In the spirit of Sinday, feel free to send 💞 + any dirty questions you may have for them on anon, and they HAVE to answer honestly!
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Wow I didn't realize Gill was such a sweet lover? That's cute...
Haha! Well yeah, he's just kinda...been like that the whole time. He's a real sucker for physical intimacy.
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Gill, do you enjoy sex?
Mun will answer this.
He does, in fact, he enjoys it very casually. Not to say he actively searches for it, but if it were to arise, he wouldn't deny the opportunity.
He also doesn't mind any gender/sex affiliation. It simply doesn't matter to him in that regard. If he's engaged in play, then his goal is to satisfy his partner.
He also enjoys making sure his play partner is cared for afterwards. It just makes him happy.
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Even with his powers, he almost could've been fooled that Nina knew harnessed some cryokinectic powers herself with the way her eyes almost froze the air around her.
Glancing down to meet that icy gaze, he gave a mere shake of his head along with something that Nina had yet to see from him yet: a genuine smile.
"As much as I hate to disappoint you, there is nothing I require from the Mishima Zaibatsu. At least, nothing material or anything of the sort."
He took a step forward, gazing at the night sky that now lie before them. "Years ago, my mission was to lead the people of this world to paradise, but paradise has been lost to a dying planet, and I was doing nothing but aiding it. It simply my time now to right some of my wrongs." He spoke with confidence.
He knew it was more words that Nina probably didn't want to hear. It was probably eating at her or just who he was, and he really wanted, even if he spoke the truth to her. But, he had no intention of wishing to harm anyone else, that is unless one decided to bring harm to him and his goal.
Step by step, he climbed up the frosted steps, being careful to not melt the ice with his left foot.
“The freezing temperatures will break down the molecular structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, and ruin it’s integrity. In turn, any effect this creature’s spilled blood could have on any leeches that seek to use it would be for naught.” He gave a soft shrug afterwards. “In theory, anyway.”
‘Do you enjoy spending your time wasting others?’
Her stinging words did indeed shoot like daggers, but Gill remained unfazed, glaring ahead as he walked.
“When I decided to make my expedition to this place, I had no intention of being interrupted by the likes of yourself, or anyone that wished to threaten me. My goals were much much different, however…”
They arrived to the top, the warm climate meeting their skin once again.
“There are some things out of my control, and your interference and subsequent reasonings were not anticipated, but, I decided to heed your words. I could’ve very simply dispatched of this place.” He gazed back at the now holy icebox.
“So, to answer your question, no. I don’t enjoy wasting precious time. If it means so much to you, then I apologize for trying to help. That probably won’t help you sleep at night, but what is done is done. I will take my leave, and so can you.”
In theory… Shame that little theory couldn’t work on remnants of the beasts blood sealed behind layers of frigid flesh as well.. Another theory. One she had no definitive proof of, only a mere hunch. And perhaps it’d be better for it to stay that way, a hunch leaves room for doubt. Feigning ignorance to the numerous heinous experiments performed on her tricked the mind into remaining calm, collected. Fooled it into believing there was nothing to fret over.
As the giant said, practically stealing one of her favorite phrases from the tip of her tongue, ‘what’s done is done’. Say her instincts were right, there was no removing the beasts horrid blood now, and so far no concrete consequences after the fact. Worrying about it only needlessly wasted more time, in a time in her life where her hands were already full juggling a global war no less.
Speaking of which, “Well isn’t that nice..” cool words meeting Gills ears as the assassin continued to follow him out. “You travel all the way here, tie things up in a little bow, and then plan on leaving to continue on with your life..” Nina didn’t buy it. Even worse her current responsibilities wouldn’t allow it.
This war already entailed devils and deities. Whether he intended to interfere further or not, another super powered man running amok. Unpredictable, a loose canon. – Letting him go now could very well be the move in this global chess game that lead to their causes downfall.
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“What’s in it for you..?” Gill didn’t exactly seem the type to do things pathetically out of the goodness of his heart… Can you blame the way those frigid eyes narrowed up at him again? The ice sculpture with a face l the perfect visual image of the word skeptical. “You went out of your way to aid us. Surely you’d like something in return..”
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Fight Starter Prompt
Send any of the following into my inbox to receive a starter based on it.
(Add reverse to switch sender and receiver)
punch: sender throws a punch at receiver
tackle: sender tackles receiver 
push: sender pushes receiver down
shove: sender shoves receiver back
slap: sender slaps receiver
side sweep: sender sweeps a leg out to trip receiver
block: sender blocks an attack from receiver
kick: sender kicks receiver
knee: sender attacks receiver with knee
grapple: sender grabs receiver to immobilize them
headbutt: sender headbutts receiver
stab: sender stabs receiver (can specify with what if you like)
slice: sender slashes at receiver with sharp weapon(can specify what if you like)
shoot: sender sends a projectile(bullet arrow whatever) towards receiver
throat: weapon held or blow received to the receiver’s throat (specify which)
back: weapon held or blow received to the receiver’s back (specify which)
duck: sender ducks under an attack
dodge: sender evades receivers attack
redirect: sender redirects receivers attack
incapacitate: sender knocks out receiver
ready : sender prepares to fight receiver.
fake out: sender misleads/fakes one situation or attack for another
surprise attack: sender sneaks up on receiver to get first blow
trip: sender trips receiver
stop: sender grabs or moves to intercept/stop receiver from leaving
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Step by step, he climbed up the frosted steps, being careful to not melt the ice with his left foot.
"The freezing temperatures will break down the molecular structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, and ruin it's integrity. In turn, any effect this creature's spilled blood could have on any leeches that seek to use it would be for naught." He gave a soft shrug afterwards. "In theory, anyway."
'Do you enjoy spending your time wasting others?'
Her stinging words did indeed shoot like daggers, but Gill remained unfazed, glaring ahead as he walked.
"When I decided to make my expedition to this place, I had no intention of being interrupted by the likes of yourself, or anyone that wished to threaten me. My goals were much much different, however..."
They arrived to the top, the warm climate meeting their skin once again.
"There are some things out of my control, and your interference and subsequent reasonings were not anticipated, but, I decided to heed your words. I could've very simply dispatched of this place." He gazed back at the now holy icebox.
"So, to answer your question, no. I don't enjoy wasting precious time. If it means so much to you, then I apologize for trying to help. That probably won't help you sleep at night, but what is done is done. I will take my leave, and so can you."
While Gill had no intention of showing off, but merely doing what he felt was a helpful notion. If he need to use his power to do so, then use it he shall, regardless of other’s opinions.
Not letting the hidden “moron” insult affect him, his left hand continued to glow more and more in a gleam of ice blue.
“Based on your information, I no longer have plans to raze this temple, but for your sake, as well the people within these lands, I can at least delay any future catastrophe.”
Facing the walls, his arm made a sweeping motion, his throat unleashing a loud bellow.
Within an instant, ice began to hastily coat the walls of the temple, quickly spreading like a virus onto the ceilings and floors, including under the feet Nina and her soldiers. In about 60 seconds, all sides of the temple were shielded by a blanket of ice and frost.
Clenching and unclenching his fist to relieve his power, he turned back towards the blonde.
“In roughly 48 hours, the ice I’ve coated this temple with will have melted, and no trouble will come to this place…that is, unless someone looks for it.”
With a turn, he started making his way back up the stairs.
“And don’t worry. You won’t slip. That is, unless you’re really careless.”
Finally a step was taken back as her kin approached and spread beneath her feet. A breath of cold air quickly replacing the once humid atmosphere, her men behind her likely in pathetic awe but otherwise unfazed. However the blonde woman only donning a bikers jacket, leather pants and matching boots felt goosebumps begin to raise along her skin. Quickly deteriorating her mood further, especially as the odd man simply turned and headed back up the stairs. Her following suit.
“That’s it…? You came all this way just to turn this place into an ice sculpture for a couple days..?” What was the point? What would freezing the temple accomplish other than possibly drawing more unneeded attention to the area?
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Now typically Nina Williams’ patience ran around the globe and then some, no end to it in sight. Yet today, after a long journey, a warning of transformative effects, and now brisk air that ironically threatened to trigger a post-traumatic response the longer she stayed within the structure that was quickly becoming the worlds largest freezer… even her usually endless chord was beginning to run thin.
“Do you enjoy spending your time wasting others?”
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While Gill had no intention of showing off, but merely doing what he felt was a helpful notion. If he need to use his power to do so, then use it he shall, regardless of other's opinions.
Not letting the hidden "moron" insult affect him, his left hand continued to glow more and more in a gleam of ice blue.
"Based on your information, I no longer have plans to raze this temple, but for your sake, as well the people within these lands, I can at least delay any future catastrophe."
Facing the walls, his arm made a sweeping motion, his throat unleashing a loud bellow.
Within an instant, ice began to hastily coat the walls of the temple, quickly spreading like a virus onto the ceilings and floors, including under the feet Nina and her soldiers. In about 60 seconds, all sides of the temple were shielded by a blanket of ice and frost.
Clenching and unclenching his fist to relieve his power, he turned back towards the blonde.
"In roughly 48 hours, the ice I've coated this temple with will have melted, and no trouble will come to this place...that is, unless someone looks for it."
With a turn, he started making his way back up the stairs.
"And don't worry. You won't slip. That is, unless you're really careless."
He listened to her explanation intently, before a steady exhale escaped through his nostrils. As she finished, he look around visual sweep around the chamber.
“Hm…far be it from me to raise the ire of anyone…” He remarked in a way that could be mistaken as “jokingly.” It certainly meant that choosing to do anything destructive here would not help in his cause, at least not right now.
“What I can tell you, is that I would make sure there are no traces of this creature’s blood, tissue, or DNA within here. If what I am believing to be true, any ounce of it that enters another living being can have…transformative effects.”
He gazed down at Nina, who had only gotten more and more annoyed with him from the beginning. “And if you wish to save yourself another migraine, I can help in this manner…” His right hand beginning to frost up one more. “But to do so, I would advise standing back.”
Did the giant realize the foreboding undertone his words carried? The warning of supposed transformative effects to anyone unfortunate enough to come in contact with the late beasts DNA or blood…. What a feat, for a second there he almost managed to fill the frigid woman with dread.
Worries regarding a certain hunch she’s had would have to wait however, as yet again Gill seemed intent on showing off. Her men backing up, visibly anxious based on body language alone, but she herself not moving an inch. Instead only narrowing her eyes. Delivering a glare just about worthy of the title ‘fatal’. "If you’re planning on destroying this place in our stead, you’re more of a moron than you look..“
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Supernatural powers aside, if he truly was planning on damaging the sacred site, it could only end in two ways: One, he’d destroy it and wind up with an entire nation seeking his demise, or worse two, the blame would be put on the Zaibatsu, they wouldn’t hesitate to push Gill under the bus and would even promise to take down Gill themselves to boot.
And if that demon actually did have some sort of connection to the temple… this could only spell out disaster.. Immediately after Nina and her former boss finished dealing with another deity-esc beast too..
Did it ever end?
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He listened to her explanation intently, before a steady exhale escaped through his nostrils. As she finished, he look around visual sweep around the chamber.
"Hm...far be it from me to raise the ire of anyone..." He remarked in a way that could be mistaken as "jokingly." It certainly meant that choosing to do anything destructive here would not help in his cause, at least not right now.
"What I can tell you, is that I would make sure there are no traces of this creature's blood, tissue, or DNA within here. If what I am believing to be true, any ounce of it that enters another living being can have...transformative effects."
He gazed down at Nina, who had only gotten more and more annoyed with him from the beginning. "And if you wish to save yourself another migraine, I can help in this manner..." His right hand beginning to frost up one more. "But to do so, I would advise standing back."
Again, he wasn’t expecting much from her answers, but this answer seemed to perplex him more than anything. He would property chalk it up to her not wishing to divulge any sensitive information, which he understood why he wouldn’t receive it. She obviously had no reason to trust him, nor a reason to help him either.
“The Zaibatsu helped plunge this planet into a war that it’s never witnessed before, superpower nations be damned, and even after Jin Kazama’s plan came to light, the destruction and desolation still marches on. Are you meaning to tell me that after all this, the Zaibatsu is suddenly willing to kowtow, just to alliviate any resistance?” He spoke with a hint of disbelief in his voice.
He failed to believe a nation would want the temple of an ancient being who nearly obliterated anyone and anything it touched to be considered a “landmark.”
“When the Zaibatsu wishes to remain allies with a certain nation, yes.” The cold woman didn’t miss a beat, nor did she refrain from narrowing her eyes. Imagine, a sovereign nation fighting this global war alone, them against the world. Even with their impressive résumé, the Mishima Zaibatsu would be toppled to the ground. “We pick our battles. Some countries we aid, we send troops to aid relief in the event of natural disasters, or whenever our enemies try to march on their land. An empty promise that when they need us, we’ll lend a hand in the battles they choose to wage themselves.. All in exchange for their equal support in our current fight.”
This war was a chess match played out on a global scale, a game that not a single chess piece could win on it’s own. Even the strongest of countries needed allies to thrive. The conglomerate just recently turned sovereign nation was no different.
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“And unfortunately, this temple is one of many in this region that are considered to be historical landmarks by one of our allies… This so called God of War was worshipped by their ancestors alongside others of the Aztec mythology.” As much as almost every fiber of her being would love to see the horrid stone structure burn to the ground, and as much as her likeminded former boss shared such wishes, betraying one ally in such a way leaves them not just losing their support, but their other allies as well over lack of trust.
— Yet again Nina could feel a headache coming on. War politics. Who would’ve imagined that when she took the job as Jin Kazama’s bodyguard, she’d rise in the ranks and end up dealing with such a subject on a daily basis. 
Fortunately when you’re in a profession that occasionally requires drawing corrupt leaders last breaths, you learn a thing or two.
But it still didn’t make explaining the morbid situation any less of a nuisance.
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Favourite Treat?
While one would assume he'd enjoy things related to his powers, like ice cream or spicy foods (which he does!), but he has a soft spot for wine and a beautifully done medium steak. It's a meal that would put him at ease at times of stress.
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Again, he wasn't expecting much from her answers, but this answer seemed to perplex him more than anything. He would property chalk it up to her not wishing to divulge any sensitive information, which he understood why he wouldn't receive it. She obviously had no reason to trust him, nor a reason to help him either.
"The Zaibatsu helped plunge this planet into a war that it's never witnessed before, superpower nations be damned, and even after Jin Kazama's plan came to light, the destruction and desolation still marches on. Are you meaning to tell me that after all this, the Zaibatsu is suddenly willing to kowtow, just to alliviate any resistance?" He spoke with a hint of disbelief in his voice.
He failed to believe a nation would want the temple of an ancient being who nearly obliterated anyone and anything it touched to be considered a "landmark."
He knew he wouldn’t get a 200-page novel worth of details, or even a few sentences at that. All he wanted was a confirmation anyway, which he received.
“I see.”
A gentle saunter around the walls of the chamber followed; his chilled left hand sweeping the dust of the stones, leaving a few flakes of snow.
Nothing seemed the stand out, but for some reason, this aura seemed to tease Gill’s senses. Something was still there, whether Nina chose to believe it or not.
“May I ask you another question?” Gill respectfully turned back towards Nina, a gleam in his eyes.
“Was there a reason the Zaibatsu decided against this temple’s destruction once it’s search was over?”
Frigid eyes continued to observe Gill closely, soon locking onto their kin as Nina spotted a few snowflakes swirling in his hands wake. Completely out of place in the hot and humid environment. So it would seem this new thorn in her side had a talent for both pyrokinesis and cryokinesis then… Of course. Color her not surprised…
Perhaps next he’d sprout wings like the other elemental users she had experience with.
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For now however, instead of wings coming from his back, it was more questions from his mouth raising her brow. “Well you see, there’s this little thing called nations don’t appreciate it when you blow up their historical landmarks..” Sarcasm laced truth. That is.. half truth. Expecting the truth alone from her lips was as foolish as expecting the sun not to rise in the morning. At least this once she felt nice enough to give up one of the few reasons why this nauseating temple still stood, but the rest would remain under frosted lock and key.
Sharing personal matters was never her forte.
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Hey, What’s your favorite...-
Send a word in, and I will respond with what my favorite thing is! Add a (Least Favorite) to the ask, and I will tell you what my least favorite thing is!
Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Dessert? Candy? Treat? Snack? Drink? Fruit? Vegetable? Restaurant? Seasonal Dish? Toppings on Your Pizza? Ingredients in Your Hamburger?
Domestic Animal? Wild Animal? Mammal? Bird? Reptile? Amphibian? Fish? Canine? Feline? Rodent? Ungulate (Hoofed Animal)? Insect? Dinosaur? Extinct Species? Endangered Species? Mythical Animal?
Book? Comic? Manga? TV Show? Movie? Cartoon? Anime? Character? Superhero? Hero? Villain? Princess? Minor Character? Sidekick? Game? Board Game? Video Game? Puzzle? Toy? Stuffed Animal? Music? Instrument? Music Genre? Song? (Music) Artist? Band?
Place to Be?
Place in Your House? Place in Your Childhood Home? Place in Your Room? Seat at the Dinner Table? Spot in the Living Room? Place Indoors? Place Outdoors? Place on the Job? Shop in Town? Shop in the Mall? Place in the Village? Place in the Town? Place in the City? Vacation Spot? Resort? Museum? Tourist Trap?
Season? Holiday? Weather? Artwork? Artist? Subject in School? Color? Flower? Gemstone? Temperature? Time of Day? Fairy Tale? Myth? Story? Mythological God/Goddess? Constellation?
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He knew he wouldn't get a 200-page novel worth of details, or even a few sentences at that. All he wanted was a confirmation anyway, which he received.
"I see."
A gentle saunter around the walls of the chamber followed; his chilled left hand sweeping the dust of the stones, leaving a few flakes of snow.
Nothing seemed the stand out, but for some reason, this aura seemed to tease Gill's senses. Something was still there, whether Nina chose to believe it or not.
"May I ask you another question?" Gill respectfully turned back towards Nina, a gleam in his eyes.
"Was there a reason the Zaibatsu decided against this temple's destruction once it's search was over?"
Each step he took down the steps must’ve felt like an eternity for the troops and their blonde leader, but Gill was not slowing his pace just to confirm their accompaniment. By the time the steps had flattened once again, Gill had used his burning right hand to light his way, pinching at unlit torches on the wall to brighten the deserted halls.
Upon hearing the clacking of heels along with her icy voice behind him caused a rare smile to form on his face.
“I do believe in footwear, however, in most cases I do not find the need for them. Every step I take on this hallowed earth helps me understand it just that much more. Even an abominable place like this has something to reveal within it’s stones…” He explained as they entered into the main chamber, the very same room this ancient being was vanquished. Bugs scattered about as they walked towards the center.
“Hmm…there is a stench of bloodshed…” Gill remarked as he knelt down, the light revealing the red stained ground, more so then usual.
Turning towards Nina again, he spoke calmly. “If I am not to be mistaken, the leader of the Zaibatsu, Jin Kazama destroyed this beast?”
The only crack in an otherwise apathetic expression : a cocked brow. Every word out of this guys mouth didn’t help her view of him in the slightest. What was he? A hippie leader of a nature retreat…? That would explain what she presumed was body paint… but it wouldn’t explain his little trick with fire. Cold eyes observing as he lit torches along the walls with nothing more than a mere pinch of his fingers, before shifting towards the scorpions and cockroaches crawling away along the stone floors. “Whatever you say…”
Another crack, a brief one that could be missed with a simple blink. Nina instinctively scrunched her nose slightly as she took in the familiar chamber and as the stench of old blood invaded her senses. But it wasn’t the smell that disturbed her, don’t be stupid, why would it when she dealt with it in her line of work practically everyday? No, it was the memories triggered.
She could still hear the pathetic anguished screams…
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— One uncomfortable conversation topic traded in for another, Gill’s next question put an end to the emotionless stare on the frigid woman’s face, forcing her focus over to him once more. Arms folded underneath her chest with a calm sigh.
“Former leader, yes. A little over a year ago now.” Jin’s absence was another sore subject, as well as a confidential one. Hence the short response. Nina still couldn’t quite figure Gill out, and until she did she wouldn’t be giving up many details.
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//Hopefully, the new Tekken anime will inspire more Tekken RP blogs!
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Each step he took down the steps must've felt like an eternity for the troops and their blonde leader, but Gill was not slowing his pace just to confirm their accompaniment. By the time the steps had flattened once again, Gill had used his burning right hand to light his way, pinching at unlit torches on the wall to brighten the deserted halls.
Upon hearing the clacking of heels along with her icy voice behind him caused a rare smile to form on his face.
"I do believe in footwear, however, in most cases I do not find the need for them. Every step I take on this hallowed earth helps me understand it just that much more. Even an abominable place like this has something to reveal within it's stones..." He explained as they entered into the main chamber, the very same room this ancient being was vanquished. Bugs scattered about as they walked towards the center.
"Hmm...there is a stench of bloodshed..." Gill remarked as he knelt down, the light revealing the red stained ground, more so then usual.
Turning towards Nina again, he spoke calmly. "If I am not to be mistaken, the leader of the Zaibatsu, Jin Kazama destroyed this beast?"
Sensing Nina’s growing frustration and annoyance at the new piece of evidence seemed to confirm, at least for now, that his case had shown enough reasonable doubt to not start a new incident, something Gill longed to avoid.
Turning towards her, he couldn’t help but offer a nod of his head in understanding, seeing the blonde reaction to more unneeded stress to your already demanding position.
“I do wish to have you know that I have no intention of getting involved with this war, nor do I harbor any interior motives within this temple. I am simply doing what I feel is the correct action based on my findings. If you wish to aid me, feel free. If not, then good luck to you.” Gill said calmly, quietly shrugging off Nina’s warning, turning again and walking down the steps towards the inner chambers.
Gill’s words reached the blonde woman’s ears just as she lowered her hand, and naturally she didn’t believe a single one. – In her experience, everyone on this rotting Earth has an ulterior motive. Especially those willing to traverse deep into a jungle to poke around an ancient temple… The muck, humidity, and dangerous fauna didn’t exactly make the trip a walk in the park.. With Ogre’s affinity with snakes, the few Fer-de-Lance slithering and resting among the stone in the chamber didn’t phase the assassin at all.
— At first, Nina didn’t move. She merely raised an eyebrow and watched as the giant descended further into the structure. Her men behind her glancing between each other, unsure of whether or not to go after him without her order. It wasn’t until a few minutes had passed that one of them finally had the balls to ask the fatal woman if she was just going to let him go.
In all honesty, she should. This didn’t have to be her responsibility. Her main concern right now was orchestrating the global war currently dominating the planet, a stranger snooping around a confirmed abandoned temple was but a speck of an issue in comparison.
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….Unfortunately trauma had a talent of turning specks into massive crippling glaciers..
Leaving whatever remained within this place in Gill’s hands wouldn’t keep her concern at bay. Sending her men in her place to keep an eye on him wouldn’t keep her mind from crossing the boundary of logical thinking into irrational fears while she waits for their report.
Fuck all…
Regrettably Nina ordered a few of her men to stand look out, and had the remaining three follow her down the stone steps, after the strange overpowered man. If her heels didn’t give her away, her voice would. “Do you usually explore trap ridden temples barefoot and without a map..?”
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