#Wake should be fine but Leaves?
fierykitten2 · 4 months
I had this really cool idea yesterday (or possibly the day before) for crossover fanart where a Walking Wake cosplays as Falcon and an Iron Leaves cosplays as Robert and I only just realised it means I have to work out how to give Iron Leaves fingerless gloves
Strangely I don’t seem to have considered making Leaves anthropomorphic
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gideonisms · 1 year
explaining my lifestyle: no see this looks like horrible depression but I actually feel much better than I did when I was putting work into improving myself ♥️
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skenpiel · 1 year
two of the bandages they put on my surgery scars opened when i was in the shower……. 😰is that ok
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sedgwickpdf · 1 year
my apartment is a torture chamber i will never sleep through the night again etc etc etc
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Well first day back to uni and I set my alarms wrong, so that's a good start
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meeshimi · 1 year
You can turn off the anonymous ya know 🤷🏻‍♂️
i didn't know thank you 🙂
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the number 13 is beginning to make me feel physically ill
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danielnelsen · 2 years
Tumblr media
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
it's really hard being the most unlovable girl in the world ngl
#dreamy talks#someone's gotta do it tho 😔😔😔✊#anyways followers and cool mutuals look away i'm gonna rant a little#okay here we go#i just. feel so sad recently#like every day feels like a bad day nowadays everything feels horrible#every day i wake up not having slept well and wanting to cry over breakfast or on the bus#and it's just. i used to be happier! i was mostly fine during the summer#and yeah maybe that was bc i was constantly consuming media so no thought could occur#but earlier this year it wasn't like that#and ik i should be happy bc like at least it's not high school right#i just feel so alone everywhere#and ik it's my own fault i could reach out to people more and stuff but idk i just can't#even with my family i just. it feels like my mother isn't even interested in me at all compared to my sister#and i get it i'm not interesting or at all like her when she was younger i just. idk#and my father. well he never loved me but we know that it's fine. it's just that knowledge at the back of my head#that bc i left he would do anything for my sister now so she won't leave too. meanwhile for me he doesn't even willingly pay child support.#whatever#i just feel so empty nowadays like there's nothing left within me (reference not intended) that doesn't hurt#like i was planning on getting new piercings this autumn right just like last year#and until now i didn't really have time#but now i just. don't have it within me to go and get them#and i always want new piercings!#anyways it's not that i'm unhappy with my life atm. things are fine! i like my major at uni and i made a friend there too!#everything in between just feels so empty and thinking abt love makes me want to cry#i wish i could stop existing until things get better and i don't feel like this anymore#i just wish i could be different. not bc i want to be but maybe bc then people would love me more. that sounds sad when i say it like that#every day is a bad day and i'm sick of it. i wish i could just have one day without feeling sad for once#anyways.#i'll delete this later
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madigoround · 1 year
The struggle between having a really awful nightmare with the fear clinging to your skin even after you wake up and wanting to hide in bed all day vs knowing that you’ll feel better if you leave the house and get groceries like you were planning on
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leconcombrerit · 2 years
I remember starting a sketch yesterday but I have no memory of coloring it like. Did I do that ? Obviously I did. I must have. This thing didn't color itself. But when. How. Did I wake up in the middle of the night to do stuff again ?
I mean coloring something is nice enough. Last time I woke up, ate the whole bag of chocolate coins while researching 5G costs for some reason, put the wrappers away in my bag so my dog wouldn't munch on them (he eats plastic and aluminum if it smells good yeah I know he's. intense like that) and went back to sleep. Only a vague recollection but, alas for the chocolate, many proofs.
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deathlonging · 2 years
i need to study so bad but The Sleepy never stops hitting
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dutybcrne · 15 days
Hsr!Klee is an Emanator of the Elation, a fact Kaeya, who took it upon himself to be the seemingly younger Fool’s guardian after first encountering and vouching for her before the Knights, is very jarred By, even after all the time he’s spent by her side.
#hc; klee#hc; kaeya#//The child who leaves nothing but ashes and wreckages in her wake; as joy and laughter spill from her lips—he really should have known it#//And from the very start; yet he was only concerned with making sure she had someone in her corner after she got caught and her punishment#was being decided. so he would take it upon himself to look out for her and help manage her playtime to smth less deadly for everyone#//I like to think it’s in meeting Klee in this verse that helps get him inducted into the Fools#//Esp if Aha got Their interest piqued after he decided to stick his neck out for her#//Then peering into his mind for potential rlly made him stick in their Favor; like A.ki to Fvture Dev|l#//it’s this that rlly helps shape him into the ‘anti-hero with an attitude problem’ like in his canon verse#//Oh god; this very is just#//Them being Space!A.alto and Enc0re#//Sneaky conniving man with lowkey good heart & his fiery explosion of a daughter who loves playing & destroying things#//She in particular has massive bounties on her head in certain spaces; he’s manages to weasel his way outta his own & some of hers otherwi#//He is in charge of making sure no one gets close; no bounty hunters; galaxy rangers; IPC—NO ONE#//She can handle herself just fine; but he likes to preserve her innocence and fun by cleaning up every mess she makes for her; taking her#consequences as needed & eliminating anyone who tries to stop her; one way or another#//He has to wonder if maybe this was part of why the Joyseeker decided to shine Their grace on him—bc of how attached he was to Their#Emanator and the sheer LENGTHS he would go to preserve the very best and brightest sides of her#//Turning a shy and reserved young man into the very person best suited to ruthlessly ensure her light and Elation SHINE eternal#//He has the lifespan for it; after all. mostly
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youremyonlyhope · 3 months
Apparently I left my fridge cracked open. The whole day and evening. For over 14 total hours.
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thehardkandy · 4 months
Anxiety has come back to being rather manageable last little but still as usual there's always stupid little stuff that make you go "oof ow ouch my relative sense of ease"
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fragglerockopinions · 4 months
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