#lost time
bebebeep0v0 · 2 days
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Jazz, mom, dad...
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schnee-gheist · 2 months
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“Comfortable, right?”
I'd like to imagine that King Phantom from @ovletoak's Stardial!au has like a little pocket dimension in his cloak. Great for shoving little human mentors inside to keep them safe!
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moonsart · 10 months
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ep-10 · 8 months
Danny Phantom AU Clockwork's Apprentice (Animatic) - Audio ft Link Click
Watch the video first! Spoilers in the explanation!
This is a rough idea of DP retold based on the Link Click anime series concept.
The Danny here is from another future alternate timeline in which he did not become Vlad's adopted son after the disaster of the death of his family and friends at Nasty Burger. In this timeline, he was instead taken in to become Clockwork's disciple to oversee the time stream and grew up under Clockwork's care.
One day, he found another alternate timeline in which Dan existed, causing the destruction of the world and killing everyone. This knowledge re-ignited his fear of seeing the death of his loved ones, and he wanted to change it. Clockwork had warned him many times never to change the time stream, else there would be consequences. Danny ignored his advice and kept returning to the alternate timeline to change the past. But every time Danny went back to save everyone, he kept seeing everyone die over and over again in different circumstances until he realized that he existed outside of the time stream. Danny's timeline had ceased to exist long ago (Similar to Dan's timeline in The Ultimate Enemy episode). No matter how much he tried fixing the past, his family and friends would never be revived in his present time. He could have become Dan if he had chosen Vlad instead of Clockwork as the father.
As for the ending, Clockwork saw the past timeline of Vlad's reported death in the news. Did Vlad died? Was his death tied to this Danny's original timeline? Who or what caused his death? Only Clockwork knew.
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Happy 20th Anniversary Danny Phantom!
Most animatics start out with good art but ends with sketchy art. So, I used this style in reverse. The sketchy start is to show how time flows until the final scene in the present in color.
This is my first attempt in creating an animatic. I have no knowledge in animation, so everything I did in this is entirely new to me. A total 171 frames, taken me 2 months to create a 3 minute video. I felt relieved when I actually get this completed!
And I hope you all enjoy watching this fun creation!
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tsubaki94 · 9 months
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Happy Truce and Happy New Year @auroraphantasma I'm your gifter for the Truce this year. XD
I liked the idea of found family and Danny having role models he can look up to and learn from so I went with the first prompt:
Lost time (mentor/parental Clockwork + Danny), (all my prompts are kinda found family themed bc i love this scrunkly teen ghost getting adopted by increasingly weirder/more powerful beings); i love them interacting, hanging out and joking doing pranks.
Couldn't decide how to illustrate this relationship either so it turned into three moments when Danny appreciates having the master of time around. (Being saved in the nick of time) (Getting help with his history homework) (Finding that Clockwork has taken his time to ensure Danny gets a good night's sleep.)
Now onward to a new year. ^^
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
On Display 5.2.23
DP x DC. Clockwork, Danny Phantom, John Constantine. Ghost King Danny.
"Oh no." The words were filled with a quite horror.
John Constantine grimaced. "You can feel it too?"
"How could you not?" Shazam was starring horror struck at the scene of the screen in front of them, Zatana just behind him. "They're family."
John turned away from the screen. He didn't need to watch it to know what was going on, it just provided context for the helpless fear and all-consuming protective rage echoing across the world that any idiot with a smidgen of magical sensitivity could feel. "Well, obviously some idiots are managing to miss that memo. We need to stop this now." He turned. "Bats, stay out of this one."
"What? Why?" Batman -predictably- growled.
"Because this is not the time for your morals," this was not the time for the Justice League to be involved, but the very public broadcast had made keeping it to just the Justice League Dark impossible, "he's going to kill them, and we are going to stand out of his way and let him, unless it's to hold them down for his swing. And hope he doesn't hold the whole planet responsible and start a cross-dimnsional war with us!"
Being ancient and being powerful does not mean being invulnerable. A group of cultists successfully capture Clockwork, planning to use him as a scapegoat/sacrifice to summon the Ghost King. Once the ritual starts they have three hours to plead their case before the summoned King the circle breaks and he is released into the world.
Clockwork makes an incredibly powerful, enticing, and rare sacrifice, what Ghost King would turn that down?
One who's just had his family tortured in front of him for three hours.
Unfortunately for the cultists, Danny loves his mentor, and their fate was sealed from the moment they put their hands on him.
The Justice League/Justice League Dark are racing to rescue Clockwork before the 3 hours is up, to try to lighten the King's ire as much as they can. Sam and Tucker are also racing to find Clockwork and stop the cultists as quick as they can (and probably a bit more willing to break kneecaps to see it done).
Day (618/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 8th of Feb. Okay technically I wrote almost all the prose between the dialogue today, but I didn’t want to leave it empty T-T T-T T-T
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Danny Phantom: Am I in trouble?
Clockwork: Take a guess.
Danny Phantom: No?
Clockwork: Take another guess.
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vampireharpy · 1 year
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I guess it's about time I talk about the fact that uhh hey! I wrote/drew a whole graphic novel that's getting published this year! Wowee! It's coming out October 3rd but you can preorder it right now wherever books are sold.
I put a lot of love into this one!! Evie gets lost in the Cretaceous and has to survive on her own, with the help of her big Quetzalcoatlus friend, Ada. It's basically a horse girl story, if the horse was a giraffe-sized reptile that can fly.
(Also I naturally enlisted @g0d-play to help me out and do the inks! THANK THEM FOR MAKING THIS WHOLE BOOK POSSIBLE)
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moonfoxgazer · 8 months
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And for just a moment, all that mattered was the excitement on the teenager's face as he continued to explain the dymanics of the rocket, which the model in his hand was based on.
There was something to be said about the teenager's love of the cosmos, but it was something unique and special and only a few select beings could tell just how that love would grow and develop over time.
Here's my piece for the @valentines-core-exchange for @blobghost featuring Clockwork and Danny. Went for something friendly and casual.
Gotta thank Saph for the background idea because as they pointed out, 'who other than cw would have the sheer audacity to have a conversation with Danny in the Fenton household?'
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fangirlingpuggle · 4 days
Danny Phantom AU/fic prompt with reveal of eldritch Danny.
Danny knowing that he's not just a half ghost anymore, knowing that he;'s getting less human as well as less ghost, more something else. He knows the more powerful he gets more he draws form his power the more he'll change.
Clockwork letting him know once transformation fully starts once that barriers broken it can't be remade or reversed even with time powers.
The other ancients managing to keep any to powerful ghosts from going after Danny, no actual threats from the ghost zone so Danny won't be pushed further, he's already on the precipice ... he's close to falling off.
The problem is they can only do that via ghost zone, they can't stop threats from earth. The observants don't want them messing especially because a new ancient forming...that’s going to be a lot a huge shift and they don't want clockwork messing with anything.
So when Vlad next deices to pull a scheme to turn more people against Danny which results in an all out fight in front of most of amity with GIW, Fenton parents and red huntress as well as Plasmius messing with Danny riling people up as Vlad.
He can't get away he's overdoing it he's been fighting for so long and he knows, he knows he's pulling into that power but he doesn't have a chance to not. He can't get away and losing to the ghost hunters humans it's worse than losing to ghosts especially because everyone will know and well...The GIW won't care much about being half human probably just want to dissect him more. Though he can feel the human side...the ghost side changing.
He can't get away and then suddenly a shift... suddenly he's glowing form cracking as it flickers between human and ghost and...something else.
His space powers manifesting gravity shifting everyone, everything is pushed down held in place as they are rendering speechless, can't form worlds can barely breath and just watch.
They watch Danny's form start to fall apart as Clockwork appears hear him sob ask if there's anyway to get more time (Danny thinks they're frozen with clockworks power...he doesn't even realize it's his power) everyone can just watch realizing of Danny's identity slowly sinking in.
They watch Danny fall apart..into something new something they cant even comprehend and then... as Clockwork uses timeout...he's gone just shattered earth under the force of gravity and space.. a scar on the earth and nothing else.
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drymushroomfics · 2 months
Sandor Clegane x Female Reader
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Chapter One
"You don't want this, girl."
"It's all I want."
You take in a breath, thoughts drifiting back to what you lost... To who you lost.
Your brain drifts to him less and less as time goes on. The pain of what happened hurts less and less as the time passes too.
You'd never been one to trust or love anyone.
You kept to yourself when you worked in the kitchen at the Red Keep.
He always waited until there was no one left in the kitchen, then he'd come in and ask for dinner. It became like clockwork. You'd finish all your cleaning duties once everyone had left and he'd walk in and sit at the table. You never understood why he never ate with the other Kingsguard but you never bothered asking. For at least a month, you never spoke to each other; just sharing silent glances.
When you had spoke to him finally, he only gave small responces. He was not one for social situations and you were almost glad for it because you were just the same.
Everyone was always so scared of him but you never felt that fear. You only felt curious toward him. You wanted to know more about the King's guard dog and you had learned more than you expected all those years ago.
Taking a break you step down from your horse. After tying her to a tree off the trail, you move to find anything to ease the ache in your stomach.
You're greatful to whatever gods looking down at you when you manage a rabbit and two apples.
You feed the apples to your mare, relieved to see her not hungry anymore.
Moving to the fire you'd started, you began skinning and cooking the small rabbit.
Digging into your small find, you let more memories play through your head.
  One day while working the kitchen, you had heard the servants talking of King Joffrey. He had apparently been rather cruel to Sandor. He had been the object of Joffrey's amusings all day. You knew it was bad if the servant's had thought it was cruel treatment to Sandor.
You expected him not to show that night but there he was, right on time.
You had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when he walked in. You pushed the plate toward him and gave him a small smile. He looked you right in the eye. He never did that and you felt sometime shift inside you.
When you turned your gaze away out of embarrassement, he scoffed.
"Can't stand to look at me either, girl?", he had asked you.
"I have not a problem with you.", you had told him, moving to continue your duties.
"Don't lie to me, girl."
"Just because you've had a shit day, doesn't mean you can can come down here and be crued towards me, Clegane."
You had watched him stand up and move toward you. He had you pinned against the counter, trying to intimidate you.
"You don't scare me.", you told him.
"Why's that?", he smirked.
"If you're a dog like everyone says, then all dogs can be tamed by certain people."
"Think that'll be you just because you set my supper aside and I don't yell at ya every time I walk through the fuckin' door?"
"May be... But I'm not sure if you deserve to be a tamed dog."
"Have no need for being tamed. Especially by a little bunny like you."
That's where the nickname he gave you started. You remember it all too well as you eat the meat from the rabbit.
It was weeks before you saw Sandor again. You always left him food anyway, just in case.
When he did come back, you could see his surprise that you still left out his dinner.
"Starve?", you asked with a smirk on your face, "Figured you'd have to return to eating down here some time."
He didn't reply as he sat and scarfed down his food.
"Why'd you call me little bunny?", you had asked me a few moments later.
"You're always hopping about the fuckin' kitchen like a rabbit.", he had told you.
You had laughed and nodded in aggreement.
That's how your friendship with Sandor Clegane had started. From that night on, you did start talking and the romantic feelings had seemed to just seep into the both of you.
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moonsart · 10 months
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Practicing some shooting poses with Danny
Plus bonus Lost Time cuz I cant help myself- (featuring Glockwork):
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owlfacenightkit · 10 months
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I just think Danny needs a hug
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home-of-renn · 2 years
Just imagine Nocturn acting as Danny's older cousin.
Nocturn was the youngest Ancient till Danny came along and Clockwork had chastised him after his latest attempt to 'play' with the newly formed Half. Danny's still far too young and far too attached to his perceived mortality for Nocturn's games and Clockwork insists that he find a new way to bond. So he takes to visiting the Halfa's dreams and ensuring him a good night's sleep - and maybe throwing in a few wacky scenarios at the boy's expense and watching him fumble about in his own dreamscape where he's unable to hurt himself.
Just Danny having an annoying older cousin who plays games and cracks jokes/pranks that he's too young to get and the whole relationship is kinda one sided cause everyone forgot to cue Danny in that Nocturn isn't actually an evil meddling ghost. And now that Nocturn isn't the youngest anymore he likes popping in and checking up on Danny who's always ready to square up and Nocturn just finds it endlessly amusing. It's kinda like getting threatened by a toddler who's just learnt how to crawl.
Clockwork is so tired of the both of them.
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
Family Bonds 11.2.23
DP x DC. Danny Phantom, Justice League, Clockwork. Clockwork is Kronos.
Danny is stuck with the Justice League, unfortunately they’ve decided his ghost powers —his “Lazarus Pit infection”— is a danger from which he needs to be cured, and bound his powers.
Thankfully he has learned a bit about how to lie and manipulate over the years, and many of the people here know how to contact Greek gods the old ways. Even if it’s technically not a god Danny wants, but a titan under a different name.
He’s rapidly assembling the pieces needed to summon his dad guardian mentor (read: dad), all he needs now is opportunity. And if the Justice League thought Danny was dangerous they are going to have one nasty shock when face-to-face with the Master of Time.
Day (621/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 11th of Feb
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blacksheep-alien · 2 months
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Made another one
Eat it up
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