ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
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Do you remember the rain ♫ - Finn
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
It feels distinctly dangerous to have his pleasure resting in the hands of such an erratic ghoul. Demanding, he calls him, as if he hadn't teased him to the point of nearly ruining his pants. Not that Sodo was much better off, he notices, blatantly staring at the bulge in his pants. They haven't even gotten their clothes off and Rain's already made up his mind, he'd definitely have to return the favor, whatever that favor happened to be.
"You know you're j-just as eager for this as I am, Sodo," murmurs Rain, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as he trails his free hand downwards to rub against the fire ghoul's clothed cock. "Don't pretend I'm the only desperate one hngh- h-here." They gasp for breath as Sodo's hand falls away-- and they know they're stalling, know it's still only a matter of time until Sodo works his clothes away and sees just how wrecked Rain is for him.
A matter of time that only gets shorter as Rain hurriedly lifts their hips up, allowing Sodo to tug his pants past his hips. He bobs his head at the fire ghoul's words, a little mortified at how easily he'd discovered that particular weakness of his, while at the same time wanting so badly to be good.
His patience, although vast at times, is rapidly reaching its end now-- so he wastes no time in hooking his thumbs in the sides of his briefs and wriggling those off too while his hips are still raised, trying to ignore the obvious wet spot on the front where pre's leaked through the fabric. It's a pretty cock, as far as cocks go; flushed a lighter blue at the tip and already dripping with precome as soon as it springs free.
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
".. You heard the notes I missed," mumbles Rain, his voice hitching as he lets out a moan. He's so hard it hurts, rutting against Sodo's leg for some modicum of relief, struggling to focus on forming words. "This is exactly why I need practice. Because y-you make it so fucking hard to-- nghh-- to concentrate." His voice has a breathy note to it as Sodo's hand closes around their throat, one of their own darting upwards to grasp at his wrist, holding him in place.
And it seems he's more than happy to oblige, the sudden pressure making his eyes flutter closed and a reedy whine escape his lips. He wants to be good. He wants it so badly he's ashamed of it, knows he shouldn't be relishing in the praise from someone who barely knew what being good meant, but-- "Yes. Yes, fuck, I'll--.."
Rain's eyes glaze over at the pinprick of claws digging into their skin, sharp and ruthless and so, so good, yet it's still not enough. They need more. They need Sodo. And, fuck, the way he's looking at him, they know he's just as wrecked as they are. His cock jumps against Sodo's leg and he's barely able to gasp for air, barely able to breathe, and sathanas, he does love it. The struggle, the pressure, the pain-- it's absolutely addicting.
"Pits, yes, just h-hurry up with it, will you?"
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
".. Fuck, Sodo," whispers Rain, shuddering at the nearly overwhelming praise. He feels his hips rock forward once more, desperately seeking out friction, cursing under his breath.
He's flushed a deep navy from his neck to the tips of his ears, barely able to make eye contact with the fire ghoul after he'd nearly made a mess of himself from that damned hand on his throat. He isn't sure to be relieved or disappointed when he lets go of them, brows furrowing at the amusement dancing in Sodo's eyes. So insufferably smug-- and no wonder, they must look a wreck by now.
"Wait, don't--!"
Rain sorely regrets loosening his grip on his bass just a little, having rather foolishly thought that Sodo was done with him. He nearly scrambles out of his chair to reach for it, eyes widening in alarm-- but Sodo had caught him off guard, and the bass is swiftly tossed onto his bed before he can move to hide his situation.
". . . Careful with the damn bass." Rain glares at Sodo the best he can for someone tenting his pants, raking his hand through his hair with a sigh.
"You certainly seem flattered," they mutter with a glance down at the bulge in Sodo's pants. "Maybe because we're supposed to be practicing right now." His words dwindle as he presses himself between Rain's legs, breath hitching at the sensation of his hand trailing up his chest.
"Hm. Seems you've been listening to my advice after all," he can't help but say at the fire ghoul's mention of responsibility, a tiny smirk crossing his expression-- before it's swiftly wiped away by the press of his leg between their own, hips jerking upwards once more as they chase the contact.
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
The rush of exhilaration that hits Rain at the sheer satisfaction in Sodo's voice is deeply unfair. He's barely even able to pay attention to the notes themselves now, falling into the muscle memory they've developed through years of practice. All they know is the soft touch of lips against his sensitive ear, those fingers squeezing gently at their throat-- and damn it all, he can't help the way his hips reflexively buck forwards against his bass, the much-needed friction making him barely bite back a ragged groan.
Fuck, they want more so badly it's killing them. And still, they manage to push through verse after verse, chord after chord, squeezing their eyes shut and playing onwards. Be good. He needs to be good.
Close indeed. As if he wants to make Rain drop the last remaining bit of composure he's clinging onto, his grip tightens, and Rain can barely think, let alone listen to whatever the hell Sodo is saying now. The blood pounding in his ears is so loud he can barely hear his own chords, the way Sodo's voice tilts up at the end -- a question -- and all he can do in response is tilt his head back and whimper.
Rain nods his head hurriedly, unsure what he's even agreeing to and far too close to focus on anything else but the last few notes of the song, just a little further, just a little more--
The final chord feels euphoric, echoing through the tiny room and drowning out their shuddering sigh of relief. Fucking finally.
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
*they shuffle up to him and hold out a box*
- @inferno-ghoul
"Hmm? What's this?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
".. you know exactly what I mean." Rain doesn't trust himself to say anything more than that as those fingers creep closer to his throat. He's barely able to hear the metronome over the blood rushing in his ears, the way his breath feels along the sensitive skin of his webbed, finlike ears-- pits, he's so fucking warm-- but somehow, he persists, grip tightening further on his bass as he narrows his eyes in concentration. Concentration that only further begins to slip at the hint of fingers closing in around his throat, and
By all means, that little demand shouldn't affect him so, and certainly not the disappointment present in Sodo's voice. And yet he finds himself obeying almost instantly, holding his breath as he focuses in on the sound of the metronome, the feel of the strings. He's done this a thousand times before.
And, somehow, by some hell-sent miracle, he manages to get through the next line, the notes falling into place flawlessly-- so what if he'd leaned into the hand wrapped around his throat, tilted his head back just a fraction? It hardly mattered, as long as he'd managed to continue.
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
Are you asking anybody out for Valentine's day?
…. Oh. That’s today? Hm.
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ask-rain-ghoul · 7 months
A sense of satisfaction settles over Rain as he eases into the rhythm of the song, webbed fingers sliding smoothly between notes. At first, he doesn't notice that Sodo's begun to move, too focused on keeping his pace without rushing through those dreaded sixteenths, until he speaks. He meant nothing by it. Surely, he meant nothing by it-- but Rain can't help the way his breath hitches at the praise, the way his grim on the neck of his bass tightens just a little bit. Then, for some hells-damned reason, he's murmuring silken words right into his ear, those wicked hands drifting up to rub at his shoulders, and suddenly they're all too grateful of the way their bass was positioned just so across their lap.
It's an absolutely Herculean effort to not lean into the touch as he trails his fingers over his shoulders. Whether it's from that or Sodo's purred-out praise, it's unclear, but Rain finds his own fingers stumbling just enough to miss two sixteenth notes, cursing under his breath.
"Sodo," breathes Rain, their gaze fixed on their bass even as a navy blush has begun to color their cheeks, "you're making it very hard to concentrate."
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 8 months
“Don’t usually. I won’t have one on stage, so I figured it’s better if I try and get used to playing without one,” he mutters in response, running his fingers across the strings and plucking out a few notes to ensure the pegs haven’t fallen out of place.
Rain spares a glance up to Sodo, unable to hide their slight surprise at the fire ghoul’s expression. It’s not often that he sees him without that perpetual spark of amusement in his eyes— but Rain’s own don’t linger too long before they dark back down to his bass.
“Easier said than done..” Nevertheless, he begins to count silently, the tip of his tail flicking behind him rhythmically to the tick of the metronome. Two, three, four… and he begins, launching into the bassline as his tail continues to swish in time to the rhythm. It’s a riff he’s clearly practiced many times before, but he doesn’t spare an ounce of concentration, deft fingers falling into place near-perfectly.
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 8 months
Rain lets out a slow, vaguely unsteady breath at the sensation of his hand just barely cupping his neck. That little gesture stirs up some of their own memories of touring— specifically, that mean little game the fire ghoul had just loved to play with them.
He knows he will not be able to focus on practice if he gives that more than a passing thought, however. In any case, he had more pressing matters to think about, like whatever that little grin of Sodo’s meant. It’s… a little charming, Rain will admit that much, but it often meant he was up to something.
“Nothing much,” he says with a slight shrug, taking the bass and situating it over their lap. “Just the riff for Pinnacle. I sometimes end up rushing the sixteenth notes.”
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 8 months
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I've been so repulsed by my art lately
I'm forcing myself to post this, I love you all <3
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ask-rain-ghoul · 8 months
Rain opens his mouth to protest the clearly inaccurate claim that he didn't need any more practice, when the fire ghoul decides to settle himself on his lap. The words snag awkwardly in his throat. Suddenly, they're rather unsure of what they were even going to say in the first place.
"Sodo..." they warn, feeling their face heat up as he leans in even closer. It's hard to think, let alone speak, when Sodo's this close to him-- and when he reaches back to lightly play with the hair at the back of his neck, it is decidedly not helping. Rain can't help but let his eyes flutter closed, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he momentarily tilts his head back into the touch... oh, that's nice.
Focus, Rain, focus.
"You," they murmur, "are one hell of a distraction. ... Fine. You can stay. I suppose it isn't the worst thing in the world if I have some company in here." There's some degree of softness in his voice, as if he truly is a little bit grateful to have Sodo's company.
*There's a very loud, urgent knock on Rain's bedroom door.*
The faint sound of bass tuning comes to a halt, and a moment later, the door cracks open just enough for them to peek their head out.
"You startled me," says Rain, who does not in the least bit look startled. "... you didn't kill anyone, did you?"
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ask-rain-ghoul · 8 months
Who’s your favourite animal crossing villager?
... My favorite what?
[One short Google search later...]
Oh. I like... Cephalobot, probably. I do have a soft spot for cephalopods.
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ask-rain-ghoul · 8 months
SANDWICHES, WHAT'S YOUR TAKE ON THEM. *Holds out microphone*
.. Sandwiches? I do like the ones with jelly and peanut butter. Sometimes Aether tries to lure me out with one if I spend too long inside my room.
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