artdivin · 1 month
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Neti helps to reprogram the body's natural mechanisms against respiratory complaints including sore throats, coughs, postnasal drips, etc. It pacifies the sensitive tissues inside the nose, which can assuage a bout of rhinitis or allergies. It is very effective in dealing with asthmatic conditions making breathing easy. . . JOIN OUR YOGA COURSES ✅ AND FOR MORE DETAILS 👇🏻✔️ . .
CONTACT: +919997224320
WEBSITE: https://artdvine.com/ . . GMAIL: [email protected] . .
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dvineyogaa · 2 months
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Neti helps to reprogram the body's natural mechanisms against respiratory complaints including sore throats, coughs, postnasal drips, etc. It pacifies the sensitive tissues inside the nose, which can assuage a bout of rhinitis or allergies. It is very effective in dealing with asthmatic conditions making breathing easy. . . JOIN OUR YOGA COURSES ✅ AND FOR MORE DETAILS 👇🏻✔️ . .
CONTACT: +919997224320
WEBSITE: www.artdivine.org . . GMAIL: [email protected] . .
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viaphni · 3 months
He had to rotate the mask one last time 😢😢
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vyorei · 8 months
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So you haven't, you won't, and you will probably high-five the fuckers.
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nando161mando · 1 month
"I'm not gonna speak to specific instances and incidents...I will let the IDF speak to that,"
US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel replied when asked by a journalist to comment on Israel’s airstrike that targeted a residential apartment in Gaza today, which killed a Palestinian mother and her newborn twins.
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The U.S. State Department is already both-sidesing the Al-Tabin school massacre:
“We have been clear … to our partners in Israel that every possible effort needs to be taken to minimise the impact of civilian casualties,” Patel told reporters at a briefing. However, sites such as schools may lose their protected status under international law when “used by combatants” he said, adding that “there is a clear, provable track record of Hamas using human civilians as human shields, locating itself amongst civilian infrastructure”.
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kashvisaxena · 3 months
closed for @vedantxdasari location: kashvi's home in masonboro
As soon as Vedant stepped into her apartment she smacked his arm as hard as she could which really hurt her a lot more than it hurt him. "I've been here for weeks now and this is the only time you could actually show up to meet me? I'm so annoyed at you," and then quickly she wrapped her arms around her old friend, loving the fact that the two of them could reconnect in Wilmington of all places again. They'd met in London and had become fast friends and he'd been someone she tried to keep in touch with even when he left the city but it wasn't always easy keeping track of him. Still she gave him that space, happy to reconnect whenever he resurfaced again. This time though--she'd all but tracked him down at the club he worked at and demanded he come over to her place if he wanted to keep their friendship in tact.
"Okay so now that all of that is out of the way--tell me what are you in the mood for? Italian? Mexican? Thai? Or should we attempt to cook something Indian?" Kashvi began rummaging through her pantry to make sure it was fully stocked before she stuck her head out from behind the door once more. "I'm telling you that's another thing this city is missing--a good old fashioned desi joint. Hey--maybe I should contact 'Dishoom' in London and see if they'll let me franchise it, what are your thoughts?"
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vedantxarora · 4 months
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full name: vedant gagan arora
nicknames: ved, raja (by his family)
age: thirty-seven
date of birth: june 15, 1986
gender: cis male
occupation: bouncer/bartender at soundwave
neighborhood: midtown
parental death tw, cancer tw, hostages tw vedant was the second of two sons, born on a rainy day in delhi. his life was marked by loss within hours of his birth when his mother passed away due to complications in the delivery. his father, while unwilling, was compelled to remarry by his family. they moved to the united states shortly after, and his step-mother showered both him and his older brother, santosh with love and care. while they saw the relationship between his father and mother was nonexistent, the children never felt the strain of her marital relationship impact her maternal love. when his brother was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia, vedant was the presumed donor for a bone marrow transplant. the fact that he was not a match and therefore could not help his brother haunts him to this day. within a few years of her birth they said goodbye to santosh as well. grappling with their grief, ved threw himself into school. after graduation, he attended georgetown and then received an mba from stanford. he began to work with the fbi in hostage negotiations. within a few years he had excelled at work and was handling international negotiations. one such mission took him to syria where he disobeyed instructions in saving mahira zahara garcia. upon returning to the us, he was put on probation and after a few more episodes of poor performance since returning, he was asked to take a break. he returned to wilmington to be with family and work through the demons that caused him to buckle under pressure for the first time.
Born during the monsoon season in Delhi, Vedant’s very first moments in the world brought tragedy with them. He was only minutes old when his mother passed during child birth, leaving with him little more than her name as his middle name. And thus began Vedant Gagan Arora's series of loss and trauma. His father tried to raise his two sons on his own but family pressure and lack of much needed support led him to marry once more. Where Gagan had been the woman he loved, his new wife was the one who could love his children. And he did not need more than the memories of his late wife and the maternal instinct of his new life partner. Soon after the marriage, they moved to the United States to their first home in Iowa. Vedant grew up knowing only his step-mother as his own. And she absolutely doted on both him and his older brother, Santosh. But it was no secret that she showered her oldest son with the most love given his vivacious personality.
Yet his childhood too was marked by struggle. With a rare and aggressive form of cancer that required a bone marrow transplant, the obvious choice was Vedant. After all, they shared the same blood, who could be a more perfect match? Unfortunately, it was discovered that Vedant was not a match and once again he was faced with the possibility of losing a family member. And it would once again be attributable to him. The thought alone haunted him as he grew even more withdrawn despite the family never voicing such sentiments to him. A part of him felt as though he were a bad omen, bringing destruction and loss wherever he went. They had a few years of absolute happiness when they found a donor. Then once again, Santosh relapsed and this time, there was no treatment that could succeed in prolonging his life. The Dasaris said goodbye to one more family member and plunged into misery immediately. The light and happiness of their house vanishing with their oldest.
It took years to heal, and even then the emptiness could be felt throughout the family. Vedant, having always been introspective and closed off excelled in his academics. It was the only thing he could do to keep himself sane. He ended up attending Georgetown University soon after leaving Wilmington, studying psychology. Thinking it were better for his family if he were away from them, things improved slightly in his absence. Or at least, he was not privy to the ways in which his sister carried the burden of ensuring the family stayed intact and afloat. He continued his education, pursuing an MBA at Stanford University a while later. Vedant was hardly made for business, and it was perhaps for that reason that his career path took a far more dangerous turn. Feeling as though it was hardly fulfilling to work as a consultant or banker like many of his classmates, Vedant instead ended up working at the FBI as a hostage negotiator. Driven by a desire to actually be the source of happiness in the lives of strangers, he quickly rose the ranks as his negotiation skills were unparalleled.
His career soon took him from D.C. to international conflicts. With a few years of training under his belt, he whisked off to negotiate higher stakes situations. His entire career was marked by success. Unlike his childhood, in which he lost two family members, Vedant this time around managed to reunite a number of families with their loved ones. He was all primed to work his way up the ladder. But it all changed when he disobeyed orders in Syria. They were two journalists. A woman and a cameraman, caught in the middle of a hostage situation. Vedant was stationed nearby with orders to wait for further instruction. The tensions were high, as were the demands. Ones that the United States government would have to comply with if they were to rescue their own. The crushing guilt of his childhood came crashing back when after nearly 18 days of hostile negotiations, they were no closer to success. It was then that the thought was floated. Perhaps they had never intended to release the hostage at all. With negotiations at a standstill, it seemed that the government was growing less and less inclined to give into the demands and bring the two journalists back to their family. The thought was unconceivable to Vedant and, for the first time, he went against the orders he was given and sought to save the two himself. He could not watch yet another person lose their life because of his failings.
It was only when he entered the compound that he realized that they had already lost one. He had already failed one family. Throwing his life on the line, he made sure to bring Mahira Zahara Garcia out with him. And while the rescue was a success, it also cost him his promotion. It cost him the work that he was doing and that had gained him such accolade. When he returned, he began to work on smaller cases. They were all local, nothing nearly as high stakes. Added to that was the trauma that returned. The years of wickedness and desperation that he had seen in his life. The worst of human kind and the worst emotions one could feel. They came crashing down and the agency appointed therapist suggested that he take some time off. Reorient himself. He returned to his hometown of Wilmington, wondering if surrounding himself with his family, the people with whom he had first experienced loss, would allow him to heal from within.
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denimatio · 2 years
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Le temps qui venge toutes choses, passe, et rien ne reste. Il engloutit le saint et le pêcheur, le roi et le paysan, la beauté et la laideur. Il ne laisse rien. Toutes choses se précipitent vers ce but unique, la destruction. Notre savoir, nos arts, nos sciences, tout s'y précipite. Personne ne peut endiguer la marée, personne ne peut l'arrêter, ne fût-ce qu'une minute. Nous pouvons essayer de l'oublier, de même que dans une ville où sévit la peste, les gens cherchent l'oubli dans la boisson, la danse, ou d'autres vaines tentatives, et dans l'hébétude qu'ils y trouvent. De même nous essayons d'oublier, nous essayons de créer l'oubli par toutes sortes de plaisir des sens. Et cela c'est Mâyâ. (...) D'un côté il y a par conséquent cette déclaration audacieuse que tout ceci n'est que sottises, que tout est Mâyâ, mais par ailleurs il y a cette autre déclaration pleine d'espérance, qu'au-delà de Mâyâ existe une issue. Les gens pratiques nous disent par contre : « Ne vous cassez pas la tête avec toutes ces niaiseries de religion et de métaphysique. Vivez ici-même ; c'est un bien mauvais monde en réalité, mais tirez-en ce que vous pourrez ». Ce qui, mis en termes clairs, signifie : « Vivez, dans l'hypocrisie et le mensonge, une vie de fraude continuelle, dans laquelle vous dissimulerez vos plaies aussi bien que vous le pourrez. Continuez à raccommoder et à rapiécer, jusqu'à ce que tout soit perdu et que vous ne soyez plus qu'un assemblage de pièces et de morceaux ». C'est ce qu'on appelle la vie pratique. Ceux qui se contentent de ce rapiéçage ne viendront jamais à la religion. La religion commence par un mécontentement intense de l'état actuel des choses et de notre vie, par une haine, une haine violente de ce rapetassage de la vie, avec un dégoût sans bornes pour ce qui est fraude et mensonge. Celui-là seul peut être religieux qui ose parler comme le puissant Bouddha l'a fait une fois sous l'arbre de la sagesse, alors que cette notion du pratique se présentait à lui, qu'il voyait qu'elle n'était que sottise, et que pourtant il ne trouvait pas de solution. Lorsque la tentation lui vint de renoncer à sa recherche de la vérité de retourner dans le monde et de reprendre la vieille vie de tromperies, où l'on donne aux choses des noms qui ne sont pas les leurs, où l'on ment à soi-même et à tous les autres, lui, le géant, triompha de cette tentation et dit : « Mieux vaut la mort qu'une vie ignorante et végétative ; mieux vaut mourir sur le champ de bataille que vivre une vie de défaite ». C'est là la base de la religion. Lorsqu'un homme adopte cette attitude, il est sur la voie où il trouvera la vérité, il est sur la voie qui mène à Dieu. Cette détermination doit être la première impulsion qui nous pousse à devenir religieux. « Je vais me frayer un chemin. Je connaîtrai la vérité ou j'y laisserai ma vie. Car de ce côté-ci, il n'y a rien, tout s'en va et tout disparaît tous les jours ». L'homme qui est aujourd'hui beau, jeune, plein d'espérance, demain sera vieux. Les espoirs, les joies, les plaisirs périront comme des fleurs sous la gelée de demain. C'est un des aspects ; de l'autre côté, il y a le charme puissant de la conquête, des victoires remportées sur tous les maux de la vie, des victoires sur la vie elle-même, de la conquête de l'univers. De ce côté-là, les hommes peuvent tenir bon. Par conséquent ceux qui osent lutter pour la victoire, pour la vérité, pour la religion, sont sur la bonne voie, et c'est ce que prêchent les Védas. « Ne soyez pas dans le désespoir ; le chemin est très difficile, comme si l'on devait marcher sur le tranchant d'un rasoir. Malgré cela, ne désespérez pas, levez-vous, éveillez-vous, et trouvez l'idéal, le but ». — Swâmi Vivekânanda (Jnâna-Yoga, posth., 1936)
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plitnick · 2 years
The question of violence
The question of violence
After years of the United States, Israel and the Palestinian Authority making it clear to the Palestinian people that diplomacy will not secure the realization of Palestinian rights–especially given the massive power imbalance–the use of armed resistance to Israeli apartheid is growing among Palestinians. People have asked, “where is the Palestinian Mandela?” Well, when South African Apartheid…
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defensenow · 11 days
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artdivin · 2 months
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D'vine Yoga is an authentic & traditional Yoga School in Rishikesh sharing the ancient Vedic knowledge, wisdom & traditions of yogis of the Himalayas through their primitively rooted and scientifically programmed yoga teacher training courses 200/300/500 hours along with Kundalini Yoga training courses in Rishikesh.
JOIN OUR YOGA COURSES ✅ AND FOR MORE DETAILS 👇🏻✔️ . . CONTACT: +919997224320 . WEBSITE: https://artdvine.com/
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dvineyogaa · 2 months
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D'vine Yoga is an authentic & traditional Yoga School in Rishikesh sharing the ancient Vedic knowledge, wisdom & traditions of yogis of the Himalayas through their primitively rooted and scientifically programmed yoga teacher training courses 200/300/500 hours along with Kundalini Yoga training courses in Rishikesh.
JOIN OUR YOGA COURSES ✅ AND FOR MORE DETAILS 👇🏻✔️ . . CONTACT: +919997224320 . WEBSITE: www.artdivine.org . GMAIL: [email protected]
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jadhavpropmart · 1 month
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Booking Now Avyukta Vedant in Borivali. The apartments offered are 1BHK, 2BHK,3BHK Flat check Prices, Floor Plans, and Brochures
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jazzdailyblog · 1 month
Alice Coltrane: The Spiritual Odyssey of Jazz's Mystical Visionary
Introduction: Alice Coltrane was a pioneer in blending the worlds of jazz and spirituality. Her journey from a talented jazz pianist to a revered spiritual leader is a testament to her unique vision and relentless pursuit of artistic and spiritual transcendence. Through her music, she explored the depths of human consciousness, drawing from a deep well of religious and philosophical influences.…
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kpawarpropmart · 1 month
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Avyukta Vedant
Booking Now Avyukta Vedant in Borivali. The apartments offered are 1BHK, 2BHK,3BHK Flat check Prices, Floor Plans, and Brochures
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