#Vice President Reaction
defensenow · 3 days
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teranobriss · 9 months
"You're nothing more than a Harvard Law School, community-organizing prick!"
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queersouthasian · 1 year
IDC fucking bunch of kids are in the BL fandom literally would be looking at the sex scenes and be like "what about plot??" BITCH horniness is the plot, just two men fucking the life out off each other and if you call THAT porn then you should probably leave the genre not even fucking kidding
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universestreasures · 5 months
Truths Of The Kingdom (Drabble) (For @shachou )
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"Here's you go, Mokuba." Yugi smiles as he presents the neatly presented box of Capsule Monsters Chess capsules, filled with a selection the younger Kaiba hand-picked himself from what availability was in the store. "Those creatures you picked out are great choices."
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"Thanks a lot, Yugi." Mokuba says, taking the box and placing it neatly inside his own golden suitcase that resembled his big brother's own silver one. "Your gramps had some super rare ones even I couldn't pull from the capsule machine! He's sure lucky when it comes to collectibles."
"Yeah, he does. Gramps has some of the most amazing pieces of gaming memorabilia I've ever seen! And each one he takes care of well and cherishes with all his heart, just like I know you will do the same with those capsules."
"Don't worry. I'll take good care of them. They're going right into my capsule display case in my room at home."
However, with how many Mokuba was getting as of late, perhaps he might need to get an additional one. He had been increasing his collection steadily, wanting to get his hands on just about every capsule in existence. It wasn't just for mere bragging rights, but rather as…research for a project he wanted to develop, a secret project not even his big bro knew about.
He then closed up his suitcase upon securing the merchandise inside before picking it up to prepare to take his leave. Mokuba had to be back at the mansion for dinner with his brother, considering it was one of the nights he had the evening off. Meals with his brother were one of the times they were guaranteed to spend time with each other during the day. So, he did well to make sure he didn't dare miss one.
The sight of something on a shelf, something Mokuba can't recall having seen on display before before, stops his exit, the young fourteen year old turning around and pointing to the object of interest.
"You still…have that dueling glove, Yugi?"
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"Oh, this?" He says as he moves to take the object down from the shelf, putting the unique article of clothing on one of his hands. "Yeah I still have it. Atem and I had a lot of important battles while wearing this glove. Every experience I had are all still memories I cherish. So, I thought I'd finally put it on display as a memento of my time on that island."
"Hmph. Well, glad you at least got something good out of that whole thing…" The younger boy's voice is laced with obvious disdain. His time on that island is one he couldn't call enjoyable in the slightest. The only good part of it was reuniting with his brother, and even then, that could have happened anywhere.
Yugi, seeming to notice the sudden change in mood, shifts his expression to a somber smile. His eyes look down at the glove then as he appears to be contemplating something. "What you're saying may be true Mokuba, but Duelist Kingdom had as many good memories for me as bad ones. There were times back then I doubted myself, doubted whether I could save my grandpa and both you and your brother."
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"…What...did you just say about my brother…?"
"Kaiba never…never told you…?"
"Told me what? What has my brother not told me?!" His hands have long since abandoned his briefcase, instead having placed them on the counter as he closed the distance between them again. "What do you know, Yugi?! Tell me!"
"I-I don't…I-I don't know if I-"
"I don't like being kept in the dark about things, and if you know something Seto hasn't told me, then you should tell me! I…I never thought about it till just now, but I never…asked him why he was on Pegasus' island to begin with. I guess I was so happy to see him again that I just didn't even think to ask. I-If that's what you know Yugi, then please tell me! I deserve to know what happened to him!"
A period of silence fell over the shop as Mokuba continued to stare at Yugi, his body language emphasizing the desperation of his words. He just had to know this information, and considering it had been held up until this point, he is doubtful Seto would tell him if he asked. There was no other option than to seek it from Yugi, for he could think of no one else who would know all the details and relay them to him accurately other than him.
A sigh from the duelist's mouth breaks the silence, Yugi looking back at the Kaiba then. "…I understand. You…You don't deserve to be kept in the dark. Let's…Let's talk in the back. You'll want to take a seat for this."
Mokuba nods as he follows Yugi to the back of the shop, picking up his belongings to take with him. He texts Isano, who was patiently waiting outside for him to finish, that he will be a bit longer than anticipated. He then takes a seat next to Yugi on a couch out back, giving the other his full attention as he begins to tell the story.
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"I guess...it's best to start at the beginning." Yugi says as his eyes close, recounting the events in his mind. "The same night that you were taken back to the castle by one of Pegasus' men, your brother arrived in that helicopter we all went home in. I gave him his deck back, and not long after, Jonouchi challenged him to a duel."
"My bother dueled Jonouchi?! But he was such a wimp! Why would my brother waste his time?" Mokuba then pauses for a moment, realizing how what he said might have come off. "N-No offense to him or anything! He just wasn't remotely in my big bro's league back then, and that's the reason I'm confused as to why my brother would even accept his challenge to begin with."
"Your brother wanted to test out his new duel disk prototype because he planned to use it in a duel against Pegasus."
"Against Pegasus? So you're saying my brother came to Duelist Kingdom to duel Pegasus?" Mokuba's question is met by a nod from the other, the teen moving a hand under his chin as he takes a few moments to think. "I guess that makes sense. That creep was trying to take over our company! If my brother crushed him in a duel, then his entire plan would have fallen apart! Just like my bro to take action."
"Y-Yes, but...that wasn't his main reason for wanting to come to the island to duel Pegasus."
"I-It wasn't? Then what was, Yugi?"
"Not what Mokuba, but rather...who."
As soon as Yugi looked over to stare directly at Mokuba, the truth hit the young teen like a truck. You would think that such a sentiment would be obvious, but...it was one he did not even think to consider due to how his brother had treated him prior to Atem's penalty game. And that failure of realization stung...like a bug bite that just kept burning and burning with no signs of letting up.
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"...Me? He came to Pegasus' island...to save...m-me?" His breath was shaky as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. The sight prompted Yugi to place his hands gently on his shoulders in order to provide some comfort.
"Of course he did. Mokuba...your big brother loves you. You’re everything to him. I know that probably there were times when it didn’t seem that way, but I know deep down in his heart…he never stopped loving you.”
It was those words that caused the dam to break; for water to finally flow from Mokuba’s purple hues. Any words he wanted to say in response were drowned out by his tears. What was spoken was a truth he wanted to be true deep down in his heart, but for many years he didn’t feel it. For who Seto had become due to their experiences under their stepfather was unrecognizable to Mokuba, and he believed he truly had lost his brother’s love for many years until their reunion on Duelist Kingdom island.
But Yugi wasn’t one to lie. In fact, he was the most honest person he could think of. It’s why he pleaded with him to share this tale in the first place. So, if he believed that sentiment, then it must be true, even if believing it was still hard to swallow considering his brother’s past actions. For he would never forget all the horrible memories he tried to suppress, the ones that would haunt him as nightmares in the dead of night.
“If he did…” Yugi continued after allowing the younger a few moments to let his emotions out. His hands slowly released from the other’s shoulder and his gaze shifted downward. “He wouldn’t have…risked his chip in our duel.”
“His chip…?” Mokuba’s blood ran cold as he remembered something his brother told him once, one of the many 'life lessons' he had been told as a kid. His face turns pale as he looked at the other with a desperate and horrified expression. “You don’t mean his…”
No vocal response is given as the air in the room suddenly feels much 'heavier' than before. Nothing but silence filled the room as the duelist deliberately seemed to avoid Mokuba's gaze. This atmosphere...it could only mean that...what he suspected was true.
That his elder brother...risked his very life to save Mokuba's own...The most selfless act that one could consider...Seto had always been selfless in his protection of his younger brother, but this...? This was...on a whole other level.
It's at that moment that Mokuba can hear a small sniffle reach his ears, but not one that had come from himself. For it was Yugi that had created it, his own purple hues now also being filled with tears. He could not understand why though, despite knowing his brother's rival was a rather empathetic person. So, he decided to ask.
"Yugi...? Why are you...why are you crying too?"
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"I was...so scared that he was going to die if I went through with our final attack..." He doesn't elaborate on the details of 'how' Kaiba would have died, for saying it out loud would be much too painful for him. "I had to...stop Atem, who was only trying to help me so we could save my grandpa from Pegasus, from winning the duel..."
"You...You let my brother beat you? Even though...Pegasus had your gramps?" That certainly would explain why his brother said his duel with Atem wasn't over yet shortly before they departed the island. However, Yugi's words still left an important aspect of this unexplained, leaving the teen confused. "My brother...He did...horrible things to you and your friends. Why show him mercy at all? You know...if things were reversed, he probably wouldn't have-"
"Because...I didn't want him to die, Mokuba." Yugi's words cut off the youngest Kaiba's, his words dying in his throat under the weight of the other's sorrow. "I couldn't have let him die...I couldn't let anyone die because of me, especially...not someone I consider and cherish as friend."
Yugi then moves to moves to stand up in order to access a lavender tissue box on the nearby counter. He takes it and brings it over to Mokuba, offering him some. They both took this moment to dry their eyes before continuing on.
"I regret having to fight him at all if I'm being honest with you. I didn't know why he was dueling me at that point, but I should have known it was for an important reason. He had a fire in his eyes like nothing I'd ever seen from him before, a fire that reminded me of Atem's." Yugi then clasps his hands together as if trying to stabilize himself and control his emotions. "We were both just...trying to save our family members from Pegasus. We should have...We should have been fighting him together as comrades, not battling one another as enemies...Maybe if we did...he wouldn't have had to duel Pegasus all on his own."
"So my brother did end up fighting Pegasus after all, then? And since you said earlier you had to save my brother, I guess...I guess I know how that turned out..."
It's no wonder his brother didn't want to discuss it. When it came to losses, his brother didn't handle them well. He never has, even when they were kids before Gozaboru taught him his 'final lesson'. Hearing that he did lose, though, did bring another question to his mind.
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"But...how could he have lost? He had the upper hand because of his duel disk, right? That jerk Pegasus must have cheated or something!" Little did he know that last sentiment was technically correct, but that wasn't the key detail that Yugi was going to focus on.
"He...He didn't use it in that duel."
"Why not?! My brother never changes his plans! Unless he...had no choice..."
Mokuba pauses his thought there, trying his best to recall back to what he can remember. One moment, he was in Pegasus' dungeon, then he saw a golden flash of light, and then the next he knew, he was waking up in a bed surrounded by Yugi's friends. That means there was a huge gap of time he wasn't around for, and if his brother was there to save him, then...
"Where was I during all this, Yugi? Because...I don't really remember how I got into that bedroom in the castle..." In response to his asking for more information, Yugi looks to the side again, avoiding his gaze. That signaled to him that whatever happened had to be heavy, but considering what he's already heard in this talk, he imagines it can't get much worse.
"Come on, Yugi. You've already told me this much! I want to know everything, no matter how painful it is to hear! And I promise I won't ask you to talk about this again! So, please...!" The pleading nature of his tone does little to convey his desperation. He was already this far into this, he wasn't about to turn back now. Seeming to realize that, a sigh escapes the duelist's lips before continuing on.
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"Pegasus...did the same thing to you as he did to my grandpa. He...trapped your soul in another place...a soul prison, using his Millenium Eye."
Hearing the name of that item caused something inside of the boy's mind to click into place, like a puzzle piece. He remembers a quick sight of a weird eye behind Pegasus' white hair just before everything went black. That must be what Yugi was mentioning. It just had to be.
"With your soul in another place, your body was...under Pegasus' control. He...He used that to his advantage to stop your brother from using his duel disk, for Pegasus wanted you...to be the one to operate it for him. And your brother...refused to fight you, Mokuba. So...they dueled on a table instead."
He sits there, eyes darting to his locket as he processes yet another bombshell of information. His brother was always...hesitant to play games with him when he started to get older. Mokuba could never quite figure out the reason why. Games were something they used to enjoy when they were younger, after all. Though, games were not just 'fun' for his brother anymore, sadly. They were seen as battles, a clashing of souls, and looking at it from that point of view, made everything become clear to him. How could he not have seen this before?!
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"Seto..." His brother's name is all he can say, his eyes fixated on the locket that he opened so that his brother's picture was staring back at him. Mokuba then listened intently to Yugi recount the rest of the tale, his hands seeming to grip the picture and hold back more tears with each passing detail. Pegasus using his brother's precious Blue-Eyes against him...His brother's own trapping in a soul prison...How Honda got him out of the dungeon... All of it he became aware of, and he...he could barely handle it.
Following the conclusion of the story, Mokuba bowed his head and expressed his gratitude to Yugi, promising he owes him one for this. Yugi, being the kind of person he was, said to not worry about it and instead said he hoped he gave him what he was looking for. Upon hearing that, the vice president decides to take his leave, making sure to pick up his briefcase and telling the duelist he'll see him again when his gramps gets new capsules in stock.
No words are exchanged as he got into the car with Isano, the teen simply deciding to remain silent as they headed back to the mansion. Upon arrival, still nothing came out of his mouth. His head is kept down down as he headed to his room. He then opens the door then, placing everything to the side before plopping onto his bed face first and pressing a button to close the blackout curtains around it to block everything else out.
Mochi, as always, is there at his side, curling up right underneath his left hand that Mokuba naturally start to use to stroke her soft fur. He uses his other hand to text one of the maids, telling them that he wasn't going to eat dinner with his brother tonight. The reason he gave, that he didn't have much of an appetetie, was both a truth and a lie. It was a lie in the sense that he certainly was hungry, but it was a truth because he couldn't focus on eating when he had much more on his mind.
His heart was a mix of emotions he couldn't quite label. Frustration. Sorrow. Agony. All of those were certainly part of it, but what he felt more than anything was a pain in his chest, akin to a stab through his heart. He hid his face in his pillow as time went by, crying into it heavily as a million thoughts ran through his mind.
Some things he thought were about himself. How could he let himself not question this for so long?! How could he have been so blind to his brother's feelings again?! How could he not see what was right in front him?! What was said through actions and not words?!
Other things he thought were about his brother. How could his brother keep this a secret from him when he expressed he wanted things to be open and honest between them? If he kept this a secret, what else has he not been told? And did his brother still see him as that scared, pathetic kid who clung to him desperately to survive back at the orphanage when Mokuba was a full-blown teenager now?
The thoughts and tears continued to consume him as time passed, the younger Kaiba losing track of it altogether. He ignored the growling of his stomach. He ignored the crustyness of his eyelids. He ignored all signs to stop and take care of himself, signs he always made sure to scold Seto for ignoring, to instead drown in a storm of his own emotions, one that seemed to have no end in sight.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
Kamala Harris just announced that her vice president will be Minnesota governor Tim Walz. Based on the coverage so far I'm really reassured by this decision.
The Washington Post did an obviously great job of making a prepared article for each option, considering how long an article they had up 7 minutes after the announcement.
((Okay technically it's not an official announcement yet it's "according to three people familiar with the pick, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a decision that is not yet public." But listen. I am 99% sure this is a weather balloon. (Meaning: a deliberate leak to gauge reaction.) Because the sheer weakness or incompetence on the part of the Harris campaign that it would take for three people to all confirm that within a few hours hours of each other and the planned announcement it is massive.))
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-via The Washington Post, August 6, 2024
Honestly this decision, from everything I've read and can tell, looks like it's brilliant politics.
Important Context: The vice president(ial candidates)'s job in an election is not to be similar to the president. The vice president's job on the ballot is very, very much specifically to be different from the president. Why? So they can cover each others' weaknesses. Especially regionally.
(Sidenote: I feel a bit ridiculous saying this. But genuinely if you want to get a stronger understanding of how US elections really work. Go watch seasons 6 and 7 of The West Wing. Genuinely, a lot of politicians have said - especially back in its day - that that was the most accurate depiction of an election they'd ever seen. Also specifically features an entire arc about a contested Democratic primary convention, so also very good if you're interested in understanding weird nominating convention shenanigans.)
From the article:
"Harris’s choice for a running mate was among the most closely watched decisions of her fledgling campaign, as she sought to bolster the ticket’s prospects for victory in November and rapidly find someone who could be a governing partner. In picking Walz, she has selected a seasoned politician with executive governing experience and signaled the importance of Midwestern battleground states such as Wisconsin and Michigan.
Walz’s foray into politics came later in life: He spent more than two decades as a public school teacher and football coach, and as a member of the Army National Guard, before running for Congress in his 40s. In 2006, he defeated a Republican to win Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District--a rural, conservative area--and won reelection five times before leaving Congress to run for governor.
Walz was first elected governor in 2018 and handily won reelection in 2022. Though little-known outside his state, Walz emerged publicly as one of the earliest names mentioned as a possible running mate for Harris, and in the ensuing days he made the rounds on television as an outspoken surrogate for the vice president...
“These are weird people on the other side. They want to take books away, they want to be in your exam room. … They are bad on foreign policy, they are bad on the environment, they certainly have no health care plan, and they keep talking about the middle-class,” Walz told MSNBC in July. “As I said, a robber baron real estate guy and a venture capitalist trying to tell us they understand who we are? They don’t know who we are.”
Walz also has faced criticism from Republicans that his policies as governor were too liberal, including legalizing recreational marijuana for adults, protecting abortion rights, expanding LGBTQ protections, implementing tuition-free college for low-income Minnesotans and providing free breakfast and lunch for schoolchildren in the state.
But many of those initiatives are broadly popular. Walz also signed an executive order removing the college-degree requirement for 75 percent of Minnesota’s state jobs, a move that garnered bipartisan support and that several other states have also adopted.
“What a monster. Kids are eating and having full bellies, so they can go learn, and women are making their own health-care decisions,” Walz said sarcastically in a July 28 interview with CNN when questioned whether such policies would be fodder for conservative attacks, later adding: “If that’s where they want to label me, I’m more than happy to take the [liberal] label.”
Walz also spoke at a kickoff event in St. Paul for a Democratic canvassing effort, casting Trump as a “bully.”
“Don’t lift these guys up like they’re some kind of heroes. Everybody in this room knows--I know it as a teacher--a bully has no self-confidence. A bully has no strength. They have nothing,” Walz said at the event, sporting a camouflage hunting hat and T-shirt.
Walz has explained that he felt some Democrats’ practice of calling Trump an existential threat to democracy was giving him too much credit, which prompted his decision to denounce the GOP nominee instead as being “weird.”
“I do believe all those things are a real possibility, but it gives him way too much power," Walz said on CNN’s “State of the Union” regarding the Democrats’ rhetoric. “Listen to the guy. He’s talking about Hannibal Lecter, shocking sharks, and just whatever crazy thing pops into his mind.”
If Walz is elected vice president, under state law, Minnesota Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan (D) would assume the governorship for the rest of his term. Minnesota Senate president Bobby Joe Champion, a Democrat, would become lieutenant governor."
-via The Washington Post, August 6, 2024
This guy. Sounds like. fucking Moderate swing-state/rural/Midwestern/southern/"heartland"/working class white voter catnip. He sounds like he's also a very smart politician and strong campaigner. And he's apparently genuinely a good guy with a good record, too.
He sounds like he's going to do a really good job of appealing to voters in several of the big deal swing states without being from any of them specifically. Which means it doesn't feel like pandering to one of the states involved (and thereby spurning the others), which is also great.
(Also he was the one who started "weird" @ conservatives and I think we should take that seriously as a very good political instinct/move. Judging in large part by how it has so clearly hit an actual nerve with conservatives like so little else. Also hugely relevant: that post going around about how part of why conservatives are so upset about "weird" is because in the Midwest, "weird" specifically also implies anti-social or harmful behavior.)
Officially feeling more optimistic about Trump not winning in November
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luviestarz · 2 months
park sunghoon fic recs!
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✮ Cafeteria Confessions• PSH - @reinahwanggg (everyone thinks you're dating your childhood best friend sunghoon. well, everyone including sunghoon because he confessed to you almost a year ago and you didn't exactly know it was a confession because of how casually he said it.)
✮ NOONA — p. sunghoon smau - @hoonvrs (park sunghoon experienced love at first sight when he first laid eyes on his friends older sister. a series of sunghoon desperately trying to do anything in his power to get the girl and yang jungwon cockblocking him for funsies.)
✮ secret soft boy revealed | enhypen sunghoon - @elysianeclipxe (build-a-bear is a cliche and old thing that couple do. only lame people would go there to build a bear when it's obviously easier to just buy one.. so tell me why THE Park Sunghoon just so happens to be there, enjoying the fact that he's building a bear... whipped af)
✮ the 24-hour dating challenge - @jaeyunverse (being a famous youtuber isn’t easy, especially when you have to constantly come up with new ideas to keep your audience entertained. and this time, your viewers want you to date park sunghoon, your best friend of nearly a decade, for the entirety of 24 hours.)
✮ CITRUS IN THE MORNING. - @hannie-dul-set (lovestruck! sunghoon just being Very In Love)
✮ 박성훈 、SPOILED ROTTEN - @boyfhee (sunghoon is drunk and is trying to break into your room through the balcony.)
✮ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 — BED 박성훈 - @karinasbaby (your fiance, sunghoon insisted on a "mini honeymoon" before your wedding preparations took over your time, so how would your day go now that you're on an island thousands of miles away from home with sunghoon?)
✮ angel - @yenqa (sunghoon can’t seem to figure out if you’re human or an angel.)
✮ come on baby, don’t say that. / park sunghoon - @snghnlvr (you were curious whether or not your boyfriend was a possessive type so you tested it out.)
✮ ceo sunghoon who loves taking care of you because you're his ౨ৎ - @hottestvirgin
✮ sunghoon with a crush on you | smau - @woniecore
✮ scoring a date - @shuichi-sama (if someone had told you that after becoming your high school's volleyball team manager, you would capture the attention of it’s captain, park sunghoon, you wouldn’t have believe them. but as he charm’s his way to your heart, you just might. or in which, sunghoon attempts to woo-you, seem to be working in his favor.)
✮ we can’t be friends — [ 엔하이픈 성훈 ] genre ⋆ smut - @dearjaeyuns
✮ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ | psh. - @pshcomforts (you test sunghoon on his reaction to a girl hitting on him after finding one of those videos on tiktok.)
✮ 𝓜𝐒. & 𝐌𝐑. 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 ୨୧ 𝐏𝐒𝐇 - @jlheon (seeing your ex in public leads to hiding in a small photobooth with your annoying student council vice president park sunghoon)
✮ IMPATIENT. - @sainns (he had everything planned out but how's he supposed to wait when it comes to you?)
✮ MY WORLD — p.sunghoon - @ikeuverse (you're back and you owe Sunghoon an explanation for your departure, but it looks like it's going to be a bit tricky to get him to listen to you.)
✮ UNLUCKY GIRL SYNDROME ✦ PSH - @suneng (if it was possible to see the number of people who would fall in love with you over your lifetime, most people would agree to it in a heartbeat, but some might not. you don't get that choice, labelled by a mysterious system as someone destined to receive no love and threatened to fix this 'error' before it's too late. but who will be your saviour, the social pariah sunghoon, or the school's golden boy sim jaeyun?)
✮ park sunghoon — THE PUSSY EATING COMPETITION! - @karinasbaby (in which… jake convinces sunghoon to join a pussy eating competition with a bet !)
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clares-memes · 1 year
ID: Kamala Harris: "I love Venn Diagrams. *laughs* I really do. I love Venn diagrams. It's just something about those three circles, the analysis about where there's the intersection, right?... I see people... you agree with me right? Okay so I asked my team... I brought props"
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tyunniez · 2 months
2... bttm male reader
a/n,, this fic was inspired by this fanfic that u shuld totes check out!! i wrote this a long time ago so,,,, pls give some feedback cs idk how to feel abt this one
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You hated the number two. 
To other people, it was just your everyday number but to you, it reminded you of your failures. Of how you always ended up number two no matter what.
Always second to him.
Aone Kashimoto. Someone you considered your ultimate rival.
 Back in middle school you were the number one in your class. Number one in the whole school. Yet when the new kid came, everything just started falling apart.
 Now instead of you, he was always at the top. 
 No matter how hard you tried. The countless nights of you studying your ass off, pulling all nighters after all nighters. Only to end up as second.
 Even when you tried to run for the student council president in your final year of highschool you still somehow ended up second. As the vice-president for Aone.
 And what was more frustrating was that he knew. He knew how pathetic you felt when you first saw your name dropped down one spot. He knew how hard you have been trying to beat him. Yet, he knows you will never ever surpass him.
 Why? Because he's better than you. In every aspect. Be it academics, sports, or even popularity. Where you lacked he made up for it times a hundred.
 And oh, he loves seeing that look of despair wash over you. The feeling of superiority he has over you. God, he always checks your reaction first before even looking at his own score on the scoreboard just to see the disappointment on your face.
 Students gather around the scoreboard, excitement and dread filling the corridor. 
 "Hey, who do you think is first this semester?" a distant voice whispered. "Are you dumb? Of course it's Aone! And then y/n will come second like he usually does." The two voices snickered as they searched for their own name on the board.
 The murmurs of the crowd got louder as the two most popular names finally arrived. One seemed relaxed whilst the other not so much.
 Your jaw was tight. You could feel your fingers digging into your own palm. Beside you was Aone with his arm behind his back. He was the complete opposite of you. 
 Deep down you knew that Aone was number one like usual but you can't deny that little sliver of hope, the slim chance that you might have beat him, even by one point. 
 You've poured your all into studying like you usually did. Surely this time you can finally beat him, right..?
 The crowd parted for the two of you as you took a shaky breath to see who secured the top stop. And to no one's surprise, the name Y/N L/N was written with the number two next to it. 
You stared at the name above you, rightfully towering over everyone else's names.
 A soft chuckle broke you out of your despair. "Oh y/n, looks like i won again. Better luck next time, hm?" with a simple pat on your head, you were left alone to stare at the board, gritting your teeth while holding your tears.
 You held back the urge to punch him square in the face.
 Evenings rolled by as you finally returned to your dorm. All extra classes and after-school activities were halted to give the students a break and you couldn't be more grateful for that.
 You silently prayed that he wasn't home as you slowly opened the door to your shared dorm. Yes, out of all the other students inside this school you shared a dorm with your rival Aone. Lady Luck truly hates you.
 You were glad to see that he was not at home so you finally have some alone time.
 You immediately jumped onto your bed, leaving your door a crack open. You grabbed whatever pillow was near you and cuddled it, finally letting the hot tears stream down your face.
 Soon enough, dreamland called upon you as your vision slowly darkened.
 "Hmm, y/n.. How come you're such a mess when I barely touched you?" Aone's fingertips ghosted over your cheeks.
 You whined as tried to grind your ass  over to his dick, trying to get any type of friction going. "Puh-pleasee.. just put it in!" your voice came out squakier than you remembered.
 Aone's low chuckled only made your dick mor erect, your tip blushing madly as you tried ti look back at him. "Say my name then. Come on, yell it out if you want it so bad." His teasing teal eyes stared at you.
 You, cock drunk, of course, obeyed, "Aone! Please just stick it in! I-I need your cock in me!"
 A whistle suddenly woke you up. Your vision still blurry as you tried to focus on who was in front of you.
 "Real good dream you had there." Aone's familiar voice suddenly spoke up. You, still drowsy only tilted your head to the side, failing to notice the hard-on you were sporting.
 You propped yourself up on your elbows, glaring at Aone. "What are you talking about? Why are you even in my room, creep!"
 He only chuckled, shoving his hands into his pockets while looking down at you. "How cute.. but don't act so innocent. You were moaning my name like a bitch in heat earlier."
 A flush of red washed over you. Yeah, you did have that weird dream over him but no way you were actually moaning his name out loud, right?
 "W-what! I don't know what you're talking about, shit head." 
 Aone rolled his eyes as he finally approached you, you frozen in place. He placed his feet on top of your clothes dick, rutting it in place. You choked out a moan, flabbergasted as to what he was doing.
 "Don't play dumb, y/n. You know I hate dumb people." 
 You shook your head trying your best to deny whatever he was accusing, yet low moans kept escaping your mouth from how he was rubbing you using his feet. 
 Just when you were about to reach your climax, he suddenly retreated his foot. You whined out loud over the loss of sensation. "Ugh.."
 He crouched down to your level, his head tilted to the side with that signature smirk on his face.
"Beg for it."
"Go on, I know you can." 
 You were left dumbfounded as to what to do. But a decision was quickly made. You were pent up from just studying that you never took the time for yourself. Who knows when will something like this ever happen again.
 "Aone, please give me your cock.. I-I want it so bad so please fuck me real good..."
 Something snapped inside Aone as he suddenly crawled between you. He immediately held onto both of your wrists with one hand and pinned it on top of you. "Attaboy, never thought there'd come a day where you would beg for me but here we are."
 His lips clashed themselves with your own, his tongue slithering inside your wet mouth to explore. You moaned against him, grinding on him.
He pulled away, leaving a string of saliva connecting the both of you. "Dirty boy, bet you were waiting to get dicked down like this, hm?" 
 "N-no! I-" You tried to defend yourself, only for him to shush you. "Mmh I know you so well y/n. Inside and out. So there's no use lying."
taglist,, @cheriecosmos, @lukaijah, @gay4letti, @kamote-kuneho, @mooncarvers-world
971 notes · View notes
chuuyascumsock · 4 months
Where Gay Goes to Die || Minors DNI
Summary: I have no words, and no apology because this actually slapped so hard. Let’s go lesbians lmao. Happy pride month.
Tags: Female! Chuuya Nakahara/Reader/Fem! Osamu Dazai, Afab reader, Threesome, Brief Voyeurism, Pet Names (Baby, Doll, Belladonna, Love, Pretty Girl, etc.), Classic Dazai-Chuuya Bickering, Fingering, Nipple Play, Hair Pulling, Face Sitting, Squirting, Strap-on Use, Slight Bit of Aftercare, Hints of a Poly At The End, Idk Maybe I’ll Make a Part Two, Haven't Decided, Honestly Downright Filthy Smut, Literally Wanna Be Stuffed Between Them Like a Sub Sandwich.
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How you ended up in bed between your co-worker and her ex-partner from the mafia was a mystery to you. 
One minute you were having drinks with the ADA earlier that night before slinking off to grab another drink from the bar. And the next you were being complimented by one of the five mafia executives herself who was sitting nearby, Nakahara Chuuya. You’ve never had anyone so boldly eye fuck you while smoothly commenting on the way you fought during one of your missions— and against their organization no less. Chuuya was ethereally beautiful, her russet tresses fell over her freckled shoulders, sleek dress hugging her physique tightly to reveal her curves. The most captivating characteristic of hers had to be her heterochromatic eyes, soft blue and brown that sealed your fate as she dragged you away from the bar shortly after your interaction.
Dazai had only noticed your disappearance after she was finished with her Sake. Whining and complaining to Kunikida about how much she missed you, Kunikida scoffed and fixed her glasses. “The last I saw her was talking to the bartender.”
Dazai was quick to jump to her feet and trail off to the bar, only to find no one but the bartender there. When asked, the bartender nodded his head off to the back door that led to an alleyway with a small warning that you had left with a woman described way too familiar with Dazai. Not only was it Dazai’s ex-partner back in the mafia, but you had fought against her just the other day. Dazai felt off when approaching the door, weary of what to expect.
Entering the alleyway, Dazai hadn’t been expecting to see Chuuya feeling your soft body up with her gloved hands while shoving her tongue down your throat and vice versa. 
It took minutes for either of you to notice Dazai’s presence, too caught up in one another to see her staring you down as Chuuya had her way with you. The woman had tugged at the neckline of your tight dress, freeing your breasts to the cold air for the brunette to see before cupping and squeezing them. Your soft and cute mewls had both women wanting more as Chuuya’s lips captured yours again in a sloppy kiss.
Something in Dazai snapped and she knew that there was no more hiding her want for you behind sweet, charismatic smiles and adoring looks from across the office. She cleared her throat, a small gasp of surprise leaving you and not much of a reaction from Chuuya. 
“The hell do you want, shitty Dazai?” Chuuya nearly rolled her eyes as she kept your plush tits groped and spilling between her gloved hands. 
“What are you doing here?” You timidly ask, embarrassed for getting caught, especially with someone who was supposed to be the agency’s enemy.
Dazai kept her composure. “You were gone for too long so I came looking for you— but I see that you’re busy.” She completely ignores Chuuya for the time being.
“Sorry…” You whisper bashfully, head tilting down in shame.
“Well she’s perfectly fine, so you can leave now,” Chuuya grumbles, leaning forward to litter your throat with more hickies.
“I don’t think so— it’d be a shame for the president and Mori to find out what’s happening right now. Why don’t we talk about this at your place, hm, Chibi?” Dazai was clearly planning something.
And that something ended up with you sandwiched between both women in Chuuya’s king sized bed— Dazai’s long, manicured fingers stuffed in your cunt to the knuckles while Chuuya’s tongue entangled with yours, her calloused hand pinching one of your nipples between her fingers.
The loud squelching of your pussy around Dazai’s fingers makes your ears burn as you moan into Chuuya’s mouth, kisses growing messy and mostly tongue filled. Dazai grins in satisfaction as she presses a thumb to rub at your throbbing clit, enjoying every second of your soft walls clenching around her fingers. “Look at how cute her pussy is, Chuuya. Such a needy little slut— wanting both of us at once.”
Chuuya’s lips disconnect from yours, leaving a small string of saliva to break apart from your panting mouths. “Can’t you keep your big mouth shut for three seconds? You’re ruining the mood with your annoying voice,” She mutters in irritation at Dazai’s voice while looking anyway, her gaze glued to your slick pussy as Dazai’s fingers thrust back inside. Chuuya bites into her bottom lip at the scene momentarily before moving back to marking your neck up with love bites.
Dazai blissfully ignores Chuuya’s snippy comment, curling her long fingers to rub into a certain spot that makes your thighs quiver. “She’s so soft, I bet she tastes good too.” The brunette hums thoughtfully, her eyes trailing from your soaked pussy up to your eyes. “Do you?” She smiles mockingly, watching you stumble incoherently over your words into a muddle of whimpers. Her bottom lip juts out into a small pout as she continues to taunt you. “Oh, poor baby… can’t even talk— do my fingers feel that good?”
There’s a small wince as you feel Chuuya sink her teeth into your shoulder just slightly harder than the other bites when Dazai talks, most likely annoyed by how much more she was doing. Wanting more attention, Chuuya growls out, “Oh please, she’ll be crying over my strap compared to your lousy fingers.” 
“Toys? A bit of a cheater, aren’t you, Chuuya? Can’t satisfy her on your own?” Dazai finally responds, mockery evident in her tone.
“Keep talking and I’ll throw your ass out to walk home in the cold.” Chuuya glares at Dazai before she moves away from you momentarily to crawl over to her nightstand to grab out a bottle of lube, harness, and a relatively long dildo. 
Your face must’ve shown just how intimidating the size of the toy was as Dazai gives a light laugh. “Too big for you, darling? Bet you wanna keep my fingers,” She says in a sing-song voice, curling her digits once more. It’s enough to distract you momentarily from their bickering as you feel a familiar feeling building in your lower tummy.
“Relax, doll. It’s only eight inches,” Chuuya sighs nonchalantly, already strapping the harness around her hips and prepping the silicon toy with a thick glob of lube. The sight of Chuuya slicking the toy up with her hand only makes you clench tighter around Dazai’s digits.
“Well some of us aren’t as loose as you are, Chuuya-dear.” Dazai gives a faux innocent smile, malice clear in her eyes and tone. Her fingers falter a bit at Chuuya’s next words.
“You’ve got to be out of your damn mind to talk— you should be considered a fucking graveyard at this point with how many bones you’ve had in you.” Chuuya scoffs, slapping Dazai’s hand away from you as she grabs one of your ankles with her other hand to drag you to her.
You give a small whine, eyes hazy as your orgasm was ripped away from you. 
Chuuya’s gaze falls back to a softer expression as she looks down at you, “I got you, doll.” Her hands move over to grab your hips and lift them until your lower back and ass are resting on the tops of her thighs, bright purple dildo resting between your ass cheeks.
“Well now you’re just being unfair,” Dazai complains, voice pitchy as she gives Chuuya a nasty look.
Before Chuuya could make a snippy remark about her leaving, you reach to lightly tap the brunette’s knee, signaling her to straddle your head. “Just so no one is left out…” You murmur, flustered.
“Well aren’t you just a sweetheart?” Dazai’s mopey expression washes away quickly as she shifts to make her way across the bed to straddle her knees on either side of your head. Her head tilts down to look at you, lips pulled back into a grin and lithe fingers threading into your hair. “You look cute between my legs, ‘donna…” 
Your eyes lull as your gaze drops from her face to her  cleanly shaven pussy, folds practically drooling with arousal which makes your mouth water. You nearly forget about the strap-on nudging against your entrance until it’s pushing in with no warning, the bulbous tip stretching you back open, though not as much as Dazai’s fingers had been. As your lips part to gasp at the sensation, Dazai is lowering herself down until your mouth is enveloping her, your tongue pushing through her folds and labia to lap along her tight hole.
You think you could drown in these women and let them fuck you until you’re nothing but a mindless, pussy-drunk slut for them, your hands coming up to grip into Dazai’s bandaged thighs and your hips jerking to take Chuuya’s strap deeper. And they don’t even keep it from you, letting you have your way as Dazai settles her weight fully onto you and Chuuya shifts to slip deeper into your aching core, walls greedily clutching around the dildo. Your moans are muffled by Dazai, your tongue laving through her succulent pink cunt, clit throbbing wildly against your muscle. She isn’t sweet like how it’s always described, a musky arousal evading your senses— but it isn’t unpleasant and it has you slurping noisily at her sloppy pussy loudly, making her moan and buck gently against your mouth.
It’s overwhelming how they both selfishly take as much as they give, Dazai’s free hand reaching behind her to rub your clit as she rides your face and Chuuya is sinking into you to the hilt and pulling away to create a tortuous pace, her hands gripping into the flesh of your hips. Your ears are muffled and you can’t tell if it’s from the pleasure or Dazai’s thighs pressing to your ears, hips rolling down to hump against your wriggling tongue.
“O-Oh, fuck, look at you… made for eating this pussy, huh, ‘donna?” Dazai groans, her fingers tightening in your hair painfully which causes you to gently scrape your teeth along her clit. She gasps and releases your hair slightly, fixing it almost apologetically and pets it down, her other hand now resting to cup your mound, middle and ring fingers gently rubbing circles into your clit.
You don’t let the stinging sensation in your scalp bother you when Chuuya’s pace picks up and her hips are slapping against yours, thighs jiggling each time she fucks the dildo deeper into your sopping pussy. That and Dazai’s insistent rubbing against your clit has that coil tightening in your lower abdomen once more. You wish you could see the way Chuuya thrusts into your eager pussy, the loud squelching of the dlido fucking into you being all you had to know how good she was treating it. 
“Shit… look at you taking it all, dollface— your pretty pussy is sucking me in so. damn. tight,” Chuuya growls, hips slapping harsher with punctuated words, your body jolting with choked breaths. 
“Don’t be so rough with her,” Dazai chides, not really caring about her being rough, but wanting to piss Chuuya off.
It works as Chuuya glares at Dazai and only picks up the pace, thighs stinging with each thrust as you feel her skin slap against yours and her grip grow tighter on your hips. “Don’t tell me how to fuck my girl, shitty Dazai.”
“Your girl?” Dazai humorlessly laughs out before letting out a small moan from your mouth sucking at her clit again. “Please— after this, she’s with me. I’m just nice enough to share this once.”
“Like hell, I made a move first, go find someone else to whore around with,” A huff leaves Chuuya, but her pace doesn’t change and neither does Dazai’s fingers against your clit. It has your mind reeling and body twitching, nearly teetering the edge of a climax— not that either woman noticed as they continued to bicker. 
“Well I SAW her first, I called dibs. Besides, she works at the agency with me so that means that she’ll be coming back with me anyways. You lose, face it, Chibi.”
“Doesn’t matter if you saw her first, you’re just mad that I acted before you did. You’re such a petulant child, can’t even handle losing to me for once.”
“That’s because I didn’t lose, she’s mine.”
“Oh, you fuckin’ bitch—“
Their arguing is cut off by a loud muffled whine from you and an orgasm that has your body shuddering deeply, your pussy creaming all over the purple dildo. A small, frothy ring of your cum forms around the base with each thrust, leaving the two women to finally quiet down as they watch, movements faltering to a slow pace momentarily.
“Fuck… I wanna make her squirt now,” Chuuya exhales quietly.
Dazai nods slowly before murmuring, “Finally, something we can agree on.”
You pick up on their muttering and let out a muffled groan into Dazai’s pussy in attempts to disagree, not sure if you were able to take another orgasm, but it falls upon deaf ears and their movements pick back up to a frenzied mess now.
You squirm beneath them, eyes squeezing shut and limbs spasming as they overstimulate your flushed pussy, folds puffy and clit thrumming as Dazai adds even more pressure to your sensitive nub. You try so hard to focus on Dazai’s rutting against your mouth, but it’s difficult when they’re double teaming you like this and Dazai takes over, allowing her hips to grind down on your face. Her clit bumps against your nose and your tongue occasionally slips into her clenching hole, serving her just enough as she tries to desperately reach her own climax.
“C’mon, hun, let go for us, yeah? We know you can come again— wanna see you squirt, baby,” Dazai pants out, her bangs sticking to her forehead from the sheen of sweat she was working up. You can’t see Chuuya, but you know she must look similar to Dazai’s state.
Your head feels like it’s underwater and you can’t help but give into what the two women want, thighs clamping around Chuuya’s waist as your eyes flutter closed and your second orgasm crashes over you more intensely to the point your ears start to ring. A stream of arousal squirts out, splashing against Dazai’s fingers and Chuuya’s lower abdomen. A soft gasp slips from their lips and Dazai can’t help but come at the sight, her viscous cum coating your tongue and slipping down your throat like honey. It’s a pleasant feeling and tastes almost like nothing with a hint of her scent, making you moan weakly against her as her hips falter to slow down but refuse to let up from your mouth, insides pulsing against your tired tongue.
It’s a couple minutes until you gather your bearings and Dazai finally lifts her hips, breath hitching at the string of your saliva and her cum connecting your mouth to her pussy that breaks when she pulls away. It nearly gets her worked up enough for another round, but she presses the feeling down and moves to lay beside you, clinging to your side and burying her face into your neck. 
Chuuya pulls out of you shortly after, slipping the harness off her hips and begins to clean up. She disappears off into the bathroom momentarily and returns with a small rag to clean your face off first of Dazai’s cum and then between your legs. The mafioso pecks your lips gently in comparison to her rough treatment earlier and glances at Dazai, throwing the rag at her lazily without a care. “Clean yourself up, would you?”
“What?” Dazai whines out, “How come she gets the princess treatment and I’m treated like a peasant?”
“Because you are one, you’re lucky I haven’t kicked you out at this point,” Chuuya clicks her tongue and turns her attention back to you and scoops you up into her arms. “I’m starting a bath, I don’t give a damn if you join or not,” She says to Dazai over her shoulder, leaving the brunette to complain about the unfair treatment she’s getting as she stumbles up to follow after the both of you. 
With your arms looping around Chuuya’s neck lazily, a small smile curls in your lips, knowing that this wouldn’t be a one time thing.
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hwanchaesong · 5 months
Ephemeral (Second Chances)
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pairing: Yang Jungwon X F!Reader
synopsis: You sat and listened to the silence, the time ticked and you watched him walk down the aisle full of strangers. What scared you though, was the fact that everyone was blurry except for his dimples that you used to kiss.
word count: 12.1k
genre & warnings:fluff, angst, suggestive (borderline smutty), summer break setting, pet names, cursing, drinking, lots of arguing, bickering, tension and jealousy, themes of engagement and marriage,miscommunication, Yeonjun of TXT as your brother (his gf here is unnamed), other idols' names are used, making-out, slight dry humping, tell me if i missed some
a/n: first up is our jungwon bc why tf not lmao. next up would be probably be ni-ki's. this is a part of Enhypen: Tropes & Parallels. enjoy the ride! all likes, comments & feedback (esp this one, i love love love reading y'all reactions. legit gives me the serotonin boost) and reblogs are much appreciated ✨
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The revival of the scorching sun is the mark of your independence from the tiring university life. Yet here you are, head hotter than the temperature outside that the air-conditioning couldn't cool it down.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" you whisper-yelled at your brother with a staggering amount of self-control not to slap him silly for failing to tell you a very important information beforehand.
He held his hands up in defense, guilt written on his face and you almost forgave him when he gave you the puppy eyes.. but no can do.
"I take back what I said, I won't do it anymore." you solidly declared, turning around on your heels to leave the kitchen where you dragged your brother to have a 'private' conversation with him.
"Y/N! I really need you for this one." he held you back, latching onto your arm and if it's not a consequential deal then you'd probably guffaw at how he comically dropped on his knees, begging you for a favor.
"Yeonjun! I- let me go!" you tried pushing him away to no avail, his yowling further annoying you.
"No! Not until you g-"
His fussing were cut off when an eerily familiar voice resonated throughout the room, putting an end to the squabbling that is currently taking place on the shiny, vinyl floors of the kitchen.
"Yeonjun-hyung, is everything okay?" the intruder asked, making your sibling stand and fake a smile, waving his hand nonchalantly and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"Jungwon! Hi! Um, yeah, superb haha! Don't you think so, sister?" your fumbling brother turned to you, grinning but you take note of his googly eyes, silently notifying you to play nice and go along with him.
"N-" you yelped when you felt a stinging pinch on your arm, again, doing your best to conceal the unwavering indignation you're feeling. "Yes, don't mind us. You can go back to wherever you came from. We'll be out there shortly."
You felt his eyes on you, but you were adamant to not meet it, focusing on a piece of apple that was sitting on the counter instead.
The younger boy shrugged, muttering a small 'okay' before walking towards the living room again.
You face your brother, and he knows based on the shine in your eyes that you're pleading him to spare you, to look for another person who can help him because you don't want to go through this.. you don't want to go through him.
'High school sweethearts', was the category of your relationship back then.
The president and vice-president of the student council. The academic achiever and the sports champion. Yang Jungwon and L/N Y/N, a match made in heaven.
That's what everyone thought, if they want to talk to you, they just have to look for Jungwon and bam! You'll be right there as well. It was a common notion for you two to be inseparable, a matching set, the missing puzzle pieces that completes the picture.
You both knew that you were too young to be settling down, yet the assurance of being each other's endgame outweighs any lingering doubts.
Then on one fateful day, an incident happened. You dramatically gave it the title of 'Graduation Encounter: The Blessing of the Year.' (your friends were actually baffled on how you're able to name it like that, but they gaslighted themselves into thinking that maybe, this is your coping mechanism for dealing with heartbreak.)
You wanted to give him a gift after the ceremony, then you found him talking to his friend in the student council's room. You didn't mean to eavesdrop, and you're glad you did.
"Jungwon, do you see a future with Y/N?"
You heard his answer loud and clear to that damned question, and that was adequate for you to be crumpled, like the precious handmade present that you were holding.
That same night, you broke up with him through text. Not brave enough to face him in person but courageous enough to send him a long ass paragraph about what you learned before blocking him for good.
Then you did your best to avoid him like he's the plague. To forget him like that one sock you've probably hid somewhere but really didn't bother to look for until it flew outside your memory. Really, a vision of him brings you nothing but hurt and anger, also a terrible headache because you cannot fathom how he was once your beloved.
You did think that God loves you because Jungwon actually went to a different city to pursue his dream major in college, freeing you from his shadow. He won't be associated with you anymore and he'll be nothing but a mere nightmare that once haunted you in your peaceful slumber.
And now, you feel like the cycle is back to zero since you've had a glimpse of him. Like, all of your efforts to move on from him were nothing but trash, washed down the drain. Seeing him once more had you reeling into the hate shackle that he'd put you in.
"Y/N." Yeonjun called your name in a gentle manner, patting you on the head while he speaks to you sympathetically, "Look, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I regret that, but please, you're the one I trust the most. I can't possibly ask anyone else. Besides, you don't love him anymore, correct?"
... He has a point.
What the fuck are you even grumbling about?
How could you forget the promise that you made to yourself while you burn the letters and photos that he gave you, watching the fire engulf the memories that you previously held dear.
'The next time I see him, no more feelings are attached. He won't affect me anymore. I'll act casual, make him realize that I can live without him."
You concurred, steeling yourself from the upcoming escapade that you're about to embark on.
"You know what Yeonjun," you removed his hand on your head, crossing your arms as you gave him a poised smirk, "get your ass ready 'cause imma bestow you a showstopping wedding proposal."
You're confident, it's been a year since you've hung around Jungwon. Surely, you can keep all of these as strictly professional. You're mature enough, probably him too, it's not like he's gonna go and be a total hazard.
You were severely mistaken because the man is insufferable.
He's cocky and assertive, always has something to counter your suggestions and not to mention, a huge basher.. and you're getting tired of it.
He got your number yesterday when you stupidly agreed with your brother's pleas, thus, you're sitting here in a comfy café with a boy that you've assumed to never cross paths ever again after he messaged you last night for a meet-up and brainstorming session.
You kind of understood why your brother got him to assist with the proposal, given that he is Yeonjun's best friend, automatically making him the best man for the future wedding.
But still, he doesn't have to be so passive-aggressive about this. You're doing your best to be civil with him, so the least that he could do is treat you with respect as well.
"Okay, we're getting nowhere with this." you muttered, taking a deep breath and getting yourself ready to say another proposition when he interrupted your train of thoughts with a rather sarcastic reply.
"I mean, it's you so.." he trailed off, taking a sip of his iced coffee and you are so tempted to choke him at this point.
"Dear god, Jungwon you-"
He cuts you off when he suddenly whipped up the surprised pikachu face, "Finally! You've decided to call me by my name. That's the first step."
You squint your eyes at him, losing your cool at his unreasonable attitude, "What the hell is your problem?"
He feigned shock, clutching his chest as some sort of what you'd like to dub as tasteless acting, "My problem? Oh, miss, it pains me to know that you're blissfully unaware of your rude tone, sassy mannerisms, and not to mention the stink eye you've been giving me ever since you arrived here."
You straightened up from your seat. Were you really acting that way?
Pride must be your greatest friend, letting it fly high that it made you neglect the ethics that you've recited in your head a million times in order to be in a state of zen for this meeting.
"Don't play games with me now." you muttered, glaring at him and it drove you up the wall to see him scowl at you.
You haven't been in contact with him ever since the.. separation, and magic happened it seems, suddenly he appears in front of you out of thin air like a bunny hidden inside a fancy tall hat.
Except that the bunny is a complete 180 of what was supposed to be a sweet and little cutie patootie. You are well aware that change is inevitable. Yang Jungwon won't be the same person as he was before. What's infuriating you though, was the fact that he has the balls to be this brusque.
He sighs in defeat and it makes you even more confused, irritatedly staring at him as you wait for him to spout some more nonsense.
"I owe Yeonjun hyung a big one." he speaks, tone calm and it irks you how he's able to compose himself that fast, "I know we did not end on good terms, but I want to help him as much as I can. He's an important friend to me."
First, you'll give him some credit. He does acknowledge that the whole situation sucks because your past is something that one cannot simply overlook.
Second, Yeonjun is your brother, of course you'd want to lend a hand for him too.
Third, if this guy can go to great lengths for a person that he values then why didn't he-
You blinked, stopping yourself from continuing that thought. There is no fucking way you'll complete that dreadful rumination you're brewing inside your precious brain.
"Then what do you suggest?" you watch him smile in triumph, the first since your rendezvous. And as much as you hate to admit it, you did miss that joyful vibe he'd always emit.
Finally, he laid out the plans that he had painstakingly plotted the moment Yeonjun asked him about the perfect wedding proposal.
You listened intently to Jungwon, mindful of the schedule and divvying up the work, also making a mental note of your own ideas that you might pitch in later on.
Your brother will ask his girlfriend next Wednesday, during her birthday party celebration. That means that you only have a what? A fucking week to get everything done.
"That's it." he finishes his rambling, glancing in your direction and giving you ample time to take in his word vomit.
You are willing to put the bitterness behind you if it means that you'll see your brother happy and satisfied. He deserves that much, after all the love and support he has given you, it is only natural for you to return the benevolence he had showered you with since you were born.
You stood up from your seat, extending your hand to the curious man in front of you, "We'll do that and the things that I will also say at some point." you smile, having half a mind to compliment him for the meticulous planning, "You never lost your touch when it comes to creating blueprints, Mr. President of the Student Council."
He smirks at your unforeseen flattery masked in irony, accepting the handshake and not missing the chance to throw a jab in, "And you're still good at heeding my orders despite your nature of splashing it with your own ideas, Ms. Vice-President of the Student Council."
Your eyes widened, caught-off guard by his witty teasing.
Amidst the quiet coffee shop where the calming classical music surrounds the serene space, an imminent cyclone forms as the two former lovers, turned partners-in-cupid, stand with their hands clasped in harmony, regarding each other in a pique.
Game on.
Day 1: Choosing a venue
You scanned the area thoroughly, a sense of merriment filling your heart while you observe the shades of green colliding in the small yard. Butterflies scattered around, the variety of plants and how they're trimmed and grown to perfection created a scenery of paradise. Not to mention the elegant fountain in the middle. (You could only chuckle at the thought of your brother gawking at the said piece of art.)
You're currently standing in a garden, the chosen location for the upcoming surprise, waiting for Jungwon to finish his business with the owners. He's the one who found the site in social media, thus, you made him do the honor of negotiating.
It was located in the countryside (2 to 3 hours drive from home), near the beach and the way the wind carries the ocean breeze brings a nice touch of freshness. It's tranquil in here, away from the bustling city and no gossip girls will appear out of nowhere.
You sat down in the wooden bench, taking a sip of your earl grey tea and sighing in contentment. Yeonjun would love it here, you also do think that the place is nice, and if you would be given the chance to choose a location for your own wedding engagement, this will definitely be your top pick.
"That's great! Thank you so much for giving us the spot next Wednesday."
Jungwon's distant jabbering snapped you out of your reverie, turning on your seat only to find him already focused on you, then he made a tiny gesture, telling you to come and meet the owners of the garden. You gave him a blank stare but obliged nonetheless.
You straightened your outfit, walking in his direction and coming face to face with the kind-looking elderly couple who's strangely gazing at you two with mirthful expressions.
"Good afternoon, I'm Y/N and-"
The older lady spoke, her sentence bamboozling you to no end.
"Is this the wife-to-be? Oh my god, she's gorgeous! You have a nice taste young man." she exclaims with a big grin, taking your hand in hers and shaking it vigorously.
"I have to agree with my wife here. You two are lovely together." her husband smiles as well, having the same opinion as his spouse.
"Oh no. Ma'am, sir, we are not- that's not..." you trailed off, awkwardness coursing through your veins and you had to get help from the equally bewildered man beside you, your whole body language begging for him to say something.
"I'm sorry to disappoint, Mr. and Mrs. Shin, but we're not together. It's actually her brother who's going to be engaged soon." Jungwon finally clears the confusion, a perplexed demeanor coming off from the pair.
After a while of explaining, the owners apologized for the misunderstanding, to which you easily accepted and even made a lighthearted joke about it. When everything's been settled, the place booked for next week's agenda and the duo promised to accommodate you to the best of their abilities, it was time to say farewell.
You made yourself comfortable in the passenger seat of Jungwon's car, peeping behind the tinted windows and being intrigued as to what they were discussing on the porch.
Right as you were about to leave, Mrs. Shin pulled Jungwon back to ask him a really important question. He had to usher you to go back first, but your inner detective conan was about to be let out of prison when you saw his scandalized facade just as the old woman whispered in his ears.
You witnessed how his ears turned red, the usual shy mien he had always sported back during highschool making an appearance, his adorable dimples showing when he pursed his lips to stop himself from laughing at what you can assume are ridiculous questions coming from Mrs. Shin.
You're a cat, a curious one at that, so you gaped at him when he entered the vehicle without so much of a word, revving the engine on and driving away.
Jungwon's right eye twitched when the irk of your not so subtle leering at him eventually provoked him to actually start a conversation with you.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
You puffed and glared at him, "The only thing that is wrong here is your attitude."
Jungwon visibly seethed through his teeth, gripping the steering wheel tighter, "Y/N." he called your name firmly, and believe it or not, his tone managed to create shivers down your spine. "Speak, we don't have all day."
"Well.." you bit your lip, suddenly embarrassed by your petulant behavior a few seconds ago.
"Well what?" Jungwon urged, momentarily glancing at your feeble figure.
"I was curious about what you were talking about with Mrs. Shin back there." you admitted with a small pout on your lips, evading his deriding eyes as you busied yourself with the enchanting terrains outside.
The sun had begun to set, casting a bright orange color across the skies, painting even the blue water seas with its beauty. A magnificent landscape, but your anxiety obstructs you from enjoying the view.
You heard Jungwon chuckle, and you were about to protest when he reassured you in the calmest way possible, "She was asking regarding Yeonjun hyung and his girlfriend. Nothing for your pretty little head to overthink about."
A certain word caught your attention, rotating your head a bit too fast that you almost had a whiplash, "Pretty? You think I'm pretty? Jungwon?"
He's smart enough to realize that you're doing this to rile him up.
"Y/N, I need you to shut up."
Day 2: Decoration and props
"No, we don't need that." you pinched the bridge of your nose when Jungwon picked up another set of balloons on the shelf, turning a deaf ear to his childish complaints when you rejected another item that he had deemed critical for the party.
"No fair!" he grumbles, pawing the objects in the cart, "All of the things in here are the ones that you've picked! You've never given me a turn to select at least one decor!"
You fight the intrusive necessity to abandon him in the aisle, personally wanting to save your crumbling image as the people around you begin to murmur at the commotion that Jungwon is causing.
"Alright! Alright!" you felt routed, you can never win against his juvenile stubborn personality, always having you at its mercy and if you tried to resist it, an impending doom is bound to happen.
"We'll pick one decoration of your choice, okay?" you showed him your index finger, shoving it into his face to reiterate your point, "Just one."
The way he cheered was akin to that of a child who was allowed by his mother to eat ice cream after winning a spelling bee competition. You shook your head at his antics, slightly laughing at his peppy steps as he sauntered towards the kids' birthday area of the store.
You begrudgingly followed him, grimacing at the item in his hand. You were about to nag the hell out of him, to question him the purpose or importance of some multicolor whistle blowout in a formal event.
But you stopped when you felt a tiny tug on your pants, squealing in delight when you were greeted by the cutest human being on earth.
"Hello little guy." you crouched down to match the child's height, your former frustration melting at the sight of his puffy cheeks and red eyes, probably from crying. "Are you lost?"
The youngster nodded his head a yes, and you couldn't help but coo when he made grabby hands at you, letting you know that he wanted to be carried. And who are you to say no to an angel?
At this time, returning the kid to his parents becomes your priority, "What's your name?" you gently asked the boy in your arms, swinging slightly from side to side in an attempt to further pacify him.
"Sunoo." he murmurs from your shoulders, sniffling and for a moment he gazes at you like he's in some deep thought, then he slapped your cheeks in his chubby hands, "You're young mommy."
You don't know if this is a compliment or not, but you smiled either way, thanking him and you're about to proceed to the security when Jungwon went and made his forgotten presence known again.
Sunoo shrieked when Jungwon blew the damned party horn, the tube unrolling and hitting the child in the face. For a minute you were so tempted to chuck Jungwon into a ditch, getting nervous at the thought of Sunoo crying... thank god he didn't.
The young one liked an element of surprise it seems, clapping his hands excitedly and spurred Jungwon (the child called him young daddy and you nearly gagged) to do it again, to which he did, causing Sunoo to erupt in a fit of giggles.
Something in your heart clenched while you watched the two interact, it was thumping rather loudly in your chest, reminding you of the dead and buried daydreams that you once had.
You'd be lying if you said that you never imagined a family with Jungwon. You'd be fooling yourself if you said that you've never pictured Jungwon as a part of your future.
The future that he said he couldn't see with you.
Rage suddenly shoots in and replaces the melancholic emotions you're in, and Jungwon felt that when your eyes are literally shooting him through his skull. His play time with Sunoo came to a halt, peering at your upset form and he frowned, inquiring if you're okay.
You refrain from meeting his brown orbs, giving only a hum in response and that made Jungwon's frown deeper.
The kid pouts, looking back and forth at the two adults, "Is young mommy and young daddy fighting?"
"No," you answered immediately, "we're not. Everything's fine honey." you tried your best to smile, albeit strained, "How about we find your parents, hm?"
You found the perfect way to escape Jungwon's piercing gaze, leaving him alone with his thoughts. You wouldn't be able to keep up with his interrogation and you'd rather die than be upfront with him.
This is not supposed to bother you. You must remain poised and rational at all times, a reminder that you kept on repeating inside your mind while you escorted the child to the security, having them announce the presence of Sunoo into the intercom.
After a few minutes of waiting, his parents finally arrived, thanking you profusely and as a way to show their gratitude, they happily paid all of your bills in the shop. (Jungwon stayed in the halls, giving the reason of not wanting to leave your cart unattended.)
You bid your goodbyes, promising Sunoo to visit him when you have the time. His mother and father were kind enough to give you their phone number and address, and it was your turn to thank them for giving you the opportunity to see Sunoo whenever you wanted to. They waved it off, saying 'our son was attached to you, he'll surely cry his heart out if he's not able to see you again.'
After the parting, the worst part that you're abstaining from followed, the stillness inside the vehicle was suffocating, and anybody with eyes can clearly tell how palpable the tension is.
You distracted yourself by counting the droplets of rain that fall on the window, listening to the buzzing radio, anything to brush the unsettling vibes aside.
The car went to a halt on the side of the road and you were stupefied at the abrupt break, you turned to reprimand the driver but you noticed that he was doing nothing but to stare ahead of the empty, wet pavement.
"Are you uncomfortable with me?"
He was direct, not fumbling around with his words and it made you hate him. How can he be so brave when it comes to confrontation?
"Let's just go. We're wasting time here."
Sidetracking was what you were best at, and that made Jungwon clench his jaws hard, will you ever change?
"Y/N, answer me." it was a ticking time bomb, the sudden change in your mood a while ago was a big mystery to him, and he'll never lay it off until he learns the reason why.
"Why should I?" you deadpanned, acting clueless to genuinely irritate him.
"Because we're not leaving until you answer me. You have two choices, Y/N." he's motionless, but you weren't, and you're about to do the most clichéd shit out there.
You glanced at him for a second, gave him a resentful smile, then you exited out of his car, not paying any mind to Jungwon's shouts for you to come back. You were adamant to trek your way home if it means that you won't have to stay in that asphyxiating conflict.
A yelp escaped you when Jungwon harshly jerked you to cease your movements, your back bumping into his sturdy chest as he held you by the arm.
"Let me go." you demanded, not having the energy to struggle in his grip, you reckon that it'll be useless because Jungwon is much stronger than you. Ain't no way you're squandering your energy over a futile endeavor.
"Is it really that difficult for you to be with me?" he whispers and you've gone frigid, did he really say that with such dejection?
"If you are not comfortable with me, I could tell Yeonjun hyung. You wouldn't have to spend your time with a person that you.. hate."
It physically pained Jungwon to utter that dreadful word, but if it makes you feel better then he would gladly swallow the numbing pill, he won't say it out loud, but your happiness will always be his priority.
And you think you're being selfish, of course, the break-up did not only affect you, it must have damaged him too.
Undeniably, you need to knock some sense into your brain.
"I'm sorry," you shuffled around until you were facing him, "I'm being absurd. I was-" you took a deep breath, "I was reminiscing, okay?"
You didn't have to tell him more, he understands. He always did, even during your darkest times, he was the only one who could bring you out of your emotional shell.
Jungwon held his pinky out, "Tell me when your reminiscing gets too much, I'll give you space. For now, let's be casual, yeah?"
A hint of the corner of your lips quirking up made him feel like a champion, intertwining your pinky with his in a small-scale pledge.
It's thorny for it was not attended for the longest time, but the residual connection can be made as a starting point to fix a rift.
Under the heavy droplets of the heavens, soaking through your shirts, what matters the most in this solemn atmosphere is this: the neverending solidarity to Yeonjun's imminent marriage proposal.
Day 3: Food and catering
You were never a fighter, you have counted yourself as a lover, but right now, your fist itches to land a blow on a random girl's face... a broken nose suits her the most, you think.
She keeps on twirling her hair, her fake high-pitched voice is sickening, and the way she stands is so vexing.
Yeah, you do understand where she's coming from.
Jungwon, for some reason, was all dressed up for today's schedule. An outfit that hugs his lean body exquisitely, dynamic enough to tuck his long-sleeved button up in a black trouser, said sleeves of the button up were rolled up to his elbows. He was no doubt showing off his broad shoulders, rich man arms and slim waist, heck, even his hair is styled flawlessly.
You on the other hand weren't severely outclassed, aware of the fancy catering service that you're visiting. A simple dress and a pair of boots sufficed you, then again, you were never the fashionista in this tandem.
What you're pissed about is an enigma, but you do know that you want to thwack Jungwon in the face too. He eats all the girl's recommendations, and he has the audacity to giggle at every word that she says!
At first, you were ecstatic to test the foods presented to you, as time goes by, you lost interest because the host didn't bother to give you the fucking time of her day, focusing entirely on Jungwon.
Hence, you find yourself sitting in the corner of the room, boring holes into the pair as you nurse your glass of Cheval Blanc 1947.
"Here are our cheese section!" the woman speaks in an unnatural cheerful tone, and you couldn't help but grimace at her dying whale sounds. Just then, Jungwon turns on his heel and beckons for you to come.
"Ah, sadly I'm lactose intolerant. It's okay though, my girlfriend here can taste it for me." he motions in your direction, to where you stand dumbfoundedly at the most shocking news of the day.
He lied and he used the godforsaken title on you.
"Baby? Are you okay?" Jungwon asked, hurrying in your direction while resting his hand on your lower back, guiding you to the long table where the enormous amount of dishes are laid out. He then softly murmurs against your ear, "I'm getting tired of that girl, please help me get rid of her."
You raised a suspicious eyebrow, "Weren't you enjoying the attention from her?"
You almost winced, you sounded like a jealous girlfriend back there, but Jungwon was too appalled to even notice the slip-up.
"The fu- No. I was being polite but one more of her screeching and god, I'd jump off a cliff."
His nauseated visage made you snicker in amusement, yet you acknowledged his scheme and you are ready to bring your inner Julia Roberts out.
"Yep, I'm fine.. baby." you intentionally made your voice louder, adding the bit after a millisecond of self reflection, pressing your body closer to his and boldly landing a palm over his chest, "So, what about the cheese?"
From your peripheral sight, the attendant was obviously fuming at the blatant display of affection. She did well at concealing her rage though, keeping an impassive guise in spite of her clenched fist.
Jungwon grabbed some pieces of the dairy products (no, not by his hands, they are conveniently skewered), inspecting them and as usual, lady whale in clown make-up happily expounds each and every last one of the cheese to him.
He was unfazed by the unsolicited trifling, instead fixing his whole attention on you, his hands clutching yours when he felt your grip on him became tighter at the girl's attempt of flirting with him.
"Here, taste it for me." he prodded you, gently feeding you each cheese, completely disregarding whatever chatter was happening around the room.
The delicious milk excites you, unconsciously doing the dance that you used to do whenever you find a magnificent dish.
Jungwon beams, finding your actions endearing, then it fell down when the attendant who couldn't take a damn hint pitched in some cynical comment towards you.
Oh, he was about to berate her, but you stopped him from doing so, wanting to deal with the mini but pointless battle.
"Miss, may I ask what's your preferred cheese?" you detach yourself from the boy, squaring up to the attendant.
You're about to give her a taste of her own medicine, except you are preparing it to be more bitter than a gosam tea.
She eyed you sassily, feigning a cheerful expression before pointing at the Ricotta.
"I knew you were a basic bitch." a depreciating giggle was heard from you, facing Jungwon and throwing your hands around him which he naturally returned, "Wonnie, we should get the Brie de Meaux."
"Hm? Okay then, we'll order that. We expect everything to be fresh and that it will arrive on time next week." Jungwon utters with finality, his words directed to the food presenter but he did not batted her with any ounce of regard.
You craned your neck, smirking at the aggravated woman.
Sweet victory. Well, it's not like she had any winning odds. She had it coming to her either way, fighting a losing skirmish.
Today's events should've scared you to your wits. The manner in which you and Jungwon held, talked, and looked at each other.. it was too innate. It did not feel like you were putting on a show to make that witch act accordingly.
It's peculiar that the day ended in a carefree manner. Both sides were satisfied and radiant, no bickering and no ill intentions whenever the other had their back undefended.
Maybe the soliloquy under the rain washed the remnants of black smoke and withered petals away, creating a blank canvas that can be painted with the daylight colors of a blossoming friendship.
Yeah, that must be it. Friendship.
Day 4: Flowers
"Red roses are good. Also, please add some white lilies and pink carnations into the roster, she'll love it." you rambled to the florist, but she merely gave you an understanding nod and proceeded to work with your request.
A yawn was heard from the corner of the shop and you suppressed the urge to punch the suspect of the offending sound, you chose the peaceful option of ignoring the person, continuing to mind your own business not until someone broke the silence that you've been enjoying.
"What's taking so long?" he asked, boredom lacing his tone, and that's when you whipped around to give him a warning look.
"Jungwon, picking the perfect flowers takes some time. If you want to go home, then go. No one's stopping you." you sassily replied, gracing him a tight lipped smile in the process.
It irked you even more when he rolled his eyes, mumbling something under his breath that you're sure is a snide remark towards you.
He was fine the last few days, so why on earth is he acting like a brat now?
You sighed, rubbing your forehead and pondering some ways to de-stress later. Surely, planning a proposal with your ex-boyfriend is something that you, a sane person, wouldn't do during your free time but here you are.
What was your brother even thinking, sending you with this jerk (which is conveniently his best friend), to help and prepare for the upcoming surprise for his girlfriend. Of course you'd love to do whatever you can for your dear sibling, but this is ruthless.. and plain torture.
While yes, you agreed to your brother's request, days like this where Jungwon is being unbearable made you question your decisions in life.
Just before you go deeper within your thoughts, a handsome man holding a bouquet of your chosen flowers emerged from the back room. He beamed at you, his eyes crinkling adorably and his dimples poked through his cheeks.
"Hello there!" he greeted you with joy, polite but bright and it made you naturally smile as well. Like they say, happiness is a virus that can easily infect anyone.
"Yes, hello uhm.." you trailed off, looking at his name tag, "Soobin?"
"That's me." he giggled and dear lord, were you about to burst at his charming facade, "I'm the floral designer here and I wanna ask if you're okay with this presentation?" he raised an eyebrow, showing you the beautifully arranged bunch of flowers, wrapped in an abaca and tied with a pink ribbon.
"Oh, it's gorgeous! You're great at this." you exclaimed, making the tall man blush, getting shy at your compliment.
"Ah, not really. The flowers are doing most of the work here, which I'm guessing are your favorites?" he scratched the back of his head, gazing at you with a soft smile.
Jungwon on the other hand frowned, like, what the fuck is this exchange of flirting he's seeing?
Not. Fucking. Tolerable.
He stood up from where he was seated, slamming his hand on the counter, effectively startling the two people who were conversing which gave him immense satisfaction.
"That's good enough. We'll take that." he feigned a charming smile, allowing the dent on his cheeks to show as well.
That Soobin guy can go to hell, his height and deep voice (that were a stark contrast to his own traits) do not matter, he's not the only one with dimples here.
You were shocked, surprised, disturbed, all adjectives out there are not enough to describe the bombshell that Jungwon dropped, but you weren't gonna stand there and let him be rude. Right as you were about to tell him off and apologize to Soobin, he managed to leave an impact again.
This time, it's fatal for your poor, weak heart.
"And those aren't her favorites. It's a combination of lilac, purple peonies and white tulips, actually."
You bent your neck to look at him, realizing the small proximity you two are in. He's mere inches away from you. Too close that you're able to see his sharp side profile and inhale the scent that you've tried to desperately forget during the sleepless nights where all you've wanted was to be held by him.
You have forgotten about Soobin by now, the vow that you took, the walls that you've built, everything. The only thing that you care about as of the moment is that Jungwon remembers.
Jungwon still knows the flowers that you wanted for your own wedding.
"Jungwon.." his lowly muttered name from your lips made him aware of his surroundings, noticing how close he was standing next to you, quickly distancing himself so as to not make you uneasy.
"I'm sorry." he cleared his throat, sparing Soobin a glance before making an ungraceful exit from the flower shop. A half-assed excuse of having to do something and that he'll leave the decision to you.
When Jungwon was out of the establishment, you turned to Soobin and shot him an apology as well.
"Nah, it's fine. Seems like I crossed a line." he chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows at you teasingly afterwards, "He might come off as a passive one but he's actually possessive. That's hot."
You snorted and rolled your eyes, bluffing an expression of indifference and denying whatever the florist was trying to imply.
"He's not a boyfriend?" he asked, listing the order and other details so it'll be delivered on time for the celebration.
"No, not a boyfriend. He's a friend." emphasizing the latter, though it was clear that Soobin wasn't persuaded, given by the knowing smile he sent you.
"If you say so."
You hummed, eyes trailing to the cat-like boy outside, having finished his 'business' and is now leaning against his car, patiently waiting for you.
Having him as a friend is a good thing, yeah, you'll convince yourself that.
Day 5: Engagement ring
"Thank god Yeonjun actually did something for his own wedding proposal." you groaned, threading through the people of the jam-packed mall, spotting the familiar male in front of the jewelry shop that you've been finding for the past five minutes.
You were about to yell at him, but then you noticed he was busy with his phone. He was texting someone, with a small smile.. and dare you say that it was a smitten one.
The world slows down for a while in your perspective, you have to remind yourself that yesterday's ruckus, and the other days before that were nothing but a sham. A mere helping hand and concern for a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
You told yourself not to be envious, in fact, it could be his sister or friend or a relative! Yada yada, no, it doesn't really matter even if it's a prospective lover.
Totally none of your business.
You inhaled, gripping your bag rigidly and stiffly walking towards him. Your silhouette must have caught his attention as he hastily closed and hid his phone in his pocket, acknowledging your presence with a tasteless hello.
Today's task is not a laborious one, you just have to check if the engagement ring is done and if it'll fit the finger properly. After that, you can take it back home, give it to Yeonjun so he could sneak it and voila- simple as that.
Entering the shop had your eyes bulging, the prices of the ornaments had you gagged. The fuck you mean an engagement ring can go up to a whopping 2 million won or more?
"These are expensive." you gasped, "Who would've thought that getting married can be this costly?"
"It's a precious gemstone, carved and refined into amelioration. It shows how much one cares about their partner, don't you think so, mademoiselle?" a voice startled you, clutching your chest, the jeweler behind the counter gave you a dazzling, apologetic smile at his suddenness.
"Gosh no, don't get me wrong. They are divine!" you raised your hands up in defense, "I'm sorry if I offended you."
"It's no problem." he laughs it off, placing a velvet red box on the glass counter, leniently opening it and you were blown away at the visuals of what was inside it. "By the way, this is the jewelry that you requested."
You were amazed to say the least. Yeonjun might be an idiot when it comes to art, but you can guess that love does strange things. He chose the perfect ring that his girlfriend will surely love.
"Is this ready to go?" Jungwon asked, startling you for the second time of the day, which was partially your fault because you did forget that he was beside you all this time while you're busy gawking at the trinkets.
He carefully studied the ring, the golden band with a cut of rose quartz on top glistens under the lighting of the establishment, it is truly sublime.
"One last step, monsieur. We have to make sure that it fits, you should try it on our mademoiselle here." the jeweler motioned to you, and you were about to reject him, apprehensive of the idea but you saw Jungwon hold his hand out.
You gaped at the boy, not expecting him to concede right away.
Time ticked by yet he's not showing any signs of trickery, the pressure weighs on your shoulders but you complied, cautiously covering his palm with your own.
It was electrifying, the way his fingers grazed your knuckles and his softened gaze on your skeptical mien. Goosebumps run across your arms, tickling the sentiments that you've locked in a vault as he slides the metal that was supposedly filled with promises on your ring finger.
"Gorgeous." Jungwon breathes, and you'd think that he was pertaining to the jewelry only if you did not miss the elusive starred glance he sent your way.
You surveyed your clasped hands, zooming on the ring and damn it to hell, it's too real to ignore and you're about to make a grave mistake if this continues.
A cough pulled you out of your self-absorbed hallucinations, separating your hand from Jungwon's and swiftly removing the ring on your finger, returning it to its proper place.
"It's excellent, we'll take it." you pretended to be fine, like your heart isn't about to pop out of your chest due to tachycardia that was rightfully caused by the person who is currently cooking you with his heated stare.
The jeweler gave you two a once over, a strange smile on his face before excusing himself and disappearing at the back of the shop, probably to pack the ring.
"What?!" you snapped when he remained steadfast on his staring, not having enough patience at Jungwon's antics anymore, crossing your arms in an unsophisticated stance, ready to drop kick the mixed signal giver.
He cackled at your aggressiveness, patting you on the head, "You're adorable when you're flustered."
He's bad news. He's dissolving your resolve and you think it's funny how he's able to scratch your surface easily.
Have you always been this weak? Or are you delicate only in his company, as if it's second nature to you after being with him for the longest time?
You'll never know and you're dead set on not knowing.
You'd live in this bliss called ignorance if it means that you can carry on with the denial, because there is no fucking way you're regaining the ardor you once held for this dumbass who broke your fragile heart.
You'll blame the bygone familiarity.
Flicking his hand off, you mustered the most arrogant expression you could do, "I was born adorable, Yang."
Day 6: Music
"Your obsession with Taylor Swift is unhealthy."
"And you think that BTS will do the trick?"
Jungwon lets out an affronted wheeze, "Yeonjun-hyung loves BTS."
You side eyed him from your position on the floor, "And his girlfriend's whole anthem is Taylor Swift."
You glared at each other, having a silent clash on which music should be played during the proposal.
"Can't we have a common ground here?" you went over the counter, refilling your empty glass of cheap wine that you found in Jungwon's cabinet and chugging it in one go.
The two of you are currently conceiving the ideal music to be played during the actual proposal in his flat's kitchen. It's 7 PM, he invited you over, you accepted, and now you're giving each other shit for the difference in music taste.
You understand the assignment. It should be romantic enough that it'll set the mood, love will fill the air and possibly make the girlfriend cry. Thus, you recommended a song that fits the occasion, yet your nemesis begged to differ.
Jungwon clicked away on his laptop, scouring through youtube but it 'coincidentally' ends up in the same audio that he's been fighting for.
"Open your ears and listen, Euphoria is the real deal here." he sassed, and you couldn't help but scrutinize him, making your way over to him and tapping on his keyboard aggressively.
"Daylight is what we're looking for, buddy." you played the song, making Jungwon groan in distaste.
He was yapping about how picturesque the celebration would be if Euphoria echoes in the background while Yeonjun goes on one knee, professing his undying commitment to the love of his life.
You put a hand under your chin, pondering over the concept, then a light bulb went off.
You slapped Jungwon on the back, shrugging his pained mewls off and telling him the great idea that you got. He was tentative at first, but he still did it when you threatened him that you'll eat his last stored curry if he didn't do your request.
Finally, a mash-up of two love songs in piano versions was made.
You listened to it, and you mentally give yourself a pat on the back at your once in a blue moon stroke of genius.
Euphoria is a good option during the actual proposal, but what about after it?
Slow dancing under the fairy lights, foreheads touching with lovesick smiles, knowing that you're on the road to forever with your soulmate is equal to Daylight.
"If we're talking about a slow dance then Serendipity would do the job." Jungwon intercepts, emotionless at the compromise that you made.
With your hands on your hips, you started chiding him for the unsought disrespect, "Boohoo, if you tried dancing to this then maybe you'll realize how amazing this is."
You shrieked when you were suddenly whisked to your spot, landing in the middle of the kitchen as Jungwon stands in front of you with an unwavering determination.
"Show me then maybe I'll understand your point." he mumbles, then you pause, is he actually telling you to dance with him? Right now? In his kitchen?
This is so random and ridiculous. What made him think that you'd do such a thing just to get your intention across a river of crocodiles to him.
"I don't have to do that!" you whined, glowering at him, crossing your arms in disdain.
You don't know what kind of evil spirit possessed him to act like this, but you don't like it. Simply because it's making you incredibly perturbed.
"I won't settle for Daylight then."
And like fate is by your side, the lights in his kitchen, without notice, sparked and then poof! Gone.
It was pitch black, and you'd think that this is the divine intervention that you needed to flee the nerve wrecking condition he's put you through.
You heard Jungwon cuss, sputtering some 'Jay-hyung' and 'fixed it my ass' before ordering you to stay right where you are.
Some shuffling was heard, you'd be astounded at how he's navigating in this blackout but you gathered that he'd probably memorized the layout of his own house by heart.
All of a sudden, the classical melody of Daylight plays loudly on his gigantic speakers, then a dim yellow light covers a small area to illuminate.
Mr. Smartpants used the refrigerator to cast a glow in the darkness, and now he is right there, situated right where he used to be, meeting you face to face and you're lost.
Lost in his eyes, in the way he saunters to you, his palms landing on your waist as he begins to move in sync with the velvety melody.
He speaks in the softest decibel you've ever heard, feathery touches scorched you despite the clothes that separate the tiny space between his hand and your skin.
"Show me, Y/N, and I'll believe you."
You could've pushed him away, but no, you just had to hold onto his broad shoulders, letting him swing you back and forth, delicately following the rhythm of the music in accordance to the beating of your heart.
The lyrics got stuck in your head when you dared to peek at him through your eyelashes, the truth dawning on you— Yang Jungwon is your daylight.
He was intertwined with you by destiny itself. Your black and white cinematics became golden when he entered your story.
Why did it have to go all wrong instead of the one that you prayed for?
"Y/N," Jungwon hushed, "you have no idea of how much I've missed you."
Each word was heavily punctuated with a certain yearning, and it may be the intimacy of the atmosphere or your unholy alcohol consumption, but you suddenly have this desire to cradle his face.
So you gave in to it. You only live once, so why not make the most of it when an opportune moment appears.
"Did you really?" he leaned into your touch, dangerously close yet you paid no heed to the warnings, choosing to relish in his warmth.
He mirrored your smile, dimples poking through his cheeks, and you're unable to refrain yourself from poking it. Fingers gliding on his smooth skin, digging on the inherent dent that the angels sculpted and gifted him with.
His arms are now fully wrapped around your waist, the tip of your noses tickling each other, his hot breath blows over your dry lips every time he exhales, a contrast to the icy ventilation generated from the opened refrigerator.
"I did. So fucking much that I asked your brother to set us up."
What did he do?
You dropped your arms to your sides, appalled at his confession, forcing you to move back from him, creating a minimal margin with furrowed brows, "What do you mean by that?"
He held you back, securing you in his arms because there's no way he's letting you go like he did before. No more blunders that he'll inevitably repent at a later date.
"My love, please, hear me out." it was his turn to cup your face, dropping all formalities and going back to the endearment that he used to call you.
When you didn't answer, he took that as a cue to continue, "You broke up with me through text, you avoided me, and I.. I thought it was done. That it really was the best for us to separate ways. I thought moving on would be the best option, but it wasn't. I went to a whole other city to forget you, but even there you followed me."
You were breathing rapidly, trying to cope up with the information that he was spilling, you opened your mouth, barely managing to utter a single question, "How come?"
"Because you are here," he grasped your hand, guiding it to his temple, "here," to his chest, "everywhere really." finally bringing your hand up to peck the back of it.
"Everything that I see there reminds me of you.. of us, but I endured the pain of living without you until I saw a photo of you with a guy on your social media." he chuckles, murmuring against your skin, "That shit got my head spinning and I knew I had to get you back."
In a flash, you were outraged, hearing his impulsive decision rooted from his ugly green monster. Your memories have been refreshed, the dead case now reopened from the grave. How dare he decide that he'll walk in your life again after the bullshit that he had carelessly spat.
"Wow! The audacity that you have." you mused, completely disengaging yourself from him in spite of the aching protests of your consciousness to stay still in his arms, "After telling people that you don't see a future with me? Now, you want me back?"
Your over the top 'Ha!' at the end of your sentence had Jungwon reeling in anger. Here you go again, acting out the stubborn lioness made out of sheep's wool.
He took slow but gnarly steps towards you, his eyes that held daggers pierced through your soul and that unlocked a new fear within you, causing you to take your own steps backwards. The cycle went on, until your back hit the counter.
You cursed at the deities of fortune for their inadequacy at today's chapter of 'Y/N escaping confrontation with Jungwon part 2.'
"You never let me unravel whatever shit you're thinking or hearing." Jungwon sneers with steady footsteps, and you had the conviction to stare right into his own orbs only to be thrown into the rabbit hole.
There he was, treacherous vibe and clenched fists but all you could distinguish are his porcelain features and glassy eyes. Never had you ever thought that anyone would look divine with only a somber gleam and shadows casted over their face.
Yang Jungwon had a great ability of proving your theories erroneous.
Finally, he towers over you, caging you with his hefty and sullen stature, "You didn’t hear the full conversation and you're quick to judge."
You gulped in anticipation, closing your eyes shut while gripping the marbled countertop and bracing yourself for the wave that will crash upon you.
"Y/N, I do not imagine you in my future." that stings, that shit hurts to the point that tears begin welling up, then your eyes are wide open at his next words, "You are not in my future because you are the future. My future. Do you get it? I don't imagine. I, indubitably, want you to be at the center of it all."
He speaks nothing but the truth. Seriously, what is the point of all this if at the end of his sail in the sea, he doesn't have the reason why he even went on the journey beforehand.
You are stupid, you think, willing yourself not to cry at your own ignorance.
Two things were validated: you are a very bad eavesdropper and an even worse decision-maker.
"W-won..I ruined everything we had, didn’t I?" you sniffed, lowering your head in shame.
"Baby, my flower," Jungwon whispers, hugging you tightly before tilting your chin so you're able to look at him again, "don't cry. Shh, it's okay."
"How can you sa- hmpf!" your sentence was cut short when a pair of lips went and shut you up.
It was a searing and soulful kiss, more than sufficient to convey the flickering love that kept on shining even during the seasons of yearning and ache.
It was the assurance that you needed, that you are and will always be forgiven despite the conflicts that you've caused. All is well, all is fine because as far as Jungwon is concerned, it's okay if the mess turned out to be an arson you orchestrated.
People might brand him as the batshit crazy kid in town, but he couldn't care less. You are his mess and he is your crazy. Thus, he will gladly burn for you if it means that his ashes will stick on you like a tattoo.
You unintentionally moaned when Jungwon bit your lower lip, aggressively shoving his tongue down your throat as he hoisted you up on the counter. His hands went to your exposed thighs, courtesy of you wearing shorts, while yours landed on his tuft of silky hair.
He situated himself in between your legs, tracing lines on your thigh and in stupor, you vaguely made out the 'mine' and a mini heart he drew beside it... or that may be your imagination taking a toll on you since his ministrations are definitely making you intoxicated.
Jungwon explored your mouth like a hungry beast, swiping over your gums, your teeth. It was a temporary fight for dominance, to which you gave in easily, allowing him to massage your own tongue in his.
He momentarily pulled away for oxygen, instructing you to stick your tongue out, and he managed to elicit another moan from you when he sucked on it, a sensual exchange of saliva occuring, causing you to tug on his hair.
A groan escaped from him, kissing you some more before detaching himself on your bruised lips, opting to slide his head down the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and smooching all over that had you giggling.
He smiles against your skin, mumbling something that kind of sounds like 'Gosh, I love hearing you laugh.'
It was such a sweet moment, then the man went wild. Licking up a stripe just below your ears, lightly nibbling on your lobe to make you squeal before dipping his head in your clavicle, sinking his teeth on your collarbone before soothing it with a kiss. He then kicked it up a notch, skidding your shirt on your left shoulder to uncover more of your skin for him to feast on.
He trailed kisses on your shoulder, up to your weak spot until he decided to bite and suck on it, making you gasp in pleasure. You whimpered his name, which basically egged him to paint you more in purple, marking you as his.
Jungwon's hands can't stay in place, roaming around your body until it slips inside your oversized shirt. His calloused palms set your skin ablaze as it snaked over your bra-clad breast, palming it for a while before moving towards your back, unclasping your under garment and removing it expertly out of your shirt.
His hand groped your chest, the other one almost ripped your shirt in a haste to reveal the upper fats of your mound, his mouth immediately attaching on it to suck some more hickeys.
You were getting antsy in your position, wiggling and moving around to find some friction due to your growing needs. One that was found on Jungwon's jeans, pressing your lower half on his in a desperate attempt for relief.
"Fuck, baby." Jungwon cursed when you grinded on his clothed hard-on, his heavy panting covering the expanse of the room, "If you continue doing that, I won't be able to control myself anymore."
Your hooded eyes made contact with his dark ones, then you made a conclusion, pulling him in for a few seconds of make-out session.
"Don't control yourself then, Wonnie. I'm yours."
His smirk tells you that you don’t have to say anything anymore, swooping you off the counter princess-style, "I'll show you what it means to be mine, then."
Day 7: Finalization
It was safe to say that Jungwon was losing his mind throughout this ordeal.
He was set to wake up with you by his side, but to his dismay, no trace of you were left the next morning after your.. eventful night.
Jungwon was so sure that he'll straighten things up with you.
He already made a promise that he'll take care of you, that he'll love you more than he used to. He clarified your misunderstanding, reassuring you that communication will be the key this time around.
All those honeyed and candid pillow talk for this tomfoolery to happen?
Jungwon is not known for bragging but heck, you were, without a doubt, sent to heaven back on earth when he showed you how much he misses, loves, and owns you.
So where the fuck are you and why did you leave him alone and cold in his bed?
You didn't block him per se, his messages and calls going through but he did realize that you're actively avoiding him again.
This is literally making his blood boil, add to that the piling stress of overseeing the venue and other things for the proposal tomorrow alone.
Well no, technically he's not alone. Yeonjun graciously called another friend to assist him during your unexcused absence. (He was being dramatic because you're not here with him.)
"What!?" he snapped, looking at the shocked but amused older male.
"Damn, did someone spit in your coffee today?" the man cackled, nudging Jungwon with a teasing grin.
"I'll spit on you if you don't drop it." Jungwon scowled, not in the mood to play around, "What do you need, Jay-hyung?"
The American smirked, biting his lower lip to withhold himself from tittering and possibly further annoying the moody sheep, "The workers are asking where to put the cut outs. They need instructions."
Jungwon groaned, that was meant to be your job!
"Okay, I'll go there." he says, stomping his way into the middle of the garden, and if you look closely, you'll be able to see the popping veins in his forehead and the fuming smoke coming out his ears.
Jay shook his head, truly, you have no idea how much you affect Jungwon, don't you?
Jungwon was 100% sure that you wouldn't attend, but then you got him flabbergasted when you appeared in your splendid glory.
Oh, what a gem you are. Your make-up and hair are elegantly done, and he thinks you're taunting him when you wore that godforsaken backless blue dress that you hauntingly paired with black pumps.
That night, he was certain you were shunning him away for whatever reason you have... and he's going to uncover you.
Jungwon was basically a walking thundercloud in there, but thankfully, the celebration and proposal went on without a hitch.
It was an enchanting scenario, the way Yeonjun dropped on one knee, professing a lifetime of a home filled with happiness and prosperity. It made you tear up, especially when his girlfriend said yes, their genuine smiles and love touching you to no end.
Then a minute speech ensued, the couple appreciating everyone who was with them throughout their relationship, a special shout out for those who helped Yeonjun with the proposal, which included you and the name you don't wanna hear.
His girlfriend suddenly cleared her throat, announcing an unusual tradition that she wanted to do for a while now, "I know this is done during the wedding but I want to do this uniquely."
She then walked up to you, thrusting the bouquet in your hands, "I love you like you're my own sister. Y/N, I want you to be happy too, to get married someday. I know that you'll find the right man soon."
You gripped the bundle of flowers with resentment. You're drowning in the flood of doubts but you still managed to thank her with a small smile. She merely gave you a cheeky wink, returning to her former spot and throwing herself in your brother's arms.
The gathering continued, visitors dancing, eating and drinking while you stood there at the side, contemplating whether to join in on the fun or be the kill joy of the day.
A rookie mistake that you did though was when you looked up, directly staring into the chocolate orbs of the man that you recently gave your purity to, only for him to drop it on the floor to watch it shatter into pieces.
You hated yourself for giving in, but you hated it more when your heart rate sped up at the meager eye contact with him. You hated the fact that the world seemed to cease its rotation when you're hit with the reality that you're in his presence. 
Your vision might have gone bad because how come that he's the only thing that you could emphasize on while the others are nothing but bleary images.
This is incorrect, an imprecision. it made you sick to your stomach when his dimples revealed themselves, much so when you were compelled to kiss it.
You had to get out of here and take a breather.
Thus, you find yourself standing in front of a pond, back in some alley in the garden. Good thing that the venue is spacious, having this kind of area as a getaway car from the rambunctious spell that the gods have cast upon you.
"You should join a marathon for being such a good runner." a sarcastic voice had your body stone cold, anxiety enveloping your whole being at the looming adversary that you have to face.
"Thank you for the advice that I won't engage in." you tried to sound strong, but your voice box failed you when your sentence came out meek and shaky.
Jungwon chortled at the ridiculousness of the situation. He finds it funny how the progress went from 0 to 100 then back to 0.
"What are you laughing about?" you lifted an eyebrow, cautiously peering at his abrupt change in mood.
"You." he mutters, gnashing his teeth while he eyed you incredulously, "You're a whole circus, from giving me false hope to stepping all over my heart. Real clown right here."
That made you scoff, bewildered at his rude attitude, accusing you of these things when in your perspective, he was the one playing games all along.
"Aren't you aware that you are the embodiment of a personified clown?" you're an erupting volcano, and you couldn't hold it back anymore, "I trusted you! Then I wake up in the middle of the night, see a text message on your phone from an unknown number saying that your baby misses you."
Jungwon opened his mouth to speak, but no, you weren't done yet. This film is something you have seen before, except tonight, it's not through a cowardly text message, you'll say it directly to him.
"Were your feelings truly genuine or you just weren't patient enough? Did you really love me or were you in love with the thought of having someone kiss you during your darkest nights, or having someone hold you during your coldest days? The chances that weren't given to you, you only chose me for that, right? Successfully distracting your heart that wasn't meant to take a risk."
A moment of silence. Then Jungwon gave you a bittersweet smile, turning around so you're now facing his back.
"Mrs. Shin asked me if I was lying to her about us not being together. She said that the way I looked at you was comparable to a devotee, like you are the reason for my being."
What? What is he talking about?
"When you were doting on Sunoo, you recall that kid back at the mall? Yeah him, I had this epiphany of you being my wife, the mother of my children."
This isn't the answer that you've been looking for, but it has you stunned to the core.
"That flower guy was annoying. His dimples got me jealous, got me carried away. When you acted as my girlfriend to fend off that presenter, I wished it was true. Then I couldn't shake the butterflies in my stomach when I put that ring on you. And during the fateful night, I really thought we had something going on there."
Jungwon's shoulder shook, his head moving upwards as an attempt to dry the moisture away. If this is how it's ending, then he'd let you go. But not after spilling his endless rumination and sentiments for you.
When you broke up with him, it felt like he was dying. He was an empty shell without you. He hated you for not giving him the chance to explain himself, but he hated himself more when he gave up and moved away to cover up his wounds.
Then he saw an opportunity to be with you again, and so, he begged Yeonjun to help him, but his efforts were all in vain, it seems.
"Y/N, I dreamt of you in a white gown, walking down the aisle of the red carpet. I've always prayed for you to be my endgame. But if I really don't have a chance with you anymore, then I'll bury all those dreams away."
He finished, letting the stream out, tired of holding it back. Tired of fighting a losing battle. He'll leave your life for good, heavy footsteps crackling under the pebbles. Then he stopped, "By the way, that message you saw was from my sister's new number. And the baby that was mentioned was my dog."
If there's an award for the best lunatic out there, it must be given to you. An amateur snooper that knows nothing but to misinterpret people.
You gulped and made a run for it, throwing the bouquet that you are still holding to fully embrace Jungwon from the back, burying your face in his expensive cashmere suit.
"The chance never left, Jungwon." you muttered softly, hugging him tighter to prevent him from leaving, "It never left, and it wants you to stay."
Jungwon lets out a weak laugh, "If you're doing this out of pity t-"
"No!" you cried out, because you're tired as well. Tired of hiding things from him, for foolishly keeping it all in when you could've talked it out.
You poured the stashed secrets. From the handmade paper ring that you were about to give him when you heard him in the student council room. to how you're afraid that college life might bring a fissure in your relationship, so you wanted to give him something that'll remind him of you and your love.
You told him that you cannot see a future without him, so you prematurely went into a heartbreak episode when you misunderstood his words. Every fault is a series of your insecurities and skepticism of a happy ending with him.
You confessed to him that you have always loved him, that your heart still belongs to him. You're just a plain idiot that couldn't communicate well but you swear, he's the only one that you'd choose in a room full of other men.
You spewed out promises of telling him whenever you're overthinking or overfeeling things. That you wouldn't get ahead of yourself next time, that you'd trust him more.
Your wrongdoings are not to be tolerated, but you'd do your best to make it up to him.
Jungwon finally turns around, his dried tear stains on his cheeks pains you, yet he's a sweetheart, wiping your own salty tears in lieu of his.
"The paper ring." he mumbles while bolstering your cheeks on his palms in a silly manner, pressing his forehead on yours, "Make me that paper ring again, this time give it to me."
You nod with the full intent of handing him the gift with the oath of staying by his side until you have both achieved your dreams and aspirations in life. 
Pinky promises are mainstream, adorable yes, but the best is sealing a promise with a kiss.
The buzzing noise of the party in the garden turned into white noise, the focal point is on the subject of your affection. The man who is currently kissing you under the stars. 
There is this one term that you read once, ‘Ephemeral.’
It was a pretty word, but its meaning is sorrowful. 
Yet with Jungwon, seeing the silver lining of the word is easier than studying for an exam.
The pain, arguments, hugs, kisses, and life itself is short-lived. Fleeting memories forgotten when you’re gray and old. Still, that gives you more reason to rejoice the moments as much as you can.
Besides, if Yang Jungwon is by your side, then every ephemeral will last perpetually.
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@yzzyhee @maymarrylhs @dreamiestay @moon4moony @vixensss @star4rin @heelee-01 @ramenoil @lilyuwon
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The Imperfect Couple - 6
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Character: politician!Bucky x ex-wife!reader
Summary: A separated couple must pretend to be happily married while the husband runs for Vice President, dealing with old issues and political pressures during his election campaign.
Warning: The couple's arguments could be triggering.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , Chapter 9 , Chapter 10 , Chapter 11 , Chapter 12 , -
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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“How long have you known him?” Bucky’s voice was calm, but his eyes were sharp, watching every reaction.
“Five years,” you answered, keeping your tone steady. You didn’t want him to pick up on any hint of tension.
Bucky frowned, a strange sense of familiarity tugging at him. Ian seemed like a typical journalist, but something else about him gnawed at Bucky's instincts.
He rarely interacted with foreign reporters, so why did Ian’s presence feel… off? He was sure he'd figure out why this feeling wouldn't leave him.
Before either of you could say more, Greg appeared, clipboard in hand, and gave you both a pointed look. “Alright, you two, time to get ready. The event’s about to start. Let’s make sure everything runs smoothly.”
You nodded, feeling the butterflies in your stomach begin to stir. You’d been on stages before, but not like this. Not with Bucky, not under the gaze of an entire country.
Bucky noticed your hesitation and moved closer, placing a firm hand on your lower back. “It’s going to be fine,” he whispered, his voice low and reassuring. “I’ve got you.”
You looked up at him, trying to read his eyes. Was he just saying that for the cameras? Or was there something deeper there? It was getting harder to tell. You nodded anyway, more for yourself than for him, and straightened up. You had to play your part, just as you always did.
At the Convention
The large venue buzzed with excitement, lights shining down on the stage like spotlights in an arena. When Steve Rogers walked up to the podium, the room went silent, all eyes on him. He was the golden candidate—charismatic, confident, the embodiment of what the people wanted.
The room buzzed with anticipation as Steve Rogers approached the podium, every eye in the venue locked onto him. He stood tall, his presence commanding, radiating the quiet strength he was known for. After a brief moment, he began speaking, his voice steady but filled with passion.
"Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Americans," Steve’s voice echoed with gravitas, "Today, we stand at the threshold of a new era. We face challenges that require not just strong leadership, but leadership rooted in integrity, honor, and the unyielding belief in the power of the people."
The crowd quieted further, hanging on his every word.
"For too long, we’ve watched division grow. But I believe in the strength of unity, the strength of standing together—one nation, bound by a shared responsibility to protect our freedom, our families, and our future. And I pledge to lead with the same unwavering commitment that I’ve given to this country my entire life."
He took a brief pause, allowing his words to sink in, then continued, his tone growing more impassioned.
"I am not just here as a candidate, but as a father, a husband, and a son," he said, gesturing toward his wife, Peggy, and their children standing nearby, his parents behind them. "I want a better world for my family—just as I want a better world for yours. A world where opportunity isn’t reserved for the few but shared by the many. A world where every child grows up in safety, with access to education, health, and the opportunity to pursue their dreams."
The applause began to rise, but Steve held his hand up gently, signaling for quiet once more.
"This is not just my campaign. This is our campaign. Together, we will fight for a future that respects the dignity of every individual. We will build an America where justice is not selective but a right for all. Where leadership is about service—not power."
His voice crescendoed, igniting the room.
"Because I believe in us. I believe in the promise of America, and I believe in the strength of the American people. Together, we will rise to meet the challenges of today, and together, we will create a brighter, fairer, and stronger tomorrow."
The room erupted into thunderous applause as Steve’s words settled over the crowd. He stepped back, waving, as Peggy and their children joined him at the front of the stage, a living testament to the family values he championed.
With that, Steve Rogers sealed the moment—an electrifying speech that echoed far beyond the walls of the convention hall.
The crowd erupted into applause as Steve stepped aside, making way for Bucky.
Now it was his turn.
You watched as Bucky walked to the podium with the practiced ease of a man who was born for this. His dark suit was perfectly tailored, the overhead lights catching the sharp angles of his face. As soon as he began speaking, the room hushed again.
“I want to thank everyone for being here today,” Bucky started, his voice strong, yet warm. “Serving alongside Steve has been the honor of my life, and I am proud to stand here as the candidate for Vice President. My family—my parents Julius and Caroline, my siblings Shawn and Hazel, my nephew Nate, and my brother-in-law Tim—are with me today.” He motioned to the side, where they all stood. Caroline’s expression was as rigid as ever, while Julius offered a rare smile.
Then Bucky’s eyes found you.
“And of course, my wife. She’s been my rock. She’s stood by me through the hardest times, and I can’t imagine being here without her.” His voice softened, but the sincerity in his words cut through the noise in your head.
You smiled on cue, the kind of smile you’d perfected over years of practice. But inside, everything felt muddled. Bucky spoke as though you were his whole world, but you knew the truth. This was a performance. A calculated move to protect his image.
The applause was thunderous, but it sounded far away as you fought the emotions swirling inside you. Bucky looked the part—strong, dependable, built for this kind of role. He was doing everything right.
But you? You were pretending. The smile you wore for the cameras wasn’t for him; it was for the part of you that wanted to see Caroline suffer, to see her envy every look Bucky gave you on that stage. But underneath the spite, you felt something deeper, something far more complicated.
'Can I really keep doing this?' The question lodged itself in your mind as the applause rang out again.
You watched Bucky continue his speech, looking every bit the man of the moment. He thrived in this atmosphere, while you felt like you were drowning in a sea of lies. Every glance from the audience, every flash from the cameras, reminded you that none of this was real.
When he finished, the room erupted in applause again. Bucky turned to you, offering his hand. The warmth of his palm against yours was meant to be reassuring, but it only deepened your confusion.
As you both exited the stage, his grip tightened slightly, just enough for you to notice. He leaned down, voice low in your ear. “You did great,” he whispered. His words were laced with a strange tenderness that made your stomach flip.
You nodded, but deep down, the weight of this act was crushing you.
As the convention wrapped up and the crowd began to disperse, you and Bucky maneuvered Tim’s wheelchair carefully. The excitement of the day was still buzzing in the air, but you could sense the underlying tension between Bucky and Ian as Ian approached you and Tim.
Ian greeted you with a friendly smile. “Hey, I’m working on a piece about the election from the perspective of the candidates’ families. What’s it like for you and your family during all this?”
Bucky, standing beside you, made a subtle move to place himself between you and Ian, a protective gesture that didn't go unnoticed. “I’m not sure if that’s appropriate,” Bucky began, but Tim cut him off.
“Of course! I’ve never been interviewed before. It’ll be good to share my side,” Tim said eagerly, his eyes bright with enthusiasm.
Bucky looked at Tim, then at you, his frustration evident in the tightness of his jaw. He sighed and stepped aside, unable to argue with Tim’s excitement or your reluctance to refuse a friend’s request.
Ian turned to you, his expression curious. “You never mentioned your brother before. It’s clear you two have a strong bond.”
“She’s a private person,” Tim interjected with a hint of pride.
Ian raised an eyebrow, glancing back at you. “You really seem to know her well.”
“We may not always show it, but we’re very close. She’s been like a second mother to me, especially after I lost my leg,” Tim said, his voice carrying an unusual warmth.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks at the unexpected praise from your brother. It was rare to hear him speak so openly about his feelings.
Ian smiled as he jotted down notes. “This story is going to resonate with a lot of people.”
After a while, Tim excused himself, leaving you and Ian alone. Ian’s demeanor shifted subtly, becoming more serious.
“Thanks for giving him the chance to speak,” you said with a slight edge. “You know, it feels like you just handed him a chance to embarrass me.”
Ian chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. “Isn’t that what siblings do? Cherish these moments of difference before it’s too late.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean,-?”
Before you could ask, Ian pulled you aside, his face set with determination. “I heard there’s a divorce in your marriage.”
You stiffened, your eyes widening in surprise. “How did you find out?”
Ian’s smirk was almost smug. “Don’t underestimate my skills. You vanished, then reappeared, acting like everything’s perfect. I pieced it together from the campaign.”
He leaned closer, his frustration evident. “Not once did you mention him. And now, suddenly, you’re playing the loving wife. It’s irritating.”
You crossed your arms, feeling a wave of anger and discomfort. “Are you planning to use this information?”
Ian’s expression softened, though his eyes were intense. “I don’t know yet. But a few people already know.”
You flinched at his words, a shiver running down your spine.
Ian’s voice dropped to a reassuring whisper. “Don’t worry. They’ve only heard rumors. No one has solid evidence. I could protect you. Because you deserve someone better.”
You gulped, unable to speak. Ian’s concern seemed genuine, but you couldn’t shake off the pain from your marriage with Bucky. Your emotions were still tangled, and you didn’t want to get involved with Ian’s feelings, especially now.
You glanced up and saw Bucky watching you from across the room. His eyes were locked on you, his gaze sharp and intense. It felt like he was assessing every movement, every word. The tension in his stare made your heart race, and you could almost feel his frustration and jealousy from afar.
As the car sped through the night, the backseat felt increasingly cramped, the air thick with unspoken tension. You stared out the window, trying to avoid Bucky’s piercing gaze. The city lights flickered past, a blur of neon and shadows, as you stewed over the conversation with Ian and the unresolved questions it left.
Bucky's silence was more oppressive than any words. His jaw was set tight, and the muscles in his neck were rigid. When he finally spoke, his voice was cold, laced with an edge of command. “Don’t meet Ian anymore.”
You continued to look out the window, your reflection a ghostly image against the darkened glass. “He knew about the divorce,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Bucky’s breath hitched, his grip on the seat tightening. He was silent for a moment, the weight of your revelation settling in. Then, unexpectedly, he chuckled, a dark, humorless sound. “Well, that means I’m on the right track. Every politician has skeletons in their closet.”
You turned your head sharply to face him, eyes narrowing. “You’re not afraid if the rumor leaks out?”
Bucky’s gaze remained steady, but his jaw tightened slightly. “I’m not gonna lie, I am afraid. But I’m more worried about how it’ll affect you.” He paused “But look at the bright side. It narrows down the list of people who knew about our marriage.”
You turned to him, eyes narrowing in frustration. “You’re playing with fire, Bucky.”
He leaned closer, the space between you shrinking rapidly. His expression softened into a smirk, but his eyes held a dangerous glint. “I’ll win this for you. I still remember that moment when you wished me to win, just to spite my mother. I need that brave Y/N.”
You could feel the heat from his body, his breath mingling with yours as he drew nearer. The car’s dim lighting accentuated the intensity in his eyes, a smoldering gaze that made your pulse quicken. “Don’t make this about me,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
Bucky’s smirk deepened, and he moved even closer, his face inches from yours. “But babe, this is all for you,” he murmured, his voice a low, seductive growl.
His proximity was overwhelming, and you could feel the heat radiating from his body. You swallowed hard, the line between anger and something else entirely blurring as his lips almost brushed against yours.
Your breath hitched, and for a moment, you were caught between the anger at his manipulation and the undeniable pull of the unresolved feelings you still harbored for him. The confined space of the car seemed to shrink around you, the air charged with a mix of frustration and unspoken desire.
Bucky’s gaze locked onto yours, his smirk fading into an expression of intense focus. His hand reached out, fingertips grazing your cheek in a feather-light touch that made your skin tingle. “I need you to trust me,” he said softly, his voice carrying an almost desperate edge.
You hated him for the pain he’d caused, but his touch betrayed your emotions, making it hard to stay firm. And he knew it. You wanted to wipe that smug look off his face.only the charged, almost unbearable closeness between you.
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a whiskey with jax teller pleaseeee just him being a little shit during a hot sex bc hes jax ofc theres so little writing about him and yours is fuckin phenomenal <33
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warnings - smut. cursing. jax and his filthy mouth.
you're so lovely - thank you!! this man's middle name is mischief. I just know he'd be a fuckin menace in bed.
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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"Shhh darlin'. You don't want them to hear, do you?"
You wish he'd thought about that before he'd linked his fingers with yours and led you through the clubhouse, whispering something about having to have you now.
"This was- fuck- your idea, Jax," you pant, gripping the sheets beneath you.
He's got you practically folded in half, his body cloaking yours, weight pressing you down. He keeps tilting your chin up to look at him, slapping your cheek gently when you close your eyes. He wants to be your sole focus.
Little does he know, he always is.
"Oh, come on. Like you didn't want it as bad as I did."
He has this tone, when he's fucking you. It's low and it's menacing and it's rough around the edges. It's lethal.
He punctuates his words with a particularly deep thrust of his hips, a surprised moan leaving your lips before you can stop it.
"You wanna get us caught? Huh?"
He thinks he feels you tighten around him, so he tests his theory.
"Or maybe that is what you want. I see the way you look at Chibs, honey. Do you want him to hear? Come and see what all the noise is about? Join in, maybe?"
You clench down, back arching at his dirty stream of thoughts. He chuckles, getting the exact reaction he wanted.
"Filthy fuckin' girl. You want your president and your vice president to fuck you together? At the same time? Talk about club bonding, huh?"
Jax grips your chin in between his fingers, forcing you to look at him. His hips never cease their relentless rhythm, stars floating in your vision. You open your mouth, and he spits right into it, winking when you swallow.
His other hand moves to your throat, gripping lightly. The man knows how to play you like an instrument.
"Come on, baby. I wanna hear them, all the dirty little fantasies in that pretty little head of yours. Or maybe it's not Chibs? Who is it then, hmm? Juice? Happy?"
You choke out a whine, and he laughs, dark and mischievous.
"Fuck, you're squeezin' me so tight. It's one of them, isn't it? Which one, honey?"
You shake your head, tears forming at your lash line.
"Oh, I know. How about all of them? All four of us, passing you around, taking turns. How's that sound? Is that what you want, dirty girl?"
The thought sends you right over the edge, gasping for air as the heat licks up your spine. Your end is Jax's too, the low groan he releases vibrating both of your bones. He collapses on top of you, the two of you panting.
"You're relentless," you laugh, catching your breath.
"It's one of the reasons you love me so much," he chuckles, kissing you softly. "That, and the fact I have hot brothers."
"You're right about one of those things," you tease, squealing when he pinches your sides.
A knock on the door startles you both.
"Jackie boy, we have some business we need to attend to. That is, if you're not... preoccupied."
The familiar Scottish accent sends heat rushing to your skin. Jax notices.
"Be there in a minute, VP!"
You hear Chibs' footsteps as he leaves, breathing a sigh of relief.
"So it was Chibs, huh?"
"Like I said," you chide jokingly, smacking him on the shoulder. "Fucking relentless."
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 8 months
Ootori Kyoya - "Follow Through"
In which after trying to find your assigned room at Ootori Kyoya's family beach house, you stumble upon said man's room and he teasingly offers you a risqué proposition. Or; In which a certain vice president of the Host Club is caught off guard by your seriousness in accepting his joking offer.(In this fic, you take the place of Haruhi.)
Warnings –> Mildly Suggestive!
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You took him in as he held himself above you; completely unfazed by the provocative position he's put the two of you in. His dark hair is still damp, and misty droplets of water occasionally fall onto the duvet and soak into the fabric. The gaze he held was serious but somehow you could tell he was only doing this to get a reaction from you.
To pay your debt with your body...
The proposition that Kyoya had offered had come out of left field for you, and yet you still found yourself considering it. Somehow...— somehow, you didn't mind settling your debt that way, especially if it was with him. You certainly found him attractive and this could be your opportunity to stake your claim on him.
In thought, you raise your arms to gently run your hands up his toned chest; snaking them around his neck after your hands find his shoulders. You humm, running your index and middle fingers down the length of his spine, pulling an involuntary shiver from the man above you. Kyoya squeezed his eyes shut at the pleasant feeling, still awaiting your reaction.
"...Alright. Do you want to do it now?"
You muttered quietly, tightening your hold on him as you absent-mindedly toy with the shorter locks of hair at his nape.
You could feel him freeze under your touch; whether in shock or confusion, you did not know. His dark eyes snap open and lock with your own; they're wide and filled with an inner turmoil completely unknown to you. All you offer him is your own gaze; eyes half-lidded as you peel back his complex layers with only a look. Kyoya looked as though he couldn't even speak; the witty remarks he could've offered seemingly vanished from his mind.
"I— What?"
The bespectacled boy choked out; unable to hide just how far he'd been taken aback.
His brows furrowed as he reopened his eyes; searching your face for any sign that you're just messing with him. Brownish-grey eyes crinkled at the corners as he tried to wrap his head around just how his little joke turned into something so potentially serious.
"You'll have to take it slow with me, okay? I'm not very experienced in things like this."
You purr at him, looking up with hooded eyes that coax him to relax and fall into you.
Kyoya is still; unmoving as he stares into your eyes, unable to look away. In some sense, he's in awe of you. How you can be so bold and direct in what you want amazes him to the point that he finds it annoying. Annoying but oh-so-attractive. Your chuckling brings him from his headspace; reality fades back into view.
His naked back is against the damp duvet and your soft hand is resting on his stomach. You're standing now; looking down on him with a sort of amused softness. After a few soft pats from your hand, you turn and make your way to his bedroom door.
"You shouldn't make suggestions that you can't follow through on, my dear."
Those are the words that you left him with.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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beauty-funny-trippy · 1 month
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The difference between Democrats and Republicans:
Gus Walz, at age 17, saw his Dad, Tim Walz, up on stage, ready to accept his party's nomination for vice president. Gus was so overwhelmed with emotions that he gave his father a standing ovation as he wept. Gus made no attempt to hide or hinder his great joy, pride and love he has for his father.
Democrats celebrated Gus' reaction as a wonderful expression of the close-knit family values in the Walz household. Republicans, however, chose to publicly mock and ridicule the teenager, who is a special needs kid.
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Kyle Rittenhouse, at age 17, heard about a Black Lives Matter protest regarding a police shooting in Wisconsin and drove all the way from his home in Illinois with a military-style semi-automatic rifle (the kind often used in mass shootings) to confront the protesters.
As he was threatening people with his assault rifle, brave BLM protesters tried to disarm the gunman. Kyle Rittenhouse killed two unarmed men that night, and by claiming self-defense —he got away with it.
Now, Rittenhouse is a celebrated speaker at Republican events, describing him as a "hero to millions." They give him standing ovations while chanting his name.
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To review: Republicans tried to humiliate a teenager with disabilities because he openly expressed the love he has for his family. But, they praise another teenager for shooting to death two unarmed people who would be alive today if Kyle had just left his f*cking assault rifle at home.
The deranged, upside-down "values" of Trump's Republican Party are not just weird, not just perverse —they're dangerous.
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jellicatty · 2 months
Hello! That's great to hear! May I request Tenya Iida x reader? Tenya is pinning for reader and vice versa and not established relationship, yet. :>
I want a scene where Tenya reacts to reader that used to have very long hair and the next day, she surprised everyone with her whole haircut, like Haruhi short, or two-block haircut that's normally for boys— and it shocked the whole class 1A.
The reason? "It's easy to manage, and no I'm not a lesbian. 😅 I actually feel more confident in myself!" This is kinda personal for me, I hope this is okay!
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❝ A NEW LOOK ₊˚ ❞
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Class 1A's President shamelessly falls head over heels again when he sees your new haircut.
╰┈➤ contains : tenya iida x gender neutral reader. reader had long hair. flirty iida (?) (a bit ooc). sfw. fluff. 976 words.
╰┈➤ note : thank u for requesting! i applogize if this took a bit long huhu, hope you like this ♡
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It was no secret that Class 1A's president favored someone. It was no secret even to you, the object of his affection.
Tenya Iida is known to be an abider of rules, never breaking them for the sake of short-lived joy. However, his strict principles seem to crumble in your presence.
One of those instances was when you both stayed back for intense training, under the guise of "improving our skills together".
"You... You've shown great progress, Y/n." Tenya struggled to say as you pressed his arms down harder against the training mat. His flushed cheeks only darkened at the pressure he felt from your legs straddling his torso. Your cockiness also added a charm that only made his heart beat faster.
"Can't say the same for you, President." You giggled and continued your actions. "You think so?" And in a flash, you were lying on your back, caged between his arms that trapped your arms.
"Wasn't expecting that, huh?" Tenya glanced down at you, adoring your cute flustered face.
You once thought scenarios like this only existed in books. You never once hoped something as cliche as this to happen to you. However, the feeling of being held down by your president, your crush— a small part of you was glad it happened.
Unfortunately, your fairytale only lasted for two seconds. He sensed the tension thickening with each passing second, then immediately released you from his grip. An awkward silence hung, eyes avoiding each other while your mouths refused to open.
"F-Forgive me for my rudeness!" He suddenly blurted. "No, no, it's training Iida."
Looks like training is over, you thought. Before you could go to your things, Tenya walked towards you with slight hesitation in his steps.
Without warning, his hand went up to your face, pushing aside the strands of hair that covered your eye. If the situation earlier wasn't enough to send your heart skyrocketing to the stars, then this moment surely did.
"I'm looking forward to improving my skills with you again, Y/n!"
And that was how the night ended— at least to you.
︶ ⏝ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ⏝ ︶
The light chatter of Class 1A went normal, just like every day. Bakugo screaming at whoever disturbed his peace, Mineta being weird, Kaminari and his friends laughing at their jokes, Momo and her girls in their corner, Shoto reading alone— and Tenya, obviously in front of the class reminding everyone of the rules they need to follow (his words are like white noise to them).
"How did training go with Y/n yesterday, Iida?" Midoriya curiously asked his friend. The sudden question caught Tenya off guard, stumbling at his words when he tried to explain.
"Did something happen~" Ochako wiggled her eyebrows, teasing their president.
How can Tenya even explain his affection for you that only grew every day? After all, romantic feelings were new to Iida. Sure he did have small crushes on some superheroes but to a classmate? His beautiful, kind, and passionate classmate?
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the collective gasps of the class. Concerned by their reaction, he searched the room for the cause of their shock. Then, his eyes met yours.
"No way!" The whole class erupted in awe at your new look. Your face was normal, your uniform was the same, and nothing unusual could be noticed from you.
Except, for your hair.
The long, flowing, and gorgeous hair that Tenya admired. Now, it was transformed into a cut that matched the boys.
"I guess it fits me...?" You sheepishly questioned their reaction and happily went to your seat. Instantly, a crowd gathered around you, your classmates asking different questions at the same time.
"Woah! This new look definitely makes you manlier!"
"I wish I had the courage to cut my hair that short."
"Was the haircut intentional?"
"Why the sudden change, Y/n"
You laughed at their interest in your new look.
"Short haircuts are just easier to manage, you know? And it hasn't been a day since I cut my hair and I already feel confident!" You joyfully explained your reasons.
"You sure about that?" Mineta squinted his eyes, doubting your explanation. You rolled his eyes at his suspicions, "It's not because I'm lesbian, you idiot."
Amidst the commotion inside the class, Tenya stood frozen in his position, legs not wanting to walk forward in your direction.
He'll surely miss your hair that's for sure, but god you look stunning as ever even in your new look. He's head over heels for you, and now he's wondering why you can't notice his undeniable fondness for you.
Just by briefly glancing at you, his heart beat as fast as recipro burst's speed. He shamefully stared at you again, legs turning jello at the graceful smile you gave to your classmates.
"Are you just gonna stand there?" Tsuyu asked Tenya who remained motionless, only snapping from his thoughts at Tsuyu's question.
His stiff body betrayed his screaming mind, walking towards where you sat. The crowd had finally died down and now it was just you in your seat, in your own little world.
Now's the chance.
Tenya gathered his bravery for the courageous move he was about to do. With a ferocious spirit, he declared his thoughts on your new look.
"Although typically done for boys, your beauty has not faltered despite the new haircut!"
Silence fell between the two of you. Tenya began to worry about the sudden confrontation, but his anxiety faded when he heard your small laugh.
"Thank you, President." You thanked him for his compliment, eyes sparkling with unspoken emotions.
He let out a sigh and smiled back at you. Now, Tenya only wished confessing his feelings was just as easy as this.
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© jellicatty | no plagiarising please (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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drvirgus · 3 months
(that's it:)) thank you very much 🥰)
Hopefully you like it ☺️☺️ I really liked this request and well… I really hope you like the ending 😜😜
Just a secret
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Stuco! Haerin X Basketball player! Reader
Warnings: curse words; suggestive words; angst?
wc: 2.1k
pt 2
With narrowed eyes, I leaned against one of the lockers while my friends, Yeji and Jimin, were busy talking to each other. Apparently, they were arguing about a particular cheerleader named Ryujin. I took a deep breath as I felt this conversation slowly but surely getting on my nerves, but I said nothing.
Ryujin had apparently slept with both of them at a party before, of course separately. Now my best friends were arguing, but fortunately, it remained quite civil. "How about Minjeong? Didn't you just have a crush on her recently?" Yeji asked, which only made Jimin roll her eyes.
"What about you? I thought you had something going on with Chaeryeong?" Jimin asked, looking at Yeji with raised eyebrows. Sighing, they both looked at me, arms crossed over their chests. "What do you think? Who suits Ryujin better?" Jimin asked.
My eyes first wandered to Jimin and then to Yeji before I shrugged disinterestedly. "Neither of you," I simply replied, which neither of them liked. Immediately, I heard protests from both of them, so I sighed. "How about finding someone who actually likes you?" I asked, probably a bit too casually, causing them both to roll their eyes simultaneously.
"God. You're such a romantic," Jimin huffed. "Who needs romance when you look this good?" Yeji asked, tossing her hair back with a grin and looking at me with a smile. Jimin laughed in agreement before looking at me. "What about you? You never sleep with anyone," Jimin asked curiously.
Yeji nodded curiously. "Yeah. Don't tell me you're still a virgin!" she gasped, studying my face for a reaction. I frowned at her in disbelief. "Just because I don't sleep with everyone doesn't mean I'm still a virgin," I replied, rolling my eyes, which made Jimin laugh again.
My eyes wandered back over the school corridor as I noticed Jimin, my basketball captain, talking about the next game. Yeji, the vice-captain, listened attentively while I continued looking for a particular person.
There she was. Kang Haerin, the school president and my secret girlfriend. She seemed to be listening intently to one of her four friends.
Everyone knew them. The Mean Girls of the school. For everyone, Minji was probably the most dangerous, as she had slight anger issues and often got loud. Very rarely, she even got physical. Hanni, next to Minji, would never get her hands dirty simply because she never wanted to mess up her freshly painted nails. Hyein laughed at everything and everyone without consideration. Personally, Danielle was the worst. The person who seemed nice on the outside with a pretty sweet and friendly smile until she eventually stabbed you in the back.
I saw Haerin's gaze wander until her eyes met mine. A small, barely noticeable smile formed on my face as I briefly gestured with my head to one of the empty classrooms. Haerin's right eyebrow twitched, and she immediately looked back at her friends, who were upset about something or, more likely, someone.
I turned back to Yeji and Jimin as I pushed myself off the lockers. "See you later. I really can't listen to your chatter anymore," I said simply and made my way to the classroom I had pointed out earlier.
"Very nice."
"Don't forget practice."
My hands on her hips pulled her closer to me. Haerin grinned. "Is this why you called me here?" she asked as my lips wandered along her jawline. My nails dug into her skin as I inhaled deeply through my nose. I didn't answer, letting my lips continue their journey across her jaw.
"What's wrong, baby?" Haerin asked, holding my face in her hands, preventing me from continuing to seduce her. I sighed, leaning further against the school desk Haerin had me pressed against. I looked into my beautiful girlfriend's eyes and started to smile a bit.
"Nothing. I just want to kiss you," I replied calmly, but Haerin didn't seem to believe a word. Her eyebrows raised. "Y/n, what's going on?" she asked more seriously, making me sigh again. My hands on her hips loosened as I moved my head, causing her to release my face. "I'm just fed up," I admitted, making Haerin take a small step back. Her eyes narrowed.
"Can't we just tell everyone?" I asked quietly, seeing Haerin gradually grasp the topic. Haerin shook her head. "No," she replied, and I looked at her in disbelief.
"At first, the secrecy was sexy," I began, crossing my arms over my chest. "But now I've had enough. I'm tired of making up excuses for why I'm not sleeping with others or why I get angry when I see how they look at you or talk about you," I said seriously, my eyes narrowing as well.
Haerin looked at me. She just looked at me, which probably meant she was choosing her words carefully. I sighed and pushed myself away from the desk. My arms fell to my sides as I scoffed. "Forget it," I said, a bit angrier, as I turned to leave. As often, it was her hand on my wrist that stopped me.
I turned around. "We can't. I have a reputation," she said, making my eyes narrow even more. I took a step closer to my president, disbelief on my face. "A reputation? You think I would ruin your reputation?" I asked, starting to laugh. "Do you know how many people want me?" I asked, making Haerin look at me angrily.
"Then go to them," she replied sharply, making me take a deep breath. I noticed how the dark-haired girl released my wrist, which made my jaw clench. "But I want you," I replied just as sharply. Haerin scoffed and rolled her eyes. "But I don't want to be just a secret," I added.
Haerin licked her lips as she grabbed my hips. I could see her clench her teeth as she pulled me closer. "Shut up and kiss me," she hissed, connecting our lips.
"You don't get it, do you?" I asked as I immediately broke the kiss and pushed her hands away from my hips. My girlfriend looked at me in disbelief, her mouth open. "No. You just don't get it!" Haerin replied, making me shake my head. A clear feeling of disappointment spread through me, making me laugh a little.
"Then I guess I don't understand," I said quietly as I headed to the door and closed it behind me. Leaving Haerin standing in the empty classroom.
Sweat dripped down my neck as I jumped up once more and sent the ball straight into the basket. The hall erupted in loud cheers as my friends and teammates gathered around me. Each of them slapped me on the shoulder, back, or stomach.
Annoyed, I huffed, which made Jimin, the captain, laugh loudly. "You’re on fire today," Yeji said, immediately putting me in a headlock. My eyes narrowed, and I quickly freed myself from the slightly older woman. Yeji raised her hands in a defensive gesture. "Yeah, yeah. All right. Sorry," she said, making me sigh once more.
My jaw clenched as I got back into position. One of the cheerleaders stood a little behind me, excitedly waving her pom-poms. "You look pretty hot all sweaty," I heard the cheerleader say, probably with a grin on her face.
I glanced over my shoulder to see the slightly shorter woman. Of course. Who else could it be?
Kim Chaewon was once again the one blatantly flirting with me. She had distanced herself from her cheerleader friends to be closer to me, her eyes fixed on me as she bit her lip.
Without giving any reaction, I started jogging toward one of my opponents as they approached.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed Haerin sitting with her friends on one of the benches. The benches around them were empty as if everyone avoided them, staying well out of their way. Haerin’s eyes were only on me while Minji typed something on her phone, completely uninterested in the game. Hanni had one leg crossed over the other, painting her freshly done nails. Hyein and Danielle seemed more interested in the game, though Hyein kept grimacing whenever one of the water boys or girls passed by.
The game didn’t last much longer. Yeji, our small forward, managed to end the game with a dunk. Yeji looked happily at Ryujin, but her smile vanished when she saw Jimin talking to Ryujin. I patted Yeji on the back encouragingly, and she looked at me with a sad smile.
I grabbed the bottle given to us by the water girl and took a few sips. From the corner of my eye, I saw Haerin approaching, probably to talk to me, but my attention turned to Chaewon, who was looking at me flirtatiously, swaying her hips (probably to seem sexy) as she walked over.
"So, Y/n. I’ve been flirting with you for months. But I’ve never asked you this, I think. Do you have a girlfriend?" Chaewon asked with a hopeful smile, her eyes practically sparkling.
Normally, I would have just turned her down without revealing if I was single or not. But the anger still simmering in me made me grin. Especially knowing that Haerin was watching and probably listening.
"No. No girlfriend," I replied, placing my hand on my hip. Chaewon’s grin widened as she shifted her weight to one leg. "No girlfriend," she repeated, laughing joyfully. "Good. That’s what I was really hoping for," she added, folding her hands behind her back.
I hummed curiously. "Want to go out with me?" Chaewon asked, and my eyebrows raised. "Oh? Officially? In public?" I asked, a bit louder than necessary. Chaewon didn’t suspect anything and smiled. "Yes. Officially. But we could also... go to my place," she said more quietly, stepping closer to me.
Impressed by the smaller girl’s confidence, I felt my cheeks heat up. If I weren’t hopelessly in love with Haerin, then maybe, just maybe, I could imagine going out with Chaewon. No matter how cliché it would be for a basketball player to date one of the cheerleaders.
But everyone loves clichés, right?
"What was that?" Haerin asked sharply, pushing off the wall she'd been leaning against. My hair was still wet from the shower I’d just taken. I glanced around before looking back at Haerin. "What's wrong? Now you're talking to me in public?" I asked, which made Haerin click her tongue.
"You're not really going out with that bitch, are you?" she asked, making my eyebrows shoot up. Honestly, I hadn't even answered Chaewon yet. I had just asked for more time, which she had thankfully given me.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I scoffed. "Why not? Hm?" I asked, making Haerin narrow her eyes even more. "Because you're my—" she started but then stopped herself and looked around before continuing in a whisper, "girlfriend."
My jaw clenched as I shook my head. "Really? It doesn't feel like it," I replied truthfully, making Haerin's mouth fall open. She hissed in annoyance and took several steps closer, grabbing my wrist as she had done so many times before, preventing me from walking away.
"Oh no? Then what does it feel like to you?" she asked, her voice low and threatening, clearly irritated.
"Fuck buddies," I answered. "It feels like we're nothing more. We don’t go on dates, we don’t hang out, not even with your friends, because they can't know. We only meet at your place or mine, have sex, and then maybe watch a movie or cuddle," I said, my voice growing angrier.
"You knew what you were getting into," she retorted.
I looked at the dark-haired woman in disbelief. I immediately pulled my wrist from her grip. "Yeah, I knew. I thought that would be enough," I began, laughing humorlessly. I shook my head slightly, seeing the stubborn and stoic look on my girlfriend’s face. Her jaw was clenched, her eyes narrowed, and her lips pressed together.
"But it's not enough," I said more quietly, feeling myself relax a bit. The words that had been swirling in my head for weeks finally came out.
"It's over between us."
Haerin's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, she seemed at a loss for words. But the stubborn set of her jaw returned quickly, and she stepped closer, invading my personal space. "You don’t mean that," she said, her voice a mix of defiance and desperation.
I shook my head, taking a step back. "I do, Haerin. I can't keep doing this. I deserve more than being a secret."
I took a deep breath and stepped away from her. "Good luck... with whatever you're trying to protect. At least you don't have to lie anymore," I said, slinging my sports bag over my shoulder. "The secret is dead," I added, my voice tinged with sadness as I turned and walked out of the building, leaving my now ex-girlfriend standing there.
It was over...
The relationship between Haerin and me...
was over...
Now, I'm just a part of her past...
Now, I'm no longer just a secret...
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