m00ngbin · 8 months
I spent FOUR HOURS today baking and writing friend Valentines for people and they are going to like them or so help me god I will break down sobbing
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gunkbaby · 5 months
Waiting for the day when i see an anti-vegan claim that some animals actually want to be farmed and eaten you guys!!!!
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s2 episode 10 thoughts
woohoo! this episode has "museum" in the title and i love museums! but it also talks about cults in the description and i'm less keen on those
update: there were no real museums :( i feel lied to and cheated
we open on some cows. i was admiring their cuteness and their wonderful sounds by writing "moo" in my notes before we get a JUMPSCARE to a beef processing plant which. augh. unpleasant. i do not care for meat related story lines.
we see this woman working at the processing facility and she comes home to her kids and no husband in sight (a single mom who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops, iktr)
and she's getting in the shower but we see some fellow with glasses is WATCHING her. the question is from where and how?!? oh very creepy!!!
then the older brother leaves and we find him in the morning stripped to his underwear in the woods and whimpering. and his back is covered in writing.
so naturally my first thought was "what does this have to do with the meat? or did they just jumpscare me with unrelated meat imagery?"
(we later learn that it is, in fact, related. but this all happened before the title sequence even aired, so i was a little suspicious!)
cut to our beloved duo. mulder says this waking up in the woods with writing on the back and no memory thing has happened to a bunch of other kids. and scully's like "but why does this interest you?" and he says the sheriff claims they're being possessed which does seem up his alley
they're in the car with the sheriff and mulder was a gentleman and let scully sit in the front <3 he said my queen, you have endured so much, and motion sickness shall not be one of your troubles
at this point i realized the earlier meat scenes WERE related because the sheriff is introducing this new religious cult, who are vegetarians and bought a ton of cows to keep as pets. cows are cute but a bit large for pets in my opinion.
next they SHARE AN UMBRELLA on the way to the church's sermon thingy
okay so the leader is typing while someone reads his words which is certainly a presentation style. they all wear red turbans. and scully says she doesn't think they seem like the type to get involved in all this. she wanted them to be innocent so she could pet their cows. i'm onto you.
mulder hears a few lines of their chanting and says that these are "walk-ins'', which means the people think enlightened beings are controlling their bodies. okay theological king!
they go to talk to the boy who was in the woods in his underwear and man. we get this shot of mulder in the back. and his coat. is so comically large. i had to pause. take a deep breath. and remember the origins of my url.
the teenager says he thinks he was maybe possessed by an animal spirit or something, he doesn't know, and scully's sleuthing around the house when she discovers a child (the teenager's brother) and they are having a chat (again how much of this work involves talking to children) but SOMEONE is WATCHING THEM and it is CREEPY!!
cutscene to the pair eating ribs together and scully has sauce on her face and mulder wipes it off for her. and i squeaked. a squeak emerged from my body. look what they've driven me to. i am a woman with dignity squeaking over a rib date.
and why did they both look so good? but i was especially admiring mulder, in his silly little rib eating fit, explain the cult's reasoning behind a new spirit taking over the bodies of those who lost hope. i was embarrassed at myself for how attractive i found him. but then i remembered there are a lot of people who have probably been in a similar situation. so thank u for following this blog so i feel less alone in that manner.
oh nooo a bunch of kids are being mean to one of the church members on the side of the road... mulder gets up to intervene and tells them to gtfo (we love a man that stands for morals and justice)
the lead bully is ANGRY and sees scully come out and says "why don't you run along with the little wife" in her direction which is exactly what i have been saying but no one listens to me.
(neither of them seem to care that this happened which makes me think it's not the first time such words have been tossed in their direction)
and he's all "my father will hear about this" because the girl notices scully has a gun and gasp. he's the sheriff's son! so mulder's like "yeah i think he WOULD like to know about this" and they beat it
there's a moment where scully says it's hard to know who is in the wrong without having a scorecard, implying that keeping up with small town drama is impossible, and mulder is gazing at her. like GAZING at her. i think he heard the wife suggestion and was seriously mulling it over.
then the sheriff's son is making out with this girl for a time i considered far too long. but she goes back to where she lives and she sees a dog! a very cute dog! she appears to know this dog and goes to visit when BAM! dog-related kidnapping occurs :(
she ends up down to her underwear in the woods and she's hallucinating a giant crow eating her and also being swarmed with bugs which seems deeply unpleasant
scully does a check up on her because she is a DOCTOR and you had best not forget it! she seems fine... except... weird chemical in blood... a chemical you'd need to be some sort of doctor to know about... and we see the cult leader used to be a doctor before getting kicked out of the doctor world... it's not looking great for him
they pay him a visit but he won't let them enter his place because they will defile the sacredness of the space with their meat-eating aura. and then all of the members of the church swarm our duo's car and OHH it was creepy. but they manage to bring him into the station for questioning.
they're trying to ask him about the weird chemicals and he's going on about the injustice of eating cows and at this point the sheriff starts screaming at the guy. and mulder has to escort the sheriff out and tell him to be normal.
he says something about the guy starting a lot of trouble for being a holy man and i was thinking to myself. famously holy men DO cause a lot of trouble. this is perfectly on brand.
so then the rest of the church members were protesting outside of the bbq restaurant where our besties recently ate. and the sheriff's son comes out and throws COW BLOOD on them. he took his notes from carrie i see. the sheriff is PISSED and wrangles him up.
while all of this is going down, a strange man is beckoning to scully. and i am of the opinion that strange men beckoning to women should be avoided, but this is what separates me from the fbi agents of the world, because she goes over and he says he wants to show them something
at this point, the score to the show was going hard. i was jamming out. it was really getting dramatic as they rode over to some place and then got out of the car.
this strange man is talking about how he used to own this land, but he sold it and got rich, and he's saying that the new people inject the cows with stuff. i felt as if this episode was trying to make me a lil vegan.
scully's talking about how growth hormone is safe but the guy is not buying whatever the government has to say on the subject. and yeah like scully the government did just take you for a while so maybe they're actually lying? who knows. she went to med school and i didn't. frankly i don't want anything extra in my cow
we see the glasses of the man who was watching them earlier doing some cow injections! the amount of red flags here is staggering...
at this point, our regularly scheduled plot is interrupted by an excellent (and by that, of course, i mean entirely unrealistic) CGI helicopter crash that had be yelling at the screen. i LOVE 90's CGI it always fills me with whimsy. like sorry i know this was a serious scene but it looked funny and i laughed!!!
the two people on the helicopter are dead, and one of them was a doctor, who was found with a briefcase full of cash and a mysterious liquid... hmm..
mulder enters the room. "scully? you're not gonna believe this"
YESSSS! he said the LINE! i had seen it meme'd into my vocabulary far before i had ever decided to watch this show, or even had any idea what it was referring to. i would just mumble "scully, you're never gonna believe this" to myself whenever i learned any surprising information. for at least the last 5 years or so. so this felt very full circle to me. he did it.
he also proceeds to say something that scully can, in fact believe, because she already figured it out herself
so here's the situation: the doctor was treating a bunch of kids, including all of those who had gone into a frenzy in the woods. but what is the through-line here...?
we see glasses man again and then a RANDOM FARMER IS SHOT DEAD!
they go back to the house of the mom and the kids, and she's like yeah my son was getting vitamin shots from that guy. man i hate to tell you but i think there was more than vitamins in those shots. but mulder is... distracted by something.
there's a light coming from the bathroom mirror and he realizes there's something behind it. so he wraps his hand up and PUNCHES IT (bad luck be upon him for 7 years)
he finds what he refers to as a "private little movie studio" with a running camera and a TON of vhs tapes... nasty!!! not good!!!
cutscene to the sheriff's son, who has undergone a kidnapping and has not woken up! sheriff is naturally in deep distress. it turns out that he was actually murdered.
the car of our duo passes that of the gunman who shot that random farmer and scully realizes she knows that face... and i'm thinking that it did not look familiar at all. maybe it's someone she went to school with?
mulder is interrogating the video man, and he's getting real rough with him. he smacks him on the head, which is justified considering he was filming people in their home, but i do worry that mulder's interrogation violence will someday get him fired. the dude swears up and down that he did NOT kill them, but he did do the kidnapping and writing, because the doctor was experimenting on those kids and turning them into "monsters"
scully makes a connection... the gunman she saw before... was the FELLOW THAT KILLED DEEP THROAT???!!!! she has to excuse herself from the room at this revelation
mulder is deep in interrogation mode and the glasses slash video guy is saying that the doctor paid people- himself included- to inject the cows with a mystery substance, and that he must have been doing it to the kids he was treating as well
scully's back in the room and her and mulder are so close. so close. there is no reason for them to be that close. but here they are.
she says the stuff in the bottle was unidentifiable. that's actually not what she says, she said something about the number of proteins it had, and that means nothing to me but mulder goes OFF. he takes her outside the room and starts yelling at her about this meaning something.
here, at this moment, is where i realize what was happening: deep throat had mentioned to scully how they were dealing with people so cruel that they injected alien dna into kids. and i was putting 2 and 2 together JUST AS our main characters were. which honestly i feel like i should have picked up on that earlier but i hone in on character details and not alien details so sue me.
anyway mulder is absolutely gagged. he's yelling about "deep throat dying for this", and scully looks super super scared. he tells her to head out and that he wants this gunman taken alive
next we see him knock on the door of the... cult leader?!?! yes, you heard me right! mulder explains that he KNOWS it might offend this dude's religion, but he needs help. and so all of the kids and the families involved with the secret alien injection are taken to the barn where these people worship. tensions are boiling.
scully asks the sheriff where mulder is and he says that he left because he thought he knew where the gunman was. and this was not part of the plan, the splitting up and going to an undisclosed location! but i can imagine that this was deeply personal for him on the levels of 1. having lost deep thoat 2. having lost his sister and requesting any information pertaining to aliens and 3. these were the folks that kidnapped him at the end of s1 so. he had some scores to settle.
he goes to the beef processing plant, where he finds a TON of gasoline poured all over the floor. now, if i were mulder, being both deathly afraid of fire and also generally concerned with my life, i would have gotten tf out of there. but i am not mulder, and he keeps going on his quest to find this man.
gunman launches a sneak attack from behind a cow. which is not a bad place for a dramatic stakeout/fight scene but boy i'd hate to be there irl. and things are looking tough for mulder, who gets off his feet, only to be locked inside the building while this dude gets his lighter. he's about to drop it when...
scully walks in! with backup! she's got her gun pointed at him and he's wavering but the sheriff shoots him like 800 times. because he was the one that must have killed his son, so it was deeply personal. he's crying while doing this.
mulder stands over his body so sadly, knowing that he will never get the information he wants
scully concludes the episode by writing her case report, talking about how the kids who were infected have started getting sick. none of the kids from the church were infected, so it seems they were a control group. so in that case, the cult leader would have to have been in on this whole thing! oh, it's dramatic
but wait! if our duo had so recently eaten the infected meat, does that mean they are susceptible to aliens in their blood? and who knows who else ate the meat that was shipped out all around the country! aliens could be running rampant!
(i don't think that is actually the case- i'd have to imagine eating alien protein once is a lot different than getting it injected in you regularly for your whole life. but still. could complicate an already complicated situation. i mean, they've already endured evil cocoon bugs, exposure to that fungal virus, scully's coma... their doctors must be baffled at their medical history)
anyway, pretty good episode! i wish i could explain the joy that crossed my face when he said the line. and when they had a little rib date. oh man i needed that. that was good for me. i'll pass on meat imagery, like always, but it was interesting how they built this episode out of that one line in the s1 finale- or that they had planned it that way from the start. i didn't think we'd ever see what that whole process looked like! and it's good to get more info on our late friend deep throat. i still don't fully believe he's dead. you have to keep some suspicions on these things in sci fi.
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girlvinland · 7 months
There is a donut situation going on at work rn and it’s making lose it a little.
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Had a stroll and little photoshoot down by the ship canal and a steak dinner. Tomorrow we’ll walk and get some bacon before we go to the vet. 😢
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trans-xianxian · 6 months
woag my blood tests are already back... idk what they mean but I can look at them
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newtness532 · 6 months
whats greater than knowing theres yummy pasta waiting for you at home
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me: oh yeah I've fell down some pretty horrible rabbit holes and basically had to deconstruct basically some weird fringe gore death cult shit I went through somehow as a 6 year old online <3
me: anyway, it was "cannibalism and death as a commodity" is bad and that "life is one of value" and all that <3
me: yeah. I also engaged in some pretty bad self destructive behaviours bc autocannibalism but yeah, no bad stuff. still have really bad thoughts and feelings and I am 2 seconds away from biting a chunk of my skin off when the urges get bad but nah I'm way better now.
you guys: 0_o
me: long story short I have gotten rid of the worst shit, but the whole drooling about eating people thing never went away ! I see bloody injuries and want to eat it ! like a freak!!!!!
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baccan0pe · 2 months
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mthevlamister · 11 months
yes I do
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DGB Philly delivers again
Would for sure absolutely. Second picture is waaaay more appealing (probably better lighting?? The cheese just looks better). DGB Philly is a nightmare and I strive to go there when I go home—wait what the fuck I’ve passed this place before wait. Wait how have I never
This was like… three blocks away from my old high school. I—
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watermelinoe · 1 year
and see how dialogue isn't possible when you block someone who doesn't even disagree with your movement, just with certain premises behind it? see how it doesn't allow for practicing harm reduction or nuance? when i'm struggling to get myself to eat anything at all, which can last for days or weeks at a time, what i do eat needs to count. sorry, i'm eating the cheese stick because it's the only thing that sounds palatable and it gives me seven grams of protein. sorry there's no room for women with eating disorders and deficiencies because "eat less animal products" isn't good enough when your ideology values non-human animals more than women's health. but of course the burden falls on women to make ourselves tired and weak while the male-led industry overproduces and overconsumes. at least you stayed true to your logically inconsistent, female-socialized emotion-based beliefs and allowed for zero compromise! there's no way your airtight ethical philosophy has blatant logical flaws at the slightest nudge of critical thought, the people who point out fallacies are just heartless!
#the fact that i considered breaking mutuals w this person so many times#but i'm the one who gets blocked in the end lmao#sorry you have no rebuttal to my argument lol#notice how nearly every woman who agreed with me also agreed that the current animal ag industry is the problem#and that we all would like to consume less animal products where we can#but when your ideology is so militant that that isn't good enough because ''meat is murder'' (but only when humans kill animals)#(but remember we've elevated non-human animals to human status. so every time a predator kills a prey animal: murder.)#(wait that's different. it's because ummm humans interfering with animals isn't natural. so are we on the same level as non-human animals?)#(yes but no! pre-industrialization agriculture wasn't part of nature because uh. humans did it.)#(and humans aren't part of nature because of animal agriculture. flawless non-circular logic.)#(so in conclusion all animals have equal personhood except when they obviously don't have the same morality because they're animals)#(this is why there can be no harm reduction because all animal products are human rights violations on par with rape and femicide)#(no this isn't degrading to women bc we told you chickens have the same personhood as women!! and don't question that either!!)#anyway i limit animal consumption to the best of my ability but meat is not murder. if that's not good enough then bite me#sorry to the normal vegans out there who don't treat it like a human rights movement. you get too much shit and i'm adding to it rip
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trying to organise bday shenanigans but it's just a mortal reminder I'm getting old and I want to not
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nope-secret · 1 year
I need people to understand that going into a café or restaurant and actually being able to eat something there is a privilege. I cannot count the amount of times I had to watch friends eat the most delicious looking stuff, while I had to go to mcdonalda afterwards to eat some fries.
Even at my favourite café I can only eat the macarons but not every kind.
Whenever I go on a trip half my luggage is food because I know I won't even get a snack at a bakery.
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writhe · 2 years
fucking DYING i have decided i’m committing to the bit of making a bunch of xmas cookies for a SMALL holiday party some friends having this week and i’ve picked three and collectively here are my restrictions: gluten-free, no pepper, no caffeine, no dairy, maybe no eggs, no alcohol, no chocolate, vegan 
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szczylpierdolony · 8 months
purchased a pair of shoes.
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bookishforce · 10 months
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