her
Josele is surprise ok this is norma-
And then bite ida josele josele take ida fast away from her
Josele:ow!!!! Ida stop this!! We did have the talk!!!!
Ida just stare whit blood on her teeth :oh ok I mus go anyway nice to see you“and then she run of
Ok josele is happy this Ida show happiness and not to strong abusive behavior how worse mus her live be this she bite’s out of love or other stuff??? But why biting?!
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talaok · 6 months ago
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: you’ve decided to sunbathe topless, or as your husband Joel would put it, you’ve decided to torture him.
Warnings: needy Joel, kind of sub!joel, unprotected p in v, premature ejaculation, creampie, oral sex (f receiving), come play.
a/n: i sunbathed topless for the first time and well this wrote itself
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"You've seen my boobs before babe" A soft laugh bubbled up your throat as you turned your head left.
He wasn't even pretending not to be staring.
"Not like this"
You smiled, "what does that even mean?"
"not out... here"
You lowered your sunglasses to see him better, tilting your head to ask for further explanation
Yes you were outside, by the pool of the beautiful summer house you'd rented, but you didn't get how that made any difference, they were the same boobs he'd seen hours prior in your bed.
"I'm not used to not doing anything about them"
"ah" you hummed "is it that hard?"
You didn't even need to look at the smirk painting his face to regret your choice of words.
"yeah babydoll, it's real hard"
You only needed to lower your gaze a little to asses his statement.
"You're incorrigible"
"And you're torturin' me darlin'"
"How am I torturing you?" you laughed "I'm just taking advantage of the privacy we have to get a good tan"  
"and besides, I seem to remember how hard it is for you to see me with the whole bikini on too"
He sat up, the sunbed squeaking as he faced you.
"It ain't my fault if my wife's so pretty it hurts"
"you get so dramatic when you're horny" you chuckled, rolling your eyes.
He smiled, letting his gaze wander all over your body for a good minute, before getting back at your face
"nothin's gonna happen is it?" his tone was full of hope nonetheless
"no baby" you shook your head
He sighed, dramatically letting his head fall to his chest
"I'll have a swim then"
"have fun honey"
__ __ __
Not even ten minutes had passed, and that scene from the Barbie movie with the "Ken! Go for a walk or something" line couldn't not pop into your head.
He was standing right next to your sunbed, dripping wet and blocking out the sun.
"don't ya need sunscreen?"
A soft smile pulled at your lips.
Ten minutes, that's how long it took for him to come up with that.
"I put it on already"
He wasn't gonna give up, not on the first try.
"how long ago?"
"an hour, I think"
"the sun's real strong now doll," he said, drying his hair with a towel before throwing it on his bed "I think it's best if you put some more on… I can do it for you if you don't feel like it"
You chuckled, looking up at him, but he stayed in character, continuing to look oh-so worried about your safety.
"Somehow I knew that offer was coming"
"'m just worried about my wife, 's all"
he'd crouched down, taking your hand in his
"mh-mh" you hummed, sarcasm tracing your tone
"can't have you get sunburt now, can we?"
"no, we can't" you played along, smiling at him
"'f course" he murmured, leaning down to leave a soft kiss on your lips as he grabbed the sunscreen.
"I'm so lucky to have such a caring husband"
"I'm the only lucky one babydoll"
He gave you one more kiss, before he leaned away and got to work.
He squeezed some cream into his hand, but to your surprise, his hands didn't land where you'd expected them to-
Only his eyes were betraying him. They were only on one, or actually two things even when it was your legs he was massaging.
The coldness of the cream and his hands felt good against your warm body, so much you couldn't help but hum appreciatively.
"feels good?"
"yeah baby" you breathed as his hands made their way to your thighs.
It always amazed you how hands so big, rough, and strong were able to be so gentle and soft on you.
You couldn't deny the shivers running up your body when his fingers reached your inner thighs, getting close to your core.
"what's that?" your husband was smirking like a cat, as he dedicated himself much too long on that spot.
"I didn't say anything"
If he thought this was gonna work, he was wrong. It was too hot, and you were too relaxed to do what he so obviously wanted to do... although you both knew how much you liked seeing him desperate...
He still didn't touch your boobs, no, next were your shoulders, then your arms, and then... when he felt on the brink of exploding, when he couldn't stop himself anymore, he squeezed a generous amount of sunscreen in his hands, and oh so gently started massaging your tits.
He couldn't stop a soft groan from fleeing his lips.
It felt amazing- of course it felt amazing, but you didn't wanna give him the satisfaction, and this was mostly for him, not for you, so your eyes remained closed as you pretended like it was nothing.
But that only lasted so long, because Joel could endure just about 30 seconds of that before he was bending down, and his mouth was sucking your nipple.
"Joel!" you gasped, your eyes snapping open just in time to see him climb onto you to straddle your waist, and then go right back to groping and licking and sucking your nipples like it was his life long duty.
"baby you're all wet" you tried complaining, but the smile on your lips was everlasting.
He looked so damingly cute like this, looking up at you with those big doe eyes as he worshipped your tits.
"so are you"
And yeah so what if you were- there's only so much a woman can do in front of this.
A soft laugh spilled from your lips as your hand went to find a place in his hair, your back arching to offer more of yourself to him.
"I don't even know how good it is for you to be licking sunscreen"
The look he gave you made it very clear he didn't give one single fuck.
And just when you were about to protest again, his teeth had gently bit your nipple, and a moan had spilled from your lips.
he took that as an incentive to go further, his hand slowly sliding down your belly, between your bodies, until it was seeping underneath your bikini bottoms.
"babe-" you stopped him, your voice breathless
His hand stopped on your mound as he groaned in frustration.
You could feel his rock-hard cock on you since the moment he straddled you- the man was desperate.
"please doll" he murmured against the soft skin of your chest in between kisses "Gimmie something-anything” he pleaded “Have mercy on your poor husband"
Your response was mixed between a laugh and a moan
"I can take care of you if you want"
He shook his head, his teeth grazing your nipple "Need to feel you darlin’"
Again, a soft giggle rumbled from your chest
"’S too hot to have sex here baby"
His hand had gotten out of your bikini to reach the other on your waist.
"the pool- the ground? fuck- anywhere you want sugar, just tell me where"
His clothed hard-on was rubbing against your core now, and fuck but once again you’d succumbed to Joel and his goddamn irresistible neediness.
"bring me back into the house"
It was like he’d been waiting his whole life to hear those words.
In a haze of kisses and lust, he’d picked you up, letting you hold onto him by wrapping your arms and legs around his body as he hurriedly walked into the house.
He didn’t make it far enough to encounter a single surface- and perhaps that was because he’d stopped looking and placed you against the wall the moment he’d passed the threshold.
His mouth was on your tits again, his cock was out, and his fingers had pulled your bikini to the side.
He said nothing as he slowly began entering you, the only sounds in the room being your moan as you threw your head back, and the groan he emitted, muffled by your skin.
“Oh fuck” you cried once he bottomed out.
Your husband was a very gifted man.
"'m not gonna last"
He sounded like the mere act of talking was taking all of his energy, and yet he was thrusting up into you like it was a matter of life or death.
"'s ok"
"I've been hard since you took your top off" he murmured, his breath fanning over your chest “you-you-jesus”
Your left hand passed through his hair, softly soothing him.
“‘S alright baby, don’t wait for me”
“You’re too fuckin’-” he tried to speak, but he was interrupted by yet another groan
“What?” you taunted him, a smirk pulling at your lips “what is it baby?”
His eyes were wide with desperation as he looked up at you, as his mouth stole languid kisses from your tits.
“Too hot- too goddamn perfect”
You bit down a grin at that, still stroking his hair
“I love you baby” you breathed, his cock reaching the deepest, most fucking amazing spot inside you in the meantime.
The moment those words left your lips your husband was fucked- the only words he was able to mutter were a series of -fuckshitgoddamn- before he inevitably reached his peak, filling you up with rope after rope of come that never seemed to end.
He remained like that for a little while, buried inside you, eyes closed, mouth still connected with your boob, until you left a gentle kiss on the crown of his head, and he woke up from his heavenly trance.
He let out a soft groan as he slipped out of you, and took his time letting you down.
You were smiling at him with that soft smile that melted his insides right up, and he couldn’t help but lean in and kiss it, kiss you like you were a soft delicate thing that he was scared of breaking.
“I love you more” he promised, kissing you again, even if you were smiling.
“Feel better now?”
You said it like he was a kid with a stomach bug, and he couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“Yeah darlin’” he murmured against your mouth “thank you”
“You don’t have to thank me” you laughed, but he was already shaking his head
“Yes I do”
And without further explanation, he’d dropped to his knees.
He slid your bikini to the side once again, looking up at you with only adoration in his eyes.
“Baby you don’t have to” you tried to reason with him, but his mouth was already latched to your clit, and your hand had already flown to his hair.
He remained on your bud long enough to make you desperate, and then he started focusing on your whole core, his tongue lapping between your folds with what could only be described as feral hunger.
His come was everywhere, and yet he didn’t care, he was happy tasting the mix of your fluids, because that’s how Joel was- a nasty nasty man- only for you.
So much so that you felt his tongue enter your hole, simulating what he was doing just minutes before with his cock.
Your moans were breathless, more like whines, like prayers.
You were looking at him as he was looking at you and Jesus... He looked fucking heavenly.
His hair all tussled from your fingers, his blown-out pupils, his never-stopping tongue-
“Joel” you cried, but he didn’t dare speak a word as he went back to your clit.
“Shit-baby- god!”
You had to tighten your hold on his hair as your orgasm crept up your body- and it was as you heard him groan with pleasure, as he sucked your clit into his mouth like a man starved, that it all came crumbling down, and you felt your body light on fire as your climax took over.
You were moaning and crying into the air for a good minute before you were sane again.
Only Joel hadn’t stopped eating you out for a single second, and even then, he looked like he had no intention of doing so
“Baby-baby” you whimpered, having to literally pull him away from your core.
He was smiling like a kid, and you couldn’t help but follow suit.
He put your bikini back in place, and then stood up, his hands lingering on your waist
“You’re crazy”
He couldn’t help but kiss you before answering,
“You make me”
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idyllghost · 19 days ago
It’s not my usual content but it’s important. It’s a disservice to only call Kendrick’s performance a televised fuck you to drake. It was so much more than that. It was an open critique on the current state of America, it was a live performance at one of America’s biggest events where he spoke against America’s racism and descent into fascism. Yes he performed Not Like Us and of course Drake was ripped to shreds (again) but it is so much more than that.
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lanschpaket · 3 months ago
Can we talk about the two modes of Caitlyn in this scene?! xD This tall beautiful woman walks into the cell, leans onto the wall with so much attitude and then this snazzy, upper-class, smooth, prim godess throws out the most flirty and sultry lines EVER, like we never heard her talk like that and then seconds after, the instant panic and wanting to make things right and wanting to be honest and correct with Vi, throws in the information about her rebound with worry and panic in her voice idkkkkk this was just sooo funny to me. But also I love Cait for that, that she wanted to be honest. She opened up and is all vulnerable again and that it was important to her to disrupt the moment to let Vi know about this
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rad-roche · 3 months ago
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get yourself a man who'll do this (this decision ruins both their lives)
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soupinaboot · 1 year ago
In my opinion, Bruce should be above average height or at least average. But since he surrounds himself with demi-gods, aliens, meta humans, etc, he's just dwarfed next to them. Like maybe about 6'1 or 6'2, but that's NOTHING compared to Diana '7'3 feet tall' Prince. Or Clark '6'9' Kent.
All the tabloids claim he has to be at least 5 feet tall because the only photos they can get of him are when he's next to his giant ass friends.
It is also my personal headcannon that all the robins stay shorter than him, except Jason, who should be at least 4 inches taller.
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theabigailthorn · 8 months ago
"Good" Acting
i have a theory that a lot of people say acting is "good" when they're emotionally moved by it, and a lot of cishet white people have a lifelong habit of not listening or empathising when minoritised people speak, so minority actors get called "bad" even when they display some pretty fucking amazing technical skill
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