totaleclipse573 · 6 months
So theres this thing going around on twitter....
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 11 months
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Do You Love Me?
Astarion x Y/N - Drabble - 523 WC
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, HEAVILY inspired by this scene in Bridgerton (plot belongs to them)
You and Astarion glared at each other, tensions high. So high, in fact that everyone else left camp to do gods know what just as long as it was away from you two. 
“Do you love me?” you asked him point blank.
He hesitated, “I’m trying to protect you.”
“Do you love me?” you asked again.
He looked at you with a pained expression, “I cannot.” he said defeated.
“Do you love me?” you repeated.
“Y/N please, stop.” he said, backing away slowly.
You followed him to the center of camp, not letting him walk away from whatever this was, “Is this because you believe that I cannot love you? Because I do…. I love you Astarion.” Sincerity shined in your eyes.
Astarion stared in disbelief, his mouth not able to produce words.
“I love you so much that I will go, if that is what you wish. I will do that. We can live our separate lives and once the tadpoles are dealt with you never have to see me again. But first you have to say you do not love me; you must tell me that I am utterly alone in this world.” 
He shook his head, trying to break your gaze but unable to, “I’m a monster Y/N. I am a danger. There are two sides in me fighting for power, it's as if the heavens and the hells are colliding.”
“Do you love me?” you asked with a wanting tone. 
“You do not wish a life for yourself with me!” he yelled, making you jump a bit “No one wishes it!”
“Astarion!” you yelled back not backing down, “I will stand with you between the heavens and the hells, I will tell you who you are, do you love me?” you said as you stood only a breath away from him.
“I love you!” he yelled, his voice wavering at the end. You could see unwanted tears welling up in his eyes. “From… from the moment you walked into camp I have loved you desperately; I cannot breathe when you are not near…. I love you Y/N… my heart calls your name.”
He looked at the ground, feeling weak for telling you everything he had tried desperately to keep bottled up and pushed down. He felt your hand cradle his face, bring him into a sweet kiss. He kissed you back fervently, but sobs escaped him after a moment.
“This… condition has been my shame for 200 years… this darkness... my burden for so long… and you… you are a light in that darkness.”
You ran your thumbs comfortingly over his sharp cheekbones, “Astarion, it's you and me. Just us. Together.”
Astarion scanned your face multiple times, looking for any indications of deception, yet all he found were kind eyes and a loving smile. His lips twitched upwards for the first time all night, Astarion pulled you back into a kiss, much deeper and full of passion. His arms enveloped you into a hug, your hands still holding his face. 
“I love you.” he breathed out just above a whisper.
“And I you, for eternity.” you reassured, kissing the tip of his nose. 
Naboo's Note:
Hello darlings, life has been a little busy lately but I wanted to give you a little snack of a drabble. I watched Bridgerton and all I could see in this scene was Astarion and Tav. All plot and rights belong to Bridgerton - idk how copyright works but I hope putting that keeps me from *cough* "legal issues". Anyyyyyy whoooooo - I hope you enjoy, I'll post again soon. Please comment, like, reblog or send me a request! Ilysm <3
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betabiograft33 · 3 months
[BATTERY: 25%]
[the biograft pushes the warnings away and quickly crouches on the ground to get a closer look at Screens, who stares back with a mortified face.]
(the demon trembles, still shaken up from everything. Blood from her wounds drips a little on the floor.)
a-a-am I OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? What just... Shattered?
[33 checks her wounds, and while they are bleeding they aren't anything to worry about right now. It's not like they have access to supplies anyway.]
I-i think I will worry. 33... I think your lights are fading.
[BATTERY: 20%]
Yeah, but first let's- (the demon stops, as a drop of lavender liquid coming from 33's wound drips on her, she covers her mouth.) ...O-H MY SWORDS.
....S-something's wrong. 33... that's your battery's acid.
(Screen's eyes dart to the small shards of crystal littering the floor around B-33, as they reflect the little light in the room.)
...How bad were you hurt?
[BATTERY: 10%]
[33 sits down, realizing that standing is going to drain their battery faster.]
Shit... Ok let's get you a charger-
(Screens turns to the sound. It's Bodyswap standing in the doorway across the room. She hasn't seen him in years... and now he just looks and sounds so different...)
Battery will explode. Do not charge them.
[B-33 does not meet Bodyswap's gaze. They feel... guilty. They've never felt this way before... They've also never actually had to stare into the very alive eyes of someone they thought they murdered...]
(the man approaches, all of his face besides his glowing eyes covered by a roughly smashed together scrap metal mask. He looks at the shards on the floor and the wound in 33's chest and shakes his head.)
Not good. I will be right back.
(the room goes silent as Bodyswap leaves.)
(and tears begin to well up in Screen's eyes again.)
33...Why did you stay...? I tried to save you... why didn't you just leave me? Why does everyone ALWAYS get hurt when they try to save ME!?
[33 begins to finally feel the dread set in.]
(Screens just stares back at them. She's crying uncontrollably.)
Why are you talking like you're g-gonna die? I-I'll fix you! Well I can't... but I-I will find a way to fix you! I'm not letting you die... not after e-everything you've been through...
[33 starts to get hysterical. It's an overwhelming feeling that they have barely felt before and it's coming all out at full force.]
[the just stare at eachother. Screens doesn't have an answer for that question.)
[As Screens grabs 33 by the hand, 33 thinks back on everything they've done, everyone they've met... Blaster... The Subspace from another timeline... 77... Tablet... What would they all think of them now? Lying on the floor in defeat like this? Where are they all now? 33's been gone for so long...]
[But their mind refuses to stop thinking about their friend.]
[they never even got to know their name.........]
[they recall hearing them sing a specific song often... ever since, whenever days got dark... 33 would try too. It wasn't good singing and they barely remembered the song, but it calmed them down... Maybe it would help them in this situation... and Screens too...]
(Screens looks up at their suddenly noise making. She doesn't seem that comforted as her face is still stained with tears.)
...This isn't the end for you, 33. I promise... I PROMISE I WILL FIND A WAY TO FIX YOU.
[33 begins to relax slightly after singing, they've accepted their fate by now. They want so badly to be fixed after all of this... but they just couldn't see it happening.]
[33's hand releases from Screens'. Their entire body just goes as limp as deactivated CROSS nearby.]
(Screens taps them a couple times. No response. She is now audibly sobbing.)
(Bodyswap stands in the doorway behind Screens, clutching something in his hands. He's shocked. He didn't expect all of that to happen so quickly... He isn't sure what to do now...)
(He knew Screens back when he had a more normal life, and now his heart breaks for her.)
(His entire body aches, but he manages to put the object down and drag himself over to her. She's his honorary niece anyway, he isn't going to let her suffer alone like this...)
(Bodyswap hugs Hologram Screens tightly, just like he did all the way back when he was a normal demon... And she hugs back, sobbing into his shoulder.)
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sailorshadzter · 1 year
Prompt idea: Jonsa Folgers coffee commercial AU
whoooooo finally knocked this one out.
thanks for the request anon!
send me prompts
The room is thick with the stench of coffee. 
It isn’t that she doesn’t like the scent, it’s just, well she’s tired of it. Time after time, she’s still only managed to snag coffee commercials and the like, when all she wants is a single chance at a role that might break her out of her small town and into the big city. She wants to be an actress- it’s all she’s wanted for her whole life; acting in primary school plays, joining local musicals, these stupid commercials, she’s done it all.
And yet, nothing has yet to pan out for her. 
“Miss Stark? We’re ready for you,” she turns at the sound of the voice, the producer standing there before her . She sighs, giving a nod as she rises up from where she sits in the uncomfortable wooden chair, following after the older woman towards the set. To her surprise, there’s a young man standing there already, a mop of dark curls slicked back and secured in a bun at the nape of his neck, though when he turns around to face her she’s immediately taken aback. He’s incredibly handsome, with a strong jawline and just the right amount of beard that makes her heart skip a beat. “This is Jon Snow, he’ll be playing opposite you today,” the producer introduces and the man extends a hand for her to take, which she does, her lips stumbling over a greeting. “Jon, this is Sansa.” 
“Nice to meet you, Sansa” Jon speaks in a Northern accent that reminds her of home and she can’t help but to smile at the sound. And he can’t help but to stare at the beautiful woman that’s approached him; with long, red hair and big blue eyes, her beauty is striking. “You’re my wife, eh?” He says and her ivory cheeks stain crimson as she giggles, shifting from one foot to the other. They’re playing newlyweds in this commercial, waking the first morning after their wedding in their own home. 
She’s never worked with someone this hot and she’s going to blow it. 
“Yes, looks like it,” she replies, feeling stupid, though Jon seems to not notice for he merely grins, opening his mouth just as the director steps onto the scene. They both turn to face the man and Sansa takes a single deep breath, calming her racing heart, pushing herself to focus on the task at hand. Besides, hot or not, once this was shot she wouldn’t see him again, so there was no point in letting him get to her. 
“Remember, you’re newlyweds, madly in love,” the director is saying and she’s nodding, crossing the set up kitchen to take her place before the coffee pot that’s already been brewing. “And… Action!” 
She listens carefully as his footsteps echo on the laminate floor, a slow smile spreading over her lips as she imagines it was her own husband coming towards her, his footsteps known to her as well as her own. She reaches up for the cabinet above, where she draws down a blue coffee mug, her fingers enclosing around its porcelain handle. Then comes his arms around her hips, drawing her in, a twinkling laugh escaping her lips as she shifts into his touch. “Coffee?” She asks as he nuzzles close, so close now that she can smell his aftershave. Somehow, this feels more real than she expected it to. 
“Just what I need,” Jon’s husky vocals speak and chills race the length of her spine; unbeknownst to her, he feels it too. “You always make it best,” he continues on as she pours the mug full and only then does he let her go, slipping away so he can take the steaming mug from her hands. “Somehow, it tastes even better when it’s made by my wife,” she’s smiling, leaning in close… Closer still… Hoping the look on her face is as dreamy as the script said it was supposed to be. He’s leaning in too, the mug of coffee caught between them, her hands rising up to slide into place over his, something not written for her to do. 
“Cut!” The director’s voice rings out and they spring apart almost at once. “Incredible! Incredible!” He’s shouting as he comes across the set, grinning wildly. “You two really sold it. Are you sure you don’t know each other?” He eyes them skeptically, though they both shake their heads. “I’m going to watch that back, but I imagine we got what we needed with that single take. Great job, you two.” 
He dismisses them with a wave of his hand and they both head off set, though not before Jon stops her. “I guess this means our marriage didn’t last,” he jokes and she laughs, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “You know, at the risk of being too forward…” He pauses, his turn to shift on his feet, his dark eyes meeting hers with a quick glance. “Maybe I can save our fake marriage by asking you out on a date.” She blinks, her eyes widening for a single moment before she nods, accepting his invite without hesitation. 
When they’ve exchanged numbers a short while later and he’s climbing into his car to leave, he can’t help but to watch her as she walks across the parking lot towards her own. She’s changed back into her own clothes and he finds he really enjoys the way her slim fit jeans hug her hips, even from a distance. As if she’s aware of his gaze, she looks up just as she goes to get into her own car and he sees she’s smiling, raising up her hand in a silent goodbye before she disappears behind the closed door. 
Truth was, he’d nearly turned down this commercial, now he’s thankful he accepted at the very last second.
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hiddenlife-manager · 2 years
Could I pretty please have some Headcanons for Dazai, Kunikida, and Ranpo if they dated a ballerina and/or ballet teacher? Thank you (kunikida is my absolute favorite so if I could have a little extra for him that would be amazing) 🥰🥰
Ballet Teacher
Ranpo x reader, Dazai x reader, Kunikida x reader
(Please support me!!)
Buy me coffee
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"Pull up Lindsy!" I whispered standing behind her to remind her what her mistake is without making it so clear to all her classmates. She hums and fixes her stance. I pushed my hair to the side and stared at all the girls practicing. Raising my head up I could see how the clock would tick with every second that went by.
Till after two minutes my alarm went off. I clapped my hands and all the girls placed both feet flatly onto the floor.
"Go clean up and change. Class is over." I cleared my voice and headed off to the stereo.
"Proffesor!" I turned around to see two students who lingered.
"You two will be late to class after all sports time is over. Head off to class." I muttered holding onto my jacket that hung at the door.
"Some guy outside your class gave us something to give to you." One told me I turned in shock.
"Girls! You shouldn't accept anything from a stranger. Give it to me." I said walking over to them worried. "Are you safe? Did that stranger do anything to you?"
"No, he told us that he won't do anything and he isn't a stranger he said he knew you and told us his name. Kunikida." They announced and I sighed in relief.
"He isn't a stranger but no accepting anything from people you know even if I know them. It isn't safe. Promise me, girls." I bent over holding their hands and they nod. The girls gave me a box it was a bento with a note on it. I lift it up and opened it.
"Dear Y/n. Next time when you wake up early to make me a bento remember to take your very own bento with you. Forgetting it will just have the idiot eat what you made." I opened the bento to see an empty bento with another note. I open it to read what it has. "Apologises but the idiot himself did end up eating your food. So because you finished work today how about we head off and eat at a restaurant instead. Ps. Look out the window." I turned to see one man there a blonde with glasses.
A man who could never tell himself that he cared for me in person. The one who calls me an idiot or gets flustered when I show affection to him in the slightest. Yet he will always come to support me during my shows when I danced. He had the agency to help my students set up their show. He cared truly if it wasn't for his way of showing it many would think otherwise.
Kunikida would a hundred percent show up to your shows when you used to perform
He would also just help around during your student's shows
Plus he is known for always walking you home being there every time your shift is over to pick you up and walk you home
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I held my breath as I finished my last move of the concert. The entire crowd started to cheer out for us as I stood there under the hot lights. My hair is still perfect as if I just started. I was sweaty and all I could think about was getting out of my shoes and being barefoot around my very own apartment.
But there was only one voice that yelled louder than the very crowd. One voice cheering for my name as they called out for me. That voice was a shock to me. I turn my head to see the person who belonged to that voice.
"WHOOOOOO!" He stood at the front of the crowd where his face was clear as the day his bandages up in the air and his hands clapped for me. I couldn't help but smile. His face was rare to see ever. Yet he made it, to see me.
Everyone walked by me and they grabbed me to walk closer to the end of the stage. We all took a bow as flowers were thrown toward us and I raised my head to see Dazai holding a bunch of flowers in a bouquet. He threw it towards me as I grabbed it and kissed my hand blowing a kiss his way.
Dazai doesn't always go to your concerts he is pretty busy but when he does he'll make everyone know you are the best
He is loud always yelling your name while clapping
He will always be in the front to see him
He always has gifts for you some are well stolen from people sometimes he pays but he is always gonna come with something to give you
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I took a deep breath trying to fix my makeup before I get back on after the break. I felt so stressed out as I sweat so much already from the first part. The second part was ten times more extreme than the first part. I felt like I was gonna vomit especially because I was gonna be the main focus for half of it.
"You know stressing about it will make it worse." I turn quickly to see the one man who made my day better just by being here. I smiled and ran to him my arms wrapped around him and held him tightly.
"You're here!" I cried out as I felt weak and fell to my knees my arms still wrapped around him.
"I couldn't find the train to get here so I am a bit late. I had to run in the rain to find this place." He admits.
"It doesn't matter at least you are here. Here, with me." He sat down on the floor to be on my level and stared at me in the eyes. He then pulled a chocolate bar out and stuffed it in my mouth. My eyes widen.
"I know you aren't supposed to eat something before the show but trust me one bar of chocolate will make you feel better I promise." I chewed on the bar and my muscles relaxed.
"Ranpo, food is always the answer for you, and today I must agree on it." I giggled.
Ranpo always shows up to your show he is just late every single time
He is there to calm your nerves the most to the point that the one in charge has him with backstage passes to talk you down
He has gone to the point of traveling the world to see you
He has snacks all the time even if you don't eat during shows or before
He will always be your number one show going to auditions with you all the time
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Hiii, Your fics are amazing!! I don't know if you take requests, but if you do could you do something Abt Hunter rly getting embarrassed when he's going to talk around the owl gang bc of what they said Abt their voice during eclipse lake? And the gang feeling a little guilty about it.
Anyway! If you can't or don't want to do it it's totally fine! Keep going with your fanfictions ;)
<3 Whumptober day 2's prompt was "Talking is overrated" so this was PERFECT, have some light emotional whump.
“Ahem. Ahem.” Hunter deepened his voice. “Luz—no, that sounds stupid.”
His palisman chirped in agreement.
“Maybe…” Hunter cleared his throat. “What if I made my voice highe—no, that sounds even worse.” He sat down with a whump. “Is my voice really that annoying? Okay, what if I just… don’t talk? That’s good, right? No, wait, how am I supposed to tell them what I want?” Hunter groaned. “Maybe it’s time I learned sign language.”
His palisman warbled gently that he didn’t have to change his voice, and it was fine the way it was.
“Yeah, but the owl house people don’t think that, and if I want to learn more about wild magic, I need to make sure I don’t annoy them.”
“Annoy whoooooo?”
Hunter jumped as the owl house demon he’d read about in Lilith’s reports stuck its face right in his. “Augh! Get away from me!”
The demon grabbed him, and in a whirl of color, he was at the owl house. “Look who IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII fouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuund!”
Luz jumped up. “Hunter? What are you doing here?”
Hunter opened his mouth to respond, then clammed up tight. Titan. That stupid house demon. He wasn't ready! “Wild magic,” he spit out, “Teach me?”
She squinted at him suspiciously. “You’re not here to arrest us?”
Hunter shook his head. This was stupid, and useless, and he should go and only come back if he could brew a voice-changing potion.
Luz shrugged. “Good enough for me! Hooty, where’s the chalkboard and desk?”
The owl house demon zoomed off and returned almost instants later. “Ma’am! Teacher’s assistant Hooty reporting for duty!”
“Okay yeah thanks Hooty, bye.” Luz grabbed a piece of chalk. “There only appears to be a few glyphs that you can find in nature, covering some of the basic elements—light, ice, plants, fire.” She glanced back at Hunter. “Got it?”
He nodded.
“Right, so, these are the only naturally occurring ones, we think. But! Like things in nature, we can combine them to make something new. Ice and light to make illusions, plants and ice to make ice spikes, etc.” She gave him another look. “You okay?”
He nodded again.
“Seriously? Not a single snarky comment? No remarks on what I have wrong? Not even a question, or a similar theory from a book?”
Hunter shook his head. Yes or no questions were good. He didn’t have to talk that way.
Luz squinted at him, trying to put her hand to his forehead. “You sick? Is your throat sore? Did you hurt your jaw? Hey, Eda, c’mere, I think something’s wrong with Hunter!”
Hunter heard the sound of a mug getting clunked down, and Eda appeared in the doorway. “I’m sorry, were you planning on telling me that I had the head of the emperor’s coven in my house?”
“Uh, yeah, whoops, sorry.”
Eda frowned. “Yeah, hey, I’d think I’d know he was here, hard to forget that voice.”
Hunter flushed, tugging his hood up. Keep your mouth shut, keep your mouth shut, keep your mouth shut.
Now Eda was staring at him. “No comeback? Waitaminute, you’re not actually a shape-shifting demon, are you? Because if so, you picked a heck of a form to try and get in here with. Guess it worked, though. Luz.”
“Hey, Hooty's the one who brought him here!”
“Not a demon,” Hunter mumbled.
“Oh, yep, there it is.” Eda poked his shoulder. “So hey, what’s the matter with you? Did Amity’s cat get your tongue?”
Hunter’s palisman chirped fiercely, flapping its wings at them and shooing them away from Hunter.
“Hey, watch it, bird!”
Eda’s palisman hooted softly at her, and Eda’s face dropped. “Ah, geeze. Okay, I’m going to leave you two to it, have fun.”
“But I think he’s—”
“He’s not sick, Luz.” She pointed one finger at Hunter. “You’ve got an hour, then I want you out of my house, k?”
He nodded. He shouldn’t stay much longer, anyway.
Luz went on with her lesson while Hunter kept an eye on the time. As he got up to go at the end of the hour, Luz grabbed his arm.
“Hey, you can come back some other time. If you want. There’s a lot we don’t know, and I really think you could help us figure it out.”
He gave her a thumbs up.
“Hunter, is… is everything okay? I know Eda said you weren’t sick or hurt, but—”
Hunter nodded and pushed out the door before she could ask any more questions. How did you explain that you couldn't speak because everyone hated the sound of your voice?
Halfway back to Bonesborough, he heard a hoot, and the owl lady’s palisman came fluttering down, holding a piece of paper that it dropped on his head. The palisman flapped away, and Hunter caught the paper.
A cartoon Eda face was scribbled on it, giving him a thumbs-up. Free pass to be as annoying as you want. Valid until you try to kill us again.
Hunter felt a smile tug at him, and he tucked the pass into his pocket. His palisman warbled an ‘I told you so’ softly, perching on his shoulder
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Hunter glanced down at the pass with a chuckle. “She might live regret this.”
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abbynx · 3 years
La Squadra Esecuzione during prom Headcanons
So like.... A normal AU of sorts combined with High School AU so yes Genre: Romantic, headcanons, crack-ish, AU Warning: Alcohol consumption, teen drinking
Formaggio: - Goes to prom sporting a white dress shirt, orange bowtie, tanned suspenders, tanned pants and dark brown dress shoes. Also wears a gold watch and a brown fedora with a green lining - He picks you up rather late, but he knows the vibes with people during prom and usually, the time of meeting plan will usually be delayed due to unexpected disasters occuring. - Has a bouquet of cliché ass roses to give to you when you meet. As soon as he lay eyes on you, his mouth would be a crack open, eyes wide. Once you point his out, he tried to recover from this with a clear of his throat, and checks you out. "Damn bro, you look beautiful." His voice would crack if he were to continue to speak. Will forget to give you the flowers, so point this out and he will practically almost shove on your chest and will profusely apologize if he were too rough. - Will hog the buffet. If there's no buffet, he'll be intensely disappointed and the whole prom night will be ruined. But you're by his side, he's happy... Bust still he will be a little hangry >:( - He will photobomb in every picture his gang will take. So if you want a picture perfect picture to be posted on Instagram, there will be a blurry figure of this dude making kissy faces or sticking his tongue out. Join him if you want, it'll make him happy while the others will pissed at you for not getting your date a leash to stop him from messing around. - He'll egg you on to spike the punch with alcohol. If you're not willing to risk your school record, he'll do it himself and will succeed at it. Now watch the chaos unfold as students get unknowingly drunk. - This boy will be busting down the moves on the dance floor. So get your dancing shoes on, and DANCE— - When the slow dance music comes on, he'll smoothly ask you for your hand for (marriage—) a dance. So if he is extremely hyper whilst dancing to pop, hip hop or whatever lovely music the DJ was playing, he is very distinctively different. Very slow, very gentle, very soothing. Just swaying by the music as the night ends. Often times he'll let you take the lead of the dance and hes okay with that. "You know Y/N..." He breathes out, as he lets you take the lead to the waltz. "I could get use to this... Us dancing like this... Inourweddingday—" "What?" "Nothing." He smirks, before letting himself be dipped down and twirled up again. Illuso - Goes to prom wearing a white dress shirt, light grey pinstripe waist coat with a matching light grey pinstripe pants, white gloves, black dress shoes and a purple necktie with a silver tie clip. He ditched the six pigtails in favour for a high ponytail secured with a purple hair tie. - Pretty boy here will be looking extra pretty tonight! No surprise that he brought a mirror with him to touch on his appearance multiple times. You will see him spray his face with those mist sprays to touch up his appearance. - He is fashionably late due to him tending on his appearance, but he makes it up to you by bringing flowers and sweets! Once he lays eyes on you, he plays cool by smirking but omg he is squealing inside. "Good evening, Caro/a. You look ravishing." He kisses the back of your hand, whilst keeping an intense eye contact. Bro, idk how you will stay calm and composed by this— - Will photobomb pictures with Formaggio, except he poses like a model instead of making funny faces. - Will get unknowingly tipsy from the punch and flirt with you and will be extra touchy, slinging his arm around your shoulders when sitting down, and will wrap his arms around your waist. "Caro/a~ you look so damn hot in your dress/suit~" - Refuses to stand up and dance to lively music. Let Formaggio and the others egg him on and with the influence of his tipsy-ness, before he takes offense and dance like there's no tomorrow. So if you're not dancing with him, get your camera's out, Melone has his one out. - Will not stop giving you compliments, so enjoy getting bombarded with it every single time. This behaviour is being influenced by a little drop of alcohol and encouraged by
what he truly feels about you. So enjoy while it lasts. He is extra clingy, and will accompany you everywhere you go. If you manage to slip away from him, he might just cry searching for you. "Caroooo/aaaa where are youuu?" - And amidst the slow dance part, he will indulge and lead. So prepare, bro, he has prepared himself just for this moment. He gives me pompous theatre kid vibes, so expect the dance to be so grand and fairytale like that students would be staring at you two. Prosciutto - Whoooooo bro, if he looks glamorous like he normally does, it will be multiplied tonight in Prom. Like bruh chill, you're attending a high school prom, not your own wedding— So for prom he is dressed to his best, sporting a black dress shirt, navy blue waist coat, a dark navy blue double breasted coat with small, gold vine designs around the cuffs of the sleeves, navy blue pants, yellow necktie with navy blue curly vine detailing and a pair of black dress shoes. His hair is styled the same, because he looks hot with it. - He is very quick at preparation, and so he expects you to be the same. If not, he'll take the time to assist you in preparation whilst sternly lecturing you about the importance of time management. Once finished, he'll press a kiss to your cheeks and compliment how you look. "You're glowing, my love," he whispers to your ear, before standing straight and offering you an elbow. "Shall we?" - Refuses to get up and dance to lively music, because he thinks it's too peasant-like 💅✨ No amount of egging will convince him because he thinks he's too sophisticated for something like that - He snuck his own bottle of alcohol because he doesn't want to drink the punch spiked with cheap alcohol. This boy I swear. - Prosci is extremely classy, a huge gentleman, the type that will take his coat off and lend it to you if you're cold or offer you his handkerchief when you cry or whatever, will pull you a seat, etc etc. - Will only get up to dance when the music has gone slow and the lights are dimmed. He will step out of his seat, serve you a bow and offer you a hand. And with low, velvety baritone voice, he ask, "May I have the honour to dance with you?" - He leads the dance with grace and elegance enough to match with your capable pace. If you don't know how to dance, he'll take it slow and teach you the basic, let get the hang of it. He doesn't really care if you know or not, he just want you in his arms. - This is where most likely where you'd share your first kiss. Dancing the night away, chest to chest and clinging to each other whilst everything around you slowed and faded away, gazing into each others eyes until your sight suddenly darts down to his lips when he got the same feeling you wanted to share something amidst this evening to solidify your relationship with each other and take it to the next level. And so he'll gently lean, press his kiss against yours, and pulling away, only to go for it again. Pesci - Goes to prom wearing a black dress shirt, green bow tie, white coat that he left open, and some regular black shoes. He opted to dress simple unlike his overly grand older brother because of his insecurities getting to him first. - Very nervous. Like, shit bro, his hands were extremely clammy causing Pesci to be scolded by Prosciutto yet again for being nervous for no reason. - He was too damn chicken to ask you out to prom, and is now wallowing in his own misery by drowning himself drinking the funny tasting liquid Prosciutto brought with him, just watching you from afar laughing with your friends. Formaggio and Prosciutto are his biggest wingmen and are actively encouraging him to go get it, but Pesci was too damn shy. "Pesci, Pesci, Pesci," Prosciutto lectures, caressing his brother's face. "You and I both know you're good enough for Y/N. Look at them, they just stand still and miserable whilst their friends left to dance with their own partners. Are you going to allow that?" "Come on, Pesci! You can do it!" Formaggio chimes in. - And so with the egging done, Pesci sucks a
breathe and walks to your table when your friends have gone to dance the night away with their partners. He was a sweaty mess, opting to run away the last minute, when Prosciutto and Formaggio pushed him forward, which automatically got your attention. "Oh hi, Pesci!" He felt his would left his body when your attractive face turned to him with a smile. His chest hammered heavily, drowning his ears out with heavy cacophonous beats of his own heart. - So there you were, just smiling at him, confused to why he approached your table and just stared at you. You noticed the way he trembled, connected two and two together and stood from your seat and offered him your hand. "Would you like to dance with me?" "Y-yes— I would love too!" The two wingmen were disappointed Pesci didn't initiated the suave introduction, but it is what it is. - Be patient with him, he is a nervous wreck and will profusely apologize when he accidentally stepped on your toes, and his palms were constantly sweating and will stop the dance just so he can wipe your hands with his handkerchief, apologizing. - So what you're gonna do is to put your hand atop his shoulders and look him in the eyes. "Pesci, calm down. It's just me. Breathe." And with that, his nerves are a little settled, took a breathe and regained a small bit sense of being calm and let you lead the dance. - After the dance ended, bows were exchanged, you gave him a peck on the cheek. "Let's go out tomorrow, yeah? Let's meet up by the park at five thirty. I'll see you there." You smirked up at him, before escorting him back to his seat. The boy was left speechless, but the red on his face says it all. Once you're out of ear-shot, Prosciutto and Formaggio would cheer for Pesci. Melone - Wear a violet dress shirt, a dark lavender waist coat, an extremely dark shade of purple coat, a magenta cravat, black shoes, and black gloves. I headcanonned him to be wearing a violet rectangular rimmed glasses due to his bad eye sight on his right eye during his younger days, so he's going to prom with his glasses off and with contact lenses on. His hair would be up to a half ponytail fastened by a crystal rose hairpin. - He came to you your house to pick you up, straightening the cravat on his chest, ready to fluster you to no end when he came face to face with you. You're too attractive that he lost his voice for a moment. He was too nervous too check you out and be a perve about it, holy shit why are you so damn beautiful djfnfkdjcjndcjmd - He looks suave, but honestly, he is a wreck. There will be moments wherein the charming veneer he has will collapse with the form of a voice crack or a stammer, but will immediately clear his throat and rephrase what he has to say. "H-hello Y/N uUHm—" his voice cracked, forcing his hand to fly up to his mouth to clear his throat and recover his charming veneer. "Good evening, Y/N. You look divine as always, tesoro~" - Honestly, just the best fucking person to be prom date and boyfriend because he will never bore you at all! Not with his four hundred choice of topic, you are not going to get bored! And besides, who does not want to hear this nerd talk passionately about his interest, interesting facts and whatnot? Don't you dare shut him up, look at that glimmer in his eyes when he's talking, you wouldn't want to ruin that right? - He. Will. Take. Pictures. A lot of it. Not just of the two of you together, but with his friends as well because he holds them dear to his chest. He will manage to get a shot of the two of you together without Formaggio photobombing in the background. So get him to take your picture for your new profile picture in Instagram or something because his photography skills are heavenly! And he doesn't really kind taking pictures of you, in fact, he loves that he gets to have more of your photos! - Will get easily jealous. And by that, enjoy Melone practically clinging to you, tightening his grip around your hand and giving an overly sweet smile towards the person making him jealous. Good luck with that
sweetie 😘 - Yo, due to his extremely overwhelmed reaction of your beauty, he won't stay silent for a minute to compliment you. Like, at all. But he's not charming about it, no, it just subconsciously slips out whenever he's deeply staring at you with sunset eyes and just the most adorable grin ever, whilst his heart within his chest can't stay still. And within this moment, he couldn't help but to press a gentle kiss on your lips because of how deep his desire and trance was. Will apologize frantically once realization struck him that he shouldn't be doing that without your consent and will sputter apologies. So kindly shut him up and return his kiss and that will leave him into a smiling wreck. - As soon as the music changed into a slow pace, the lights dimmed and the mood changed, he nervously looks over you and holds his hand out. "Would you like to dance, tesoro?" He graciously asked with an edge of anxiety in his voice. You simply smiled and put your hand atop his and let him lead you into the dancefloor and let him lead the dance. There's nothing more heavenly than being with you, to be honest. He's in peace but at the same time, panicked because a divine deity such as yourself decided to look more into his perverted character and saw a passionate nerd residing in him. You didn't look at him with revulsion, you laughed with him, and you love him. There's nothing more he could want than feeling your warmth and love. Ghiaccio - He doesn't really like the prom at all, and will bitch just about everything, to the food, the venue, etc like chillax Elsa— so his main complaints is that he sees this as a waste of time and money, as apparently this is just any other time in school, just in the middle of the night, dressed in formal attires. And for that thing in mind, he thought that getting a date was useless. Pfft, as if he can resist you—He wasn't going to attend this dumb event when he heard some boys wanting to ask a certain h/c friend of his into a date as a prank. So Ghiaccio squared the fuck up, and asked you out in a date, rather straightforward and blunt about it, so go and accept! - Sis be unrecognisable omg, you'd have to hear him scream about etymology before recognising this nerd lmao So he's out to go to prom wearing a light blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, white and blue gingham patterned waist coat, red bow tie and black shoes. His hair is out of its curls, slicked back and he's wearing contact lenses and ditched his glasses. - Very confused as to why he attended for your sake, but went through with it because he can't stand seeing his friend experience that kind of pain. I mean, he can just tell you not to accept their offer, but he insists! "I'm not asking you out on a prom date because I wants to! I just doesn't want to those cazzos to take advantage of you!" He persists to insist with his furiously red, discoloured face. - Boi, stop teasing him before he turns completely red, voice at the its highest peak, and mad at you, because with your attractive looks alone he already can't control the colour of his face. If you stop, however, that doesn't mean La Squadra won't stop teasing him about it. So do him a favour, scold the others and give Ghia a break. - Warms up at the idea of prom because he realised how his friends and classmates enjoyed this... Especially you. The way you would just sit, listen to the music whilst eating, watching other students just vibe? Well admittedly he isn't warming up to it because his peers are enjoying it... But it's because the way you smile watching others enjoy this event. He is a massive tsundere but a romantic sap at heart, please help this boy— - So dancing... What you expected him to know how to dance? PFFT— NO, OVER HIS DEAD BODY— anddddddd somehow he found himself in the middle of the dancefloor, aggressively flailing his limbs around after Formaggio and Illuso called him incapable of doing so. - At the end of the night, once slow dancing was in session, he is a bit of hesitant to dance with you, as you saw him
dance earlier. He just does not know how to and other than that, he freezes up when he is within close proximity with you. But dang it Y/N, why do you look so damn envious watching your classmates dance? So Ghiaccio sucks it up, sighs and stood from his seat. "Wanna dance?" He grumbled. Oh bich, you better accept because he's only doing this once! - So he tried his best to ease up, lead the dance and just tries not to make a mistake. He's generally having a good time despite being so stiff and with his brows knitted together, I assure you he is enjoying! It's just his default appearance and he is really intensely focused on not stepping on your toes. Like the prom, he warms up to dancing because seeing you smile just makes him smile too. This would be the moment wherein he'd find beauty within your eyes in which he never looked upon before. He was always so drawn to your eyes just staring off into space, but never has he seen them up close... And they were certainly more prettier now that he is up close. Risotto - Like Ghiaccio, he doesn't see the point in going to these events. I mean, there's socializing but don't students do that every day already? He wasn't going to attend prom, seeing that he really doesn't know what to do in these events... Until you asked him out to go, so wyoom— fuck that, he's going! - Having the lack of knowledge about prom and being so indecisive regarding what he can wear, mix that with his desperation to impress you— he asks the only fashion Diva he knows of, Prosciutto over for advice or better yet, pick at the clothes in his closet for Risotto to wear. - He ended up going to prom wearing a black double waist coat and pants with silver pinstripes, red dress shirt, black and white stripped necktie, silver chains connected to his coat and pocket watch, and also black shoes. He let his hair down, combed down and parted to the side. - Mostly silent during prom, just watching other people vibe whilst drinking from the alcohol Prosciutto snuck in. He's not really comfortable participating into the party, he's more into watching them just vibe but he would appreciate it if you'd stay by his side not because he looks lonely, but you just genuinely want to stay with him and/or you're uncomfortable mingling with the crowd as well. - Will have his finger entwined with you the whole evening, complimenting you and your choice of clothing for the night. He just appreciates your company and secretly hopes to himself that you wouldn't ditch him for being so boring since he doesn't really what to do in these sorts of situations other than being a wallflower. It was selfish of him, but he knows you love him~ "Promise you wouldn't leave me?" Risotto whispers, his thumb stroking your hand for reassurance. "What? No!" - Will get easily jealous because he feels so damn self-conscious that he really doesn't know what to do in events like this! And by that, enjoy Risotto practically clinging to you, tightening his grip around your hand and giving a look towards the person making him jealous. Good luck with that sweetie 😘 - The only moment wherein he'd be getting near the crowd to mingle would be with you... He wanted you to experience something from him this night and so he decided to dance with you at the end of the night. And so when the mood was set in for a slow dance, he timidly hold his hand out for you to take, with his intense gaze boring to yours, he asks of you, "May I have the honour to dance with you?" - He'd have the biggest, most fucking loving smile when you accept as he gently takes your hand and lead you to the dance floor. There is, admittedly, a problem with the height difference but fuck that, you just wanted to dance. He just wants you to know that he's very appreciative of his nature to be unsociable and despite that, you stuck around with him instead of abandoning him to bond with your other sociable peers, and that he's the luckiest boy alive to be having such an understanding, such kind and thoughtful s/o. "Thank you... Very much, Y/N." Gelato and
Sorbet - Gelato would be dressed with a black turtle neck, dark grey coat, dark grey pants and shoes, with a silver chain hanging around his neck. His hair at its usual style. - Whilst Sorbet attended prom dressed in a white dress shirt with the sleeves folded to his elbows, brown waist coat with light brown pinstripes, with matching brown pants with the same pinstripe pattern, dark brown necktie and brown shoes. - Will lounge around like Risotto, and just vibe with the music, ya know? If you're up for some dancing with the three of them, hell ye sure, because there's nothing more enjoyable than spending with each others side! - If ever you decided not to drink, watch over Gelato with Sorbet because that boy will drink and his tolerance is whack. So not only are you on guarding duty with Gelato, but as well as the rest of La Squadra. So please, don't drink, Sorbet would very much appreciate for someone to be as sober as he is to deal with your drunken friends. "Gelato, please put the bottle down and get off the table—" Sorbet tries to lecture, whilst the aforementioned person tips over at rhe slightest with a bottle of alcohol at hand. "Y/N could tou help me over here?!" - Both of them are very chatty, surprisingly knows a lot of juicy gossips about teachers and classmates alike but they clarify that you should not repeat what you hear. So either you're out there dancing, or gossiping about everyone in school as you sat by your table. "Did you know Regina is cheating on Aaron?" Gelato whispers lowly meant for only your and Sorbet's ear. "Omg, really?" You whispered back. "I knew there was something up." Sorbet adds. - Three person waltz anyone? Hell yes. So all you need is precise movements and grace, but that's already taken care of since you three practiced in advance for this! It doesn't really matter if it were to be performed well, y'all just wanted a good time at each others company and that's that. - At the end of the night, Gelato's passed out from alcohol like the rest of La Squadra except of Pesci, you and Sorbet. So good luck loading your drunken friends into the vehicle. ~ Bonus ~ Prom King: Illuso Best dressed: Prosciutto Best dancer: Formaggio
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rein-ette · 3 years
Are you still working on your Commonwealth study? Do you have any thoughts on Arthur's relationships with his colonies apart from Canzuk + US?
Not properly, unfortunately with exams and then work I haven’t had mental/emotional capacity to do real research (and probably won’t for a while 😔). But I have continued to think about and develop certain relationships, and I think I also have old hcs I’ve never shared, so I’ll put those down!
Born into the Empire
@oumaheroes has already done such great hcs on him idk what I can add, but basically he was a little bit of a rowdy child, always breaking windows and shattering fancy pots, never able to sit still. I think rainbow once mentioned that Ken (short for Kenneth, my name for Aus) was a lot like England as a child in his curiosity and energy, and I wholeheartedly agree. But I think Arthur’s intensity was more inwardly directed, pushing him to pursue and master new talents and learn whatever he could, while Australia is a little more carefree in his love for the outdoors, exploring, jumping around and off things, little wild animals. Unfortunately for him, he was born in a period of the empire when Arthur was very serious about his kids education, and therefore often praised those who studied hard and learned fast, which really just wasn’t Australia’s cup of tea. Australia took this kinda hard and thought he was the “dumb” one in the family that Arthur was always scolding, but in reality Arthur knew and appreciated that Australias interests lay elsewhere — he was just a frustrated, tired, parent who really wanted to give his kids the best while also holding his empire together, two goals that were never going to fit well in the end and would completely exhaust him.
As Australia’s grown older he’s realized a bit of this (not entirely, though) and also that 1) he really did break a lot expensive things and cause general mayhem 2) scolding us Arthur’s way of showing he cares, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have payed attention to him at all 3) despite being a penal colony, he was still one of Arthur’s more “legitimate” children (being white and a boy) and was therefore still incredibly privileged — never having to question, for example, why it was that Arthur was his dad, if it should be this way, or if he had a seat at the family table at all (more on this later).
New Zealand
Zee, from birth, was a clear favourite. Obedient, calm, quietly intelligent, he would also later develop a blistering sense of humour which combined with his appearance made it overwhelmingly clear who’s child he was. If Ken questioned his place in the family because of his poor academic record and others did because of their appearance/race/other complications, Kaelan never had such problems; his siblings called him the “prince.” Zee, however, also had a charm that, like Matthew, endeared him to his siblings and mostly protected him from jealousy, though he certainly still had issues with being called a try hard, daddy’s boy, bossy, arrogant. Certainly as a child Zee was a little prideful and, under that unperturbed demeanour, willful, but he grew out of it by the 20th century and became one of those most trusted by Arthur, second only to Matthew. He’s also always been inseparable from his brother Australia despite their differences, and today they both have one of the healthiest and most amicable relationships with Arthur of any nation, let alone former colonies (family road trips, every summer).
I absolute fell in love with this girl after reading about here, once, in this fic by @shachaai, and after that my mind just ran away with me. For me, her human name given to her by Arthur just has to be Ariel — for the little mermaid reference, yes, symbolizing her connection to the sea and stunning good looks, but also because:
1. Ariel is a biblical name, meaning lion of God. This makes sense to me, because Bermuda began as a Portuguese trade post, so Arthur definitely consulted our resident bad catholic Port before naming her.
2. Ariel used to be boys name. This also makes sense, because I hc Bermuda was and still is a tomboy. Bitch is fierce, takes no prisoners, and has zero filter. Her letters to Arthur, which all the colonies sent so Arthur could keep an eye on things, were full of shit like “I swear to god if the Spanish don’t get out of my waters I might eat one of them,” and “father, I asked you for destroyers two months ago, and yet you sent them to Hong Kong — could you explain this most unusual occurrence, surely it’s not that you forgot”, and “thank you for the harpoon on my birthday, I caught a small shark a couple days ago and have sent you some of its teeth for your collection.” Arthur tolerates this attitude because he’s weak when it comes to girls; he absolutely spoils his daughters (and flushes like a 16 year old when a woman so much as bats her eyelashes at him). Yes, p*ssywhipped Arthur is a hill I will die on.
3. It also suits her because? Ariel? Shakespeare? The Tempest? Bermuda Triangle? Shipwrecks? Daughter-like figure of powerful and vengeful sorcerer? Yeah. And this girl is a fire spirit — she is so lively, snarky, clever. As she’s grown older she’s mellowed out a little, but still: a no shit taken, no fucks given type of gal.
4. Speaking of growing up, she’s also become quite the beauty. Shacha, if I’m remembering correctly, described her as dark skinned, wavy-haired, and green eyed and that image has been burned onto the back of my eyelids ever since. Those Iberian genetics really be pulling through for her, that’s for sure. Engport love child if I’ve ever seen one. Definitely one of the prettiest in her family.
I’ve already mentioned this to needcake, but I’m not too big a fan of canon Singapore, so this is my oc version. Singapore is fascinating to me because it had only a very small local population before it became a colony (The original settlement had actually been destroyed by the Portuguese about two centuries before the British started building a port there.) So nation-tans like Singapore and Bermuda really are Arthur’s children in the most direct sense of the word. And yet, Singapore is mostly ethnically Chinese, with Malays being the second largest group. Growing up Asian in a white, Victorian era family surely cannot have been easy and more than once Singapore probably wondered if there hadn’t been some mistake. To make up for the constant fear that he wasn’t “really” British, Singapore studied ferociously and had a truly terrifying work ethic. I’m not sure if this is common knowledge outside Asian circles, so I’ll mention that this hc comes from the fact Singapore is well known for having truly exceptional students and some of the most prestigious schools. Singaporeans score highly in literally everything and they have an advantage with good English learning environments, a highly desirable trait in Asia, but these results come from brutally long hours — and its really saying something that they’re known for working hard, considering the studying ethic of students in Korea, Japan, and China aint nothing to sneeze at, either. To me this actually fits really well with Singapore’s upbringing in Arthur’s household, because Arthur himself prizes intelligence and hard work above all else, being a workaholic himself.
As for their relationship, it was probably the best when Singapore was young and peaked in the 1930s with the massive naval base the British built at Singapore, at the time the largest dry dock in the world. Singapore was a well-behaved child, not necessarily introverted but not rowdy either, and all the way into his teenage years he truly admired Arthur and was proud to be a part of the British Empire, despite his lingering unease and insecurities. The British defeat in World War II, however, was a massive turning point. He had worked his ass off to be a good son, a good brother, to contribute to the only family and system he had ever known, and he had thought by the 30s he was finally on his way to becoming a fine adult. And suddenly, the British surrender brings his entire world crashing down. He had followed the rules faithfully thinking it was his destiny, but suddenly it was clear that all rules were made up. Of course, his insecurities exploded. If the empire was a ruse, what the hell was he? A part of the illusion? He couldn’t have a truly Asian identity, because many of the old East Asian nations shunned him for his Western upbringing, and he could not entirely understand their values either. So he was a kid who kinda had to figure out late and very very suddenly who the fuck he was and wanted to be.
And, well, he’s done pretty well for himself, hasn’t he. After having a total crisis and questioning everything, I think Singapore slowly started to realize that just because the British Empire as a political entity didn’t last forever, that didn’t mean that his entire childhood and identity weren’t real. The love he gave to his siblings and the love he got back, the hard work he put in, his bond with Arthur and the safe, happy childhood he had — those memories and feelings didnt have to be diminished by what came after. Essentially, he learned the lesson all nations have to learn, which is that one needs to be able to discern between duties as a nation and feelings as a human being, and to some extent keep them separate to protect both.
Whoooooo ok I’ll stop there because this turned into a dissertation, sorry. Let me know if there are any specifics u want me to elaborate on or anything I missed, but I’ll leave this here for today :)
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ernmark · 4 years
Juno Steel's Season 3 Finale Thoughts
Whoooooo boy.
Lots of thoughts. Lots of questions.
(spoilers under the cut)
A lot of this might be cleared up when I get my hands on that script, but until then:
Why was Sasha willing to destroy the Curemother Prime in order to kill Juno? That is a specific shot she made, and an incredibly valuable asset to destroy in the meantime. If killing him was more important than preserving the Curemother Prime, why did she attempt to spare him earlier-- or was it one of those 'bring him in alive' situations?
Is the Curemother Prime dead? Dead-dead? Or might some of it have splashed into Juno's open wound and hitched a ride in that weirdo blood of his?
Ruby is a Transformer now??? Like a T-2/Transformer hybrid? Is Juno gonna park on Io and then have the Ruby turn into like a necklace or a belt and just hang out with him so he has someone to monologue to? (Please!!!)
Who's waiting for him on Io (not waiting for him, per se, but he knows that somebody is going to be there)? Alessandra and her wife? Khan and family? Falco? Diamond?
Who set off the signal that lured Dark Matters to them? Right now the implication seems to be Peter, but I'm always up for a twist in the plot. (Peter's collector wanting to push him to actually get his ass in gear, perhaps?)
Who's side is Peter on, really? Was his preemptive escape him going along with that initial deal, or an act of cowardice and betrayal?
Beyond that:
Alien road trip!
Seriously, though: we've seen Juno brought to his absolute lowest when he went out into the desert. We've seen him built back up again surrounded by support and loved ones and learn solid coping mechanisms. Now the scaffolding of that positive environment has been ripped away, and he's left to fend (almost) for himself. But this Juno Steel isn't the same one who came back from Miasma's tomb. He's taking the idea of Peter's betrayal in stride and then setting it aside-- not locking it away, but agreeing to deal with it when the circumstances permit. He's not resorting to self-blame or self-destruction, but taking an active role in getting out of there. He's trusting in himself and his family. And yes, he lashes out at the Ruby 7 for a moment, but it's a fairly brief moment, and then he calms down and they set out to work together.
Holy shit, you all. It's so amazing to see how he's grown.
And really seeing the extent of that growth does in fact require pulling away those supports he's been holding onto. It's the real test, and that means he can't rely on Rita's ingenuity or Jet's wisdom, etc. This is going to be the larger, more extensive version of what we saw in the sewer with Small Fry, and I am so here for it.
But oh god, I hope the others are gonna be okay. Jet has the kind of faith that moves mountain ranges, but he's the one I most fear won't survive this.
Rita... I nearly cried when Rita admitted that she wasn't going to come with them. And of course she made out like it was no big deal, she just needed to take a detour, and of course Juno saw right through it and fought against her plan. But he trusts her, as much as she trusts him. It's a heartbreaking inversion of what we saw in Soul of the People.
And you'll notice that I keep circling around back to the end of the previous season, because there's a lot of parallelism going on. With the vibe I'm getting, this next season might just be the penultimate, if not the last season. It depends on how this next season is going to play out.
We've got this neighboring galaxy thing going on, with the Curemother Prime's origins, the memetic plague, and the Ruby 7-- all of which hearkens back to Season 1 with the Ancient Martians and Miasma.
We've also got a lot of untied strings involving the past. Peter's past, with his first love and his unspeakable debt; but also Diamond, Falco, and Hijikata; we've got the severing of Juno's relationship with Sasha, and what exactly happened that made their paths diverge. We've got Annie Wire-- I don't think we're done with her yet. And I'm still not about to let go of Marcus (aka, the mystery of the person who was mentioned in a S1 throwaway line that you can't even actually hear unless you're holding the script in front of you).
That's a lot of material to pack into a single season, but who knows?
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“Helpless” *Part 7*
WHOOOOOO buddies, this might be my favorite chapter so far. You’ll see why.... 
Master List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Tag List
Olivia, Fin, Carisi and the other blonde detective, Rollins you thought-- came bursting into the kitchen at the noise, only to find you and Rafael standing there like kids with their hands in a cookie jar.
“We uh-- we thought…” Carisi stammered.
“Sorry, we’ll leave ya’ll to it. We’re gonna take off,” Amanda waved goodbye, shoving the rest of them out the door.
“Right...have a nice evening!” you called after them in a cheery voice, but slapped your hands over your face as soon as they were gone. 
“Christ...great, now they’ll be talking too,” you rolled your eyes.
“They’re not high school girls, they don’t gossip,” he scoffed.
“Uh huh...like we’re not high schoolers making out in the back room?”
“Two kisses hardly count as ‘making out’, carino,” He smiled, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Carino means…” 
“Sweetie or honey, I know. Arianna speaks spanish. She calls you abogado,” 
“...You know spanish? Then why did you look at me weird when I called you camarera?” 
“She didn’t teach me, like a Rosetta Stone or something. She just says things randomly in spanish and tells me what they mean,” you explained, suddenly wondering how you got into this conversation.
“I see…”
“Okay this conversation has veered off into some weird little tangent,” 
“I agree, enough talking,” Rafael grinned devilishly, wrapping his arms around you again.
“DOWN, counselor,” you pushed his arms back to his sides. 
“You see this?” you gestured to the mess in front of you. “I gotta remake all of this before I can leave, and it takes FOREVER,”
“Well not if I help,” 
“Yeah OKAY, a big fancy lawyer is gonna sit here and do prep work,” you rolled your eyes, grabbing the onions and tomatoes to slice. Rafael grabbed some knives on a nearby shelf and handed you one.
“I cook, you know,” he took an onion and started chopping.
“Do you? Then why are you in here all the time?”  you raised an eyebrow while grabbing a tomato. 
“It’s not fun cooking for one person,” he replied, not looking up from the board.
“You don’t live with anyone?” The question made Rafael stop chopping and look at you.
“If I had a significant other, do you really think I would be here kissing you? Even pursuing you?” He gave you a look.
“Pursuing me….” you gave him a tongued smile. “I like that,”
“Whatever…” he shook his head with a smile. “The answer is NO; I’m a thirty something something with a very nice job, I live alone,” 
“Mmmmm I’m willing to bet you’re more of a forty something something, but I get it,” You smirked. “That must be nice, I’ve never lived alone,” 
“It gets lonely,” he shrugged.
“Oh yeah I’m sure, in a big penthouse apartment and your many books of mahogany,” 
“...Really?” he raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know, I assume rich people have a lot of books, and I’m pretty sure mahogany is fancy…” You blushed, to which Rafael laughed. A real laugh; the crinkles of his eyes and his dimples as big as they were, you hadn’t seen him laugh like that up close before. It was intoxicating. 
“...What? Did I get an onion on my face?” Rafael knocked you from your daze; shit were you staring at him?!
“Wha-- no, nothing. I’m just tired,” you played it off, waving your hands dismissively. 
“Well I know you have the good stuff in here,” He walked away from the cutting board and over to your espresso machine, turning it on.
“Oh come on man, now I have to re-clean that!” You groaned. 
“It’ll be worth it, I promise,” Rafael kissed your cheek as he made cappuccinos for the two of you.
About an hour had passed, and you two were finally done re-prepping all the prep work. Rafael had even helped you reclean the espresso machine. You did last minute checks and went outside, where Rafael followed. You locked the front doors and picked up your phone to look at it.
“SHIT, 1:45?! God, Ari must be freaking out,” you frantically looked through your history to make sure she hadn’t tried to call or text. She hadn’t. 
“Well, good night counselor,” You nodded, starting to walk to the subway; Rafael grabbed your hand.
“Oh no no no, I’m not letting you walk home by yourself at 2 am in the middle of New York City,” 
“It’s 1:45, and I’m a big girl. Trust me, I could knife a guy if I had to,” you protested.
“ ….‘knife a guy’,” he rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
“I could! 
“Alright then humor me,” He pulled you around the corner where a town car was waiting.
“How did you--??”
“Uber never sleeps,” he opened the door for you and you slid in the backseat, Rafael slid in next to you.
“So do I just tell him my address or….?”
“I mean, unless you wanna go to mine,” he grinned devilishly again, that sparkle of arousal dancing in his eyes. It was very tempting.
“I….no I can’t, Ari will know,” you looked down, feeling stupid. It was as if Arianna was your mommy and you were out past curfew. Not like the two grown women equals you should be.
You gave the driver your address and he began driving. You felt Rafael put an arm around your shoulder, and for once you let yourself relax into him. You had literally never felt safer in your life, just being curled up next to him. So safe, so warm, so…
Rafael’s voice awakened you from the nap you apparently had just taken in his arms. 
“Oh...Oh my god! I’m so sorry, I must’ve fallen asleep,” You apologized, fixing his mussed dress shirt where you had been laying on it. There was even the tiniest bit of drool on it; god how embarrassing. 
“You most certainly did, you were even snoring a bit,” He chuckled at the horrified look on your face. “What? It was cute,” 
“God…” You leapt out of the car, trying to get your keys out as fast as you could to get away from this nightmare. 
“Hey, wait up!” Rafael got out of the car and followed you to the door of your building. 
“Okay, I made it home safe. You did your duty, counselor,” you saluted him, to which he took your “saluting” hand in his.
“That’s it? I spent hours chopping up things and cleaning, and all I get is  ‘job well done’?” 
“Well...what else do you want, a medal?” you teased him.
“How about…” He pulled you in for another kiss; and this time, you let him. 
The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever. The chilly New York air blew against your cheap plastic jacket and you shivered. Rafael took his huge pea coat and wrapped it around the two of you while you kissed, making it that more romantic.
Even after you broke apart, your arms were wrapped around his waist inside the jacket, your head pressed against his chest as he kissed your forehead and just held you. You didn’t want to leave him there, you knew for sure you had never felt this safe. With anyone. Not even Arianna. GOD, Arianna. Now you really didn’t want to leave him because you knew you couldn’t see him again; not like this.
Rafael felt something warm against his chest, and he pulled you back a bit from him, only to see you were crying.
“Ay carino...don’t cry, what’s wrong?”
“This is it,” you sniffled. “This is where this ends, and I don’t want it to,” 
Rafael sighed and put his hands on your shoulders, making you look at him. “Hey...this ends, when you say it ends. Not me, not Arianna, you,” 
“Rafael I told you I--” You started, but he put a finger to your lips.
“I told you, I’m not scared of Arianna. I lo--care about you, a lot,” He bit his lip when he stumbled over his words. A micro expression trying to hide the words he really wanted to say-- but you knew that already.
Even though it made zero sense of course, how could two people possibly be in love after a few days. Not even. Maybe your bullshit about a ‘connection’ wasn’t bullshit….not that it mattered anyway because this was never going to work out. Arianna would never let it happen. 
But for some bizarre reason, in that chilly doorway at 2 am, wrapped in Rafael’s coat-- you believed him. You believed that somehow, he was going to make this better. He was going to make it okay. And you were actually going to let him.
“...Okay,” you whispered.
“Okay? Really? Okay? Just like that? I thought I’d have to get on my knees and beg,”
“Do you want me to change my mind or do you wanna kiss me again?”
“Kiss please,” he smiled, pulling you even closer into his coat as he kissed you far deeper this time. He had to make this okay, he had to do something. He just had to. You never wanted to give this feeling up. 
“Give me your phone,” you ordered him this time, and he obliged. You programmed your number and handed it back to him.
“There. Now I can’t ‘ghost’ you,” 
“You can try, I’ll just blow up your phone with links of cute cat videos or something,” he grinned, kissing you one more time.
“Okay, seriously I gotta go upstairs. Arianna’s gonna wake up and see I’m not home,” 
“...Until we meet again then,” he kissed your hand and gave you the biggest smile you had ever seen on a human being. 
You walked inside your building and watched him until he got back into the town car and drove off into the night. Then you took the stairs up to your apartment, practically floating all the way there.
When you unlocked the front door to your apartment, you tried tiptoeing through your living room. However, as you reached the two doorways of your rooms, you noticed Arianna’s light was still on. You debated heavily whether or not to check on her, she was never up this late. 
Maybe something had happened? Maybe she was worried about you? 
You peeked open her door, only to see ALL of her stuff strewn about her room in boxes, while she was throwing clothes into a suitcase.
“Oh good! You’re home,” She pulled bras out of her top drawer.
“W-What is all this--” your eyes darted around the room.
“Did you have a nice time with the abogado?” her question made your blood freeze.
“What? Wha--Ari, I told you--” your voice quavered.
“Yeah I know what you told me, and I also know that look of yours,” she laughed and shook her head.
“What look?”
“The same look you had for Bobby DiMucci in 10th grade,” She smirked. “The ‘oh my god I wanna marry you and have all the babies’, look,” she batted her eyes.
“There’s...that’s not--” you scoffed with a laugh.
“But that’s cool! I hope you guys had a very nice time, you certainly seemed to have a very nice goodbye,” She gestured downstairs. FUCK you knew it, she would be watching. 
“Y-You do…?”
“I do! Because we’re leaving,” Arianna grabbed more boxes out of her closet and tossed them at you.
“Wha--we’re-- NO, we’re not,” Your mind started running a million miles a minute, your body began to panic.
“YES, we are,” she stopped packing and walked up to you.
“Whether or not you and the ADA keep playing kissy face, he knows about us. And if he doesn’t take you down, he’s gonna take me down. And I can’t have that,” She explained as she continued packing.
“And I know you don’t wanna choose between us, so I’m choosing for you,” She circled the room, pulling stuff out from under her bed.
“We’re leaving, and you’re never gonna see him again,” She grabbed some of the boxes on her bed and tossed them towards you.
Your blood was boiling, your whole body was shaking. She controlled EVERYTHING in your life, down to what kind of soda you drank, or what TV show you watched. She wasn’t going to control this, she wasn’t going to take him away from you.
“I...Ari, NO,” you softly spoke.
“....Excuse me?”
“I’m not going with you,” you said louder, glaring at her.
 “If--If you wanna run because you think that Rafael is gonna ‘take you down’, which he ISN’T,”  “Then fine. I won’t tell him or anyone where you went. But I’m not going,” 
“God….baby girl,” Arianna dropped the boxes and made a sad pouting face, as if she was feeling bad for you; But then she went for something behind her bed. All of a sudden she was pulling out a gun, and holding it on you.
“Don’t make me do this,” 
“What the FUCK, Arianna? Why do you have a GUN?” You were freaking out, you didn’t know if you should run or throw something or shit your pants.
“Oh for Fuck’s sake Y/N we lived in a CAR, in NEW YORK CITY. Why wouldn’t I have a gun?!” she scoffed, moving closer to you.
“Okay but--but put it down, okay? Please?” You were now crying, basically begging for your life. How did you go from SO safe to now begging for your life?!
“I can’t do that, sweetie. Not until you agree to leave with me. Tonight,” She had tears in her own eyes, you knew she didn’t want to hurt you. She was scared. You knew she would never hurt you. 
“....Please, Arianna. Please don’t do this…” You pleaded through tears, very slowly reaching for the gun.
“YOU’RE DOING IT! YOU are doing this to us!” she screamed, waving the gun in your face. 
“I guess it is sort of my fault, I told you his name. I pushed you towards him. I just didn’t think he’d actually like you back,” she continued in a normal voice.
“Wow, just...wow,” you huffed.
“Not that you’re not wonderful, baby girl. Just...you know, not in his league,” 
“See but you were wrong, Ari. He does like me. No no no, He LOVES me, and I love him,” You were getting bolder now, how dare she start shitting on you and Rafael. That’s all she had done from the start, was tear apart and tarnish what you had. 
“Pffftttt, okay. After what, a few conversations and a few tongues down your throat? Gimme a friggin BREAK,” she scoffed, the gun still pointed at you. 
“Fuck you, it’s real.” You spat, unable to take the bullshit from her anymore. Arianna stared at you in shock; you had NEVER spoken to her like that.
 “And-And And if you DON’T want him coming after us, then this is the stupidest move you could make. Because he’ll fight for me Arianna, he’ll fight for me and he will WIN,” Tears still in your voice, but anger powered over them.
“God, look at you! Look at what he’s DONE to you. To us. It’s always been US, Y/N. Me and you, Bert and Ernie! Thelma And Louise! Bonnie And Clyde!” She gestured between the two of you wildly.
“NO, it’s been you using me,” you scoffed.
“Is that what he said?” She turned the gun sideways.
“It’s the truth!” you argued.
“NO IT’S NOT, and once we get out of here, you’ll forget about him. I promise, and then we can be happy again. Okay?” She had a psychotic smile, pulling you in for a hug, the gun pressed against your back. You had to get out of here.
“...Okay, Ari,” you finally gave in, throwing your hands up in defeat. You looked up at her with the saddest eyes you could muster, trying to convince her she had you beaten down once again. She hugged you again, and let you go. But she held tight to the gun. 
“I’ll go pack,” you grabbed some boxes and took them into your room. As soon as you heard Arianna resume packing, you ducked beside your bed and dialed Rafael’s number.
“Please pick up, please please please….”
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Eeeeeeeeep nemo darling!🥺🥺🥺❤☺☺☺😆 guess whoooooo🥺🥺
🥺hehehe ive been inspired by the Theo proposal fic eeeep🥺❤dammit why didn't i request that🤣❤❤ tbh ive been typing this for the last hour🤣🤣freaken distractions🤣🤣
hehehehe okay okay here we go! My darling nemo could i pretty please with candy on top request a proposal from keiji hehehe🥺🥺🥺🥺😳😳😳😳 this boy has captured my heart and now he has been added to the things that occupy my heart❤❤❤😳😳😳 dont fear love i still love and cherish my dearest barkers, he shall not be left on the pavement, afterall i love the man too much❤❤❤ hehe seeee zeta is 100% loyal ❤❤❤❤
Love you lots neeeeems❤❤❤❤ good luck with your meeting and thank you for being such a wonderful person and friend🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Eeeek, Zeta-dearest!!! I never have to guess, I just have to look at the abundance of emojis 😂😂😂
Oh man, that Theo proposal fic feels like it was so long ago... I’m surprised you actually found it, because damn. But if it inspires a proposal fic for Keiji? 😳😳😳 Hey, hey, hey //Hamilton’s Winters Ball 
Okay, okay, but all of da bois in your heart, but I got the biggest room, right? 😏😏😏 They can share, as long as I’m the only one in the upper room. 😏😏😏
And I don’t blame you for falling for Keiji, I’m also falling hard. 😳😳😳 
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Keiji Maeda
Prompt: Proposal
The way you stared couldn't be missed. The eyes that followed him, tracing over his hair. Keiji knew that you were fighting the urge to run your hand through his sunkissed tresses. He also knew that you respected his boundaries and his wishes and as such kept your distance.
Instead you would ask for a hug and the man would happily grant it to you, all the while he would stare at your hair and run his hand through it. He thought your hair to be equally as beautiful, perhaps even more so, but he knew himself to be biased in a way.
Keiji also knew himself to be unfair, for he saw your longing looks and he recalled what he had said before about his hair. How he didn't like it for his hair to be combed by another. The comfort of it reminding him of a home lost, a person he missed, the people he lost, and the love he missed. It brought him back to a time he could never return to and so dearly missed. But he was here now, with you and a new love to start over with. It was a long path, but one he braved with you nonetheless.
It was a ritual between the both of you to comb your hair to ready you for the morning. With deft artisan fingers he would help you get ready for yet another day of work, making sure to do your hair in a way it wouldn't fall into your face.
"In my travels I have seen a marriage custom in which a couple comb each other's hair," he told you, delighting in the blush that crawled up from your neck, heating up his fingers at the base. "In others a man gifts a comb as a proposal," Keiji followed as he retraced all wedding traditions he recalled that involved hair, the heat emanating from you deepening as he leaned over your shoulder to put his face next to yours in the reflection of the mirror.
"I have heard of cultures in which they tie their hair together in a knot, to symbolise the union of their very beings," he continued, his voice just a gentle whisper as his fingers curled a strand of your hair around.
Keiji wanted to follow with more examples, as he recalled the belief that the hair housed their spirit, but instead his gaze met yours through the mirror and he fell quiet.
"Are you proposing?" you finally found your voice back, fighting back as you turned to face him directly. Keiji still wasn't used to being teased back and that was evident in his silence and the colour that rose on his cheeks.
He had considered the option, he had mulled over it, but not dared to express it. Keiji wasn't sure what he was waiting for, or what held him back, for he knew that he held no doubts about being with you.
"Would that make you happy?" he carefully asked instead and your confusion was evident as you blinked and mulled, pondering over the meaning of marriage both in the context of the Sengoku era and your own time. Keiji knew those two to be different and yet, from the way you had talked about it, he felt that in the end that the two of you held one understanding of it.
The male started when he felt you lace your fingers through his, gently peeling his hand away from your neck as you brought it to your lips in the same way he so often liked to do with you.
"I'm sure to be happy as long as I'm with you."
The words, simple as they were, struck the man as his breath stilled. And it wasn't that he had never recognised your beauty before, but Keiji swore that in that moment you had seemed more radiant to him than ever before, to the point that he couldn't turn away, or even form a word.
If he wanted to marry you? The answer seemed so simple right then and every 'but' just an excuse. Yet there was a 'but' and Keiji relented to that, instead he moved in to capture your lips, longing, hungry and he supposed his answer could be felt in that.
The thought plagued him. Through work, through training. Through  every glimpse he caught of you, and there were many for his eyes always sought you.
He didn't want to do it because you had asked. Nor did he want to do it half-prepared, but there really had been no use in waiting for longer and there was no reason why he should hold back now when the two of you were of one mind. And Keini mulled and mulled until nighttime came and you embraced him once more, content and tired after a long day, satisfied to be returned into his arms.
"Do you want to brush?" he asked, fingers once more combing through your hair as you looked up in surprise, panic rising as you felt around your head. Keiji scoffed at that gesture and at your unassuming nature as he pulled you up closer, nuzzling his nose into your neck.
"No mine, do you want to brush my hair?" he asks, regretting that he had to miss the expression on your face that accompanied the shock from your chest and the stilling of your breath. But he liked your scent and he was sure he was just as red as you felt, embarrassing him all the more for he wanted to come across as sure and not as shy.
Your gentle response was to unwind the ribbon in his hair, fingers carefully brushing across his scalp as another arm held him tighter, as if afraid that he might recoil.
"I didn't want to upset you." The answer you gave struck him. Had he come across as such, or did it feel like he had pushed you away? Pulling away Keiji faced you, his hair falling across his face as his eyes stood determined like the sun in a summer sky.
"I  want home to be with you," he said, his hair framing his face as he allowed you to touch it and play with it as much as you liked. For once he didn't flinch, nor feel that rising discomfort as you did.  The tenderness in which you touched him, as if he was precious and frail, the love evident in every caress. It reminded him of the people he missed, those he had lost, but above all, it reminded him of the love he had received and the one he had now.
"I want us to be family," he exclaimed, and the smile that broke through as you touched his hair once more, not replacing the memories of those he had lost, but accompanying them and joining in the little fortune he had known, felt brighter than the sun breaking through the clouds.
And to this you giggled, your hand moving to his face as your eyes shimmered in both joy and endearment and for a moment all Keiji could see was the way he was reflected in your eyes as you pulled him closer, foreheads touching as you gave your answer:
"Let's brush your hair."
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iwovhaikyuu · 4 years
(so this is a crackhead story so YAY!!!!. Sam came up with it and yee)
(I’m going to have a helluva time editing this -Sam)
Warnings: Make out, embarrassment,drinking (they all older) and yee
(Y/n) Pov:
Today marks Koushi and I’s nineteenth birthday, and I couldn’t be more excited. In celebration we invited Koushi’s friends from the old volleyball club, plus some other friends of his, as well as some of my other former classmates and club members from Karasuno, and so far, everyone was having fun and fooling around.
As we dance, drink, and fool around, I felt a familiar warmth envelop my hand. Looking up, I see Eita smiling down at me. Pulling me away from the others, we find ourselves in a nearby hallway. As we start to talk and joke around, we eventually find ourselves sitting on the floor pressed against a wall. We spent a while longer catching up and before he pulls my face to his with a lustful and loving look in his eyes and smirks.
"Happy birthday, princess," He says with a chuckle, ultimately making my blush "I don't believe I gave you my present yet, have I?"
With my blush glowing more and more as he continues to speak, I shake my head no. He didn't actually give me a gift, and as much as I love him, it still broke my heart a little. "N-no you haven't" I managed to get out before I felt a hand on the small of my back and a small shove to push me closer to him.
"Then let me give it to you" He says before pulling me in a deep kiss and moved his hands to my hips, pulling me into his lap.
Surprised, I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss. I feel his mouth open up and his tongue slither out, running across my lips asking for permission. I accept and open up for him, feeling our tongues fight for dominance.
Daichi Pov: (sorry no smut here. Talk to Sam about that)
(I just gave you fuckers an Eita smut, so you better be happy with that for a while. -Sam)
Hanging out with my best friend at his party has been awesome so far. People jamming out, drinking, playing stupid games,, it's been crazy.
While talking with the boys, I notice (Y/n) leaving with Koushi and I wonder what they’re are they doing, so I follow them. Eventually, they made it to a narrow hallway and sat down, and getting more curious by the second, I began eavesdropping on them - respectfully of course-  and all I heard was giggling and something about gifts until I heard something that caught my attention.
Small moans
Wet smacking
More giggles
I have to stop this! This is incest! THEY'RE TWINS FOR FUCKS SAKE!
I jump from behind the wall, not caring if they get mad. They’re 19, they should know this is bad.
"OI" I yell down the hall, causing the party to stop and everyone looking over at the siblings "Why are you guys making out?!"
"Um...cause we're together" Koushi said confused. His voice was a little bit deeper than normal. Huh, strange. "Is that a problem?'
I nodded at them "Yea that's a problem! You guys are siblings. TWINS for god’s sake"
"Um...Daichi..no we're not" Y/n replied. My god these two
"Yes you guys are and then your making out with each other. Ew-" I tell the two of them. I was going to say something before I feel a tap on my shoulder and hear someone clearing their throat.
I turn around and see.....Koushi? 'wait! If he's right here...' I think to myself and look back at the two of them. Getting a better look at who I thought was Koushi, I saw it was the former setter and pinch server for Shiratorizawa. Semi Eita if I remember correctly.
"I thought- you....him..." I say pointing at Semi then Koushi then back at Semi again. "Oh shit...I'm so sorry you two" I said, bowing "I didn't mean to, I swear"
"Daichi, it's okay. Don't worry I think you’re just drunk or something" (Y/n) says, awkwardly laughing at the current situation.
"WHOOOOOO GET IT BROO" A very drunk Ryuunosuke yells behind us and laughs.
(Y/N) POV:
As everything happen I keep blushing more and more and I look up (ha shorties [need I remind you that you are literally five foot nothing? -Sam]{JOKES ON YOU I GREW.....one or two inches...-Heydi}) at Eita and he looks back at me and smirks whispering in my ear 'I guess we can finish wrapping your gift soon' He smirks, giving me a kiss and getting up, walking back to the party, leaving me there on the floor in shock and a blushing mess.
So um highschool started and oh boy I already hate it PLEASE GET ME OUUUUUUT
So since highschool is here (yay -_-) I will be really busy because I'm trying cram everything together with hobbies and school so yea
I hope you enjoy this crackhead story. Sam made the plot idea and I got it down(Thank you sam)) [i’m still amazed that you actually wrote it- -Sam]
Anyways. Requests are open so yea
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amuseoffyre · 4 years
In keeping with the season, here’s the Crossing Paths chapter about the resurrection because I still love it and it makes me grin every time I read it.
Outside Jerusalem - Sunday Morning - 33AD.
“What in Heaven’s name are you doing?”
Crowley squinted over her shoulder in the dark. “Nothing.”
The bloody angel was standing there, all agog. Good word, agog. Plenty to gog at. Gogging about. “I don’t believe that,” he said, folding his arms over his chest. He looked down at the two Roman guards in a heap on the ground. Only sleeping. Wouldn’t even notice a thing. “Don’t make me ask again.”
Crowley sniffed, then turned around and put her back against the bloody stone, pushing it. The edges dug in between her shoulder blades, but at least this time, it moved. Sort of. A bit. And then moved back. She said a rude word.
“Crawly!” The angel stepped closer and grabbed her arm. “Wasn’t the nail enough?”
“S’Crowley!” She flapped her hands. “Geroff.”
“Oh good Lord…” Aziraphale sighed like an annoyed mum. Not like… not like his mum. Not when she stood and watched and couldn’t do anything but be there for him. “You’re still drunk, aren’t you?”
Crowley scowled at him, trying very, very hard not to sway on the spot. “None your business.” She turned and shoved her shoulder against the stone again. Stupid damn thing had to move. Had to. Needed to make a disappearing act. Give the stupid humans something to go ‘Oooh!’ over. Piss off the stupid tin cans of the Roman legions.
“Crowley!” Aziraphale pulled her back. “Leave the poor man to rest in peace!”
“No!” Crowley squirmed against his grip. “Need to take him!”
“Why?!” Aziraphale demanded, tightening his hold. Angel was strong. S’pose he had to be. Guardian of Eden, he was. Not very good at it, but still like trying to wrestle an octopus. Octopus strong as a tank. Octo-tank?
“That’s not an answer!”
“Cos!” Crowley repeated, wrenching and wriggling and squirming and finally going all floppy in the angel’s grip. “Cos…”
“Because what?” Aziraphale sounded grumpy.
Crowley stared down at the groove where the stone rested over the entrance to the tomb. Shouldn���t have been so bloody hard to move it. Just a rock. Not like humans hadn’t put it there. How hard could it be to get it out the way?
“He believed,” Crowley said finally, a whisper. “An’ if they come an’ he’s gone, maybe they’ll… maybe it might not have been for nothing? Maybe they’ll think he was…. He did….” She shrugged, all floppy limbs. “Wanna take him. Hide him. Somewhere safe.”
Aziraphale’s arms went all loose and he made a small sound like ‘oh’.
Crowley rubbed her nose on the back of her hand. “S’stupid.”
“No,” Aziraphale said very carefully and gentle, like Crowley was a scared lamb that’d run off.  “No, I understand. A last kindness for the poor fellow.”
Crowley sniffed hard. “Not kind. Stupid.” He peered at the angel. “Why’re you here anyway?”
The angel’s smile was sad. “A blessing,” he said. “The women, his followers, they’ll be coming to anoint him now that Shabbat is over.” He looked sideways. East, Crowley supposed. Sky was turning custard yellow over that way. Morning. Should’ve come earlier. Angel looked back at Crowley. “I know you have the best of intentions, my dear fellow, but–”
But they were coming. But she was too late. But voices were coming closer and he recognised several of them.
“Oh bugger,” she yelped. “Angel! They know me! They saw me! There! By the cross!”
The angel’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “So they won’t be surprised to see you here, then.”
“Not like…” Crowley waved wildly to her ripped dress, the blood and muck all over it. Sleeping in the gutter did that to a person. And now bits of stone and all and she hadn’t done anything useful or helpful or anything and she gave a stupid useless whine, plopping her face in her hands. “I just wanted– I bugger up everything!”
Warm hands grasped his shoulders. “Stand back,” Aziraphale said urgently.
Crowley stumbled, tripping and landing right on the middle of one of the Romans, who groaned and blinked.
Stone grumbled on stone. Aziraphale’s face was all pink with effort, but it moved. It all moved and the tomb was open and Crowley just had to get up and–
Crowley hissed in panic. Mary, the mum, the brave little thing, didn’t cry out, not the whole time, not until it was done, and then she had sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and Crowley didn’t– Crowley couldn’t–
White wings spread, hiding Crowley from them, shining and dazzling as the sun came over the edge of the world. “He is not here,” Aziraphale’s voice rang out like a bell. Crowley felt it all the way down to her bones, edged with miracles and divine influence, searing away what was left of her hangover. For a human, it was probably even worse. “He is risen!”
One of the Romans – the one Crowley was sitting on – gave a girly scream and fainted.
The women – the mother and the followers – lit up like Saints, belief dancing through them like fire, and Crowley peeked around Aziraphale’s wing as they turned and hurried back the way they came, talking urgently and excitedly.
Crowley struggled back to his feet. “What did you do?”
The angel folded in his wings self-consciously, twisting his hands anxiously together. “Er. I– do you think that was a bit much?”
“A bit?” Crowley echoed, gesturing after the women. “That was practically a multiple conversion!”
“I was trying to distract them!” Aziraphale wailed.
“Well, it worked, didn’t it?” Crowley exhaled, shuddering. “A bit much, he says.”
Aziraphale sheepishly fiddled with his ring. “Well, now you can…” He waved vaguely towards the tomb. “You know. Take care of things. Secret and safe and what have you.”
“Suppose I can.” Crowley warily edged around him, then paused. “Why did you do that?”
Aziraphale shrugged, staring at his toes. “Technically, it qualifies as a blessing. And they didn’t notice you, did they?”
Technically. Too bloody good at technically, that angel.
“Right,” the demon said, then bent and ducked into the tomb.
And then she bent and ducked back out.
“Angel,” she said, very, very carefully. “You know you told them he wasn’t here because he was risen?”
“Don’t suppose there’s any chance their belief that he was gone would make it true?”
Aziraphale frowned. “No. Why would it do that?”
Crowley, feeling more than a little off – backwash from a full-blown angelic conversion would do that to a demon – jerked her thumb towards the tomb. “Funny thing,” she said. “It’s empty.”
Aziraphale’s eyes widened and he squeezed passed Crowley to duck into the tomb too. Not much point really. Tiny room. Not exactly like there was a hidden door at the back or enough space to swing a cat or anything.
“Where is he?” he demanded as he popped back out into the morning light.
“How should I know?” Crowley demanded. “Last I checked, they chucked him in there!”
“Maybe the Romans took him?” Aziraphale suggested.
“And stationed guards on an empty tomb? Come off it!”
“Well, if they knew it was empty…”
Crowley shook her head. “No! I–” She flushed. “I kept an eye on it.” She jabbed Aziraphale’s shoulder. “Had to be you. You and your whoooooo angel of the Lord bollocks! You went and…” She flapped her hands all… angelically. “You’ve… somethinged him!”
“Somethinged?” Aziraphale exclaimed indignantly. “If anyone’s going to… something anyone, it’s you!”
Crowley stared at him, then back at the empty tomb. It had the shape of a hell of a lot of trouble in the near and the distant future. “I wasn’t here,” she said at once. “No one saw me. No one saw anything. You… well, you can take credit on this one. However it pans out. Mystical disappearances, angel visions and stuff.”
The demon backed away a couple of steps. “Nice miracle, by the way. Thorough.” And she turned, hiking up her robes, and bolted off, bouncing off the bellies of the two supine Romans as she went. “Bye, angel!”
“Damn it, Crowley!” Aziraphale’s yell echoed after her.
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Jake College Multiverse
So.... welcome to the Multiverse lads, this is just a vague introduction and things to it so y’all can send in concepts, blurb requests and all that good stuff whoooooo
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“Shit!” Jake exclaimed, sliding into the kitchen with his socks, brushing his hands through his hair in a desperate attempt to tame it as he rushed to the coffee machine, counting himself grateful that he had a medical student as a roommate - affectionately more commonly known as an insomniac.
“You are aware that the sun’s actually up, right? You sure you’re not doing to burn up, it must be months since you last saw it,” Jake flipped him off with one hand as he poured his coffee with the other. “Seriously, Jake, what’s going on?” David laughed.
“I’m meant to be at that fucking - the fucking housing shit thing,” Jake groaned, moving around the kitchen quickly, his arms reaching out to grab at the bed to make toast.
“The welcome thing for the new students?”
“Yeah - helping them get settled and shit remember?”
“Why?” He asked, confusion clear on his face as he held his own cup of coffee up so it was partially covering his face, resting against his lips.
“Because they asked me to - apparently I’m friendly or some shit,” Jake waved him off through a mouthful of toast.
“Ah yes, that trait is just... glowing right now,” David nodded, one eyebrow raised just a little.
“Fuck off,” he mumbled, hopping on one foot with the toast in his mouth as he attempted to put on his shoe.
“Are you trying to wake up the whole building?” Loki yawned, tousling his hair and glaring at his roommate.
“If I have to be up so does everyone else,” Jake said, grinning at the two of them as he finished his toast.
“You’re a prick,” Loki huffed, mooching over and pouring himself some coffee.
“Who else is part of this thing?” David asked.
“Ed said he’d be there and I think Q was asked to as well,” Jake shrugged, pulling on a jumper that had been thrown on the back of a chair.
“Doubt he’ll show,” Loki scoffed into his drink.
“That’s mine y’know,” David called as Jake rushed out of the room.
“I’ll take Loki’s keys to make up for it!”
“What’d I miss?” Jake asked, sidling up next to Edward in the hallway, who was stood holding two clipboards. Edward chuckled and passed him one of them along with a badge with his name on it.
“I picked up everything for you,” he said.
“Thanks man,” Jake chuckled, sticking the label on and turning the clipboard around so it was the right way up for him. He squinted down at the long lists of names in tiny print. “The fuck is this?”
“Just lists of name with accommodation. Find someone who looks lost and see if they need help finding their accommodation,” Edward relayed with a slight grin. “I believe those were the exact orders, at least.”
“How the fuck did Jamie get out of this?” Jake grumbled, looking through the seemingly endless lists of names.
“By getting a reputation as being a dick?” Another voice offered, coming to join the two men as they stood against the wall.
“Hey, Q,” Jake said, holding his hand out for a high five, which was returned with a slight eye roll.
“Jamie’s not a dick he’s just...” Edward hesitated, searching his mind for the right word. “Charismatic in the wrong ways,” he settled on, though by the grimace on his face it was clear he was equally doubtful of his defence of his roommate.
“Ed, man, Jamie’s a dick,” Jake laughed, shaking his head at the English Literature student. “I mean, don’t get me wrong I think he’s great but he is an arsehole.” 
Edward and Jamie’s friendship had come as a surprise to almost everyone. The English student and the medicine student appeared to be complete opposites of each other and yet the moment they were introduced to each other they hit it off, quickly acting like they had been life-long friends.
“Morf not fancy this?” Jake asked with raised eyebrows, looking at Quentin.
“I think they’re trying to make sure the freshers stay here and Morf would most likely cause the opposite,” Quentin mused.
“Oh - lost looking guy, twelve o’clock,” Jake noticed, nodding his head towards the brown haired boy wearing a blue checked shirt, looking around in evident confusion with stacks of bags. 
Jake approached him, cheerful smile already fixed in place.
“Hey man,” he greeted, causing the teenager to jump and turn around to face him.
“Oh - uh - hi!”
“You look lost, can I help?” He asked.
“I, uh, I don’t remember my accommodation and I lost my map,” he admitted with an awkward smile.
“What’s your name, then?” Jake questioned, looking down at his clipboard list.
“Robert? Robert Graysmith?” Jake’s finger ran down the pages until he reached the G’s.
“Yeah, here you are. You’re on the wrong side of the building, dude. Come on, I’ll walk you over to the South Block.” Jake decided, reaching down to pick up one of Robert’s bags.
“Thanks - uh, Jake,” Robert beamed, craning his neck awkwardly to get a look at the sticky label on Jake’s shirt.
“That’s alright, man,” Jake assured, beginning the long walk over to the southern block of the Downey building. “I mean, at least you got the right building to start with - that’s better than I did when I first moved here.”
“Really?” Robert asked, his voice giving away his hopeful tone.
“Oh yeah, my sister still hasn’t let it go.”
“What was your student accommodation?”
“I was in the Swayze building last year but my first day I turned up at the Ferguson building instead,” Jake said, shaking his head with a laugh.
“Where are they?” 
“About as far away from each other as you can get.”
They reached the lift of the Southern block of the Downey building ten minutes later and stood waiting for it to arrive, Jake telling Robert about the university and what to expect for the oncoming Freshers week. Robert listened to him intently, seeming to hang on to every word.
They turned around as they heard a frustrated groan.
“Need a hand, man?” Jake asked, already walking over to assist the young man with his boxes.
“Thanks,” he huffed as Jake took one of them off of the pile.
“Geez, what the fuck is your subject,” Jake laughed as his arms immediately dropped from the weight of the box.
“English Lit,” the guy supplied with a slight smile.
“Yeah, that fits. Shit man.”
“Do you need a hand?” Robert asked quietly, his eyes wide and clearly worried.
“Nah, just hold the doors for us, Rob?” 
“Y-Yeah, of course!” Robert said, pushing his own bags into the lift and pressing the button to ensure the doors wouldn’t close before Jake and the other Fresher could enter.
“Thanks,” he sighed, placing the boxes on the floor of the lift. “I’m Donnie, by the way,” he added, nodding to Jake and Robert who nodded.
“You’re both new here?”
“No - I’m a second year, I just... said I’d help people get to their accommodation if they got lost,” Jake informed him.
“But I am - Art student.” Robert told him.
“Right, nice to meet you.” Donnie agreed.
“So are these your last boxes?”
“Yeah - I told my parents I could manage them myself.”
“You met your roommate yet then?”
“Yeah... he’s... eccentric to say the least.” Donnie admitted with a slight grin.
“How do you mean?” Jake asked, his lips quirking up in a smirk.
“He told me that he had been ‘previously informed that he made a remarkable roommate’ and that he ‘excelled in making people feel both welcome and as though they were having fun’,” Donnie relayed with an eye roll.
“No shit!” Jake laughed.
“I mean, he’s nice enough just... came on a little strong,” Donnie shrugged.
“What’s his name?” Robert asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“Sorry man,” Jake muttered, holding his hands up as he bumped into the other student.
“That’s alright,” a western accent responded and Jake looked up, not used to hearing them around the university.
“Well... aren’t you a little far from home with that?” Jake asked, raising his eyebrows at the fashion choice. The student laughed.
“I’d feel weird without it,” he shrugged, his hand going up to touch the rim lightly.
“Jack - Jack Twist.” He supplied and Jake nodded.
“Jake - I’m a second year. What you studying?”
“No shit! That’s my subject too!” Jake beamed.
“No way!” Jack laughed delightedly.
“You ready for Freshers week?”
“Born ready,” Jack declared, his smile turning slightly more mischievous.
“Maybe I’ll see you around then.”
“Yeah - see you around.”
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The Party
A/N: Every couple months, I remember Cole Sprouse exists and can’t get him out of my mind. Therefore, here’s some nice Jughead for you.
Pairing: Jughead x Reader
Word Count: 1,908
Warnings: alcohol, partying (not reader, but those around her), jealousy, harassment < angst because of this, ends in fluff because all I write is fluff basically
Summary: You and Jughead go to one of Veronica’s parties and guys end up hitting on you, making you uncomfortable and your boyfriend, Jug, very jealous. 
(Y/N) - your name, (Y/N/N) - your nickname if you have one
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“Do we really have to go to this party?” Jughead asked. He and his leather jacket were leaning on the door frame of your bathroom while you finished getting ready.
You set your curling iron on the counter and tuned to him. “I don’t really want to go either. But we were invited, and Veronica is definitely expecting us to come.” You continued your debate silently. “We could just go for an hour?” you said with a wince.
“One hour. And not a minute more,” he chuckled.
“You won’t have any trouble pulling me away,” you said, unplugging the hot curling iron and giving your hair one last run through with your fingers. Your eyes fell to the reflection of your shirt in the mirror. The lacy fabric had ridden up again.
You hummed in answer, pulling down on the shirt’s hem and wishing it would stay in place.
“You’re beautiful.”
You shot him a bright grin. You were sure you’d never get used to his affection, it always sent you spinning.
But you were still bothered. “You think this shirt is okay? Veronica got it for me, so I wanted to wear it tonight, but I think it’s a bit… much?” You faced the mirror and fidgeted some more.
“You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to,” he said.
“I know. It was nice of her to think of me, but the lace and everything, it’s just not me,” you said, deciding to wear something different to the party.
On your way to your closet, Jug stopped you. “Hold on,” he said. He untied the blue flannel shirt from his waist and secured it around yours. “Now, that is you.” He took your hands in his and kissed them, winking at you.
You already felt more comfortable, feeling the tight knot of the heavy material covering your midriff that was left exposed by the shirt. You squeezed his hands. He always made you feel safe.
“Thank you,” you said kissing his cheek.
He stepped aside and swept a hand out in front of you. “Off to the ball.”
When you arrived at the party, you thanked god that Jughead was with you. You hated parties almost as much as he did and you were dreading this one before you even entered the front door. Already, the bass of the loud music inside was shaking in your chest. When you heard a loud “WHOOOOOO” coming from inside, you looked at Jug and confirmed the plan. “One hour.”
“If we even survive that long,” he said.
You chuckled and opened the heavy door. Even though the place was practically a mansion, you doubted there was space for even two more people. Every inch was covered in couples dancing, bros doing keg stands, and shrill girls yelling about how much they’ve missed each other. You didn’t recognize a single person.
“Come ‘ere, there’s Archie,” Jug said to you, his lips close to your ear. He led you through the guests, his large hand sprawled out over your lower back. Familiar red hair flashed as you dodged the drunks.
When you reached Archie, you met Betty and Veronica as well.
“There they are! Welcome! You guys actually came,” Veronica said.
“I told you they’d come,” Betty said with a smile.
“Of course we came,” you said. Both the girls knew you were lying, but you laughed with them as they shot you teasing expressions.
“This party is insane,” you heard Jughead say to Archie.
Before you could chime in, Veronica cooed over your outfit. “(Y/N), you look hot!” Seriously, I knew that would look great on you. And I knew Jughead would like it too, she said with raised eyebrows.
You felt Jug’s arm reach further around you and his thumb hook into the front belt loop of your jeans. You felt his voice rumble through his chest. “Yeah, the shirt’s great, but I like who’s inside it.”
Veronica groaned and you heard Archie laugh, but you were too busy with the wink Jug gave you.
“Thanks again for giving it to me, Ron,” you said over the music.
“Of course! What are gal pals for? But, I gotta say, when I thought of it on you, I didn’t picture it with Jughead’s flannel,” she said, scrunching her nose.
“Oh, I just didn’t want to be cold,” you said, pushing into Jug’s side.
“(Y/N), it’s hot as hell in here, I think you’ll be fine,” Betty said.
“Well, when I got outside, ya know-”
Your sentence was covered with Veronica’s giggles as she ripped the flannel away and threw it at Jughead. She took your hand and spun you around yelling, “You’re sexy, baby! Show it off!”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile. You were fully aware that you were a little too quiet for Veronica’s taste and this was her way of getting you to have some fun.
Jughead was watching you carefully, ready to return his flannel to you if you wanted it.
You threw your hands in the air and yelled “Alright!”
“Atta girl! Now, come on, let’s leave the boys to themselves, we’re going to dance.”
She pulled you and Betty through the crowd and into the middle of the room where the music seemed even louder. You jumped and twirled until Veronica pulled you close to her and moved her hips with yours. Betty too danced close to you, all in good fun.
Once the three of you were sufficiently danced out, Veronica and Betty left the dance floor to grab some drinks.
Your nerves returned to you when you were no longer distracted by your friends. The moment you stopped swaying to the music, you felt a hand graze across your lower back. You turned to see Jughead grinning at you.
“Did I miss your distress calls?” he asked with a wince. He pushed your hair to the back of your shoulders while your hands slipped inside his unzipped jacket and rested on his hips.
“No,” you laughed. “It was actually fun.”
You looked around for Veronica’s return and saw a couple guys watching you. Your brow furrowed and you stared at Jug’s chest, pulling at the hem of the short shirt again.
“You want this?” Jug asked, tugging at the flannel around this waist.
“Yes, please,” you said sweetly, ignoring everyone around you and concentrating on Jug.
He pulled the shirt away from him and leaned down to kiss your neck as he tied it around you. You hummed in pleasure, but he pulled away too quickly for your liking.
“You want something to drink?” he asked.
“Just a water, or soda or something?” When he nodded you added, “I’ll be over here,” pointing to an open spot on the wall next to a bookshelf.
“No more dancing for you?” he smirked.
“Absolutely not,” you laughed.
You found your place next to the bookshelf and leaned your back against the wall, crossing one heeled boot over the other. You watched the party unfold, wincing at a particularly loud song that made your ears ring.
“Hey, (Y/N/N), where’s Jugs?” Sweet Pea had appeared out of nowhere and startled you.
“Hey, Sweets. He’s just getting some sodas.”
He stood next to you, leaning on one shoulder. “Saw you with the girls, looked like you were havin’ fun.”
“Oh, a blast,” you laughed, making him smirk.
“You don’t normally come to these things,” he said.
“Well, Veronica-”
“Oh, Veronica. She likes to get us all together, doesn’t she?” he asked.
You nodded.
He leaned closer to you. “Ya know, I had to hit a few guys tonight. They were talkin’ about you, askin’ who the new party girl was.”
“Really?” You winced as you thought about the guys staring at you on the dance floor.
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “But I took care of ‘em. You’re safe with us.” He crossed over you, about to leave when he stopped before you. He placed a finger under your chin and said, “You do look smokin’ tonight.”
Before you could reply, you heard Jughead’s low voice. “Get outta here, Sweet Pea.”
“Jug.” You got around Sweet Pea and placed a hand on his chest, pushing him toward the exit. “Let’s just go. I’ll explain.”
“Hey, man, I’m not the one you gotta worry about here,” Sweet Pea slurred. “There’re a lotta other guys around here you should beat up before me.”
Jughead put the cups of soda on a table nearby without taking his eyes off Sweet Pea. He pressed Sweets against the wall and threatened him, growling, “You stay away from her. You don’t talk to her like that.”
“Alright, Jug, alright,” Sweets said, his hand raised. “(Y/N/N), I’m sorry.” He walked away and disappeared into the party.
“Jug, let’s just go,” you said.
He nodded and wrapped his arm tight around your shoulders as you headed for the door.
When you passed Archie, he said, “You guys leavin’ already?”
Jug paused and pushed a finger into Archie’s chest. “This is why I don’t come to your stupid parties.”
You pulled him away. “Jug, it’s fine, come on.” You gave Archie an apologetic look as you closed the door behind you.
Jug stormed down the steps and into the road. “How could he talk to you like that? What, he waits until I’m not around and then makes a move on you?” He wouldn’t face you. He rambled and yelled to no one, throwing his hands about, the serpent on his leather jacket moving up and down.
“Jug, come on. Sweets was drunk! He’s our friend, he didn’t mean it like that,” you said.
He turned to you, his brow furrowed and face red with fury. “You didn’t see him looking at you.”
“You didn’t see a lot of guys looking at me tonight. Sweets beat ‘em up out back for it.”
He stopped, his face now filled with concern. “Guys were bothering you tonight?”
“Of course they were.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. You reached for his cheek, your thumb gently rubbing across his skin. “There’s always gonna be guys bothering me.” Your free hand slid inside his jacket and rested on his back. “But when I’m with you, I always feel safe.”
His eyes met yours and the deep color of them seemed to grow. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you forehead.
“And when you’re not around,” you continued, “I know the Serpents are there. Especially Sweets. I would hate for us to lose him.”
Jug sighed. “I’ll call him tomorrow.”
He untied his hands and his flannel from your waist and slid it on you. He took his time buttoning it for you as you ran your fingers through his dark hair. When he reached the last button, he gently pressed his soft lips on yours.
He shook his head. “Let’s just go home.”
He took your hand and led you toward his motorcycle.
“Wait. Do you hear that?” you asked.
He stopped and listened. “What?”
You tilted your head and turned away from the bike. “It sounds like… there’s a milkshake calling your name.”
A smile broke into his features and she shook his head at you.
“Now he have to go,” you said.
His large hands framed your jaw as he grinned brightly at you. “I love you,” he said.
“I love you too, Jug.”
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch17 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
Hakyeon peered inside the training room. “Hey kids--I see you’re all still working hard?”
There were scattered hellos and acknowledgments; Hana only raising a hand as she continued her dungeon run with Hongbin and the three youngest members. Sooyeon sat up straight and said: “Hi! It’s going really well.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” He smiled at her and approached. In anticipation, Sooyeon inched her chair sideways to make room for him, but he walked right past her desk and pulled a chair beside Hana. Sooyeon frowned, scooting backwards to peek past Hana’s monitor that blocked the view.
“Farming skill books?” he asked.
“Un,” Hana muttered. “The level cap has been raised for a while, but the kids’ characters still aren’t maxed...”
“That’s enough for you tonight,” Hongbin called. “Chansik will fill in for the next runs.”
Instead of complaining as she usually did when Hongbin would run a team without her, she only murmured: “Okay.”
From her screen of all the members’ monitors, Sooyeon could see Hana’s character wander around a field, idly gathering herbs. Despite Hongbin’s dismissal, she could see him peeking over his own monitor, in Hakyeon and Hana’s direction.
“Hongbin-hyung! That skeleton nearly stabbed Yugyeom!” Mingyu scolded.
“Sorry!” Hongbin frantically tapped on his keyboard.
“Hana...” Hakyeon’s tender tone made Sooyeon lean towards Hana’s desk. “You’re worried about Jung Taekwoon, aren’t you? Don’t be.”
Did he just move closer? With what kind of eyes is he looking at her? Sooyeon leaned backwards, trying to see.
“It bothers me... that he can push us around whether in Glory or in the real world because he has money.”
She heard Hakyeon sigh. “I promise you, he’s never going to take another precious person away from Hundred Blossoms, ever again.”
His arm stretched on top of Hana’s monitor and disappeared. Is he patting her head? Is he ruffling her hair? Leaning backwards some more, her chair suddenly tipped over and she screamed. “AHH!”
She landed on the carpeted floor, more shocked than hurt. As she laid with her back on the floor and her knees in the air, she could see everyone standing up and checking on her.
“What the heck?” Mingyu scoffed, shaking his head. “Hopeless, this noona is hopeless.”
“Sooyeonie, are you okay?” Jaehwan cried in a panic, but it was actually Wonshik who came over to help her up.
Hakyeon and Hana were also staring at her, puzzled, his hand still resting on top of Hana’s head.
“Ow,” Sooyeon whined.
“Does it hurt?” Wonshik hurriedly helped her up. “Oh no...”
“Yes! I mean, no...” She scrambled to her feet. “I’m okay!”
"Since we’re all standing up anyway... why don’t we go to the convenience store?” Hongbin asked out of nowhere.
“Convenience store run! Whoooooo!” The kids cheered; Mingyu raising both hands and repeatedly high-fiving both BamBam and Yugyeom. Chansik, Jaehwan, and Wonshik were already taking their coats. But it was only when Hana smiled and started tugging at Hakyeon’s sleeve that Hongbin grabbed his coat and herded everyone out the door.
Walking in the streets, Sooyeon trailed behind, still watching Hakyeon and Hana. He was offering the end of his long scarf for her hands, but she tucked them under the scarf wrapped around her neck instead.
“My hands are cold too.” Sooyeon pouted.
Beside her, Hongbin frowned. “What? I’m not giving you my gloves.”
“I didn’t ask.” she retorted. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a stranger surreptitiously turn his camera phone on the two of them. Hongbin didn’t seem to notice, nor care, but she saw Hakyeon look over his shoulder, slowing his steps, and falling in pace beside her.
“Hey!” He smiled at them. “Sooyeon, I hope you don’t mind that we’re going further. The store at the other street is bigger and has more food and more seats.”
“Hey!” She grinned up at him. “I don’t mind! It’s nice walking together like this.”
“It’s not that far anyway.” Hongbin shrugged. His round eyes sharpened when he suddenly frowned.
Up ahead, Chansik had taken the place beside Hana, offering his coat pocket. She slipped both hands in it. But what Hongbin was frowning at was another stranger with his phone pointed at his unsuspecting teammates.
Hongbin strode quickly to catch up with the pair, jostling the unknown man into dropping his phone in the process. A single glare from Hongbin silenced the man’s indignant ‘Hey!’
Chansik made a show of welcoming Hongbin: “My friend! I’m glad you’re here!” He proceeded to transfer Hana’s hands into Hongbin’s pocket, ignoring the captain’s protests. “I need to check on the kids.” He jogged ahead, catching up to Mingyu, BamBam, and Yugyeom who were already opening the door of the convenience store.
“What are you having, Sooyeon?” Hakyeon asked.
“Ramen!” she exclaimed. “With cheese! Some kimchi? And a hot bar. Oh, but I want some dumplings too... But I kind of want some kimbap... I want to taste them all, but I can’t finish them all!” She pouted at him.
Hakyeon laughed. “You want to split food, don’t you? I’ll do it, even without you being cute like that.”
She blinked, pressing her fists against her hot cheeks. “You think I’m... what...?” But Hakyeon was already putting ramen and other food items on a tray.
As she followed him, she peeked at the other members of the team. Jaehwan and Wonshik had taken full lunchboxes, while Chansik took pizza and chicken. The kids each had trays with a pile of food, while Hana clutched at a triangle sandwich.
“Noona, is that all you’re having?” BamBam asked.
“I’m not really hungry,” she said.
“When have I ever heard that before?” Mingyu teased.
“I mean it!” she cried.
Hongbin glanced at her and put two skewers of fishcake on his tray. “Should I have them plain tonight?”
She wrinkled her nose. “Plain broth isn’t that good.”
“Tteokbokki sauce is the best, isn’t it?” He took a bowl of instant tteokbokki and popped it in the microwave. “Dumplings in the ramen?”
She shook her head. “Cheese?” he prompted. She nodded.
Yugyeom motioned at Hongbin, and pointed at the assortment of triangle kimbap.
Hongbin’s hands hovered over the rack. “Tuna mayo?” He passed it over when Hana wrinkled her nose. “Not stir-fried chicken... Bulgogi and spam of course.” He took two of each.
Mingyu grinned, putting a box of brownies on Hongbin’s tray. “Dessert is necessary too. We should microwave them later, and put ice cream on top.” Hana’s eyes lit up.
“Sometimes, you’re pretty useful,” Hongbin muttered.
“That means a lot to me, hyung!” Mingyu exaggeratedly clutched at his heart, gasping.
When they all sat down at the tables outside the store, Sooyeon was completely content despite the cold, gawking at Hakyeon as he sat close to her and set up their shared food.
At the other table, Hana had ended up with both Hongbin’s gloves and ramen, after he had offered her one chopstick-full of noodles. A corner of his mouth quirked up as he chewed on her ignored triangle sandwich, watching her eat tteokbokki and fishcake in between mouthfuls of ramen.
Mingyu returned from the store with a fresh bowl of ramen and placed it in front of Hongbin. “I knew this would happen.”
“I was mistaken. You’re one hundred percent useful.” Hongbin said.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Mingyu snorted. “Was it delicious, Hana-noona?”
She looked at the empty bowl and then at Hongbin and gasped. The kids laughed as Hongbin smirked, wiping his thumb upon a drop of soup from the corner of her lips. “It’s fine.”
“I meant it, I wasn’t that hungry!” Hana denied. "It just smelled really good so...”
“I also got extra triangle kimbap.” He placed a bulgogi-flavored piece in front of her.
“I’m telling you, I’m not that hungry!” she insisted.
“Okay, okay,” Hongbin sing-songed, handing her a bottle of strawberry soda.
Chansik grinned at Hakyeon. “Remember how Hyogi would always take her word for it, but she’d stare at his food, and he’d end up giving her half of it?”
Hakyeon chuckled. “Good thing Hongbin always knew to take extra food or poor Hyogi would’ve starved.” He offered Sooyeon a piece of kimbap and she took it, trying not to giggle. “If you want more food, we can get more. It’s not good to go hungry while working.”
“I know,” she cooed through a mouthful of kimbap. I’m relieved that Hakyeon can talk about Han Sanghyuk easily, despite everything...
But I guess the person that no one talks about is Sooji... I really wonder...
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