Praying for rest and peace for our transgender brothers and sisters that have passed this Transgender Day of Remembrance.
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Soo im extending the giveaway
Because I’m horrible at posting during normal hours, and I forgot to post the stickers!
oops !😬
Don’t be afraid to send things in!
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Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
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Sticker giveaway!
Greeting everyone!
I have been wanting to do some type of giveaway dealy for a while now and I figured why not do something in celebration of National Coming Out Day! I personally love stickers and I thought it might be a cool idea to share some of what I’ve got with anyone who might be interest. I have a couple of options for people to pick from (which I will post pictures of a little later), and hopefully this will be more than a one time thing so I can have an excuse to make new sticker for the future.
SO here’s whatcha gotta do:
- Send in something that you think would benefit or lift up our LGBT Catholic siblings (especially in this time that can equally be celebratory and/or stressful depending on where people are at in their lives) for example:
a prayer
a poem
a video of you break dancing (im kidding…mostly)
whatever you may be called to
The deadline for submissions will be Sunday October 13.
Entries will be reviewed to make sure they are cool for sharing, and we will pick out some people to send some love to in the form of stickers!
Don’t worry if you don’t get picked this time around there will be other chances. PLUS it’s LGBT history month so what better time to share your time and talents??
Peace be with you!
Keep reading
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Sticker giveaway!
Greeting everyone!
I have been wanting to do some type of giveaway dealy for a while now and I figured why not do something in celebration of National Coming Out Day! I personally love stickers and I thought it might be a cool idea to share some of what I’ve got with anyone who might be interest. I have a couple of options for people to pick from (which I will post pictures of a little later), and hopefully this will be more than a one time thing so I can have an excuse to make new sticker for the future.
SO here’s whatcha gotta do:
- Send in something that you think would benefit or lift up our LGBT Catholic siblings (especially in this time that can equally be celebratory and/or stressful depending on where people are at in their lives) for example:
a prayer
a poem
a video of you break dancing (im kidding...mostly)
whatever you may be called to
The deadline for submissions will be Sunday October 13.
Entries will be reviewed to make sure they are cool for sharing, and we will pick out some people to send some love to in the form of stickers!
Don’t worry if you don’t get picked this time around there will be other chances. PLUS it’s LGBT history month so what better time to share your time and talents??
Peace be with you!
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dear God take care of her when i can’t
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God loves me and he didn’t stop when I figured out I was queer.
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“I explained that when our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender friends aren’t welcome at the table, then we don’t feel welcome either, and that not every young adult gets married or has children, so we need to stop building our churches around categories and start building them around people.”
— Rachel Held Evans, Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church
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your sexuality, transgender identity, and very being are all a gift from the Lord. He loves you and made you this way for a reason.
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Shared from the Equity Australia Facebook Page 🌈❤
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hey, it's okay if the only thing you did for pride was exist. i'm glad & grateful you are in the world. your survival is a celebration.
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I hope all queer religious people have a nice day.
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Happy Passover to my Jewish followers.
Happy Easter to my Christian followers.
A lovely Laylat al-Bara’at to any of my Muslim followers who celebrate it.
To any followers of any faith or no faith at all, I hope something brings you peace and makes you smile today and tomorrow.
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Reflections on LGBT Reading
~ Setting the Table~ James A. Schexnayder
Ch. 1 Who is my Neighbor?
“Gay people will not live a lie, the will not fear the truth, they will not pretend to be someone that they’re not. Gay people are gifts from G-d and deserve to fully participate in the Church’s mission and its sacraments.”
Church provides community
We are meant to be connected in this community through baptism and the Holy Spirit regardless of any differences.
The Catholic Church has struggled to accept those seen as different or other.
Welcoming LGBTQ people provides the Church an opportunity to show grace and compassion to those living on the margins
LGBT individuals come with to the Church with their own personal gifts
Hearing them and their stories gives a fuller understanding of the gospel of Christ
They are active contributing members of the Church.
Those in the LGBT community have been abused by the Church
All must be treated with dignity as G-d’s children.
LGBTQ people are also the Church
Difficulties for LGBT persons can come from both the LGBT and church communities
A goal of providing LGBTQ ministries should be to make people feel safe and accepted within their church community
“Who we are and how we relate in the world are informed by our sexuality”
In regards to biological sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
The Catechism states, “Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul…Everyone should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity”
The pastoral message Always Our Children asserts: “It seems appropriate to understand sexual orientation as a deep-seated dimension of one’s personality and to recognize its relative stability in a person.”
Attraction is emotional as well as physical
Being gay should not allow for assumptions about sexual behavior
Catholic Bishops “Focus on the person, not the orientation”
There is no concrete theory for what leads to a homosexual orientation
genetic/hormonal and psychological factors are assumed to contribute to being gay
Dr. Gianfrancesco Zuanazzi “There is a continuum between exclusive homosexuality and absolute heterosexuality, with a whole series of intermediate degrees.”
Bisexuals are often stereotyped and misunderstood
Their orientation is emotional and physical just like other orientations
Sexuality is more subtle and complex than many think
Sex is determined based of biology and physical attributes
Gender is based on:
Societal expectations
Cultural roles
Transgender is a “broad” term which includes all those whose sense of self or choice of dress, behavior, or identification does not coincide with usual cultural gender expectation for their sex.
Must treat all with dignity and respect regardless of personal feelings in regards to trans people
Coming out is and ongoing process
Awareness typically begins with around 8-11
Average coming out ages are 15-17
Understanding and support are needed in this time
Initial realization of orientation can be delayed because of pressure from culture or religion
This can cause serious identity questioning or marrying out of a sense of obligation which can eventually lead to divorce.
Don’t put labels on others, allow them to come forward with their identity
Be aware in providing counsel/ministry of potential risks or difficulties the person may face in their personal life (especially with youth)
“Trust and confidentiality are essential”
Listen carefully - Especially in determining home safety for coming out
1 in 4 teens that come out face rejection
42% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ
Schools are not always safe spaces for LGBT youth
Homophobic speech is used
As of 2004 73% of students felt unsafe at school because of sexual orientation
86% reported being verbally harassed
Catholic schools are not exempt from this type of behavior
This behavior can lead to drop outs, isolation, substance abuse, suicide attempts, and suicide
Churches have a great opportunity to help make the coming out process a spiritually integrated journey and help LGBT people in their understanding of G-d’s love of their entire self. Helping them in a time of great vulnerability
“By the grace of G-d I am what I am and His grace has not been ineffective”
LGBT people are part of G-d’s design
He knew who we were before we did
Damage can come when one must hide who they are
Can lead to living in fear
Hiding takes up energy and can grow shame within one’s self
“The guiding principles are the individuals psychological and emotional integrity, safety, and the capacity of others to hear and integrate awareness”
Goal: Give hope and healing
Contribute to integration of sexuality and spirituality
Help break silence
Ministers should:
Respect dignity and consciences
Avoid stereotypes and judgements
Learn more about homosexuality and teachings
Be welcoming and inclusive
Parishes should:
Assume presence of LGBTQ members in parish
Include mention of LGBT persons in intercessions, homilies, adult education, and family ministry
Reflection on this chapter
Overall this is a pretty dense in information and perspectives. This is a lot of preliminary work done as far as defining and exploring identities and their legitimacy. I definitely appreciate the framework for helping people to live a fully integrated life and encouraging a better understanding of self. The emphasis on creating a safe environment for self discovery and disclosure to people of influence. Some of the language in this chapter may be outdated but the messages and supporting positive input for authority figures and trusted persons make it relevant and beneficial in growing a ministry of love and a nurturing community within the church
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shoutout to God for pulling me through day after day, night after night.
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