#Federal Assistance
emperornorton47 · 1 year
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Cold news
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defensenow · 3 days
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anakeb · 11 months
Lewiston, Maine Mass Shooting: 18 Dead, 13 Injured, Suspect at Large
Discover the latest updates on the tragic mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, where 18 lost their lives and 13 were injured. Learn about the ongoing manhunt for the suspect and the extensive law enforcement involvement, as well as the impact on the local community, including school closures. Stay informed on this developing tragedy and the efforts to support the affected residents.
Lewiston Maine
Mass shooting
Law enforcement
School closures
Federal assistance
Community support
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headlinehorizon · 1 year
Residents of East Palestine Criticize President Biden's Delayed Visit to Train Derailment Site
Local residents express their disappointment with President Biden's decision to postpone visiting the site of a devastating train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. The accident resulted in the release of toxic chemicals, raising concerns about the community's health and environment. Find out more about their struggles and demands for federal assistance.
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angelx1992 · 1 year
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shirawords · 6 months
I figured out why none of the fanart of Coronabeth Tridentarius seems right to me, it's cuz she looks like my friend Audrey who sat two seats over from me in torts class my first semester of law school
Audrey is the second-most physically attractive person I've ever seen in my life (first place goes to my appropriately-named college friend Helen, who I know mostly from burlesque club) (it was a lot, guys) so I really understand where Gideon was coming from. Like if Audrey asked me to participate in an inadvisable sword fight against someone way more practiced than me I would totally do it
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altruistic-meme · 4 days
shoutout to walmart for doing more for my community than the government officials are
#the situation here is being handled so poorly 👍#there was a news article i read that listed everything city officials said they were doing#but have given no evidence or proof of ACTUALLY doing and the article said they would continue reaching out#bc the officials were not responding to them#it took fucking KEMP for us to finally request federal aid#we weren't under a state of emergency until 2 hours AFTER the hurricane hit#i just#its fucking ridiculous#but there are some walmarts providing water hot meals wifi spots charging stations#abd i saw shower and layndry services listed as well ???#while the city gave out water twice in a location that was out of the way for much of the city#during a time when getting gas is a 4+ hour trip#while we're under a curfew#AND they cut our water for 2 days while none of us had power and it was 80-90F outside daily#now we're on a boil advisory#which again so much of the city can't do without POWER#but at least i could shower so long as i was careful jfjsjcj#anyway#yeah. YEAH.#fuck this city fuck our government fuck our mayor#hopefully biden approves our request for assistance and then maybe we can actually get something happening down here#sorry i just#i read about the walmart stuff and remembered all of the nothing happening from our government#and got angry#also i went to one of the water things they did yesterday and ended up just driving home bc the line was SO LONG#and like i get it i do but maybe idk have more than one set up in different areas??#or have it last longer than an hour or two????#idk. idk. im annoyed.#shh ac
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dererumnatura-0 · 8 days
🌟🌟🌟So sweet!! More off-road mobility devices please!!
End all the monopolish like the current ownership of the wheelchair market. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Vermillion Snow: Midnight Neon
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Designer's Reflection: Midnight Neon
Obtained: Welfare
Rarity: SSR
Attribute: Green/Fresh
Awakened Suit: Midnight Spotlight
Story - transcripts from Designer's Reflection
Chapter 1 - Wine Party Invitation
Chapter 2 - Assistant Experience
Chapter 3 - Unexpected Challenge
Chapter 4 - New Year's Eve
Story - summarized
Vermillion is decorating her dorm for the winter break when Chi Xiaoyu offers her a chance to take her place as Helz's assistant for the Designer's Cocktail this year. It's a huge opportunity to network with other designers and learn insider secrets. Naturally, Vermillion is excited to go.
A week before New Year's Eve, she and Helz land in Lodden Airport. Everything is still festive for Starsnow as they get ready for the conference at the hotel. It's hard work being an assistant, but Vermillion Snow takes careful notes and pays attention to the hottest designers.
One of them is Caroline, who works for a brand under Mercury Group. She prefers flashy, modernist styles, and she sees fashion only as a status marker. But worst of all, she berates her assistants for even things so small as a color palette she disagrees with.
Vermillion approaches an assistant that Caroline had just screamed at, and offers kind words and encouragement. Caroline hadn't gone far, and she scolds her as well.
Helz finds out about the incident, and he suggests that Vermillion Snow get three letters of recommendation so that she could attend the finale party as well and prove Caroline wrong with her own design. He signs the first letter, and Sonya (the carousel-dress girl) signs the second. A mysterious third designer signs the last letter.
By the start of the Cocktail's finale party, Vermillion has a dress styled and finished: fresh, simple, yet breathtakingly stunning. As soon as Caroline sees the dress, she falls into silence. It's clear that Vermillion Snow wins this challenge - even better, she wins best design at the party. In her speech, she thanks Helz and Sonya, as well as the third person "who inspired this design."
She figured out that Caroline sent the third recommendation letter. Caroline began as a lowly assistant as well, and while she still thought herself above the assistants, she wanted to give Vermillion a chance.
Bells ring in the New Year, and Vermillion Snow has emerged a more confident indie designer with contact cards from famous designers all across the continent.
-You first meet Sonya in her Reflection for Carnival Scene. Just like in her memories there, she has no character art here. The given reason in-game is that she is shy.
-Helz used to be an assistant, too, but in Morning Mist, his boss, Mr. Doge, was a lot more abusive than Caroline, going so far as to trigger eating disorders.
-Vermillion Snow may not design a lot of Apple clothes, but she is from Apple herself. She and her parents had to leave Apple during the revolutionary war, as explained in her memories in Flowery Silhouette.
-It's fitting that Vermillion would be Helz's assistant, since both are passionate about fashion and seek to reveal the true self, like when Helz designed the wedding pantsuit in Romantic Visit. And both of them earned praises and got contact cards from other famous designers.
-It's actually good that Chi Xiaoyu didn't go as Helz's assistant. While she loves designing, she doesn't like doing extra work... probably because she has bad memories of Jiang Xitong giving her lots of extra work in Early Summer Shower.
-You've seen Lodden before in Vol. 1 Chapter 6 with the auction and the Lodden's Night SSR gacha. Thankfully, no one gets hurt this time.
-Vermillion Snow and Helz land "seven days before New Year's Eve." That means they get into the airport on Christmas Eve, which makes sense with the Night of Twin Queens still performing at the theater. You've seen one queen's Reflection earlier this year in May (Erika) and a couple week's ago you met the other queen, Erinka.
Fun Facts
-This is Vermillion's only Apple-themed suit. All her other ones are Cloud-based, since she considers that country her home and inspiration.
-Chi Xiaoyu knows that Vermillion hates the name "Reddish," but she still calls her that to this day.
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maaaahri · 10 months
I think the worst thing about the perception of health, both mental and physical, and being disabled in either regard, is that the need for extra support is often viewed, institutionally and therefore culturally, as a dehumanizing element rather than a simple fact of the human experience. No man is an island, and yet, when it comes to needing anything from an IEP to a caretaker, these things are used to subvert one's rights and create the expectation of failure and that's a little ableist innit.
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(Lonae) (Blanque's assistant) (Federation ensign)
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ivygorgon · 6 months
Protect IVF! Pass HR 7056 / S. 3612 the Access to Family Building Act!
796 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
As a concerned constituent, I���m emailing to urge you to cosponsor H.R. 7056 / S. 3612 the Access to Family Building Act and demand it receive a vote.
The Alabama court ruling on IVF shows we need federal protection for the right to access IVF and other services that help people start or grow a family. The Access to Family Building Act would do that and protect families and doctors from criminalization. Will you sign onto this bill and publicly call for a vote on it? I will only support lawmakers that actively fight for reproductive freedom.
▶ Created on April 18 by Jess Craven · 795 signers in the past 7 days
📱 Text SIGN PINHHO to 50409
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defensenow · 3 days
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found-wings · 11 months
Less fancily I offer techno going back with everyone and throttling Cucurucho till his button eyes bulge like a cartoon
~ 🐝
Cucurucho getting what he deserves for fucking up Technos best friends wings and all the other shit he‘s pulled 🙏
Techno about to pull up with his entire empires military to beat Cucurucho up AJAJA
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dr-archeville · 2 years
TANF: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) [source]
"John Oliver discusses TANF – a federal program designed to help families with little to no income – who’s currently receiving these vital funds, who should be receiving them, and what it all has to do with Brett Favre.”  [22 mins 44 sec]
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tsunadadudi · 1 year
Desperate for this one job to get back to me because my coworker knows the recruiter and put in a good word for me
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