#What's the best sonic cartoon Series?
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polling-sonic-fans · 2 months ago
What's the best sonic cartoon Series:
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Underground
Sonic X
Sonic Boom
Sonic Mania Adventures
Sonic Prime
Knuckles the series
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Thanks anon! Polls for the Sonic fandom on just about anything. Share polls you like to get more data. Asks and submissions always open.
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e-vay · 13 days ago
("Sonic") Hands Study
I get asked a lot how I draw hands, and particularly how I draw hands in the "Sonic" style. Let me preface by saying I am mostly self-taught, so please do your research and study what techniques work best for you. The following demonstration is what I personally use to help me draw hands in general and–more specifically–how I draw “Sonic” hands. This is less of a tutorial and more of a series of observations.
*And remember, there are always exceptions to the rules!*
I personally believe before you can go about stylizing hands, you have to understand how to draw hands in the first place. Afterall, I think you have to know the rules before you can best bend/break them. Think about super stylized hands in animation like the characters from Atlantis or Hercules. Even though these hands are unlike what we see in real life, they still look and feel ‘natural’ because the artists understand how hands function and are able to bend the rules while still demonstrating proper anatomy. 
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Sources: [x] [x]
I highly recommend studying the anatomy of a hand. It’s educational and fascinating! There are plenty of free resources online!
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I understand many people find hands intimidating to draw, but the best way to learn how to draw anything is by breaking it down into shapes. Everything is made up of shapes.
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3 is the magic number
In simple terms, our hands can be seen in patterns of 3. Your palm can be broken into 3 segments that can move semi-independently. Your fingers are composed of 3 segments each (proximal, middle, distal). There are 3 phalangeal joints per finger. The average shape a person’s fingertips make when aligned is a triangle (a 3-sided shape), with the middle finger being the highest most point of the triangle and the other fingers cascading down (there are exceptions to this rule). Keeping the number 3 in mind will help you remember how hands/fingers articulate. 
Everything is connected
Even though elements of your hand can move somewhat independently, every movement influences the other segments of the hand. Notice when you put one finger down how (most likely) at least one other finger moves slightly? Or notice how you can only do certain gestures with the assistance of your other fingers or sections of your palm? Keeping in mind how segments of the hand affect the others will help make your drawings feel more organic and less stiff.
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I usually start with the palm (or back of the hand) first and that determines where everything else falls into place.
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Once you grasp how hands work, that’s when I believe you can determine how stylized you want to get. There is a very large range of drawings hands from super realistic to very simplistic.
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If you’re wanting to emulate a certain style, you have to study it and learn how it works.
"Sonic" hands
As far as Sonic hands go, it depends on which version you’re best hoping to emulate. Notice how the styles vary even throughout the franchise?
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In the 3D video games, Sonic characters tend to have what I classify as more ‘cartoon-y’ hands while in illustrated media, it often leans more towards realism. (Note I said ‘leans towards,’ not full realism). How and why is that?
Let’s break it down into shapes again, Sonic Style! Pt 1
In many of the 3D rendered media, the characters’ fingers are made of more round shapes. The models also don’t conform to realistic proportions. The tips of the fingers are usually larger than the segments closer to the palms (the middle and proximal phalanges), and this helps to deviate them from a more realistic look. Speaking of proportions, the hands overall tend to be disproportionately larger than the rest of the characters’ bodies. This also makes it feel more like a cartoon, even without resorting to a super simplified, 3-fingered hand like Mickey Mouse or Bob Belcher.
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Breaking down shapes, Sonic Style! pt 2
Illustrated samples vary depending on the artist/studio, but I’ve noticed that in general, illustrated Sonic characters’ hands tend to have more square/rectangular shapes. The phalanx proportions often resemble what we see in real life, with the fingertips tapering down in size compared to the segments closest to the palm. The overall size of the hands in proportion to the body are still larger than that of real humans, but they tend to be closer in proportion compared to their 3D counterparts. This is why in illustrations, the characters are more capable of crossing their arms, interlacing their fingers, or making other natural hand gestures.
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Also, notice in these examples, there’s more detail to the hands than what you’d find on a Looney Tunes character? There are often folds in the material of the gloves, some knuckle definition present, more natural bends to the fingers. However, the hands are almost never as detailed as that of say, a Dragon Ball character where you’re seeing muscle tendons, veins, definition of each finger segment, finger nails, etc.
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Sources: Dragon Ball Z, The Looney Tunes Show
With all that in mind, I happen to find the sweet spot for the Sonic character style right in this range:
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Everyone has their own preferences and it’s up to you to decide what you like best, but this is what I prefer. 
MY STYLE - Cont’d
I use a blend of the two previous Sonic styles I mentioned, Cartoon-Round + SemiRealistic-Square. I like to go with a more “Squoval” shape (rounded squares) to the fingers. I try to keep the fingers in a naturally proportionate scale with the ends tapering down in size, but the overall size of the hands are still bigger than what you’d see in real life. I like to add a bit more detail when warranted, but I personally rarely resort to definition in the tendons/veins or complex wrinkles in the bends of the fingers (unless it suits a specific character or emotion). 
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Like I said, this is less of a tutorial and more a series of observations. But perhaps looking at hands in the way that I do might help you with your own drawings! You should absolutely do your own studies to find what works best for you. But I hope you found this helpful in some way!
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maybe-boys-do-love · 30 days ago
Thai BL isn't lesser. It just has different aesthetic goals. It often prioritizes what some would call a theatrical style to filmmaking over a cinematic one.
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Theatrical approaches, in the US at least, are currently associated with older films and television. They're also linked to contemporary shows in what are currently thought of as more conservative genres like youth-oriented cable programming (think Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel), soap operas, and sitcoms.
However, the theatrical style in the west has been at other times very much associated with cutting-edge subversion and queer camp. In the 80s and 90s, for example, counter-cultural cinema projects leaned heavily towards more theatrical approaches in the face of blockbuster corporate sheen. The films grouped into the Queer New Cinema loved to play with this. Consider the bold colors, static shots, and unsubtle dialogue in But I'm a Cheerleader.
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In the 50s and 60s, the theatricality of sitcoms was a site of transgressive feminism and gender representations like in Bewitched (see more in The Queer Fantasies of the American Family Sitcom or Camp TV: Trans Gender Queer Sitcom History, among others).
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Both those eras used theatricality for a number of reasons: budgetary necessity, subsequent technological limits, but also as a counter to the different kinds of elitism associated with the cinematic style in those periods (intellectual in the 50s and 60s and corporate in the 80s and 90s).
Cinematic style didn't begin to fully emerge anyway until the 1940s and 1950s with lenses and cameras that could depict greater depth and move through the spaces the characters were inhabiting. Before that, theatrical presentation was simply the only option. So Old Hollywood is rife with theatricality, and plenty of of those films still have the power to move audiences and feel surprisingly relevant with their visual and scripted commentary. Camille, with what some consider to be a nearly all-queer cast and main production crew and one of Greta Garbo's best performances, holds up incredibly if you're willing to accept its theatrical diva-licious approach.
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But plenty of the Old Hollywood films are also duds along with the other eras mentioned. Theatricality, like cinematic approaches, is not inherently more queer or superior to other forms. They're just styles. As Zadie Smith wrote, "In Britain, we are always doing this: mistaking an aesthetic choice for an ethical one." I'm guessing that tendency is pretty universal, either mistaking aesthetic choices for ethics or, even more often, quality.
Appreciating theatricality will hopefully help you understand other choices in Thai BL with less judgment, though. The comic sound effects, jarring as they might be for western audiences who've had laugh tracks and sound effects sequestered away from much of their 'prestige' media, are an artistic choice in their own right that Thai BL has refined over the years to work as leitmotifs (small repeated sound sequences) in the series that reiterate the themes.
Two great examples of sound cues came out last year even as their cinematography leaned more towards a cinematic style. The Trainee, a GMMTV show about a film production company, used computer error sounds as a comedic beat when characters' fucked up, while Kidnap had a pathetic dog whimper, which created more sympathetic characters, like injured puppies who needed love and patience to recover from their injuries.
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There's an art to using these theatrical tools in productions. I was rewatching an episode of Little Bear recently and Mother Bear blew out a candle, which was indicated not by a blowing sound effect but a clarinet trill. So much more tender! These sorts of sonic tricks were used beautifully throughout silent films, opera, and symphonies in the West for years. It merely fell out of fashion outside of cartoons and some comedies.
But just because certain tastes or practices were deserted or designated for "low-brow" entertainment in one culture, doesn't mean that other cultures are somehow 'behind' or 'lesser' for their use of it. Both cultures are equally contemporary to one another. One is not more advanced just because it has a stronger economy or easier access to certain goods and technologies. Nor does the designation of 'low-brow' to some art mean that the 'low-brow' entertainment is actually less skillful or impactful. The viewer just might lack an appropriate angle to appreciate it from or there might easily be cultural biases at play, not just across different cultures but regarding social status and rules within a single culture (and bother are something we ought to be very sensitive about when dealing with queer media).
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I want to look at one of my favorite aspects that comes out of Thai BLs preference towards theatricality. The performances, and even certain production elements, often burst with spontaneity, clumsiness, exuberance. It can infect an audience with joy as the shows demonstrate what we often call (from lack of clearer aesthetic terminology) "heart." Dismissively, plenty of fans refer to the 'heart' of Thai series as if its unintentional and unrelated to the elements of the series they see as inferior. Its the sweet taste that got them addicted to a guilty pleasure! The 'heart,' though, comes from the Thai creators prioritizing a view of human messiness over the technical precision preferred by a cinematic aesthetic.
Thai BL often has a similarity to live theater in this manner, as well as improvisation-based media. Again, these are not lesser forms of art. I bring up improv specifically because it's easy to believe that the lack of pre-planning and compositional directive ought to diminish it in the made-up hierarchy people have going in their heads. Yet, we have Mike Leigh, a British director of dramedies, and Christopher Guest, an American comedy director, both famed and critically celebrated for their humanist works founded in improvisation.
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You won't find me arguing that all Thai BLs are successful or that one country's BLs are somehow better than another's. I just do my best to understand, explain, and make meaningful comparisons to appreciate the aesthetic goals I see shows' evoking. It's also fun to look into influences beyond my own cultural scope and love (and repost) when others' share them. What are specific East and South Asian media reference points that influence the style of the shows (lakorn, literary BL media, Thai traditional theater)? I'd be remiss not to mention, for example, that the theatrical traditions for Thai shows derive mainly from Asian traditions in cinema and theater, despite all my comparisons to Western history!
Then there's the question of local political, economic, and cultural issues and limits that the creators live alongside and must create within and/or against to some extent. I'll never know all the answers, but exploring the questions is so much more fun than disparaging shows for what they aren't and what they can't or don't aim to be.
But look, I personally have a preference for the style a lot of Thai BLs go for. It reminds me of the cartoons, musicals, DCOMs, and vintage tv I've loved watching for most of my life. I like the variant gender and sexuality representations they offer. I like the intricate economic-political commentary I see the writers working into the subtext. It's not going to resonate for everyone, not everyone will see what I see, and all that's okay. I've personally never been happier with the amount of series' that match my tastes.
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speedofsoundsketches · 4 months ago
Why was Sonic X a failure in Japan? Why are most Sonic animation and manga books a failure in Japan?
I’ve always wondered about this considering by and large why Sonic doesn’t quite reach the same level of popularity in his home country as he does most anywhere else. I think it simply comes down to the adapted materials being just too weak in comparison to what Japan expects.
We in the US are very fond of Sonic X enough to have been the main driving force behind funding the third season after it dropped in Japan due to low ratings there. I loved it enough as a kid to ask my grandmother to record it on vhs for me if I couldn’t catch a new episode airing. (I sure feel old saying that)
But if we’re being real for a moment, for all the love I have and still have for the show, it’s insanely weak compared to any of its anime contemporaries. Imagine making a largely slower paced, meandering, boring in scale version of the hyper crazy fun world that is the games. And the animation jumps in quality episode to episode. And the stories seem hastily pulled together sometimes just making big leaps in logic or believability and having an annoying kid forcibly dragging the whole show of crazy powered animals down to his level. Everything that bothers me about the films is just a bigger repeat of the worst parts of this show.
And to make things worse, Sonic X released in 2003. Let’s see what other anime were being released at the same time:
Full Metal Alchemist
Astro Boy
One piece
Zach Bell
And this is no where near exhaustive. I’m only picking the main ones WE knew about. Japan literally cooks up so much anime in a single years worth of seasons. With all the possible options that Japanese children can watch, Sonic X really just becomes a drop in a bucket. It’s different in the US since we don’t have nearly the same amount of releases in anime as they do in Japan. We typically only bother to localize the ones they can better guarantee will be successful. It’s kinda sad to think that our options are so minuscule that Sonic X was seen as a notable show compared to other US children’s cartoons of the time. (I’m not saying our cartoons are bad btw just very different especially back then).
So, this is just the same problem with any of the other Japanese based adapted materials like the OVA or mangas. Fun as they are and appreciated by current fans, they’re nothing exceptional enough to grab an audience that gets literally spoiled with the best anime and manga has to offer. You compare these to any other popular manga/anime series and they do not measure up.
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candyh0rns · 8 months ago
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So hi there folks! I decided to put some information about myself here! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
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• I go by name Mozzy/Candy Horns 💛
• I'm 17yo my birthday is on 11 August 🎉🎂
• You can use any pronouns, I don't really
care about that ;0
(I just don't feel comfy to reveal my gender online so I think they/them will be the best choice for me)
• I live in Poland 🇵🇱✨
• I speak in english/polish (mi jaja)
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📷 Instagram
🎧 Spotify (playlists)
💐 Pinterest
🌐 Bluesky (nothing to see here yet ^^)
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Q&A ❓
• REPOSTS - I really do not like that, unless you credit/tag me in repost then go ahead💖
• ART COMMISSIONS - I'm not into any commissions for now, but it's not crossed out for future ;D
• ART TRADES - Oh sure! If I find some time I would love to trade!
• ART REQUESTS - OPEEEN feel free to ask!
• ART COLLABS - Yea sure! But not always I have time for that 🥹
I only do small and easy works for free (unless I have inspiration and A LOT of will) dont expect something fabulous yk?
• Had any more questions? Feel free to ask!
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★ Sooo there is my whole list ↓
(or maybe just things that I like a lot)
• Sonic The Hedgehog (I think its my main fandom. I love the Sonic Team the most of all! Especially Tails hes my fav through like 8 years already? 💙💛❤️)
• Welcome Home Puppet Show (I love this "arg" website!! Its so nostalgic? Also the creator is so so sweet and their works always look so great!! I also own a Wally plushie hehe 🥜)
• Steven Universe (That's basically my childhood, I love Pearl as a character SM!! Didn't really like how future turn out but I was still happy to see them together! 💖)
• Adventure Time (That's also my childhood! I don't have like a favourte character cuz i like them all and the plot is so cool! Oh boy and fionna and cake series was so intriguing ✨)
• Gravity Falls (Well onece again! CHILDHOOD!! Bill fav. Ofc him. Also love the pine twins!! 🌲)
• The Amazing Digital Circus (Really like the idea for this show, and again creator is so silly and passioned about it! Cant wait to see more episodes!!! 🔥)
• The Fairly OddParents: a new wish (For some reason I like it more than the original? Adore the style of animation and that they did bring love between Cosmo and Wanda back again! 💚🩷)
• Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory (Maaan it's so good to watch! Im happy that they made another series of it!)
• Omori (Yah! I love the characters sm! But its pretty deep for a cute pixel game, I like Basil the most! 🌻)
• Good Omens (The vibe that it brings is sooo greeeaat! Just want to watch more!🪽)
• Stranger Things (same thing!)
• Indigo Park (I think that I just really like mascot horrors lol, also the creator is such a great guy! Wanna see what he can cook for next chapter!🦝)
• We Bare Bears (C H I L D H O O D, Ice bear the best🐻‍❄️)
• Luca (My favourite animation film! I like how warm and pretty it looks, just want to be there man!🎣)
• Total Drama (Yk what again? I think you know 🫣)
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So as you can see I have a few ocs, I'm planning to make a cartoon with them in future. For now they just my characters with a story attached to them :'))
Maybe I'll start a comic with them, who knows 🤷
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Thanks for reading pookie
(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)💕
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fluideli123 · 26 days ago
Daylight, I dream of you softly / I wrote you a letter that will never reach you
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types
Sonic Boom (Cartoon)
Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy Rose & Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Additional Tags:
Song: Angela (Flower Face)
One-Sided Amy Rose/Sonic the Hedgehog
but in the sense that amatonormativity hit her hard
religious truama
kinda but it's based off of it so watch out!
Good Friend Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Amy Rose and Sonic the Hedgehog are Best Friends
Aromantic Asexual Sonic the Hedgehog
More lore for the series in this one! :D
Language: English Series: ← Previous Work Part 9 of Fucked Up!Sonadow AU
"Amy, do you really mean it about that love thing? How I taught you about how big and different love can be?" "Of course, Sonic. There's no one else who loves like you. You're why I don't follow it like I was told, but feel it in all its forms and embrace it. You're the one who made love boundless—something that can't be defined. If anyone could even come close to understanding what you've always seemed to understand, the world would be far better." -- OR: Sonic goes to Amy for some help figuring himself out that leads to him and others realizing how much of an impact he's had on others lives.
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cartoon-buffoon · 4 months ago
Sonic X Shadow generations came out and cool but just as I expected I am beyond disappointed with the inclusion of metal overlord because it feels like fan service that somehow manages to slap the fans of metal sonic in the face at same fucking time. Now my main gripe with the fight in general is it's inclusion because ultimately—NO MATTER WHAT SHADOW IS NOT GETTING NOWHERE NEAR TO BEAT METAL, THE RED AND BLACK AND BOZO WOULD GET KILLED THE SECOND HE TRIED TO 1V1 M-OVERLORD!
This is gonna turn into a VERY LONG ramble of why I love metal more than anything however if you wish to indulge the words of a lunatic who loves a fictional metal anthropomorphic hedgehog then bear with me because this makes me IRRATIONALLY MAD! I have no reason to be this worked up yet I still am, shut up I'm allowed to be stupidly passionate about this. Also I would like to note the criticism that I have is gonna be located at the VERY END OF THIS (gonna reiterate) VERY LONG RANT and the criticism I have is gonna disappoint but I don't care and ultimately you should take my words with an ounce of salt because I'm a stupid cartoon yelling on a soap box here and if this nonsensical blame my ADHD.
Anyways disclaimer done: my main gripe with the fight as stated is it's inclusion because of the premise of what Metal Overlord is. Metal Overlord is the final form of Neo Metal Sonic which is Metal Sonic that was upgraded to the point he gained a voice and intelligence enough to know he did not need Eggman. With an understanding of his new powers and the ultimate goal of killing sonic to be the one true sonic (his metal empire plan was 100% second place to killing sonic lmao) he threw his own creator in a closet, locked him in there, and then proceeded to lead the sonic heroes on wild goose chases just to collect their bio data to perfect himself which—his perfection is the Metal Overlord form. That's at least what Metal Overlord is in a really quick summary that can be taken with only a quick look at what it is but the reason for metal doing all this ultimately stems from character development that kind of just happens off screen? Like I know there's Archie and the OVA which is forever gonna be the best sonic movie in terms of both plot and animation because holy fuck it is peak (go watch the Sonic OVA it's free on YT and it will help you understand why metal is such a great character) but ultimately his appearance in the comic and the OVA in general is non-canon to the mainline games and exists as side media. Metal's first appearance and really main appearance outside of heroes is Sonic CD which he acts as Sonic's first proper fake, look alike rival who stems to destroy him and help Eggman.
Metal naturally loses the race he challenged Sonic too and from there he moves onto his second appearance which is in Knuckles Chaotix where—I don't even know if that game is canon because it is a spinoff that DOES connect to CD because Metal Sonic's appearance as the villain of the game is if I remember correctly supposed to be after his loss in CD but it's never referenced or talked about like, ever? Anyways—Metal Sonic does appear in that game and he fights Knuckles and the Chaotix (and Mighty + 2 robots who presumably just die as their never referenced again) yet he still once again loses even after obtaining a pretty cool powerful form called Metal Sonic KAI. From there the events of Mania happen which we don't really know where it does because Mania IS CANON but on the classic timeline with superstars it's kind of messy, but it definitely does come sometime after Knuckles Chaotix because in Sonic mania metal gets his giga form which is directly based on his KAI form from Chaotix although his giga form is a sort of perfected version it using the Phantom Ruby. In any case his appearance in mania isn't as important as the series of short animated episodes called the "Sonic Mania Adventures" that were made because metal is in them and it gives us a clear idea of Metal's hatred for losing.
In the shorts Metal plays as a helper to Eggman as per usual with his main goal being to help the doctor track down the chaos emeralds, very standard setup. Once Sonic, Tails, Mighty and Ray arrive to get the two emeralds back from Metal and to stop Eggman from getting them all this turns out to be just one big trap and we see Metal use the power of the chaos emeralds to go "super" (not proper super like Mecha MK. 2 does but he does get a yellow aura) and single handily hold off Sonic, Tails, Ray, AND MIGHTY WHO IS STUPIDLY STRONG! Like Mighty iirc is stronger than Knuckles but he is more of a pacifist who prefers not to actually get into fights but is still more than capable of crazy feats of strength. The only reason why Metal loses is his systems were hacked by Tails who freezes him, knocks the emeralds outta him, and then once Metal tries to recover by harassing the master emerald power he gets suprise attacked by Knuckles stopping him before he could do that. From there we get a very sweet animation where we see Metal at first abandoned by Eggman although through Amy's help he reunites with his creator who manages to accept him back—however a small detail many misinterpret/don't catch is the start of Metal's tragedy and what I believe is the turning point for him.
In the 6th and final Sonic Mania Adventures short which takes place after the first 5 installments Eggman throws a temper tantrum after his defeat that takes place in the aforementioned previous 5 episodes. In this temper tantrum Eggman kicks Metal once out of frustration because he is an egotist and can't accept defeat thus naturally blaming the ineptitude of the things HE creates. Now after the first kick Eggman doubles down and kicks Metal more forceful the second time around, however I believe this kick wasn't out of anger and moreso as motivation and a way to say "get up! We have to go rebuild and come up with a new plan"
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Now this doesn't work and Metal goes back to lying face down in the dirt, and I see a few people misinterpret this entire thing as Eggman getting mad at Metal and leaving him behind which is—in my firm belief—NOT the case! As evidence by Eggman's next expression once Metal goes limp he seems thoroughly surprised and only then does he get angered and storm off, almost wishing that Metal DID get up but he has no time for the angst of a creation who's not even old enough to be considered a teenager.
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Now there is of course the argument to be made Metal was too damaged to get up and walk and Eggman didn't wish to bother with his creation which ya know, does effectively mean he abandoned him. However considering he does repeatedly move his head and DOES move his joints/body like when Amy saves him where he's on his hands and knees before getting knocked back down it does seem like Metal isn't damaged beyond the point of moving but it's moreso he doesn't care (that first kick probably did become engraved into Metal's memory and was probably a key factor into Eggman getting thrown into a closet in heroes though lmao). In any case it seems both by Eggman's reaction and the display of Metal moving that Metal simply lost all hope and fell into a sort of robotic depression. Only once did Amy physically drag him to Eggman's base did Metal finally go back to his creator, although once again if the context clues point to metal once again be PERFECTLY CAPABLE of movement then metal could at ANY POINT WALKED/FLEW BACK, but he didn't. He didn't go back because that defeat right there was what broke the camel's back, after the repeated loss after loss did metal finally be able to take no more and accepted his defeat. Cold, alone, and partially broken he remained there with nothing to do other than look through his memories because nothing points to Metal going into a sleep mode so we're sort of led to believe metal was turned on for that ENTIRE duration of time when he was in the dirt. And what does Metal's memories consist of? Oh that's right it's practically only filled with the repeated times he lost by the hands of someone who he deems inferior to the point he believes himself to be the superior version. I feel like this is the moment where the true bitterness brew, his choice of words as Metal Overlord demonstrates just how much Metal despises Sonic.:"Long time no see, Sonic, my loathsome copy!" Is a line that I always felt like so much power because Metal doesn't hate sonic, he LOATHES him. What was simple hatred grew into something so much more because reminder Metal's entire purpose is to beat Sonic and kill him yet never being able to do that ultimately lead to something more than just him merely serving his purpose, no, Metal's feelings towards Sonic turned personal.
Also really quick Metal does appear in sonic adventure which is after the classic era. He is playable in the DX version but he has no proper story and is merely a fun reward you get for getting all the medals, but his main appearance even in the OG version is in this vat in the egg carrier. It's possible Metal is still turned on during this considering his eyelights ARE on meaning he still could be thinking but there's no evidence to support he's awake or in stasis and because this model is ripped directly from SA2 battle which ya know, has him turned on. Still something neat to note but probably not important.
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Anyways with all that being said the mania adventure shorts is something we got in this modern era to provide some lore on Metal Sonic and just some neat filler stuff that adds world building. Back then there was no little extra bit of talk or content regarding the canon game material with Metal as a character but stuff is still implied with all the dialogue written in Sonic Heroes where we see Metal in his ULTIMATE FORM. With his new Neo form Metal gains the power to copy the biological data of whatever life form he can thoroughly assess and he uses this power to scan everyone's data as well as the biological data of the primordial god of chaos which is in the form of Froggy who holds Chaos' tail and Chocolate which is a chao which are kin/apart of Chaos or at least the master emerald. Once with all the data in tow he transforms into Metal Overlord which is not only the pinnacle of Eggman's hubris but also a manmade god capable of adapting to whatever is thrown at it and becoming stronger. It's a learning machine that simply gets smarter and stronger the more you throw at it until it gets the power to best you with it now able to copy what you threw at it. It is such a threat that once Eggman sees this he truly realizes that he was Icarus who flew too close to the sun and is paying for it in the form of his creation which power far outclasses that of the chaos emeralds. As said by doctor Eggman himself who is known to be a man full of ego and pride he still understands how truly fucked they all are upon seeing Neo Metal transform with him saying "it's useless! Metal Sonic has combined your data with the power of chaos and super strong! We can't defeat it!" Even when he groans about the singular possible chance of being able to fight Metal with all the 7 chaos emeralds upon seeing them he doubles down on Metal Overlord's power by saying "even with the emerald's power our chances for victory are slim! It would take a miracle!"
Eggman himself makes the clear statement of even with the power of all 7 emeralds and the capability of 3 users of the power of super the odds are SLIM and dawg says it would take a god damn MIRACLE if they wanna win. Not to mention he says this with the most genuine fear ever because as I remarked before, my man is regretting the time he kicked metal and probably real quick turned from a man of science to one of religion and started praying to Gaia that he doesn't go to the Sonic universe's version of hell. Bottom line is Metal Sonic is ridiculously powerful and team Rose, team Chaotix, and team Dark which includes Shadow—AND FINALLY GETTING BACK TO WHAT THIS RANT STARTED OFF AS— can't do anything but hold him off while Sonic, Tails and Knuckles charge up. With all 3 teams attacking Metal Overlord doesn't really falter as all they're doing is catching him mid-transformation and simply fighting to buy time because as Metal states himself "You all are useless now that I copied your data!" And even Shadow understands this because after holding him off with Team Dark Shadow says "Sonic! We're counting on you!" Because he too registers that if Sonic, Tails, and Knux don't pull it off they are all totally fucked. Oh this is also not mentioning that after the 3 teams held him off Team Sonic could only hurt Metal in his overlord with team blast which was 3 people hyped up on chaos juice jumping him all at once! I don't need to go on with just how powerful overlord is as a transformation yet this is all a prerequisite to understand SHADOW IS NOT FUCKING TOUCHING METAL OVERLORD NO MATTER THE UNIVERSE OR WHAT NEW POWERS HE GETS!
Metal ultimately is better than Sonic but somehow can never come out on top. Despite being faster he still somehow loses races to his "loathsome copy". Metal is a cold calculating robot who can analyze whatever is being thrown at him and adapt even if not in his Neo form we see in the mania shorts without the chaos emeralds supping him up he goes for the master emerald trying to improvise and fight on the fly. Unlike Sonic who bleeds and will eventually fall to time and age Metal won't, metal will stay constant in his prime only ever getting stronger with each encounter and fight he's in with Sonic but in the end he will still lose. With his jet propulsion system and overdrive attack Metal is easily capable of out speeding Sonic, beating him at what he does best and being faster than the fastest thing alive, but his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. While it's true Metal is faster than the fastest thing alive ultimately that's what makes him inferior, his lack of life and a soul with the capability of only doing what he has ever known. Even when betraying his creator and getting free will he doesn't for a second stop his goal of being the one and only Sonic, in the process LITERALLY turning himself into a monster (which he acknowledges) but that doesn't stop him from trying and leads to his defeat.
get the fuck out with this SHADOW FAVORITISM BULLSHIT SEGA! Do not fucking tarnish Metal's character by giving Shadow the ability to suddenly face him! Like I'm gonna go as far to say FUCKING BASE METAL outclasses Shadow because Metal is still capable of evenly matching what Sonic can output to the end, he's Sonic's lesser by a tiny margin and the idea that Shadow—WHO IS NOT STRONGER THAN SONIC MIND YOU—can magically fight the form that can be implied is stronger than fucking chaos is laughable and bullshit. So much bullshit in fact that I could create a healthy and thriving fucking garden in my front yard which is more dead and lacking of nutrients than the Sahara fucking desert's land! That's how much bullshit there is! Oh but of course the people who love riding that hedgehog's hog will go and say "um shadow also has a soul so wouldn't he be able to beat metal?" And my response is: IT WASN'T JUST SONIC'S SOUL THAT WON HIM THE METAL OVERLORD FIGHT! Sonic would of died there if not for Knuckles and Tails who are A KEY PART OF SONIC'S CHARACTER! The use of only using team blast to fight Metal is more than simply a game mechanic to prolong the Metal Overlord fight, it's also a key display of who Sonic is as a character and his development. Sonic had grown from a lone wolf character who was as free as the wind to now a complete extrovert who cherishes his friends and allies with his life, it's his friends who truly make him who he is because it's the power of friendship, their words, and the knowledge that their all counting on him that helps him press on, and having two of his closest friends fighting right by his side is just the push he needs to give it his all. That sounds cheesy as fuck but Sonic has always been a cheesy franchise and character, what's a chili dog without some cheese on top huh!?
Now with all of THAT being I'm sure a few people will ask "okay smartass would you prefer metal overlord to be totally forgotten and not included at all?" And to that I say: kinda yeah. But if you're looking for genuine criticism of mine then I do have one: remove Metal Overlord's wings and make him the imperfect overlord as seen here↓
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... That's it. That's truly it, my one complaint and my correction.
"did you really write an essay as to why you hate this boss fight only to give the smallest design correction and nitpi—" I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF THIS IS A NITPICK THIS MATTERS! Metal has always been my favorite character and it's made VERY CLEAR his perfected overlord form is one of the most terrifying and potentially powerful things in the verse and I'm not gonna have all the character and depth behind it GO TO HELL FOR THE SAKE OF FAN SERVICE! It's not fan service, it's a fucking fan DISSERVICE! It's such a little change and would of been SO FUCKING EASY, they could of made Metal simply levitate or some shit with several jet engines as to make it different and diverse from the original Metal Overlord fight. This would also make sense because shadow did NOT fight perfect Overlord and instead fought imperfect Overlord when he was still connected to the egg carrier and properly processing things and powering up. Like did they forget that or did they just truly not give a fuck and decide to disregard the deep complex story behind as to why Metal Sonic is a giant monster because the design change isn't too drastic but even the untrained eye can see THE ONE ON THE LEFT AND RIGHT ARE TWO DIFFERENT VERSIONS!
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Like I made this entire fucking thing for this simple complaint which one may call childish which granted is kind of fucking childish but I don't fucking care anymore because I will NOT STAND FOR METAL SLANDER NO LONGER! I've seen people suddenly thinking Metal Overlord is some bitch ass transformation that shadow can single handily take down which is NOT the case and the implication that he could is dumb! I don't give a fuck if it's the year of Shadow Metal is one of the longest standing villains right next to Eggman and he gets fucking cucked for this red streak, speeds by, weaker than Sonic fucker who ISN'T EVEN THE FUCKING ULTIMATE LIFEFORM BECAUSE MAY I REMIND YOU SHADOW HIMSELF SAID SONIC MAY BE THE TRUE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM WHICH WOULD OF BEEN THEMATICALLY FITTING AND WOULD TAKE AWAY NOTHING IF SHADOW LOST THAT TITLE!
"are you just bitching about Shadow now?"
yes the fuck I am because this pisses me off to no end. I've GENUINELY got a headache as I'm writing this because Metal Overlord's inclusion irritates me beyond belief. Whatever you get my point, ramble over and Toon out I'm fucking tired
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pixelrushiguess · 3 months ago
Personally, I don’t think the Freedom Fighters really fit the Sonic series. Having Sonic be part of a freedom-fighting organization defeats the point of the series being about adventure. Sonic shouldn’t have to answer to any organization, he goes his own way, wherever he wants to, following his own instincts. He’s not a superhero or an agent of anything. He’s, as he himself puts, just a guy who loves adventure. Not to mention, the Freedom Fighters themselves—Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor/Boomer and Dulcey—don’t FEEL like Sonic characters
Sally herself is a perfect example. I don’t get why SatAM/Archie felt the need to center their Sonic story around royalty. Like, of all things to make a Sonic cartoon/comic about, that's what they chose? It doesn’t fit Sonic as a series. Not to mention, besides having a rather bland personality, she’s an incompatible love interest for Sonic; it’s very telling SatAM and Archie had to warp Sonic’s character for their relationship to even work (and don’t even get me started on the godawful drama Archie caused with them!). Even in terms of design, she doesn’t fit the Sonic series. Before post-reboot Archie gave her a MUCH needed redesign, they had her prancing around naked hoping seduce men and brainwash them into simps in a cartoon/comic supposedly aimed at children…
While I do admit, Bunnie and Antoine’s relationship (especially in the post-reboot Archie) is kinda cute, they feel more like characters from a superhero cartoon than a Sonic cartoon (Bunnie is literally just a rabbit version of Rogue from X-Men). Meanwhile, Rotor/Boomer feels like a pointless replacement for Tails. Like, what is the point of his existence besides taking over Tails��� role as the gadgeteer genius?
All in all, SatAM and Archie irrevocably tainted America’s perception of what Sonic is supposed to be, and their legacy (IDW) only continues to harm Sonic. Really, it’s for the best we all just forget SatAM and Archie ever existed. I feel like those who continue to hopelessly cling onto them (like Ian Flynn) only cause more harm than good to Sonic…
I totally agree. I love the Freedom Fighters but they only really work as their own thing. I think even Ian said that if they were to come back, they'd need to be completely overhauled. Still, I'd like some acknowledgement since they are a big part of Sonic's history. I don't want any references in the games or anything, just sell merch of them or something. I don't think they should just be lost to time.
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popculturebuffet · 17 days ago
Valentine's Comic Wedding Special IV: Archie''s Revenge: Bunnie and Antoine
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Happy Valentine's Day all you Happy People! So for those new to this proud tradition, I love a good wedding episode, issue, what have you and so for the past 3 years i've had my patreons each pick one from the massive pile there is in comics, many of which I haven't read, and then you fine folks vote on the winner. In previous years it's been oops all superheroes, but this year I added a few non superhero weddings to the list my patreons, and yours truly could pick from. And this one, like last years Wally and Linda Wedding, was a landslide.
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Yes by an overwhelming margin, WeirdKev's pick of Antoine and Bunnie won. It's honestly nice as it not only shows how strong the love for the Archie Sonic comics still is after nearly a decade out of print, beating out marvel, dc and the other archie option. On the bright side archie at least got a sponsorship deal on the wedding
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I was pleased with these results: Antoine and Bunnie are some of archie's best characters and some of the main reasons i'm mad Sega won't let anyone what use them because their bitter lemons.
While the happy couple may not be superheroes they do have a history as vast, rich, weird and often exausting as them. Sonic's ongoing lasted for 24 years so it had plenty of time to build up as much continuity, good and chunky, as possible. A few years back I read through EVERY issue of Archie Sonic. It was.. truly exausting for reasons that will become clear as I dive into these two's history, but ultimately worth it. So join me for a deep dive into these two and their nuptials under the cut.
For starters Bunnie and Antoine actually debuted in SATAM, one of two sonic cartoons at the time each taking a diffrent approach. It's sister series Adventures was a wacky looney tunes style series where Sonic foiled Robotnik's wacky schemes and robotnik posed naked or near naked a few times, one of which my friend Mars proudly owns a cell of.
SATAM on the other hand took this shit seriously and took a turn that worked far better than it had any right: In the world of SATAM Robotnik isn't a goofy guy in various contraptions, but a cruel horrifying dictator voiced deftly by Jim Cummings. He still does schemes of the week at times, but instead of stuffing animals into cartoony robots he horrifyingly turns furries into milndless roboticized slaves. The only line between him and total world Domination are the freedom fighters, Sonic and his amazing friends who do daring raids on Robotnik's nightmare city of Robotropolis.
The Freedom Fighters exist because back then sonic's supporting cast was .. just Tails. There were sketches of characters, but with CD and Knuckles only on the horizon, early stuff had to get creative. Hence the freedom fighters: Leader, stratigest supreme, love intrest and princess Sally Acorn, Rotor the tech savy walrus (Tails hadn't picked up that trade yet), and of course Antoine and Bunnie. Bunnie was the muscle of the team, a rabbit who'd been partially roboticized but could use her cursed gift to help others. She wasn't in the show as much as she should've been but was well loved.
Antoine was more prominent.. and also an obnoxious asshat. Antoine was a self important twit who while deftly voiced by Rob Paulsen, pritoitsed trying to get into Sally's non existant pants over their life or death struggles and constantly resented sonic for having her affections and being cooler and actually doing his job. Antoine seemed to be only on the team because shut up. He was a coward, and while it's okay to have fear given the odds their against, he seemed really not cut out for this and given they had a villiage base, should've stayed there. Tails was protrayed as a tagalong kid here but he should've easily taken Antoine's spot as despite being greener, he had far more pasion and bravery than his older counterpart.
So while SATAM and Adventures were in development Archie Comics, they of the never ending love triangle that should really just be a polycule now, came a knockin. They TRIED to get the rights for adventures but instead got SATAM.. and being archie proceded to make a comic that had the premise of SATAM but stuck to their comedy wheelhouse. The comics would evolve past this as they went, largely thanks to MIcheal Gallagher (Who was still good with sticking in gags) and well.. Ken Penders
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Who slowly grew to suck , but that's a story for another time.
Back on point the cast was transplanted as was. Antoine fit better here as being the douchey comedic foil works better in a comedy. He still had exactly no shot with Sally. For a while though he mostly stuck around as panicky comic relief and didn't really change much from SATAM, the only big change being he was less obnoxious... apart from his prosecuting sonic for treason, which he turned out to be innocent of. Again story for another time.
Bunnie however got fleshed out a bit. For starters she got a proper origin story, as rather than be with the team from day one with the initial mini or ongoing, she joined in issue 3. Sonic and Rotor got word of use of a portable robtocizer, via Rotor's Little Mermaid Camera, yes really, and found a rabbit farmer being captured by swat bots. Calling them a yankee did nothing and she was chucked in
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Exausted for obvious reasons, Sonic ran Bunnie back, not carring if robotnik tracked them: saving someone in distress was more important. Sally agreed and Bunnie joined the team, proving to be an instant asset and the series break out star. While most of the focus was still on Sonic , as you'd expect, Bunnie got a consderable number of backup features. She never got a mini series like Tails and Sally, weirdly enough, but she still got more than enough spotlight to flesh her out and add a new dimension: While her robotic limbs made her super poewrful.. they felt like a curse. She wanted badly to be herself again and even had a nightmare one issue where robotnik hacked her cybernetics to slowly reoboticize her. It was the cornerstone of her character. And if you thinka southern accented hard hitting southren belle who has a tragic condition sounds familiar... your right. Bunnie was made more like Rogue from the x-men with time, even getting a leather jacket in the strips later years.. also a neat cowboy hat.
As the comic went on more twists turned, things got more serious, and as things escalated. And with all this Antoine's jealously MOSTLY disappeared, replaced as Sonic's rivarly by prized asshole and 19 year old Geoffery St John, because 19 was okay for a 15 year old back then as far as fiction was concerned.
Geoffery fucking hated sonic, partly out of jealously and partly because Sonic never gave the prick respect, constantly calling the freedom fighters "Ameturs" as he'd been fighting robotnik longer.. despite them having way more success. If he sounds punchable your extremley correct.. and it's someone acting on that that lead to Antoine's finest moment. After close to 50 issues, he got some character development when the freedom fighters, their allies the wolf pack and Geoffry all had a tense camp out.
Also present was Uncle Chuck, sonic's uncle who had been roboticized but got freed of it earlier in the comic and had since served as their spy on their inside, a kingsman who might let some things slide. Geoffery being nature's biggest dickhead, wasn't convinced Chuck was on the up and up, and figured he was a traitor. Sonic understandably popped the arrogant prick and certified pedophile one, and Geoffery less understandably prepared to kill sonic... till a hero emerged
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Not only does Twan stand up to the asshole but he points out his DAD founded the underground Geoffery leads and accuses him of being a traitor. Sadly the skunk isn't but the issue does flesh out Twan considerably. He's revealed to be the son of King Acorn's most loyal soldier, wearing his father's uniform in his honor and actually starting as a hero, having apparnetly saved bunnie in backstory, a retcon I don't hate. His decline is blamed on his crush on Sally: his loyalty turned to love she never reciprocated and the depression over it broke him a little. But clearly seeing his dad's legacy coopted by this prized asshole relit his fire and from here on Antoine is a certified badass and master swordsman and all the better for it.
He's also no longer alone
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It's not super sudden either: an earlierr backup had her protecting him when he did a solo missoin, showing off both his growing bravery and hinting at her crush on him. With this the two became a solid couple, the war soon ended and the comic... forgot about them.
The comic largely forgot about Bunnie, Antoine and also Rotor during it's post-robotnik era. Sally's father tried to get her to marry Antoine or give up her crown, yes really he was a right asshole, but when it came to the main plot the two were largely left out. It's a mixed bag: on the one hand seeing two of the series best characters benched, especially since Antoine had just hit his stride as one, is depressing. I didn't realize till writing this review just how little they did between robotnik's fall and the time skip. Their still on the team but Sonic, Sally and to a lesser extent Tails get all the focus.
There were two big developments: We found out what happened to Antoine's father Armand.. he became the evil high shierf while roboticized, terorizing Mercia, a small forest villiage protected by Rob O Hedge, amy's cousin. All stuff I didn't make up. They eventually got him back and eventually his mind was restored like all other robians.
The other was a bit more distressing: in a side story Bunnie found out her cybernetics were no longer working with her nervous system and had a choice: undergo upgrades, or die. She choose, with Antoine's support and love to go through with it. She'd never be free of her limbs, but she accepted them.
This also meant when some random ass aliens deroboticized almost everyone, Bunnie couldn't be, but it's something she accepted.
So yeah not much happened for the two. They were happy, they were stuck playing support in various nonsense overcomplicated plot lines I thankfully don't have to get into, things were good.
Sadly there IS a nonsense overcomplicated plot line I do have to get into. So Mobius what got invaded by starfish aliens and sonic seemingly died but instead spent what felt like a few months but ended up being a year to everyone else making his way back across the galaxy. This lead to a time skip. Which would be a great idea, I love a good time skip and after years of the status quo being kind of wobbly we were back to Eggman having the upper hand and our heroes on the backfoot, which could be seen as regressive but honestly worked.
The problem is most of Boller's other ideas.. didn't. He decided to shake up the main couples and had antoine don an eyepatch and break up with Bunnie, while Sally broke up with sonic because he woudln't stop fighting which she screamed at him for and slapped him.. despite the war being at it's worst again and badly NEEDING him and part of the deep shit they were in was due to his absence. It felt horribly selfish and out of character. Sally was the general for the rebellion previously. She knows the sacrifices needed. Sonic isn't doing this for the thrills like she thinks but because people need him and like a true hero he can't let good people get hurt.
This felt like an excuse to get Sonic and Bunnie which while sadly brief.. actually kinda worked. The two had chemistry before, it created tension and we could eventually find out WHY Antoine broke up with Bunnie. Instead this lasted maybe a second, and instead Bunnie ended up making out with Scourge, sonic's evil alternate universe counterpart who at the time looked just like him. If this sounds fucking gross it was. He made out with a bunch of people while pretending to be sonic. It's gross as it sounds and somehow gets more fucked up as he ended up kissing supporting character fiona fox.. who then started going out with sonic. Whose best friend tails had a crush on her and...
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Eventually the comic imploded: Bollers left having trouble working for Ken Penders and Penders was fired for being impossible to work with and kinda nuts.
On his way out though he DID clear up the Bunnie and Antoine thing. And shockingly for Late Stage Ken Penders.. it was suprisingly simple. Antoine had been replaced by his Anti-Counterpart from the same evil universe as Scourge, who wanted the crown and started poisioning people: He poisned antoine's dad then poisoned Sally's dad so he could trick her into marrying him. Thankfulyl Antoine's dad had figured it out, Sonic stopped the wedding and got the real antoine back.
Thankfully after Ken and Karl... came Ian. Ian Flynn, as mentioned is a massive sonic fan, and already loving archie took a similar approach to superhero writers of the time: fix the mess he'd been left with while reminding people whyt hey loved these comics. He spent the first year largely playing clean up, tying up the various tangling threads left by the previous teams. He ended Sonic and Fiona with the whole "She was actually hot for Scourge thing", turned Scourge into scourge in the first place going from a greaser sonic to a real true evil counterpart, refocusing sally's character, and brought tails parents back from space. All mostly done by just.. writing a story around it instead of trying to hastily retcon all the stupid shit.
Naturally that ship writing included Antoine and Bunnie, who were back to being prominent and got a subplot leading to their nuptials. It was a small one and moved fast, but it was nice to give them something, and lead to a full honeymoon arc I already covered some time back . It also implied as hard as an all ages comic could they what did sex to each other
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Which let's be fair here: their both hot , their both 18 and over respectively, why not? He knows the fanbase. Their both smokeshows. Let bunnie use those special attachments while Antoine shows off his swordplay. Before we get to the consumation of the marriage we had the marriage itself. The buildup started with a tragedy: Due to all the evil doppleganger shit, Armand died. The story is deeply touching, and seems to be pulled from Flynn's own pain as he dedicated it to his late mother. Armand tells his son how proud he is, not to be ashsamed or blame himself, and to hold onto bunnie. It's a truly wonderful story and a good way to send off the character.
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This feels like the big push towards it... though earlier in the story he was already considering it before sonic told him to go to his father. The final push comes after Fiona's betrayal: with a bunch of their enemies loose, one of their own having betrayed them, and things getting more and more dire Antoine decides to do something about it..
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After some talking with Sally, who put the two on a mission right away but really just wanted a chance ot talk with Bunnie and apologize for being so distant, the wedding is soon on the issue after the proposal. After all the whole reason he proposed was they don't know how much time they have left. Why wait?
So we've finally come to the actual wedding. Sonic is getting tuxed up in his house, happy to go STAGGGGG after the whole fiona debacle, and heading off to in his words "Go bug the groom". Never change man, never change.
Sonic is going with Tails, who isn't living with his surrogate brother as his parents, as I will never get tired of saying, came back from outer space something the little guy is overjoyed about. He actually likes thier fussing over him like Sonic's Mom does asking him not to run in his nice suit. Maam that's his thing and he has two genuises in his friend group and one for an uncle. If none of them could make fabric that won't roll around at the speed of sound that's on them.
Tails isn't all smiles though as he's still going through some stuff.
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Now Fiona and Tails.. is a pretty sad tale all things considered. He fell in love with a robot copy of her.. but that copy was the same age as him. Tails is ten, fiona is 16 and never remotely took his crush seriously, brushing it off when he finds out about her and sonic and when betraying everybody, making sure to hit the poor kid in the face. This is also nice build up for later: Sonic just kinda brushes it off.. and that's part of the problem as Tails is still understandably feeling betrayed his big brother went out with his crush, and this all boils over soon in the excellent house of cards arc. Rather than just milk shit for drama, Ian milks shit for drama.. but couches it in the characters. Sonic SEEMS uncaring because he's laid back and chill and dosen't realize how hurt his friend is or how much tails has grown.
So they go to someone's basement where the Chaotix are trying to help Antoine's nerves.
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Why Rotor is absent I have no clue. The Chaotix in this continuity were Knuckles best friends, allies and squad, all coming from angel island themselves.
It is kinda nice vector is trying to help as he's a bit of a playboy in these comics, while Charmy is indeed married. Or at least engaged. It also makes his words here tragic as after this he suffers severe brain damage to put him in line with his child counterpart from heroes.
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Espio is absent as he's on a mission, sneaking into the Eggman Empire to find out what he's up to. We'll cut back and forth to him all issue and it's a ncie contrast: the truly happy day at the wedding with everyone in good spirits and reflecting on their own romantic troubles.... while Espio uncovers a terrifying secret: Eggman is gearing up for a massive assault complete with fresh body armor and easily incapacitates him. As our heroes have one of the best days of their lives.. one of the darkest is coming. Again though..
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It's one I really want to cove ras the fight between Eggman and Sonic next issue is fucking brutal. Truly fantastic. I honestly might need to cover ian's run after giant days. May have to find someone to sponsor it.
For now though Sonic's bored and goes to the bride to bug them instead. Rosie, Sally's old baby sitter and mother figure while her mom was in a coma tube, decides to use another rose to deal with this
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It's a fucking great gag. And yeah Amy at this point is still in her obessive fangirl mode. She's also 12, her body just got what aged up to a teenager. I ship her more with Tails for that reason and because it's always been a ship in my back pocket. NOt against Sonamy mind now she's stopped making stalker rooms or trying to force him into marriage, it just does not work in this continuity. She's too young and he's interested in someone else.
We get some really sweet interactions here as Sally brings up how in her first apperance Bunnie wanted to be her hair stylist. And she will be... it's just now as a side thing for her friend inbetween time with her husband and beating up badniks. They even have a giggle when Rosie and Bunnie tease Sally about Sonic. Sally, like her ex, is happy riding solo for now. Sure hope she dosen't get turned into a robot before anything happens and dosen't get freed because of rights issues> That'd really suck.
It's time for the Wedding as Sonic arrives with Knuckles and runs into Knuckles girlfriend, soulmate and sonic character I dearly miss Julie Su. Julie is a had scrable former soldier and that's why he loves her. She also hates formal wear and how she looks in it, though knuckles he er.. tries to make her feel better
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I love this scene, the little banter and the fact neither really want or need to get married. It's neat for a sonic comic of all things to have such a progressive stance for it's time. It's also understandable from a character perspective; both are highly indepent and both's parents had... less than stellar marriages. Knuckles parents divorced while he thought they were dead, with his mom remarying and having another son Kneecaps, and Julie Su's birth parents abandoned her. Her foster parents are doing fine but I get maybe not wanting to get married with all that baggage.. or you know just because you don't want to.
So sonic arrives to meet the royal family. Max, the asshole I mentioned whose left in a wheel chair after the poison, his wife Alicia, and sally's long lost brother I mentiond Elias. I joked about that but while his introduction is needlessly convoluted Elias is a fascinating character and Ian will use him well. He never WANTED the crown, and in fact ran away, finding his wife Megan and soon marrying her and adopting her daughter. He only returned when the kingdom needed him to lead as things got worse with Max, but does a stellar job. He later gets to run my faviorite incarnation of the freedom fighters, the secret freedom fighters.
Despite all the lingering tension... Sonic and Sally still fall back into their old routines.. and the spark is still there.. even if both are.. not exactly ready to reignite it.
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We get some omnious setup for a future arc as Tails dad Amedeaus talks about how it's an honor to serve Elias.. and then behind his back admits he soon won't have much more power anyway. This leads to the whole house of cards arc. Seriously while this issue is good it is very hard to talk about a single piece of Ian Flynn's sonic. Like Chris CLaremon'ts x-men it's really one big ongoing story nicely chonked up into arcs and what not.
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And so the two are married in a touching ceremony as Espio nearly dies overlaid with it. And we end on.. er Eggman preparing to kill a whole lotta people. See what I mean?
This issue is decent. The sentiment is nice, the sally and bunnie scene are nice and I really do like the contrast between this very happy day.. and the impending doom awaiting our heroes. It's a solid issue with some good moments... but on re-read it's not nearly as good as it was the first time. On Re-Read I noticed just how.. little Antoine and Bunnie play into their own wedding issue: we get a really nice moment of Bunnie and sally.. but Antoine dosen't get anything like that with Sonic, just him being really sweaty while Vector and Charmy of all people try to calm him down. I get their not as close but you could still pull on their long rivarly and it was clear fromt he previous issue just how much Antoine had grown. Instead most of the focus is on Sonic's love tornado, tails depression and setup for later. The setup is damn good.. but it feels like this could've been two issues instead of one but Ian wanted to continue the tradition, upheld to this day, of every 25th issue of sonic being a big deal. A huge story turning point. The resulting story feels great but it rushes the wedding out as a result. There isn't reflection on how they got here, not enough hyjinks.. it just happens really fast and it's over and time for the horror show to start. It's easier to notice in isolation as before i'ts sandwitched betwene Fiona's brutal betryal and the big wham episode that's the next arc.
Thankfully the two would get more spotlight in a tails adventure adaptation of all things, because Ian unlike the writers before him gave a shit about these games and noticed they missed one. The marriage would mostly just be really happy and the two would get used more often.. until tragedy struck and Bunnie was deroboticzed while Antoine was left in a coma, both not resolved as Ken Penders and rights issues meant a reboot came.
Thankfully in the reboot both got plenty of stories, stayed married, and reflected on things, ending the second continuity happy. And we have fan comics to pick up the slack elsewhere. Still this was a nice milestone and with Sega being anti-relationship, I don't see the lemur and wolf wedding we all want and deserve coming anytime soon, so this may be the last sonic wedding. I mean there was that one in Sonic 2 but I don't think traps to catch our heroes count... I mean for these polls they do but we won't be doing that one. Thanks for reading , have a happy valentin'es day and remember, i'm pullin for you, we're all in this together and if you liked this consider checking out the Giant Days retrospective I did yesterday.
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hejjhug · 1 year ago
This is gonna be a weird question! Do you have any tips or recommendations on how to learn drawing sonic characters similar-ish to the series?
Hello! Hi! I’d like to preface this by saying I have no idea how to teach anything ever and what I’m about to say is based on my own observations! Mobians come in a variety of shapes and sizes! Not all of them carry the same proportions as Sonic – However, despite there being a wide range of animals used in the franchise, they all share specific design choices that allow them to convincingly inhabit the same world. I will do my best to list these choices in a way that sorta breaks down how to design a Mobian character!
RECURRING SHAPES: All Mobians carry two or three recurring shapes within their design! Let’s look at Sonic as an example:
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Sonic is made up of circles (primary shape), triangles (secondary shape), and a secret third thing (squares). While recurring shapes is basic bitch character design rules, primary and secondary shapes with Sonic characters tend to occupy equal ground! You can look at just about any Mobian character and break them down into almost equal amounts of two different shapes, with a tertiary shape occasionally butting into that tango. MOST Mobians have bodies that consist of a circle on top of a square, or vice-versa. Smaller characters like Charmy Bee or Chip are the exception to this rule. Their torsos are made up of one shape entirely (Charmy's is a circle and Chip's is a triangle). Big is a one-shape-body boy as well, of the circle variety.
PROPORTIONS: Hey remember that picture of Sonic I literally just scribbled over and then showed you three times? Let's look at it a fourth time, and this time without the scribbles.
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So his head is huge, right? Cartoon characters like him tend to have those! and big hands and big feet and yeah you've seen all of this before. But what about Mobians, specifically? Is there a way to mathematically break down the proportions of those little critters? Well sure, but I'm total dogshit with math, so instead I eyeball the proportions of large characters and small characters to get a sorta basis for what looks right! For example, Sonic's torso is roughly half the size of his head, and his hands and shoes are all each the size of his torso! Meanwhile, if you put a second Sonic head behind the base of the first one, you'll notice that the quills are about the same width! The opposite can be said for large characters like Vector or Big:
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Here, it's kinda the opposite. The torso is the biggest thing, whereas the head dictates the size of most other parts of the body! Sure, you may get instances like Big's ears, which are the length of his torso's height, but ultimately, the rule of Sonic character design, as far as I've observed, seems to be to have one part of the body determine the size of all other parts. Nothing gets its own size, everything can be measured with something else (smaller details don't count).
WHAT WHAT'S UP WITH THOSE EYES: Famously, Sonic's got some kinda cyclops eye thing going on. Not every Mobian is like this, however! In fact, most aren't! The type of animal that seems to consistently have a mono-eye in their design are hedgehogs. The exceptions to this rule are Charmy and Vector, as far as I'm aware (I'm not aware of many things). So with that said, there are three eye types Mobians tend to have:
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Respectively: The Mono-Eye, The "I'm Not Mad At You I Swear," and The Standard Set. All of these can be pushed and pulled to fit the character's overall design better. For example, we can look at Shadow and Rouge! Shadow has the Mono-Eye and Rouge has The Standard Set -- But that doesn't mean their eyes look exactly the same as Sonic's and Tails's!
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Shadow's eyes are a soft triangle shape more than a circle like Sonic's are, to match the general star shape of his design. Rouge's eyes look as if Tails's eyes were rotated slightly outward to give them more of a slant -- This fits into her heart secondary shape. The Mono-Eye and Standard Set are the easiest eyes to convey emotion with. The "I'm Not Mad At You I Swear," which can also be found on Jet
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Is defined best by a furrowed brow, the bottom of which will always touch the top of the muzzle/beak. Emoting characters who have this is tricky, but can be done by moving the center of the brow on each side of the face (NOT the middle of the head). Some examples:
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Birds and echidnas tend to have this one! There is also no actual hard and fast rule for it! I've seen the "I'm Not Mad At You I Swear drawn as a Mono-Eye AND as a Standard Set by different artists just doing their best to emote a fella.
When figuring out designs for Mobians, please also consider looking at what Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog (Issue 160+) and IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic artists have created for inspiration! There are a TON of background Mobians in both of these books, all different species with different shapes and sizes!
This is all I can think of for now when it comes to basic principles in Mobian design! If you (or anyone) has anything specific in mind question-wise, go ahead and reblog or leave a comment letting me know what's on your mind! Otherwise, I'm signing off on this post! Good luck!!
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crusherthedoctor · 1 month ago
I wanted to thank you for opening my mind; I used to be all about Archie and defend the edginess the series would incorporate. While I still enjoy that stuff, I'm not gonna demand Sega for Sonic to carry a gun or include Sally Acorn in the next game.
I've come to appreciate Game!Sonic and his Game! friends a lot more because of your insights. Rest assured I can still think for myself and don't take all your opinions as gospel (i.e. I will continue to ship Sonadow and I continue to love my edgy son, Nine). This side of the Fandom is more rational and accepting, making it comfortable for me to share my gratitude to you guys.
I'm sharing this now because I've been crafting my own AU/cartoon/adaptation, your analyses of Sonic and Eggman serve as a guide to keep them in character.
If this comes off as too dramatic, it's because my appreciation for you and your blog is too much to contain in one sentence.
It's not too dramatic at all. In fact, after what has honestly been a pretty crappy day, this really put a smile on my face.
I'm just a fellow fan like everyone else when all is said and done. I don't claim to be the master authority on character portrayals in this franchise. (I know I've joked about it feeling like I'm the only one who knows how Eggman works in the fandom, but that's exactly what it is: a joke). However, I'm honored that you've been taking my perspective into account for your own portrayals for Sonic and Eggman, and I wish you the best of luck on your project. :) If you ever want to share details via PM, you're free to do so.
I don't take issue with fans who simply like whichever adaptations, or even those who outright prefer certain adaptations or at least parts of them. After all, I enjoy AoStH and the movies despite their obvious differences, and my favourite portrayal of Metal Sonic is still the one from the OVA. The important thing is knowing that even if you ultimately prefer an adaptation over the games, the games will always remain the heart of the franchise, and that ought to be respected either way.
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gaddaboutgriffon · 7 months ago
Master post
My own Posts.
Super Ghostly Farming DCxDP Superwoman AU
Super Phantom DCxDP
Future Son?! DCxDP
Super X-man
DND Young Justice
DPxDC A Tale of Two Jacks
Age Reversal
Teenage Mutant Ninja Wizard
Alien PETA
Young Justice Spider
The Year of the Dragon
Baby bat, Phantom, and the X-men
Superwoman Kara
Spleen Surprise DCxDP
Benders in DC (ATLA x justice league)
Random OC Villain Character not connected to any existing media
Revival Brothers DPxDC part 1 part 2 part 3
X Phantom
Omega Spider
Not mine but I am invested in.
Time Winder. Connected to Time Travel Teen Parents
Re-alive ray superson
Pack less misunderstandings
Thermon aka Ghost Pokémon
Red Arrow’s Ghost
Halfa universal clone donor
Snookums the kryptonian guard dog!
Niche unheard of crossover ideas. (Some not even a one shot on ao3🥲
Wild Kratts x How to Train Your Dragon
Batclan in Redwall
Series and media I like or liked and enjoy fan discussion and fics on (may include Cartoons, Books, Movies or Games.)1 How to train your dragon2 Transformers Prime (cartoons, NOT the movies)3 Avatar the last air-bender. (Not including Korra)4 Teenage mutant ninja turtles (cartoon series)5 Spectacular Spider-man (cartoon Series)6 Redwall (cartoon and book series)7 Pokemon (cartoon and game)8 Sonic the hedgehog (cartoons, and comics.)9 Justice league (the 1990 animated series. NOT the live action movies) And batman animated. 10 My Little pony FIM (G4 cartoon) 11 Marvel Cinematic Universe (before Disney bought it)12 Wings of Fire (books)13 Ben 10 (cartoon)14 Star wars (past liked not present)15 Star trek original series (past liked not present)16 Neo-pets ( Toys. great concept but not the best executed game)17 Kungfu Panda (cartoons)18 Teen titans (original Cartoon, not go)19 Rangers apprentice (books)20 Kim possible (cartoon)21 Lilo and stitch (cartoon)22 American Dragon (Cartoon)23 Big Hero 6 (cartoon) 24 Guardians of Ga’Hoole (books. don’t bother with the movie)25 Epic (animated movie by Blue Sky studios)26 Atlantis the lost Empire (Disney cartoon)27 Big bang theory (TV)28 Lord of the Rings (movies and books.)29 Dragon Quest (games)30 Wild Krats (cartoon)31 The Fluppy Dogs (cartoon)32 Zootopia (cartoon)33 Nelvana Care bears (cartoon specifically the 1985 to 1988 series)34 Last man standing (what can I say he reminds me of my dad)35 Bones (TV)36 Warrior cats. (books only read up until power of three arc)37 Flash (TV)38 Home improvement (TV)39 Steven Universe (cartoon. concept was good but poorly executed story)40 Phineas and Ferb (cartoons)41 Milo Murphy’s law (cartoon)42 Amphibia (cartoon)43 Emperors new groove. (cartoon)44 Harry Potter (books)45 Chronicles of Narnia (books)46 Dinotopia (TV movie, and books)47 Encanto (cartoon)48 Jane and the dragon. (cartoon)49 Gravity falls (cartoon)50 Swat Kats (cartoon)51 Chip and Dale rescue rangers (cartoon) 52 Ducktales (cartoon) 53 Prince of Egypt. (Animated movie) 54 Danny Phantom. (Cartoon) 55 Puss in Boots (dreamworks movies)56 Young Justice (cartoon have not read the comics) 57 Batman Wayne family adventures (web comic. 58 Tower dungeon farmer (web comic)
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adventuretolkienlover · 4 months ago
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Hello! This is were I introduce myself properly! My name is JP! I have few other online names, but that what you can call me here. :)
On this blog, you can expect a variety of posting, related to many different fandoms, ships, and topics. Since I've dabbled in lots of different things over the years. Usually anything related to history, literature, mythology, science, biology (speculative and real world), and world building will catch my eye. I also ADORE retrowave and vintage cartoons. Especially stuff from the 1980s, if you can't already tell from my blog theme. Lol.
I'm also an artist, writer, amateur character designer, and amateur script writer, looking to develop shows and movies for everyone to enjoy!
This blog is mostly a place for me to save interesting info, cool art, and inspiration for my personal projects. But I do post art and writing every once and in a while. So keep an eye for any stuff that comes up.
My interests change wildly and rapidly thanks to my ADHD. But my favorite fandoms are these.
- Scooby Doo! (One of my favorite TV shows! Fell in love with this show as a teenager and have been loving Scooby ever since! I would love to chat about this one! #1 Shaggy x Velma shipper!)
- Ninjago! (Best Lego show ever!!! Take a peek at my Ninjago blog at @the-ninjago-historian. But please don't ask any Ninjago related questions here, for the sake of organization. Please. I beg of you.🙏)
- TTTE and the RWS by Reverend William Awdry. (Nervous about sharing this one. Please don't judge me. I like railway history and fantasy. It's a perfect combination of both. I've ADORED it since I was a child. Check out my blog @dragons-and-magic for stuff involving The Railway Series, Dragons, and Xenofiction in general. I have a lot of art there for a TTTE Dragon AU I'm making. Again, please direct all TTTE questions there, thanks.)
- I also kinda dabble in a few other fandoms like Sonic The Hedgehog, Transformers, Pokemon, ROTTMNT, etc. We'll see where that goes.
ASK RULES - No NSFW - No Cyber Bullying - No Discourse - No Politics
That's it! This is a stress free blog. (Goodness knows I need it after everything I've lived through.😅😭) I try to keep this blog PG, but sometimes stuff won't be. So, block the tag #Discourse if you want to avoid any discourse that may get posted for some wild reason. Anything else triggering will be tagged accordingly as well.
🚨ALSO, feeding my work into AI is NOT allowed. Please don't do that.🚨
Thanks for checking my blog out and I hope you enjoy yourself! Don't hesitate to ask questions about my projects either if I happen to post any. The questions help me develop them further!
Peace out my dudes!✌️☮️🌈
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randomthefox · 2 months ago
Yeah, people treat Sonic as though it isn't one of the most popular video game series ever. Like getting into it is somehow as time-consuming and demanding as, idk, playing Dark Souls.
They made these games to be accessible to everyone. Furthermore, they have these games available on multiple platforms. It's not like this is the '90s anymore and the only way you can play Sonic CD is if you drop the '90s equivalent of $1,000 on a hardware upgrade. Thanks to the efforts of Christian Whitehead, you can now play it on a tablet or a phone.
Given the availability of the options, I'm gobsmacked that "I didn't play the games, I just made shit up relied on vibes and memory" IS STILL AN ACCEPTABLE THING TO SAY IN 2025. YOU COULD ADMIT THAT OUT LOUD WITH YOUR OWN MOUTH, AND PEOPLE WILL PAY YOU MONEY FOR YOUR PRODUCT.
(...And frankly, I don't even buy SatAM apologists' argument that Sega didn't give SatAM's crew enough to work with, because A.) that's not true, and B.) you mean to tell me Ben Hurst, Pat Allee and Len Janson, who created kids' cartoons, knew no kids who had a Sega Genesis at the height of the console wars? Really?)
Man, all I can say is God damn, hating Sonic games must be a lucrative business.
They wear their resentment and loathing for the video games on their sleeve. Always with the "SatAM/Archie/The Movies are what made Sonic so popular!" rhetoric. As if that isn't completely fucking backwards.
They're literally children's games for babies. You can play them on your damn phone. And honestly the phone version is the best version of those games available. And if you have an iPhone which statistically most people do, they're FUCKING FREE.
There is honestly NO LEGITIMATE EXCUSE for people not playing these games. They're FREE, and they're designed to be able to be beaten by a fucking five year old. I know this because I PLAYED THESE GAMES AS A FIVE YEAR OLD AND I BEAT THEM.
Sonic Adventure 2 is ON STEAM and it's only $10. You don't have $10 Mister Hollywood movie writer man??? It takes like three hours to play through. You don't have three hours in your work day to play the game while having your work laptop open and jot down script notes?
Naw, who needs to actually play the video game. It's just a stupid video game. Who cares. We're making a MOVIE, which will be good because movies are better than video games. I remember Shadow rode a motorcycle and used a gun or something right? Yeah just throw that into the movie, why bother to go back and actually check to make sure that makes sense.
The people who make these movies literally just fucking hate Sonic and they're not even TRYING TO HIDE IT ANYMORE they're openly admitting that they didn't bother to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME what does that tell you about their opinion about the games??
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cosmicheartzone · 2 months ago
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((Covering more of Cosmo's experiences in the Olympics!
Also just a note that time is difficult to really cover in the Sonic universe. As while they gave official ages during Heroes, it being a cartoon series makes it unlikely they'll visibly age. And putting a precise timeline on every Sonic game into just a few years sounds maddening not to mention how stressful for what are mostly teenagers and children to be essentially saving the world from Dr. Eggman every month if not every week. I had thought about doing a thing where during the Late Fall/Winter, Tails and Cosmo answer questions from the lab (AKA where TailsTube is hosted in most episodes) and then outside like this for the rest of the year... but the problem with that is it would make it sound like each time they did that they'd be a year older. And I'm not going to be able to create older sprites for the cast very easily. So it's best to just keep it vague even if there might be some things I do that are timely. Just try not to take time too seriously in the future for CHZ. I can't age them up any more then Sega can.))
[[M&S Style Rosalina sprite slightly edited from a sheet by Sophie. Mario BIS Sprite ripped by Greiga Master]]
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sn-oozer · 2 months ago
The big "nuh-huh" or the TPS fandom member counterattacking
After contemplating the juicy volume of mean comments towards the cartoon, I've decided that it would be awesome to state some things and do a role swap in this old ahh war between the tiny amount of fans and a big ol' pack of haters.
First of all, I declare and swear that I do not call anyone to do online fights, to spread hatred or condemnation based on interests, tastes, etc. All personal, it shouldn't affect people. I just have enough courage and stupidity, I am as fearless as a honey badger.
Even before I got involved in the fandom, I saw at least two videos about how bad this show is. Looking it up now, I'm even more amazed by the amount of people saying the same over and over (and over and over) again.
People speaking about special and unique artstyles, plot and character dynamics...are stating all the same??
Like, you know, average "The problem solverz is garbage" video is usually... this. I know, it's a weird thing to notice, but come on!! First they say that the show is rushed, then they cover the bare minimum.
"I'm gonna tell why this show is bad! Because it's bad!"...and they're saying it for 5 minutes at best, sometimes 10. Isn't THAT mellow? It's like they're taking negative reviews, chatGPTng them into one and reading from a paper sheet.
1. MEAN of me and of them. >:(
I should also never forget how these people act on camera. Saying your personal thoughts (I hope they're not copying other's videos and their opinions are just similar) on the show is normal. That's what a review is, it can be negative or positive, sure thing.
But why are they so... arrogant or something about it? Just yesterday I saw a vid that ended with "Don't watch bad cartoons, watch me instead!"
.. Dude. Hear me out, dude. My man, my comrade, pal, buddy, fella. How's watching you yapping about some animation piece makes YOU an animation piece? Or the yapping as valuable as one, at least? What "artstyle, plot and interesting characters" does it give me? None, apart from at least 30 seconds of a segment of it that has zero sound regulation and million decibels of loudness, I'm well aware.
Great job NOT managing the audio tracks, asshole author, I love when it's barely possible to hear you and then you hit your viewer with a sonic boom. Yes, I do know that it can be funny when there's something suddenly being loud, it's my favourite and that's how I can tell when it's low quality editing and when it's a meme. They can't just rant about the show's technical side and then let audio issues slide for their own content. Don't they know that sound design is always essential?
The humour part is also questionable. Once their miserable 16 minutes at best of video starts, they waste it on gags and sketches sometimes. Next they'll be using sock puppets or anything and arguing with them. Saying that a show is unfunny after pretending that you achieved some comedy gold skills is...eh? What if I want an actual review, Iwant at least an hour of explanation why, how and what to do to make the show look or feel better. Not this:
Hi —> Problem Solvers Bad! —> joke —> ugly —> joke haha —> me funny, it's not— > me cool! — > watch MY favourite series instead! —> bye!
I can clearly see WHY they choose TPS for such content. Most likely it makes them seem advanced in their sphere of activity, otherwise I see no reason for speaking about the same cartoon when someone already said something. What would they need a proper scenario, jokes or even points for if they can just say "listen. Problem Solverz is bad! My [someone] called me and said that! My eyes." There was even an attempt to make "the worst animation series of the year" thing. At the same time, there is no competition among critics, why so?
Surely, I'm not talking about every review youtuber in the world. I won't even name them, I won't tell their channels or links to them. There are people who said positive stuff, having great points.
2. Reviews
The reviews are repeatative, of course they are. I can totally agree that the show has it's issues and it's not for everyone. Just like any other show. We know the etiquette, "we're all different in our preferences and tastes" is a damn motto! It works both ways.
But can't they..like...dig deeper into it? Let's see what they're saying most of the time, what's the matter with the show:
1. "My eyes!"
Yes. That's the artstyle. It's all on purpose. We have 8 episodes in the second season for those who "doesn't want eye aches". Ben Jones knew what he's doing.
2. "It's ugly, It's like it was made by a 4 year old".
And then we have South Park or something. Nobody whines about it's artstyle. We have Pilotredsun, for god's sake, a really good music maker and artist. Why don't they say that about Paper Rad as a whole, instead speaking of only one show??
3. "It's boring, the writing is weird".
Well, they had to fit a crazy ahh adventure in 11 minutes. The issue was fixed in the second season, again, but at what cost?
4. "No funnies"
Absolutely subjective, humor is a difficult thing. Humor has many forms, it's subtle, I guess. The pilot (or even both of them) showed how it works. Are they cats or something, do they really need someone to direct their attention to something artificially? Maybe a laugh track to emphasize a joke, a "badum tsss"?
5. "The main characters don't feel alive/human/like they have a personality"
They're missing the rare moments of character model change for better expression. As if they're sitting through several 10 minute episodes to notice.
They're just jealous of him /j
First they're saying that the characters are "flat". Then they're saying that Alfe is annoying. Because he actually has established hobbies, interests, senses (hunger lmao) and has at least several deadly sins in him? Because it's always in the viewer's face? Well, if it's not emphasized, it won't be noticed according to them.
I still think it's a matter of character archetype and artstyle...
3. Activities
The entire fanbase has like... several tiny communities. Like the one on Reddit or here, maybe also Amino. The show is favoured by around 33 people on archive org. Let's remember the population of people on earth at the moment. A fandom with the size of a blood cell, that's what we are.
And I saw at least once, that a person just went and posted the usual "show bad". Not on their page, not on a review page. On a fan community.
It's obvious that this user just watched the show or maybe a review on it, did a little brain work, searched for a fan community and posted this. I'm sure the fandom doesn't get into any platform algorithms to get popular. There's no real reason for anyone to try to get on the fanbase's nerves. And I don't even know the number of such cases. May be small, may be average, may be huge.
4. The whole show's position
It's unpopular. The fact is that people consciously go to watch this show when they hear about it, and they can choose not to. Again, the motto. It's been years since it's last airing, it's enough for a human baby to reach adolescentce or something. And people still kinda treat it like it's on their TV suddenly, unskipabble, with nothing else to watch. You 🫵, me, us and anyone else are free to watch anything they want on the internet, anywhere, in any quality. There's no need to try to get in a fight with the fans. They choose to watch the show even if they're warned, they get dazzled and then upset.
5. The grand final
How about people quit trying to milk The Problem Solverz hatred and...I dunno, go fight the real deal? The Internet is really taken over by artificial intelligence, you know? The "dumb show S1E2 plot"? The "meow meow meow meow meow 😔" vids. By actually rushed content, the brainrot that is real. The obvious unprofessionals trying to seize the children's animation industry, Elsagate going on and on, the cropped woo-hoo content, the farms. And somehow, it makes the people behind it millionaires in terms of subscribers and views. Where were you, anti ugly-eyestrain-arstyles and animation/plot writing gurus when you were needed before it was too late??
I hope that's the first and the last time I post such things, oh my.
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