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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months ago
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saltyaphaesthetics-blog · 7 years ago
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And I want you from somewhere within.
APH | Denmark & Norway. | Oceans.
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shesinmy · 3 years ago
how do u think the jjk characters kiss? 😳
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1. Gojo Satoru: his kisses are hot and intense. Gojo is an intense man. But he also loves to tease. So either he comes closer to your lips and doesn't kiss you or he holds his lips on yours not letting you go even with your complains.
2. Nanami Kento: he likes to kiss your forehead. He likes the protection that he can provide you with this kiss. When he kisses your lips he makes it slow and sensual.
3. Itadori Yuji: his kisses are clumsy and surprising. Clumsy because they translate all his energy and he has lots to give. And surprising because he just gives them in the heat of the moment so you never know when they're coming.
4. Fushiguro Megumi: if your in public he at the very most kisses your cheeks and he's so shy about it that you almost can't feel it. Now, behind walls, he can't leave your lips and his kisses are demanding and full of tongues.
5. Kugisaki Nobara: this girl is a hurricane. You can feel her heat in every single kiss. They're so hot that you always need a moment to catch yourself up. "Need a hand, Y/n?".
6. Inumaki Toge: he likes to give you little kisses everywhere while he pokes you. But don't be mistaken. When he wants to, he kisses you with passion always biting your lower lip while he has an intense look in his eye.
7. Okkotsu Yuta: he likes to kiss your hands every time he gets to hold them. When he kisses your lips, they're soft and full of love and admiration. If you let yourself go into his embrace, they start to heat up and can develop to something else easily.
LOVE THIIIIIIIIIIS. I wish we could see those kisses. Thank you so so much!! :)))
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zouisalmightie · 7 years ago
fOoL fOr YoU really fucks me up on a good day but when I’m sad it can reduce me to tears with the first few notes lmao
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here's an animal from my country's mythology ^^ it's called the bakunawa and it ate 6 of the 7 moons in the story which is why there is only 1 moon left
these are some beautiful art I found of it
link to 1st one
link to 2nd
I just think the Bakunawa is so beautiful :D
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thetriangletattoo · 3 years ago
💖 LOVE TRAIN 💖 Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love! I am sending you thiiiiiiiiiis much love and happiness for new years, because you are an angel and you deserve it. I LOVE YOU <3
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I LOVE YOU ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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walpurga-nacht-academy · 4 years ago
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Djinn’s Bride! ~A Celebration of Love~
Part 8
[Walpurga Nacht Academy]
[Djinn’s Lamp]
Djinn: Hey, hey, don’t be so dramatic! You’re totally spoiling the mood! We gotta offer the people a good show after all!
Diana: Enough.
Rosa/Marcia: E-Eh! Di-Diana…
Diana: We’re wasting time here. Let us end it.
Vita: Indeed~ ‘Tis little jest has come to its conclusion.
Blanche: … That might be so, but-
Marcia: We’re trapped in this lamp until this guy lets us get out!! Have you forgotten about that already?! Huh?! Don’t just assume we can walk out of here freely!!
Rosa: Yeah!! We’d definitely have done that a long time ago if we could!! … right?
Vita: Fufufu~
Rosa: Hey… This might just be my impression… but…
Marcia: You’re laughing like you know something, aren’t you?
Vita: Hm~
Marcia: But there’s no way you knew how we could get out of this situation from the start, right? That’s just impossible, right? You wouldn’t make us go through all this, just so you could amuse yourself, right? Right?!
Vita: Mm~
Agatha: Ehehehehehehhehe…
Blanche: Marcia. That’s enough. Yelling at Dies-senpai right now won’t accomplish anything, so let’s think of a way of escaping this place before it’s too late. And for that…
Diana: We’ll have to rely on Vita.
Vita: Indeed~
Marcia: … Might as well call it in. 
Vita: How cruel~ Though I have been amused by this little escapade, I am afraid the novelty has worn off. 
Marcia: … Haaa, you say that but I feel like you’re still playing a trick on us, you know? I’ve had my rope pulled at enough for today, so my heart can’t handle it anymore…
Blanche: That’s why I’m saying we need to stop fighting among ourselves and work together to resolve this situation.
Marcia: Mmmmm… but working together with Dies-senpai is…
Blanche: It’s… not an ideal situation, but we have no choice. Remember that even the Eight Witches would put their differences aside to come together upon the Bald Mountain. We must strive to follow in their footsteps. 
Diana: Mm.
Vita: How very eloquently decreed, my dear hare~ Unity is such a wonderful concept after all~ Fufu~
Marcia: She’s lying.
Rosa: She’s definitely lying.
Agatha: Big… Sis… is… very… funny…
Rosa/Marcia: I knew it!!
Blanche: In… In any case… about our predicament… Dies-senpai…
Vita: Ah, that. Very well. I shall indulge you this once~ Say, little hare, what ‘tis that you know about the nature of our mysterious assailant?
Blanche: The characteristics of a djinn? That is rather difficult to tell. They are quite rare even in the Land of Hot Sands and the last sighting of one was during the age of the Sorcerer of the Desert. Though even that is considered a mere legend now…
Vita: One must not debase themselves so low as to forget that the consciousness of people is but a fragmentary existence. If you continue to reflect upon every whisper that comes your way, then you may as well become a worthless mollusk incapable of thought.
Blanche: … I see.
Vita: The world is a vast endeavour, my dear. And knowledge lies in every corner. One must simply seek to uncover it. The matter of the djinn at hand, for example. ‘Tis an interesting rumor I had once heard of a young man who found a young djinn lady astride his horse one night, riding the creature to exhaustion. To take revenge upon the spirit he inserted an iron needle into her sash which terrified her so greatly she was forced to listen to his commands. ‘Tis not a most fascinating story~?
Blanche: … Indeed. Your knowledge of such obscure matters is rather impressive, Dies-senpai. 
Vita: I seek to humble after all~
Marcia: So… what you’re saying…
Vita: If we are to subjugate the creature by force, we shall be able to command it to release us~
Rosa: Su-Subjugate… That really sounds like Dies-senpai… 
Vita: I was certain you would appreciate the finer details, my dear~
Marcia: Hehehe… bring it under our command… Mm! I like the sound of that! Then we’d be able to escape without anybody having to marry… and even after… hehehehe
Rosa: Geh! You have an evil glint in your eye right now! You’re planning something, aren’t you?! After all that happened today!!
Marcia: Haaaa? What’s wrong with looking at the positive side, huh?! If I don’t dream big my heart will stop beating!
Rosa: What a lie!! I don’t believe a single word you say!! You opportunist!
Marcia: HUH?! WELL, YOU’RE-
Cass: U-U-U-Um!
Blanche: Cassandra? Is something wrong?
Cass: N-No! I-I-I-I mean, um… On the matter of su-su-subjugation, um…
Blanche: Ah, it’s unfortunate, but it seems we have no other choice. I know it might be bothersome to you, so we won’t force you into it. 
Vita: What a wonderful sentiment~ 
Agatha: My… heart… is… bursting… with… compassion… ehehehheheheheheh
Blanche: …
Vita: Indeed~ Yet, are you overlooking a simple matter, my dear?
Blanche: Overlooking… what do you- Ah.
Rosa: Hm? What? What’s going on? What’s this about overlooking? Hey, don’t leave me in the dark!! Hey!! Hey!!
Diana: We are lacking our claws.
Rosa: … Eh?
Vita: Though one is eager to brandish a weapon, they must make certain to possess it first~
Rosa: … Ha?
Cass: U-U-Um, it’s the ne-needle, Miss Mo-Morgainne…
Rosa: Hm? What about it? Won’t it work after all?!
Agatha: How… nice… it… must… be… to… lack… any… brains… hehehehehe
Marcia: If it’s the needle then it’s no problem!
Cass: E-Eh?! Re-Re-Really?!
Marcia: Yup, yup~ After all, Blanche always carries some with he- MHHGJHGJHJKH!!
Rosa: A-AMAZING! I’ve never seen Blanche move so fast in my entire life!!
Diana: Rabbits are good runners. 
Rosa: Th-That’s true…
Agatha: Those… are… rare… hehehehehehehe…
Blanche: … You should think before you talk about other people, Marcia. 
Blanche: He-Hey!! Wait!! Get your hands out of there!! Marcia-
Marcia: A-HA!
Blanche: !!!
Cass: U-U-U-U-Um… is that…
Diana: A needle.
Marcia: Hehe, you’ve got a nice eye there, Diana! That’s right! It’s a needle! Made out of pure iron too, I bet! 
Agatha: To… think… the… hopping... chowder… had… it… all… along… hehehehehe…
Rosa: Yeah!! What’s the deal with that, Blanche?! Why didn’t you want Marcia to tell us about this?! Or rather why didn’t you come forward with it from the start?! Huh?!
Blanche:... Personal matters aren’t to be put on show like this.
Rosa: Eh?! Personal matters?! Eh?! I don’t get it!! I don’t get it at all!! It’s a needle, isn’t it?! It’s just a needle, so why-
Marcia: Haaaa, it’s always like this.
Rosa: Huh? What are you talking about?
Marcia: Even when you helped me fix that tear in my sweater back then, you still acted like it was some super confidential secret. It freaked me out, you know? Can’t you just be a little bit more honest? It’s not like this sort of thing matters. Being able to sew isn’t such a big deal…
Marcia: I know, I know~ It frustrates me too.
Blanche: … Maybe so. But I do have a question. Marcia.
Marcia: Hm?
Blanche: How did you know I would have a needle in my pouch?
Marcia: Hm? That’s where you keep your sewing kit, right? Where else would it be since… urk…
Rosa: Hey… How did you know she has a sewing kit in her pouch?
Marcia: Hu-Huh?! That? Uh, o-obviously I saw her pull it out when she used it to fix my sweater! Ye-Yeah!
Blanche: I did not bring out my sewing kit back then, however. For you to see it… The only explanation is…
Rosa: …
Cass: U-Um…
Diana: …
Agatha: Hehehehe…
Vita: My, my~
Marcia: Wh-What’s with those looks you’re giving me?! I didn’t do anything bad! I swear! You gotta trust me!! Hey!! You guys!!
Rosa: Aah, Marcia’s being scummy again…
Marcia: HEY!
Blanche: Going through another girl’s pouch is a regulation offence. You know this, don’t you?
Marcia: I’m telling you that I didn’t do anything wrong!! Aaaah!! You’re being super annoying right now!! I was just looking for a band aid, that’s all!! Got it?! Just a band aid!!
Blanche: … Is that so?
Marcia: It is!! Grrr!! I was coming from practice to our tutoring session, when I saw I hurt my knee!! You were out to get something from the cafeteria and since I knew you’re the responsible kind, I figured out you’d have some band aids in your pouch!! And by the time you came back, I was so hungry I forgot to mention it!! That’s it!! That’s the whole thing!!
Blanche: I… I see.
Rosa: … Hm.
Marcia: What?!
Rosa: I was wondering how an idiot like you was able to pass classes with such high grades, and even make it to Prefect. Now it makes sense. It was all thanks to Blanche’s hard work, wasn’t it?
Marcia: … Having a moron like you say that to me really annoys me, Rosalia.
Rosa: MO-MORON?!
Marcia: I don’t get why you’re so high and mighty when your grades are just as low as mine. It’s kinda laughable. Aren’t you ashamed of your own lack of performance?
Rosa: Th-That… Uh!
Marcia: At least I’m doing what I can to keep them high. So having somebody diss me like this, puts me in a bad mood. You know, I think I actually had it. 
Rosa: Hu-Huh? Had it… Marcia, what…
Marcia: You can be as snide as you want, but I’ll show you that I’m not just a leech. I have my pride too. There have been many times when I had to go against my instincts, but the goal I want to reach can’t be touched by those without a steely resolve. But I doubt somebody with an easy life like you could understand…
Rosa: Ma-Marcia…
Marcia: So watch closely, ok? I’ll show you how Marcia Pyroeis won’t sully her name by tucking her tail in and running away. I’ll confront the Djinn and get us all out! I swear this!
Marcia: Heh. That’s alright. I’m not the kind of person to hold a grudge. Now, stand back. It might get dangerous.
Cass: Mi-Miss Pyroeis!
Blanche: … Marcia.
Marcia: Hm. What is it, Blanche? You can’t change my mind, so don’t even try it. I’ve already chosen my path and nothing-
Blanche: You know that if you subjugate the Djinn you can only ask for one favour, right? So your plans of getting rich quick…
Cass: … Um…
Marcia: Haaaa, and here I thought that if I went first, I’d get to bag two birds really easy. Crap. Gotta rethink my plan.
Rosa: … To think that I ever looked up to you. I was a moron. A real idiot.
Cass: Mi-Mi-Miss Morgainne! Ple-Please have a tissue to dry yo-your tears!
Marcia: Geh. If there’s no money to be made out of this, then I’m out. Blanche, you can have a go with the ne-
Diana: Marcia. Behind you.
Marcia: Huh? Behin-
Djinn: Hm? So it’s you first, girlie?
Djinn: I was sure you wouldn’t be interested after all the fuss you made earlier, but…
Marcia: E-Eh? No, no, no, no, no,! You’re mistaken, I’m just-
Djinn: Who am I to deny you a chance for redemption? LET THE ROUND STAAAAAAAART!
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nakhama-a · 4 years ago
little impromptu zodiac study, ft. ieiri shouko.
with the revelation that shouko is a scorpio sun, i have decided that the major placements in her chart are as follows: capricorn moon, scorpio rising, virgo venus, and capricorn mars. now let’s take a look at what that means.
scorpio sun:
scorpios are known for their intensity. they are determined folk that absolutely throw themselves into whatever they do — but getting them to commit to something is rarely an easy task. in fact, it’s better not to even try to “get them” to do anything. solar scorpios absolutely have their own mind. and, their primary motivation is unlikely to be prestige, or even authority–it’s real power. their power can absolutely be of the “behind the scenes” variety, just as long as they have it.
to others, scorpios seem to have plenty of willpower. they probably do. scorpios do know what they want, and they won’t go out and grab it at the wrong moment. they simply sit back, watch (quite expertly), and then get it only when the moment is just right. this apparent patience is simply their powerful skills at strategy at work.
scorpio isn’t afraid of getting their hands (their bodies, their minds) dirty. the darker side of life intrigues them, and they’re always ready to investigate.
scorpios simply never give up. they have tremendous staying power. they’re not in the slightest intimidated by anybody or anything. confrontations are not a problem. in fact, talk to any scorpio about their lives, and you’ll probably be in awe at all they’ve gone through. trauma seems to follow them wherever they go. when scorpio learns optimism, instead of expecting the worst, they’ll find that they possess amazing regenerative powers — the power to heal, create, and transform.
this doesn’t really sound like our resident apathetic-and-tired doctor, though i’ve bolded what does or may apply; shouko is not an intense person, she does not seem to have much willpower, and she most definitely is not confrontational. we see that all the way back in the hidden inventory arc where she runs away when geto and gojo are about to fight.
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and also when geto defects, she doesn’t even try to stop him. scorpio would absolutely make an attempt.
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so scorpio alone might seem a bit out there, but in combination with her other placements...
capricorn moon:
calm, cool, and collected—these words sum up moon in capricorn natives well. messy emotions and “leaky” souls are a bit frightening for most with this position of the moon. truth is, they can have plenty of mood swings and some dark emotions now and again. lunar capricorns are often quite hard on themselves, and would benefit from letting their guard down once in a while. they quickly garner reputations of being mountains of strength, and they easily hide their sensitivity behind a sarcastic manner.
you may have read that moon in capricorn natives are a bit cold and calculating. the fact is, they are unlikely to be any less emotional than the other 11 sign positions of the moon—they simply aren’t comfortable “letting go” when it comes to emotions. they keep their emotions under control. wherever capricorn is found in the chart, there is a desire for structure and control. capricorn is the sign of organization and efficient management; so, when the moon is found in the sign, the world of emotions are well-managed and handled in an efficient and practical manner.
thiiiiiiiiiis is much more in line with shouko. the moon is the sign that involves emotions, habits, reactions and instincts; so this cold, calculating, sarcastic, in control persona - that’s our girl ! i’ll talk more about how these two work with each other in a sec.
scorpio rising:
scorpio ascendant people have a lot of presence. there is something about them that tells the world that they are not to be pushed around. their manner commands respect, and in some cases, fear. scorpio rising people can be quiet or loud, but they always seem powerful and determined.
you either love or hate scorpio rising people –they are rarely people who go through life unnoticed. in fact, some of them are confused when faced with the fact that they get such strong reactions from others. they seem to look right through people, seeing through superficiality. this can be quite intimidating to some, and intriguing to others. scorpio rising people, in their dealings with others, look for answers by reading between the lines. surface details are discarded when they are getting a feel for people and situations around them.
scorpio rising people value their privacy so much, it can border on paranoia. they have a strong need to control their environment and are experts at strategy. rarely people who will blow their chances with impatience, they plan out their moves carefully and deliberately, relying on their awesome ability to feel out others and situations.
the ascendant / rising sign is the facade shown to others, which is why i think scorpio suits her well here; the first time we meet shouko, and particularly in the anime, she’s incredibly self-assured and a bit off-putting. like, look at this shot.
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in combination with these lines?
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yeah. scorp rising. 100%.
so now, let’s see how her moon and rising combo with her sun !!
scorpio sun / capricorn moon ( this is a long one oops ):
people with their sun in scorpio and their moon in capricorn have a natural instinct to protect themselves regardless of how kind they may seem when interacting with others. they will never allow money to rule them. they want security and to support themselves, but they don’t insist on getting rich. they are the most mature scorpios in the zodiac. wise and disciplined from a young age, these guys are also calm and approachable. while they seem very grave and composed, they don’t think of themselves as being like this. private and secretive, they don’t want all the attention to be on them. when they happen to be in the center of the stage, they prefer to keep things low key.
people will always like them because they’re responsible, cerebral and humble. they give a lot of importance to honor, ethics and the law. it doesn’t matter if it makes them unpopular to stick to their own beliefs and to being honest, they’ll continue to do it. discipline and management characterize them a lot. others know they are the most reliable and serious people ever. not to mention they can control their emotions when a situation becomes too difficult. it’s possible they will not be able to hide their feelings and become aggressive in some cases. but this won’t happen too often. these guys know what people and groups think because they are fine psychologists.
their main goals in life are gaining other people’s respect, having a good reputation and making a good living. it doesn’t matter how warm they seem on the outside, they will always look for these things. if they would be able to recognize their authoritative presence, it would be easier for them to deal with people.
scorpio sun capricorn moon individuals have high standards and aren’t very tolerant of people who don’t act the way they think it’s correct. but they should respect others as much as they want to be respected. just like all the scorpios, they have a high libido and can make anyone go crazy. they will use others in a subtle way and get what they want. when they see helpless people, they simply don’t know what to do. not to mention how scared they are of seeing their weaknesses in others.
while confident and sure of themselves on the outside, these scorpios are anxious and confused on the inside. they don’t believe in empty compliments and if they won’t explore their emotions and spirituality, they’ll remain these cold characters with whom few can get along.
whew. okay. that’s long. but i think it highlights how the two work well together. it’s also pretty self explanatory so ontooooooo...
scorpio sun / scorpio rising:
double scorpios function best when they’re left alone to do things their own way. and that works, because no one can keep up with them anyway. plus, they’re intensely self-motivated, mostly because their guilt level soars if they don’t do the best job possible. so there’s really no need to supervise them. the sorts of hands-on management and direction that other people might find helpful or even reassuring is apt to be considered by double scorpios as needless meddling. they don’t take well to what they perceive to be an invasion of their turf. they want enough space and privacy to go about their business in their own unseen way, and when things work to their advantage they use their investigative skills to quickly build a body of knowledge and otherwise hard-to-come-by data that affords them a great deal of job security. what’s happened is they’ve worked themselves into a position where they’re absolutely indispensable. they simply know too much, and they’ve got the goods on everyone. whether it’s at home, at work, or at the pta, these scorpios have ferreted out the useful information that everyone else needs.
also pretty self-explanatory - shouko is literally indispensable, she prefers to do things on her own, and doesn’t like when things get in the way. this all seems much more in line with what we’ve been shown, and for the sake of this post being long as fuck already ( if u read all this i’m kissing u ), i’ll save her mars and venus for another time !
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vvardenfellcat · 8 years ago
20, 25, and 28
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
J’hasi doesn’t always compare himself to others, but usually when he does it’s self-criticism, ranging from general intelligence, skills, and appearances (usually build, amount of muscle/fat/height). This happens a LOT at the College nowadays, comparing his magic skill to others, or...y’know...being able to write papers, understanding what’s being said in lecture, actually able to speak to the professors without sounding like an idiot...
The few times when it’s self-validating is when he compares himself to people he dislikes, which isn’t often but it has happened. Some people end up being almost like rivals to him (though he would deny that outright if asked), making sure that no matter what, he’s better than they are at X thing. Something. Anything to prove to himself that he’s ‘better’ than them. It’s not a positive, mutual ‘let’s be our best!’ sort of rivalry, but more of a bitter ‘I’d stab you in the back as soon as opportunity presents itself’ sort of thing. Rivalships like this are very rare, but it shows a competitive streak in him that rarely comes to surface otherwise.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
He doesn’t trust strangers, at all. If something happens, he’ll rely on his gut feeling coupled with what he knows to figure out who might be responsible. In terms of betraying him, he’s a lot quicker to suspect some arrogant asshat he’s known a matter of 5 minutes than...someone close to him. I mean...he kinda has a bad track record of that, and not just in this life.
If he’s close with someone, and I mean really close, like Friend™ close...he gets all sort of twisted up inside. He doesn’t want to believe it, but...it has happened before. If it happened to him nowadays he’d likely be more hurt (being so much more hesitant with bestowing trust on people), but back around the Oblivion Crisis...he’d be a mess. Also...run.
When a stranger stabs you in the back, it’s fulfilling an expected outcome. If a friend stabs you in the back...you made it personal, and hurt a hell of a lot worse.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Depends on situation, sometimes those involved. Typically when it’s just him on his own, he’s ready to fight or flee as soon as someone strikes first, but typically tries to avoid physical confrontations if at all possible. With others that either can’t defend themselves or he feels protective Friend™ feelings over, their safety is above anyone else’s possessing hostile intent.
In these instances (much moreso with friends) he’ll try to dissuade conflict like he normally does, but there’s a tension in him. His teeth are shown a little too much when he speaks, his posture a little too threatening. It feels like being near a dog two seconds before a fight breaks out. Or...y’know...a pissed-off, wild animal just waiting to be set loose.
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whirlybirbs · 5 years ago
so i watched the mandalorian this morning and took a few notes. read them under the cut. 
oh man i am sweating fourty minutes hhhhhhhh the OPENING oh my god the world building already oh? cannabalism? OHHHHH THE MUSIC OMG ONE WILD WEST BITCH THE BOOT SPURS …….. hhhhhomg the fight scene he’s…. silence and i cannot handle this MANDO JUST SPEAK amnsdbgklbg BRING ME IN WARM, BABY THE ABSOLUTE POWER THIS ASSHOLE EXUDES NO DROIDS, HUH? omfg “where to” mando is so…… upset omg mando’s shit box getting ROASTED  YES BIG MONSTERS YES STAR WARS LORE  that irritated little head nod….. BIG ShOCKY STICK  “is it true you guys never take off your helmets” HE IS GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS “i’m molting” ASDJHASLKFJHA this is the most woke ass thing that star wars has ever done  askdhgsfjkashfgaks CARBONITE YES YES YE S YES YES YES YES  OHHHHHOOOHOHOOOOO I LOVE MY MORALLY FUCKING WHACK BOUNTY BOY the world building is wonderful… the cantina life style…. the COLORS…… the grumpy mando….. “save the theatrics” he is. DRAMA KING, I KNEW JAWAS OMG jawaAS JAWAS  the absolute swagger mando has…. is making me sweat gonk droid ajsflakjsa THIS IS SO WONDERFUL ohhhh fuck. these ex-stormtroopers i…..  “i like those odds” you dramatic bitch oh my GOD oh hi doc, u look like my sethy boy who….. is he going after…..? fifty yrs old….. hmmmmm….. baskar steal man those mandalorians ain’t fuckin around the MANDALORIAN CLANN AAHHHHHHHHHHHH THE HELMETS  OHHHHHHHH BY GOD HE’S BRINGING THE STEEL OH HI WHO IS SHE MANDO MATRIARCHAL SOCIETY YES YES YE S TRIBE TRIBES TRI1BES  “foundlings” omg omgdjngakjdgn OHHHHHH WOW THIS IS SOME REALY GOOD SHIT….. oh man mando has some trauma we LOVE that YES YES YES YES YES THE PAuLDRON wow the colors  oh no no no ARM HURTY he’s…. like so young? but not green… but just… something about him seems like young confidence? “i dunno know to ride blurg” HAHHAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE THIIIIIIIIIIS wow i am just imagining pedro on a little anamatroic bleruuurg “settle down” omfg mando OOHHHHHHH BOY BOY BOYBOYOYYY they’re just beep boppin along is IT BOSQ…. IT IS BOQS omg bounty droid yes yes yes  THAT’S TAIKA!!! “CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS LATER” omfg the music is great it’s like rdr2 and star wars mind melded “WOAH YOUR WHAT?” “OKAY…” “NO! STAHP!” i cannot i love this holy shit that was HOT ITS A BABAY YODAAAAAAAA OOHHHHHHH MY GOOODDDDDDDDD A BABABYYY wow i  this is…….. BRING IT TO THE CLAN THE CLAN THE CLAN THE CLAAANNNNNN HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
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novelist-becca · 5 years ago
My favorite Enter the Florpus Quotes:
“Oh, sorry. You’ll have to move along hideous goblin. I’m posing here dramatically until the Dib shows up.”
“I can tell. You set up sprinklers and everything.”
“I bet that Zim will never, ever…oh, wait there he is.”
“The smell’s allll me. What are you gonna do about it? PBBT!”
“Looks great, Dad. I’m gonna eat that food.”
“Making fun of you’s no fun when you’re THIS sad. I only torture because I know you can handle it.”
“Whaaat? You DIDN’T mean to ruin Dad’s big show, get him kidnapped and hand Zim the keys to Membrane Labs while you and I are held prisoner by what looks like Dad having an allergic reaction to radioactive BEEEES???”
“I couldn’t get him to making pudding the way you love so much. It ruined the illusion.”
“Gimme the moose!” “No!” “Gimme the moose!” “No!” “Gimme the moose!”
“I think you’re cool too, Minimoose!”
“Why are you wearing those shirts? I never hired ANY OF YOU!”
“Well, he’s dead. Gir! All this evil is making my throat hurt. Fetch me a SOOOOOTHING LOZENGE!!” (I’m 99% sure that was improv XD)
“Could a dead Zim do THIIIIIIIIIIS?”
“Normally I’d say ‘don’t touch me’, but, A LITTLE HELP?”
“Relax. It’s just realities colliding like me computer said!” “AND TEARING THE EARTH APART, YOU MORON!”
“Thing is a giant Florpus hole, created by stupid teleportation of entire planet.”
“No pressure, Dad, but—AAAAAAAAHGGGHHHH!!!!” “Give me some slack! This is my first moose!”
“Oh man, Dib, not the coat.” “It makes me look mysterious!”
“I was in bad shape, then I got too in shape, now I’m back to normal shape!”
“You gotta order a MILLION pizzas! And then I gonna roll around in them pizzas, and that’s the story about how I turn into a GIANT pizza!”
“I’m looking through someone’s newspaper, I don’t pay for a subscription! AHAHAHAHA!”
“That’s illegal! Noooo!”
“This is Zim we’re talking about. Whatever he’s got planned, it’s not gonna work.” “Wow. Look at me being wrong.”
“Get your own moose, human! This one’s mine!”
“I launched that pug into space!” “Why I do that?”
“Could you keep it down out there? I’m trying to be miserable in my cheesy cocoon of misery.”
“Yes! Yes! YES, YES, YESS! Good, morning, Da—oh noo!”
“Happy Peace Day, son! You is grounded forever!”
“Computer, laugh with me!” “I DON’T WANT TO!”
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xilienmultiverse-archived · 5 years ago
Father’s Day
‘Fathers Day...�� A concept lost on the Ghidorah. Of course, this was mostly because he had no father with which he could assign any positive feelings towards. Not that his father was a bastard; For all he knew, he could’ve been a kind father. But, seeing as how he’d just abandon him with quite literally nothing, he couldn’t really quite see him as a great kaiju. Keizer would pause, lost in thought. 
“The Eldest? He calls upon you to complete such a task? It must be one hell of a task, then. Come on, you can tell me.” The Ghidorah, an acquaintance of the Desghidorah, prodded. Baron was already in a stressed mood already; His wife had just laid the Egg that will soon birth his Son, Keizer. He knows for a fact that Keizer will have to live up to his and other’s expectations if he expects to survive. It’s cruel, yes, but, unfortunately, he had to learn that way as well. Just a shame that Baron wouldn’t be there to at least give him a push. Well, it’s not time to think about trivialities like that... At least, not now.  “I suppose you can know, Omega,” The Desghidorah relented, closing the eyes of his middle head in annoyance. “My mission, selected by The Great Eldest, is to attack both the Planet Mars, destroy it, then wipe out the Humans on Earth. Apparently, there is a Rumor that some sort of Divine Deity of sorts resides on the planet. Their existence could pose some what of a Threat to the Ghidorah species, something he has sworn to protect. But, if he were to leave, that could threaten this Colony here. So, he has decided to send me out instead to deal with it.” The Ghidorah explained, Omega nodding along. After a while, Baron would unfurl his wings. “I must be off, though. I wasted too much time here.” And, with that, he took off; No goodbyes, no messages to give to anyone, he simply... Left.  Of course, what happened after he left was history.  “Your Planet, and it’s inhabitants... Will burn to my Hellfire.” “I will not let you leave this planet I love desolate!” “Though I have been unsealed, nothing can dampen my hatred for you, Goddess.” “MOTHEEEEEEEEEEEEER!” “A child? The Planet is at peril, and, to fight me, it sends a helpless, sniveling, brat.” “I AM MOTHRA LEO! DEFENDER OF THE PLANET AND ALL THAT LIVES ON IT! AND I! AM! THE SON OF MOTHRA!” “I WILL REMEMBER THIS, LEO...! I WILL REMEMBER THIIIIIIIIIIS!”
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bergarachan · 5 years ago
*slip you note* psssst! Guess what? I LOVE YOU THIIIIIIIIIIS MUCH
:< love u too anonnie....
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batteredmettle-archive · 5 years ago
🍸 Ryuji, Taka, how much do you love your friends
Send 🍸+ a question and my muse will answer while drunk.
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“Ryuji...you’re squishing me....”
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jacensolodjo · 5 years ago
@sansael replied to your post “Dude, have you seen new Doctor Who? Because I can't stop yelling about...”
I know that you like Master a lot, and damn damn damn, you won't be dissapointed! Like. Like this was such a smartly done episode? The clues are all there, you just have to know to look for them!
Also this is really, really, the first time a DW episode left me so excited! Like, yes, s11 was great, but nothing like a good cliffhanger of a two-episode!! I so hope you get to watch it soon.
I do have that unfortunate tendency to love antagonists who enjoy being as such. And i do enjoy when they go the Bad Wolf route with the hints of what’s to come that you don’t quite get until it actually gets revealed. 
But now I can just think like
Koschei: I bet you didn’t expect THIIIIIIIIIIS. Doctor: No I totally expected it. Koschei: You didn’t expect shit!
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hellsholygroundarchiv3d · 5 years ago
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@edensent​ said --- “I love you. I looooove you. I love you thiiiiiiiiiis much!” /high
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           “ royce....royce...ROYCE. ” 
           it’s late. they...royce needs sleep. dom can tell he’s exhausted but the other doesn’t seem to want to go to bed. he isn’t sure if it’s because he’s just stubborn or he wants to hang out with his boyfriend. the demon rolls his eyes, arms wrapping around royce’s to pull him toward their shared bedroom. that’s the last time he’s letting him eat sweets past ten o’clock. 
           “ i would love if you got some sleep, hm? no more sugar for you. ” 
maximum ride starters. // accepting. 
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