#blanche dion
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blood-red-hummingbee · 4 months ago
Riddle - @justm3di0cr3; Ivrine with Emory - @beneathsakurashade; Riliane with Kanae - @amethystjewel01; Thorn and Ruby with Yuuna
Ace - @4necdote; Draven with Whitney - @screamintoad; Jane with Rory - @ashipiko; Avila and Alex with Ashi
Deuce - @skibidibabygirl; Angel and Diana with Isa
Trey - @moonyasnow; Hilda, Julian, and Hazel with Junia
Azul - @oya-oya-okay; Azuma, ShiShi, Azusa, and Shou with Shuu - @taruruchi; (Aure)lia, Cass(ius), and Julian with Taruchi
Floyd - @angelwishess; Emelio, Marven, and Alora with Kyra - Barbs; Suzette and Summer with Grace
Jade - @gimmeurmoneyagh; Melusine, Lorelai, and J(esse) with Yumi
Leona - Also Moony; Nuru with Tomoe - Mah; Kinja with Isabelle - @h0neybane; Maya and Obuya with Evelyn
Jack - Me; Joey and Luna with Rose - Moony; Genevieve and Toby with Victor - Crow; Shiloh, Sasha, and Gemma with Rory
Ruggie - @midnightmah07; Maggie with Daisy - @twtysevapr; Mika and Lana with Mina - @cheerleaderman; Charlotte with Dion - Myz; Diana with Sam
Jamil - @bunniehunn; Claude and Hayat with Flori - Jan; Bella with Astrid - Addie; Zyran with Dranav - Barbs; Maron, Maeve, Jiya, and Ichaa
Kalim - @babyghoul138; Aisha, Daniyal (I don't know if I spelled that right, lemme know Myz!), and Arham (though that one's subject to change) - Mah; Yasmin, Bazel, and Daim with Jeanne
Vil - Barbs; Flora with Eislyn - Algy; Belladonna with Rosienne - AJ; Alois and Naomi with Yuuki
Epel - Addie; Binnie with Poppy
Rook - @offorestsongs; Rosemary with Lysander (I think there are a couple more on the way too)
Idia - Jan; Kore, Atlas, and Helene with Yuya - @amai-sakura-chan; Nova and Soleil with Ame - @buttholesparkles; Zagreon and Melinos with Maya
Sebek - @theolivetree123; Avery with Constance
Silver - Crow; Fleur and Alaric with Blanche - Jan; Alicia and Tristan with Airlea - Algy; Paloma with Jóvia - Kanae; Chrys(anthemum), Dahlia, Sage, and Edel(weiss) with Shion
Malleus - Moony; Malina, Malachi, Mallory, Malek, Maleah, Malcolm, Malindt, and Malissa with Irina - Barbs; Anthony, Rosa(lynn) - AJ; Malin and Malorie with Yuuto - Me; Aria with Emmelia
Niege - Moony; Roza with Spike
Che'nya - Barbs; Lucy, Louie, and Bennet with Anneliese
and last but not least: Olive's Nikohopper bebes; Daisy and Louis!
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cheerleaderman · 6 months ago
Exposing myself (the first 5 were made last year in December) 🧍‍♀️ I love designing characters guys please it’s not even all of them
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Most are Oc’s Friends/future friends etc(undercut)
Astrid- Xiuying and Sophia
Dion- Yahir and Eri( Ami is her older sister)
Lottie- Alister, Sahar and Muriella
Rolene- Gwen, Asteria and Aureila
Airlea- Valerie
Iris- Yvonne
Flori- Verity
Fallon- Kia
Elara- Alarie
Nora -Leora and Riadne
Blanche is Lottie and Flori future son
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disparate-gallery · 4 days ago
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Le 6e numéro de la revue d'illustration éponyme Matière Grasse prend cette fois la forme du mythique CAHIER DE VACANCES !
Il contient 36 pages de jeux trop golri dessinés par la crème de la crème (solaire) de l'illustration : Nina Basson / Amina Bouajila / Blanche Dion / Lucile Gautier / Louise Laveuve / Mathias Martinez / Tim Ostermann / Lucile Ourvouai / Noa Peron / Margot Soulat / Mathieu Zanellato
Impression risographie et sérigraphie
Édité par Matière Grasse https://www.matieregrasse.fr
Prix : 25€
Détail du prix : Papier - 2,5€ Impression - 6€ Auteurices - 9€ Matière Grasse - 7,5€
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alexar60 · 2 years ago
L’enfant des fées (2)
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Le premier épisode est disponible à ce lien
Sa moustache se dessinait parfaitement sur son visage. Louis venait de tailler les bords, cependant, ses pensées s’orientaient encore sur la petite Jeanne. Il revoyait sa visite médicale auprès d’un médecin appelé d’urgence. Le savant, un vieil homme d’une cinquantaine d’années, à la barbe blanche, restait sceptique face aux ecchymoses ainsi qu’aux brulures sur la peau de la fillette. Il avait beau poser des questions, il n’obtenait que des mots mal articulés dans des phrases incomplètes. Louis fut pris de colère en regardant le corps squelettique de Jeanne. Elle ne mangeait pas à sa faim, c’était évident.
Le docteur s’éloigna dans un coin du cabinet, emmenant le commissaire avant de murmurer à son oreille :
-          Vous me dites qu’elle vient d’un milieu aisé ? En êtes-vous certain ?
Les deux hommes observèrent silencieusement Jeanne. Ses cheveux décoiffés couleur paille, le visage bruni par la saleté, des traces noires et bleues visibles à l’œil nu sur les bras, elle ressemblait plus à un fragile épouvantail qu’à une petite fille modèle.
-          J’ai déjà vu des cas similaires dans les bas-fonds de Glasgow et de Londres, pendant mes études, de l’autre côté de la Manche. Mais ces enfants vivaient dans des taudis…pas dans un château, ajouta-t-il.
En fixant plus attentivement, Louis constata de nouveau la maigreur de la gamine. Ses côtes se dessinaient à travers la peau. Il soupira lorsqu’un cri le ramena à la réalité. Une femme intervint en haussant la voix. Une petite voix répondit en promettant de ne plus recommencer. Le commissaire passa ses bras dans un gilet avant de descendre et rejoindre sa famille.
Dans la cuisine, son ainée, Henriette ramassait les restes d’une assiette tombée sur le sol, pendant que son épouse nourrissait un bambin assis sur une chaise longue. L’enfant sourit en voyant Louis.
-          Papa !
Il ria de toutes ses dents. Peu après, il sortit sans avoir oublié d’embrasser tout le monde, sa femme et ses trois enfants. Il aimait énormément ses petits, même s’il ne les voyait pas souvent.
Ce matin-là, il ne faisait pas beau et il oublia son parapluie. Malgré le crachin, il faillit flâner dans le jardin des plantes. Cependant, il remonta l’Erdre à pieds, jusqu’au commissariat, son lieu de travail. Un agent affublé d’une cape et d’un képi, en garde devant l’ancienne caserne, salua Louis qui l’ignora totalement. Il remarqua la limousine de Dion dans laquelle il était monté trois mois plus tôt. Il reconnut son chauffeur qui attendait sagement, le moteur en marche. Soudain Léon, son second l’interpela :
-          On t’attendait ! affirma-t-il.
Et sans obtenir de réponse, il se retrouva dans la voiture qui démarra à toute trombe, faillant renverser un cycliste en sortant de la cours. Durant le trajet, Louis se remémora sa discussion avec le médecin. Il se souvint comment une nonne, travaillant comme infirmière, aida Jeanne à se rhabiller, lui donnant au passage quelques leçons de dictions. Son regard croisa celui de la fillette. Elle semblait triste et perdue, ne comprenant pas pourquoi on était gentil ; pourquoi elle était si seule. Puis elle sortit entrainée par l’infirmière vers une salle d’eau, avant de rejoindre un orphelinat.
-          Je crains qu’elle n’ait des séquelles, annonça-le médecin. Et pour la procédure ?
Le crachin laissa place à un rayon de soleil. Toutefois la route demeurait mouillée voire boueuse en certains endroits. Léon frotta sa casquette. Assis à côté du chauffeur, il se retourna pour distraire son chef de ses pensées. Il annonça une nouvelle pourtant énervante.
-          Joubert est déjà parti. Il devrait nous attendre !
Louis détestait ce magistrat de pacotille. Leur dernière discussion avait fini par l’humiliation du commissaire. Il se revoyait dans le bureau du juge qui, ne s’était pas retenu pour faire la morale. En fait, c’était un lèche-cul de première auprès des personnes de bonne société.
-          Enlever un enfant de sa famille est une honte ! avait-il hurlé. Ce n’était pas votre rôle de vous déplacer pour une histoire pareille ! Vous êtes au service de l’Etat pour nous débarrasser de la racaille, certainement pas pour discréditer des familles honorables et  exemplaires!
A la demande du père qui était revenu de voyage, Jeanne fut restituée à ses parents. Pour Louis, il était évident que ce fut une terrible erreur, mais son opinion ainsi que celle du médecin ne changèrent rien à la décision du juge Joubert ; Il voulut se faire mousser auprès d’une des plus grosses fortunes de Bretagne.
Le portail était grand ouvert, la voiture entra sans ralentir. Devant, plusieurs gendarmes saluèrent les passagers du véhicule. L’allée sembla plus longue qu’à sa première visite. Louis observa le château grandir, s’approcher. Enfin, le véhicule s’arrêta, il descendit sans attendre l’arrêt du moteur. Puis, il prit la direction du parc, vers les policiers visibles à l’orée d’un bois.
Il connaissait l’horreur de la nuit. Il savait ce qu’il s’était passé. Pourtant, il ne pouvait y croire. Il marcha cherchant des têtes connus. Il comprit en voyant la mine déconfite d’un homme qu’il s’agissait du père. Il était encore en robe de chambre. Le commissaire marcha plus vite. Il approcha du lieu du crime. Son regard s’agrandit. Il porta la main sur sa bouche ouverte. Il était devant l’horreur. Ce qu’il ne voulait pas croire. Joubert s’approcha, il gardait la tête basse sous un chapeau de feutre noir.
-          Je suis désolé, murmura-t-il. Si j’avais su…
Louis dévisagea le juge. La colère l’envahit, toutefois, il rangea le poing sans sa poche. Mais, il souhaitait avoir un moment de discrétion pour le cogner. Le bruit d’un appareil photographique ramena son attention sur le crime. Il avait envie de pleurer.
Les policiers regardèrent le tas de cendre sans savoir quoi faire. Ils demeurèrent impuissants, à la fois pris de dégout et de tristesse, devant le petit corps carbonisé de Jeanne au milieu du bucher improvisé. Ses doigts comprimés laissèrent à penser qu’elle était encore vivante quand elle prit feu. Un officier de gendarmerie, képi sous le bras se présenta. Il claqua les talons.
-          Apparemment, elle a été sortie en pleine nuit par sa mère. Cette dernière l’aurait aspergée de pétrole et l’aurait enflammée. La petite n’a pas pu se défendre.
Un sanglot envahit sa voix à chacun de ses mots. Il déglutit puis regarda au loin. Ecœuré, il cracha au sol pour maudire la femme qui sortait du manoir, encadrée par deux de ses hommes. Ses cheveux longs et bruns pendant le long de son corps et de sa figure, amplifièrent sa folie. A la demande de son mari, elle ne portait pas de menottes. Elle marchait lentement, recouverte d’une robe de nuit et d’un châle sur les épaules. Elle tenait dans ses bras une bûche. Quelques protubérances offraient au morceau de bois une forme de visage.
Louis courut vers elle. Il avait besoin de comprendre comment une mère pouvait tuer aussi sauvagement son enfant. Elle s’arrêta lorsqu’elle le vit. Son visage irradiait, ses yeux brillèrent, illuminés par le bonheur. Elle serra le rondin contre sa poitrine et soupira.
-          Elle est revenue ! Vous voyez, j’ai bien fait de m’être débarrassée du monstre. Ils me l’ont rendue, ma petite Jeanne.
Elle se mit à chanter une comptine, tout en berçant la buche. Les policiers demeurèrent effarés devant ses baisers sur le bois.
-          Je ne t’abandonnerai plus jamais, susurra-t-elle au morceau de bois.
Puis, elle partit emmenée par les gendarmes. Un corbeau vola au-dessus des cimes des arbres. Son croassement effraya les autres oiseaux qui s’envolèrent subitement. Au loin, on entendait une cloche ; le tocsin annonçait la guerre.
En ce trois août 1914, Louis Macé comprit qu’à l’image de Béatrice Grayo de Kersilly,  le monde devenait fou.
Alex@r60 – février 2023
Dessin de Rim Baudey
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mmepastel · 2 years ago
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Je n’ai pas réagi tout de suite car j’étais hors de connexion mais j’ai pris un sacré coup dans le plexus solaire avec l’annonce de la mort de Jane B.
Comme pour beaucoup, elle a fait partie de ma vie, et elle a beaucoup compté.
Quand j’étais jeune, je l’ai vue au zénith de Toulouse, avec ma sœur. Le frisson quand sa voix a retenti dans le noir, a cappella, entamant L’Aquaboniste, Gainsbourg venait de mourir, c’était son hommage, poignant. Puis on l’a découverte assise au bord de la scène, avec sa chemise blanche et son jean usé, et ses converses grâce à une coursive qu’il l’a enfin éclairée. Il se murmurait que Charlotte était dans les coulisses. Car oui, c’était aussi ça, Gainsbourg, Charlotte, puis Lou, Jacques Doillon, (sans parler de Kate, dont je n’oserai rien dire), que des personnes assez incroyables, ça ne peut pas être un hasard… voyez ce que je veux dire ?
A la même époque, je m’étais acheté un T-shirt blanc et un panier, et je voulais absolument lui ressembler (c’était très mal engagé), j’ai trouvé à prix d’or aux puces de Saint-Ouen le vinyle où elle arbore ce pull rouge, puis quand il est sorti, je me suis offert le coffret jaune pâle ci-dessus. Je l’ai écouté sans fin, avant, après le bac, longtemps longtemps.
Je sais que les gens se sont moqué de sa voix, de son accent, mais il se trouve que moi, je suis plus Jane Birkin que Céline Dion, et j’ai toujours aimé l’émotion qu’il y avait dans sa voix et le choix de ses mots dans ses interviews, j’ai aimé qu’elle n’ait pas perdu son accent, qu’elle se soit trouvé sa voix.
Son parcours courageux a montré qu’elle n’était pas juste une muse ni une interprète, voire une marionnette de Serge le facétieux.
Enfin, il faut bien l’avouer, je pense qu’on a rarement vu un visage aussi merveilleux dans nos télés. La grâce. Je reste fascinée, et désormais peinée. (J’ai de la peine à imaginer la tristesse de ses filles.)
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jojobegood1 · 2 years ago
Regardez "Les Roses Blanches - Céline Dion (Paroles/Lyrics)" sur YouTube
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years ago
The monster is unleashed, time for part two of my Gilmore Girls x Eurovision nonsense with Name Your Gilmore Girls Character’s Favourite Entries:
Lorelai: “Diva” by Dana International (1998), “Waterloo” by ABBA (1974), “Wild Dances” by Ruslana (2004), “Papa Pingouin” by Sophie & Magali (1980), “Diggiloo Diggiley” by Herreys (1984), and “Shady Lady” by Ani Lorak (2008)
Rory: “City Lights” by Blanche (2017), “De Diepte” by S10 (2022), “Push The Button” by Teapacks (2007), “Goodbye to Yesterday” by Elina Borg and Stig Rästa (2015), and “Euro Neuro” by Rambo Amadeus (2012)
Luke:  “Trenulețul” by Zdob și Zdub and the Advahov Brothers (2022), “Nesto Sto Ke Ostane” by Next Time (2009), and “Mall” by Eugent Bushpepa (2018)
Lane: “Shum” by GO_A (2021), “Hard Rock Hallelujah” by Lordi (2006), “Stefania” by Kalush Orchestra (2022), “Crno I Belo” by Kaliopi (2012), and “Euphoria” by Loreen (2012)
Dave, Zack and Brian: “Zitti E Buoni” by Måneskin (2021), “We Could Be The Same” by maNga (2010), and “Midnight Gold” by Nika Kocharov and Young Georgian Lolitaz (2016)
Gil: “In My Dreams” by Wig Wam (2005)
Paris: “Amar Pelos Dois” by Salvador Sobral (2017), “Há Um Mar Que Nos Separa” by Leonor Andrade (2015), and “Siren” by Malcolm Lincoln (2010)
Richard and Emily: “Let Me Be The One” by The Shadows (1975), “Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu” by Domenico Modugno (1958), “Requiem” by Alma (2017), and “Voilà” by Barbara Pravi (2021)
Jess: “Viszlat Nyar” by AWS (2018), “Soldi” by Mahmood (2019),  “Goodbye to Yesterday” by Elina Borg and Stig Rästa (2015) and “Boonika Bate Doba” by Zdob și Zdub (2005)
Miss Patty: “OPA” by Giorgos Alkaios and Friends (2010), “Dum Tek Tek” by Hadise (2009), “Miss Kiss Kiss Bang” by Alex Swings Oscar Sings! (2009) and “Flying the Flag” by Schooch (2007)
Babette: “OPA” by Giorgos Alkaios and Friends (2010), “Congratulations” by Silvía Nótt (2006), “I Can’t Go On” by Robin Bengtsson (2017), and “In Your Eyes” by Niamh Kavanagh (1993)
Logan, Finn and Colin (yes, collectively): “Run Away” by The Sunstroke Project ft. Olia Tira (2010)
Dean: “Outlaw In ‘Em” by Waylon (2018), “Slow Down” by Douwe Bob (2016), and “Something” by Andrius Pojavis (2013)
Liz: “L’Enfer Et Moi” by Amandine Bourgeois (2013) (because she’d think she looks like her)
TJ: “Alcohol is Free” by Koza Mostra ft. Agathon Iakovidis (2013) (no he has not looked up the translated lyrics)
Sookie: “Too Late For Love” by John Lundvik (2019), “Fly On The Wings Of Love” by Olsen Brothers (2000), and “Party for Everybody” by Buranovskiye Babushki (2012)
And last but not least, the only European here - Michel: “My Number One″ by Helena Paparizou (2005), “Just A Little Bit” by Gina G (1996), “L’Essenziale” by Marco Mengoni (2013), “Molitva” by Marija Šerifović (2007), and (of course) “Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi” by Celine Dion (1988)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"NOUVELLES GARDES-MALADES DE NOTRE-DAME," La Presse. May 31, 1933. Page 12. ---- La collation du diplôme de l'école des gardes-malades de l'hôpital Notre-Dame a eu lieu hier soir, sous la présidence de Mgr A.-V.-J. Piette, recteur de l'Université de Montréal. Cette photographie représente le groupe des nouvelles graduées prise avant le banquet qui inaugurait la cérémonie. Assises, de ganche à droite: Miles Emilienne Porte- lance, Blanche Pronoveau, Hermance Lacasse, Carmelle Lamoureux, Aurore Dupont, Cécile Perreault, Berthe Marleau, Marie-Ange Riopel, Rita Joubarne, Marguerite Rivel, Colombe Guevremont, Marie-Ange Paradis, Simone Mayotte et Denise Ledue. Debout en arrière: Miles Germaine Leduc, Lucile Beaulieu, Adéline Arsenault, Juliette Fraser, Simone Bélair, Laura Richard, Yvette Dion, Simone Saint-Germain, Régina Lalonde, Aline Duval, Estelle Pauze, Pauline Larocque, Alice Talbot, Hélène Talbot, Anna-Maria Chevaller, Rachel Désilets, Juliette Lafontaine, Juliette Jacob. (Cliché La "Presse")
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ondessiderales · 8 days ago
Vénérer Pan
Dans la mythologie grecque, Pan (en grec ancien Πάν / Pán « tout », anciennement « campagnard » selon certains écrits, ou, analogiquement, de πάειν / páein « faire paître » ; d'une racine IE du sens de « gonfler », « faire croître ») est une divinité de la nature, protectrice des bergers et des troupeaux. Il est souvent représenté comme une créature chimérique, mi-homme mi-bouc, à l'image des satyres dont il partage la compagnie.
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Origine et étymologie
Pan, dont le nom reconstruit est *Péh₂usōn, est l'un des rares noms divins attribuables à la période commune des Indo-Européens.
Avant de devenir le « dieu des Pâtres », Pan est un dieu-lune dont la spécialisation ultérieure serait peut-être due à ses cornes considérées comme des croissants de lune. Le dieu Lune serait également lié au pastoralisme par la pratique du pâturage nocturne.
On a supposé qu'il correspond au dieu védique Pushan dont il partagerait l'étymon *peH₂- « garder un troupeau ». Ce lien entre Pan et Pushan a été identifié pour la première fois en 1924 par le chercheur allemand Hermann Collitz. A. et B. Rees l'ont rapproché de l'irlandais Cúroí qui est, selon Ph. Jouët, un ancien dieu Lune.
Le composé Aigípan pourrait avoir signifié initialement « gardien de chèvres » et être à l'origine de son nom.
Pan et Syrinx
Ovide (Métamorphoses, livre I, 688-711) fait de Pan un dieu champêtre lié à la musique. Pan cherche à conquérir Syrinx qui s’enfuit dans les marais où ses sœurs la transforment en roseau afin de la cacher au dieu. Pan croyant l’avoir capturée s’aperçoit qu’il ne tient dans ses bras que des roseaux. Il soupire et le roseau émet un son mélodieux par lequel il aura l’impression de posséder à jamais la Naïade disparue. En juxtaposant des roseaux de tailles différentes, il fabrique un instrument qu’il baptisera du nom de la nymphe, Syrinx, ou flûte de Pan.
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Récits érotiques
Pan est également lié à la fécondité et la sexualité. Il est connu pour ses pouvoirs sexuels. Dion de Pruse raconte que Pan aurait appris la masturbation à son père Hermès, et l'aurait par la suite enseignée aux bergers.
La plupart des récits de Pan impliquent ses amours :
La nymphe Syrinx qui se transforma en roseaux des marécages pour échapper à Pan.
La nymphe Écho dont la voix merveilleuse rendait tout homme amoureux. Pan la rattrapa et l'éparpilla sur toute la Terre. Il n'en resta que l’écho, pâle imitation, et une fille, Jynx, qu'Héra, pour la punir d'avoir favorisé les amours de Zeus avec Io, métamorphosa en statue de pierre ou en un oiseau utilisé dans les conjurations amoureuses, le torcol.
Le berger de Sicile Daphnis, amant de Pan.
Séléné (personnification de la Lune), qui se laissa séduire en acceptant un troupeau de bœufs blancs.
La nymphe Euphéné, qui lui donne un fils, Crotos, devenu la constellation du Sagittaire.
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Dieu des troupeaux
Dieu pastoral, « maître des animaux », Pan protége les troupeaux, tant domestiques que sauvages. Les abeilles sont également sous sa protection, ainsi que la côte où les pêcheurs poursuivent leurs activités.
Dieu des chasseurs
Paradoxalement, Pan est également le dieu et le protecteur des chasseurs. Il était lui-même un chasseur comme le rappelle son hymne homérique : « Souvent, il parcourt les grandes montagnes couvertes de pierres blanches, et souvent il court le long des collines, tuant les bêtes fauves qu’il a vues de loin ».
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Dieu de la panique
Du dieu Pan dérive le mot panikos qui a ensuite donné « panique ». Une peur que l'on qualifie de panique est une peur qui déborde la raison et la pensée logique. La panique de Pan est une peur collective, elle est liée à la foule hystérique en raison de la capacité qui lui était attribuée de faire perdre l'humanité aux guerriers en plein combat.
Dans ses traités militaires, Énée le Tacticien parle de la condition du guerrier avant le combat, préparé à toute attaque et, soudain, il suffit d'un bruit, d'un écho et le soldat ne reconnait plus les siens, il ne reconnaît plus son appartenance, l'armée est désorganisée et les guerriers d'un même camp finissent par se faire la guerre entre eux. Le rôle de Pan est de semer la panique parmi les guerriers.
Certains récits relatent la peur que dégageait le dieu :
Lorsqu'il était dérangé durant ses siestes, il pouvait infliger aux responsables de son trouble une peur panique, panikon deima.
Lors de la bataille entre les Titans et les dieux, Pan fut le premier à semer la terreur dans le cœur de ces géants à l'aide de sa flûte.
Lors d'une expédition menée aux Indes avec Dionysos, Pan aurait semé la panique parmi les ennemis, à l'aide de l'écho des parois rocheuses qui les entouraient. Le bruit, venant de nulle part, ainsi que le paysage terrifiant et sombre dans lequel ils se trouvaient, amenèrent les guerriers à imaginer des voix, des ombres humaines, qui les rendirent fous.
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amanduhhwrites · 7 months ago
It's All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion
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‘And I can’t remember where or when or how, And I banished every memory you and I had ever made’
The moment her eyes met his, the room got colder. Gone was the heat in her cheeks, the warmth in her eyes, the comfort in her smile. Her dinner from the feast before tried to climb its way back up her throat. She forcefully swallowed it down. The sea of bodies between them faded away and the chatter of the man she stood next to drowned out. She knew those eyes. She could never forget them. She tried. She tried real hard. And she had gotten real good at it too. A thought in the very depths of her mind, locked away in a cage. But with one glance, the cage opened. His eyes never left hers as he took a sip from his chalice. A challenge. She drowned. She was drowning in the gaze that held her heart with an iron grip all those years ago.
“Darling, are you alright?” Her eyes flickered away. Feeling like she was being pulled out of the ocean she was sinking in, she smiled at the man next to her. Her knight in shining armor. 
“Yes, my love. I just got lost in my head.” Her hand found his cheek. 
His eyebrows were furrowed, a slight pout in his lips, “Are you su-”
A loud cough interrupted him, all attention garnered towards the King. “My beautiful court, I would firstly like to thank you all for joining us for this momentous occasion,” Clapping roared around the hall. The King smiled towards his son, raising his chalice, “Celebrating the last night before my son, your future king, makes his union with his beautiful bride.” Her cheeks flush at the warmth from the King and adoring gaze from her betrothed. And the entire court. “Now that you’ve all filled your stomachs with our food, “ the court laughs, “It’s time for their last dances.” 
A tradition amongst the court. At every pre-wedding day celebration, the prince and his bride-to-be dance with all of the women and men at court as their last dance before union. Her eyes nervously swept the ballroom, searching for his eyes. Her search was folly. Sighing in relief, she joined hands with her fiance and walked down to the dancefloor. 
Dance after dance, conversation after conversation. Song after song. Her feet hurt. She wanted the night to end. She thanked the heavens above that this next song and dance was the last of the night.
“You’re beautiful.” Stones dropped in her stomach. Her shoulders tensed and she thought she might blanch right here in the middle of the floor. She turned around and met his gaze. “May I have this dance?” He bowed, gaze never straying. Always locked on her own. 
‘But when you touch me like this,’
Her hand was a feather in his as he took it gently, guiding her into him. Hesitantly, she wrapped one arm around his shoulders and locked the fingers on her other with his. 
“What are you doing here?” She hissed.
The music began to play and he guided her into a slow waltz. Sighing, he looked her up and down. “I had to see you. I had to see you at least once before, “ His gaze dropped to the ring on her finger. He swallowed, “I just, I needed to see you.”
Fire lit inside her eyes. They narrowed, sharp as daggers. “You sure as hell didn’t need me when you left.” Her words were poison. Her tone stabbed daggers in his heart. 
He winced. “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m here to apologize, to make things ri-”
“Don’t. You don’t have the right. You don’t get to leave for years, leaving me broken. You don’t get to rip out my heart and crush it and then come back thinking I’ll fall back into you again.” She swallowed, a shaky breath left her lips, “You left me. And now that I am happy, you have the nerve to come back here again.”
Feeling his heart break in two, he nods stiffly. Throwing up the white flag, he surrenders. He lost. Lost the only thing he ever loved.
‘And you hold me like that, it’s all coming back to me now’
The ballroom echoes with the enchanting melody, and he spins her out of his arms before pulling her in. His touch is familiar. His dance style is familiar. This she knows. This isn’t unexpected, like everything else about him. Her shoulders relax and he pulls her closer. Their gazes never leave each other as they waltz around the room. Nobody exists but them. Their unwavering gaze eats them up from the inside out. Years of tension and hurt, spilling out of their hearts before them. But not a word can be said. 
Even as the music ends, and they part, his eyes never waver. There was once a time that she would stare into them for hours. A time where those eyes left her breathless, feeling loved and accepted. Not anymore. She quickly turns, leaving him on the dance floor.
“Love, I am going to get some air out on the balcony.” She whispers in the Prince’s ear.
His gaze turns to her, his eyes full of adoration and love. “Do you want me to come with you?”
She smiles kindly at him, shaking her head, “No need to steal you away from your company.” She gestures to his brothers before making her leave.
‘When you see me like this’
She glowed under the moonlight. Bright enough to illuminate any dark room, cave, or the depths of the ocean. She was ethereal in his eyes. 
“I meant it, you are beautiful.” His voice broke her out of her thoughts. Looking back at him, she smirks, her hair flowing gently with the breeze.
“I know.”
He walks up next to her, placing his hands next to hers on the rail. The silence was heavy. Thousands of times he went over this moment in his head, trying to find what to say to her when he finally saw her again. 
“I’m sorry.” He lamented. 
“I know.” she whispers.
‘When you kiss me like that’
In an act of bravery, he slithered his hand into hers, bringing it up and placing the lightest of kisses on her knuckles.
“I love you, ya know. Never stopped.” She let a tear fall as she turned to look at him. He took that as his cue to continue, “I thought I was protecting you.”
She slowly nods, “From what?”
He sighed, “You deserved this life. This life of luxury. The Prince can give you everything I couldn’t.”
She blinked at him. Taking his hand, she squeezed. She remembers everything. The feeling of his hand in hers, the kisses stolen under the stars, the whispers of love and promises of tomorrow. 
She loved him. It all came back to her. LIke being hit with a brick. Sighing, she looks back out to the stars and kingdom.
“I never forgot you, how could I? You were my first love.” She looks at him. “You are. You are my first love.”
Remnants of the past came back to them. They relished in the familiarity of the past. For it was their last and only chance to do so.
~ Amanda ♡
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leblogdemarinaetjm · 7 months ago
DIMANCHE 28 JUILLET 2024 (Billet 3/3)
Le final que tout le monde attendait, nous très modérément – nous nous doutions, vu sa présence à Paris, que Céline Dion allait chanter - nous devons l’avouer, a été l’acmé de cette cérémonie. Son interprétation puissante et très émouvante de l’« Hymne à l’amour » d’Edith Piaf nous a PRONDÉMENT touchés. Pourtant, la plupart d’entre vous savent que Céline Dion n’a jamais été notre tasse de thé… mais là, elle s’est montrée EXCEPTIONNELLE !!!
La star québécoise, touchée par la maladie, que l'on n'avait pas vue sur scène depuis quatre ans, marque ainsi l'un des moments les plus forts de ce méga show diffusé dans le monde entier. Et si la voix, magnifique, était bien du pur Céline, c'est aussi sa robe immaculée qui a marqué les esprits, brillant de mille feux dans la nuit trempée par la pluie.
Cette tenue, Céline Dion l'a choisie chez Dior. La robe, créée pour fitter parfaitement avec les proportions du corps de la chanteuse, ainsi que chacun de ses mouvements, a été réalisée en georgette de soie blanche. Elle a ensuite été brodée d’un dégradé de paillettes, et sublimée par plus de cinq cents mètres de franges constellées de milliers de perles argent, semblant s’animer, vibrer, scintiller au rythme de sa prestation féerique. En tout, plus de 1000 heures de travail ont été nécessaire pour habiller Céline Dion, et faire des quelques minutes de sa prestation un moment où la musique s'alliait de manière spectaculaire avec la mode.
(Source : « vanityfair.fr »)
Sa prestation nous a fait (presque) oublier les fausses notes précédemment citées pour ne retenir que l’essentiel : ce défilé hors-norme fut un très beau spectacle, le travail de milliers et de milliers de personnes, dont TOUT le service d’ordre qui a réussi à faire en sorte qu’il n’y ait aucun incident, un grand BRAVO à tous !!!
Il manquait juste une mesure : IL N’AURAIT PAS FALLU INVITER FRANCOIS HOLLANDE (champion du monde des « faiseurs de pluie »), il y aurait eu alors un superbe coucher de soleil sur la capitale puis une nuit étoilée à faire pâlir tous les tableaux de Van Gogh !
Si cette « Ouverture » était un film, peut-être à cause ou grâce au Cocktail Gold, aux « bulles dorées » et aux 2 petits verres de Vodka supplémentaires pour JM, nous lui aurions donné volontiers tous les deux ❤️❤️❤️❤️ sur 5 mais, avec quelques heures de recul, le tableau sous le Métro aérien avec cette « grotesque » et déplacée reconstitution de la Cène (*) ne passant décidément pas, nous avons décidé de lui retirer 1 ❤️.
(*) Un principe énoncé par l'article 50 de la Charte Olympique impose la neutralité politique et religieuse (« aucune sorte de démonstration ou propagande politique, religieuses ou raciale n'est autorisée dans un lieu, site ou emplacement olympique »).
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phantasiiae · 5 months ago
Dion understands now, obvious by the way his face flushes and he clears his throat. In the few days that Joshua has been in camp, Dion has found his childhood crush returning tenfold. He had already discussed with Terence about the possibility of taking Joshua as a lover...but he didn't expect that it might happen so soon. Dion was never one to make the first move. Terence had to practically shake a confession out of him when they were younger, so it's no surprise that Dion is blanching now.
He swallows hard, then laughs nervously. "...If you would want that, then I would have you," is what he finally says, voice shaking ever so slightly. Dion doesn't take his hand out of Joshua's, instead intertwining their fingers together and stepping closer. "Is that what you want?"
"Oh, no. I think I am fine enough on myself losing control for the rest of the night. We're spent in that issue." Even the Phoenix was tired of needing to use much of it's energy in physically changing the form of the vessel. His attention was elsewhere, and he eyed the Prince with that still-burning expression on his face. "... And well, if you were wanting to help me..."
Joshua noticed him coming closer, and that's when the flame of courage decided to bring itself out further. He straightened his posture and reached for the other's hand, bringing it up to kiss the middle and top knuckles. "I could lose control in another fashion. For you, only, of course. If you would have me, my Prince."
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aylancouchie · 2 years ago
Listen to the Land - Aylan Couchie Cut from Aylan Couchie on Vimeo.
Video documentation of Nuit Blanche 2019 site-specific video and audio installation created by Placeholders Collective (This cut shows components of Aylan Couchie's vignettes).
Placeholders Collective is: Ryan Rice (Founder/Curator), Jason Baerg, Logan MacDonald, Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Aylan Couchie
Filmed on October 5, 2019 at Fort York National Historic Site. Tkaronto, Ontario
Audio: Aylan Couchie and Blair Beaucage (copyright 2019) Recorded at Nipissing First Nation.
0 notes
walpurga-nacht-academy · 3 years ago
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(Yuuki belongs to the lovely @anunluckyrabbit! Please check out her blog for additional info!)
Overblot: The Cherry Blossom Harlequin
“Everybody~ It’s time! The one you all have been waiting for is finally here - the one, the only, your bestest friend in the whole wide world: CHERRY!”
Overblot Theme Song
Special Mechanic
Ultra Fan: This witch’s special skill charms attacking units for one turn when activated. Affected units will no longer attack the witch, but rather turn against their comrades. It seems that they were charmed by her song and have decided to ally themselves with her.
Voice Lines
Battle Start: “Cherry doesn’t want to fight, but you’re all bad children so Cherry has to discipline you! Don’t worry! Cherry will make sure you’re all her nice, cute puppets!”
Hit: “Remember everybody! Cherry only does this because she loves, loves, loves you~!”
Miss: “No, no, no! All children need to stand still when Cherry is performing!”
Taking Damage: “Ugh! How could you hurt your precious friend Cherry like that?! That’s not what good kids do!”
Skill Activated: “Everybody~ Please cheer for Cherry! Cherry loves you all so much!”
Win: “Yay~ It’s Cherry’s win! Cherry’s so, so, so, so, so happy!”
Loss: “Why… why do you all hate Cherry…? Even though Cherry always tries her best… it’s never… enough…”
Special Interactions
Blanche Dion
Blanche: Rosalia! This is enough! Cease this immediately!
Cherry: ‘Rosalia’? Who’s ‘Rosalia’? Silly rabbit, there’s only Cherry!
Agatha Voisin
Agatha: It’s… time… to… prune… the... roses… heheheheheheh…
Cherry: Ugh! Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross! Cherry doesn’t like ugly children like you!
Cassandra Delphinne
Cass: Mi-Mi-Miss Morgainne! Please co-co-come to your senses!
Cherry: Huh? What’s this? There’s no one! There’s no one! Only Cherry! Always Cherry!
Special Interactions #2
Vil Schoenheit
Vil: Good grief. This has gone too far, Rosalia. It’s unsightly.
Cherry: If you’re gonna be mean to Cherry, Cherry won’t be your friend! Cherry doesn’t like bullies like you!
Jack Howl
Jack: Grrr! My head is spinning… Drop the act, Rosalia-senpai! What’s gotten into you?
Cherry: What, what, what? Cherry’s Cherry because she’s Cherry! Stop messing with Cherry’s head, you mean mutt!
Rook Hunt
Rook: Aaaah! Reine de la Passion! This light does not become you at all!
Cherry: None of you understands Cherry’s appeal! No one! No one! No one!
The lovely witch invites you to her concerto! The stage is set. Black curtains are pulled to reveal the beautiful arrangement prepared for you. There shall be singing. There shall be dancing. The witch will make sure to capture your heart - entirely.
Please do not leave your seat!
Please do not fight us!
We are merely trying to help.
Now, sit back, relax and enjoy our production of “The Cherry Blossom Harlequin”!
Witch Trial
In the judgement room, tall, large with walls made of white marble, Yuuki is sitting at the ornate bench made of heavy mahogany. It is dark - she can barely see the ground, shrouded by shadows as it is. All she knows is that the room is cold and desolate and frightening. How did she get here? Just moments ago she was on the beach in Rosenhex - the Prefect there, Rosalia, Overblotted. Black ink surrounded her, engulfed her entirely until she wasn’t herself anymore, but a grotesque parody of a Harlequin pulled by its strings. They battled - Yuuki can remember that much. And Alkin was there, some of the dorm members too. In the end, she lost - or so it seemed. She can’t be sure anymore. All she remembers is the mask of the Harlequin breaking and then-
Kit: Hey, hey! Ya better not fall asleep on yer feet! We’re here to judge a crime after all!
The voice - small, high-pitched, and inexplicably cruel startles her. In the darkness, she can’t see anything, until a spotlight suddenly turns on. What it illuminates is the small figure of a familiar face - it’s the creature that has been following her around since the start of the year!
Kit: Yes, yes! I can see ya’re delighted to cross paths with me again, but I’m gonna ask ya to keep yer enthusiasm to a minimum! There is time for ya to sing my praises later!
Johann: Now, now, Kit. You mustn’t be so harsh with our esteemed judge.
The other voice Yuuki recognises as belonging to the other one that has been tagging along as well. He sits there in his large coat, dabbing at his sweaty forehead with a handkerchief.
Kit: Bah! There ya go again, kissing up to others, Johann! Ya have no spine!
Johann: And you are too impertinent, my dear.
Kit: Better that than a coward!
Option 1: Stop! Right now!
Option 2: If you’re gonna keep fighting, can I leave?
→ Option 1
Kit: Hmph! Now ya’ve found yer voice!
→ Option 2
Johann: Please wait but a moment, our dear judge!
Kit: In any case, we don’t have time for this nonsense! We have a sentence to give! So, without further ado, let’s declare the witch gu-
Johann: Wait, dear Kit! We cannot give a sentence without a trial!
Kit: Says who?
Johann: The law.
Kit: Bah! We make the law, Johann! If we say she’s guilty, she’s guilty! I say we prepare the guillotine!
Johann: Not without a trial!
Kit: We’ll have a special, 5-second trial!
Johann: Those are inhumane.
Kit: You’d know.
Option 1: Wait, what’s going on?
Option 2: I’m so lost right now…
→ Kit: What? Ya still haven’t figured out? This is the trial! And ya are the judge! So judge!
Yuuki watches as the lights turn on. A sea of shadows disperses only for another to take its place. In the rows before her, there are countless shadow people of all heights and designs standing there in silence, expressions vacant, except for the eyes - the eyes who watch and follow every movement. Kit and Johann bow deeply before them and then with jolly expressions turn towards the bench again.
Kit: So! Let’s get the show on the road! Whatcha say, human?
Option: What am I supposed to do?
Kit: Funny ya should ask that! Well, ya see, ya just gotta up that large hammer next to ya and yell, as loudly as ya can. “GUILT-”
Johann: Objection!
Kit: Bleh! What now?
Johann: You are influencing the judge, my dear Kit! That is unbecoming!
Kit: Shut up! I don’t want to hear that for a suck-up like ya!
Johann lets out a yell as Kit begins pulling on his tail. Yuuki isn’t sure if she should intervene or not. The whole situation is strange. Looking around her she notices that the shadow people have not moved an inch, simply continuing to gaze at her with terrible, sharp eyes. They don’t care at all for the abuse Kit rains down on Johann, or, she suspects, anything else at all. She wishes they would stop.
Picking up her hammer she raps it once, then twice and finally, Johann is spared. Kit scoffs as he returns to his bench, discontent, and Johann starts dabbing at his forehead again.
Option: Please explain what’s going on here!
Kit: Ya sure are slow today, aren’t ya? Well, that doesn’t matter. Since I’m such a nice guy, I’ll make sure to catch ya up!
Yuuki nods, apprehensive, for it doesn’t seem that Kit has any intention of being wholly truthful. Though she wouldn’t be surprised by that either. Ever since the start of the school year, when she found that old bottle in her room, hidden behind the bookshelf, and released the two by accident, they’ve been nothing but nuisances. No, worse. Pests. They refused to leave her alone - which truly, wouldn’t have been that bad if they weren’t so utterly intolerable most of the time. Kit more than Johann since he was the ringleader.
He’d taunt and mock the rest of the students, quietly, so only she could hear, tell her lies about magic and the world, and sometimes even truths. He’d try to play his pranks, but every time Head Prefect Alkin was near, he’d simply disappear. He was afraid of him, but why that was, Yuuki didn’t know. She stuck close to the nekomata after, and she’d seen less of them, but only until she got back to her room where she’d find Kit rummaging through her belongings like he had any right to do so.
Yes - now that she thought it better, “pest” really fit him well.
Kit: Ya see, ya’re here ‘cause we gotta figure out what to do with the witch that went berserk. “Overblot”? I think that’s what ya humans call it. To us, magic creatures, it’s all the same really! Whether ya die or live - it ain’t our business!
He starts laughing, and Yuuki can’t help but bemoan how grating it is. Luckily, Johann decides to chime in.
Johann: Ahem! Your… status might not be our concern, but this “Overblot” situation is-
Kit: Yeah! Yeah! We get it! Ya wanna feel superior!
Johann: I-
Kit: What? Ya want me to come over and pull yer tail again, huh?!
Johann jumps in his seat, tucking his tail under, but otherwise keeps quiet.
Kit: Anyway, like I was saying! We don’t care about your petty troubles, but this “Overblot” thing is something else.
Option 1: Is it really that serious?
→ Kit: Ya think I waste my breath for any old thing? Huh?!
Option 2: Why do you care about it so much?
→ Kit: Cause we gotta! Otherwise the big boss-
Johann: Ahem!
Kit: Whoops! Said too much there! Anyway, ya heard nothing, got it?
Biting her lip, Yuuki glances over at Johann who seemed to have doubled his efforts in whipping his forehead.
Kit: This “Overblot” thingy that ya humans do is really annoying, ya know? Can’t be having ya all running around and going out of sorts like that! Ain’t good for the magic around here, after all! So when one of ya goes crazy - like that little friend of yours back in Rosenhex did - we gotta step up and fix this shit! Got it?
Johann: What an uncouth way of putting it… But he is correct, Your Honour! This transgression must indeed be discussed and judged! It is simply unacceptable for it to pass as such. However!
It startles her to hear the confidence in Johann’s voice all of a sudden. He’d always been a meek fellow, hiding in her shadow, always helpless before Kit’s mocking or violent outbursts. She couldn’t count the number of times Johann has decided to hide behind her, whenever trouble arose. At the first sign of danger he would immediately be gone, only emerging again when it had passed, and it would frustrate her to have such a troublesome imp wax self-important speeches on bravery when even sparrows could send him in a frenzy of fear.
Johann: Your Honour! I simply don’t believe that sentencing the witch to her death as such is the right answer! Humanity’s beauty lies in your altruism after all! Allowing even the smallest bud time to flower and enjoying the richness of its beauty, even as it-
A book flies by, soars through the air and hits him right in the head. Kit’s cackling is so loud it fills the room completely.
Johann: You brute!
Kit: Serves ya right! Nobody wants to hear yer dumb speeches! Not when we have a witch to execute!
Johann: Spare!
Kit: Execute!
Johann: Spare!
Kit: Execute! Chop her head off and mount it on the walls! Bwahahahahaha!
Johann: Th-That! Your Honour, you cannot allow that!
Kit: Huh? Why not? It’s what she deserves, ain’t it?
He turns to Yuuki. The distance between them seems much shorter now all of a sudden. His eyes make her think of fire, and witches burning on pyres.
Kit: Think about all the grief she put ya through? Ever since ya got in this place, these witches have been nothing but trouble, haven’t they? Being snide and rude and jeering at you - how long are ya gonna keep turning the other cheek, huh? It’s time ya give them a taste of their own medicine!
She thinks back on her first day here. The confusion as she got off The Endor Express, the sight of witches flying on broomsticks up in the air, the journey up the mountain and being told how unless she had magic she couldn’t attend this school. She remembers her first night in the green room after a talking, two-tailed cat told her she’d be his assistant for the time being until they figured out a way to get her back home.
She remembers her first day on the job - having to look after a group of witches from a dorm called “Rosenhex”. Tall, pretty, vain girls who simply scoffed at her and turned away, ignoring her completely as they went about their day. She’d have wanted to tell them off, tell them how rude and ugly their behaviour was, but somebody else beat her to it. She was about Yuuki’s age, with long, wavy pink hair and brown eyes, and cuter than any doll she’d ever seen. She yelled at them and told them to apologize, that they were besmirching the reputation of their door, but all she got in return was a sneer and then she was waved off, left behind to clench her fists and grit her teeth. Yuuki thought she had seen her eyes tear up, almost on the verge of crying but when she asked her if she was alright, the girl just snapped at her and then walked off.
And it wouldn’t be the first time that would happen. She wasn’t sure how it would happen, but every time she met one of the girls from that dorm, she’d received a mean remark, and before she could respond the girl with the pink hair - who she learned was called Rosalia and was supposed to be the Prefect of that dorm - would jump in to scold them, only to be ignored. Yuuki would try to talk to her, only to see her dart off, leaving her more confused than ever.
It was a hostile place. She missed her home, her family, her world. And this all just made it worse.
She gulps as Kit gives her a smirk, the corners of his mouth pulling so high, all his teeth are barred. Then he screams in pain and is suddenly gone from before her, having turned around to start pelting Johann with his little fists. The latter releases his tail and raises his arms above his head to protect it from the onslaught.
Kit: Ya cheeky shit! Ya think ya’re funny or something, huh? Ya ass-kisser! I’ll show ya what hypocrites like ya get!
Option: ENOUGH!
They both jump, separating from one another and glancing at her apprehensively. Johann starts to dust of his coat, dab at his forehead, while Kit takes off his hat and wrings it in his tiny, sharp hands. He grumbles under his breath before he starts to talk again.
Kit: Well? Aren’t ya cheeky too? Don’t tell me ya got swept in Johann’s shitty speech!
Johann: How vulgar! It is not so! It is not so at all, dear Kit!
Kit: Hmph! Ya don’t say - then!
Johann: Then?
Kit: If ya’re so stubborn how about ya tell your dear judge, why that is?
Johann gulps. His tail starts to tremble, thumping against the hardwood.
Very well, guess I hafta do it then-
Johann: N-No, th-that-
But he’s silenced almost immediately, having his coat pulled over his head and kicked in the knees. He topples over the edge, and Yuuki hears a thump, but in the darkness can’t see the body or the floor at all. Kit laughs again and puts his hat back on his head.
Kit: He rolled over like a log, that ass! BWAHAHAHA! Serves him right for being a pretentious shit! Talking about sparing witches like that. Ya know why he did it? ‘Course ya don’t, ‘cause yer stupid, so let me explain it to ya!
That old shit wants to save the witch just ‘cause she’s cute! Can ya believe that crap? Only a shithead like him could fall for that kind of stuff, hahahahahaha!
He prods at her, tries to make her join in his rambunctious laughter, but gets nothing in return. Yuuki simply sits and ponders over the situation. Is this the truth? Is all that Johann cares about beauty? She could believe it somewhat. Unlike Kit, Johann had always been a little more concerned with the abstract. He liked poetry, he liked literature, to the point he would ‘reward’ Yuuki with long lectures on books and novels she has never heard about - a particularly favourite series of his being “The Azure Witch.” So the appreciation for the arts was there. But she doubted it extended to humans. Not once has she heard him compliment any of the girls or creatures on campus. Not in the way the domovoy tended to do with fierce glares and loud voices, each defending the girls that lived in their dorms.
No, Johann was merely content to watch the birds, and flowers and trees all around them, writing away in his little notebook until his ink ran out or Kit snatched it away.
Kit: Hmph, ya look like ya don’t believe. That’s fine and dandy, I guess. Ya’re just a dumb human after all. So I’ll tell ya another thing!
What that guy understands by ‘cute’ is really messed up.
Option 1: Messed up?
Option 2: Are you saying it’s different from the usual?
Kit: Yep, yep. It’s- Well, it’s creepy is what I’m telling ya. So ya better not be listening to any of his crap. Ya’re just bound to end up in a shitty position after all! Bwahahahahaha!
Anyway, about all this Overblot stuff-
She watches him inch closer to her, smirking as usual, and signals for her to bend down. When she does, hesitantly, he leans over and starts to recount to her the events prior to the Overblot.
It had been a week or so of being insulted by the Rosenhex witches, ‘rescued’ by their Prefect and left to wonder if there really was any hope of going home after all. The Headmistress, steady and firm, assured her that they were doing everything in their power to do this, but that such sensitive matters required precision and knowledge. It couldn’t be done so quickly. So she had little choice but to resign herself to waiting. Except she couldn’t do that because it was simply silly. So that was why she found herself in the big library, scouring through the archives, and books and parchments trying to find anything, any little clue that could help in her predicament.
It was easier said than done. The library was vast and huge and difficult to navigate and she often found herself lost among the shelves trying to reach one section but winding up in another by mistake. It was troublesome. Especially because neither Kit nor Johann - who of course had to accompany her every time she went there - had any inclination of helping her at all. And she couldn’t rely on Alkin either since he was busy walking the grounds of the school to ensure there was no issue or incident about to happen.
Left to her own devices, Yuuki tried her best to make the most of it each day. It did not yield many results. But on her fourth day of doing this, it did lead to an interesting meeting as she passed by one of the lower windows and heard, almost by mistake, the sound of somebody sobbing. She paused. The crying was unmistakably coming from her right, and though she knew she had no obligation to do anything about it, she still went and poked her head out, wondering just who it could be.
It was the Rosenhex Prefect, laying on the ground, hugging her knees and crying her heart out. Her shoulders were shaking, and occasionally she would wipe away her eyes, though it would not do her much good since the tears would just keep coming. She was hiccuping in between sobs, her voice strained, but even so, she still sounded quite endearing.
Yuuki only had time to let out a soft breath, before she jumped to her feet and turn with tear-filled eyes to glare at the black-haired girl.
Option: Are you ok?
Rosalia: Huh? Wh-What’s it to you?! I’m fine! can’t you see I’m fine?
Option: Uh, you’re crying…
Rosalia: !!!
She furiously wiped her tears away with the white sleeve of her cardigan, making Yuuki back away slightly.
Rosalia: I’m not!! See? No tears! So don’t make stuff up!! I’m not a child! I don’t need to cry just because-
She gulped, her eyes filling up again, then with a flustered face she looked back at Yuuki and yelled.
Rosalia: Nobody asked you to get involved! So stop butting into other people’s business! Just leave me alone!
And just like that she was gone, running away in the small woods outside the library until Yuuki couldn’t see her anymore.
Back in the present, she feels Kit’s small, cold claw pat her cheek affectionately. He grins so widely, she’s surprised his mouth doesn’t split open.
Kit: See what I mean, huh? That ain’t how good kids show their gratitude, ya know? Yelling at somebody for showing concern! Ya agree, dontcha?
Option: …
Kit: So why show her any mercy at all? She’s just a pest! She’s annoying! They all are! Treating ya like crap just ‘cause ya don’t have magic! I say we cut off all their heads! Bring out a guillotine! Or better yet! Let’s all go to a tavern - BWAHAHAHAHA!
Option: …
Kit: Ya get it? Ain’t no need for sparing anybody here! They’re all just filthy witches who deserve the pyre! So let’s just get to it! It’s gonna be fun! Trust me! We’re gonna-
She startles. The one who shouted right then was none other than the same Johann who is now trying to climb over the edge, and onto the desk. He’s grunting and sweating more than she had ever seen him before and it almost makes her worried for him. She’s the only one showing such altruism.
With quick steps, Kit closes the distance and with a certain glee begins to kick Johann’s head and hands, making his climb so much harder.
Kit: Huh? So ya climbed up all the way here? Not bad for a kid like ya! Let’s see how far that determination will take ya!
Johann: Ah! Ple-Please cease this immediately! If you don’t, I will - ack! - I will fall into the abyss again! Ack!
Kit: Maybe this time ya’ll get stuck there, ya-
Option: ENOUGH!
Yuuki uses the hammer to emphasize her point, and it seems to work as Kit backs away until Johann is able to eventually climb up again. He doesn’t seem worse for the wear at all, though he’s shaking like a leaf and trying to fix his little bow, that almost got undone.
Johann: Your Honour! I don’t know what foul words my associate might have used to trick you, but please be kind and show mercy to these witches! To simply execute them like that- It’s a crime beyond any words!
Just think back on the confrontation at the beach, please! That should bring at least a tear to your eyes!
And she does. She remembers the scent of seawater, the sand being stirred gently by the breeze, the look of utter despair on Rosalia’s face. Her eyes have gone blank. She sits rigidly there until the third year old that was addressing her starts to speak again, haughty voice carried by the wind.
Rosenhex Girl A: Well?
Rosalia: Huh? Well?
Rosenhex Girl A: Tch. You’re always so- Are you ready for the Witch Duel or not?
Rosalia: Witch Duel? What?
There’s a scoff and the girl’s glare becomes harsher. Around her Yuuki can hear the rest of the Rosenhex dorm whispering under their breath - the comments are less than friendly. Next to her, Soulis Dergos sighs and pulls his cap lower on his eyes. Up on the cliff, the heads of the domovoy can be seen peeking out. The commotion has caught their attention as well.
Rosenhex Girl A: What do you mean “what”? Are you telling me you had no idea that this was coming? You’ve been a nuisance ever since you came here. Getting special treatment just because you have been on TV, while you keep acting like a brat.
Rosalia: … A nuisance? Is that… Is that what everybody thinks… ?
The look that she gives the crowd makes Yuuki avert her eyes to the side. Alkin told her that she was merely to observe, not intervene. The witches govern themselves. It is not their place to act. But even though she knows this, she can’t help but feel sorry for Rosalia. The day when she caught her crying outside the library building flashes through her mind.
Rosenhex Girl A: Of course. Nobody here can stand you, but it’s not surprising with the way you’re acting. Look at the petition. It’s almost full.
The piece of paper that she produces is filled with names and signatures all the way to the bottom. Rosalia simply stares at it with no discernable expression. The wind seems to pick up in intensity.
Rosalia: Aaah… That’s a lot of signatures…
Rosenhex Girl A: Of course. You would have figured it out too if you weren’t such an idiot and actually paid attention to things around you.
Soulis grunts and the girl shuts her mouth, though Yuuki can see that she had a lot more to say. Rosalia continues to stay quiet, her gaze never wavering from the piece of paper before her.
Rosalia: Aaah… So everybody is mad at me…
Rosenhex Girl A: That should be obvious, given-
Rosalia: Why?
Rosenhex Girl A: Huh?
Rosalia: Why... is everybody... like this?
Rosenhex Girl A: What? Are you even listening to me? Don’t you dare ignore me!
Rosalia: Aaaah… I don’t get it… I don’t get it at all… Why? Why? WHY?
The earth shook. Yuuki could feel it. The tremble travelled through her entire body, the aftershock nearly throwing her off her feet. The girls behind her screamed, huddling together as the scene around them turned black and grey. The sea was raging on, the waves erratic and reaching higher and higher every time they smashed against the cliffs.
Rosalia clutched the fabric around her chest, gripping her magic gem in her hands. Ink as black as night began to coat them, staining the ground beneath her as they dripped slowly. The girl who was previously so confident and haughty had begun to back away too. Her ears twitched and the hair on her tail stood up.
Rosenhex Girl A: He-Hey, ju-just calm down… You’re… You’re going be-berserk…
The earth was shaking. She could feel it properly now. Her body fought to stand upright, but it wasn’t long before she sought shelter on the ground. Next to her, Soulis Dergos swore as he tried to get up and walk over to the witch who was now on her knees, still clutching her gem, as ink continued to coat her body.
Rosalia: Aaaaaaaah… But there’s nobody here who is Rosalia’s friend is there? No, no, there isn’t. Even though Rosalia tried her best to get along with everybody… She still was hated…
Soulis: Shit! This is Overblot! Morgainne! Snap out of it! If you keep going down this path, it’s gonna end up badly for you!
Everybody looks so concerned for Rosalia! How sweet! How nice! But you don’t have to worry, because Rosalia is fine! She’s gonna make everybody happy again! Yup, yup! Just wait and see!
But they don’t have to, because the ink overwhelmed her completely, moving and swirling around her until all that left was a strange figure of red and black patterns, red strings pulling at her joints. She moved in spasms as if she had no control over her body as if it had been left in somebody else’s care. Grinning she stood before them as the world was dyed into darkness.
Cherry: See? what did I tell you? Isn’t it all better now that the one and only, your bestest friend in the whole world, Cherry, is here?
There was a fight then, but after she can’t remember much.
Inside the quiet judgement room, the shadow people begin to squirm in their seats. The air feels so much colder all of a sudden. Yuuki shivers, and Kit takes this as his opportunity to talk.
Kit: Guess ya remembered, huh? So whatcha think? Pretty gruesome, right? Ending things like that just because of a dispute. What kind of a solution is that? I’m telling ya these witches are just no good! It’s best that we do away with them right now! Before any have a chance to go berserk!
Kit: Ugh.
Johann: My dear Kit! How can you be so cruel, when it is clear that the child was merely hurting?! That’s why she reacted as such! We should strive to understand her-
Kit: There ya go again with yer speeches! Can’t ya see nobody cares for that, huh? I’m telling ya, these witches should be executed! I should know!
Johann: Why is that?
Kit: ‘Cause I’m older, ya idiot!
Johann: A-Ah! But then oughtn’t you be wise enough to see-
Johann: ACK! NO! NO!
Yuuki had seen Kit fuming before, but not like this. He looked ready to scorch the earth in his wake. She raps the wood with the hammer to attract their attention and that seems to help calm him down somewhat. Though she might have spoken too soon as she notices the wide grin that passes over Kit’s face. When he speaks his voice is chipper and benevolent, and it makes her certain that he is up to no good.
Kit: Ya know, now that I think about it - ya might just be right there, Johann, old boy.
Johann: Oh? I-I beg your pardon?
Kit: Yeah, yeah. I think I got all carried away there for a moment and acted uncouthly.
Johann: O-Oh? I-Is that so? My, that truly shows how wisdom does come with age after-
Kit: Yeah, yeah, yeah - age and all that. But ya know. I’ve been thinking here, with my wise brain, that we forgot one important thing. Don’t ya think so?
Johann: An important matter? Just what on earth-
Kit: Well! Ya been talking about making things fair, and thinking about the other’s feelings and all that cra- I mean, all those good points. And it just occurred to me that we’ve forgotten to speak to one person. The most important person I’d say!
Johann: The most important?
Kit: Exactly! The star of the trial itself - The Harlequin!
Johann: You cannot possibly-
Johann: Ack! Kit, my dear, just-
But it is too late. The ground begins to shake and tremble, and Yuuki has to hold onto the desk in order to make sure she isn’t thrown off her chair. Johann isn’t as lucky, and soon enough he falls to the ground on his belly, his arms raised above his head. Kit shows no signs of distress, no fear or even apprehension. Nimbly he begins to dance, joyously laughing, as a platform descends from the abyss. On it the Harlequin, a grotesque vision of black ink and colourful patterns, sways from side to side, the chains she is bound in clinking away as they bump against one another.
Yuuki inhales sharply, clutching the handle of the hammer in her grasp. The Harlequin is staring right at her, and when the platform finally stops moving, so that they are on the same level, though at a reasonable distance she throws up her arms and starts giggling.
Cherry: Hellooooooooooooo~ Long time no seeeeeeeeeeee~
Option 1: Ye-Yeah…
→ Cherry: Awwwww~ Are you shy? You don’t have to be! Cherry loves you no matter what~
Option 2: You’re in a good mood.
→ Cherry: Of course Cherry is in a good mood! Cherry’s seeing her bestest friend ever, isn’t she? It’s so nice it makes Cherry tingle with excitement~
Kit: Ya’ll be tingling with terror soon enough, BWAHAHAHAHA!
Johann: Kit, my dear! What is the meaning of-
Kit: Shut it! Ya wanted a fair trial, I’m giving ya a fair, trial. Ain’t I?
It’s gonna be so fair, it’ll end in a bang! BWAHAHAHA!
Johann: Aaaah! I think this is not-
Kit: Witch! Yeah! I’m talking about ya! Look over here, would ya!
Cherry: Hmmm~? Yuck! What are you supposed to be? Cherry doesn’t like ugly things, you know?
Kit: Grrrrr, ya little- Ahem! Forget about that and just answer us all some questions, will ya? Yer life kinda depends on it, ehehehehe! Though even if ya keep quiet, I guess I can spin it to my advantage- Ooops! Guess I said too much there!
So, witch, tell us!
Cherry: Tell you? Tell you what?
Kit: Why ya Overblotted! Of course!
Cherry: Overblot? Who did? Oh no! That sounds bad! Hm? But what’s Overblot again?
Kit: Trying to lie won’t help ya!
Cherry: What? Are you calling Cherry a liar?! Cherry would never lie! Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever and ever! Only bad kids lie! And Cherry has never been a bad kid!
Kit: Oho? Those are bold words there, given what ya had done on that beach! Ain’t that right, human?
Option: You put everybody in danger…
Cherry: Huh? Danger? Danger how? Cherry was just playing with her friends! Cherry loves doing that more than anything in the world! Being friends with all the children is Cherry’s greatest wish! How could that be wrong?
Johann: E-Exactly!
Kit: Huh? So ya found yer voice at last?
Johann: Ack! We-Well, it is not about me, but rather about our accused, so I must intervene…
Be-Because as you can see, my dear Kit, there was nothing cruel about her actions at all! They were done out of love-
Kit: Misguided!
Johann: Um, well, th-that’s true- But it’s still love and thus-
Kit: Geh! If were to hit ya in the back of yer head just cause I feel like it, would ya still considered it love, huh? Hm~ Then again knowing ya- BWAHAHAHAHA!
Cherry: Oooh~ How cute! You two seem like good friends~
Kit: Blegh, hardly.
Johann: Um, I am afraid things are more complicated than that, my dear…
Cherry: Hm? Are they? You joke around and laugh together, don’t you? That’s what friends do! Cherry knows because she has seen it on TV all the time! It’s really, really, really cute!
Option: Seen it on TV? Don’t you mean you’ve experienced it yourself?
Cherry: Eh? Experienced myself? Hahahahahaha, you really are cute! Cherry loves you a lot for that! Thinking that things like friends exist in real life is really, really cute!
Yuuki pauses. The Harlequin is smiling, with no sign of mockery or viciousness present, and yet she can’t help but feel like there’s something wrong underneath.
Kit: See! What did I tell ya? Her head’s really screwed on wrong. Who would ever think of saying this but demented witches? So we should just-
Cherry: Huh? Cherry isn’t a witch! Cherry is really cute, and witches are all ugly! They say mean things about you, and treat you like trash! Cherry has never done anything like that! No, no! Cherry hates bullies more than anything!
Option: Is that why you always intervened on my behalf?
Cherry: Huh? Oh, oh, you mean that? Hm~ Well Cherry felt bad for you because you were treated like Cherry used to be before she became the one in charge! Everybody always made jabs and mean remarks at Cherry, even though she always did her best to make friends with everybody!
Johann: Yes! Indeed! We can see clearly that she did not mean-
Cherry: That’s why Cherry got really angry at the beach. All those bullies ganging up on Cherry to tell her how much they all hated her. Hmph! How mean! How rude! Cherry is a good girl! How dare they treat her like this? I had to punish them! I had no other choice!
The room breaks in a murmur. The shadow people all band together to exchange what she presumes are their impressions of the case so far, though she can’t be sure. The distance is too great for her to make out anything, and even if she would try to strain her ears it would be useless. Kit already began to speak.
Kit: Aha! So we see the real reason!
Johann: The re-real reason?
Kit: Are ya stupid? Or just acting? BWAHAHAHA! Not like there’s a difference in the first place! But ya heard her loud and clear! She didn’t care about friends or any of that crap! She just wanted revenge! Like a witch would!
The shadow people begin to speak louder, and now Yuuki can catch fragments of their conversations. The words “evil”, “unnatural”, “pathetic”, “dangerous” seem to echo over and over again. She swallows as the intensity with which they are uttered seems to increase.
Johann: No! There must be another explanation too! We should-
Kit: Ya should shut up! The witch herself admitted it already! Did ya not, huh? Witch?
Cherry: Hm? Did I?
Kit: Didn’t ya just say you wanted revenge on those witches, huh?
Cherry: Oh? I did!
Kit: So ya wanted to hurt them!
Cherry: I did!
Kit: Make them pay, right? Skewer them alive? Drown them in water? Burn them on a pyre?
Cherry: I did~ I did~
The court erupts in screams. They all seem to agree with Kit, their passion translated into wild euphoria that sends a shiver down her spine. Suddenly, the shadow people seem more human - she sees more defined traits, more details and she looks away before their faces come into focus. She’d rather not find out if any of them look familiar.
Next to run Johann is panicking, breaking out in a sweat and wringing his handkerchief in his hands.
Cherry: Huh?! Everybody is angry at Cherry? But why? What did Cherry do?
Option 1: You admitted to your faults, remember?
→ Cherry: Faults? Cherry did?
Option 2: You said some awful things…
→ Cherry: Awful? Cherry would never do that! She’s a good, good, good girl!
Yer sentence is about to be passed!
Cherry: Sentence?
Kit: Yep, yep! Our esteemed judge over here is about to pronounce yer punishment: EXECUTION! BWAHAHAHAHA!
Cherry: Hehehehe~
Kit: Oho? Ya’re laughing? Sure ya get what’s about to happen, witch?
Cherry: Hm? What is that?
Kit: Ya’re about to be guillotined!
Cherry: That won’t happen, ehehehehe!
Kit: What?
Cherry: That won’t happen because Yuuki is a good kid!
Option 1: Huh?
Option 2: What do you mean?
Cherry: Hehehehe, it’s just like I said! Yuuki is a good kid who wouldn’t hurt others! Cherry has known this since that time you cheered her up back then outside the library!
Option: You remember that?
Cherry: Of course! Cherry was soooooooo moved! Nobody had been that nice to Cherry ever since she came to this school! They all sneered and laughed at her… Cherry thought you would do the same when you saw her crying, so Cherry felt really mad that you saw her like that!
But you didn’t, and that made her really, really, really happy!
Cherry wants to be loved by everybody, so Cherry won’t be hurt again! If Cherry has love, Cherry feels like everything would work out! That’s why all the children should love Cherry and be Cherry’s friend!
Cherry: Hm?
Kit: Making demands from people like a spoiled brat! Is that what a good kid would do? No! Not at all! Good kids keep quiet and don’t lash out at others! Only witches do evil things like that!
Yuuki keeps quiet as Kit turns to her, his grin reaching from horn to horn as his tail swishes back and forth menacingly. Behind him the court has erupted into a cacophony of screams and yells of outrage, everybody calling out for blood. The word “Execute” is repeated consecutively, until she can’t recognize it anymore. But the anger, the fury - those are pouring from every direction and leave her dizzy.
Kit: Well, ya heard the people! It’s time to give the witch her just deserts! Time to execute!
Johann: Wait just one more minute-
Kit: We’ve waited enough! It’s time to make the choice! There’s only one right answer, so make sure ya pick the right one! BWAHAHAHAHA!
In the chaos, Yuuki grips her hammer tightly and glances all around: Kit continues to smile at her, assured of her victory; Johann has covered his eyes with his palms, trembling; the crowd continues to yell for blood, figures distorted; and the witch - she seems not to care or even be aware, merely staring at her with a serene expression.
Yuuki gulps. She clears her throat, raises her hammer high in the air and prays she has made the right choice.
Option 1: Execute the witch.
Option 2: Spare the witch.
Are you sure? There is no going back.
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azusawrites · 3 years ago
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A/N: It's Pocky Day so I wanted to take advantage of it to write a little fluff for them! Of course, some of them ended up being more comedic than others, but that's just the way it is, hehe!
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FLAVOUR: Strawberry
He's trying. He's really trying his absolute best here to follow the rules of the game. Kore knows this so when he breaks the stick again for the fifth time since they started playing, and goes straight for the kiss she doesn't even chide him anymore. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she just pulls him closer and lets herself melt in the kiss.
When they part, Kalim reaches out for the pack next to them and shakes it. He frowns when he hears nothing rattling inside.
"Did we run out of it?"
"Well," Kore says. "You did eat a bunch before we started."
Kalim laughs. "That was before I knew we were going to play this game!"
"It wasn't really a game. You just went straight for the kiss each time!"
He smiles at her and squeezes her waist slightly. With her legs on either side of him, she thinks that she would have a lot of explaining to do if anybody caught them like this, but Kalim seems entirely at ease. It calms her too.
"I really did, didn't I? But every time I thought I would do better, I saw your lips and couldn't hold back, hahaha! Hm? You've gone entirely red. Did I say something weird?"
She only heard his laughter resounding around the room, as she buried her face in his neck. He brings her closer as he trails kisses along the side of her neck and she struggles to keep from giggling. His honesty was going to kill her one day and she wouldn't even mind it. After all, nothing compared to the feeling of being loved so candidly by somebody else.
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"Ugh! Why are you so good at this game!" Rosa complains, a pout already forming on her face. "Aren't younger guys supposed to be timider?"
Jack simply stars in return. "It's only a one year difference..."
He doesn't add that maybe it was just that she was quite easily flustered by these sorts of things which he never really understands the purpose of, but still does because it makes her happy. Except that it wasn't really working right now, what with her crossing her arms and pouting. There are still a few crumbs in the corner of her mouth. By instinct, he licks the same spot as he stares at her. Telling her how cute that looked would only just upset her, so he refrains for now.
"Hmph! That doesn't matter! One year is still one year! So yo-you should be more bashful!"
He nods. "I'll try to keep that in mind."
That seems to appease her somewhat. His traitorous tail is already twitching in delight. She must have leaned over to grab another packet (for some reason she brought six of them) when his arm wraps around her waist to pull her closer, so he could kiss the spot he had noticed earlier. He feels his face turn red and watches her own slowly start to match his.
"We-Well," she speaks loudly and fast, crushing the packet in her grasp. "I-I think that's enough sweets for today! I'm not a big fan of them anyway, you know? A star has to keep her figure and my intake of sugar is-"
Even her lips tasted like peaches now, and if anybody asked him he wouldn't have admitted he preferred it compared to the real thing.
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FLAVOUR: Dark Chocolate
"What a ridiculous game," he tells her as he turns the page. Blanche gives out a hum of acknowledgement as the tip of her pen moves swiftly across the paper. "I can't understand the purpose at all."
"I think it's merely another way of gauging out who's bolder," she says. Riddle frowns as he thinks about her words. It made sense, in its own way, but surely there would be less outrageous ways to achieve the same result. He pauses. No, no matter how he thinks about it it's still a waste of time.
"Cater seemed really eager to try it out," Blanche continues. His face starts to turn red in response, as he remembers the shameless way that Cater proposed the notion to the girls of Grimmaire when they first came to the dorm. They hadn't paid him attention, but Riddle was still aghast at the thought. Walpurga Nacht was their sister school. To display that sort of indecency would look bad on not only them but the dorm and school as a whole.
"I'll make sure to properly scold him later on," he promises her. "As his Prefect, it's my responsibility to whip him in shape. So incidents like this won't happen again."
He forces himself to keep a stern face as she laughs. It is soft and muted, but in the silence of the library, he can hear it clearly. "Don't be too harsh on him. I think the girls were just as amused. To tell you the truth, they're not as proper as they might seem. Also."
She pulls out a small box from her bag and puts it next to him on the table. The tip digs a bit in his hand, but his eyes are too busy trying to make out the words on the front. He's too busy fighting off the blush that threatens to completely overtake him when her hand rests over him.
"A little break wouldn't be so bad, I think. We can count this as research into youth culture."
"I heard it's important."
"Very much so."
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FLAVOUR: Chocolate Banana
He's immediately shot down.
"'he fuck? 'hat sounds stupid," June tells him as she lifts up the prop and moves it to the left. Epel thinks he can hear Rook shouting in the distance, calling out for the 'Amazon' but if that's so, she pays it no mind. The rest of the Pomefiore students are keeping their distance from them, perhaps out of reverence (or fear) of her. Everybody except Vil, who's too busy chewing out another actor for forgetting his lines. Again.
"Ace told me about it," Epel explains. It does do much except make her grunt. The subject of Ace is not something she's interested in, after all. "Said he heard it from Cater, who saw it on MagiCam. Guess there's all sorts of trends nowadays..."
"City folk ain't got anythin' better to do," she spits out with a grimace. With narrowed eyes, she seems to survey him. The back of his neck is getting sweaty and the box in his pocket is suddenly a lot heavier. "And why'd ya bring it up, anyway? Huh? Whatcha want?"
"I- I mean, I received a box and-"
"No way." She immediately turns around, though he can see the tips of her ears turn red and her hands shaking. She really wasn't good at bluffing her way out of things. "I ain't doin' 'hat. Piss off."
He pauses. He thinks. Then after a brief moment gathers all his wits and hopes he plays it right. "If you're scared you'd lose, you can just admit it, you know?"
It works. She freezes, looks back and him with a snarl and snatches away the box he's holding now towards her. "Ya fuckin' pipsqueak - 'he fuck are ya so smug about? Huh? 'hen ya're basically the size of a fuckin' termite? I'll fuckin' teach ya what's 'hat-"
He smirks. "Sure, let's see you try. Though if you back down, it's my win. Remember that!"
She didn't seem to - or maybe it was just nerves. For such a tall girl she seemed to get flustered by the oddest things. But it suited him fine, he figured. It meant she took him seriously and didn't treat him like porcelain. He was a guy in her eyes.
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WHO WINS: Azul (?)
FLAVOUR: Cookies and Cream
"Absolutely not," Azul says with the same tone of disgust that he might use if somebody had suggested he donate all his profits to charity. Fiddling with his glasses, he takes to wiping the lenses clean as Diana hoists herself up on his desk. He glares at her - weakly - but since it's just them in the VIP Lounge today, he doesn't voice any objections. Except those related to the packet she has in her hand. "I don't have time for this sort of frivolous things, Diana. Not to mention it would interfere with my calorie intake and just be a waste of food."
She nods, eyes trained on him as always. "I see. So you don't want to play."
"I think I made that perfectly clear."
"Mm. Then I'll go find somebody else."
He starts to smile, then pauses. "Excuse me?"
"My little sisters got me this because they said it would be fun. I don't want to waste their good wishes." She shrugs. "I wanted to do it with you, but since you don't want to, I'll look for somebody else-"
"Wait," Azul says. His face might be turning some shade of pink, but he would be loath to admit to such a thing any time soon. Besides Diana would have noticed by now. She had this annoying habit of being too observant for his liking. "I can't let you run around and scandalize the patrons of the Lounge like that."
"I can go outsid-"
"Or anybody else from Night Raven." Reaching over he grabs the packet and scowls at the flavour. He might as well just eat a bag of sugar instead. The effect would be the same. "If it keeps you from causing trouble, I'll play along with you. Just know that I won't go easy at all."
He swears he saw her smirks. But it's gone far too soon to be sure and he doesn't want to look like a fool by implying anything. Instead, he takes satisfaction in the knowledge that he already figured out her plan - she simply sought to fluster him a bit and edge him as well. Maybe even get him to kiss her. Well, she was sorely mistaken if she thought he would let her play out her little fantasy like that.
Their proximity is still something that leaves him rather flustered, but he manages to push past that and focus on the pace at which he's moving. He has to keep things steady, keep himself focused and only then can he-
The sound he makes when her lips capture his is something that must never leave this room. That's the only thing going through his head. That and the fact that the flavour isn't that bad. And that Diana has nice lips, even if they're a bit chapped. And that he got duped again, though he isn't that upset about it.
She licks her lips when they part and the sight almost leaves him breathless. "I lost. Can I have a rematch?"
"You-" he starts to say something but isn't sure what. When she moves to straddle him, he tries to remember if the door was locked or not. Then immediately forgets about it as the taste of artificial sugar and she becomes overwhelming.
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Silver has remarked that for all the complaining and whining Sebek does in regards to the other first years, he still hangs around with them. It seems almost strange how he himself hasn't noticed it but his father did advise not to bring it up. Apparently, Sebek was still young and had a lot to learn. Judging by the way he kept ranting for half an hour about this game that Ace told them about and then for another when he noticed Silver had fallen asleep halfway through his explanations, he figured his father was right.
"Um, wa-was the game a fun o-one?" He doesn't get worried about Cassandra's tendency to stutter whenever she talks. It used to bother him a bit at first, but now he hardly paid it any mind. Besides she does it far less now than back when they first met each other. Though it seems it's only like this with him. That he does find a little odd.
"Hm, I can't really remember," he says. Taking the Mazariner she offers, he makes sure the little blanket is properly covering her legs before he bites into it. "He made it sound like it was a game of deceit. Maybe a prank?"
"Oh," she replies as she fiddles with the thermos. Cassandra made good coffee, though she herself never drank it, so he always looked forward to these picnics that they had. "That doesn't sound ve-very nice. Making fun of pe-people isn't... very good, right?"
"I guess," he says. "Though Fa- I mean, Lilia-sempai does play them on us from time to time."
She's quiet for a moment. He can see the cogs spinning inside, then her mouth moves into a grimace and he feels bad. Maybe he shouldn't have said that. "Oh, um, I suppose that fa-fairies do tend to like that so-sort of thing. They might find it no-normal after all."
"Not all fairies," he quickly adds. "I don't think it's standard for them. Or the majority. You'll be fine. I think."
"Oh, re-really?" She gives a tentative smile. "I hope to learn a lo-lot from Mister Vanrouge and Lo-Lord Draconia about fairies. Um, I think then I-I would get along better with e-everybody..."
They don't say anything for a while. Then Silver shifts slightly and feels the tip of something jabbing his thigh. It's a box Lilia had left with him when he heard that he'll see Cassandra today. He isn't sure why, but Silver does remember seeing his father smile in a mysterious, incomprehensible way.
"Lilia-sempai gave me this," he says handing her the box. She takes it and reads the lettering carefully before glancing back at him. "I'm not sure what for, but you can have it if you want to. The flavour is strange so maybe you can use it to prank people. Like he does." Yes, that makes sense. That was why he received this odd box.
This time Cassandra smiles more genuinely and it sets his heart at ease. She cradles the box close to her chest and she begins to formulate with him pranks that would require the use of the box, though he doesn't get farther than four or five sentences before he falls asleep. She leans over to touch his shoulder every time it happens and he bolts awake, grateful for her patience.
It ends up being a nice picnic again.
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WHO WINS: Idia (?)
FLAVOUR: Whiskey
"I'm busy," Idia immediately replies. He doesn't even take his eyes off his console to look at her, though when she presses against him from behind he almost jumps out of his chair. Vita is grinning like a cat even when he turns back to scowl at her. "I'm close to clearing this level. Go play with somebody else."
He makes a shooing motion towards her, but quickly stops when she grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers. They're cold, like usual, and he can already tell the tips of his hair are turning pink.
"My love~ It would be most unnatural if I were to do that when you are already here. Do you not think so~?" she purrs out in the same tone she always does when she sets out to tease him. Though now that she's actually moving to sit in his lap, he figures she might actually be quite serious about it all. "After all, we are to share everything together. No?"
"I-I think we can pass on this one!" he stammers out with less confidence than he intended but doesn't move to push her off. Taking a lot at the box, his eyes narrow. "And how did you even bring this here? I never even knew they made this flavour..."
"'Tis a little secret~" she says. "But, if my beloved does not wish to engage, I shall not insist. I do not wish to scare you, after all."
He pauses. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, nothing at all. Do ignore this slip of the tongue." She smirks and he feels himself getting heated. "I simply do not wish to cast you in an... unfavourable light."
"As a what?"
"A coward. I understand it must be quite unbearable to fear defeat to such a degree that you would not even attempt a 'children's game'."
Idia exhales softly through his nose. When he hoists her closer, she gives out a little squeak he knows she put on for show but doesn't care about it. Not now. Getting riled up like this is doing nothing but playing in her hands, but now that he's worked up, he can't really back down. "Give me that box. And get ready to be humbled!"
He proceeds carefully, keeping eye contact though his hands are digging in her sides, and just before he thinks he'll give up she suddenly breaks off.
"Oh, no~ It seems that my nerves have gotten the best of me this time. May I try again, my love?"
"Huh? I-I mean, sure." He isn't sure why she's putting on the show, but his ego is certainly being inflated right now. He doesn't even notice that each time their lips are getting close enough to touch she breaks off but has her arms slowly wrapping around his shoulders. He thinks he's going to win and is already thinking of what victory phrases he's going to use when he beats her, but suddenly, she's not backing away when she breaks off and he feels her lips and her body pressing against his own. The chair he's in almost topples over and he's holding onto her like a lifeline, while he's marvelling at how she makes the flavour taste like candy.
When she breaks off the kiss, he moves to follow after but stops. "Congratulations, my love~ It seems that you have once again won~"
"That's-That's obvious, heh," he mutters without much conviction. Licking his lips, he wonders how many boxes she might have brought with her.
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phoenixfiiire · 5 months ago
"If you want I can ensure no one notices your absence." And it was only after Joshua spoke those words out loud that he realized just how horrible that sounded. He paused, blanched, and found himself shaking his head quickly before adding on: "I mean simply that if the son of the Empress were to make a scene, I'm certain not even your father would take not of the fact that you were not there."
And what really was the worst that could happen to him? The Emperor and Anabella both would be furious, but Joshua was certain that his mother would come up with some explanation. The blame would likely fall on the Emperor, or his step-brother. Most likely his step-brother, even though Joshua doubted that Dion would return to make an appearance.
That hardly mattered in his mother's eyes. Joshua was perfect, so any of this flaws must have been caused by another.
Cyvel's way of describing the upcoming event, though, had Joshua letting out a small laugh. "Tis true, really. All of them posturing, trying to impress each other, and all of them falling into the same pointless rituals. I would say it pathetic, but they are the ones who make the decisions that affect the people of Sanbreque."
The offer was met with a small smile and nod. "If I can manage to find a moment away from the crowd, I will be certain to seek you out."
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"Ah--- I would hardly call it an option, to run. Cowardly though I am named, I fear turning my back on this eve will have far longer lasting consequences than the exhaustion of being both overly social and false." Shoulders roll, fingers yet to be enclosed within gloves idly raising upward to make certain the bow of his mask is set well 'pon his hair and that it is positioned comfortably enough to the prolonged length of the eve ahead.
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"Besides -- is the peacocking of noblemen not the usual? I have found quite a fascination in watching in truth - how they seem to parade and prune to show worth when many of them lack aught of interest. Most sit on old money, have no relevance to the modern day, and hold all of the personality of a stone brick. 'T is akin to watching wild animals attempt to socialise."
A half chuckle sounds, a smile offered though he certainly doesn't feel much like smiling;
"I find that attempting to hear the most outrageous claim keeps me going. Who can offer the biggest lie that is believed---" A shake of his head; "That being said, do seek me out this eve if you grow bored or would like to hold non-judgmental company for a time. I'm scarce hard to miss given my preference for the sidelines and complete loneliness."
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