#i can handle dirty ass messages but waking up to 10+ messages of horrible things being said about what they want to do to my body
meeshimi · 1 year
You can turn off the anonymous ya know 🤷🏻‍♂️
i didn't know thank you 🙂
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lucius-morningstar · 7 years
Fun/Not So Fun Facts of Mai and Yin Xiao Long
I did have a hilarious little thing planned with Mai and Yin just shooting horrible faunus related jokes at each other. BUT first I thought you’d guys would like to learn a little more about my babies. Which I will happily share with you all. Again if you have questions or points you’d like to point out. Message me or comment whichever works best for you. Some of these facts may or may not change as I continue to develop them. So enjoy ^^ --------------------------------------- 1. - Yin and Mai (Modern Times AU) love Panic! at the disco, Paramore, ect. 2. - Yin loves Salmon and Mai prefers Halibut both tend to argue over which is better all while insulting the others taste. 3. - Mai loves the water while Yin hates it with a passion. Needless to say visiting there grandparents is tiring when they have to try and drag one of there daughters (Yin) onto the boat. (And she puts up a fight every single time.) 4. - Mai and Yin both attain there own scars as they get older. Mai gets one on the bridge of her nose and Yin gets a part of her right ear torn both hate to admit they get very insecure afterwards. (Though how they get these scars I will not say yet.) 5. - The names Yin and Mai hate the most is Scarface (for Mai) and Hard of Hearing (For Yin) upon getting there scars this is sadly a nickname the two of them end up getting from some rather less then distasteful people. 6. - Yin and Mai are very competitive mostly against each other but half the time no one really wants to face them. Mai is what you'd call a rage gamer and Yin would be best described as a constant combo user. 7. - Yin was originally never going to exist but the idea of Mai having a twin just was too tempting to deny after a few weeks and since Yin's design was technically already done it was impossible for me not to put it to good use. (Thanks again Azerae ) 8. - Mai has a crush upon Keira Arc, and Yin loves to tease and mock her for it even go so far as to jokingly "threaten" her that she'd tell Miss Arc thus leading to some rather awkward fights. 9. - Needless to say Yin doesn't have crushes she more or less has interests. If you interest her she'll let you know when she gets older she tends to have flings but does want to have someone in her life at some point it's just a matter of finding that person. This does change later on though. (So don’t look too into this too much.)  10. - Yin and Mai also play instruments, Both of which enjoy playing Bass/Electric or Simple Guitar but they do sometimes play the drums though it's a rare occurrence they've found there passion more against plucking strings. 11. - On a side note Yin and Mai do tend to sneak off at night and do a little jam session with Jade and Onyx as well as a couple others. They often joke about running away and becoming an awesome kick ass band. But at least Junior lets them play at the club from time to time, in exchange there parents don't break anything. Inside joke?, maybe, maybe not. 12. - Due to them being half faunus and half human they tend to be a bit isolated by both humans and faunus. (Or at least those that represent hate towards humans/faunus) 13. - During there insecure phase Yin and Mai often wore hats or tukes to hide there ears. Often sometimes the two would even wear contacts because there red eyes would often come off as intimidating or terrifying. 14. - Mai's theme or song of choice is Ignorance is your new best friend by Paramore. Yin's theme or song of choice is Renegade by Paramore. During there insecure phase they loved the song New Perspective by Panic! at the disco. Mind you it's just the ones they like. They also go nuts over the song Emperor's new Clothes by Panic! at the disco. (Modern AU.) 15. - Yin is terrified of thunder storms. Hides under her bed, lays with Mai or her parents whenever they get bad. Mai on other hand is once again the opposite. She prefers to sit by the window and watch the lightning flash through the sky as well as the heavy rain. 16. - Yin and Mai are practical jokers and tend to have a rather dirty and dark sense of humor but they're also sometimes a bit too realistic in certain situations. Though tend to make and or crack jokes in serious situations. It's how they handle them best: hard times and even to break the ice when meeting new people. 17. - Yin and Mai happen to share a really close relationship with Ilia and Sun Wukong. Often calling them Aunt Illie and Uncle Sun though people find it a bit weird it doesn't seem to bother there parents too much though a lot of people tend to question Ilia and Sun which tends to get a bit irritating. (From Ilia's stand point anyway.) But despite popular belief Ilia has a soft spot for the little faunus children and refuses to tell them otherwise plus it's not like they'd listen either. 18. - Yin and Mai are horrible flirts. While Mai has standards and does know when to call it quits, But Yin on the other hand. Is much worse, she'll flirt with just about anyone who catches her attention. 19. - They do sometimes call Neptune there uncle as well. Though he is a major part of the reason these two flirt, while many assume Yang is the cause she's actually smartened up over the years due to Blake and her kids. 20. - When Yin and Mai we're younger and Sun couldn't watch them when asked, Neptune would offer to take them and use them as literal chick magnets. That is until Yang and Blake found out that ended rather quickly and needless to say Sun and Neptune never spoke of it much afterwards. 21. - During original creations when Mai was an only child she'd spend a lot of her time with uncle Sun and Uncle Neptune as a way to get away from her parents overprotective nature. 22. - During original creations when I first brought Yin into the picture she was intended to die at birth or so she was said to be but was taken in by Raven and raised. She wasn't evil but she wasn't exactly kind either she had an even darker sense of humor and moral value then she does now. 23. - Mai is a climber, it's something she had gotten use to doing while being watched by Sun, where as Yin just enjoyed tormenting the poor faunus by disappearing and leaving clones in her wake, Mai enjoyed scaring the hell out of him by climbing trees or anything she could get a good grip on. Needless to say the first time Mai climbed a tree her parents nearly had a heart attack. 24. - Mai and Yin tend to make puns more towards Sun who is a literal Monkey's uncle and they never let him forget it. It's now a joke Yang enjoys using too. Even Blake gets a little involved in the joke despite Sun's constant begging to stop. 25. - Raven constantly watches Yin and Mai, After a few years only ones who notices are Great Uncle Qrow, Yang and Yin. Mai is oblivious or just doesn't entirely care. That's still up for debate. 26. - Unlike Lillie and Lotus, Mai and Yin's personalities are a bit too much alike that it causes them to often clash and/or fight. Whether with others or each other is debatable depending on the situation. 27. - Despite popular belief Mai and Yin aren't entirely fond of sushi. They don't hate it but they could go with out it if they wanted raw fish they'd catch it themselves. 28. - Whenever visiting there grandparents (Grandpa Ghira and Grandma Kali) things tend to get really out of hand with Yin and Mai. There are a few faunus rivals/enemies/bullies who like to taunt the two sisters and tend to make them try to prove themselves which involves them nearly getting hurt. They want to prove themselves that they are no different then any other faunus and it bugs them that some even if it's just a few don't see Mai or Yin as what they are. Even with there grandfather being a chief of the island it doesn't always stop the taunts and mockery the two have to endure. 29. - Yin and Mai both suffer from a mental illness as they get older, Both have been confirmed to suffer from both depression and heavy anxiety. It only gets worse when the two are divided for a long period of time. They use each other as an emotional crutch so to speak it does get better a bit as they get older but whether that's due to medication or coming up with new methods on how to handle it is unknown. (This is a possible Fact I may or may not keep I’ll let fans decide)  30. - Yin may also be bi-polar but that is also unknown. Mai possibly might also have claustrophobia but right now it's also unknown (Debating on both of those last ones. Though Mai's is more likely due to her history. ) 31. - Yin actually does have a crush. It's a secret she keeps to herself. Her crush is on a young woman by the name of Aquarius Vasilias. The child of Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias. (They used a surrogate before people freak out I have an idea as of who but I also just bought her recently so yeah kind of a last minute addition.) 32. - Yin might hate water but she makes an acception for Aqua still won't go near it but she'll at least watch at a distance. 33. - The reason why Yin doesn't tell anyone about this crush is kinda obvious. She knows her sister, her mom and even her uncles will mock the hell out of her. 34. - Mai has her own secret of course one she only shares with Keira. When they're alone she lets Keira rub her ears something she rarely lets anyone do aside from her parents. She doesn't let Yin near them though and vice versa. 35. - Both Yin and Mai gain there scars due to a form of discriminatory nature. It is slightly different though a mentioned before though it is not from humans they gain these scars but of other Faunus who believe they do not deserve to even be labelled as such. 36. - Mai and Yin don't hate dogs well they hate one but there reasoning behind it is more then understandable. PLUS NEW FACTS:  37. Mai and Yin’s relationship with Ruby is a well hyper one I guess you can say. Ruby is the type to kind of encourage them to be more free willed while it does often backfire on all of them they normally have a lot of fun with Auntie Ruby.  38. Mai and Yin’s relationship with Weiss is about as good as you can expect. They enjoy watching there mom mock the heck outta her when she’s around. Though they will admit that she can be a bit terrifying when her cold exterior comes into play. 39. Yin and Mai fear many things and many people. They have a list from people they fear the most to the least.  40. On the top of that list is actually a good friend known as Pepper, and they have a list of reasons not to piss her off. Bottom of the list is Jaune. Yes even he has a hard time striking fear into these girls even as he gets older and very protective of his own. (If you wish to know the whole list again comment or message and I will post it up some day.)  41. Yin and Mai’s favorite target to mock is there cousin Crystal. She is the easiest to piss off but they sometimes tend to go a bit too far and find themselves frozen from time to time. 42. Grandpa Tai is another they visit often. While Yin doesn’t exactly feel very close to him, Mai tends to get along with him rather well.  43. While it isn’t intentional with Yin looking so much like Raven the whole situation between Yin and Tai kinda distances them and she doesn’t find out why until she’s around the age of fourteen.  44. Mai and Yin both have nicknames for there crushes. For Mai she has a habit of calling Keira either Arc Angel or Warrior Princess neither of which she is very fond of but lets it slide. For Yin she tends to sometimes call Aqua, High Tide or Riptide simply because of her love for the water. Unlike Keira, Aqua does not mind these nicknames. --------------------------------------- A lot of these facts are up for debate. Pick a favorite, or even go in deeper I would love to hear some fans ideas as to how to improve or add more to it. If you want to know some facts about my other Oc’s feel free to ask or message. 
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ghoulstars · 7 years
ok ive been tagged a lot over the past like month and i havent done like any of the tags because im a horrible procrastinator but ive gotten tagged in this specific thing 3 times today so im properly motivated to actually do it in a timely manner LOL here we go
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
1. drink: water that im slightly skeptical of 2. phone call: my friend Robi 3. text message: @shelteringskyy ??? i think?? yes probably 4. song you listened to: the fool by dead soul 5. time you cried: i think last month 6. dated someone twice: ive never dated anyone ever LOL 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah probably 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: i think so 10. been depressed: in certain contexts yes 11. gotten drunk: once and never again LMAO
12. purple 13. bronze 14. brown
15. made new friends: yes and i love them ALL DEARLY and i re-iterate the sentiment THANKS GHOST LMAO 16. fallen out of love: maybe??? idk 17. laughed until you cried: YEP LMFAO 18. found out someone was talking about you: sort of but this person also told me straight up she was gonna talk about me and it was all in good fun so LOL who cares 19. met someone who changed you: YEP. 20. found out who your friends are: yeah 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like basically almost all of them except like 6 or so ppl? 23. do you have any pets: YES!!! i have three cats and two dogs and i love them all so much!!! 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do on your last birthday: my last bday fell on the night of prom so like i got up, got my hair done and then went to prom that night LOL prom itself was sorta shitty but i got to hang out with my friends who were all gorgeous and i got to look hot too so like win/win 26. what time did you wake up: 10am then fell asleep and woke back up at 12:30-something 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: skyping @shelteringskyy ,'^) 28. name something you can’t wait for: halloweeeeeeeen 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: a couple hours ago maybe less 31. what are you listening to right now: vinny vinesauce playing some weird ass game and myself typing 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i actually don't think so 33. something that is getting on your nerves: it being so sunny recently (i like clouds fight me), my sleep schedule getting FUCKED up and me struggling to fix it, mysterious bug bites, the lack of motivation to study that has been haunting me since 2 months ago 34. most visited website: probably tumblr, youtube and facebook tbh 35. hair colour: naturally im a fucking ashy dirty wishwater blonde and im fucking tired of it so now i dye my hair dark brown LOL ;_; @my body please hurry up and make my hair darker 36. long or short hair: mine is long 37. do you have a crush on someone: only fictional characters as of right now 38. what do you like about yourself: my ass, my unibrow and my stomach hair 39. piercings: i started out with four when i was younger, one in each cartilage (partially) then one in each ear lobe. the cartilage ones closed up to due lack of usage and my lobe piercings closed up a bit but just cleaning them out returned them to normal lol. early last year i got my partial-cartilage piercing redone as well as two additional holes making eight total but i was a fool and took out all my earrings over the course of prom and left them out too long and they ALL grew back over except my redone cartilage holes and my lobes -_- i plan to get one more additional hole in my ears to make up for this fucking travesty and i also want a nose piercing. 40. blood type: no idea mate LMAO 41. nickname: shebby, shebs, shelbs, shelbles, shelbilly, bee and im probably forgetting more tbh 42. relationship status: single and content 43. zodiac: aries, aquarius rising and sagittarius moon 44. pronouns: she/her/hers 45. favourite tv show: uhhh like........bobs burgers maybe???? twin peaks??? always sunny?????????? 46. tattoos: none but FUCK do i want a grucifix or a mother/daughter tattoo 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: none so far 50. sport: no 51. vacation: honestly ill go like nearly anywhere in the world, im not picky tbh take me over the ocean or just three hours away and i think ill be happy 52. pair of trainers: do converse count....also my moms fucked up ancient grungey tennis shoes she has that i love to wear
53. eating: nothing but dinner was steak, steak fries and some yeast rolls. might eat this smores poptart here in a second 54. drinking: nothing bc that water was Skeptical 55. i’m about to: either attempt to study or watch more youtube vids idk 56. waiting for: the rain that appears to be gathering in the sky and winter 57. want: papa 3 to never ever leave but also papa 4 to come and decimate us (and also possibly decimate papa 3), to not potentially have mono, to draw, to get our bulldog fixed so he can come inside, to stop being fucking squeamish when i study about internal organs 58. get married: no...nono 59. career: veterinary assistant if i can handle assisting in injection administration LMFAO or an artist 60. hugs or kisses: kisses 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: ehhhh im not picky so idc 63. older or younger: O L D E R LMAO DAMMIT PAPA 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: neither in real life 66. troublemaker or hesitant: depends on whats happening lmao
67. kissed a stranger: yes 68. drank hard liquor: NO LMAO ABSOLUTELY NOT 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 70. turned someone down: YEP. 71. sex on the first date: i have never been with anyone in real life ever so neither 72. broken someone’s heart: probably 73. had your heart broken: sort of?? 74. been arrested: no god LMAO 75. cried when someone died: well yeah 76. fallen for a friend: not really
77. yourself: depends 78. miracles: in some cases 79. love at first sight: only sort of. 80. Santa Claus: who the FUCK is santa claus 81. kiss on the first date: ...ehhh??? 82. angels: probably
anyway i tag @cloyterus and....i think everyone else i'd wanna tag has already been tagged or done this so here u go
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