incorrect-ragdolly · 1 month
Do you like Raggedy Ann??
Do you have discord??
Join my Server!!
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Andy: Ooh, let me see! *Takes a piece of paper from Ann* Ann: … Andy: Andy: Oh wait, I can’t read.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Bat: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Ann: Remain CALM! *slaps Andy multiple times*
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Ann: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Bat: Yo dumbass, get over here. Wolf: Okay- Andy: *gleefully runs past* I’m coming! Wolf, sadly: I thought… I was dumbass…
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Marcella: "You look tired" well, the torment is relentless and the horrors never cease.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Marcella: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Ann: You and me! Marcella: *tearing up* Ok.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
Andy: Look, I know we don't always see eye to eye but-- Ann: That's because you're too short to do so. Andy: ...Listen here you fucking--
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incorrect-ragdolly · 7 months
General D: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it. Wolf: …I was hungry.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 8 months
The Raggedy Ann Revival Effort is hosting a live Q&A tomorrow, January 14th, with special guests from the original cast of Raggedy Ann!
This year we are finally putting together plans we've had in mind for a long time, to do an official @raggedyannrevivaleffort livestream and answer some of YOUR questions!
We'll be hosting a live stream via our YouTube channel on Sunday, January 14th, starting at 12 noon EST. The organizers will be going over the current status of our revival plans as well as our goals for the future. In addition, we're welcoming four guests from the original productions of Raggedy Ann to the live, who will be chatting about their experience in the show and taking questions from the audience!
If you would like to submit questions beforehand, we have an anonymous google form!
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Schedule (Eastern Standard Time) 12pm : Live begins 12:30 - 1:00 : Scott Schafer 1:15 - 1:45 : Pamela Sousa 2:00 - 2:30 : Michelan Sisti 2:45 - 3:15 : Ivy Austin
We hope to see you there! The full livestream will stay available on our channel afterward too, so don't worry if you miss it.
-Mod General D.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 9 months
-𝕸𝖔𝖉 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕯.
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incorrect-ragdolly · 9 months
Bat : It smells like updog in here General D : Did you tape Wolf to the ceiling again
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incorrect-ragdolly · 11 months
Raggedy Ann Secret Santa 2023!
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(art by Novella)
The Raggedy Ann Revival Effort is hosting a Raggedy Ann fandom Secret Santa this year! This is a fun, chill opportunity to connect with other fans and trade pieces of art, fanfic, or whatever you like to make! This event is a fully digital art trade, there's no sending of physical objects required.
How does it work?
1. Fill out the form below by November 28th. You’ll be able to choose between fanart, fanfic, and making gifsets/edits. After that, we'll take a couple days to sort everyone out and let everyone know who their target is on December 1st.
2. Next, you'll have all month to make your present! You'll get some ideas of the characters and media your target is interested in, but don't worry too much about what they may or may not want. It's more about the spirit! Spend however much effort is comfortable to you, it's not a competition.
3. Post your finished work by December 25th and tag your target. We'll be rebloging people's work from our social medias too so use the hashtag so we can see it!
#Raggedy Ann Secret Santa 2023
Just a couple final notes:
Please no OCs in the suggestions, we don't have any system to share references
Keep your suggestions and your art SFW and free from anything hateful
Pieces don't have to be holiday themed, but they can be!
If you have concerns about anything, feel free to contact the server/account/blog mods in DMs
Have fun!!! Don't put too much pressure on yourself!!! :D
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incorrect-ragdolly · 11 months
General D: I'm a god.
Teddy: You just yelled "shut up" at a thunder storm and it just happened to dissipate. It was simply coincidence, you have no power.
Wolf: shut up he's a god
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incorrect-ragdolly · 1 year
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Thank you to the Rally organizers John and Kathy for inviting us this year! Last year, three of our organizers were able to go, and this year we've already doubled that number of RARE members attending. We will be giving a short speech about the Raggedy Ann musical and the Revival Effort itself during the Rally's opening banquet on Friday night. On Saturday, stop by our booth at the vendor's market to chat about the show and check out the handmade dolls and merch being sold by our members. Just like last year, we’ll have revival effort flyers and pins!
The Arcola Raggedy Ann Rally is held every June in Arcola, IL, the birthplace of Raggedy Ann creator Johnny Gruelle. This year, the Rally will be held on Friday, June 9th and Saturday, June 10th. Tickets for Friday's banquet are $26, which includes dinner; however, access to the Saturday vendor hall and all other events is free. We can't wait to see everyone there!
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incorrect-ragdolly · 2 years
finally giving the raggedy tumblr scene some fresh new tin soldier content
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