#fire in your mouth
hollow-lime-green · 1 month
gojo headcanons vs gege canon: a post mortem
honestly I was a little worried to read the 33 gojo questions thread! like, what if i totally misread him and it was going to retcon my fic or whatever. my fic is canon divergence and it's also, y'know, fanfiction, so technically the stakes are nothing. but still. that said, I feel so validated by a lot of the answers! i think i kinda nailed him tbh, especially his family dynamic.
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swallowing that-
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Greg. GREG. Be so fucking fr right now.
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Yesssssss. I link CT/CE output with all brain stuff in my HCs, so this tracks with where I was going with both the drinking scene and the concussion scene in domains.
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Boooooooooooooooooooooooo. I do think this tracks with canon, though. He doesn't need to cook. I take him a little more domestic because I think it's cute though.
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rolling on the floor laughing
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
I'm just so happy for Logan honestly he finally found a bitch insane enough to match his freak
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adriancatrin · 7 months
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soulmark au sketches. the idea of sokka in proven ‘soulmates are real’ universes consistently intrigues me—how would that impact his skepticism/interpretation of fate/destiny/free will? personally i think he’d be very angry for a very long time and probably not even understand why
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tongues--and--teeth · 6 months
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Guys I think his effigy is ready
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Let us all be in agreement that no one, not on Team Green nor Team Black, wanted any besmirchment on the names of Baelon or Alyssa.
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thedreadvampy · 28 days
my friend invited me to go with them to a show tonight
and the thing is it was not good. it was a cabaret with some amazing circus acts but each of them got like. 5-10 minute slots. and were interspersed with 20+ minutes EVERY TIME of some of the most tedious standup work I have ever seen from the MC and the same 5 physical comedy bits repeated ad nauseum. this guy literally did a Borat bit. in the year of our lord 2024. he sang 2 entire rounds of the Family Guy theme.
and it just KEPT GOING. it was meant to be a 90 minute show, which imo is already a slog for a show starting at 11:30PM but within the bounds of reasonable. it finished. at fucking 1:50 AM. ALMOST TWO AND A HALF HOURS OF THIS SHIT. and it did not help that the 5 bits were all of the 'OH NO SOMETHING HAS DISRUPTED THE SHOW' variety which is funny for a bit, less funny when you're literally 45 minutes past the end of your scheduled finish and still fucking going.
HOWEVER. what I did not realise was that this was in fact. my friend's favourite comedian. and if I had known this I might not have gathered up my stuff and walked out during the curtain call and probably would not have announced on the way out, 'that was the most tedious fucking thing I have ever endured.' and I almost certainly, when someone overheard me complaining about the length and tedium and said 'yeah it ran a bit long huh,' have replied, at the actual near-shouting top of my voice, "I AM GOING TO KILL MYSELF."
I feel. bad for spoiling the show for them.
in my defence I have been very tired this week, I got home at 2:30 AM, and raked seating really hurts my hips so I was in agony by the end of the first hour. but mostly I'm just a bitch who loves to hate tbh.
#red said#it was so fucking MINDNUMBING though.#he kept doing the ohhh noooo I'm bombing kind of bit. which is tedious at the best of times but when you're playing to a sold out audience#of like. 750 people. who are inexplicably loudly delighted by every attempt at a joke. it moves past cringe and into wank#like fuck offfffff#he also kept drawing attention to people leaving and it's like first off if you don't want people to leave tell better jokes but also#MATE. if you were scheduled to finish at 1 and by 1:30 you're only 2/3 of the way through your setlist#you have WAIVED THE RIGHT TO EXPECT PEOPLE TO STAY#we agreed to stay for 90 minutes. not 2 hours.#what sucks is that the acts were REALLY good. mostly.#but even there they kind of fucked up bc their FIRST act whipped a rose out of Neil Patrick Harris' mouth with a bullwhip#ate fire. stripped fully naked. then set his erect cock on fire.#and it was fantastic but even aside from them then stopping the show DEAD for 30 more minutes of crap standup#how the FUCK is that the opening act? because the ONLY reason you should open with that is to set a tone of 'this will be wild'#but although the other acts were GOOD they were all. fully clothed trapeze and burlesque?#don't get me wrong. extremely high quality work. but if your opening act is a naked man setting his cock on fire and jacking off#your closing acts CANNOT be 'a man in a suit being very good at diabolo' and 'someone who has played the trumpet throughout the show#plays a trumpet solo'#like what is the ARC where is the MOMENTUM how is this fair on the other performers?#oh well she's done an amazing arial contortion routine but she DIDN'T. strip fully naked and set her genitals on fire.#PACING#GOD
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phoenixcatch7 · 10 months
Been reading some ff7 stuff and it's mostly sephiroth based and like... It's so funny seeing people write his thigh length hair, they never get it right.
'he wrapped his hair in a towel on his head-' I appreciate the thought but I can promise you that that hair is coming out the end of the towel and still dripping cold water down his spine despite having been wrung out five times.
'leaving it to dry -' babe it'll be still sopping in six hours and it's incredibly heavy when wet. I don't care how sleek his hair is it's going to frizz if he steps one foot outside in that condition.
'Haha the bottle of shampoo and conditioner every time rumour isn't true-' the shampoo, no, but the conditioner? You'd be surprised!! Not to mention whatever hair oils he uses to prevent all that loose hair matting in seconds!
'he quickly dried his hair-' no.
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s0fter-sin · 11 months
i need a fic of soap bringing ghost home to his family for the holidays. his family’s always disapproved of everything; being queer, being in the military, being with ghost and it’s all over not a great time but they’re trying to pretend for the sake of the holiday. they get into it after dinner one night though and for once soap isn’t backing down, not when it’s ghost they’re attacking, when the power suddenly goes out. soap moves just in time for a shot to come through the window and he orders his family to get down
graves and what’s left of shadow company followed them to glasgow; it’s the first time they’ve been away from the 141 and they think it’ll be their best chance to take them out. johnny and simon are left behind as they become soap and ghost and soap’s childhood home becomes a battleground, his hysterical family who still think he can’t be that good of a soldier now civilians that he has to protect and get out in one piece
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hollow-lime-green · 1 month
two sorcerers chillin' in a hot tub (five feet apart cause they’re not gay)
[[JJK Fanfic]] Part 2 of fire in your mouth
chapter 11: never waste your diamonds on a hoe
Suguru finds a home, or he did three years ago, somewhere in a world he never knew existed. Satoru and Yuki find something in Kyoto, something Yuki's got a lot of questions about. Nanami finds something within himself - and no, he still doesn't think it's homophobia, but by god it's getting close.
Gojo Satoru/Geto Suguru
Chapter Rated T+ (Fic Rated E)
Hurt/Comfort, Romantic Comedy, Miscommunication
Mission fic! We do missions!
Mystery character introduced 👀👀👀
Can you smell what the Rock is cooking (more jujutsu theorycrafting than anyone wants)
11.4k words, Chapter 11/14 (85k total)
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muffinlance · 2 years
Would you be willing to do one where the g'aang meets zuko with his dragons and is like? Wtf? Because I would appreciate the image of aang seeing thw dragons and going, can I pet em, while sokka or katara is like, can I fight dragons? No, no I cannot, and the other is going, not evil fire lord, bet. Please?
(Continued from parts one, two, and three.)
“My older brother should have had the throne, of course,” said the man Aang had come to meet. “But he was still mourning for his son, when… Well, when I think of it now, it was the beginning. My father, poisoned in his bedchambers. My wife, missing in the night. It took me years to piece together what must have happened. It was unthinkable, for a child so young to…”
Aang swallowed thickly, his hands balls on his legs. “Zuko… did all that?”
“When he was younger than you are now. There was always something wrong with that child,” former Fire Lord Ozai said, from between the ruin of his twisted lips in his scared face. Aang wasn’t sure how much farther the scaring extended, but… but he could see it creeping down under the man’s collar, emerging again on his hands. “I was not—I am not—a good man, Avatar Aang. I know that. I was like King Kuei, sheltered in my palace, unaware of the true extent of this war. A spare prince; I was never meant to rule. Neither was he. But obstacles were removed from his path, one by one, until I was the only one who stood in his way. I was not a good man, Avatar. But I would never try to kill my own father.”
“Thank you for speaking with me,” Aang said. “And… I accept your offer, Sifu Ozai.”
Sokka and Katara shifted behind him, uneasily. Long Feng gave no sign as to his opinion, beyond being the one to make this meeting with the Fire Nation’s rebel leader possible. But there were very few firebenders not under Fire Lord Zuko’s control. Aang had to learn from someone. And… at least Ozai understood, how dangerous fire could be.
* * *
Earth King Kuei had thrown out the treaty his advisors had spent so long negotiating, and slapped together his own private agreement with Fire Lord Zuko after only a few days; Ba Sing Se and the eastern part of the continent were left intact and under Kuei’s reign, while the western coast was handed off to the Fire Nation as tribute. 
The North Pole’s borders remained closed.
The South had been the first nation pressed into an end-of-war treaty, while the Fire Lord’s dragons watched on.
The Air Nomads… if there were any left, still hiding somewhere, they hadn’t come out for Aang.
* * *
Master Yagoda wasn’t a fighter, and claimed that one world journey was quite enough for her lifetime. She’d remained in the South Pole after Aang’s training there was complete, to help her new tribe.
Long Feng’s responsibilities as the Earth Kingdom’s own rebel leader made it inadvisable for him to place himself in enemy hands. The Fire Lord and King Kuei were close; if Long Feng were taken prisoner, he would be handed off to Ba Sing Se for a quick trial, and likely a quicker execution. 
Sifu Ozai’s injuries made it impossible for him to truly fight by Aang’s side, of course, even if he didn’t face an even swifter death than Long Feng should they be captured on Fire Nation soil.
But this was Aang’s job. He was the Avatar, so he had to do this. He had to give all the nations of the world a chance to grow, free from the Fire Lord’s enforced peace. 
“We’re not leaving you now,” Katara said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Her brother mirrored her, a moment later.
They’d started as his escorts, in this terrifying new world. He’d trained under the same master Katara had; learned everything there was to know about healing, from Master Yagoda, who’d used the false peace to travel south. Healing was… it was so much better, than the training Sifu Long Feng had put him through, the precise way earthbending could be used to contain or kill. Or Sifu Ozai’s lessons, hard learned, about just how much fire it took to truly stop a fellow bender. At least Ozai had been sympathetic to Aang’s concerns, to the culture only he seemed to remember. Ozai didn’t want his son dead, either. He still loved him, even after what he’d done. He just… wanted him stopped. 
Fire didn’t kill easily. But it could definitely stop someone. And then Aang could heal him, and just… keep him in jail. The Fire Lord had a little sister, kept hostage all these years, who Ozai thought might still be convinced to join them. She could be the new Fire Lord, with Ozai as her regent. And then the Earth King’s main ally would be gone, and Long Feng could go back to reclaim his home for the people, instead of the nobility who’d grown rich on war without ever stepping foot outside of their walled inner city. 
And. And Aang could travel, and relearn this world, and practice his healing more. That was what the world really needed: healing. 
But it was like Yagoda had taught him. Sometimes a break had to be reset, before it could really heal.
* * *
It was… really easy, getting into the Fire Nation palace. They rolled Appa in soot, and came in the night. Landed on a roof. Entered through an upper window on an inner courtyard, where guards wouldn’t think to stand watch. The Fire Nation had uncontested aerial supremacy, after all.
They knew where the Fire Lord’s rooms were; they were Ozai’s old ones. They were also very empty. Which they’d been warned about, because apparently the Fire Lord did his best evil planning at night when his advisors couldn’t reign him in. 
There was the flicker of candlelight under the sliding doors to his office. And… no guards. Which led to a round of is-this-the-right-place looks shared between them, but. This was where the map Ozai had given them said to go. So they had another round of looks, with resolute nods this time, and then Katara was sliding open the door as he and Sokka ran in and…
…And a very tired looking servant was standing in front of a desk, shuffling papers around like there was something he’d missed in them. His long hair was partially tied up in a frazzled bun, but mostly down his back. He blinked at them through a pair of glasses that were almost an exact match for the ones in fashion at King Kuei’s court, like he’d gotten them from the same artisan. And also there were some ink stains on his face, like maybe he’d fallen asleep on some still-drying documents. So… maybe a scribe? 
“Where’s the Fire Lord?” Sokka demanded, club raised.
“...I can see the family resemblance,” said the servant, who had turned fully to face them, and oh. He… had the Fire Lord’s scar. And there was the Fire Lord’s crown, being used as a paperweight at the edge of the desk. 
“Does Chief Hakoda know his children are here to assassinate his ally—” Fire Lord Zuko said.
“ ‘Ally’ is a little strong,” interrupted Sokka.
“—Or do the Water Tribes have their own ‘rebel leader’ now?”
“ ‘Assassinate’ is a little strong, too,” Aang said softly, shuffling his feet, his hands tight around his staff.
The Fire Lord stared at him a moment. “...Ah. So my father would prefer that you maim me, and drop me in a dark cell for the rest of my life?” 
Zuko stared, and stared, and then pushed up his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. “Listen. Can we just… reschedule this?” 
“Reschedule,” Katara repeated. “This.”
“You haven’t attacked me yet, so this isn’t technically a diplomatic incident. It’s just… a scheduling conflict?”
Sokka snorted, and then looked vaguely angry at himself. Katara elbowed him. Aang kept gripping his glider, but maybe a little less tightly.
“We got news of an earthquake on Shojima not even two candlemarks ago,” the Fire Lord said, sliding his glasses back down. “Which means the tsunami is on its way to the main coast by now, if it hasn’t hit already, and I need to get these out if the relief supplies are going to be on their way by morning. So we can either have a really fast assassination attempt and then I have to add ‘explain to the world why the Fire Lord killed the Avatar and a nation’s heirs’ to my schedule sometime this week. Or we can talk first, but I don’t have time for that, so can we reschedule this to…”
And the very evil Fire Lord turned away from them to begin shuffling through his papers.
“First,” Sokka said, pointing a finger at the teenager, “Aang would be more than a quick fight, rude. Second: I’m still working on the second, but seriously, rude. And third, what do you mean you’d put our fiery-death-explanations into your schedule sometime this week?”
The Fire Lord didn’t seem to be listening. But he’d apparently found his appointment book, so that was good? Except for all the flipping.
“I can do… lunch tomorrow? If you’re okay with actually eating while we talk. I’m not allowed to skip meals, or Captain Izumi cancels my appointments ‘for national security’.”
Sokka slowly lowered down his pointing finger. 
“Talking would be good,” Aang said. “I like talking.”
And then they got to meet Captain Izumi, which was a lot scarier than meeting the Fire Lord.
And then they realized that what they’d thought was vaguely tacky dragon-print paneling along two walls was actual dragon skin and this wasn’t an office it was an open-air veranda and—
“Quick fight” might have been an accurate prediction, yes. 
More accurate than Sifu Ozai’s map.
(Read more prompts || Longer ATLA fics || Original works)
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greenticklerdreams · 9 months
...I'm not good at imagining the tickling sensations themselves but a pretty girl or two or three tying me up and touching me all over and (gently) bullying me and making me squirm and laugh and beg sounds kinda
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Tomura: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Toga: I sleep with a knife.
Dabi: Both of you are pathetic.
Tomura: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Dabi: Hawks.
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autosadist · 7 months
this post might land in a complicated way but did you know a trans woman can handle consent poorly and still not deserve a callout, or to be repurposed into a weapon that furthers the abuse of other trans women? i had an experience semi-recently where i felt my boundaries weren't being respected and my solution to that was NOT to write an internet callout post, that would have done nothing but attract a ton of harassment for the person in question and not fixed the situation at all. i would not have been comforted by that or received closure from it. she would not have actually been held accountable in any way. she would have been punished for everything but crossing my boundaries
i wasn't raped, and the person was not acting maliciously, and we spent a long time talking it out, and she is more at ease because of it, and i don't feel slighted. if you have a choice to resolve an issue without anyone feeling awful in the end, why not take it?
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tiodolma · 17 days
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marlynnofmany · 4 months
Story notes: "Secretly dragons are full-on firebenders; they just like being underestimated."
Me: "I've got to write more about this world."
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hella1975 · 7 months
wait zuko tries to actually kill someone?? zuko??? the guy who tried to save ZHAO after everything?? that zuko???
the very same!!!
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