#What NOAA Does
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"If you are a municipal official or local business leader, you carry an important responsibility to keep your residents ready and resilient for whatever the future may bring, from tomorrow’s weather conditions to next season’s climate impacts.
As the nation’s leading science agency, NOAA experts are available to help you obtain the environmental data and information you need to make informed decisions." NOAA Climate
#Climate Change#Climate Crisis#Climate Goals#Protect The Planet#There Is No Planet B#Climate Change Reporting#Climate Journalism#Covering Climate Crisis#Our Home In Space#Fossil Fuel Caused Climate Change#Clean Energy Now#Climate Activists#Climate Activism#NOAA Climate#What NOAA Does
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DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 2, 2024 "May 24, 2024 through September 2, 2024 (Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend)
In celebration of national Get Into Your Sanctuary activities, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries holds a photo contest annually from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend. We will be accepting submissions in the following categories:"

Celebrate #WorldPhotographyDay by submitting your photos to the Get Into Your Sanctuary #PhotoContest!
Submit your pics: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/photo-contest.html Get inspired: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/news/aug22/amazing-images-national-marine-sanctuaries.html
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Planet's Fucked: What Can You Do To Help? (Long Post)
Since nobody is talking about the existential threat to the climate and the environment a second Trump term/Republican government control will cause, which to me supersedes literally every other issue, I wanted to just say my two cents, and some things you can do to help. I am a conservation biologist, whose field was hit substantially by the first Trump presidency. I study wild bees, birds, and plants.
In case anyone forgot what he did last time, he gagged scientists' ability to talk about climate change, he tried zeroing budgets for agencies like the NOAA, he attempted to gut protections in the Endangered Species Act (mainly by redefining 'take' in a way that would allow corporations to destroy habitat of imperiled species with no ramifications), he tried to do the same for the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (the law that offers official protection for native non-game birds), he sought to expand oil and coal extraction from federal protected lands, he shrunk the size of multiple national preserves, HE PULLED US OUT OF THE PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT, and more.
We are at a crucial tipping point in being able to slow the pace of climate change, where we decide what emissions scenario we will operate at, with existential consequences for both the environment and people. We are also in the middle of the Sixth Mass Extinction, with the rate of species extinctions far surpassing background rates due completely to human actions. What we do now will determine the fate of the environment for hundreds or thousands of years - from our ability to grow key food crops (goodbye corn belt! I hated you anyway but), to the pressure on coastal communities that will face the brunt of sea level rise and intensifying extreme weather events, to desertification, ocean acidification, wildfires, melting permafrost (yay, outbreaks of deadly frozen viruses!), and a breaking down of ecosystems and ecosystem services due to continued habitat loss and species declines, especially insect declines. The fact that the environment is clearly a low priority issue despite the very real existential threat to so many people, is beyond my ability to understand. I do partly blame the public education system for offering no mandatory environmental science curriculum or any at all in most places. What it means is that it will take the support of everyone who does care to make any amount of difference in this steeply uphill battle.
There are not enough environmental scientists to solve these issues, not if public support is not on our side and the majority of the general public is either uninformed or actively hostile towards climate science (or any conservation science).
So what can you, my fellow Americans, do to help mitigate and minimize the inevitable damage that lay ahead?
I'm not going to tell you to recycle more or take shorter showers. I'll be honest, that stuff is a drop in the bucket. What does matter on the individual level is restoring and protecting habitat, reducing threats to at-risk species, reducing pesticide use, improving agricultural practices, and pushing for policy changes. Restoring CONNECTIVITY to our landscape - corridors of contiguous habitat - will make all the difference for wildlife to be able to survive a changing climate and continued human population expansion.
**Caveat that I work in the northeast with pollinators and birds so I cannot provide specific organizations for some topics, including climate change focused NGOs. Scientists on tumblr who specialize in other fields, please add your own recommended resources. **
We need two things: FUNDING and MANPOWER.
You may surprised to find that an insane amount of conservation work is carried out by volunteers. We don't ever have the funds to pay most of the people who want to help. If you really really care, consider going into a conservation-related field as a career. It's rewarding, passionate work.
At the national level, please support:
The Nature Conservancy
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Cornell Lab of Ornithology (including eBird)
National Audubon Society
Federal Duck Stamps (you don't need to be a hunter to buy one!)
These first four work to acquire and restore critical habitat, change environmental policy, and educate the public. There is almost certainly a Nature Conservancy-owned property within driving distance of you. Xerces plays a very large role in pollinator conservation, including sustainable agriculture, native bee monitoring programs, and the Bee City/Bee Campus USA programs. The Lab of O is one of the world's leaders in bird research and conservation. Audubon focuses on bird conservation. You can get annual memberships to these organizations and receive cool swag and/or a subscription to their publications which are well worth it. You can also volunteer your time; we need thousands of volunteers to do everything from conducting wildlife surveys, invasive species removal, providing outreach programming, managing habitat/clearing trails, planting trees, you name it. Federal Duck Stamps are the major revenue for wetland conservation; hunters need to buy them to hunt waterfowl but anyone can get them to collect!
THERE ARE DEFINITELY MORE, but these are a start.
Additionally, any federal or local organizations that seek to provide support and relief to those affected by hurricanes, sea level rise, any form of coastal climate change...
At the regional level:
These are a list of topics that affect major regions of the United States. Since I do not work in most of these areas I don't feel confident recommending specific organizations, but please seek resources relating to these as they are likely major conservation issues near you.
DRYING OF THE COLORADO RIVER (good overview video linked)
PROTECTION OF ESTUARIES AND SALTMARSH, ESPECIALLY IN THE DELAWARE BAY AND LONG ISLAND (and mangroves further south, everglades etc; this includes restoring LIVING SHORELINES instead of concrete storm walls; also check out the likely-soon extinction of saltmarsh sparrows)
UNDAMMING MAJOR RIVERS (not just the Colorado; restoring salmon runs, restoring historic floodplains)
NATIVE POLLINATOR DECLINES (NOT honeybees. for fuck's sake. honeybees are non-native domesticated animals. don't you DARE get honeybee hives to 'save the bees')
WILDLIFE ALONG THE SOUTHERN BORDER (support the Mission Butterfly Center!)
INVASIVE PLANT AND ANIMAL SPECIES (this is everywhere but the specifics will differ regionally, dear lord please help Hawaii)
LOSS OF WETLANDS NATIONWIDE (some states have lost over 90% of their wetlands, I'm looking at you California, Ohio, Illinois)
INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE, esp in the CORN BELT and CALIFORNIA - this is an issue much bigger than each of us, but we can work incrementally to promote sustainable practices and create habitat in farmland-dominated areas. Support small, local farms, especially those that use soil regenerative practices, no-till agriculture, no pesticides/Integrated Pest Management/no neonicotinoids/at least non-persistent pesticides. We need more farmers enrolling in NRCS programs to put farmland in temporary or permanent wetland easements, or to rent the land for a 30-year solar farm cycle. We've lost over 99% of our prairies to corn and soybeans. Let's not make it 100%.
INDIGENOUS LAND-BACK EFFORTS/INDIGENOUS LAND MANAGEMENT/TEK (adding this because there have been increasing efforts not just for reparations but to also allow indigenous communities to steward and manage lands either fully independently or alongside western science, and it would have great benefits for both people and the land; I know others on here could speak much more on this. Please platform indigenous voices)
HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS (get your neighbors to stop dumping fertilizers on their lawn next to lakes, reduce agricultural runoff)
OCEAN PLASTIC (it's not straws, it's mostly commercial fishing line/trawling equipment and microplastics)
A lot of these are interconnected. And of course not a complete list.
At the state and local level:
You probably have the most power to make change at the local level!
Support or volunteer at your local nature centers, local/state land conservancy non-profits (find out who owns&manages the preserves you like to hike at!), state fish & game dept/non-game program, local Audubon chapters (they do a LOT). Participate in a Christmas Bird Count!
Join local garden clubs, which install and maintain town plantings - encourage them to use NATIVE plants. Join a community garden!
Get your college campus or city/town certified in the Bee Campus USA/Bee City USA programs from the Xerces Society
Check out your state's official plant nursery, forest society, natural heritage program, anything that you could become a member of, get plants from, or volunteer at.
Volunteer to be part of your town's conservation commission, which makes decisions about land management and funding
Attend classes or volunteer with your land grant university's cooperative extension (including master gardener programs)
Literally any volunteer effort aimed at improving the local environment, whether that's picking up litter, pulling invasive plants, installing a local garden, planting trees in a city park, ANYTHING. make a positive change in your own sphere. learn the local issues affecting your nearby ecosystems. I guarantee some lake or river nearby is polluted
MAKE HABITAT IN YOUR COMMUNITY. Biggest thing you can do. Use plants native to your area in your yard or garden. Ditch your lawn. Don't use pesticides (including mosquito spraying, tick spraying, Roundup, etc). Don't use fertilizers that will run off into drinking water. Leave the leaves in your yard. Get your school/college to plant native gardens. Plant native trees (most trees planted in yards are not native). Remove invasive plants in your yard.
Xerces Society Pollinator Conservation Resource Center
Pollinator Pathway
Audubon Native Plant Finder
Homegrown National Park (and Doug Tallamy's other books)
National Wildlife Federation Native Plant Finder (clunky but somewhat helpful)
Heather Holm (for prairie/midwest/northeast)
MonarchGard w/ Benjamin Vogt (for prairie/midwest)
Native Plant Trust (northeast & mid-atlantic)
Grow Native Massachusetts (northeast)
Habitat Gardening in Central New York (northeast)
There are many more - I'm not familiar with resources for western states. Print books are your biggest friend. Happy to provide a list of those.
Lastly, you can help scientists monitor species using citizen science. Contribute to iNaturalist, eBird, Bumblebee Watch, or any number of more geographically or taxonomically targeted programs (for instance, our state has a butterfly census carried out by citizen volunteers).
In short? Get curious, get educated, get involved. Notice your local nature, find out how it's threatened, and find out who's working to protect it that you can help with. The health of the planet, including our resilience to climate change, is determined by small local efforts to maintain and restore habitat. That is how we survive this. When government funding won't come, when we're beat back at every turn trying to get policy changed, it comes down to each individual person creating a safe refuge for nature.
Thanks for reading this far. Please feel free to add your own credible resources and organizations.
#us election#climate change#united states election#resources#native plants#this took 3 hours to write so maybe don't let it flop? i know i write long posts. i know i follow scientists on here#that study birds and corals and other creatures#i realize i did not link sources/resources for everything. i encourage those more qualified to add things on. i need to go to work
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climate change is real and terrifying, and materially altering winter, but also a 60-degree (F) day in December in Boston is not "apocalyptic"
there was not a single December in Boston from 1893-1903 without at least one day in the upper 50s, acording to NOAA data. usually several days. multiple years had December days reaching 60 or above- not always just one, either. December 1895 had more days in the 60s than December 2022 (it also had more days in the 20s, so that's not to say the pattern isn't changing, to be clear!)
(source- there's a dropdown menu at the top for different years)
I recently read a description of the Autumn Grand Prix in Paris c. 1909 that mentioned it being so weirdly warm that the trees started blooming again, and thought I was losing my mind. that NEVER happened in the past, right? but this was an eyewitness account written by a journalist who was there. I think we're all afraid of being labeled anti-science if we acknowledge what any climate scientist would likely tell you: that it's far more complicated than just Winter Is Dead And Every Diversion We Experience From Seasonal Averages Is Completely New Territory
I am not denying climate change. I am gently taking the hand of everyone who's just as (rightly!) scared as I am, just as stressed out by warmer-than-average winter days, and reminding you that climatological history does not begin with your childhood, and that climate change does not mean "every place is going to get hotter at a steady pace forever and there will be no more intense winters." they will change and become less frequent, but they will still be there! we can still act to preserve as many snowy days as possible, now!
we need hope to get through this. and sometimes part of hope can be contextualizing things for ourselves
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I don't understand the chevron law thing, could you explain it like I'm five? Should we be working towards fixing whatever the courts just fucked up?
So, okay, I am condensing like a semester of a class I took in 2017 into a very short explanation, but:
It would be really annoying for Congress to individually pass laws approving every new medicine or listing out every single poison you can't have in tap water, so instead there are agencies created by Congress, via a law, to handle a specific thing. The agencies are created by Congress but overseen by the executive branch (so, the president), which is why we say things like "Reagan's EPA" or "Biden's DOJ" - even though Congress creates them, the president determines how they do the thing Congress wants them to do, by passing regulations like "you can't dump cyanide in the local swimming pool" and "no, you can't dump strychnine, either."
However, sometimes people will oppose these regulations by saying that the agency is going beyond the task they were given by Congress. "The Clean Air Act only bans 'pollutants,' and nowhere in the law does it say that 'pollutants' includes arsenic! You're going beyond your mandate!" To which the experts at the EPA would be like, "We, the experts at the EPA, have decided arsenic is a pollutant." On the flip side, the EPA could be like, "We, the experts at the EPA, have decided that arsenic isn't a pollutant," and people would oppose that regulation by being like, "But the Clean Air Act bans 'pollutants,' and it's insane to say that arsenic isn't a pollutant!" So whose interpretation is correct, the government's or the challengers'?
Chevron deference basically put heavy weight onto how the agency (i.e. the government) interpreted the law, with the assumption that the agency was in the right and needing pretty strong evidence that they were interpreting it wrong (like, blatantly doing the opposite of a clear part of the law or something). If there was any ambiguity in how the law was written, you'd defer to the agency's interpretation, even if that interpretation was different depending on who was president at the time.
(Note: there are other ways of challenging regulations other than this one, like saying that they were promulgated in a way that is "arbitrary and capricious" – basically, not backed by any evidence/reasoning other than "we want it." Lots of Trump-era regulations got smacked with this one, though I think they'd be better at it if Trump gets a second term, since they've now had practice.)
Chevron deference wasn't all good – remember that the sword cuts both ways, including when dickholes are in power – but it was a very standard part of the law. Like, any opposition to a regulation would have some citation to be like "Chevron doesn't apply here" and every defense would be like "Chevron absolutely applies here" and most of the time, the agency would win. Like, it was a fundamental aspect of law since the 80s.
The Supreme Court decision basically tosses that out, and says, "In a situation where the law is ambiguous, the court decides what it means." That's not completely insane – interpreting law is a thing judges normally do – but in a situation where the interpretation may hinge on something very complicated outside of the judge's wheelhouse, you now cannot be like, "Your Honor, I promise you that the experts at NOAA know a lot about the weather and made this decision for a good reason."
The main reason it's a problem is that it allows judges to override agencies' judgements about what you should do about a thing and what things you should be working on in the first place. However, I don't think there's really a way of enshrining that into law, outside of maybe adding something to the Administrative Procedure Act, and that would require a Congress that isn't majority Republican.
I will say that kind of I expected this to happen, just because IIRC Gorsuch in particular hates Chevron deference. IMO it's a classic case of "rules for me but not for thee" – Scalia and other conservatives used to rely on Chevron because they wanted their presidents to hold a ton of unchecked power (except for the EPA), but now that we've had Obama and Biden, now conservatives don't like Chevron because it gives the presidents they don't like unchecked power.
#askbox#personal#Anonymous#bb is a lawyer#bb had a whole flow chart for admin law finals that is now moot#chevron deference
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Ok, y’all. I just want it to be understood how important the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is.
Tampering with NOAA would have more impacts than just the main one I've heard - privatization of weather tracking. Of course it would be catastrophic. That means their weather forecasts, guidance, and warnings would not be available for free. Weather is going to go subscription based if this happens, I bet. This undoubtedly would cause the most immediate impact on our daily lives.
Before long, however, more will come.
NOAA also administers the Coastal Zone Management Act. Under this act are the National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERRs), National Coastal Management Program (CZM), and the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP).
There are 30 reserves established totalling 1.3 million acres. More are on the way.
No, this isn’t just our oceans! This impacts our freshwater coasts of the Great Lakes.
Grants and funding for institutions, including the University of Michigan. They manage the Science Collaborative, which funds research and exchanges to address coastal management needs of all 30 reserves or projects in collaboration with them.
Blending new technologies with indigenous knowledge with regards to management of wetlands and estuaries, strengthen food and economic stability, water quality, coral reefs, and resilience against climate change (ie. Ola i ka Loʻi Wai, Hawai’i)
Restore ownership of indigenous ancestral lands (ie. Conservation of Cape Foulweather Headland, Oregon)
Identify for underwater archaeological sites for research and surveys, create a draft tribal climate action plan (ie. Penobscot Nation’s involvement in the Northeast Regional Ocean Council, Maine)
Work with each participating state (regarding the CZM, as it’s voluntary to participate) to address challenges along their coastlines. Maybe reach out to your representatives to see why they’re not involved - looking at you, Alaska!
Population enhancement of coral reefs, manage the Coral Reef Information System, minimize negative impacts of fishing on reefs, mitigate impacts of land-based pollution on coral reefs (Coral Reef Conservation Program)
And much, much more. I’ll note that the aspects of the projects I highlighted above aren’t all they do. These are just a few I want to highlight here. Links can lead you further and I encourage you to take a few minutes to explore.
Another important note: both our oceans and freshwater lakes impact our biggest trade partners!! If dismantled, it would be yet another way that our foolish president will negatively impact our economy and relationships with our most crucial neighbors of Canada and Mexico. NOAA’s efforts also help support one third of the US's commerce. One third.
Here is a map which breaks down the 1.3 BILLION in awards from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. This includes goals towards economic development, flood, etc…
Oh and they also help with oil spills. No one likes those.
And space weather, geomagnetic storms/solar flares ie. impacts to GPS, power grids.
I really stress people to look at what the agency does overall, as well as what they do in your state. It’s more than just weather. You can find that information here.
Just please understand what we will lose if NOAA is gutted, or even just incapacitated for a long time. We already have little time to lose to slow the impacts of climate change and these are just some of the ways they're leading the charge with that.
It’s vital for us to understand what we will fundamentally lose, and it doesn't end at weather/hurricane predictions.
On a personal note, my dad has put what I can only estimate as hundreds of hours of work into one that was begun before the pandemic. If you can, I’d appreciate it if you’re in that area that you participate when you can, or if anything, donate to the UW Green Bay’s NERR General Fund. He’s also involved with portions of the Lake Superior NERR, so your time, if possible, or a donation if you can, would mean a lot to us.
#noaa#national oceanic and atmospheric administration#nerr#nationa estuarine research reserve#climate change#musk wank.#trump wank.#us government wank.#(ignore those last few tags they're for my own use)#coastal zone management act#national coastal management program#coastal and estuarine land conservation program#hawai'i#hawaii#maine#oregon#alaska#coral reefs
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Marine biology nerd reacts to Wuthering Waves fishing minigame! Part 1
Hi, I have a BA in biology with an unofficial specialization in marine bio (my college didn't offer anything more specific) so I love everything that has to do with sea critters, and since my enthusiasm about salps got positive reception, I would love to yap about some fun facts relevant to the obtainable fish present in the new fishing minigame in Wuthering Waves 🐟🌊
We're going to start with the...
Fried Egg Jellyfish
The fried egg jellyfish in Wuthering Waves looks like a pretty out-of-pocket design, but fried egg jellies are, in fact, real animals!

Sharing this photo again of one I took near a body of water in my region -- they do legitimately look like fried eggs. 😂 They belong to the genus Phacellophora and are found in most of the world's oceans. (Not to be confused with Cotylorhiza tuberculata, which is also called the "fried egg jellyfish" but is a different species.)
I'm not sure if it varies by region, but where I live, the best time to see them is between mid-July and mid-August, when they appear in droves -- so I see them often enough that I was positively ticked to see them featured in Wuthering Waves essentially unaltered. The caveat would be the note about them purportedly tasting like fried eggs; while some species of jellyfish are indeed edible when prepared properly, I'm not sure about this one specifically, so I can't say I endorse trying -- and even if they are, they probably don't taste like eggs, as jellyfish supposedly bears little to no flavor.
Yarn Eel
I'm going to guess this one is a play on the real animal called the ribbon eel, which is indeed quite colorful, but not necessarily found in large knots. Apparently, while they don't do so well in captivity, they can live for up to twenty years in the wild! (So, depending on who all is reading this... there might be ribbon eels out there that are your age or older. 👀)

(Image source)
Sob Blob
Many of us might be familiar with the infamous, meme-worthy photo of the "blobfish" on which this critter is quite clearly based. However, did you know that said photograph does not accurately portray what blobfish usually look like?
Blobfish live on the seabed at depths of up to over nine thousand (!!!) feet; to maintain their integrity against the immense pressure at that depth, the blobfish's soft tissues are full of water and fat. So if a blobfish were to get caught in a net and very abruptly moved to sea level, where the pressure is much lower, its "water-logged" tissues effectively explode, giving it the unnatural "blob" appearance featured in the infamous photo.

(Image from NOAA, in the public domain)
This is a real blob sculpin shown in its natural habitat -- and in a much more fish-shaped state! Moreover, unlike the in-game Sob Blob, blobfish don't have a lot of natural predators and can get away with a rather sedentary lifestyle in which they remain largely stationary unless it's absolutely necessary for them to move. Moisturized, unbothered, flourishing.
And, saving probably my favorite featured critter of the bunch for last:
Salps are much less well-known critters than any of the ones I've described so far, I think! Aside from in Wuthering Waves, I've only ever heard mention of them in the 2007 video game Endless Ocean (of which I was also a huge fan back when I had a Wii). I would say they're not prominent in popular culture by any stretch of the imagination, as far as I'm aware.
Salps are tunicates, a type of marine invertebrate that is nevertheless part of the phylum Chordata that includes all vertebrates, as tunicates possess notochords (the embryonic precursor to the vertebral column), as well as other chordate features, in their larval stage. In this case, the in-game description is at least partially accurate, as salps are a key component of the marine ecosystem and are thought to be a food source for a great many other animals, including fish and seabirds -- though it's difficult to tell exactly which ones, since they're gelatinous and don't leave behind much evidence of being eaten in their predators' digestive tracts. They're also purportedly one of the fastest-growing multicellular animals in the world.
Their life cycle involves an alternation between solitary and "chain" phases depending on the generation. While the salps' in-game entry describes them as sometimes "too small to bother with," IRL the biggest salp colonies can literally grow to lengths of one hundred feet!

(Image source)
That's about all I have time for today! I've got more critters I can talk about, so be sure to let me know if you're interested in a part two 😉
Part 1 (you are here) -- Part 2 -- Part 3
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If you're still defending ChatGPT please condsider the following
I feel like the angle of “fuck ChatGPT” that isn’t given enough attention is the traffic it draws away from the websites it’s ripping information from.
Now Google does this already. If you google anything now, Google’s “Search Labs AI Overview” will give you what you’re looking for summarized without having to scroll and click on various links.
Google has been up to some shady shit for years redirecting traffic. It used to just be a search engine—you used it to find the non-Google-owned websites that you needed. Now, though, Google is doing everything it can to keep you on Google.
If you search up a product, Google fills half the page with ad-placement links, image search results, the AI overview, Google reviews, and other noise so you stay with them.
Less traffic to the websites it’s ripping information from means those websites don’t get any profit for the information they’re providing, through ad revenue and such.
You might not care whether XYZ website makes money off you, but hosting and maintaining a website costs money, and if there’s no return on investment because search engines are gobbling it up, it’s that much harder for these businesses to stay afloat and not either bury their info under ads, or stick it behind a paywall.
Enter ChatGPT.
Remember when your teacher slandered Wikipedia to kingdom come? “Don’t use Wikipedia! It’s not a reliable source of information!”
Wikipedia, at the very least, demands sources for all of its information, and scroll to the bottom of any article to find exactly where the people who wrote it are getting their evidence.
Google might show you the most relevant link, one out of the thousands of possible search results. It’s foggy here so I googled a question about fog, and beneath the AI overview was a link to NOAA, for example.
ChatGPT goes one step farther. ChatGPT does not fact-check. All it does is answer your questions, but where it’s getting those answers and how correct those answers are, are pulled from the Internet. And if the Internet’s most popular results are wrong, ChatGPT isn’t going to care, it’s just going to regurgitate what those results are saying.
You still have to check your sources, but the difference is, now you don’t know who those sources are, or how biased their information is.
If I want to know the morality of declawing my cats, and I google “should I declaw my cats” I might get two very different answers. The ASPCA will tell you it’s harmful to the cats and animal abuse. “SuburbanBoomerCatMoms.net” (hypothetical) might tell you you gotta do it for the sake of your furniture and that outcry from the other side is just leftwing snowflake libtards.
Wikipedia will cite both of those sources (actually Wikipedia won’t give the second one any credence at all but hypothetically speaking). Google will show you the URL before you click it to both of those sources. ChatGPT will steal from both of those sources, not tell you it’s doing it, and present it as if both carry equal authority on animal care. Do you see the issue here?
Saying all of this because I know somebody who’s putting their medical information into ChatGPT to “translate” it for them.
Anyone who googles any symptom finds out pretty quick that “you have cancer” is a very popular and overblown answer. At this point I have to brush them off because arguing with them won’t change their mind.
So even if you don’t care about information diversity, sustained by giving those smaller websites traffic and revenue, you should care about the smoke and mirrors being very quickly normalized around hiding where information is coming from and making it that much harder to sort fact from fiction.
The Robot cannot be an unbiased source of information, because it is trained on the biases of the information it is scalping. It is your job, your responsibility, and your right to know and understand the ulterior motives behind what any one source is telling you.
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Batten down the hatches: Rin's ego is about to land

The latest chapters show Rin playing with an unfamiliar aura: what looks like swirling rivulets of water.
This represents the refinement of his ego and playstyle since the under-20 match. But what exactly are they going for with the swirling water? Here's my two cents.

Rin is strongly associated with water, specifically the sea. He grew up by the coast; he and Sae shared a love of watching the sunset over the water after training together. Those childhood memories are turbulent now, like dark clouds on the ocean's horizon.

It's here he realises that he can no longer play the puppetmaster football that helped him thrive in Blue Lock. As good as he is, it wasn't authentic... and it's nowhere near where he needs to be to compete with his brother, or even Isagi.
Rin's flow state is the most unique out of any others we've seen. Let's dig into it. All panels are from the official translation, which is important as the translation choices are 1) consistent and 2) likely chosen carefully.
In the dying moments of the match, Rin complains about feeling restrained. Being Itoshi Rin is eating him alive.
Cool, calm and aloof.
A genius. Prodigy. Puppetmaster.
Team player. Team captain.
Isagi Yoichi's partner. Shidou Ryuusei's rival.
Itoshi Sae's little brother.

The prospect of defeat rudely wakes him up. His pretence comes crashing down hard, triggered by his ineffectiveness in spite of the teammates around him. It's one of the best rugpulls in sports manga.

When the power of friendship comes knocking, Itoshi Rin tells it to fuck off and die.
What a glorious moment... and not just because it posits Rin as a Uchiha Sasuke kinnie. I prompt you to examine his eyes in this panel.
They're a swirling vortex of hate and destruction, befitting Blue Lock's angstiest character. The shape reminds me of this:

Satellite images of Hurricane Franklin and Hurricane Idalia, August 2023. Image credit: NOAA Satellites.
Rin's true ego, which he unleashes against Sae, is a storm.
Optional soundtrack for the rest of this post (because Rin 100% listens to this once it comes out in Blue Lock's universe).
Although it isn't portrayed visually as such in the under-20 arc, the metaphor fits Rin's evolving playstyle. What is more destructive, more uncontrollable, more senseless than a hurricane? A violent force of nature that we can predict but never avert?
When a storm approaches, all we can do is rank it, track it, then attempt to mitigate the inevitable damage.
In football terms? Sounds a lot like playing Rin.
It's even alluded to in chapter 250: the graphics for Rin's formation are similar to the satellite images of large storms.
Within the U20 match, there are exchanges that support this theory. Darai calls Rin's evolving playstyle arrogant and avaricious. The latter (meaning extreme greed) is evocative of a force that pursues what it wants without regard for anything in its surroundings. What it can't have, it destroys.
Niou is confident enough in his physicality to try withstand his opponent's attrack. Rin literally flips him into the air. Niou's hubris brings to mind all man-made constructs which are supposedly storm-proof... until a cyclone comes along and proves otherwise.
The contrast between Rin and Sae's egos are interesting. If we accept Rin's is a storm, i.e. a destructive force of nature that cannot be controlled, Sae's is the opposite despite being as impossible to defy. Sae's motif is defined in the manga as "beautiful destruction", plays and passes depicted in graceful data strings. Rather than natural, his playstyle is sleek and controlled, and dominant to the point of appearing pre-ordained by his opponents.
Their attitudes are equally different. While Rin drools and loses composure in the final minutes, Sae does little more than raise his eyebrows throughout the entire game. He's completely emotionless.
It's the extremes of human nature: animalistic rage versus robotic detachment. This time, the latter wins. Will Rin have an opportunity to face his brother again, with a better grasp on his ego? Here's hoping.
My final thoughts on Rin are speculative. How does one beat a storm? Not just endure—but subdue and calm one?
It's beyond human capability. The ability to control the weather exists only in myth and fantasy, and even then it's usually in the hands of powerful entities, not mere heroes or wizards.
Subduing something as powerful as a hurricane would require a god.

Is this Isagi and Rin's endgame?
Time will tell.
#blue lock#blue lock analysis#blue lock meta#itoshi rin#itoshi sae#isagi yoichi#i missed doing long analysis posts ❤️#this was fun to pull together#bllk analysis#blue lock spoilers#blue lock anime spoilers#boinin talks bllk#mine#long post
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Since Elon Musk apparently really does not want their names out there, here are the names of the 19 to 25 year olds working with him to illegally access public information and dismantle federal agencies. They are actively aiding what has been called “a hostile takeover of the machinery of governments by the richest man in the world.”
This is not “doxxing” or exposing them, btw. We deserve to know who is working for and with our own federal government. Government should be as transparent as possible, and we absolutely deserve to know exactly who is accessing our information without our permission.
From Wired:
The [DOGE] engineers are Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger, and Ethan Shaotran. None have responded to requests for comment from WIRED. Representatives from OPM, GSA, and DOGE did not respond to requests for comment.
The six men are one part of the broader project of Musk allies assuming key government positions. Already, Musk’s lackeys—including more senior staff from xAI, Tesla, and the Boring Company—have taken control of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and General Services Administration (GSA), and have gained access to the Treasury Department’s payment system, potentially allowing him access to a vast range of sensitive information about tens of millions of citizens, businesses, and more. On Sunday, CNN reported that DOGE personnel attempted to improperly access classified information and security systems at the US Agency for International Development and that top USAID security officials who thwarted the attempt were subsequently put on leave. The Associated Press reported that DOGE personnel had indeed accessed classified material.
“What we're seeing is unprecedented in that you have these actors who are not really public officials gaining access to the most sensitive data in government,” says Don Moynihan, a professor of public policy at the University of Michigan. “We really have very little eyes on what's going on. Congress has no ability to really intervene and monitor what's happening because these aren't really accountable public officials. So this feels like a hostile takeover of the machinery of governments by the richest man in the world.”
Additional engineers mentioned by Wired include:
- “An engineer named Nikhil Rajpal is representing Elon Musk’s so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) task force at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), according to multiple sources.” (source)
- “A 25-year-old engineer named Marko Elez, who previously worked for two Elon Musk companies, has direct access to Treasury Department systems responsible for nearly all payments made by the US government” (source)
*Update: Marko Elez resigned due to racist posts he made resurfacing in the Wall Street Journal. To give you an idea of what the people are like that Elon is hiring for DOGE (tw: super racist!)
"You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity," [Marko Elez’s] account wrote in September. "Normalize Indian hate," a separate post from that month read.
In July of last year, the account posted: "Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool."
In other posts, from December, the account pushed for repealing the Civil Rights Act and shared: "I just want a eugenic immigration policy, is that too much to ask.” - NPR
That guy had direct access to Americans’ information. Cool cool cool cool
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"When NWS forecasters can't communicate with Canadian forecasters, things like plane accidents happen." - #AltNOAA
#What NOAA Does#Project 2025 vs. NOAA#DOGE vs. NOAA#Support NOAA#National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration#disabling NOAA is a bad idea
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Gonna yell into the void about it here, because I'm not sure where else to talk about it really :(
recently, Maine Governer Janet Mills stood up to Trump regarding trans athletes, and he threatened to withhold funding if the state didn't comply.
it launched a whole Title Nine investigation into the University of Maine regarding DEI-- while nothing has been concluded or even speculated yet as to the legality of the university's operations, many sources of funding have been backing out as a result of the controversy.
NOAA pulled funding for the Maine Sea Grant, despite providing marine research and offshore wind funding for almost 50 years (although they are re-negotiating with Maine now).
I do believe it is important to resist the bluffing right now-- it's hard to tell what will actually result in anything, since Trump and Musk are throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
But some of the things they do have serious repercussions for everyone. It's also important to notice what does stick, so we can draw attention to it and hopefully change it.
TLDR; Trump vs Mills resulted in NOAA pulling funding for UMaine-- don't forget about it just because shit happens so fast.
#donald trump#janet mills#maine#noaa#politics#us politics#i am actually very sad about this#a lot of marine research is under fire
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I'll start with the Bad news since there's a lot of it here:
*Although all of the Democrats voted no, By a margin of 53-47, Russel Vought, one of the leading Architects behind Project 2025, has been confirmed
*Musk's Coup is still ongoing:
*Despite the mounting privacy lawsuits, His DOGE group has gotten access to the NOAA, Department of Labor, and Department of Education, EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services
*USAID, the foreign aid agency of the US that provided life-saving funding for education, medicine, healthcare, and other foreign aid has been shuttered; it's been absorbed into the State Department with Marco Rubio acting as head of the agency with entire agency's numbers slashed from their original 10,000 to only 300 employees
*As of writing this post, Democrats from the House have been unable to communicate with the heads of the EPA and DOE(Department of Education)
*Even after asserting their credentials, Democrat legislators were denied access and even had federal authorities called on them
Ok, here's is some Good news to help ease you:
*19 Democratic attorneys general sued President Donald Trump on Friday to stop Elon Musk’s "Agency" from accessing Treasury Department records that contained sensitive personal data such as Social Security and account numbers for millions of Americans.
*Thanks to everyone calling so much, the Democrats actually woke up and held up the Senate floor all night, buying time for lawsuits. This led to a judge issuing an order preventing Elon Musk and any additional DOGE-connected people from accessing sensitive Treasury data while the lawsuit proceeds to a two-week hearing.
*The judge’s order restricts two Musk-connected men already housed at Treasury to “read-only” access — meaning they are not permitted to modify or copy anything.
*In response to the gutting of USAID and the firing of its employees, a legal challenge filed on behalf of the employees, the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia will issue a temporary restraining order regarding various aspects of the Trump-Vance administration’s attempt to shutter the operations of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
*A California Student group is suing the Department of Education over reported DOGE access to financial aid databases
1.Call your Senator/Rep Using 5calls: https://5calls.org/issue/elon-musk-opm-gsa-takeover/
Alongside using the script that 5calls provides, mention these actions. Despite Democrats being the minority, they still have tools and options to resist and oppose
If your senator/rep is a Republican, give them as much shit as possible, they are complicit and are willingly giving up Congress' power and responsibility.

2. Contact your State Attorney General by using 5 Calls: https://5calls.org/issue/musk-doge-data-lawsuit/
Here's an alternative script:
By using 5 calls, you probably already know who your State Attorney General is; another way to reach your AG is by searching their name, going to their website, and filing a Complaint form,
3. Contact the Secretary of the Treasury Department! – 202-622-2000
Minimal script for Secretary Scott Bessent: I’m calling to demand that you remove Musk’s access from all systems under your control, that all his equipment is confiscated, that his team is interrogated as to all actions they took under his direction, and that a computer forensics team is assigned immediately to check the system for integrity of its security systems.
After doing all of these, spread this around, not just on Tumblr, but all over the place. People need to know what's going on
and Remember, Do not obey in advance; yes, these are scary times; it's okay to feel afraid, but do not let it paralyze you; you are not alone.
More info on: https://indivisibleventura.org/2025/02/01/the-guy-nobody-trusts-with-a-full-security-clearance-now-has-access-to-all-your-private-data/
#usa politics#us politics#anti donald trump#stop trump#stop donald trump#anti trump#fuck trump#fuck donald trump#never trump#stop project 2025#fuck project 2025#save democracy#us senate#lgbtq+#civil rights#american politics#hr 9495#aclu#stop internet censorship#fight for the future#stop bad bills#american civil liberties union#tags for visibility#signal boost#please spread#please support#please reblog#urgent#very important!#important
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In their last term, The Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS), mainly the men, but occasionally Barrett showed the American people how little we are worth to them. They made it blatantly obvious that we are nothing more than serfs, subjugated, whose purpose is to pay taxes and STFU.
This was also made apparent with the reversal of Roe. The 2023-24 term had its share of long term dire consequences yet to be felt. The overturning of the Chevron doctrine was a devastating blow to the middle class/working poor. Its reversal will, at one time or another, affect the lives of 98% of Americans (the middle class, upper middle and working poor).
The right wing apparatus will tell you that regulations, protections, and limitations prohibit productivity which leads to less profits and in turn, a cooling of economic prosperity. What they aren’t divulging is the massive amounts of wealth they have amassed over the past 4 decades.
As far back as the Nixon administration, one could go back as far as the New Deal but, it’s a post, not a novel, certain restrictions, limitations, protective measures, and practices have been imposed on major corporations and industries. These regulations range from environmental protection, labor practices, safety standards, hazardous substances, banking practices, equal pay, the list goes on.
These regulatory agencies specialize in the field in which suits their skill set. Some call it the bureaucratic state. These non partisan civil servants work throughout changing administrations in their various fields without being inhibited by the views held by the party in power.
What the overturning of Chevron did is lessen the power that these agencies have. Putting the rules and regulations they enforced in peril. Now regulations created to protect the health and safety of Americans and the environment we live in, as well as the financial institutions and practices in which they can engage in, are put in peril.
The effects of this won’t be immediately noticeable. We are the frog in a warm pot of water, slowly being boiled to death. What does this have to do with Helene and future natural disasters one may ask?
Some of those regulatory agencies impacted by this reversal are, the EPA, FEMA, NOAA, the Department of Labor, OSHA, The FCC, the SEC, and so many more. Pretty much any agency that limits the exploitation these massive conglomerates and giant corporations can impose on Americans and the world they reside in.
We live in a time where the Supreme Court is rogue. With an extreme right wing MAGA majority, dead set on revoking rights as opposed to instilling them. A Supreme Court who, when scandals arose of lavish gifts coming from billionaire benefactors, rather than enforce a code of ethics they simply legalized bribery (Snyder vs the United States). A Supreme Court, so lawless and void of standards, that justices refuse to recuse themselves from constitutional crises cases, where they flew flags in support of the defendant, where the wife of another was in direct contact with the cheif of staff of a man who, while watching from the dining room of the White House, while a mob, led by his incendiary rhetoric ramshacked our capital. All the while chants of “hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence” rang through the the halls of that hallowed ground. When told the mob wanted to hurt the Vice President, the defendant said, “So what”.
I’ve had tacos more supreme than this court! This November 5th, it is not a choice between a vile demented old man and a lifetime protector and prosecutor for the people, it is the direction, the safety, the environment, the lending practices, the food we eat, the wages we make, the lives our children will have that is the choice because. If Trump is elected, Alito as well as Thomas WILL retire, giving the mandarin Mussolini FIVE SCOTUS appointments. This will dictate the next 30 plus years of our lives. So please! Get out and vote! Vote the Harris Walz ticket and blue down ballot. The freedoms of women, LGBTQ rights, labor rights, environmental protections, food and drug safety, fair banking/lending practices, our federal lands, clean water, green energy for the future, so much hangs in the balance and the effects will be felt for a majority of the rest of our lives. We are one nation, indivisible, we stand for liberty and justice for all! ☮️🇺🇸
#election 2024#scotus#hurricane milton#hurricane helene#politics#vote blue#kamala harris#traitor trump#climate justice#climate action#climate#climate change#vote kamala#vote vote vote#please vote#harris walz 2024#joy#love#planet earth#the constitution#trump is a threat to democracy#scotus is compromised#environment#donald trump#we the people#hope#american flag#america#project 2025#harris waltz
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Who each of the Community cast is voting for in the 2024 election.
Pierce, (if he was still alive) you’d think obvious Trumper. And while he holds many of the same values and agrees with a lot of Trump’s policies. He likes money more and the Trump administration is not good for the LGBTQ+ community. Which if you remember are the main consumers of Hawthorne Wipes.
And Pierce and Trump were actually friends in the 80s, they’d do ❄️ together all the time. But they had some kind of falling out ( no one knows for sure what happened, but there is speculation, Pierce wanted to cameo on the Apprentice and Trump didn’t let him.) So out of pettiness Pierce votes for Kamala.
Shirley, you’d think another obvious Trump voter, and I think in 2016 and 2020 she voted red. But I think after one of her boys comes out she re-evaluates maybe deconstructs a little and votes for Kamala. Plus she is creeped out by J.D. Vance. And because of Trump’s racism.
Annie, Kamala obviously, she is terrified about Project 2025 (she read and annotated the whole thing) Especially the parts about dismantling NOAA and the department of education. And as a Jewish girl, the blatant push for a Christian theocracy scares her. I believe she is heavily involved in politics and actively campaigns for Harris-Walz, and she carefully watches each debate.
Abed, Abed is fascinated by Donald Trump, Abed loves T.V. And Trump is basically a living-breathing T.V. Character, he follows politics just as much as Annie, but he is much quieter about it. He doesn’t campaign only observes. Even though. When he does bring up Trump he won’t stop referring to him as Emperor Palpatine, from Star Wars, and through that lens he is able to recognize the harm Trump will do if elected.
Troy, he doesn’t really follow politics. Ultimately he votes for Kamala cause that’s what Abed is doing. Also Trump’s obvious Racism.
Britta, one of those fake progressives, Who is loudly outspoken about the fact that she is not voting, because the whole election is rigged anyway (not in a Maga way). And “both sides are equally bad.” She is heavily involved in politics like Annie, but does not put in the same leg work to inform herself on the issues, so is often publicly embarrassed. (Don’t take this as a dislike of the character, love Britta, but she is very performative in her activism and I want to be true to her character.) Being loudly wrong is kinda Britta summarized.
Jeff, I think Jeff barely follows politics. He follows it only as a way to try to make himself seem sophisticated. So like Britta he has a tendency to get things wrong. But unlike Britta he can usually talk his way out of humiliation. He is evasive when you ask him who he is voting for and his answer changes depending on who he is talking to.
I think what really tipped the scales is when he finds out that Project 2025 would ban p*rn. (Same with Troy) Jeff also relates to Harris on a Lawyer to Lawyer level.
Also he will vehemently deny this, but seeing Walt on T.V. Brings up his not so hidden Daddy issues.
The Dean, Kamala no question, Trump’s anti-lgbtq+ agenda sees to that.
Chang, the wild card, I think he wasn’t going to vote, and never has before. Chang starts going to Maga rallies, because he sees how gullible the hard core Trumpers are and he wants to scam them.
He goes full method, paints his face orange, wears one of those weird diapers and a Tampon (he stole from one of the girls) Over his ear. He even carries around one of the J.D. Vance Jizz cups.
He doesn’t have much luck cause most Maga ignore him or are openly racist. But he soon starts to get really into it. And what started as a scam becomes genuine. He goes completely Maga.
You can’t tell me Chang isn’t crazy enough that people being openly hostile towards him wouldn’t work like negging. Plus Trump’s insanity and dictatorial posturing would absolutely appeal to Chang.
He would be really hard-core Maga for a few weeks before and after the election, but eventually the next crazy scheme would catch his attention.
#community tv#pierce hawthorne#shirley bennett#annie edison#britta perry#jeff winger#abed nadir#troy barnes#dean craig pelton#ben chang#senor chang
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Panel 1
Trump, on a horse, charges toward the reader in front of four other horses — the apocalyptic riders from Revelations. The riders are hooded, and one is coughing in the dust Trump’s horse is kicking up.
The Christian Nationalists behind Project 2025 have replaced the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with the Three Horrors for the Conservatives…
I like Conquest, but pay no attention to War, Famine, and Death.
Panel 2
Trump and his horse both rear back in fear as they come to three doors. One has a Black Lives Matter flag, one has the Progress Pride flag, and the third shows a climate action icon.
You should really worry about DEI, gender, and climate action.
Climate action is a singular horror to them because it might cost their masters short-term profit.
Panel 3
Trump tentatively opens the climate door.
They find unwanted initiatives addressing all three problems everywhere…
…and since it’s no secret that Project 2025’s authors want to say what goes on in everybody’s bedroom, here’s what they find under various government agencies’ beds.
Panel 4
In one half of this panel, Trump is in bed, hugging a chicken in fear. The chicken looks unhappy. From beneath the bed, pink tentacles stretch upward toward Trump. In the other half of this panel,
And what they want to do about it.
For the USDA…
“[The USDA] should not place ancillary issues, such as environmental issues, ahead of agricultural production itself.” [2025, p. 290]
Just what we needed…more factory farms. And since when is climate “ancillary” to agriculture?
Panel 5
Trump is joined in the bed by a Mr. Moneybags figure in a top hat and monocle. Trump sucks his thumb, terrified of the outstretched tentacles.
The Federal Reserve…
“The Fed should not be allowed to incorporate ‘environmental, social, and governance factors into its mandate’.” [2025, p. 661]
Panel 1
Trump remains in the tentacle-surrounded bed, still fearful, hugging a dribbling oil pipeline with one arm and a coal smokestack with the other.
The Department of Energy…
“Eliminate the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, [whose mission is] to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working towards net-zero emissions.” [2025, p. 376-377]
Ohhh, Donald!
Panel 2
Trump hides beneath the covers of the bed as the walls around him crumble.
They even find it in Housing and Urban Development…
“Repeal climate change initiatives and spending!”
And “reverse all actions taken by the Biden Administration to advance progressive ideology.” [2025, p. 508]
Panel 3
Trump peers over the headboard of the bed. The walls have fully crumbled at his feet.
The global warming hoax, it just never ends. [1]
That’s what Project 2025 thinks, anyway, and they also find climate monsters hiding in the EPA (of course), the Department of Labor and Transportation, NOAA (so scary they want to dismantle it), the Treasury…
Panel 4
Trump is finally asleep and dreaming. A thought balloon stretches from his mind with a dream image of him building a wall, sweating as he does so, a brick in one hand. Next to him, a thermometer reads 110 degrees.
TRUMP (in dreams):
Don’t believe your lying eyes!
And they’re…sort of right. There is a hoax, and it’s them trying to wish climate change away.
Panel 5
In another dream thought balloon, we see Trump continuing to build his wall while refugees approach, their tents stretching back to the horizon.
Which brings us back to War, Famine, and Death. Project 2025 also gets something sort of right about those horsemen when they talk about climate change and USAID.
Panel 6
In another dream thought balloon, Trump stands in the middle of a burning map of the United States, its borders constructed entirely of brick walls.
“The aid industry claims that climate change causes poverty, which is false. Enduring conflict, government corruption, and bad economic policies are the main drivers of global poverty.” [2025, p257]
That’s…kind of true! Climate change isn’t the only cause of misery around the globe.
Panel 1
Trump shakes hands with Vladimir Putin.
Enduring conflict is a cause of poverty.
You didn’t pay? … I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage [Russia] to do whatever the hell they want. [2]
Panel 2
A close-up of Trump’s mugshot. He is wearing an orange jumpsuit.
So is government corruption.
Panel 3
Trump stands at a podium during one of his rallies. Behind him, supporters hold up signs with slogans like “Drill Baby Drill,” “Deport Illegals,” and “Make America Great Again.”
CAPTION: And so are bad economic policies.
TRUMP: I’ll get rid of the Green New Scam. And we’re gonna drill, baby, drill. [3,4]
Panel 4
Trump stands alone at the same podium, but around him we see only a roaring fire.
CAPTION: That’s your climate future under Trump and Project 2025. The bad news: you can already feel the heat.
CAPTION: The good news: you can vote for a better future.
[1] “Trump muses on war with Russia and praises Kim Jong Un,” by Josh Dawsey, The Washington Post, March 6, 2022, https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/03/06/trump-focuses-foreign-policy-speech-gops-top-donors/
[2] “Fact-checking Trump’s comments urging Russia to invade ‘delinquent’ NATO members,” by AP, PBS News, February 12, 2024, https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fact-checking-trumps-comments-urging-russia-to-invade-delinquent-nato-members
“A second Trump term could slow the shift from fossil fuels as climate threats grow,” by Michael Copley, Morning Edition (NPR), June 25, 2024, https://www.npr.org/2024/06/25/nx-s1-5006573/trump-election-2024-climate-change-fossil-fuels
“Trump pledges to scrap offshore wind projects on ‘day one’ of presidency,” by Oliver Milman, The Guardian, May 13, 2024, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/13/trump-president-agenda-climate-policy-wind-power
[2025] “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” by The Heritage Foundation, 2023, https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
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