#and like i get it i do but maybe idk have more than one set up in different areas??
ayyy-pee · 3 days
can you do something where reader is lads mc and rafayel is her bf, and after a shift she was hanging out (something like getting a meal idk) with xavier. and rafayel is walking about and gets jealous when he sees them. like maybe something a little angsty/fluffy idk i just need me a pouty, whiny jealous rafayel i love his sass so much
idk if this is like boring or what, ignore if you dont like it tysm ily
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Pairing: Rafayel x Female Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend's the jealous type. It's no big deal. Until one day, he literally blows things out of proportion...
Warning: Bratty, crybaby Rafayel and that's literallyyyy it LMAO
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You sit in a bustling cafe hidden in one of the back streets of Linkon City, waiting at the table for Xavier to bring back your meals. He’d insisted that you take a seat, your exhaustion clear on your face after defeating a particularly difficult wanderer. It took you hours to get the situation under control and it wasn’t until Xavier had shown up to help that you were able to get a handle on things. Xavier insisted on taking you out to dinner to replenish your energy and would hear no arguments about it. Otherwise, he’d just come over since you lived in the same building to cook you dinner, and you had zero interest in putting out a fire in your home. 
Once in the building, Xavier makes his way to order your meals, and you take this time to lean back in the booth, the softness of the cushions adding to the warm ambience of the cafe. 
You spend the first few minutes catching up on your messages, completing the paperwork that was required for your last mission and checking in with Dr. Zayne. It’s all tedious and boring, until you get the sudden feeling that someone is watching you. You glance around the restaurant, eyes darting in various directions until they land on Xavier. You stare as he points to menu items at the counter, offering him a small smile when he turns to glance at you, only to quickly turn away.
He’s so awkward, you think. But it’s nice to be out with the person who has managed to save your life more than a few times. You’re grateful for the friendship you’ve developed with your mysterious neighbor. There’s a trust there that can only be built when you lay your life on the line with someone, and this connection is one you’ve made outside of work as well. It’s why you’re able to relax, to take a breath and give into the exhaustion weighing heavily on your body, and why you let yourself succumb to the dreams pulling you into the darkness.
Even though you still can’t shake that odd sensation that an extra set of eyes are on you.
“Hey,” a soft voice calls to you. “___, wake up. Food’s here.”
Your eyes flutter open, finding your blonde partner sitting across from you, a soft expression on his face as he watches you groggily try and take in your surroundings. He scoots your food towards you, and you gaze down to find what he’d ordered is exactly what you’d been craving.
“Thank you,” you murmur, a little confused, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “How long was I out for?”
“About 45 minutes,” Xavier states casually, digging into his own meal.
His head tilts to the side, confused at your outburst.
“Xavier! Why did you let me sleep for so long?!” Your eyes dart back down to your food, where the steam curls deliciously off of it. “And how is the food not cold?!”
Xavier just stares at you, shrugging easily as he says, “I just asked them to wait until you were done with your nap.”
He states it like it’s that simple. Like you could just go into a restaurant and say “hey, we’re gonna get some sleep. Hold our food for us until we’re done.”
And you suppose for Xavier, it is that simple. The man is blunt and says what he means, so you’re sure he didn’t have any problem asking that of the staff. That’s so nice, you think. That he’d go out of his way to have them wait for you to recover from a brutal battle so that you would have warm food to eat the moment you woke up.
You’re grateful for the man before you looking out for you in such a way, so you fix him with a soft smile, muttering a thank you before you also dig into your meal.
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Conversation with Xavier is light and easy, though you’re the main one doing the talking. That’s normal for the two of you. He’s so different from the man you’re usually with. Quiet and secretive, but sweet. He just lets you talk, contributes here and there, but he mainly enjoys your company quietly. And you enjoy his, as well. The more you’ve gotten to know your mysterious new colleague, the more you recognize him as a dear friend.
“I should be heading home soon,” Xavier states once he finishes his food, though you hear a tinge of reluctance in his voice. “We should…” his lips press into a hard line, like he’s trying to decide if he wants to say these next words. But he does it anyway. “We should do this again soon. Maybe make dinner after a mission a regular thing.”
You nod happily. You would love that! You don’t have many friends in Linkon City, and the more you make, the better. Xavier understands you in ways that not many people can, what with your occupation and the danger that comes with it, and it’s nice to have that in common.
“Okay!” You beam, holding your hand out to him across the table. His blue eyes gaze down with curiosity and you wiggle your fingers teasingly, urging him to take it. “It’s a deal, so shake on it.”
At this, Xavier smirks, reaching a hand across the table to close the gap. He’s hesitant at first, slow. But as his hand gets closer to yours, you almost feel the warmth radiating off of his palm, just centimeters away from your skin. And just when you’re about to wrap your hand around his, a piercing scream ripples through the cafe, shattering the relaxed atmosphere.
“FIRE!!!” Someone cries, and the whole restaurant is in shambles.
It’s a big one, raging angrily in the center of the building. It’s a flame so large, you fear the entire place will burn down if it’s not extinguished immediately. Xavier snatches his hand back quickly, watching the mayhem unfold with you as the workers hurry over with fire extinguishers, spraying at the flame to no avail. You feel the blaze of the inferno all the way in the booth you and Xavier sit in, knowing that this is not something you’ll be able to assist with. You’re built for fighting off space alien creatures, not kitchen disasters…though this isn’t taking place in the actual kitchen anyway.
“Weird,” you say to Xavier. “There is no reason for a fire to have started. The kitchen is nowhere near here, and there are no combustibles from what I can see.” You check your device for any metaflux activity, but see nothing. “No wanderers nearby, either…”
But just as you’re about to get up to look around, the flames vanish just as quickly as they appeared. And like the staff, you’re utterly confused. Xavier doesn’t share the same thought. 
“...perhaps you should go and see your boyfriend,” he suggests coolly, like there wasn't absolute chaos happening just ten feet away from you. You suppose it’s because he’s just as out of it as you are after that Wanderer debacle, but still…
“What’s Rafayel have to do with this?” You’re lost, your brows pulling together in thought. Mainly because you never told Xavier about Rafayel. “How do you–”
"Your phone background,” he answers easily. “And if I were in his shoes, and you were out with another man the same way we are...even if it's just as friends," Xavier’s gaze flits over to you, so quickly you almost miss it. You definitely miss the longing behind his blue eyes because you blink for not even a second, and he’s back to staring at his empty plates. “I think a strange and seemingly random fire would also coincidentally start in the same cafe you're in.”
Your tired brain works overtime to try and make sense of his words. But then your phone dings, and your attention is pulled to the sweet message on the screen…
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…suddenly, everything's adding up. The frenzied screams and rush of bodies trying to help extinguish the flames that now you’re certain didn’t pop up from nowhere, the way the fire disappeared as soon as some distance was put between the two of you. 
You slip your phone into your pocket, clear on who the culprit of this random fire is. “Thanks for dinner, Xavier. I’ll see you later.”
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You push hard, the tall doors of the manor where Rafayel resides leading into the large space of his house. The main room doubles as his art studio and it reeks of acrylic paints and wine, as usual. You search the room for the man in question, but see him nowhere in sight. Which is lucky for him, because you may need a couple of minutes to calm down before you let him have it.
“Rafayelllll,” you sing into the quiet air, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “Are you here, babe?”
No answer. 
Your footsteps echo through the home, the only sound you hear coming from the ocean waves crashing on the shoreline outside of the windows. You find it odd how quiet it is, because as far as you’re aware, there are no big art projects happening. His schedule is clear today, you even double checked with Thomas because Rafayel has a habit of deleting things from his calendar that he doesn’t want to do…which is everything. So, he should be home right now. 
Carefully, you maneuver around the usual mess Rafayel leaves scattered around his house. You’re careful not to crush his paintbrushes, and even in the dim lighting you somehow manage to avoid knocking over any paint cans. Your feet carry you down the corridor to his bedroom where you quietly push the door open. The moonlight illuminates the room, and you can just barely see a large lump buried beneath the blankets on Rafayel’s bed. 
He really makes this too easy for you.
With a smirk, you tiptoe over, careful not to make a peep until you’re able to grab hold of the sheets. In one swift motion, you yank them back, yelling “got you!”...only to be met with a pile of pillows.
You roll your eyes, because of course your boyfriend would do something childish like this, laying traps that you would easily fall into. You’d never guess that your job was to be stealthy and smart, always a step ahead with the way you so easily fall for his tricks. Rafayel knew you were coming. He knew that you were onto him and his antics, and he’d been quick to try and buy himself some time. He may come out when he’s ready, send you a mean little message that he’ll apologize for later when he realizes he’s being a little shit.
But you really don’t want to wait that long. You’re tired and have had a long day. You want him to come out already.
As if almost blowing up an entire cafe with you and Xavier in it wasn’t enough, now he’s got you on a manhunt to find him. You’re too tired for this!
Hold on…
You know exactly how to get your boyfriend to come out of hiding.
“Ughhh,” you groan dramatically, your voice echoing through Rafayel’s home. “Guess he’s not here. I’m sure he’s out working so hard on his art.” You force the words out, knowing his lazy ass is somewhere in the shadows. “Guess I’ll just go over to Xavier’s until he calls me ba–”
“Unfortunately,” a gentle voice rings behind you. “You may find your place up in flames as well if you finish that sentence.”
You spin around, coming face to face with the beauty that is your Lemurian lover. He’s all scrunched nose, furrowed brows, pouty pink lips and narrowed eyes as he stares down at you. His arms are folded tightly around his chest.
And you hate that you want to laugh, but he’s just so damn cute when he’s all pouty like this.
“So, you admit it was you?”
“Me what?” He mutters, turning away from you, and you can’t help but giggle at his attitude.
“That you, my little arsonist, started the fire at the cafe I was at earlier.”
Rafayel shakes his head in denial. “Wasn’t me,” he claims. “Maybe you should spend time in less seedy places and you won’t find yourself in such…predicaments.”
“Raf, I was just getting something to eat after a fight. Xavier and I –”
He peers at you from over his shoulder, lips still puckered in a pout before he sneers at you. “Oh! You and Xavierrrr,” he mocks, voice nasally as he does so. “Surprised you even remembered I exist with the way you were gazing into Xavier’s eyes.” He spins back around, glaring out the window into the water. 
You shake your head at his dramatics, stifling the laugh threatening to bubble up. “There was no gazing, Raf.”
“Oh,” he spins back around, “There most definitely was gazing. Longggg and dreamilyyyy,” he drags the words out, eyes narrowed when he asks, “How come you don’t look at me like that?!”
He looks about one second away from stomping his foot in a tantrum. And you stand there in amusement and let him spiral, going on and on about how he can’t let you out of his sight for a second without some man trying to get his claws into you. 
How he’s certain that the moment you leave his vicinity, you’ve forgotten him, forgotten all that he means to you and all that you mean to him and that one day you’ll wake up and will decide to leave him for someone else. How he just had to set the cafe on fire, he had no choice! You and your friend were just far too cozy looking for his liking. 
“I mean–” he throws his hands in the air, a loud sigh rushing past his lips. “Imagine how surprised I was to be browsing the area for a gift for my beautiful girlfriend only to see her on a dinner date with her other boyfriend?!”
You roll your eyes, closing the distance between you and the giant cry baby you call your boyfriend, gently grabbing hold of his face. He promptly stops rambling, his face immediately deepening in shade to a dark crimson. You squeeze his cheeks together, grinning at the way his lips pursed together like a little blowfish.
Wide, bluish-pink orbs stare at you. “W-what are you doing?”
“Getting you to shut up for a second so I can tell you you're absolutely insane for setting a cafe on fire because you saw me with another man,” you giggle, loosening your grip on Rafayel’s face when you feel his face muscles move when he tries to smile.
“I just don’t want to lose you,” he murmurs quietly, eyes looking away from your face. You can hear the sadness in his voice along with fear. You turn his head again, your gazes meeting and you give him a soft smile.
“Raffy…” you whisper, the affectionate nickname you had given him making his heart flutter in his chest. You think his face is even redder, if possible. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Your words have Rafayel closing his eyes with a sigh, almost like he doesn’t believe you.
“I don’t want to lose you again,” he confesses, and you tilt your head in confusion, not missing the again. Like it’s happened before. “I mean…I just like spending time with you.” He’s pouting again, so cutely this time as he says, “I just feel so jealous when I see you having fun with someone else.”
You press your lips to his, a quick peck. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. Unfortunately, I’m stuck with you.”
“Hey!” His hand wraps around your wrist, his other arm wrapping around your waist as he pulls you to him. His soft smile is illuminated in the moonlight, casting an eerily beautiful glow along his skin. He hugs you to his chest, the tension in his body melting as he holds you. 
You inhale his scent, wrapping your arms around him. “Next time, just come say hi. Maybe even join us.”
At this, Rafayel’s hold tightens around you. “Next time?”
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fasolabean · 2 days
warninggg this is a long one ,,,
(Okay so I started writing this uhhh vent before more posts on the n//fts appeared later so plz keep that in mind hah)
So I haven’t been too active on here for the past month – a bit personal start, but I’ve moved to a different country whooo!!!! (its terrifying) (my brains been involved in fandom stuff as usual but physically I wasn’t lmao).
But I wanted to talk ab the n//ft (censoring bc idk ab bots here) thing bc while some people on here provided some great context and threads, most of the talk has happened on twitter. So like. Since it was first confirmed what the raffle thing was I was veryyyy disappointed, especially bc K has made fun of this very thing on stage previously. And like yea, the nature of what hes doing is different than the n//ft crypt0 scams, since the cost of the paywalled content is set and not fluid and the raffle thing was free to enter, and I know there have been threads about the website not being the worst on twitter (link) (edit: now here on tumblr too). But still man. Both of these could’ve been done on either an independent website or through stuff like youtube members or patreon. Or hell, even just on the merch store? Like buy a promo code that buys you access to the material?
Also like I get that this was probably a contract that would be rly hard if not impossible to terminate. STILL though, I wish we just got an even short thing like “hi sorry I wasn’t aware this is gonna be a one time thing we’re not doing it again”. I don’t mind extra content being paywalled personally, I know some people do, but I just really wish it wasn’t don’t with that technology. And yes, I also now know it’s a safer way to handle shit like that but I just cant see this excuse being used for commercial use? Like maybe I can see why I could be made to use it for like idk an important document, but a raffle ticket? Nah
I also, ugh. Felt weird about mikke in the team since the winter. This whole thing seems to be – at least to a large extent – either done or influenced by him, judging by even the fact that the europass thingy webpage has oy photomikke marked (no im not buying it but i did look around curiosity was stronger). Also the previous thing that had made me go hmmm about käärijä as a brand was the bnb, which now seems to be ran entirely by mikke and his wife. Like stick to your photos man? That being said tho, Jere IS an adult and he IS the face of this brand. If he doesn’t think hes qualified to make business decisions all by himself (which I get, this shit is hard), nothing is stopping him really from getting a professional to help him with those things. And if there IS something stopping him then hey man I think you should go to the press with that lol. From any interviews ive seen or read, you can feel he feels this responsibility to keep his friends and family that initially helped him afloat. But I wish he understood that not letting people who in the end are not professional about business and PR and having them stick to their own thing does not have to mean cutting them off.
But now I just wanna share a thought that to some might seem like me defending him – which, in case you didn’t get I am very much not lmao. The thing is, im really glad the fandom is able to call him out on a shitty thing – like a bad baaad business decision. You can like somebody’s art, hell you can even like the public person they are, while not agreeing with everything what they do. What annoys me though, is that apart of the kä fandom, he is also often talked about (usually negatively) in the wider esc fandom. Over the past week I’ve seen multiple threads on twitter from people that rarely ever mention him about this. That would’ve been like, not that much of a deal (though sometimes it really got… engagement bait-y) but the amount of bodyshaming and shaming of his fans that comes up with every valid criticism is making me wanna pull my hair out.
Especially cause he’s neither the first finnish esc-related artist to do that (Robin and Cyan Kicks are mentioned on the kollekt website) nor is he the first esc artist of his influence to do it either. Last year Loreen and Alessandra have released n//fts last year, and Loreen did a very similar raffle a couple months ago. Now I wanna be very clear: I don’t want this to be like. Cancelling these people, that would be so hypocritical of me. I also don’t want this to be like a fandom war like oh youre mad he did xyz?? Well THIS and THIS person did THAT!!1! I’m just merely annoyed that these people doing essentially the same thing went with no echo at all, but now I’ve seen us (the fandom) be literally called the r slur and the most vile things being said about jere and, for some reason, his appearance???
Idk man. I really try to  make it clear im not trying to excuse his decisions and I think being angry and/or disappointed at him is absolutely understandable. Im just angry that every single time he fucks up, every single time he makes a mistake, my timeline is filled with a wave of people rejoicing in it. I know he’s a controversial figure, he’s been one since day one, but I just wish he’s gotten the same amount of shit his peers do for the same actions? And this happens every time, and each time im like “well ig I can see why hes so bad when it comes to criticism”. Because imagine doing a thing that your peers have done with no/minimal criticism and then the moment you try it out you get people calling your fans slurs and commenting how stupid you are. Like ngl id also think any criticism was hate lmao.
Again I wanna be very VERY clear im very critical ab what he chose to do. I wish he took some responsibility – and hope he maybe does, at some point in the future. This year has been a whole lot of bad business decisions for the käärijä brand in my eyes, and I hope he can actually see where its gone wrong and do something about it, both for his and our sake. I am also happy to see fellow fans who are able to call out their fave. But man I am TIRED of him just getting all the shit (from people who very visibly fans are not)?? And now I have the proof that it is comparably more than other people and not just my bias towards him because wdym there’s been at least 4 esc artists, 2 of which more famous than him, and 2 umk artists doing exactly the same thing with almost no echo??
TLDR (thishasover1kwordsfuckshit); I wish he did better, simply. I kinda cling to some hope that maybe hey finally this time he will see that criticism can be constructive. I think this is still a level of fucking up that you can like, come back from. Pity it’s connected to the eurotour since kinda souring my excitement ab my first concert in a new country a bit :(
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 6 months
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me after editing the aau prologue for the bajillionth time
#First chapter I changed the opening bc I always thought it felt off/abrupt and wanted to have it be prince pov from the start#I wanna get in his head more ok sue me#Beyond that tho it was just some wording edits#Specifically with the internal dialogue moments I helped them flow more/feel more like thoughts#Also mj gets a bit more of their usual edge/pessimism bc the prologue they always felt a bit too “ówò sad poor smol bean” or whatever#That’s it tho chapter 4 I didn’t change bc it’s peak#Did add some teases to later things tho like snatch senses mjs soul at the end of his chap but doesn’t realize it#Or like I added the Not Now running thing in the earlier chapters bc it was more of a chapter 4 thing so I wanted 2 set it up more so boom#I think that’s all the notable edits ig like I said just description additions the only actual new thing is the opener for chap 1 👍#Also also I got to include a hc that I have that I neglected to do before but I hc a!prince used plural internal dialogue#Because lol we love dramatic irony in this house#Grace post#this reminds me tho one of these days I should look through heart strings chapter one to look for editing things#Bc I think I did that recently but I don’t remember it much tho#Mostly just when the Hat stuff starts that was the parts I never directly rewrote I just edited them so they feel out of place in my brain#Also I’d wanna edit her dialogue bc it *was* in character (after rereading her diary’s to confirm) but I wanna have her be a bit more snark#Hat is Hard bc i Need the balance of cute little kid and also smug little shit (affectionate) like she is a pain to write man cries#This is just me rambling lol ignore it I just wanted to spam aau thoughts#In other news I made shapes redesigns but I’m on the fence on posting them bc idk if I wanna spoil or not hhhhhhhhh#Nowadays I’m more chill w spoiling things than I used to be#But there are a handful of things I’ve kept shut about (ex being princes name or mjs species stuff etc)#So I’m not sure if this thing with shapes i should keep secret or just post bc I used to spoil it but idk now#Shrugs#maybe I’ll do a poll later I dunno#Ok yapping over byeeeeee
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should i become a theatre kid
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seilon · 7 months
more and more it makes me kind of uncomfortable (for lack of a better/softer word) to call my own characters ‘ocs’. because like. they’re from a completely original universe and from completely original intertwined stories and all that. so why would i have to specify they’re original in the same way someone would when referring to a character they made for a pre-existing non-original universe/franchise/whatever? by that logic every fiction author ever would be referring to their characters as ocs rather than just. their characters. you know.
#i guess you could say it’s different or something because I haven’t published any one Solid Official Work yet or anything but.#I don’t think that particularly matters? cause then you just get into policing what does and doesn’t count as Real and Official and that#inevitably doesn’t do anything good#idk man I know the term Original Character isn’t technically incorrect in my case but. I just feel like that term was created to separate#fandom creations from their source’s canon. or maybe to describe characters that don’t come from any particular established universe#or story at all (fandom or otherwise).#cause otherwise. why shouldn’t I just be calling them my characters. the characters from my universe and my works. which are#established and incorporated. it’s definitely not properly organized or set up for true publication (at least not yet. definitely possible#I’ll publish something as a consumable structured thing someday)#you just don’t hear established authors calling their characters ocs. because why should they? the original part is sort of a given.#hopefully anyway#anywayyuyyyyyyeuyyyhh sorry this is not important just has been on my mind the last few weeks or few months or more#kibumblabs#I guess there’s also a difference maybe between making characters for the sake of making characters- and those being ocs- versus#characters that are developed as part of a larger work/story#I definitely feel like there’s a difference between the two and how they should be labelled (but im not saying one is more valid than the#other or anything like that.)#like when I see a poll that’s like ‘how many ocs do you have’ I just kinda sit there cause that question. doesn’t make sense in#my situation at all. because it’s the same as asking the author of a fiction novel that question. what do I count as my ‘oc’#would that mean my primary characters? or vaguely my primary and secondaryish ones? or do you mean every single character mentioned#regardless of importance or prevalence? every single named parent or grandparent or boss or childhood friend or one night stand or etc etc#I feel like it’s weird to call those characters ‘ocs’ in the way the question is implying. but then what DOES count? it just doesn’t make#sense for something like this. right? it irks me a little
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altruistic-meme · 4 days
shoutout to walmart for doing more for my community than the government officials are
#the situation here is being handled so poorly 👍#there was a news article i read that listed everything city officials said they were doing#but have given no evidence or proof of ACTUALLY doing and the article said they would continue reaching out#bc the officials were not responding to them#it took fucking KEMP for us to finally request federal aid#we weren't under a state of emergency until 2 hours AFTER the hurricane hit#i just#its fucking ridiculous#but there are some walmarts providing water hot meals wifi spots charging stations#abd i saw shower and layndry services listed as well ???#while the city gave out water twice in a location that was out of the way for much of the city#during a time when getting gas is a 4+ hour trip#while we're under a curfew#AND they cut our water for 2 days while none of us had power and it was 80-90F outside daily#now we're on a boil advisory#which again so much of the city can't do without POWER#but at least i could shower so long as i was careful jfjsjcj#anyway#yeah. YEAH.#fuck this city fuck our government fuck our mayor#hopefully biden approves our request for assistance and then maybe we can actually get something happening down here#sorry i just#i read about the walmart stuff and remembered all of the nothing happening from our government#and got angry#also i went to one of the water things they did yesterday and ended up just driving home bc the line was SO LONG#and like i get it i do but maybe idk have more than one set up in different areas??#or have it last longer than an hour or two????#idk. idk. im annoyed.#shh ac
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cerealmonster15 · 14 days
ive been watching sooo many vids of people doing doll restorations and doll customizations... making me both fight off the desperate urge to attempt New Hobby just because it Looks Fun and also resisting the urge to repurchase the fave barbie i had as a kid on ebay,,,,
#i dont have a job rn i dont need to be spending money on this kind of nostalgia for the latter lol#my fave was a SPECIFIC doll#well actually i had 2 faves but i think the other was like a generic one#but i specifically remember i had the 2001 nutcracker barbie + ken#who i guess were named clara and eric lol#idr if i had the kellys.... i did have a few kellys i just dunno if they were part of that set#i think i literally only had one ken doll. MAYBE two ? and one was the nutcracker guy#but his nutcracker head creeped me out so i never used it#i also think i fucked up his slicked back hair bc. well i was a child LOL#but i remember specifically those two bc of the creepy nutcracker head and bc clara had that special jointed body#since her whole thing was like the nutcracker ballet movie or w/e#and i loved the way her joints moved and clicked and her swooshy curly hair#but also when i was a kid i liked smearing makeup on my dolls LOL#so like. watching restoration and custom vids and seeing how people Actually pull that off in a more professional way#it awakens that inner childhood interest lol#and like i HAVE a lot of the supplies already for that. i have paints and pastels and a billion craft supplies ive accumulated over years#which makes it all the more tempting to buy a used doll off like ebay or a thrift store or something for funsies#that would be more affordable than trying to win a bid war for clara 😑 LOL#but i mean. if i do end up employed with a comfortable salary again someday#and if i have money to spare. perhaps i'd consider trying to get clara lol i know shes out there#but also im not willing to spend THAT much so i probs still wouldnt#tho maybe i can find one thats kinda fucked up and try to clean her idk . IDK IM JUST DAYDREAMING FOR NOW#ugh who wants to reminisce with me tho LOL#i can vaguely see the plastic bin of barbies i had as a kid in my mind...#there was this other barbie i had that i liked... idr anything special about her tho i just liked her hair#it was like a specific type of blonde that was like a warm blond and was soft i think. maybe a lil dirty blonde color idk#maybe i liked her face too idk i just know there was one that stood out to me#despite like nothing of significance about her LOL#she was another white blonde bitch in my collection
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adore-gregor · 3 months
ugh there it goes
#our promotion 😢😢#1st place is gone#today was tough our opponents were all way better than us#we only won 1 match out of 6#now they're leading our league well we should at least win our last matchday and get 2nd place#the no1 seed was in another league from ours 6:0 6:0 altough she's quite a good player at our club#we only won one doubles match altough they were not as good by far as their other players#and all the matches were quite one sided they were also way higher rated than us#i also lost my match 😫 altough it was quite close actually but that is even worse sometimes idk#i certainly could have won idk why i didn't i mean there were not many chances but they were there#i lost 5:7 4:6 ugh 😭#maybe with a better serve i would have won#but i was 5:4 up and i didn't win that point like that's when you have to be there and make it#i think this might just be one of my weaknesses i'm really good at conebacks and believing in that i'll win but i have to be more effective#and 'cold' when it matters sometimes i'm quite wasteful with my chances#i often make the craziest most difficult shots which are 'impossible' to get back but then fail at the easiest one's#especially in the crucial moments maybe i should play it safe more and be more patient#nah but winning that first set would have changed everything because 3rd sets are more likely to be my advantage with my speed and fitness#and in the 2nd i was just always one behind i always caught up but never went ahead#my serve also wasn't really there today and my 2nd serve is still too weak opponents take advantage and if i have a bad 1st serve percentage#like today it makes it difficult to win my own serve and i also made many double faults (4) 😕#i aced her once tho 🤪#but my serves are sometimes great but very inconsistent dependent on the day (the 2nd one always bad)#my backhand also wasn't as good as usualy i hit a lot of them out but it got better altough then i took many with my forehand which worked#and my opponent had riddiculous stops they wouldn't go up the ground again 🫠#and she was so good at net and also whenever i went there she'd pass me or lob me 😅#i gave up doing that very soon my best shot at this was just hitting winners and hitting balls deep to her forehand#i succeeded at that a couple of times but it was not enough#i mean i didn't play badly but what a shame#she was very nice though and very fair it was a pleasant match and she told me she was the best opponent she encountered in the league
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magentagalaxies · 4 months
going to a comedy open mic tomorrow mostly to watch my friends (it's at a cool venue that my improv troupe performs at once a month and a few improv troupe friends are doing standup there) but when these friends were asking if i'd be interested in coming they were like "btw there's usually a ton of open spots on show days if YOU want to do something... and they're not strict about it only being standup either, people have done character pieces and sketches etc like they embrace the weirdness... and they're not strict about time limits you could probably do anything between three and eight minutes... sometimes if there's not enough people signed up they'll even let you go twice..." and i'm like god damn it i thought i was gonna take a break from aubrey but this setup is like tailor made for an aubrey appearance lmao
#still on the fence about it bc the burnout i experienced at the beginning of may extended to aubrey#especially bc so much of my aubrey stuff is comedy about gender and my brain was more in ''set everything on fire'' mode#and i think i've gotten to a good place with that burnout but i still haven't worked on any aubrey stuff since i got home from college#but even still even tho my mental health is better than it was a few weeks ago#recently i have had this horrible insomnia where i haven't been able to fall asleep at night in over a week#(i've made up for it with naps but still i am not mentally 100% rn. i've tried so many things and nothing has worked.)#so that's my justification for *not* doing aubrey tomorrow. however.#i reeeally need to get more performance experience bc there's only so much you can develop a sketch character without performing them#and this venue is so good. it's an art gallery like an hour away that's designed to be part gallery and part performance venue#especially for comedy. like the venue owner is this veteran comedian who used to work with bobcat goldthwait and a lot of other big names#and it's a low-pressure environment bc everyone there has seen me do comedy before with my improv troupe#but they still haven't seen me do aubrey at all so it's bringing a new side of my comedy to some of my main collaborators#like this is so much better than my previous aubrey performances bc they were all either#1. shows in CLASSROOMS with a bunch of my classmates who generally don't get my comedy (very clique-ish)#or 2. a guest spot on a show at a coffee shop where everyone knew each other except me#plus the biggest thing for me is the lack of a strict time limit. like as much as having a good 3-minute monologue can be#i think aubrey is a character you need to get to know a bit longer than 3 minutes. and a lot of my stuff is long while also being very tigh#like not every monologue is like this but my best aubrey monologues are almost like aubrey is telling you a sitcom storyline#and removing too many lines makes the whole narrative jenga tower fall over#and as much as i want to figure out how to make every monologue a good starting point#having the chance to perform multiple monologues if i get to go twice so that they can build off each other would be perfect#idk i'm not sure how often the open mics are there. at least monthly tho i might be missing next month's depending on when i'm in toronto#so like this wouldn't really be my only chance. but yeah i'm on the fence about whether to bring aubrey back for a performance tomorrow#i probably wouldn't do new material. i'd do the 5 minute version of my uncle reg monologue bc it's the one that's worked best so far#and if i get to do multiple. maybe i'd do the ''nom de plum'' monologue bc i think it's also very strong#and it has a good callback to uncle reg#but idk i also think doing the song would be very fun and on-theme since it's pride month and the song is a satire of rainbow capitalism#tho i'd probably have to rework the monologue that leads into the song bc even tho i loved the concept i don't think i articulated it well#or i could write an entirely different lead-in and make the previous monologue (''C/H/M'') a separate thing to revise later#which would probably go better and somehow be less work to write. but even so i don't know what the venue's sound setup is
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danielnelsen · 7 months
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always fun to remind myself of the side effects of my thyroid meds
#the first time i treated my thyroid my endo was like ‘i havent had a patient who had this happen for a while so im due for one’ THANKS MAN#personal#im just waiting for it to hurry up and work. my health has PLUMMETED in the last week or so#im so sick and i can’t DO ANYTHING. including SLEEP. even if i was getting enough good sleep i was be exhausted but i’m not so.#the energy’s doing Great#and i’m so hungry all the time but also nauseous so all food is unappealing#genuinely have no idea how i made it through years 7-10 undiagnosed. no wonder i ended up with such a severe phobia of going to bed????????#i don’t have to worry about routine right now so it’s not as stressful (just horrible because i’m so tired) but i COULDNT SLEEP back then#im just relieved that this time it was found through a routine check rather than me getting a test because of symptoms#usually i test when my anxiety gets really bad in a specific way#but my anxiety isn’t bad this time. no panic attacks and also no migraines. those are all usually the worst to deal with#so comparatively this isn’t even a particularly bad episode?/relapse?/flare?#still more sick than i’ve been in……..years?#im not sure if covid was better or worse. but it was only really bad for a week#this’ll be worse overall because it’ll last a lot longer#hopefully only a month or two but that’s still a few months of my life that just vanish. cool!!!!!!!!!!!#and there wasn’t even a notable event to trigger it this time. first time was whooping cough and subsequent times have been things like—#starting uni and then the last 2 years of uni where i took 10 units in one year then overworked myself doing my thesis#im SLIGHTLY worried that maybe i’ve developed rheumatoid arthritis and that set it off because it’s also autoimmune#i should see my gp soon to get a general antibody test. my joint have been so bad it’s been hard to walk for quite a few months#idk man it all sucks. but for now at least i have my white blood cells (even if they’re literally the problem lmao)
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so instead of trying to get everyone together to play dnd and commit to a night per month or something, i’m going to have my sister and nephew create characters and then design them a short, casual adventure. i never really intended to be dm, but i’m a writer and also i have the most time and energy to do the harder bit of the setup. it’s also nice and low-pressure with just the three of us playing, so i’m not stressed. i’m having ideas! it actually sounds really fun to create the game for them to explore and keep it balanced and fun for them. now i just have to do everything and wait for the right timing to play, which shouldn’t take long
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We’re having an emergency meeting to discuss Chris Johnson and the whitest name ever
absolutely fitting for our white man now innit
#snap chats#speaking of White People and names tho.. i drove out to barnes and noble because if i stayed at my mom's any longer id go insane#and while i was here i read the entirety of My Brother's Husband. VERY good series it was so good i loved it...#its not in my budget today to buy the whole set but maybe one day.. mike flanagan i love you you're so happy and good..#WAIT IT GOT A LIVE ACTION SERIES ????? I HAVE TO WATCH IT LATER I WAS JUST THINKING IT'D BE GOOD AS A JDRAMA#what i did buy today tho was the second volume of The Yakuza's Bias since i loved the first one so much#and ive been PRAYING the second one'd come out soon#i also got another kirby blind box </3 its supposed to sit on your drinking glass but i didnt see who i got yet..#i hope its not meta knight. i love meta knight but i want some variety...#im hoping its the sleeping kirby one but it was hard to hear the difference so idk#and im not checkin til later so i doont get tempted to return what i got to get a new one like a freak ☠️#SO SAD THO when i was getting my stuff they didnt have any more butterfly bookmarks...#i always get one when i go out and sure i have more than enough bookmarks but now it feels weird...#anyway. im gonna get food i havent eaten all day... tho i did want chicken and soju later didnt i...#maybe ill just get something light here i just came here for the wifi honestly lol#god what else did i do.. OH THERE WAS THIS ONE MANGA.#i forget the full name but it had 'akane' in the title so of course i was like 'lol' and decided to read the blurb#IN THE STORY HER DAD'S NAME IS ARAKAWA ? but all of his teachers also have the surname arakawa but theyre not related#arakawa must be a ral impotrant name in the manga.... point is i lol'd#i almost wanna go back to. stopping this post now to do it LOL HANG ON BRB#AKANE-BANASHI THAT'S WHAT IT WAS CALLED and she wanted to be the best rakugo performer after her father's teacher#also named arakawa. As I Said.#failed everyone for no reason#maybe one day ill check it out.. always thought rakugo was a fine art...#anyway im rambling too much im gonna try to write a fanfic. no way in hell im drawing rgg in public LMAO#actually im gonna get food first.. as i said i havent eaten all day... ok bye#anon im so sorry if you ever read these tags LMAO I JUST LIKE TALKING ABOUT MY DAY
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ranking my past lives on a scale from Haldrath to Tenzen
#idk maybe in his wandering era Haldrath had whimsical creature spirit friends who he helped people with#but we only got the grim bit where he did atrocities that helped start a 1000 year war then renounced his throne in anguish#don't mind me just amused at going back to NG+ Heavensward right after the new Tataru quest#they're much more direct about Tenzen having been a past life of the WoL's#but I still think if you do the dragoon quests it does also imply it like you accidentally got the same job stone in two lives#and it trips a switch XD#.... what if you accidentally get a soul stone from every past life#and you get your MCH jobstone and that's your first new one and you're setting that up for your future self :')#anyway I also think Estinien is descended from Haldrath so that makes a hilarious dynamic#this is also something Frog experiences in canon#although I think she's more told what Alberic saw than experiencing it herself#it's what made her believe in past lives long before they were truly confirmed to her and how she rolled with that info#like yeah sure of course this is true I have the same job stone I had 1000 years ago for Dragoon tell me something new#it's nice that there's ONE thing I have convoluted theories for that Frog gets to know about though#she's so oblivious to the worldbuilding XD#but she did feel a shade responsible (literally) for starting the Dragonsong War even though she wasn't Ishgardian#it explained why Halone was her patron despite growing up in Rhalgr territory#ffxiv#bounding frog
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dexaroth · 1 year
i cant believe the day but i finally got a full tower pc. bought it already built and at a considerable discount of some 320 dollars off. its fucking huge and theres so many things going on inside... i was initially planning on choosing the parts myself but finding the graphics card was so hard and everyone else convinced me to just buy it built and honestly? good. id probably have fucked this up so badly by myself
i cant use it yet bc i took too long to buy the monitor that was also on sale and now its regular price -_- tho i managed to find a discount used one for now. well see how that goes since ill get it tomorrow. i tested it on out living room tv and it had some kaspersky thingy open and like thats so cute. i hope they left some treats in the browsing history for me to search through before i wipe it clean
#its a hexer case and wouldnt you guess the front has a hexagonal pattern. so pretty..#it came with 3 fans installed there too that have a cmyk color style to them and it looks quite neat. im thinking of buying some leds to pu#inside the case to go with my keyboard tho idk if id go that far tbh (< gamer rot is setting in. im not immune to pretty lighting..)#its also got a lot of unused space inside. im thinking of making more sculptures to put in. though idk if thatd be safe for it#bc cold porcelain is glue and water. what if it evaporates inside and suddenly everythings covered in a glue film#i wonder if varnish would help? the transparent nail polish sure didnt do shit it came off like 2 days after sculpting the rw slug sleeping#which like yeah of course. its nail polish. but i didnt expect it to flake since all it does is sleep on top of my laptop keyboard#i need miniature glass cake cover tops to encapsule every sculpture inside for safety#looking at it still no wonder these are called towers gotdamn its legit so huge..#it looks awkward tho bc i cant fully make it glue to the wall bc of the cables so its like. awkwardly a bit in front of the wall#im scaared as to how to tell if it ever gets too hot. on a laptop u just press ur head against the left half and feel how hot it is#i think im gonna need software for this.. sigh. tho maybe ill never get to that point since its supposed to be decent#AND its not 8 years old + the 3 fans and gpu fan and cpu fan. surely thats enough. the case even has space for more than that!!#the acrylic side reflects my keyboard too. so niceys. stimulation for my creature eyes#my desk is gonna be so fucked up when i have to organize everything too bc the one i have now is perfecly laptop-oriented#it sits on a custom wooden desk and the keyboard+drawing tablet sit below. but theres a shelf on top of my desk thats too low for the>#>normal monitor to sit to so i wont be able to use the custom desk. and i dont even know what ill do with my laptop either#finally a good change in my sad life routine fr. i cant wait to play watchdogs on this and overgrowth and other ones#AND LAGLESS KRITA SMUDGE ENGINE BRUSHES!!! AND DOUBLE BRUSHES. THEYRE SO LAGGY#A N D ACTUAL FULL HD NORMAL MONITOR. maybe that will get me to not draw in small canvases anymore#now im anxious i just want the day to be over to get the monitor tomorrow aouugh.. just bc i started coding my resources neocities page#dextxt#<the 'major life events' ((sorta)) tag returns. one for the books.. if something bad happens.. itll be here to remind me of the good times
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I broadly think the majority of content you find in "X critical" tags tends to be a bit. Uh. Garbage in terms of legit media criticism, but I cannot overstate their importance in terms of being easily filterable for people who actually like X, and idk if it's the recent migrations from other social media platforms or (more likely) if I'm just having an off week and reading into things too much but like. Can we keep it going/bring it back??? If I have to see one more post about how ppl hate a certain thing in that certain things tag (where fans congregate to find content of the thing), with no filterable critical tag. I might actually kill ppl
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#yeah. yeah#i should stop going into the maintag BUT SOMETIMES IT'S GOOD IN THERE MAN!!#and i don't follow as many toh ppl#so sometimes i gotta go into the tag to find things i really like!#i wish i just didn't have to see more than one post dunking on a piece of media i like there like. that's not what it's for#even if you're tagging it for your own blog organization that's not stopping you from putting a critical tag so ppl can filter it#it'd just make everyones lives easier man#especially the ppl posting the critical content!#bc they tend to get messages and replies from fans who disagree with them (bc again.. they're in the wrong space)#and then decide that this means the fans are toxic (maybe but you've got a bad sample size and no control group)#idk man i just. I'm doing everything right on my part! blocking ppl and filtering tags#but some ppl just don't want to follow the social contract of online spaces and I'm normal about that#tbh I'm also just really tired today. I've been hand painting a chessboard and chess set (w/ help! it's been fun-#-but also i was there from noon to 5pm. it was actually probably closer to 6 hours in total cause of work done afterwards)#(point being I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm kinda cranky and i wanna be silly in peace for five minutes)#(i know we all joke about the insularity of our dashes and mutuals but. it does make me a bit sad-#-fan spaces don't have to be this insular to be peaceful. it could be better)
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coffeebanana · 1 year
Every time I read classic books I feel this pressure to enjoy them, and I just...never do? I can appreciate why they're important or influential for their time, and I appreciate that they exist, but...I just don't enjoy the style? Like they tend to be very repetitive and they have a lot of scenes that frankly...don't do anything to move the story forwards. The kinds of things that today would get the story tossed aside by publishers. And obviously I'm not saying it is bad writing, because again--different time period. Different style. But I wish I could be completely comfortable saying I just don't enjoy those books. For me personally, reading them is often more effort than what I get out of them. And sometimes I will read them anyways because I want to understand references people make to them in other books or media, but at the end of the day they don't bring me joy like modern books or fanfiction do and I think that's okay.
#kayla rambles#i actually do think if i was reading them in a school setting i would enjoy it more#like. i like learning about what a book says about the people of the time period it was written in#but at the same time i hated being forced to analyze things for a grade#i liked learning the opinions other people had on it but i always had this idea in my head that i sucked at analysis--i still have that tbh#i shy away from trying to analyze things i DO enjoy because i just have this idea other people will do it better than me#and sometimes i just don't want to analyze things! which is also okay! but kasjdbsbjf i still feel like it's a shortcoming sometimes idk#and it's annoying i still can't get over this#like i know it basically stems from the fact it was easier for me to get an A in STEM classes while putting in minimal effort#and english--even though i did mostly get As--always felt like a struggle. it always felt like i was missing something crucial#but ironically when i took literature in grade 12--it was an elective class at my school--it was one of my fave classes ever#probably because my teacher was an atheist lesbian and i fucking adored her#she told us on like day 1 she was trying to read the bible so she could understand symbolism in other works better 😂#and she was frankly just a badass lmao#but she also taught it from the lens of what literature said about the people of the time#she brought history and linguistics into everything and she made it feel real#god if she could have taught me english class throughout high school maybe i wouldn't have cared as much about the grade
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