#Video Game Adaptations
Theres talk of RDR 1 & 2 getting a movie adaptation but I have an even better idea.
Bring back 20 episode seasons, PLEASEEEE!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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omercifulheaves · 2 years
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The Last of Us  Art by Daniel Warren Johnson
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minervadashwood · 1 year
i just need to rant about video game adaptations--especially when an rpg is turned into a movie or show.
like an rpg is all about player choice, from what skills to improve, what gear to wear, gender and appearance (often, but not always), to who lives and dies, who rules the land, etc.
so i have never watched an adaptation of an rpg. the default protagonists in these stories are white dudes, which is already an entirely different experience from what i had playing the game.
i mean, one egregious example is KOTOR. Like amazing game. amazing story. Carth Onassi and his lustrous hair. Bastila and her grey morality. Main character? Truly awesome origin story crafted around them that all at once allows for player freedom yet makes the character fit nicely into a pre-determined narrative.
But outside the context of the game? None of that choice matters. Revan in "canon" is nothing like my Revan.
It's incredibly dismissive when an rpg that allows for this choice, not the least of which is playing a character who resembles me physically, emotionally, ethically, is turned into a cookie-cutter narrative. I've been erased; my experiences meaningless. The part of myself I put into that story? Rendered null and void because there is a "correct" way that the story should have been played. And I got it all wrong.
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So you're not worried about all of the changes they're making for the TLOU show? It sounds like they changed a lot. What happens if you don't like it?
Oh, I'm terrified that the show won't live up to the expectations I have - I have been since it was first announced. (Although I'm more than thankful the original movie that was planned and announced in 2014 never happened because that would have been a DISASTER)
I've loved this game and these characters for almost a decade, like I've said plenty of times before - but I trust that the man responsible for creating the games - along with the orifinal development team and people involved with every step of TLOU1 and 2 design and creation being so involved means that this show is and will be everything that we as fans have hoped for. (and so much more. Because it has the potential to be SO MUCH MORE.)
Is it going to be the exact same as the game? No. Is it going to be a 1:1 retelling of the first game's story? No. Is it going to be like watching the game play out on our TV screens every Sunday night for 9 weeks? No, not entirely.
And that's OK. The game and show aren't the same thing, and they were never meant to be. I've followed the production of this show like a damn HAWK ever since it was announced that Pedro and Bella were cast, and everything that I have seen - on Instagram and Twitter and Reddit - from people that were on set or directly involved with the production or that simply walked by their local coffee shop and saw the set sec - makes it CLEAR that in terms of the show's visuals, they know what they're doing. And a lot of the crew actually TOOK the job because they were such fans of the game and they wanted to work on it and make sure that it was everything THEY wanted it to be. That says a lot.
I don't want to judge anything until I see the show, because that's unfair to the thousands of people that worked so hard on this for two years. If I wanted to watch the exact same scenes from the game again, there are plenty of YouTube videos for that. The changes that they've made and that we know about seem to be in place to give more depth and humanity to the characters - and are going to help us as viewers connect with them while we watch.
Making Sam deaf and Joel have bad knees (this shouldn't be a surprise because what 50 year old man doesn't have bad knees?) and giving Frank and Bill more screentime together and giving us more Marlene and expanding on the prologue with Sarah .... how are those bad things?
It wouldn't have made sense to focus on these things so much in the game becase there was a limited time to expand and a predetermined storyline to follow - but with a TV show, there's more ways to add in these little bits and pieces of people's personalities without distracting from the overall story arcs. This is the kind of shit that as a writer, I LIVE for - and I can't wait to see what they do with them.
The sets we saw pictures of FELT like the game. The action sequences LOOKED like they came straight out of the game. The bits of dialogue in the trailers as well as the things that they've shown from final edits and with special and practical effects look amazing.
The cast and crew have been talking the show up a lot, yes. But they've also let the promotional materials do a lot of the work for them - and that's how it's supposed to work. The official trailer had 15 million views in like 8-10 days ... that's insane. ABSOLUTELY INSANE.
Is it throwing me off that they've made changes - like the year from 2013 to 2003, or skipping Pittsburgh in favor of Kansas City or changing the show's timeline so that they end up in Jackson in the winter instead of during fall? Is it an interesting change that they've made such edits to the University section and to Frank and Bill's storyline that they've come out and SAID that people will probably be upset because it deviates?
But at the same time, I do not write for or film television shows on a regular basis - and these are not my characters, so I, as a viewer and a fan do not know better than people that do this for a living.
This isn't a show made specifically for me - or JUST for other fans of the game. It is a show that's being made for a broader audience - one whose entire population won't care that it's a video game adaptation and just wants a story to follow and characters to fall in love with for the first time.
I'm going into it with an open mind. I'm going into it with the hope that they truly know what they're doing with this and understand what this game means to people like me and won't fuck it up the way they have fucked up 99% of the game to movie/tv live action adaptations from the last 20 years.
The Resident Evil movies and shows have sucked. The Silent Hill adaptations are abominations. Uncharted was a fucking DISASTER on every levevl. Mortal Kombat was ... forgettable. Warcraft and Rampage and Assassin's Creed and Tomb Raider were complete misses. *Alicia Vikander is the perfect example of WHY choosing someone that looks lke a character is not always the best option*
Detective Pikachu and both Sonic movies are honestly the only things I can think of that I really enjoyed - but even those things didn't try to stick to linear storylines ripped straight from the games they came from.
TLOU and HBO have a lot to live up to. And I really think they know this. They took the time and ensured they had the budget to do it right - and we'll see in less than three weeks what the outcome is. (Then again Rings of Power also had a massive budget and took 9 years to film and it was almost unwatchable so ...)
If I don't like the show, I'll be the first person to admit it. I have no problem talking about the things that I don't like about media that I consume, or pointing out things that I don't agree with. But I think that in order to have this type of opinion, you need to watch the show before you can badmouth it, which is why everyone online saying that it's going to flop based on what they've seen so far is wild to me. (Now, if reviewers that have seen episodes 1-5 or whatever the early access is were overwhelmingly saying this, that would be a different story, but sorry LaxTurtle46789 from reddit, your opinion doesn't mean shit at this point when your assumptions are based on the fact that you don't like how Ellie looks or that everyone's clothes look too clean)
That's the only reason I forced myself through Shadow and Bone and She Hulk and Kenobi. If I'm going to shit talk something, I'm not going to do it based on a couple minutes of trailers and clips I've seen people repost - I want to base my opinions on the overall Thing, not just parts of it. I'm sure there will be stuff in there that I don't like or that I would have approached differently, but no series or movie is going to please everyone 100%, and I don't expect them to.
If you're worried and don't want to watch it, anon - that's fine. No one's forcing you to. The show was made and is being released, and now all we can do at this point is wait and see what happens.
Even if you do end up watching it - or I end up watching it - and am completely unhappy with the final product, the games still exist. The show won't change that, and we'll always have Pixel Joel to return to whenever we want.
Sorry I went on a tangent here, but I wanted to give you a thorough answer.
I hope you love the show, Anon. I hope everyone does. TLOU is such an important and stunning piece of media that it DESERVES nothing but the best from the people involved in adapting it. I hope they did it justice.
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global-times-network · 2 months
Fallout Season 2: New Vegas, Iconic Creatures, and Plot Twists
Fallout Season 2 is set to take fans on a thrilling journey to New Vegas, featuring iconic creatures like Tunnelers and Deathclaws. With major plot twists, returning cast members, and new characters such as Mr. House, the show promises intense action and deeper character development. Fans can expect moral dilemmas, emotional arcs, and exciting revelations. Stay tuned for more updates on the anticipated release date and cast news for this Amazon series!
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quibbs · 7 months
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just had SO much fun with the fallout tv show... i love you missus okey dokey
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joncronshawauthor · 6 months
🧟‍♂️ New Episodes & Exciting Reads | Author Diary - April 26, 2024 📚🎬
🧟‍♂️ “Punks Versus Zombies” Updates I’ve added two new episodes to the “Punks Versus Zombies” series. To make it even more accessible, I’ve uploaded a compilation of the audio versions of episodes 17-24 on YouTube. This format brings a new dimension to the storytelling experience, and I hope you enjoy it! 📖 New Short Story Release I’m excited to share a new short story, “Siren’s Song,” a…
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skull-pun · 2 months
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God is dead and we killed him
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prokopetz · 3 months
So, let me see if I've got this right: the Halo TV series took two full seasons to get around to introducing the actual Halo, i.e., the thing whose name is the title of the show, spent exactly one episode there, and then the show immediately got cancelled?
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Ideas for Game Designers Part I: Book Adaptation
Check out my latest blog article on book-to-game adaptations for all you game designers out there. Read now for valuable tips and potential game ideas. #GameDesign #BookAdaptations #GamingIndustry #AdobeFirefly
Intro Welcome to the first installment of our “Ideas for Game Designers” series! In this article, we’ll explore the exciting world of book adaptations in the gaming industry. Books have long been a source of inspiration for game developers, offering rich narratives, well-developed characters, and immersive settings. Join us as we delve into the realm of book-to-game adaptations, where literary…
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three--rings · 2 years
You guys I just found out about this guy who made 3D printable files for adapters for game controllers to allow them to be used one handed!   It’s so clever and easy and accessible, unlike other adaptive controllers.  It just snaps onto a regular controller.  The way the stick is controlled is damn genius.  So much easier than trying to use your feet like other systems. 
A friend is using one due to a stroke and as someone with problems from arthritis, this is so great to see, in case I get to the point I really can’t use my right hand.
Please share and give this guy some love, cause this is awesome. 
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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How 'John Wick 4's Director Uses Video Games to "Blow People's Minds" Chad Stahelski, Keanu's stunt double turned filmmaker, isn't much of a gamer. But he strives to level up through 'John Wick' and 'Ghost of Tsushima.' https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/john-wick-chapter-4-chad-stahelski-interview-ghost-of-tsushima
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darkeraven22 · 2 years
Universal/Legendary/Blizzard Warcraft 2015 Movie Review Part 2
If I Look Too Closely Will The Flaws Become Clear?So I’m the human side our hero is a man named Lothar. A good nan. Probably your Aragorn insert for this movie. An ok character. Don’t worry. Your goofy bungling character is coming soon. So… Maybe one reason this movie didn’t hit it off with fans is it’s pacing. Right now I’m a bit torn. Is it fastish? Just right! Not slow that’s for sure. But……
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buggachat · 17 days
side note i am still vibrating on the edge of my seat waiting for the upcoming hit release of clear future GOTY contender Miraculous: Paris Under Siege, coming to Xbox and Playstation and Switch and Steam. every day i wait in agony for October 25th.
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horygory · 5 months
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Silent Hill (2006)
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arcadialedger · 6 months
Ella Purnell the queen of successful video game adaptations you are.
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