#We’re so close
sad-emo-dip-dye · 8 months
Again if we make it to 114 before dazai actually exits Meursault he will technically have been in prison for half the series
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hockeylovee12 · 10 months
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8 days!
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rosieofcorona · 7 months
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alexa play “the final countdown” (edit: finished piece here)
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someidiot-withadhd · 8 months
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i keep saying lesbianism would fix westeros and bOY WAS I RIGHT
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gunkbaby · 5 months
Waiting for the day when i see an anti-vegan claim that some animals actually want to be farmed and eaten you guys!!!!
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jeffskinnerswh0re · 1 year
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he just lives to slay.
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wikitpowers · 8 months
I'm happy but the next page button is looking pretty pale compared to the previous page one??????? Has she just NOW started writing twp???????????
maybe she did it on purpose so people don’t know how much she has written and that she doesn’t feel the pressure?🤷🏻‍♀️
personally i’m gonna stay in my little bubble of delulu and say she has like 3/4 written :’)
whatever her progress is, she is a pro writer and is currently writing like 2 books at the same time (that we know of) so time will tell but i say in the meantime we should 🕯️pray for an earlier release🕯️
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Just thinking about the universe and catalysts and paths diverging so you can learn and grow before merging again!
Eddie got buried under 40feet of mud and had to take a different route to get back to the surface (even ground)- he was buried under his trauma and couldn’t get out by going back the way he came so he had to forge a new path. Which we then saw him do through seasons 4 and 5.
Then there’s Buck climbing that crane after Eddie got shot but metaphorically speaking, he never came back down. The idea of detachment from the world - you can still see it and you’re still part of it, but you’re not actively participating in it (Which is also a metaphor for donor not dad!). It connects in really interestingly with touch points of Bucks storyline since the well - his searching for something (a way down) while we keep seeing scenes happening involving height/ high things - the train rescue, then he met Abby on a hill overlooking the city (the same metaphor)blimps, walkways collapsing, the fact we’ve been out on bucks balcony a few times even the fact we’ve seen the firefam up on the roof of the firehouse!
It’s so interesting how the two arcs are paralleling each other and counterbalancing each other at key points - starting from the well. It’s the same trigger points for them both and how Buck tried to dig to get to Eddie but couldn’t because Eddie needed to find his own way back to the ground, and how Eddie is going to try to get to Buck but won’t be able to, because Buck needs to find his own way down (by this I mean separate from Eddie as if he’s in a coma he won’t be getting down on his own in the literal sense!)
It also therefore stands to reason that the flashbacks (or coma dream for Buck) will counter balance each other as well. Eddie’s flashbacks showed him his family - the one he was building and made him realise that Buck is a central part of that and I would argue, allowed him to recognise and accept that Shannon, whilst an important relationship in his life and someone he loved, was also toxic for him and that he could put that part of his life to rest. Bucks coma dream will conversely (most likely as we don’t actually know at this point) show him what life would be like without Eddie and Chris in it (fully expecting 6x11 to be an Eddie free episode because his absence is more telling and important then his presence!) and how what he thinks he wants and what he actually wants (and is already on his way to getting) are two different things - that the fantasy childhood he’s been dreaming of wouldn’t necessarily lead him to a happy adult life - that what he has fought to build is far better.
The universe is taking matters into its own hands to get him down - it might have been happy to let Eddie take a longer route to get back to the ground, because Eddie was making progress but Buck has been stuck in the air ultimately in stasis so it’s going to be a quicker route to the ground as it just shocks (literally and metaphorically) him into action and to getting back to the ground.
We’re so close to them both being in the same place at the same time that I’m vibrating at the epic story unfolding
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kboo1999 · 5 days
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Countdown: 3 hours 40 minutes
officially in the home stretch . . .
seriously can't believe that it's been 497 days since we were given our last episode
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quackburtism · 1 year
bbh found out that forever isn’t looking for romance (lie btw), but BUT he also said that they should talk about it for him to reconsider about it 🤨🏳️‍🌈❓
now, who’s gonna tell him forever won’t be back for a week?
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hockeylovee12 · 10 months
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2 days!
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roy-kents · 1 year
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nicoappreciation · 1 year
okay we got a “crap”. now let percy say fuck
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berryberryrad · 1 year
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okay funko😀🤲 and so whenever you’re ready to drop a Shino Aburame you just go for it like don’t even hesitate, just go for it I puh-romise I will buy them all🪲
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treluna4 · 9 months
Guys. We are SO CLOSE. Just a few more weeks now. Until then, here’s yet another BONES AU snippet. These are emails, reformatted to fit better here.
Henry: Attached please find a copy of the report I have sent to Daisy Wick in HR, notifying her of our change in relationship. Please do not hesitate to inform me of any errors you might find.
Alex: A relationship? Is that what this is?
Henry: Well, I didn’t mean “relationship” as in a commitment to one another. This arrangement doesn’t have to be anything of the sort. You are certainly not obligated to me in any way. By which I mean, we are simply required to notify the office should anything romantic happen between colleagues. Not that anything romantic did happen, of course, if you’d rather not. Yes. No. You’re right. That’s not what this is. I apologize for making assumptions. I shouldn’t have filed that report without conferring with you first.
Alex: Whoa. Hey. It’s okay. I was just messing with you. It’s good you talked to HR.
Henry: It is?
Alex: Yeah. It is. Didn’t really expect to have this conversation over work email, but yeah. I want a relationship with you. If that’s something you want.
Henry: It is. That is what I want.
Alex: Good. Glad we got that settled.
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