#We Owe It All To Yesterday
wizardlyghost · 10 months
thing about deltora quest that only occurred to me in hindsight is not only just how much jasmine carries the entire party on this quest but also how genre-defyingly brutal she is lol. like, this is a kid's series that hinges on riddles and puzzles far more heavily than combat - even when deaths occur, they're often the result of cleverness in some way rather than straight up combat ability. that said, let's look at the villain kill count at the end of book five of eight of the first series:
- lief: 1 - even there it's with a well-thrown bottle of cursed water rather than his sword.
- barda: 0 - i'm not counting that one unnamed sand beast, that's an animal not a villain.
- filli: 0 - he is a squirrel, this is unsurprising.
- kree: 1 - killed an invincible sorceress all by himself, good bird best friend.
- jasmine: 5 - dropped a tree branch on a mf, drowned two cannibals in quicksand, cut a giant snake's throat, shoved a dude down a pipe full of toxic mold (after having to be told not to cut his throat while he slept jfc).
idk it just suddenly struck me as really funny how this one character who isn't the protagonist is almost from a different, far more brutal story, and uses that fact to consistently be the mvp and save everyone else's asses. i need to read this series again it's been too long.
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goldencorecrunches · 1 year
"I saved your life once. You don't have to do this." "I know," he says, and cuts another slice of fruit to place in her upturned palm. The aristocratic arch of her cheek is softened by the afternoon glow, and here under the sheltering eave of the branches criss-crossed with shadows. He likes to look at her. He's in no hurry. She'll figure it out one day. "Really, you don't owe me any debt." The single ox is getting on in years, and every year slower for it, the road to town longer and sprouting more stops. Every third month he shares the ox with his mother: he's been considering giving him to her outright, and buying a new one– well, new for him– new-old– newer than this– he'll miss him, though– but his mother will take care of him, that's all right– She's refused to ride up on the seat with him, choosing instead to stride beside the wagon, sword perched on her shoulder and wide-brimmed hat pulled down across her brow, for the whole world like a rogue cultivator from his favorite childhood stories. All she's missing is a nasty scar and a stalk of wheat poking out of her mouth. He hides a smile, so she won't raise her prickles at him. Well, maybe she does have the scar. He's been too polite to check. He wouldn't mind. "I know," he says. "Here." It's a beautiful cloth, silk-of-gold, heavy and tightly woven. It was something else, once, that he can tell as he runs it through his hands; there are holes from unpicked stitching. That's common enough in this part of the world, and it's impolite to ask where it comes from, even if usually everyone in the clutch of farmlands can trace the same scraps of precious textile through generations of repurposing. She's not from here. She won't meet his eyes– she keeps shifting back and forth on her feet, smoothing the fringe-ends of her hair. This came from the small sack she keeps tucked in the rafters of the barn and never looks at, except when she's very sad, or very angry. He spreads the cloth out over his knees. "It's lovely," he says. "Thank you. What do you think we should do with it?" "Why?" She is in front of him, towering over— he's taller than her, usually, but he's sitting and she's standing, and he makes no move to match her, simply tilts his head back at the neck to keep watch. 
"Why are you– I don't– you don't need to! Now I'm trying to repay you! Why won't you just take anything?"
"Qingyang," he says, gently, and reaches up a hand. She figures it out.
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heffrondriving · 1 year
soooo. that new big time rush album huh
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gothamcityneedsme · 5 months
sending complicated emails with MATH and shit.
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isakaru · 11 months
everything just feels so wrong right now. im supposed to just keep going about my days as normal while being confronted with endless videos of palestinian death and suffering and reading the final words of journalists begging the world to do something and its just. its indescribable. and the knowledge that my government is using my tax dollars to actively fund the ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people makes me sick to my stomach. all i can do is yell and scream and hope.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
my body needs to get its shit together lmao
#text post#ive always needed rest days after days with a lot of activity but fuck me#i feel like ive got a cold or something with the fatigue and body aches going on like bro#we just did the beach walk then a couple stores then home!! that's nothing come the fuck on!!#but even after resting up yesterday from stuff on sunday (which even with this body stuff I'd do again in a heartbeat. was a good day 🥰)#im still utterly sore and achy and exhausted and it feels utterly ridiculous#im not wheezing like i was yesterday but i just. this isn't right!!!#i feel WORSE than i did when we went to bed but i was just chilling trying to write#and watching secret sleepover society vods like i was literally just sitting there!!!#but i had to resist the urge to skip my shower and just sleep there on my bedroom floor bc#moving is Effort and Ow and i know i gotta keep addressing my internalised ableism#and that accepting when my body needs extra rest is part of it but sometimes i just#everyone told me as long as i kept trying to exercise and eat as best i could (difficult w/all my food shit but i do my best)#that as i got older this stuff would go away#i would acclimate and feel better#instead housemate has helped me confirm our wondering during my trip last year as to if i have asthma#which considering ae does and my symptoms all mirror aer's asthma symptoms to a t i mean. there ya go#add in lingering long covid symptoms and im just not doing as well as i want to be physically and idk how to help it#when a lot of it is stuff that's gone undiagnosed or untreated for years like. the damage to my body is already done#the future i was promised if i tried my best for my body probably never actually existed and like the adults telling me to work harder#had no way to know that technically but also. id be lying if i said im not struggling with and mourning that rn#which feels selfish and silly bc im alive and able enough to get around on my own and i have ppl who care for and help me#but im still sat here like. i want to spend all day walking the beach with a friend and NOT pay for it the next few days damn it
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futureghost97 · 9 days
I do enjoy my independence but the second I meet adversity (the prospect of dragging an 81lb package up three flights of stairs alone) I become baby once again
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amiru-shrubfeast · 3 months
fucking hell i think i kinda fell in love with my friend but i think im okay now
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armafidelium · 6 months
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hi all. i kinda live. doing a reasonably bit better than i had been. think the emotional overload and shock is finally calming down. now just sleep deprivation is in my way. hopefully i can get to what i owe in a reasonable time. sorry for the wait and thank you all so much for being patient with me. i greatly appreciate it.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
What does Tim say when people ask about his spleen?
Damian: I am updating my blackmail records. Tell me what happened to your spleen in its full hilarity.
Tim: I donated it to a sickly orphan.
Damian: You win this round.
Tim: I have to be careful, I lost my spleen.
Carrie: How?
Tim: Aliens.
Tim: I'm zero percent spleen and fifty-nine percent pizza sauce.
Helena: Zero percent spleen?
Tim: Yep. On the bright side, they named a disease after me.
Luke: I've designed nanotech vitals trackers to be implanted on our spleens.
Tim: Oh, no thanks. I don't have one.
Luke: You don't have a spleen?
Tim: It wasn't paying rent so I evicted it. Lazy freeloader.
Barbara: Why does your chart say you're missing a spleen?
Tim: I made a deal with the devil but I had a discount code so instead of my soul I just needed to sell a non-essential organ.
Steph: What happened to your spleen? Are you okay?
Tim: I'm fine. It's taking an extended gap year.
Harper: So... can I ask about your spleen?
Tim: Yeah, don't worry. I was part of a failed science experiment.
Cullen: What'd they do?
Tim: They injected me with a serum that was supposed to make me indestructible. But instead all I got were a spleen removal and chronic insomnia. And a free T-shirt.
Cullen: Was it a nice shirt?
Dick: What do you mean you don't have a spleen?!?
Tim: It was confiscated by airport security.
Tim: Happy Pride! My spleen finally came out of the closet. And by closet I mean my body.
Kate: Diversity win.
Tim and Jason: *arguing*
Jason: At least I still have my spleen!
Tim: It's genetic!
Jason: Sucks to be you.
Tim: We have the same dad. It could happen to you too.
Jason, scoffing: Whatever.
Jason, internally: Oh shit, he's right. I need to see Leslie.
Tim and Bette: *sparring*
Bette: *hits Tim*
Tim: Ow. Time out. That was my spleenhole.
Bette: ...How?
Tim: It took a trip to the Titanic in a soup can with a Playstation controller.
Duke: Since when did you have that scar?
Tim: Since losing my spleen last year.
Duke: How do you lose a spleen?
Tim: You forget to cherish it.
Cass: ?
Tim: I digested it.
Selina: You know I have to tell Bruce about this.
Tim: Okay, fine.
Tim: I had to get it removed as a kid after falling into a well of bats.
Bruce: Tell me what happened to your spleen so Alfred and Leslie can give you the proper treatment.
Tim: What do you mean?
Bruce: Everyone's been telling me you don't have it.
Tim: Well, I do, so...
Bruce: Alright, I'll have a talk with them about bad taste pranks.
Alfred: You can't keep the truth from me, Master Tim.
Tim: Assassins stole it.
Alfred: I wasn't born yesterday. Now what really happened?
Tim: ...
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angeltism · 11 months
birthday over 9 minutes ago wowow,, I'm officially old . (nawt rlly I promise fhsjdh . insert comment here abt my age that reveals more than I want you silly geese [/aff] to know for my own boundary reasons fjdjfjd .)
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wistfulenchantress · 6 months
EDIT: this has now, as of this edit, reached over 2,000 notes. And I have started doing the things. My life is still far from perfect, but I genuinely do scroll through all the replies and reblogs and watch people get other people to help and reassure me and check on me and it makes me feel so much more loved than i normally do. i'm even going to bed earlier because you said i should. i love all of you so much, and i owe you 2,053 times. all my love, witch.
ok here goes. i haven't taken enough care of myself recently. so here we go
if this reaches 100 notes i will start doing yoga again, to help with my anxiety COMPLETE (how you guys are insane)
if this reaches 200 notes i'll start studying more and putting in more effort COMPLETE (o my gosh)
if it reaches 500 i will actually try my best to exercise for the right reasons, instead of random bursts of self-hatred/body hatred COMPLETE (i posted this yesterday evening)
if this reaches 700 notes i will try my absolute best to fix my sleep schedule COMPLETE (ok this is insane)
if this reaches 1000 notes i will be more honest with my therapist COMPLETE (dammit you guys ilysm but this is gonna be hard)
if this reaches 2300 notes i will be more honest with myself about why i am turning to tumblr for this kind of thing and write a poem about it. (this one is a joke since i think 5000 is impossible, and i will write a poem for you guys anyway. i love you) (i’ve now changed this to a more reasonable goal - one really close to what i have now - because honestly i want you guys to succeed because the fact that people are still on this post is insane and it makes me smile.) AND COMPLETE! (i love every person who interacted with this post so much it isn’t even funny. all my gratitude and adoration, witch)
this ends at the beginning of may. you can spam i guess i have 35 followers it prob wont even reach 100. but go ahead, tumblr, do your thing. lol
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sophiamcdougall · 2 months
As a writer who knows a lot of people in the British SFF scene I really want to push back on the "everyone knew about Neil Gaiman" narrative. I don't know anyone who knew. I don't know anyone who isn't shocked. Yes, we now know there were people who did know, people who created whisper networks, but by their very nature whisper networks can only reach a minority of people. (Which incidentally, isn't a condemnation of whisper networks at all. If you've heard a rumour you have no way of verifying, or even if you know a victim who quite rationally does not want to be outed, what else can you do but warn people privately when you can?) Obviously the victims didn't know until it was too late, so why would anyone else? Gaiman had such a celebrity status that he was "above" basically everyone in the field. He was the famous, powerful person generously dipping into their lives. I'd never met him, but even people I knew who considered him a friend were mostly seeing him on occasions where of course he'd have his charming, gregarious persona in play. There seems to be this impulse, perhaps fuelled by Gaiman's silence, to attack everyone who's not him (and especially women and NB acquaintances, it's not lost on me.) Yesterday a casual friend of his with a minor platform felt she had to apologise, humbly, for not having made a public statement before! She'd done absolutely nothing wrong and had been made to feel ashamed of something he'd done. Yes, there are conversations we can have about power structures and privilege and press organs that told a survivor her experience "wasn't enough." But ultimately Neil Gaiman did this. He made those choices. He owes accountability.
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reignbowarbiter · 1 year
my mom is such a bitch i hate her so much
#cheese *blush*#the other day i got my portfolio back and it was an A-#btw all my grades this semester were As#and she said wow he (my professor) couldnt have given u an A?#like u never finished and I just got all As on my finals so idk what shes so upset about#and then she keeps bugging me to fix my room which is fine except my room is like#so insanely clean like compared to literally every other teenagers room ive been in it looks like heaven#the only thing thay looks dirty is my clothes on a chair and its like#6 pieces of clothes MAX and theyre all clean#and maybe like 2 hair clips on the floor and plushies that fell off the bed im just frustrated#i know im not dirty and i know im a good kid so why does she always act like i owe her more#btw i finished this semester literally yesterday#and i was in bed for most of the day today because im freaking exhausted from school#btw my english class had the professor fucking leave 3 weeks in and i STILL got an A on my 3 essays#and i was on my phone but i was drawing for the most part#and of course there are other horrors… but its little things like this that drive me crazy#and when my dads home he makes a mess literally everywhere he goes and she gets mad when we tell him and says we have to go easy on him#like why does he get to half ass everything and throw out stuff of ours that isnt trash and act like a total asshole#but when i have a cup in my room i get berated#trust when i get the job im trying for im out because ill be getting payed what my dad is#and for 1 person its more than enough -_-…
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months
this is a lil part two for this lil request fic i wrote about katsuki takin' care of a drunk reader ! yall rlly seemed to like it n asked for a part two so, here it is !! hope yall enjoy !
no pronouns mentioned, just pure fluffy katsu, microscopic angst maybe kinda and if you squint HARD (reader gets a little bit upset), soft katsu but he's also an asshat but we love him anyways, mentions of food n eating, mentions of bein drunk, lemme know if i missed sum else !
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"ya told me you loved me yesterday."
it's all katsuki utters in the quiet of your apartment as he looks out the window.
you promptly choke on your toast.
you manage to cough down your bread. clearing your throat as you try to speak as naturally as possible. “oh yeah ?”
katsuki grunts in response, taking a sip of his orange juice and smacking his lips before speaking again. still looking at the window and away from you, it makes you nervous. “yeah, thanked me for always takin care of ya, r’something”
katsuki is trying his very hardest to speak casually and he’s praying to every god there is you can’t hear the slight quiver in his voice or see the slight shakiness of his hand when he brings the glass of juice to his lip.
“oh.” your heart beats so loud you can hear it in your ears. you try to salvage the situation and you force out an awkward laugh. “ i mean—i am thankful to you, y’know.”
“ya should be, nobody else could handle takin’ care of your ass.”
“hey !”
you think this is fine. you were drunk and stupid and you’re fine with him brushing off your accidental confession like this if it means it won’t make things awkward. if it means he’ll keep coming over to your house like he owns the place and cook for you because you apparently don’t know how to cook for yourself well enough for his liking. as long as you can keep hanging out with him and going out for drinks and having him take care of you. though, you might not drink as much next time you two go out.
after a minute or two he speaks again “did you mean it ?”
your hand is already reaching for his half bitten piece of toast when you freeze for the second time “did i mean what ?”
katsuki scoffs, smacking your hand away from his toast with two fingers, you let out a little whine “ i know you’re not dumb, so quit actin’ like you are.”
“but i don’t know what you mean !” you inwardly cringe at your dumb response.
“when you said you—“ katsuki cuts himself off with a quiet groan, grabbing his toast and splitting it in half, chucking one of the pieces onto your plate “whatever” he mutters to himself. your heart squeezes when you see the sad frown on his pretty face he doesn’t seem to realize he has.
you don’t know if you’ve still got alcohol in your system, you don’t know if you’ve fully slept it off yet, if you’re fearless or crazy or just plain stupid, but after taking a bite of the toast he’d given you you blurt out something you were sure you would’ve only had the courage to say if you were black out drunk.
“i did.”
katsuki turns to you the moment you finish your sentence, bright red eyes widened as he tries not to let his surprise show, he fails to though. “ you did what ?”
in the back of your mind you want to pout at him because you know he knows what you mean. you know he just wants to hear you say what he wants to hear and it makes you a little grumpy because it’s early in the morning and you don’t look your best at all right now. you’re too embarrassed to even look him in the eye yet his bore into you so hard it feels like a magnetic pull, like you’re being forced to look at him despite your best efforts not to. you want to be at least a little mad but you can’t blame him, you feel like you owe this to him in a way.
“ i did mean it..when i said..” you’re incapable of looking at him as you feel shame creep onto you, clinging onto you like a sweaty shirt, you manage to swallow down the piece of toast“ when i said that.” you trail off quietly.
no sound is made and no voice is heard for at least a minute, but you feel yourself wanting to cry more and more with each second that passes.
you get the courage to look up at him and instantaneously which you never had when you see a smirk on his annoying face.
“that ? that, what ?” he jeers with a grin bordering on evil, sharp teeth on display.
you throw your head back and groan “katsuki, oh my god !” leaning forward across your table you try to pull his nose after you hear him chuckling. he swiftly dodges you, grabbing your wrist and then your other one when you try to pull a fast one on him, unsuccessfully. you grumble as you sit back down and if you weren’t as enamored with him as you somehow ended up being you’d have knocked that stupid smirk off his face. everything seems to be against you, including your heart.
he hums once you’ve sat back down “ooh, you mean when you told me you loved me, right ? s’that what you meant ?” he snickers, shit eating grin on his face. asshole, he’s not even trying to look innocent.
“you’re not funny.” you huff, crossing your arms and glaring at him. “ like, at all.”
“you’re right, i’m not.” he responds, leaning his forearms against your table “ i’m hilarious, actually.”
a part of you wishes you could punch him. hard. another louder part of you just wants to kiss his smug expression off his face, both options sound extremely tempting but one of them more than the other.
“hilariously stupid.” not your best retort, but you’ll take it. katsuki huffs out a laugh as you pout and look off to the side, you’re so fucking cute.
his smirk doesn’t fade as he keeps staring at you but his eyes soften as he leans in to rip your arms away from your chest “ relax, m’just fuckin’ witcha.”
“yeah. haha. funny.” you spit. katsuki starts getting actually worried he’d hurt your feelings and quickly tries redeeming himself. he pokes at your cheek once, twice and you swat his hand away when he goes for a third poke. then he leans forward so he can tickle your side and inwardly sighs in relief when you swat at his hand trying to hold back your laughter. the way he’s leaning against the table is a bit uncomfortable for him but as long as he keeps that warmth on your face he couldn’t care less.
he gets up and grabs his chair, dragging it against the floor causing it to squeak and making you cringe, you let out a noise of displeasure but katsuki doesn't look the least bit phased as he bring his chair to sit next to you.
his cheeks are red, you realize it now that he's sitting so much closer to you. he speaks after a moment of silence "so you meant it, yeah ? when you told me you.." he trails off at the end of his sentence. he's quieter than you're used to. there's a certain hopeful urgency in his eyes that has you shyly nodding your head in response.
he’s looking at you and you’re looking right back
“i meant it.” you whisper.
“i know.” he whispers back after a beat, before pressing his lips to yours.
the kiss lasts about 10 seconds before he pulls away, then leans in again for another, slightly longer one. when you separate your breathing a little heavy. you place your hand on his face and rub his cheek, admiring the way his eyelashes flutter slightly and how the feeling causes shivers to run up his spine. you can't help the goofy smile that pulls at your face and neither can he, you both chuckle slightly.
then you take a breath as if contemplating if what you were about to say was worth it. but katsuki knows you don't care and he's right because you say it anyway.
"we should go out for drinks to celebrate !" you giggle. he playfully rolls his eyes, pinching your side making you let out a squeal.
even though you call it a celebration katsuki knows it'll be the same charade as usual. you'll drink until you pass out and he'll bring you home. he'll help you clean up and take you to bed and have breakfast made for your hungover ass in the morning. but this time, you'll be his. and to katsuki, that's worth so much more than the headache he knows you'll give him.
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marvelfilth · 5 months
Family dinner
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader, Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova, platonic!Kate Bishop x f!reader
Warnings: a very poor attempt at humour
Summary: your best friend Kate needs backup after a mishap with Yelena's family
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“I need you here yesterday!”
“What?” You whisper-shout, looking around the office to make sure no one noticed you ducking away to take a call from your best friend.
“Please, I'm desperate! I can't do this alone, they're like sharks and I just spilled blood!”
“Kate, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Yelena's family! They're scary as shit on a good day, but now we messed up real bad, and I think they're gonna decapitate me,” she whines.
“Okay, let's backtrack. What did you do?”
There's shuffling on the other side, a deep sigh and then, “Melina found the handcuffs. With the fur. They were still attached to the bed.”
You snort, loud enough to attract annoyed looks from your coworkers. “Happens to the best of-”
“And the whip. It was on the bed too.”
You chortle, this time not caring about your surroundings, and swiftly move further down the hall. “She knows Yelena's a big girl, she can ha-”
“Natasha was there too!”
You stop in your tracks. Now that's interesting.
“She'll never let you forget it,” you say with all the confidence you have, even though you've never met the woman before. You know just enough from what Kate and Yelena told you to be sure of that.
“She's not letting me forget it now! She got all sneaky and secretive, whispering with Melina and looking at me, and now I'm on my way to a family dinner. A family dinner with my girlfriend's family, while said girlfriend got called away on some emergency mission,” she huffs angrily.
“There's no emergency mission, is there?”
“There better be!”
You chuckle, shaking your head. It's never a boring day with Kate Bishop.
“So,” she starts, aiming for a nonchalant tone, “I'm downstairs.”
“Yep. Waiting for you at the front. Better hurry, parking is expensive as hell.”
“I'm your bestie. And my girlfriend's mom found the handcuffs. I need you.”
You check the time, noting that the workday is nowhere near it's end. With a sigh, you head for the elevator, not even bothering to come back for your bag.
“I love you.”
“I haven't agreed to-”
“I know what that sigh means!”
You groan. “Yeah, yeah. You owe me.”
Turns out, Yelena's family is even scarier then you imagined.
“So, Y/n,” Melina starts, looking at you like you're one of her lab rats, “Do you usually leave your… sexual… stuff after you're done?”
You turn red, choking on the wine. Kate sends you a look of pity.
Natasha smirks.
“I don't… I'm not sure- Um. Well, no.”
Melina hums, nodding to herself. “Good.”
She digs into her food, and you exhale in relief, feeling like the worst part is over.
“So where do you keep your stuff, Y/n?” Natasha asks over the rim of her glass, her eyes full of mischief.
Kate slides lower in her seat, boring holes into her fork.
Melina perks up, once again regarding you like one of her subjects. “I would also like to know. To pass the advice to my daughter and her girlfriend.”
You gulp.
“Well?” Natasha prompts.
You shudder from the intensity of the look she's giving you.
“Can we move on?” Kate whispers, looking around nervously.
“Yes, of course,” Melina nods, her eyes lighting up like she was waiting for a subject change.
Natasha sends Kate an amused smile, and you relax slightly. Now the worst part is over, you're sure.
“So, Y/n-”
“-are you single?”
You nod, shoving a forkful of some meat salad - which mostly consists of mayonnaise - to avoid talking.
“And you're gay, correct?” Melina asks, peering into your very soul.
You nod again, chewing fast.
“Why are you gay?”
You choke on a piece of potato, wheezing and reaching for a glass of water. Kate almost falls of her chair in haste to smack you on the back. Natasha just looks at her mother, unimpressed. “Really?”
“What?” Melina shrugs. “I'm a scientist, I'm conducting research.”
The redhead groans, rubbing her eyes. “Of course.”
You feel a little better now that Natasha is annoyed.
Melina still looks at you, expecting an answer.
You sigh, “Are you gay?”
She blinks, looking like an owl. Natasha chokes on a laugh, sending you a look of appreciation. Kate mutters something about bathroom and darts out of the room, hopefully to call Yelena and fix all this mess.
“Well,” Melina starts, deep in thought. “I suppose I've never given it much of a thought.”
You nod, feeling accomplished in swaying attention from yourself.
“Natasha.” The older woman turns abruptly. “You are gay.”
The redhead groans, sliding down in her seat. “Mother, please.”
“She's gay, and you're gay. You're both miserably single.”
“Huh?” You frown, affronted.
“Fuck my life,” Natasha mumbles into the table, her face pressed tight against it in a feeble effort of disappearing.
“Yelena's on her way!” Kate walks back into the room, triumphant.
“Finally,” you sigh, pointedly looking at the ceiling to avoid Melina's penetrative gaze. “Where's she, by the way?”
“Hiding, probably,” Natasha snorts, shaking her head. “Escaped the scene of crime and left her girlfriend to pick up the mess.” She raises her glass in Kate's general direction, “You're doing good so far, Bishop. Even brought reinforcement - good thinking.”
“Yes-yes,” Melina nods, her eyes darting between you three. “Yelena's a bit of a coward in that regard, but we have an important matter to discuss.”
Natasha glares at her mother. “No, we don-”
“Natasha can cook. Well, she can microwave.”
“What did I miss?” Kate frowns, settling back into her seat. “Actually, no. I don't want to know.”
“As I was saying,” Melina clears her throat, paying no mind to the murderous look Natasha sends her. You'd feel gleeful at that - Natasha's plan came back to bite her in the ass - if you weren't the other victim in this scenario. “Natasha can cook. She's excellent with knives. She's an excellent shot. She can dismantle a bomb in a matter of seconds. She's a… a catch.”
You smile at the miserable expression on Natasha's face, her cheeks dusted with pink.
“Oh…” Kate whispers, looking at you from the corner of her eye. “Well, actually, Y/n is-” she yelps loudly when your heel connects with her toes, and turns bright red at the shooting pain. “-a bitch. She's a bitch.”
The look in Melina's eyes turns gleeful. “That was excellent.”
Fucking hell, no matter what you do, your grave turns deeper and deeper.
Natasha snorts, chugging her wine like it's water. Melina's mouth opens again, and you say a stupid thing to save yourself from further embarrassment.
“Can we go back to Kate's handcuffs, please,” you mutter with a sigh.
The look of betrayal your friend sends you doesn't work the way she intended, because you don't feel guilty at all.
Melina's mouth snaps shut, her eyes widening. The sight alone tells you you said the wrong thing.
“Have you and Kate ever-”
“No!” you both shout, before the older woman can finish the question.
“Sounds defensive,” Natasha chuckles, reaching for the bottle of vodka.
“Wha- What?” You hiss, glaring at the spy.
“She's- Y/n’s not even my type! And I'm not her type either!” Kate splutters.
“Mhm,” Natasha hums, “that I can see.”
You gape, not sure if you're supposed to be offended. “What?”
Natasha smirks, planting her chin on her fist. “You need a firm hand. Your best friend is anything, but firm.”
Her eyes trail down your body, pupils darkening ever so slightly. Your cheeks burn and, suddenly, it's hard to breathe. You clear your throat and gulp down the last of your wine, carefully avoiding her gaze.
“O-okay. That's- okay, yep,” Kate mutters to herself. “Fuck my life.”
“Am I wrong?” Natasha husks, reaching across the table to play with the golden bracelet on your wrist.
Really, right in front of her mother?
The front door opens with a loud bang, and you jump up, relieved to see Yelena. The feeling doesn't last long, because a second later you notice the bleeding wound on her torso.
“So that was an actual mission,” you mumble, missing the way Natasha snorts in your haste to get Yelena to the couch.
Kate looks pale, but swiftly starts helping Yelena undress. Melina's ready with the first aid kid by the time they finally tear off the shirt.
“So?” Natasha whispers into your ear, sending goosebumps down your skin. “Am I wrong?”
Apparently, not even her bleeding sister can stop her.
“No,” you reply, “you're not wrong.”
She hums, satisfied. “I am miserably single, you know?"
You let out a loud laugh, not even bothering to quiet down when Yelena sends you a murderous look.
“I am miserably single, too.”
She smiles, nodding to herself.
“Want to fix that?” She asks after a bit, her eyes glinting in the soft evening light.
“They'll never shut up about it,” you groan, stepping closer to her.
“Yeah,” she hums, her grin stretching wider. “So?”
"A little help?" Yelena wheezes, glaring daggers at the two of you. "Hello? Your sister is dying."
“Yes,” you reply, not taking your eyes away from her green pools.
“Perfect,” she breathes, before pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I'll pick you up tomorrow at six.”
"Fucking unbelievable," Yelena mutters and yelps when Melina shushes her with a pinch and a hissed "don't ruin my hard work".
Kate just looks like she's about to faint.
You grin. "I can't wait."
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