queersouthasian · 1 year
IDC fucking bunch of kids are in the BL fandom literally would be looking at the sex scenes and be like "what about plot??" BITCH horniness is the plot, just two men fucking the life out off each other and if you call THAT porn then you should probably leave the genre not even fucking kidding
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Deepest sigh
Could we please stop infantilizating people who like cute things? Could we please stop instancing to calling things 'baby safe' , 'child safe'. "kiddo safe" etc, when it comes to liking Disney, cartoons, anime, pokemon, or other cute things? Could we stop calling peoples special interests as something "kiddos" like? Could we stop instancing colors ("soft" gentle colors) are related to children only? Could we stop assigning the idea kids/children/babies only like soft things. (I.e. plushies, soft socks, bedding.)
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promptfiction · 4 months
kid!gojo is so insulted that toji is the only one who is capable of escaping from his six eyes that he starts to follow toji around like a homeless puppy, trying to be sly about it.
Toji finds it funny that the gojo kid is fucking hopeless, so he starts to provoke the kid because if that little shit is going to be the Strongest he better be stronger than him.
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anyataylorsjoy · 2 years
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THE X-FILES | Je Souhaite 7.21
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tokkigwii · 4 days
Happy birthday dr xeno🥰
World domination talk over the sunset
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greeneyessmize · 5 months
It is going to bother me until the end of my days if I don't find out what they cut that Eloise was supposed to say to Colin after Pen ran after Debling.
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This is from one of the rehearsal videos for that final ball. This is literally gonna kill my brain. Just tell us! XD
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usakkhae · 1 year
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echoesoftheinfinite · 2 months
I wanted to be better, but.. what was left to me was anger and sadness. And in the end, everything mixed into frustration.
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themisterhip · 5 months
So, now that i'm technically learning 3d modeling and animation, one of my main goals in life now has become "Model Genos' arms so i have a reference forever in ANY angle"
Dunno, think it would be neat :"D
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
Crepus *talking to a sister in the church*: Listen, I have no idea what's up with him. He just woke up and told me he was in pain, I tried to give him medicine but he refused because he said it wouldn't work.
The sister: And you still gave it to him, right?
Crepus: Yeah, of course, he took it himself after I insisted. But after two hours it just got worse, he seems used to it and when I asked him what could've caused it he just...
Kaeya *8 years old, sitting on the bed, visibly in pain and generally annoyed*: IT'S BECAUSE THE ARCHONS HAVE FORSAKEN ME! I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOUUUU!!!
Crepus: Did that...
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meymey-draws · 3 months
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Idk some HC in meme template
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hopekreymin · 14 days
I'm fucking tired
Oh mighty fucking bloody hell, when will I finally finish this damn sketch?? Or at least any of my sketches??? I am so frustrated right now that I don't want to draw anymore. For some reason, lately I don't like everything I draw, because my eyes are constantly irritated by the mistakes that are there, or as I am sure, are there. And although I try to redraw the sketch, the same mistakes remain or new ones appear.
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I feel like I have constant problems with anatomy and proportions, so my body parts look different, like they don't belong to the same body. I'm so sick of it. I've never been so angry with myself and my drawings like I am right now. And because no matter how many times I redraw my sketches, I still don't like them, so I don't even want to finish them. I always need someone to tell me if I've drawn something good and correctly, because I'm never completely sure. So I would be REALLY REALLY happy if someone would tell me what I can do with this sketch, because I'm already going crazy! I would rather chew off my fingers, eat my stylus, and break my graphics tablet than finish this sketch, especially in a way that I like the end result.
I fucking hate drawing P3 Dude, what the hell, is he cursed?
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khgne · 4 months
I'm seeing a lot of arguments and opinions about these latest bnha chapters, asking fans why they thought Tenko would be saved and how it's consistent writting.
Needless to say these have been controversial chapters and I need to sarcastically rant my opinions about it.
You're right, why would we think Tenko would be saved just because Izuku wanted to save him. And shared that with Ochaco who also wanted to save "her villain". If we've been shown tenko was a parallel to Yoichi and a victim of AFO, and his entire worldview was based on AFOs abuse. If this manga was showing us the humanity behind villains and openly questioned if killing them was the best or fair outcome as we saw with Twice.
But you're so right, why would the fans think that Tenko would survive when every other version of "Tenko" from Horis previous works - of which this character was based on - was saved and given a second chance? After revealing that decay is half of overhaul and showing multiple characters having a quirk awakening this arc. Why would fans think that despite all the Mt. Fuji and Butterfly (death/rebirth) symbolism? Forget "win to save, save to win", "a perfect victory!", "changing fates and wishing energy!". Forget "his friends are waiting for him" or "I want to save that little boy!". Forget "OFA IS A POWER MEANT FOR SAVING, NOT KILLING. ALL MIGHT TAUGHT ME THAT". Let's ignore Toshinoris words: "The citizens...heroes...villains...I need to light the way for all of them."
"But Tenko didn't want to be saved!",, and his entire anger against society revolving around the fact that nobody saved or helped him when he needed as a child, is proof of that. Yes, he was angry that Bakugo received immediate help and he questioned why he didn't, and yessss AFO gave him the decay quirk on purpose so that neither he can reach out to others, or others can reach out to him (in a manga that uses hands as motifs and metaphors) without getting destroyed and also adding to the idea that Tenko was born evil; but like, he kept fighting the heroes so of course he didn't want to be saved, duh.
Also, Izuku challenging the vestiges ideals and opinions of killing Tenko for multiple arcs now?? His argument that despite OFA being created to stop AFO, it could be given a new meaning?? Yoichi agreeing with Izuku and saying how happy he was that Toshi and Izuku held OFA?? That was just for fun! No meaning in those scenes!
Sero was so right going on about tragedies not being necessary, only for the story to end exactly in a tragedy. And of course that villains should pay for their crimes and killing them is better than letting them rot in jail, that's exactly why so far, every villain Izuku encountered has been killed! Oh wait no, they...actually got arrested.. mm okay.. But it's not like they could ever atone for their actions, it's crazy giving them a second chance!.... so let's ignore Nagant, Stain, or Gentle and La Brava.
And yes, of course the heroes have learned that villains are people too, and are victims that deserve a helping hand after so many arcs showing and telling us that from a bunch of characters, which is why their decisions and the way they handled a lot of villains!....didn't change at all.
Kurogiri was killed/shoved aside like an inconvenience to the heroes while pleading AFO for Tenko to be returned; and Tenko was killed for being loyal to his friends and wanting to destroy the status quo so the LoV and others could live better. All of these done with no hesitation or internal conflict from Izuku, so as you can see, very different from Hawks vs Twice. Ochaco got to connect and talk Toga out of it, and Shoto got to talk and come up with a plan to stop his brother, and both (plus Enji) begged their villain to stop because they didn't want them to die; so it makes perfect sense why Izuku, the compassionate mc that wants to save everyone, would do the exact opposite.
This kid went in there with no plan at all and it shows! (I guess he really forgot what Nighteye told him about his arrogant thinking). Because ever since the vestige world, Izuku gave up on Tenko and decides the best thing to do is to kill him. No trying to call out for Tenko and reach him, no reaction to AFOs trump card, no internal conflict with deciding to kill Tenko, no trying to explain to Tenko in the vestige world that his friends are trying to help the LoV too, no introspection on Tenkos words of wanting to be a hero to the villains, no guilt as he gives the final punch, no hesitation in shoving aside the one other person that also wanted to save Tenko (and wasn't attacking, only talking) so he could punch him again, and no communication with his fellow heroes to explain the situation of AFO taking control of Tenko again or the fact that Tenkos life and worldview are all bc of AFO. And I call that,, being completely in character for Izuku don't you think?
And of course Hori couldn't help himself and also try that with Toshinori. So that's why we have the one character that always hides behind a fake smile say that maybe if Tenko wasn't crying anymore it's because he was saved. (Out of sight, out of mind, just like what the civillians did when Tenko was a child looking for help) Toshinori, the symbol of peace who sacrifices himself constantly to save others, who felt guilty for failing Tenko, who wanted to save him since Kamino, who was emotional over Izuku wanting to save him as well, who was distressed to see Stain "the hero killer" die, who struggles with the will to live beyond his hero persona, is now emotionless and parroting the idea that "killing can be a way of saving" about Nanas last relative and fellow victim of AFOs, and I think that makes absolute sense. Let's have the same man whose teaching methods consisted of beating and traumatizing Toshinori as a kid, be right! (And listen, I'm one of the few ppl that absolutely love Gran, but that man has always been wrong about this).
And yes, the themes set up of:
- villains (and heroes) are human and more than their role that hero society forces on them;
- Izuku (and others) want to break the cycle of abuse and how villains are perceived and treated by society;
- Izuku wants to be a hero that gives a helping hand and saves everyone and Tenko wants to be a hero to the villains (both of them want the same thing at its core just in different ways);
- save to win, win to save; changing fate; etc.
- giving second chances to ppl to atone their wrongs regardless if they're villains or heroes because they don't have to let it define them (Aoyama, Nagant, Gentle and La Brava, Endeavor, Bakugo, Hawks, etc.);
Definitely work with the decision of death is the only way to save villains.
So yeah, you're so right that anyone that thinks these recent chapters went against the themes, is stupid and wrong. And it's us that see 'saving' at a very surface level right?
But really now, these latest chapters have been a disappointment and left me wondering what even happened for the story to suddenly go against everything it has been setting up so far.
Some of the criticisms are an overreaction, but most are valid and there's merit in discussing them.
Izuku flip-flopping between in-character and out-of-character; Killing Tenko and claim his heart has been saved despite giving him no closure regarding his abuse, quirk, or origin; The weird decision to mention and not show the off screen moment that develops Nanas character and her relationship with Tenko; Izukus lack of emotion and introspection about his decision;
Why have Izuku defy and disagree with the adults that told him to kill Tenko, to suddenly have him kill Tenko? Why have Izuku want to give a new meaning to OFA and break the cycle of abuse by "smashing that lid", if in the end OFA remains as only something to destroy AFO, and he behaves the same way every hero before him has. Why criticize hero society for the way it creates villains, and show them as victims that can be given a second chance to help and atone, only to say that after all, killing them is how you save them because they can't be helped. Why make izuku the compassionate kid that wants to understand villains and is willing to offer them a helping hand, if in the end he kills the same "crying child" he wanted to save for multiple arcs, because he was loyal to his friends and ideals.
If Tenko died still believing AFOs words that he was made to destroy, then did he really get full autonomy from AFO? Is he really free from his abuser if he still believes every word he was told?
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neonbutchery · 11 months
gonna try learning how to edit heads in bg3 AGAIN if i don't update it's because I've thrown my computer through a window 👍
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annoying-moth · 7 months
Once an angel
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 3 months
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day 7 of posting whatever doodle i have until i got accepted to an uni.
posting early because i have to do MORE REF FOR ART FIGHT GRRRRRRRR. enjoy silly thing out of my frustation. also a part of another au.
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