#Weighing System
morethanwonderful · 18 days
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Sweeping away his competition with a constant lead and a final victory by 22%, Shen (Yuan) Qingqiu has officially beaten Qi Rong and been crowned the MXTX character that was/would be most insufferable if given access to the internet!
In the end, it turns out that this whole elaborate tournament was for naught. Even Qi Rong, the man voted more annoying that 63 other characters, cannot hold a candle to the sheer degree of insufferable that we know our dear Peerless Cucumber was and would be. Absolutely nobody can compare to Shen Yuan's canon keyboard warrior antics.
Thank you all for joining me on this journey! I hope everyone had fun voting in this tournament, as I know I had a lot of fun running things and watching everyone's hot takes. Shen Yuan may have rendered all but the very final round of voting moot with his sheer loveable obnoxiousness, but maybe the real most insufferable people online are the friends we made along the way :).
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bixels · 1 month
I'm not explaining why re-imagining characters as POC is not the same as white-washing, here of all places should fucking understand.
#personal#delete later#no patrick. “black washing” is not as harmful as white washing.#come on guys get it together#seeing people in my reblogs talk about “reverse racism” and double standards is genuinely hypocrisy#say it with me: white washing is intrinsically tied to a historical and systematic erasure of poc figures literature and history.#it is an inherently destructive act that deplatforms underrepresented faces and voices#in favor of a light-skinned aesthetic hegemony#redesigning characters as poc is an act of dismantling symbols of whiteness in fiction in favor of diversification and reclamation#(note that i am talking about individual acts by individual artists as was the topic of this discourse. not on an industry-scale)#redesigning characters as poc is not tied to hundreds of years of systemic racism and abuse and power dynamics. that is a fact.#you are not replacing an underrepresented person with an oft-represented person. it is the opposite#if you feel threatened or upset or uncomfortable about this then sorry but you are not aware of how much more worse it is for poc#if representation is unequal then these acts cannot be equivalent. you can't point to an imbalanced scale and say they weigh the same#if you recognize that bipoc people are minorities then you should recognize that these two things are not the same#while i agree that “black washing” can lead to color-blind casting and writing the behavior here is on an individual level#a black artist drawing their favorite anime character as black because they feel a shared solidarity is not a threat to you#i mean. most anime characters are east asian and i as an east asian person certainly don't feel threatened or erased. neither should you.#there's much to be said about the politics of blackwashing (i don't even know if that's the right word for it)#but point standing. whitewashing is an inherently more destructive act. both through its history of maintaining power dynamics#and the simple fact that it's taking away from groups of people who have less to begin with#if you feel upset or uncomfortable about a fictional white character being redesigned as poc by an artist on twitter#i sincerely hope you're able to explore these feelings and find avenues to empathizing with poc who have had their figures#(both real and fictional) erased; buried; and replaced by white figures for hundreds of years#i sincerely hope you can understand the difference in motivations and connotations behind whitewashing and blackwashing#classic bixels “i'm not talking about this chat. i'm not” (puts my media studies major to use in the tags and talks the fuck outta it)
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al-luviec · 2 months
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fuck yeah manitoba
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 months
You ever think about the raw, unfiltered political unrest, near rage, that must come out in Steve's art sometimes, the shit that he's sure no one else will ever lay eyes on, deep in his sketchbook? Because I do.
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birdsareblooming · 11 months
I know it will be hard to forget, but whichever outcome I need everyone to remember, to write down, to talk about what is currently happening. when American schools talk about Martin Luther King Jr. or slaves or women, who was oppressing them and trying to stop their rights, who was hosing them, who was shooting them, who was suppressing their voice is a mysterious "they" and never expanded upon.
Women won the right to vote, black people won the right to humanity, but not easily, the American government and police force did everything to stop them.
They don't teach that. they still don't teach the truths of American settlers. They still don't teach the truth of puritans and why they even came to America.
In however many years, they'll teach of this conflict. A mysterious "they" will have suppressed the riots, arrested brown people, attacked protesting Jews, and provided aid to Israel. as always, America will do it's best to rewrite history to where it was neutral at best. To where the police force wasn't involved, to where they weren't secretly giving Israel billions of dollars or weapons for ethnic cleansing and oil.
Don't let them.
Write. Speak. Anything. Even if it's telling your children or anyone close enough first hand.
Tell them who threatened to arrest you, what news outlets wouldn't report, who's countries' soldiers were killing Palestinians, who's president still calls the state of Israel a "dear friend"
Because if we let them or not, in 10 years schools will erase history.
Don't let them.
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iaus · 4 months
iaus i need ur thoughts on this. i know you said that you hc porter as only level 2 paladin and i def see that. however. i forgot that he was the one who revivified buddy which is a 3rd level spell that paladins only get at 9th level. how do we reconcile this
somewhere.... in the back of my mind i knew it was always going to come back to revivify... porter you tool.
so off the top of my head i can think of like. 3 ways to reconcile this one of them just flies in the face of RAW and says fuck you let's start with that one.
1. most likely? canon explanation besides an 11-9? it could be ankarna just gave him those spells for no reason other than him being her only prophet at the time. which could be interesting, but is in no real way supported by RAW. this might be the most likely. gods have been known for saying fuck this shit and giving powers to people so... rage god ankarna being tricked by her, at the time, only worshiper who insists he needs more healing magic. (fun fact, i kind of did this in my game but with a warlock. but. they're now taking levels in warlock and are in no way close to level 20)
2. he lies about his process in the revivification of ankarna's followers. which... suits him and the General Plot but makes things really weird and complicated because then the revivification is ALL ankarna and would make the shatterstars themselves kind of null and void because then there's no real logical sense that porter should be able to control them so.
3. he really does have to be a 11-9 barb/paladin split. which i find. complicated. i'd have to consult my oath lists again to even begin theorizing where to go with him there (i think i remember selecting oath of glory on a previous sheet i generated simply because it was funny). i also think an 11-9 split is funny because. why are you the barb teacher only with only 11 levels in barbarian huh? your audacity.
4. secret option four (truth): once again, bleem did not expect us to get this far with this man so there was never really a reason to justify why porter has revivify/raise dead. it just is. or porter's just level 30 and is like a 20-10 barb/paladin LMAO-
wait. i need to make a character sheet when i get back from my walk.
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halinski · 4 months
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badolmen · 3 months
I feel that there’s a world of difference between “fandomizing real world politics and tragedies” (in my understanding - applying ‘fandom’ to, well, real world politics and tragedies eg. shipping war criminals or writing rpf for victims of traumatic events) and “making fandom art which acknowledges real world politics and tragedies” (in my understanding - political cartoons/art with a particular flag/etc.).
I’m not saying that the latter can’t be insensitive or in poor taste depending on execution but also…idk it’s weird to see tumblr activists freaking the fuck out over art of dunmesh senshi bringing food to Gaza. I can’t believe that’s the hill you want to kill (your own allies nonetheless!) on. We have people writing smut for about specific IOF soldiers or shipping Palestinian journalists, like, is the comic imagining a fictional character showing up to help people in a horrific situation really what you want to call tone deaf and insensitive?
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tennessoui · 11 months
I gotta say, if I were the Jedi Council, I would be sticking Obi-Wan (and accompanying death shadow) on a planet with really, really, REALLY good health care. Like, the second Obi-Wan dies Eldritch Remains Anakin is going to be backing a dump truck full of corpses up to the Night Sisters. You want that little sadness muffin getting monthly physicals, staying hydrated, and eating lots of fruits and veg.
In my original thrown together outline, segment 4 involves obi-wan and anakin having a conversation about what anakin would do if obi-wan were to die and anakin is like you won’t :)
and there was a version of eldritch anakin who could like sort of sense the future/what will happen because he was once a part of the Force and the force is everything, past and future and present so when he comes back into his body he still has memories of the future which is disconcerting
especially because he doesn’t particularly care about changing any of the future events he’s seen, so obi-wan was going to find out about Order 66 via his little holonews bites and anakin will have known the entire time and done nothing so that obi-wan could be his and all his and only his
and obi-wan is furious with him because he knows he knew the entire time and he never said anything
but even then he doesn’t leave
Lol I know this hardly relates to this ask but in the original planned version of the story the council and the temple was just doomed from the second anakin came back and there’s nothing they could have done
fruits and veggies aside—just caring about obi-wan and obi-wan caring about them in return is enough for their fate to be sealed
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trans-axolotl2 · 2 years
In my last residential treatment stay, I did have one psychiatrist who I trusted and had a positive relationship with. Her name was Dr. R, and when I came in on the first day of treatment and told her that I would not take any psych meds and that I had a lot of past psych trauma, she validated me and told me that she would not bring up meds unless I did. Throughout my stay there, she was empathetic, listened to my concerns, helped advocate for me, and generally made me feel heard. At the same time, when management took away our doors-she did nothing. When I needed to get a feeding tube--she lied to me about how long it would be in, and what I needed to do to get it out. She enforced policies about restricting outside breaks, restrictions on items, and contributed to treatment plans that my friends felt were unfair and damaging.
She was a good person and I liked her, but she was choosing to work within a system where she could not control the dozens of things happening there that harmed us every single day. This is what I mean when I say there is no such thing as a good psychiatrist in inpatient units--she was a progressive, validating, nice person --but her very job description made it impossible for a “good provider” to exist. To be a provider who wasn’t a part of the harm that was occurring on that unit, she would have had to quit, because the very requirements of her job required committing ethical violations, restricting peoples autonomy, and perpetrating iatrogenic harm. If she had stopped enforcing harmful policies and challenged her coworkers publically, she probably would have gotten fired. And that really is the problem--causing iatrogenic harm has essentially become a job requirement on inpatient units, and being a “good provider” by the metrics of the system require you to participate in that harm. 
I think Dr. R did a better job than most inpatient psychs in mitigating the harms she participated in, and finding ways to resist shitty systems when possible. I was glad she was there and I think she made my treatment better, but the two of us had a lot of conversations together where she acknowledged the fucked up things happening in the treatment center, acknowledged her role in them, and also stated that she did not have any power to change them. She could not fix the system by working within the system. 
I get a lot of questions by people who are interested in careers in the mental health system, and asking me on whether I think it’s okay for them to work there. My first response is usually if you’re asking because you’re feeling guilty after seeing what psych survivors say, I’m not someone who’s going to give you permission to ignore that guilt. The second thing I usually say is this: you need to go into this job aware with the fact that you will cause people harm, you will get into ethical dilemmas, and there will be times where you will either have to betray your personal values or quit. There isn’t one right answer on how to engage with mental healthcare as a provider, with the reality that until we build up alternative systems of care, the current structures still exist and have people who need support inside of them.  If that’s something that you think you can navigate in a way that lets you create the least harm possible, then that’s something you need to decide for yourself, and to think really deeply about if the reality of the psych system matches up with your goals.
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paimt · 1 month
woag. vibeo game?
(very rough still)
(but now theres more colours)
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supertransural · 3 months
i’m thinking about all the characters that weren’t explicitly family who died and didn’t magically end up in heaven despite their many sins and many righteous murders. the ones that were a cog in the machine and ended up in hell according to scripture laws
most especially thinking about the very hierarchy of who ends up in hell and who doesn’t, in that world, once jack holds the wheel. what sin casts you in hell, upon what basis, where’s the grey area that requires careful contemplation, whose sins were forgiven etc etc
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scribblingface · 7 days
I went into bg3 fully ready to have a good time and have done so despite many ways in which the game is not good and have not worried too much over various dramas about patch changes but my chill streak has finally ended and I am wailing gnashing my teeth etc. about patch 7 (the supposedly final one with story/content changes) not adding companion reactivity for any of the durge content in act 2
#gotta regain my chill about this. it doesn't change the good version of bg3 that exists in my head#but like. durge is literally the protagonist character. and a huge chunk of story is just bizarrely missing from act two#all the baddies recognize you and no one reacts#warden says you were an important guest no one reacts#kressa says she had a great time torturing you for weeks no one reacts#and it's so misaligned with companion reactivity for everything else. like#I am one of those players who goes around the camp circle talking to every single companion after anything even mildly important happens#to hear the couple of lines of dialogue they have about it#because they've got a couple of lines of dialogue about every plot development and significant moment in other companion storylines!#but they don't have a single word for enormous central plotline revelations about the player character#it makes the act 3 reactions bizarre too because everyone's shocked by what gortash says and it's like#literally everyone in moonrise was like 'oh hey it's you again' what did you THINK 😭#a lot of people complain about the resist!durge final scene after killing orin being lackluster#and yeah sure I feel it's lacking in a few ways but like. at least it exists.#a cutscene does play and afterwards the companions do react. ymmv on whether those reactions are impactful or fitting#but they do--crucially--exist#whereas in act 2 there is straight up nothing#when people say right in front of the companions 'hello fellow villain fancy seeing you back here again'#there is not even so much as a 'dude are you okay' after kressa talks about keeping durge prisoner and torturing them#okay okay it's fine I'm getting it out of my system I'm gonna be normal about this again#the companions had reactions in the good version that exists in my head 😔#scribblingface plays bg3#okay actually also like larian has made so many changes based on fans complaining a lot about something#often changes that made the complaining people happy but pissed off everyone who already liked the current version#not weighing in on the merit of various specifics but it has struck me as a sometimes odd and unwise degree of#listening to what the players want. like just tell your story and accept that some parts won't please everyone#but THIS THING is universally agreed on by every durge player#because it's not something 'wrong' it's something completely absent that should have been there in order to align with the rest of the game#and yet. we don't get this change in the final update.
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oldbutchdaniel · 7 months
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dnangelic · 9 months
i just woke up so idk how coherent this'll even be but last night i practically fell asleep thinking abt the trend of dai being confronted by his youth and feeling out of place for it in one way or another. on one hand he definitely can recognize himself as still young and having lots of space still to grow, so he's more than willing to defer to and obey adults or seek guidance and lesson from them, but at the same time this is a kid with an extremely bizarre and intensely demanding upbringing. daisuke has been raised right at the cusp of death all the time. he's gotten nearly fatal injuries just from his training. within his more intimate circles, he's used to everyone constantly counting on him as 'the only one' instead of setting him aside. his father has been absent essentially up until recently, his mother absolutely adores him but is also the one overbearing him on the family destiny and his 'duty' as a phantom thief, and even his grandfather strictly emphasizes how daisuke, as the sole niwa child, was the only one that could do become dark. there's so much responsibility placed onto him all the time, which, again, lucifer thematic. child-king sized burdens that connect him immediately to dark's decision to betray the hikari and take responsibility for the artworks after the cultural revolution.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 months
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EXTREMELY CRUSTY but I’ve been working on oc designs in between DC prompts. My little meow meows im so sorry i neglected you (i will inevitably do it again </3)
#the enterprise of evil#holden romero-cortes#dolly cooper#aurora lincoln#jo hawkins#tagging with full names to separate these from my old enterprise stuff (which im still fond of! but is just being slowly reworked)#mine#i literally always forget to tag my stuff with that#oc art#ocs#anyway BOOM design updates. uhh holdens much the same just some stronger shape language + cute socks and headband :]#aurora isn't skinny anymore (BLESSED BE) and i redid her hair very fun. the skirt is her old cheerleading skirt#she's wearing it as a weird power play to the cheersquad. but it's also a little sad <3#she has headphones too bc she's the sound guy#dolly has a slightly less generic haircut. magnus said he looks archie coded and i very much agree#also switched up his blazer design. very cool i likes it very much#i tried to give jos hair a more exaggerated graphic quality but i don't have thr most experience drawing protective hairstyles-#-so if anyone wants to weigh-in feel free! she also has the white streak now. either bc it's plot relevant or bc she's a weeb#currently undecided. and jo likes to play the most with her uniform bc she doesn't respect Desdemona or her family-#-and also she's alternative. and everyone in foolshope loves jo and would take mob action if Desdemona was mean to her#meanwhile Holden has the most complete uniform bc she has internalised notions of respectability and-#-'gaming the system' by being a part of it. oh sweet darling you have no idea the trouble that will get you into later#anyway enterprise 2.0 doesn't have much of a reworked plot yet but this was fun#i was (initially lmao) trying to simplify them for potential comic usage but uh. we'll see#anyway yeah lol for all 5 ppl who remember these goobers. behold
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