#Why'd this come out of my brain
violetjedisylveon · 3 months
stupidest crack fic idea ever
There's that Fazbear Frights story where Matpat has a baby with glitchtrap/springtrap/whatever, but what if instead of dying(I haven't read the thing I'm just assuming he probably dies) he lives and now has a baby that is potentially evil.
He raises it so it's not evil.
Cut to post Security Breach, Vanessa is free from glitchtrap's influence after who knows how long, she is out doing something with Gregory, (maybe getting him new clothes or a bed cause he's homeless and lives with her now) and then they come across a child sized copy of glitchtrap just walking around acting like a little kid and everyone just stares.
Then Matpat comes to get his rabbit kid because he wandered off while they were shopping, Vanessa or Gregory (doesn't matter who) asks if the kid is wearing a costume. "No he just came out that way" is the response they get.
Then glitch baby and Matpat book it out of there
And nobody knows what the fuck just happened
Thank you it's past 4:40 am, I should've been asleep hours ago and I am severely sleep deprived 🙃
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parfaitblogs · 2 months
you're losing me ❀ s. reid x reader
in which he's an entirely different person after prison, and your relationship is crumbling. 
pairing: spencer reid x reader genre: angst tags: post prison reid. no happy ending. argument/fight. strong language. word count: 2.0k a/n: big fan of soul crushing angst. clearly. i dreamt this one up in an everything shower. likely place for me to plan fics? whole lot of nothing happening i love yapping about sadness!! my least favourite spencer trait is that he doesn't think he deserves good things so he pushes them away so obviously i have to write novellas on him doing just that? this used to be based on tolerate it but i listened to ylm the entire time so erm. things change! lol enjoy xoxo
Perhaps you were stupid. 
Very, very stupid. And ridiculous. And every other synonym for those two words that your brain could not possibly imagine up right now. You were all of them. But also none of them. Because you also felt like there was not a single word that could describe you anymore; if there was, maybe you'd consider yourself a person. But clearly you weren't a person. Not anymore, at least. Not to him. 
An awfully painful year it had been. And maybe that's what stripped you of your right to be a person. Maybe it was the overtime. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. Maybe it was everything all at once. Maybe it was nothing at all. 
Three years of dating one man meant you learned quite a bit about who he is as a person to you. Eight years of knowing him meant you knew very well what sort of person he is in general. 
And this wasn't him. 
He was sitting on your couch. A piece of furniture that had, in just one year, erased the memory of you from it, there no longer being an indent on the right side where you always sat. A book was sat in his lap, but he wasn't properly reading it. You could tell from how slowly he turned the pages. From how he stopped every few minutes to rub his eyes, his eyebrows creasing and a quiet, irritated huff leaving his lips. 
It was a habit he had developed. 
This was how it was every night. Three o'clock came, and your body would wake you up from an otherwise restless sleep, and you would drag your feet out to where the man who should be occupying the other side of your bed, actually is. And he wouldn't look up, but you both acknowledged each other's presence, silently. 
And you would watch him for an hour. Until your eyes began to droop, and your feet started to ache, and your heart couldn't handle any more shattering for the night. And then you would drag yourself back to the bedroom, and you would climb into a now cold bed, and you would fall back asleep for another two hours. 
Like clockwork.
You were good with him. So patient. You would make him mugs of morning coffee that he wouldn't drink, and you would wash clothes he wouldn't say 'thank you' for. You wondered if he was actually grateful or not. 
You were too scared to ask. 
"Hey," you said, quietly, when he had come home from work, shrugging his bag off his shoulders, and slipping shoes off his feet. 
"Hi," he answered. As if on instinct, he moved to where you were seated at the barstool to kiss you in greeting, before brushing past and heading into the kitchen. 
You watched him for a few moments as he found a piece of bread to eat, nothing on it. Just... dry. Before your eyes returned to the laptop screen you had open in front of you, fingers tapping away at your keyboard. 
"There's been another terror threat," you said to him, tilting your head to the side. "But they let me work from home."
"Why'd they do that?" he asked, but he could not sound less interested. 
You lifted your head, because you thought he knew. "Because of you, Spence."
"Oh, okay," he answered, and you watched as he threw out half of the bread he did not eat, before he disappeared down the hallway. 
He didn't even care. 
You stared at the empty space down the hall, where he had once been, heart lodged in your throat in an uncomfortable lump you couldn't swallow. This was why you felt stupid. 
Maybe you were sick of feeling stupid. You must be, because subconsciously, your feet had already planted themselves firmly on the floor, and your legs were already taking you down the hall in the exact direction he had just disappeared to. 
He was taking his button up off when you appeared in the doorway to your bedroom, replacing it with a t-shirt. You had never seen him wear so many t-shirts until now. 
You cleared your throat, alerting him of your presence, and he turned, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw you. 
"You know you can talk to me, right?" you said, voice wavering with cautiousness. 
His lips parted, then they closed, and all he managed was a short nod, before he turned back around to find pyjama pants in his drawers. 
"Spencer, I'm serious," you pressed, taking a step into the room. "You need to talk to someone about this."
"I have those counseling sessions at work," he answered, turning back around to face you only once he was wearing pants. 
Your lips pursed. "You hate those."
"Yes, but I'm talking to someone."
"Not someone you trust!"
"And if I talk to you, it would be so different compared to a counsellor, right?"
You froze. He froze. Maybe he realised the implication of his words, you certainly did. That such a simple spoken sentence had your heart stuttering in your chest. 
You shakily exhaled. "I'd hope it would be different," you decided to say. "But I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't anymore."
He stood straighter at your comment. Perhaps not the best thing to say. Certainly not the most mature. 
"What does that mean?"
Right. The reason you decided to follow him in the first place. "I just—I don't feel like you care anymore. And I have tried to be patient, Spencer. I really have. But you shut me out, and we don't even talk anymore. I make you coffee, I do your laundry, I offer to cook, I clean up the house, I do everything I possibly can so you can focus on healing, and I can't even get a proper sentence out of you unless we're arguing."
He inhaled sharply, staring at you. "I don't know if you forgot, but I was locked in a prison for three and a half months."
Your shoulders deflated, your eyebrows creasing and lips pulling down into a frown. "Seriously? I express that I am feeling neglected, and your only response is that you've been in prison—"
"—Well, it kind of changed who I am!"
You fell silent for a few moments, trying to collect your thoughts before you threw them all in his face and actually ruined things between you two. 
"I just feel like you don't care anymore," you repeated, voice awfully soft compared to how hard your body was shaking in anxiety. 
He ran a hand through his hair, and he opened his mouth to speak with that same frustrated frown, so you cut him off. 
"And yes, I know you're dealing with everything that happened to you in prison. I only know what they told us, so I can't even imagine how much you're withholding. Because I know that's what you do. But that doesn't give you an excuse to treat me like I'm not important in your life anymore. I mean, If I'm not, then tell me. If you really don't care, or you've decided that you can't be in a relationship and process everything at the same time, then I'd like to know."
The silence is uncomfortable. And thick. And you're staring at him with eyes that burned with tears you weren't ready to shed yet. He's coming up with a response, so slowly you think maybe prison actually did break his brain. 
"I do care," he finally said, and you wondered if it took him three minutes to come up with that because he was controlling a lie. You pushed that thought out of your head. "But I also don't want you to wait for me to be better, if it's making you feel this way."
"Okay," you manage to say, voice not above a whisper as you stared at him. 
"Okay," he echoed, and the tears you were trying so hard to keep in brimmed your waterline, blurring your vision. If he hadn't become one big blob in your vision because of them, you might've seen his eyes soften and his shoulders deflate. 
Maybe he was waiting for you to confront him about it all. So he could end things. Maybe he's been thinking about this for too long, and this was just the final push he needed. You'd like to hope it was a spur of the moment decision, and he wasn't banking on this relationship ending. 
"I'll stay at a friend's," you then murmured, wiping the tears from your eyes, sniffling pathetically. 
"No, this is—"
"—You deserve familiar walls," you cut him off. "I'm sure anything else would freak you out."
He fell silent, because you were right. But he didn't want to kick you out of your own home. He didn't want to kick you out of his life, a sickening revelation he was having all too late.
Maybe that was why, when you turned around to leave, he called your name. Pleadingly. So, you turned back, and he stared at you, and silence fell over you two again. 
"What?" you breathed out after a few too many minutes of quiet. 
"I don't know how to talk to you. Or anyone. Not—not just you."
"About what happened?"
"In general."
You stilled, confusion sweeping across your features, for the thousandth time tonight alone. "You don't have to talk to me, if you can't. Regularly, I mean. That's not... that's not what I'm asking of you. I just need you to communicate with me. I feel like you don't even have feelings for me anymore. That's where most of my issues lie."
"I do have feelings for you."
"It doesn't feel that way."
More silence. More thick, deafening silence that felt like you had submerged your head underwater. And you really just wanted to come to a final conclusion. If this was the end.
"Then is it just that you don't want to be with me anymore? If it is, please tell me," you said, voice pathetically desperate.
He stared at you some more. Silence accompanying him, like some (annoyingly) comforting best friend amidst this conversation. And you slowly nodded your head as what he wanted became clear to you, your heart stuttering uncomfortably in your chest. Your stomach flipping. 
"Indecision doesn't look good on you," you finally cut through the blanket of quiet. "I need a verbal answer, Spencer."
"I do want to be with you—"
"—Then fight, dammit!" you finally snapped, the tears you had managed to control coming back to you, a sob lodging in your throat. "I am sick of you saying you do feel this, and you don't feel that. Make a fucking decision. Please. I cannot keep up a fight for the both of us anymore. You're losing me here, Spencer."
"I'm scared!" he shouted, and you took a step back, his voice vibrating throughout the room. He waged an internal battle for a few moments at your recoil. "That. That right there is what I'm scared of. I am so scared of scaring you."
"You scare me more when you shut down. I will take your anger over your silence."
"I won't," he snapped, watching you flinch. Again. You wanted to stop flinching. 
"It proves to me that you're actually feeling things. Spencer, I feel like I've been living with a ghost."
"I can't control my anger anymore," he added your name with a voice crack, mirroring your heart.
You blink some more tears down your cheeks. "You don't have to. You are allowed to be angry."
"Not around you," he shook his head, his hands brushing curls out of his face. "What if I—I hurt you."
"What if you don't?"
It seemed he hadn't considered that possibility, because he fell silent, and averted his gaze to the ground. He shook his head after a beat. "I can't take that risk."
You stared at him for a moment longer, weighing up your options, before you sighed. "Fine. Don't." He said your name again. "No. If you're not willing to fight, then... then fine. Don't fight. But neither will I."
He didn't say anything as you took a step back from the room. And even as you stilled for a few seconds longer, achingly but silently begging him to ask you to stay, he didn't utter a word. Which was, really, all you needed in confirmation. 
And so you left.
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated dearly ♡
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lowkeyremi · 10 months
when your boyfriend atsumu meets your best friend oikawa it does NOT go well.
you would think their personalities are similar so they'd get a long.
but oh how wrong that was. their egos are both huge so it's like two male peacocks fighting for dominance.
"well they're MY best friend. i met them before you even did! also your dye job is horrendous." oikawa would say to tsumu and he's not even phased because everyone always has something to say about his hair.
"I don't wanna to hear anythin' from someone who didn't make it to nationals at all in high school!!" atsumu would bite back because he plays dirty.
"tsumu! why would you say that??" you're behind atsumu not trying to get into the argument but that was such a low blow you just had to say something.
oikawa would just laugh with venom in his tone, "i bet they didn't tell you I was their first kiss, huh?" oikawa's arms are crossed and he's smiling like a villain.
atsumu whips his head around to look at you, "baby is that true??" shit. there's that pout of his.
"well.. yeah but like we were just trying things out back then... uh it was before i even met you tsumu." you respond nervously.
"i'm so sorry ya had to kiss such 'n ugly person, baby." your eyes about pop out of your skull.
"atsumu stop! babe this is just-"
"they didn't seem to think i was too ugly because they leaned in for another kiss afterward and it turned into a hot make out sesh." the memories come flooding back into your brain of the time you had made out with your best friend.
atsumu is seeing red now, "shut yer trap! they're with me and they love my kisses wayyyy more than yers which is why we're dating and yer just the best friend."
rest assured iwaizumi had finally come back from the bathroom and split the two apart.
"quit it you knuckle heads!! you clearly have a type, why'd you have to go for the snotty obnoxious guys??" he asks you with a roll of his eyes. he's also in the middle of them to keep a fight from breaking out not that you think they'd get physical. both are capable of leaving someone mentally damaged.
"i have no clue iwa, but thank you. let's go atsumu, you're not getting out of this one. i'll call you later, toru!" you drag atsumu by his arm and he's muttering nonsense about hating oikawa.
a/n: i based this off of this :3
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lnfours · 3 months
🍊prompt = drunk confessions while one is taking care of the other
Pleaseeee do this where lando and reader and roommates. Lando goes on a date and reader is upset and gets drunk at home so landos taking care of her and is like why you’ve have so much to drink and she says cause of you
stop im gonna ugly cry thinking abt this
11.8k friends to lovers sleepover
your face felt tight as you scrolled through the tv, trying to find something to watch when the sound of the lock turning echoed through the apartment. the sound didn't excite you like it normally did, just made you bite down on your bottom lip to fight back the tears threatening to spill over your eyes. there wasn't enough preparation you could do to be willing to hear about how his date went tonight.
"hey," he said softly, the apartment door closing behind him, "what're you still doing up?"
you shrugged, "can't sleep."
he noticed the way the words sounded coming out of your mouth and as he neared the living room he spotted the bottle of wine on the coffee table, the empty wine glass sitting next to it.
"were you drinking alone?"
"mhm," your eyes were getting heavy with each second passing, and he could tell as you dropped the remote to the couch cushion. he neared you and offered his hands to you, making you look up at him as he sent you a small smile.
"let's go to bed, yeah?"
you nodded and took his hands, too tired to fight him. too tired to worry about how his date had went and wonder about if she was everything you couldn't be for him.
he led you into the bathroom, helping you as you sat on the counter. he reached around for your toothbrush. you popped it into your mouth, your eyes starting to close before he tapped your thigh. you hummed out of disapproval, wanting nothing more than to be in your bed.
"i know, honey," he said, "why'd you have so much to drink anyway?"
"because of you," you slurred, not noticing the way his body stiffened as you finished up.
"what do you mean?"
you sighed, "because you went on a date and i'm in love with you."
the shock on both of your faces mirrored each other as you looked up at him. the shock that you had let it slip and the shock that you actually felt the same way he did.
"i didn't-"
"no, don't take it back now," he said, slotting himself so he was standing between your legs, "please, don't take it back."
you looked up at him, unsure of what to say as he searched your eyes. he continued, "i'm back from my date early because i realized that what i've been searching for has been right in front of me all along and that's you."
he reached and tucked a stray piece of hair from your face, his hand resting on your cheek a moment after, "it's always been you."
your brain was working faster than you could keep up with as you pulled on the collar of his button up, tugging him closer to you. he let you, your lips meeting his in a kiss.
the kiss held years of pent up love and desire all packed into one singular motion. you pulled away, his breath fanning your face as you tried regaining your breath.
"i love you." you mumbled before letting him capture your lips in another kiss, his hands on your waist as yours snaked around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer.
"i love you, more than anything."
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sunnystars2023 · 2 months
Boyfriend Headcannons; K. Bakugo.
Synopsis; how Katsuki Bakugo acts as a boyfriend.
Word count-516
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Bakugo calls you all sorts of things his constantly used ones for you are Carrots, Dumbass, Hops, Stupid ass, Babe, Baby.
Katsuki is the type to seem like he's not listening to a word you're saying but really is. Like you could be rambling about nothing and think he's not listening and he like "carrots why'd you fucking stop".
Bakugo gets really irritated when too people speak to him at once or when people interrupt over the others when its not important. With his group of extras(friends) this tends to happen a lot. Loads of chaotic people.
Bakugo who doesn't know how to communicate tries really hard to communicate with you because you communicate so well so he feels less than when he can't put it into words for you.
Katsuki gets really riled up if you don't allow him to help you. You help him so much in so many different ways so how dare you not allow him to take your dish back to the kitchen or throw away your trash.
Katsuki who keeps every single thing you have ever given to him, from gum rappers with little love notes and gifts, to coke tabs that you had left in his room.
Katsuki who is so protective over you. He won't let anyone take you away, Not a Villain and definitely not another lame ass person. But he understands and trust you to take matters into your own hands and only steps in when he needs.
Bakugo who always makes sure that you've eaten, drank water, and gotten rest. Sometimes you have so much happening in your brain that you forget to do the basics so he gonna be the one to remind.
Bakugo who has a hard time verbalizing how he feels so he shows you. He tells you he loves you by his actions. Not that he won't say 'I love you' its just sometimes the words get stuck in his throat and don't come out, but that gets better with time as he warms up to you.
Katsuki who tries to keep up with your crazy ass but sometimes you end up going too fast for your self. Funny enough he ends up being the one to mellow you out.
Bakugo is very intense and has a... rich and explosive personality so that makes a quite dynamic difference in your relationship but thats also what causes it to work. You who is chaotic but caring and sweet but also headstrong going with his energy makes your relationship so perfect.
Katsuki who has to care for you because you can be pretty reckless when it comes to your safety. You don't think about what could happen to you you think of who it could save. So Bakugo has to care for you.
Katsuki always has what you need. Point blank.
Katsuki who remembers every single thing you've told him. From every crazy idea to your favorite flower.
Masterlist <-here
Thank you sm for reading! Want more content check out my wattpad @sunnystars2023!
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
the first time you tell opla!zoro that you love him, you're not sober either. (part one here!)
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"i just-i just don't know what to do," you sniffle, another wave of emotions leaking through your tired eyes and onto your tear-stained shirt. "i'm so in love with him it makes me physically ill, nami."
"mhmm, i can tell," she replies absentmindedly, taking another sip from her drink in the musty light of the bar.
"nami," you plead, wasted out of your mind with your cheek pressed against the dirty table.
"sweetheart," she replies with the same melodrama, unable to hide the amusement in her voice.
"i'm so sad." your voice breaks on the last word and you make a loud hiccup-like noise that has the other guests of the bar eyeing you warily. you couldn't guess how long it'd been since you dragged nami from her hammock to go drink your sorrows away. to her credit, she stayed with you until her patience was thinner than a paper cut.
"i know you are," she says slowly after you'd gone over the same topic about four times in the last five minutes. "look, i feel like you should just tell him. he already told you his feelings."
"see, but that's the thing." she shoots you a skeptical look and you sigh back at her. "what if he's lying? or if he didn't actually mean it?"
"why would he lie about something so significant as that?"
"i don't know, maybe he thought i was someone else-"
"from what you've very thoroughly informed me, he expressed his feelings for you, and only you," she reminds you, tilting her glass toward you for emphasis. her gaze flicks up behind you and she raises her eyebrows briefly, like whoever was approaching was another tool for her entertainment. "tell him. it's now or never."
"what the hell do you-"
"you're out of your mind if you think it's okay to get them drunk before a mission." his voice immediately sobers you, white-hot shame coursing through your veins as you sit up and try to make yourself look presentable. thankfully, he's glaring daggers into nami, who merely shrugs and offers something about being here for a good time, not a long time. "c'mon, i'm taking you back to the ship," he mutters, lifting you from your seat and letting you grab his unfairly strong bicep for stability.
"why'd you come get me?" your steps wobble slightly on the cobblestone, but zoro's determination to keep you upright is unwavering. "i could have gone home with nami."
"i got worried about where you were. thought something happened."
"nothing happened except alcohol and feelings," you drawl absentmindedly, the airy feeling in your mind becoming fuzzier the longer you're with him.
"ah, two of my favorite things."
"liar, you only talk about your feelings when you're drunk." blinking slowly to recenter yourself, you cut him off before he can counter your accusation. "like, the other night. when you told me you loved me." the words slip out unplanned and his body becomes deathly still next to you, his arm so tense you could mine it with a pickaxe.
"i said...what?"
"that you loved me and that it was a secret," you say plainly, glancing at him to find his face a nearly imperceptible shade of pink. "what's with the blush?"
"it's nothing," he says quietly. sober you would have left the conversation at that, respecting his need for privacy and security about his private feelings.
drunk you, however, has no such manners.
"look at you, all red and shit." his ears become an even deeper shade of pink and you can't help laughing at his poor attempt to hide his embarrassment. "you wouldn't be so flushed if it was actually nothing, so what is it?"
"it's nothing," he restates. "it doesn't matter."
"it matters to me. you matter to me." his face feels like it's been set on fire and every place your body is making contact with his feels like an electric current. did you have any idea what your words were doing to him, he wondered. sure, what you said made his brain go foggy like the island coastline in the morning, but what you made him feel was so much worse. you made him feel so lovesick, it pained him.
"the sentiment is reciprocated," he murmurs low enough that you can barely hear him. even while you're dancing around in the streetlights, you've never looked so beautiful to him.
"can i tell you a secret?" he swallows thickly, unsure of how to continue navigating this situation. he settles for nodding, every movement restrained to keep from kissing you until the only oxygen in his lungs has gone through yours first. "you can't tell anyone, though."
"i'm a great secret keeper."
"no, you're not," you reply instantly and his mouth gapes indignantly. "you told me your biggest secret and you don't even remember it."
"fine. i won't tell anyone what you tell me, then. i don't know about anyone else," he promises. after what seemed like an eternity, he finally helps you into your hammock, taking great care to make sure you don't fall out. "if i do tell someone, you can kick me in the balls."
"enticing offer," you laugh and his mouth quirks in a half-smile that you only saw once in a blue moon.
"so, the secret?"
"oh, right," you whisper sleepily. "the secret is that i love you too. i love you so much that i want to throw up."
"i think that might be the alcohol, doll," he murmurs, his fingers gently brushing your cheek. "sober you and sober me need to have a long talk in the morning."
"we said that last time but didn't do shit about it."
"well, i think it's time i did something about it." your eyebrows furrow, completely forgetting anything you'd just talked about. it's okay, he figures. he'll show you how much you mean to him when you're both ready.
"did something about what?"
"how much i love you, too."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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frnchgirls · 2 months
warnings: long!, all the angst!!, tyler beat up a guy once :/, infidelity if you squint
when tyler returned to arkansas, you were the last person he expected to see.
in the baking aisle of the piggly wiggly in his hometown was where he found you again after nearly a decade, reading the label on a box of cocoa powder in the same sundress you've had since the two of you dated in high school. thank heavens you notice him and speak first, that way he gets to pretend like he wasn't already contemplating what to say or if you'd even recognize him as soon as he stepped around the corner.
"tyler owens. you got a lotta nerve decidin' to show your face around here." you tease to mask your surprise, pulling your overflowing basket closer to yourself, and holy cow, he thinks you might be prettier now than on the day you met. "oh, really? why's that?" he asks, lifting his hat to greet you. "last i heard, you got famous and moved to new york. the locals don't like it when people make it outta here. must be real jealous." you tell him, and he just nods and strokes his stubble.
"y'know, you're a local. does that mean you're jealous too?" tyler inquires with a smirk, and you're all too quick to reply, "no, sir. knew you were gonna be somethin' the moment i laid eyes on you. only somethin' i've ever wanted to be was a housewife." you smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes. you clear your throat and ask him why he's back in town. "my aunt's getting sick, so i thought i'd see her while i still can. my storm chasin' team's been in the pits without me, too. not a lot of work for me in the northeast, if you can imagine." he confesses, and any trace of happiness on your face disappears.
"oh, ty, i'm so sorry." you apologize, and your gaze lands on the items in your shopping basket. "i was fixin' to go home and whip up some coca-cola cake. dunno if it's still your favorite but, maybe you could come with? take some to your aunt for me?" you offer. he's nodding faster than you can blink, half of the items on his grocery list long forgotten after you've checked out and he follows you to your car.
it's not long before the two of you are sat at your kitchen counter, ribs aching from laughter as you reminisce about your teenage escapades. the sweet smell of warm chocolate emanates from the oven and lingers in the air. tyler asks if you've seen his livestreams. you use every excuse as to why you haven't; that you're too busy, that you don't get good internet in rural arkansas, anything but the truth. seeing him that happy without you is just too painful.
"if there's no work in new york, why'd you move there?" you question, taking a sip of coke. he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "for a girl. a girl from sapulpa." you almost choke on the liquid, causing a little to dribble down your chin. "a girl from sapulpa? what?-" you pause to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, and he continues, "a storm chaser from sapulpa. her name's kate. she quit chasin' and got a job with the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. in new york."
your first thought is that she must be sharp as a tack, getting a job at a fancy place like that. but then a hundred more thoughts swarm your brain; when they might have met, if she's pretty, if she's kind, if he loves her, if he wants to marry her.
but you couldn't possibly ask him all that. you're a lady.
tyler breaks the silence. "you been talkin' to any fellas around here?" he's not sure if he even wants to know. you're not sure if you even want to tell him. you don't look him in the eyes when you say, "yeah, i uh- i've been with bobby for about 3 years now. you remember bobby? from school?" and sure, of course he remembers bobby. he spent all of senior year just trying to keep that meathead away from you.
"you know i hated him, right?" tyler spits, running a hand through his hair as he leans over the counter, getting closer to you, "i almost killed him when he tried asking you to prom in front of me. in front of everybody. it was embarrassing." your lip quivers as the distance closes between you. "well, he's different now." you retort, trying to convince him, trying to convince yourself. "that's a load of horse shit." he scoffs, "why are you going out with him, really?"
"maybe because he didn't abandon me, tyler!" you exclaim, and you shudder when you feel his warm breath against your skin. he cups your cheeks in his hands. "hey, hey. peach, look at me. i would've taken you to oklahoma with me in a heartbeat. why didn't you tell me?" he asks, searching your teary eyes. but how do you explain that leaving wasn't your dream? that you would have been happy growing old with him right here? that staying with him would have just held him back? that you had to let him go?
he kisses you. and fuck, you haven't been kissed in so long. but he's not yours anymore.
you force yourself to push him away. "tyler, no. we can't. we can't." you tell him, the words thick as molasses as they fall from your tongue. he reaches for your wrist as you rise from your seat, but you're pulling back before he gets ahold of it. "leave. get out of my house." you speak over him as he begs for the two of you to talk it out. "i mean it, tyler owens. go home." and that's enough to send him on his way, slamming your front door behind him.
by some coincidence, the timer on the oven goes off, letting you know the coca-cola cake you had just forgotten about was done baking. you think maybe you'll eat it all yourself. maybe you'll throw it out. maybe you'll share it with bobby. maybe you'll break up with him.
maybe in another life, you could've been enough for tyler.
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bluewhitehues · 1 month
"An I love you card."
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(Yes another HUG series drabble, sue me for missing them. They are my home😭)
Idol Kim Mingyu× F.reader
Genre/tags :fluff,comfort,Established relationship.
Summary: Reader just misses her lover so much. + mingyu buys an apartment so that he can finally ask you to live together with him.
(My brain isn't functioning a lot lately so idk about the summary,just read the fic you will understand, ok bye cuties🏃‍♀️‍➡️😭)
You: Lover...I'm breaking up with you if you don't come and give me my hugs till tonight.
Gyu❤️: Baby hello to you too and wtf you scared the shit out of me why'd you start your text like that😭..I'm coming okay wait for me
You: you better if you want me in your life👍🏻
Gyu❤️: stop scaring me ...don't you love me anymore? 🥺🥺
You: yeah and on a serious note love I'm not trying to make you feel bad about this I understand that you have work ..it's just I want to see you and hold you ..I miss you 🥺🤐
Gyu❤️: I Know love I know ..do you need something to eat should I get you something?
You: You.. I'm gonna eat your cheeks and lips off
Gyu❤️: oh god babe you've lost it ..is this what the lack of me does to you?
You: It does..it's a serious issue you dont understand
Gyu❤️: okay sweets gotta go I'll be there till 9-10pm may be ..rest till then ok?bye love you mwahhhh
You: yes can't wait to see you love you too❤️
Currently it's 5PM of your day off and you're about to cry because you miss your lover. Honestly it hasn't been that long since you met him. You saw each other nearly 24 hours back. But those meetings has been like just some fleeting moments. And you can't help but miss him from deep within. Your week has been exhausting too and he cures literally everything for you.
It's still 4-5 hours till you can see him. You're not even sleepy anymore you already took a nap. So you just decide to do some self care. You put a sheet mask on your face. (And make a silly face with a pout for the selfie and send it to mingyu. Like Ofcourse.) You even do your nails. Then you get a silly idea to make a greeting card for him with a letter may be. You excitedly take a white paper and few colours, pencils,pens everything.
You draw a cute panda holding a heart. And write 'An I love you card' below it.
And put a cute letter inside it.
After that you eat dinner and wait for him.
You hear the keys rustling and know it's him. You've already done a lot of waiting so you go almost running to the door, your heart beating fast. He comes inside locking the door, when he turns around you're there already running to him, crashing into his arms. He let's out a surprised chuckle wrapping his arms around you.
"Hey there, looks like you missed me a little too much huh" He said closing his eyes feeling you in his arms, your warmth invading his chest and to whole body and his to yours. That's the most beautiful feeling and the very reason why you crave it so much.
You hum in the hug, clutching him tightly.
"I did and I'm not going to let you go now."
Then you look up and he sees your face and eyes, it looks like you're about to cry. Eyes teary while looking up at him and a small pout. He coos at you, instantly holding your face in his hands. "Aww my baby, what happened I'm here now aren't I hmm" He says wiping the corners of your eyes.
You lean into his touch. "I don't know..you made me cry." You pout harder and he leans down to peck your pout. Once, twice. "Don't say that.. what did I do?" He asks pouting back.
You look everywhere moving your eyes as if thinking of something to say. "You were just saying anything,weren't you?" He giggles now that he has figured you out. Squishing your face in adoration. His eyes crinkling as he smiles wide.
You nod,letting out a laugh. "Yeah you know me."
"Mhm thought so." He says then picking you up. He walks to the couch in living room,flopping down on it with you in his lap.
"You sure everything's ok baby?" He asks kissing your head.
"Yeah just...missed you so much." You whisper in his neck,where your face is buried. He rubs your back soothingly. You pull back from the hug to look at him.
"Did you eat?" You ask tracing his face with your fingers. "Mhm I did with the guys." He says sighing into your touch. Placing his forehead on your shoulder. You caress his hair, hugging him tighter and kissing his temple, then ear and then neck. He tilts his head towards your neck and places sweet pecks on your neck too. You pull back making him look up at you, you put your forehead on his saying "kiss me."
And he smiles, complying to you without wasting a single second. He kisses you and you feel home again. He squeezes you to himself hugging you tighter so you know he missed you just as much. You share a few sweet kisses and then pull back.
"You know how bored I was ...I spent the whole day alone." You tell him.
"I wish I had a day off too baby, I'd have loved to spend my whole day with you." He says pouting a little, tucking your hair strand behind your ear.
"It's okay you're here now" You say giving him a smile and a peck at his nose. He scrunches it cutely with a chuckle.
" Oh wait !! I've something for you." You say suddenly remembering something. Your eyes a little wide with excitement. You get up so fast from his lap. You pick up the card from table and hand it over to him.
He takes it, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion but a smile on his face.
"An I love you card" He reads and looks up to you with a bright smile. "Oh my god babe you're so fucking cuteeee ahh" he says laughing while pulling you closer by your waist,so you're standing in front of him.
"You've to open it " You let out a giggle urging him to open it.
'There are so many shitty people in the world but I Met you..I have you..how did I get you? You're so lovable you know? And I love you for who you are. So kind,loving,caring. You keep calling me angel but you are the real angel. Thank you for coming into my life. I love you so much. I'm writing this because you need to know this and also because I fucking miss you right now. Ok bye don't make fun of me after this.' ~only yours,y/n.
You see all of his expressions with each word,with each line he reads, he melts a little more. h
He tries to control his smile. He looks up at you with tearful eyes. Grabbing your hand he pulls you closer. "How are you so cute baby." He sighs caressing your hands, "How did you get me you say..?.. But how did I get you?" "You're so precious you know that ? It's not even my birthday or anything special, it's just a random day and you're here making me feel so loved." He's looking up at you with so much love in his eyes with a sweet grin on his face, which you love so much.
You chuckle combing your fingers through his slightly long hair. "Baby, it's just me saying I love you in a silly way,it's nothing special.it's just a card."
"Well it is special to me." He says pulling you on his lap again. "And I'm going to cherish it forever, I'll keep it safe with me...thank you." "And I love you too by the way." He says grinning wide,giving you a peck on the lips.
"And I was going to do something special to tell you this or may be I should have asked you before doing this but.." He sighs.." I don't know I just love you so much and I want you to know, I want you with me always. So.." He takes a breath to prepare himself. He fishes out keys from his pocket. "I've been carrying these around since a week." He chuckles nervously, while your heart is beating fast.
"I know I should have probably asked you before doing this, but I just ..I wanted to do it for us ...so ..I bought an apartment for us . It's registered under both of our names."
You gasp "gyuu-" your eyes wide.
"I-I know baby ..it's a big step but ...will you move in with me baby?" He asks finally. "You know that I want a future with you right? For me You're my one and only." He says clutching your hands in his.
You finally let out a sob mixed with a watery laugh. Nodding furiously you say "You're my one and only too gyu. Shit I didn't know you'd do something like this ..but I've thought about this almost daily, when I want you to hold me to sleep. When I want to see you as soon as I open my eyes in the morning. Fuck you don't know how much I miss you when we can't meet or whenever I have to sleep alone." You sniffle and he's wiping your tears, nodding along with whatever you're saying.
"It's a little scary but I trust you with my whole life, so yes I'd very much love to move in with you."
His puppy eyes slowly get bigger in size as he gets happy "Really? Oh my god...I love youuu" He says getting up with you, spinning you.
"Oh my god you're going to make us fall..slow down." You laugh as his giggles fill the room. He stops putting you down on the ground.
"Is tomorrow ok with you? I want to show you the place first then we can decide the rest." He asks. "Yes." You say becoming a blushing mess making him coo at you.
a/n: idk if this is any good but i wrote this in June, finally finished it. Also im sorry for making you wait for 'I hate you not' series.it's also halfway done but it'll take a lot of time for me to actually post it. I'm more into reading than writing these days so please feel free to suggest me some good fics. Thank you for reading this. Hope y'all are having a nice day 🥹🫶
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cheolism · 4 months
hello my beloved jupiter i would like to peek at the kinkiest jun thots inside ur brain pretty please 🤓
✰ wen junhui x reader ✷ wc is approx 1.5k ✰ warnings: nsfw! salirophilia and olfactophilia (attraction to the state of being dirty; attraction to body odor/scent). ✷ notes: based off of that one thing napoleon allegedly wrote to his wife asking her not to bathe before he came home. thank you mars (@onlymingyus) and junie for helping me w the names of the kinks!!
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jun wakes up to the uncomfortable feeling of being terribly warm.
the summer sun blazes through the bedroom windows, peering through the blinds and casting its light. the aircon kicks on in the next room, the box fan -- set on top of a dining room chair jun had dragged into the room -- whirling gently, casting a slight breeze onto jun's face.
he's still unbearably hot.
the two of you had gone to bed at midnight, the temperature dropping considerably compared to what it had been that afternoon. you turned the aircon to the perfect temperature; jun switched on the fan. he tucked the duvet around your figure, giggling alongside you as you wiggled your toes underneath. and then he had ducked underneath the covers, pressing his body to yours and tucking his face into your neck.
naturally, cursedly, time crawled on as the two of you slept and eventually the sun rose into the sky, coloring it a lovely blue. the room had heated up, despite the aircon doing its best, and so jun woke with his shirt sticking uncomfortably to his arms and his mind hazy with heat.
irritated, he throws off the duvet and swings his feet over the edge of the bed. he had stopped cuddling you sometime in the night, and perhaps that is why he's truly pissed.
he checks the temperature outside -- eighty-seven fahrenheit, what the fuck -- and then adjusts the thermostat. the aircon kicks back on, and he stumbles back into the bedroom.
you're frowning at him from the bed, lips in a pout and brow pinched. "why'd you leave?"
jun jumps back into the bed, throwing the duvet back over his figure and latching onto you. "was hot," he explains, and then he's ducking his face to press it against your neck.
his nose nuzzles into the baby hairs at the back of your neck, breathing. his hand settles onto your hip, and then he's sliding his fingers underneath the waistband of your boxers. jun doesn't do anything more, just keeps his fingers against your skin, warm from your body.
he presses his face against you, lips skimming over your warm skin. you're wearing a tank top, and he thinks, faintly, that just like the boxers the tank top is his.
you sigh as his mouth dips to your collar. he presses his lips against your skin, pushing his tongue out and feeling the hard bone hidden beneath.
he moves again. jun presses his face into the valley between your tits, concealed by the tank top. it's hot there, heat radiating off of your tits and trapped beneath the tank top, which in turn was covered by the duvet.
you're hot there, and when jun noses along the gentle curve of one of your tits he can smell you.
it's the smell that comes from sleep and heat. it's a smell that is so inherently, distinctly you. it's the smell of your soul, he thinks, his dick beginning to swell in his boxers and his fingers twitching down down down, until the tips of them are touching the hairs of your cunt.
"junnie," you hum, reaching out and looping an arm around him. he catches a whiff of that gentle scent of sleep and heat, and then he's mouthing at your tits through the fabric and settling his hand against your pussy.
"i'll be home late," you murmur into your phone. he can hear the noise of the conference through his phone speaker. you had told him, before you left, to prepare for as much; had, optimistically, said that it would be over at four but seungkwan had booked a room with a karaoke machine so you may end up staying longer.
"are you having fun?" jun asks, bracing against the counter with his free hand and glancing over the ingredients he had set out. he'll have to put the pork back into the fridge, package the chopped veggies and hope they'll be as fresh tomorrow. really, though, it's for the best; he's low on egg roll wrappers and doesn't know if he'll have enough for a full meal.
"yeah," you say, and he can hear the smile in your voice. it's like bottled sunshine, the way it seems to settle within him and lighten his soul. "we got free pens."
"holy shit," jun says, and you laugh. eventually, though, you hang up; he can hear seungkwan scolding you for being on your phone during a company conference before you manage to end the call.
jun packs away the veggies and pork, snapping the lids onto the plastic container and stacking them in color order in the fridge.
he throws two packets of ramen on the counter; checks on the rice in the cooker. with thirty minutes left for the rice to be done, he leaves the kitchen and begins wandering about the apartment.
there's a sock in the hall. he swoops down, grabbing it and balling it into his fist. he rounds into the bedroom, and he begins picking up your discarded sleep clothes.
he throws your shirt over the crook of his arm — it once belonged to choi seungcheol, but the man had left it in jun's gym bag when he borrowed it once and so it had been put into rotation as a sleep shirt for the both of you. you wore your own panties and shorts to bed, and he picks up those, too.
they're one of your favorite pairs. they’re on the side of nearly too-raggedy, the elastic loose around your hips. jun remembers the first time he saw you wear them, nearly two years ago; remembers how he had pulled them down your thighs; how they had been soaking wet from your cunt, how he hadn’t been able to resist the urge to bring them up to his nose and —
jun presses his thumb into the flat seat of your panties, stretching them. whatever wetness that may have been there from your cunt had long dried. he can see the faint bleaching from your fluids on your panties. 
he lifts your panties up to his nose; breathes in. he smells you, still, hours later. jun can smell yoru essence, the very fabric of your being. slowly jun slides his hand down his stomach, fingers gliding over the veins of his hips and following down down down. 
you look, jun thinks, absolutely destroyed. 
the half-assembled desk still takes up a majority of the second bedroom, metals bars sticking straight up and wooden surface flat against the floor. you’ve paused the music you had been blaring for the past hour, staggering into the living room with your phone in hand and a scowl on your face. 
“you want help?” jun calls, setting his own phone flat onto his bare stomach and stretching. 
“i can do it,” you snap, dropping your phone onto the lazyboy. your hair is pulled up off of your neck, strands escaping and flying about. your face gleams from sweat and your natural oils. you’re wearing a baggy shirt and pants, and when you lift an arm to grab at the ceiling fan string, he can see a patch of sweat on the armpit of your shirt. 
you are destroyed; you had attempted to build the desk and came out of it sweaty and ruined, pissed and unsatisfied. 
jun pats his thighs, sitting up a bit. you huff, and then you’re waddling over to him. you throw your leg over him, knee digging into the cushions as you settle back on him. 
your jaw drops, and you reach back and slap his thigh. “what the fuck are you hard about?”
“you’re beautiful,” jun says, taking you in once more. you’re messy and sweaty, and he wants you. 
his hands go to your thighs, settling. he smoothes his hands over your sweatpants, grabbing, groping, feeling you. 
you roll your eyes. jun moves up, wrapping his arms around your body to keep you in his lap. he presses his face into your neck, and you groan something out about being too hot for this. he can smell your sweat, your stink; he can feel his dick swell in his pants, can feel it strain and want. 
“wen junhui —”
jun pushes his tongue out, sliding it against your skin and tasting the salt of you. you let your head fall to the side, and jun slides a hand into your hair, feeling how hot and sweaty they are at the very start of them. it takes some shifting to get your sweatpants down your thighs, to tuck them under your knees and give him some space, but he does. 
and then jun is shoving his hand against your cunt. it’s hot and sweaty here, too, just like he had hoped. he can feel, through your underwear, how wet you are. the cloth near the elastic, damp from sweat; the cloth covering your cunt wet from your juice. 
jun pushes back again, and then your shoulders are against the cushions and he’s between your thighs. he pulls your sweats and underwear the rest of the way down your legs, discarding them next to the couch. jun lowers himself, pressing his face against your hot, sweaty cunt and breathing in. 
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osaemu · 11 months
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.ೃ࿐ modern!au: you run into your ex-best friend's brother after a long time
contents: fem!reader. use of she/her pronouns. ayaka's a little ooc. this was supposed to be 800 words but ended at over a thousand..
author's note: comm'd by @/kruinka, thanks for the trade!!
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"shit, i'm so sorry—"
you look up sheepishly at the man in front of you, wincing when you see the dark, coffee-scented stain on his crisp white shirt. your face burns in embarrassment as you trip over your words, coming to a halt when you see his face.
a name registers in your brain, but you don't actually connect it to him until he clears his throat and starts to speak. "ah, don't worry about it. i have a lot of these shirts," he says awkwardly. 
kamisato ayato.
your ex-best friend's older brother.
ayato tilts his head, soft blue eyes surveying the brown liquid dripping down his chest before looking at you. thankfully, there's no sign of recognition in his face as he offers you a comforting smile. "really, there's no need to look that horrified. you're fine."
"i'm so sorry," you mumble, setting the half-empty coffee cup on a table nearby before snatching a couple napkins and stiffly handing them to ayato. "i should go."
you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and start turning around before he calls "wait," essentially forcing you to stay back. ayato studies your flustered expression intently, and unfortunately, luck doesn't seem to be on your side today.
"you're my sister's friend, right?" he asks, looking down at you thoughtfully. you bite the inside of your cheek and force yourself to shrug. it'd be rude to leave now, especially since ayato's made that connection between you and his sister.
he dabs one of the napkins on his shirt, but it only makes the brown spread from his shirt to the cuff of his sleeve. you curse profusely in your head, but common courtesy forces you to take another napkin and help him out.
"so," ayato continues, "what did that mean?"
you pause, looking up at him with a confused look on your face. ayato smiles ruefully and clarifies, "why'd you shrug?"
"oh," you say nonchalantly, busying yourself with folding another napkin and soaking the coffee from his shirt into it. "nothing."
"really," ayato deadpans, slipping his hands into his pocket. "am i supposed to believe that?"
"really!" you insist, pressing the napkin into his chest a little harder than you meant to.
the truth was that it wasn't nothing — in fact, far from it. you and ayaka had a pretty bad falling out, and worst of all, it was over him. 
just under a year ago, you had offhandedly told another friend that you sort-of liked ayaka's brother (even though he was older than you by a couple years). it wasn't supposed to be a big deal, but of course, word got around that you found you had a crush on your best friend's brother. naturally, ayaka was pissed, but in your eyes, it wasn't a big deal and it wasn't even a real crush.
but rumors change stories, and what once was said to be a crush was now viewed as true love. people told ayaka that you wanted to marry her brother, and as word got around more and more, the stories just kept getting worse.
you never did find out if ayato heard the rumors. maybe ayaka told him, or maybe she didn't see the need to bother her big brother with matters as trivial as you.
"it doesn't look like it was nothing," ayato presses, a soft lilt of amusement coating his words. "tell me, pretty please? i'd love to get some dirt on my little sister."
ayato grins, widening his eyes playfully as he begs you to tell him. "c'mon, you just ruined my shirt. the least you can do is tell me what happened between you and my sister."
you shake your head, and ayato groans stubbornly. "you owe me," he tries, but you still don't reply. "please? it can't be that bad."
"oh, it's bad," you say dryly, flicking two soiled napkins into a nearby trash can. "i wouldn't want to ruin your opinion of me this soon."
ayato scoffs, removing his hand from his pocket and grabbing your chin. a little hm? escapes from your lips, and it makes ayato laugh. he eyes you pleadingly, and although you know enough about him to know that this is all just a means to an end, your heart still skips a beat at the way his cool fingers grasp at your skin.
"what are you—"
"tell me," he breathes, cutting you off as he leans in teasingly. ayato knows exactly what he's doing, and the way he sees it, there's no reason why he can't make his sister's friend (or not) blush just a little. it's cute, really, the way your breath catches in your throat. and maybe the way he can practically see the gears turning in your head makes him smile.
"ayato," a familiar voice calls from the coffee shop doorway. "what's taking you so lo— what is going on?!"
you stumble back from ayato, eyes widening in surprise at the all too familiar voice of your ex-best friend. ayaka pauses for a second, surveying the scene before narrowing her ice-blue eyes at you. 
"so, ayato," she says, resting both of her hands on her hips. ayaka turns to her brother and glares at him. "wanna explain why you're flirting with her?"
ayato laughs and gestures at the coffee-colored stain on his shirt before turning to you and offering an apologetic smile. "looks like i'm the one who should get going. we should do this again sometime."
he waves bye, and you nod in response. ayaka gives you a suspicious look before looping her arm in her brother's and sweeping him away. they gradually fade into the distance, and you eventually leave.
a couple hours later, you recieve a text.
hey it's ayato, got your number from ayaka
you wanna treat me to boba tmrw? then you can tell me everything ;)
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loupy-mongoose · 6 months
I wish my art motivation and my "want-to-move-the-story-along" motivation would get along, lol.
There's so much I rather would've drawn for this, but my brain is still in the Hisui rot. So, I'll have to make due.
Speech guide:
Randy's speech Jamie's speech (Pokespeak in parentheses) ~~Telepathy is in... these things... Whatever they're called. XD~~
The group spread out among the foliage, keeping their eyes keen and calling out Midas' name.
As they searched, Akoya sent her husband a private vent.
~~Rrrrrrrrrgggghhh! ~~ ~~Why'd she have to come with us?!~~ ~~We'll find him fine on our own, then get right back to her. She doesn't need to babysit us! What threat do we pose anyway??~~
Randy struggled to suppress a sigh. ~~I know, Hon. But we really shouldn't do anything to upset her. We're on her turf right now, and she seems to be a high authority on it.~~
~~Huh. Well I'll be happy to be done with this and back home safely in Paldea.~~
~~I know. Believe me, I know. But let's just focus on one thing at a time, okay? Right now we need to make our way to Midas without her figuring out we can feel him.~~
Randy felt a stab of regret from her direction, and glance at her to see her giving him a remorseful look.
~~...I'm sorry.~~
Randy struggled to hide shock from Jamie.
~~For what?~~
~~For being difficult...~~ ~~Thank you for being patient with me, and... all this...~~
Seeing that Jamie was searching facing away from them, he met his wife's eyes and gave her a warm smile.
~~Of course, Akoya!~~ ~~I look forward to having Midas back and getting a chance to really talk in private.~~
Akoya sighed lightly.
~~Me too...~~
The pink-and-blue Mew perked up his ears, his tear-stained eyes opening wide.
His companion, a fluffy pink and russet Mew, also looked toward the calling voice. A purr was rattling from her in an attempt to calm the poor child she'd come across and curled around reassuringly.
Suddenly the young Mew bolted, startling his companion into silence.
Midas slammed into his mother's chest. His voice came out as a whimper.
After a brief shock, Akoya smiled and hugged the little Mew close under her chin, and her eyes welled with tears. Midas... Oh thank Arceus...
Midas' fluffy companion flew up and nuzzled Jamie's head. Before Randy could comment on her, the girl gave her a startled look, but quickly recomposed herself.
(Hey, Jamie! Good to see you!)
It's good to see you too! But... a little surprising. Randy caught the quickest dart of her eyes in their direction. Clearly she was implying something, but what that was, he had no idea.
The stranger Mew smiled at the three newcomers. There was an... odd gleam in her eyes, but she turned back to Jamie, not giving any chance to ponder it.
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Randy and Akoya exchanged glances. There was no avoiding it this time. She'd caught them all red-handed.
The man sighed. Yes, we all understand it.
Akoya's face turned serious, although she couldn't hide the shock she'd received. How did you know?
Educated guess. You reacted when Clover mentioned the bag. The red-haired girl met Akoya's eyes, but she appeared neutral, rather than hostile. Randy noticed that that subtle curiosity had returned.
Beside him, he saw his wife shudder. ...I don't like how sharp you are...
Much to Randy's surprise, Jamie gave a regretful smile. Force of habit. She took a snappy breath, as if to recenter herself, and straightened her postured. Shall we move on to the house?
The three Lindens looked at each other and nodded, and they set off again. But before they went far, Jamie turned to look at Akoya once more.
...So, did Midas call you "Mama"?
Feeling a wave of exasperation from Akoya, Randy answered for her, desperate to escape this weird dance of secrets they'd ended up in. We'll explain later. Can we just get somewhere where we can breathe?
The group continued on as the sun began to sink. Jamie's fluffy Mew buddy, Pari, floated leisurely around them, sometimes humming happily, sometimes picking up a chat with Jamie. Sometimes they would pass folks on the road, and Pari would wave cheerfully or let them pet her as she purred.
Randy realized then what Jamie had meant about this being a safe place for Midas to be lost at. Clearly the locals were used to having a Mew around--or two, if Jovie was as friendly and close to the people as Pari. Some Pokemon that roamed close by would come greet Jamie warmly, happy to see her back after her time away. And Randy caught glimpses of a deep, genuine smile on her face as she talked with them
He sighed, wishing things could be straight-forward, and hoped the two parties could soon find a comfortable middle ground.
He felt a gentle hand take his own, and looked over at his wife, unable to resist a soft smile as he met her eyes. Her other arm was tucked into her jacket to support Midas, who had refused to go back into the bag and was now hidden in there. Randy had taken possession of the bag.
He looked to his other side at Lav, who seemed as drained as he was. She'd been very quiet since they arrived, and he longed to pick her brain. But now wasn't the time. He felt a pang of guilt that she'd been so sidelined by all this.
He placed his hand on her far shoulder, looking for a cue that a hug would be okay. She turned up to him with tired eyes, giving a half-hearted smile and leaning into him. He tightened his grip around her.
As they walked, seeing their escort and new Mew companion at ease with the residents, his children safe in their arms and his wife and best friend by his side... he felt a deep peace settle in him.
Once they could get all the secrets and misunderstandings out of the way...
It wouldn't be so bad here.
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turnersverse · 6 months
with the exception of you i dislike everyone in the room.
a/n: this is my first fic and i have no idea what i'm doing so please bear with! please feel free to leave any feedback bc the last time i wrote was over a year ago sooooo ...
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you discover alex's true feelings for you after finding his notebook he is always writing in but never shows anyone
friends to lovers, alex and reader have been friends for about 10 years !
you'd been in the studio all day with the band, even though you weren't apart of it you would often help with some of the guitar parts, seeing as you played it yourself. the monkeys already had about 4 songs for their new record, and you had a feeling this album could boost them to worldwide fame.
you were sat next to jamie, who was plucking at random strings on his guitar, his face scrunched up in concentration as he worked out in his brain the arrangement of notes. matt and nick were stood behind alex, who was hunched over his notebook that he wrote anything to do with the monkey's music in.
"al, mate, we need the lyrics. i don't know what i'm doing over here." jamie said, still looking at his guitar.
"just write a riff or something, i dunno." alex mumbled, before adding. "and can you two stop breathing down my neck? all i'm going to be able to write is how nick o'malley's annoyingly hot breath was gliding over the back of my head."
matt and nick just laughed as alex glared at them, nick starting to purposefully blow air at alex.
"right, stop it now." alex frowned, standing up from his seat. "i'm going for a smoke." and with that he left the room.
"he's got loads of songs in that stupid little book, he just doesn't want us to see them. i have a theory that he's just gonna start a solo project." matt said, sitting down on the sofa next to you. nick still hovered by alex's previous seat, looking between the notebook and the other three.
"no, nick, you can't." you said, knowing what nick was planning on doing.
matt caught on quickly, "i mean, it wouldn't hurt. al's not gonna know..."
"yeah but if he doesn't want us to see them, he'll have a good reason for it." you argued. jamie sighed and stood up, walking to the door.
"i'll go speak to him." the guitarist said before leaving the room.
you sat back, more comfortably, on the sofa. "why don't one of you write something? 'r u mine' is fairly based on the drums."
matt just scoffed, "yeah, i'll write summat, and then alex will come up with some lyrics that won't fit it at all." this had happened just the other day with jamie, who had written 'the best riff of his life' (as he'd called it) before alex showed the rest of the band the lyrics to a song he'd called 'mad sounds', which was much slower than what jamie had come up with.
"lets just have a peak.." nick said, inching closer to the notebook.
"nick, no." you said firmly.
"nick, yes!" matt said, a stupid grin on his face. the drummer looked at his mate, and a look was exchanged between the two. before you could even register their plan, matt had pinned your arms behind your back as nick grabbed the notebook.
you gasped in shock, looking between the two lads. matt was laughing whilst nick flicked through the book, until he stopped. you watched as his eyes scanned the page, before he spoke up. "hey, this is really good."
"let us see then." matt said, and nick handed the notebook to matt. you glanced over, although you knew your best mate would be fuming if he found out, the anticipation had got to you. scribbled at the top of the page were the words 'stop the world i wanna get off with you'. you read through the lyrics, finding that the song was obviously some sort of love song.
"that is really good." you said quietly, a few lyrics sticking out to you. a few phrases you'd heard before. matt hummed, and started tapping the floor with his foot. he flicked to the next page, where alex had written the guitar part.
"oh yeah." matt nodded, "this is similar to the tune we did the other day. 'why'd you only call me when you're high?'"
nick nodded, "yeah i noticed that. dunno who the lyrics are about but its pretty good." as he mentioned the lyrics, matt glanced at him, a certain look in his eyes.
you caught that, confusion written on your face. alex was your best mate, if something was going on, he'd tell you. but you felt like you were missing something here.
just as nick was about to say something, alex and jamie walked back into the room. you, matt and nick all looked between each other and alex, your eyes saying 'uh oh'. alex glanced at matts lap and saw the book.
"what the fuck?" he stormed over to matt and snatched his precious notebook up.
"alex, its good!" matt said, raising his arms up in defence.
"i dont want to do that one." he said angrily.
"why not?" you added in, looking at alex.
alex sighed, looking at you before sitting in the seat he had been in before. "lets just do something else."
"no, lets do this." nick said, his hands now on his hips.
"i wanna see." jamie said, walking to alex and picking up the notebook. alex didnt stop him, he just sat watching jamie's reaction.
after a few moments, jamie looked up with a smile, "this is really good."
"thanks." alex mumbled.
"we could do it. we could do a bit of.." matt stood up and went to his drums, picking up his drumsticks and drumming a bit of a beat. "we could do a bit of that."
alex nodded in approval, "yeah. i wrote the guitar as well. its on the next page."
matt smiled, now knowing that alex had given in as jamie flicked to the next page and looked at the guitar part. "yeahhhhh." he said, nodding his head. he put the notebook down and picked up his guitar, strumming the parts he remembered. everyone in the room collectively nodded, as nick picked up his bass and started playing stuff that would go along with the main guitar.
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the band finished up in the studio 3 hours later, with a demo recorded for the album. alex had offered for you to go round his for tea, and you had gladly accepted. this was something the two of you did often; you would get together and order some sort of takeaway and spend most of the night talking. this had been a sort of tradition ever since alex bought his first house, and you and him spent the first night in there talking until the sun rose.
alex put out his cigarette before unlocking his car as you finished locking up the building. you got into the passenger side, flicking the radio on when alex started the car.
'starman' by david bowie was playing, a song you had always been fond of. you hummed along the the melodies as alex sat in a comfortable silence.
"i was thinking of covering summat for the album." alex spoke up, his accent prominent in his words.
"yeah?" you glance over at him, knowing he probably had an idea of what he wanted to cover by the tone of his voice.
"i was thinking that poem, the one you really like."
"what, 'i wanna be yours'?"
alex nodded. "yeah. thought it would be nice."
you nodded, a small smile on your face. "if you could pull it off. whats all this about though, with the new song and that? a new lover maybe?" you said, wiggling your eyebrows at alex.
"what? no!" he said, looking at you and then back at the road. "stop wiggling your eyebrows at me, you knob."
you just laugh in response, shaking your head as you turned your attention to the road. after a few moments, alex spoke up again.
"did you like the song though? i thought the lyrics were a bit.. i dunno.. cheesy."
"i think it's really good, al. it's similar to the stuff you wrote for 'suck it and see', in a way." you commented, holding back the other thoughts you had.
"yeah, i havent been feeling very.. romantic, lets say, since me and alexa broke up." alex said quietly, knowing that for the past 10 years, there probably hadn't been a single day he hadn't felt that way.
the two settled into a comfortable silence for the remainder of the journey back to alex's house. when they arrived, alex unlocked the door and you went straight to his living room, grabbing 'your' blanket from the back of the settee before settling in the corner of his l-shaped sofa, where you always sat. alex came back into the room with two cans: a can of carling and a pre-mix malibu and pineapple. he passed the latter to you, a quiet 'thank you' leaving your lips.
"chinese or pizza?" alex said, holding up the menus he had also collected from the kitchen.
you hummed, thinking for a moment. "pizza. usual order?"
alex nodded, reaching for his phone to order the food. you got comfy in your seat, pulling the blanket over your legs. you took the tv remote off the coffee table and flicked through the channels, not really reading what was on as something else plagued your mind.
"alright, cheers mate." alex said as he ended the call. "pizza will be here in 45 minutes."
you nodded, your eyes still focused on the tv screen. alex came and sat down next to you, pulling some of the blanket on to his lap and watching you try to find something to watch.
"that sounds good." he said to a true crime series you had stopped your scrolling to read the description of. you clicked on it and placed the remote back down on the coffee table, now concentrating on the series.
alex watched you for a few moments before watching the tv as well. he felt as if something was off with you. usually you would rest your head on his shoulder. he also felt like you'd been a lot quieter today, which you never are.
"are you okay?" he spoke up, watching you turn to look at him.
"uh, yeah." you said quickly, turning your attention back to the screen.
sighing, alex reached for the remote and paused the series. "no you're not. whats up?"
you pull your legs up to your chest, avoiding eye contact. "nothing, its just.." you trail off.
"just..?" alex said, waiting for you to continue.
you sigh, just deciding to spit it out. "the new song.. the lyrics."
alex felt his heart drop, knowing that you knew. "yeah?"
"'with the exception of you i dislike everyone in the room'. you said that to me. at the 'suck it and see' release party." you say, quietly.
"y/n.." alex said, praying silently for you to look at him. "i'm sorry."
you look up at him, confusion written all over your face. "why are you sorry?"
"i dunno, i'm sorry for letting my silly old heart feel like this. i understand if you don't feel the same. but every word in that song is true. the meaning of it all.. and i've always felt this way. thats not the only one as well. so many songs have been inspired by you, and how i feel for you. i'm so, so sorry if you don't reciprocate these feelings, but i can't hide them anymore." alex said, and you could see it all in his eyes. the desperation for you to feel the same, the fear of rejection, the look of love.
you didn't know what to do. you knew you felt the same, and it scared you. it scared you that you'd always loved alex, but could never bring yourself to do anything about it. you never dreamed he would feel the same until today.
"please say something." alex said quietly, watching you.
"i feel the same way." was all you could say at first. you watched as the look in alex's eyes completely changed, how it softened.
"it scares me alex, because i dont want to lose you. i can't lose you. you're my best friend, but i've always felt more. i've always longed to be the one you write songs about. the one you kiss goodnight and wake up beside every morning. but i'm so, so scared. i'm scared i'll ruin it all and i'll lose you. i'm scared of love." you say quietly. the next thing you knew, alexs arms were around your waist, pulling you to his chest.
you clutched onto him, relishing in the feeling of being in his arms. "don't feel like that. don't be scared. you'll never lose me." alex said softly.
you look up at him, watching as his gaze flickered between your eyes and lips, your breath stolen away as he closed the gap between you and met your lips with his. and in that moment, you knew that had been where you were wrong. as your lips fit alex's perfectly like a puzzle. you knew you were made for each other, soulmates both platonically and romantically.
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another little a/n: i didn't really know where i was going with this, and i'm sorry if the endings shit😪
p.s if you noticed the miles reference ily
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painism · 4 months
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FIRST KISSES ! featuring , jjk, aot, mha, cod, bsd, tr ... more
warnings :: multiple media, fluff, no mature themes, first kisses, female reader, pet names from all under the sun used, not proof read, messy, ōs like this for fun, to avoid plagiarism
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stumbling through the front door, kicking off his shoes from his exhausting day at work, a long day -- longer than usual. those around him more irritating, as all he wanted was to feel your arms wrapped around him,, he sighed, locking the door as he rubbed at his forehead, his voice calling out for you through a deep rumble. "yesssssssss?" you swing from the hall down acorss from the front door, your hands wrapping around his torso as you pull him into a warm hug, his hands running through your hair. a breath he didn't know he had, releasing as he eases into your arms. his hand tilting your head up towards him as he places a firm kiss on your lips, dragging you behind him while you're still startled. "first kiss?" you question, your brain recollecting the events that happened few seconds before, "first kiss, sweetheart."
nanami kentō, suguru getō, diluc ragnvindr, zhōngli, ayatō kamisatō, draken, mitsuya, simōn (ghōst) riley, armin arlert, erwin smith, itōshi rin,aizawa, reō mikage, ++ your favs
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your hands come through his hair loosely as you hum to yourself to fill the white noise in the room. his eyes closed shut comfortably as his head rests snug against your chest, his hands resting loosely around you. your fingers gently scratching at his scalp, your second hand trailing down his back, he let's out a groan in response, your humming haulting at the noise momentarily. "why'd you stop baby" he whines out, his eyes meeting yours. "you scared me a little.." you return to carding your fingers through his hair, his eyes reshutting as you move to pepper kisses over his face. his forehead, his nose, cheeks over and over again. "everywhere but my lips, baby?" he questions, a smirk tugging on his lips as your eyes flash over his features. "I just want our first kiss to be special.." you mumble, your hands cupping his cheeks as he pulls you closer. "it's always special when it's us." he smiles, turning his head as your lips collide sweetly. pulling away with a pop. "plus, I'd say that was pretty special." he jokes. "shut up, stupid."
gōjō satōru, manjirō (mikey) sanō, tengen uzui, eren yeager, jean kirstein, cōnnie springer, kaeya alberich,heizōu shikanōin ++ your favs
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"it's bullshit," he mumbles, his hand cupped in yours as he drags you behind him, your hand in his as you nod in agreement. "such bullshit!" you say, your voice bumpy from your fast moving steps , an attempting at keeping up with him and his sour, foul mood. "he's an idiot, making our lives 10 times harder.. fool." he mumbles. "such an idiot!" you don't quite know what you're agreeing with, you didn't catch most of his angered rant that fueled over a simple conversation with a co-worker, but it evidently lead you here, trailing down a busy street and away from the restaurant he had took you to for your date, and closer towards his place of work. "sorry our dates ending this way, brat." he mumbles. "it's not over yet, and I may have a recipe to make you feel a little better." you hault in your tracks, him stopping in front, pulling his hand closer, therefore pulling him closer as you pull him into a moment of happiness. a deep kiss, your arms slung over his shoulder. "don't kill the guy, babe" you mumble after you pull away, hand never leaving his.
eren yeager, tōji fushigurō, shiu kōng, ryōmen sukuna, sanemi shinazugawa, blade, il dōttōre, alhaitham, scaramōuche, levi ackerman, kenny ackerman, douma, chuuya ++ your favs
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"my princess girl!" he calls from the corridor of your favourite sushi place, door flung opened as his feet tap increasingly, reaching towards you quickly. "oh my dear, I've missed you! it was such a pain without my darling in my corner!" he whines and moans out in complaint, clinging to you as you rub over his hair, sushi in hand as you smile, half embarrassed at his entrance. "you're back early, not that I'm complaining baby." you state, matter of factly. "let's head home?" you question, his eyes twinkling as he further clings to you. "oh absolutely!" he pulls himself up, mid way up you place a kiss on his lips. "let's go home." you walk beside him, as he catches up, cheeks flushed pink as he grazes his hand over his lips. "I've felt the lips of an angel!" he chuckles, his lips brought to yours again, his demeanor shifts, less giggly more intense. "wait till we get to the car, baby" you mumble, his kisses all over your faces as you walk, nearly tripping. "you gave me a taste of heaven princess, I just want moreeeee !"
hanagaki takemichi, gōjō satōru, childe, dōuma, manjirō sanō, rengōku kyōjurō, venti, ittō, dazai osamu ++ your favs
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© PAINISM / SAELESTIA 2024. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites.
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drymushroomfics · 1 month
Sandor Clegane x Female Reader
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Chapter One
"You don't want this, girl."
"It's all I want."
You take in a breath, thoughts drifiting back to what you lost... To who you lost.
Your brain drifts to him less and less as time goes on. The pain of what happened hurts less and less as the time passes too.
You'd never been one to trust or love anyone.
You kept to yourself when you worked in the kitchen at the Red Keep.
He always waited until there was no one left in the kitchen, then he'd come in and ask for dinner. It became like clockwork. You'd finish all your cleaning duties once everyone had left and he'd walk in and sit at the table. You never understood why he never ate with the other Kingsguard but you never bothered asking. For at least a month, you never spoke to each other; just sharing silent glances.
When you had spoke to him finally, he only gave small responces. He was not one for social situations and you were almost glad for it because you were just the same.
Everyone was always so scared of him but you never felt that fear. You only felt curious toward him. You wanted to know more about the King's guard dog and you had learned more than you expected all those years ago.
Taking a break you step down from your horse. After tying her to a tree off the trail, you move to find anything to ease the ache in your stomach.
You're greatful to whatever gods looking down at you when you manage a rabbit and two apples.
You feed the apples to your mare, relieved to see her not hungry anymore.
Moving to the fire you'd started, you began skinning and cooking the small rabbit.
Digging into your small find, you let more memories play through your head.
  One day while working the kitchen, you had heard the servants talking of King Joffrey. He had apparently been rather cruel to Sandor. He had been the object of Joffrey's amusings all day. You knew it was bad if the servant's had thought it was cruel treatment to Sandor.
You expected him not to show that night but there he was, right on time.
You had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when he walked in. You pushed the plate toward him and gave him a small smile. He looked you right in the eye. He never did that and you felt sometime shift inside you.
When you turned your gaze away out of embarrassement, he scoffed.
"Can't stand to look at me either, girl?", he had asked you.
"I have not a problem with you.", you had told him, moving to continue your duties.
"Don't lie to me, girl."
"Just because you've had a shit day, doesn't mean you can can come down here and be crued towards me, Clegane."
You had watched him stand up and move toward you. He had you pinned against the counter, trying to intimidate you.
"You don't scare me.", you told him.
"Why's that?", he smirked.
"If you're a dog like everyone says, then all dogs can be tamed by certain people."
"Think that'll be you just because you set my supper aside and I don't yell at ya every time I walk through the fuckin' door?"
"May be... But I'm not sure if you deserve to be a tamed dog."
"Have no need for being tamed. Especially by a little bunny like you."
That's where the nickname he gave you started. You remember it all too well as you eat the meat from the rabbit.
It was weeks before you saw Sandor again. You always left him food anyway, just in case.
When he did come back, you could see his surprise that you still left out his dinner.
"Starve?", you asked with a smirk on your face, "Figured you'd have to return to eating down here some time."
He didn't reply as he sat and scarfed down his food.
"Why'd you call me little bunny?", you had asked me a few moments later.
"You're always hopping about the fuckin' kitchen like a rabbit.", he had told you.
You had laughed and nodded in aggreement.
That's how your friendship with Sandor Clegane had started. From that night on, you did start talking and the romantic feelings had seemed to just seep into the both of you.
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 3.3
John having to get high out of his mind because he knows he's invited Paul to come play with him is so so sad. These are the same guys who used to sit facing each other on a bed playing guitars for hours, and now this is them?
Is John calling Paul “Jack Lemon” a reference to “some like it hot”? Because if so, I have questions. Anyway, when your estranged best friend shows up to hang out with you and a bunch of people, talking about being in love again and getting jizzed on is extremely normal and acceptable behavior.
This jam session is so fucking painful though. Paul's doing his best to just push through and get them to actually play something and John's just too far gone.
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My theory: there's two reasons he did this. 1. He's avoidant and the last thing he's going to do is let on how bad he needs John in his life and how scared he is that if John gets back with Yoko that that'll be difficult. And 2. He couldn't live with himself if he didn't. If he'd kept it from John that Yoko wanted him back and later John cried to him about how much he missed Yoko or something? Paul can't have that.
John singing a snatch of Yesterday before a take of “Whatever gets you through the Night”??? Did either of them ever write a song where they weren't thinking about the other? Did they ever have a minute of peace without the other rattling the bars of the cage in his brain?
“Hold me Darling, come on, listen to me. I won't do you no harm.” Duh it's about Paul. Oh my gosh.
And with Bless You I'm always so torn. There are so many obvious references to Paul which the doc points out beautifully, but situationally it could also be about Yoko. Maybe it's about both of them in the same way that don't let me down is about both of them.
Anyway the cosmic visuals are gorgeous.
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Why'd you have to phrase it like that though? Twice?
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Hall of Fame moment. It's a high point for him career-wise and he chose to pull Paul into his spotlight. Not only to sing Paul's song, not only to name-drop him, but to publicly call him an official romantic title. Not “boyfriend” or “ex-wife” which both could've been much more mocking if that's what he was trying to do. But “fiance”. It's official and respected, but it's still got the lustful, unsettled, connotation that something like “husband” lacks.
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Johann Weener, everyone. What a loser.
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Everyone who still refers to Lennon Remembers like it's the fucking Bible listen to this. It doesn't go on for the next five years, let alone fifty.
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John refusing to walk to blocks to sign the papers when George and Paul flew over the ocean. And only on the basis of astrology. He really didn't want the divorce. My heart aches for him. But he made his bed as they say.
I'm putting on my tinfoil hat again here, but I do just have to point out that one of John's first songs, “Hello, Little Girl,” has a line that goes, “you never seem to see me standing there”. And the earliest draft of WISHST, which was started soon after, answers that line. “I saw you standing there.” (Yes, it said you originally, not her). So maybe. Just maybe. That song wasn't just a Paul song, but a song that John knew Paul had put a message in for him. Okay, I apologize for the insanity. On another note, I do wonder if he ever found out what Paul thought of that.
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Interviewer: ≈ at this point, do you like writing by yourself, or do you want to write with Paul again?≈ John: ≈well it's a bit of both. It's the same for Paul. We were talking about it a week ago. Okay, cool. So they definitely talked openly and honestly about potentially writing together again.
John, about their partnership, “There was always the feeling that someone was there if you needed it.” Paired with the gayest picture ever taken and then Paul singing “if I can do anything at all, let me help.” Thanks. I hate it.
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John was so excited for New Orleans! What happened? I mean I have my theory based on May's book and the sudden shift in behavior. But it's pretty dark.
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You know how crazy Paul is about John in interviews now? How he can't seem to keep John's name out of his mouth? John was worse in the seventies. He's promoting his Rock’n’Roll album, talking unprompted and romantically about how he met Paul, when the interviewer reminds him what relationship he's supposed to be romanticizing right now. So John remembers too and dedicates the album to Yoko who he's just got back together with.
Biconic quote.
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Interviewer asks, after John's brought him up, if John's pleased with how well Paul's doing. John expresses his relief that Ringo has "found himself a niche" and then
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I really do think that last bit sums up a big chunk of how John feels about Paul, and why he feels alright playing dirty against Paul or slagging Paul off. Why it would have been the furthest thing from his mind that Paul actually struggled or was insecure. Why Paul had to remind him, “I'm only a person like you, love.”
What an insane thing to think, let alone say. What if Julian had heard that? I'm pretty sure Julian and Paul weren't in contact, really at all, until the eighties, right? So John's doing better than he is at this point (I mean he's his dad, he should be). John is insecure about every possible thing and compares himself to Paul in every possible way.
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Baby. He needed some serious help. The thing that sucks about being ahead of your time is that you also have to live in a world that's behind your needs.
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And then. “There's always a friendly tv channel to turn to that's going to make you feel less alone.” I wonder if Paul “Call Me Back Again, John I know you're not that tired from the baby just let me in the fucking door” McCartney heard this? It's possible with how obsessive they were, but it's also impossible with how busy he kept himself.
Okay, here's the first story we've been missing about Paul experiencing negative emotions. And, of course, as always in this doc, it's paired perfectly with “Don't Let it Bring you Down” which is the musical mission statement of Paul's clenched-jawed smile philosophy.
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"I tend to get a bit absolute in my statements." Yes, John. Yes you do. Another quote that Big Lennon fans should keep in mind.
John on the three weeks he took to decide if he wanted to continue the band after the first Hamburg trip: The others were mad because we could've been making money. Yeah, John, Paul suddenly had to work in a factory after he'd thrown away an educated, white-collar career (the first in his family) to be in your band. I'd be pissed too if you just didn't even bother to call. Anyway I just hate how casual John is about it. Someone who never had to worry about money is just never going to get that.
John doesn't even remember a ballpark number of how much they were making. Paul remembers exactly bragging to his professors that he was making fifteen a week in Hamburg. Sorry to go on and on about this right before Paris, but to me it's an important difference between them.
Anyway, the fact that Paris was more than just a vacation for them. The fact that – according to Stuart and John at least – they might not have come back. It's dizzying. They really thought about just running off together. I wonder what made them decide to come back and continue the band.
No offense if you do, but I don't personally believe in this stuff. What would the motivation have been for the tarot reader to tell him that? Either way, fuck him.
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Gosh the live version of “Call Me Back Again”. You feel it, physically, how bad he wants this phonecall. And the desperation from such a successful man is fantastic. Literally, John, how did it feel to be the only man in the world that could get Paul McCartney to beg? “Pretty baby” “what can I do?” “Boohoohoo babe.” “I tried the operator, but I just can't get through.”
Reporter at the Wings over America tour: No John Lennon, no George Harrison, and no Ringo Starr, just Paul McCartney. And for everyone here tonight, that seemed to be plenty! Obviously he's loving this praise after all the negative press. Anyone would, and Paul needs it more than most people actually. But I bet part of him is like “stop. Don't say it like that, they already hate me enough as it is.”
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How many times has John admitted that he finds Paul attractive? “It was no surprise, you know, when the kids – girls saw him, they go ‘ooh! Ooh!’ right away, you know?”
“I know it's true. It's all because of you.” Playing over this? Are you kidding me? Anyway I've never seen the picture version of this, so I thought I'd screenshot it.
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But actually, in a way, the original written lyrics to Now and Then are less depressing than what he sang on the demo. “I know it's true, I'm still in love with you, and if I make it through, it's all because of you,” is obviously sad because they're both married to other people. But at least in that version, John's saying his own personal resilience to life's struggles comes from his relationship with Paul, which is nice. Whereas when John, who is sliding into a self-hating deep depression I'm comparing himself to Paul's phenomenal success, sings “it's all because of you” in a general sense, it almost feels like a callback to the ‘I'm shit and I couldn't do anything but be a Beatle (and ride Paul's boat)’ quote. Which is heartbreaking. I wish he could've recognized his own genius.
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But yeah either way it's enough to make your heart heavy. If anyone needs a good cry, just go to the last five minutes of this. That should've been the now and then music video, but Paul's too scared of feelings. Which. You know. Considering how much it affects me, I can't even imagine how much it affects him. So he gets a pass.
“Why must we be alone? It's real love. It's real.”
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anna-the-undertaker · 27 days
Im playing with an incorrect quote generator and I'm sharing them here. They are cracking me tf up.
Belphie: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to MC and not do the thing, Belphie: Well there’s a clear right answer here. Belphie: *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke*
Satan: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- MC: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Satan: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Lucifer, recording: This is so cute.
Beel: sSSSHIT- I BURNT MY LIP- Belphie: …Why the fuck would you even drink coffee with a METAL STRAW in the FIRST PLACE?? Beel: BECAUSE WE WERE OUT OF THE PLASTIC ONES!
Barbatos: Look, Satan, if you can fit your head down the gun’s barrel, you can assume it doesn’t have a non-lethal setting.
MC: Yes, I'm adopting Satan and you cowards can't tell me no!
Lucifer: *running towards Beel with open arms* Beel: *moves out of the way* Lucifer: Hey, why'd you move?! Beel: I thought you were going to attack me. Lucifer: I was going to hug you! Beel: Why would you hug me? Lucifer: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
Levi: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation. Barbatos: So you're just gonna wait until MC is in danger and save them? Levi: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them. Barbatos: … Barbatos: You're insane.
MC: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship. Belphie: We’re not friends. MC, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Lucifer: You’re starting to look like me more and more every day— Satan: *Bursts into tears* Lucifer: Why are you crying? Satan: You’re ugly! I don’t want to look like you! *sobs*
*Satan and Mammon are texting* Satan: Who are you? Someone changed the names in my phone. Mammon: What did they change my name to? Satan: Chosen One. Mammon: Don’t change it back. Satan: BUT WHO ARE YOU?!?! Mammon: I’m the chosen one.
Mammon: "What are you into?" is such a broad question, like do I reply with a TV series or choking?
Belphie: Sorry I can’t be emotionally vulnerable with you it’d ruin the mystery.
Asmo: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Mammon: What happened to your nose? Satan: I used it to break some guy's fist.
Mammon: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name? MC: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though… I don't know. Mammon: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
Mammon: Would anyone know any good vendors for professional-quality brass knuckles? Asmo: I know you’re serious, but you say the scariest shit sometimes.
Mammon: look Levi, I'm not slut shaming you but… Mammon: Actually yeah, I'm TOTALLY slut shaming you.
Lucifer: I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might. Mammon: I LIKE OREOS AND PUSSY-
Satan: My expectations were low but holy fuck.
MC: *Texts a selfie to the group chat* Hey besties!! Mammon: *Texts a selfie clearly parodying MC's* hey besties !!1! MC: I literally hate you so much.
Satan: What's this? MC, hugging Satan: Affection! Satan: Disgusting. Satan: …Do it again.
Lucifer: I am going to need you to swear- Diavolo: Fuck. Lucifer: Lucifer: …swear as in promise.
Mammon: Pardon me, but it sounds like you’re questioning my authority! Lucifer: Not at all, Mammon. Merely your primitive methods.
MC: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
Levi: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this! Beel: Apparently, we're not.
Mammon: *Reading a letter* Satan: Well, what does it say? Mammon: It’s a confession letter. It turns out MC killed my pet rock.
Diavolo: Not to be nsfw but I want someone to hold me while I sleep.
MC: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Diavolo and Lucifer's convo? Asmo: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Belphie: I'm in the washing machine. Barbatos: I'm in the closet. Asmo: We accept you Barbatos. <3 Barbatos: No I'm literally in the closet. Asmo: Love is love. <3
Belphie (brainstorming ideas for pranking Lucifer): How much would a serial killer mask possibly cost? MC: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Belphie: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? MC: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Belphie.
Diavolo: I don't know, it's not my cup of tea. Satan: Well then whose is it? Diavolo, staring at a cup of tea: I don't know!
MC: What’s something you guys are better than Lucifer at? Mammon: Mario Kart. Satan: Yeah, video games. Levi: Emotional vulnerability.
Mammon: Can we talk about that mass email you sent? MC: Why? It was important. Mammon: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit". Diavolo, shrugging: The people need to know.
Mammon: Can you pass the salt? Asmo: Can you pass away? Mammon: Too much salt.
*talking on the phone* Mammon: Remember how I said that MC and I were gonna have a calm night out for once? Lucifer: Yeah… Mammon: Well, we’re in jail. Lucifer: *hangs up*
MC: Go to hell! Lucifer: Where do you think I come from?
MC: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them.
Satan: We need a distraction. Lucifer: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Diavolo, whispering: My time has come.
Mammon: I don’t know, this plan seems complicated. Lucifer: You once said that about an orange. Mammon: They don’t make sense. Apples, you eat their clothes but oranges you don’t.
Diavolo: Mammon and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. Asmo: What did you do? Diavolo: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- Mammon: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
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