#Mystic Pathways Through The Bible
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eyeoftheheart · 5 days ago
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Andromeda galaxy in the sky over the Swiss Alps. Credit: Dzmitry Kananovich.
“Like the subtle essence of the mustard seed that brings forth a tree, the subtle essence of one’s heart (the Spirit) has the potential to unfold the entire universe within itself. In Chhandogya Upanishad, Shwetaketu is asked by his Guru, Sage Aruni, to break a tiny seed and see what lies within it. Shwetaketu replies that he sees nothing within the seed. Sage Aruni explains that in that subtle essence, which appears as nothing, a great tree is hidden. In the same way, human beings appear to be nothing and yet this whole universe, the subtle Atman or the Self, the innermost Reality, is hidden within every person.” (p. 233)
~ Mystic Pathways Through The Bible by Swami Jyotirmayananda
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thejournallo · 1 year ago
Neville Lancelot Goddard: who is ?
we all know he's name by now, but many people don't know who he is.
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Neville Lancelot Goddard, who used the solitary pen name Neville, was a Barbadian-American author and mystic who wrote on the true meaning of the Bible as non-secular history, not historicity, but rather strictly and simply parables teaching humanity the pathway to spiritual awakening and true salvation. His essential teaching was that one's imagination is God, that we are all God incarnated as man, re-awakening to our God consciousness through the Christ (the power and wisdom of God) within us.
He wrote many books talking about the 'self' and spiritual journey that we as humans can begin to experience and not limit ourselves to just 'be human'.
here on Tumblr or in the manifestation community he is well known as a master manifestator, and we can find many knowledge, laws, methods, and spiritual journeys in his books.
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Here are all the books that Goddard wrote:
At Your Command (1939; Goddard Publications)
Your Faith Is Your Fortune (1941; Goddard Publications)
Freedom for All—A Practical Application of the Bible (1942; Goddard Publications)
Feeling Is the Secret (1944; Goddard Publications)
Prayer—The Art of Believing (1946; Goddard Publications)
Out of This World (1949; Goddard Publications)
The Power of Awareness (1952; unknown)
The Creative Use of Imagination (1952; Goddard Publications)
Awakened Imagination (1954; DeVorss & Company)
Seedtime and Harvest (1956; DeVorss & Company)
I Know My Father (1960; DeVorss & Company)
The Law and the Promise (1961; DeVorss & Company)
He Breaks the Shell (1964; DeVorss & Company)
Resurrection (1966; DeVorss & Company)
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As always, I will be here to answer any question, and if you need help understanding a topic, I will be here to explain it better. We are all here to learn. Have a wonderful day or night!
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tipsycad147 · 4 years ago
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By  Karen Charboneau-Harrison
Earth Religions such as Wicca share many outlooks and some vocabulary with Ceremonial Magick, but also have some fundamental differences with it. Both use magick (the controlled, focused use of energy, usually through ritual), both acknowledge the 4 elements, both use similar magickal tools (chalice, knife or sword, pentacle, wand, altar), both believe in personal responsibility and karma for one's actions and both tend to have initiations into deeper levels of practice and learning. EARTH RELIGIONS, however, see the earth as sacred, all beings as part of the divine spark, usually have personal deities - both male deities and female deities, don't believe in evil as a deity or sometimes even as a concept; follow closely the cycles of the moon as well as the seasons, see spirit and matter as being reflections of one another and are not Christian based. Most Earth Religion practitioners are also interested in herbs, incenses, spell work, astrology and divination. Earth Religions are spiritual pathways of worshipping the divine with a generous helping of magical practice; whereas CEREMONIAL MAGICK is not a religion - it is a way of invoking and using energy or forces to manifest one's desires. Although most ceremonial magickians have a strong Christian or Jewish background, it is a magickal practice separate from and not necessarily a part of their religious observances.
One of the most popular Earth traditions in the United States is Wicca, a branch of Paganism (from the Roman paganus, meaning 'of the country'). Wicca has both groups (covens - from the same root word as convene and convent) and solitaries. Most Wiccans worship The Goddess and The God; a few only The Goddess. Most groups have 3 levels of initiation, the first initiation happening after a year and a day of basic training, the second after the practitioner has mastered some more advanced skills in things such as divination, astrology, spell work, herbalogy and/ stone lore; and the third degree initiation when the person seeks to teach and counsel others and perhaps is planning to hive off into a group that they will lead. Some branches of Wicca are Gardnerian (Gerald Gardner), Alexandrian (Alex and Maxine Sanders, written about and practiced by Janet and Stewart Farrar) and Eclectic (most American Witches).
The Druids are a more hierarchical Pagan branch with three initiations as well - Bard, Ovate and Druid. The original Druids practiced in Gaul (The British Isles and France) and were the teachers, poets, musicians, philosophers, physicians, historians and lawmakers of the land. Druids would be considered the Celtic equivalent of the Brahmin caste in India.
Asatru and Odinism are Teutonic or Germanic branches of the Earth religions and are often confused with skinheads and such because the skinheads have adopted some of the symbology and the Teutonic Gods.
Today many people have become "Goddess worshippers" - they don't necessarily want to become Wiccan, but want to create their own brand of spirituality from reading and experience focusing on deity as female. Works by Barbara Walker, Patricia Monaghan and Riane Eisler would interest them. Native American practices have many similarities to western Earth Religion, but they don't consider themselves Pagan and would no doubt be insulted if they were called such.
CEREMONIAL MAGICK is based on Christianity, Hermetics and Qabalah and tends to see things in more dualistic or black/white terms. Most ceremonial magickians believe in the concept of evil or even a devil - although they are not worshipping or using these forces specifically. Ceremonial magick has its roots in early Egyptian and 7th century b.c.e. Greek and Roman magickal practices. Those cultures were influenced by Plato's ideas of dualism and emanation of divine energy into matter, but with spirit being superior to matter. During the Renaissance as philosophers, alchemists and astrologers began to travel throughout Europe and the Middle East sharing wisdom and trading techniques, ceremonial magick had a huge resurgence and many of the grimoires (literally the word 'grimoire' translates as lesson book - but grimoire has come to mean book of rituals, planetary correspondences, etc) used today are reprints of ones written during that time. Most ceremonial magickians are also interested in alchemy, Qabalah, magickal alphabets, Golden Dawn, and pathworking (guided meditations directed along one of the paths or links between the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life)
The most popular branches in Ceremonial Magick are the Golden Dawn, Thelema, Hermetics (Franz Bardon) and Alchemy:
Hermetics is Mystical wisdom which along with the Qabalah forms the basis of Western Occultism. Based on the writings of Hermes Trimegistis (a composite of Greek Hermes and Egyptian Thoth). Legend has it that core writings were on papyrus and stored in Alexandria (but burned when Alexander the Great invaded). Some Hermetic works are The Divine Pymander which tells how divine wisdom was revealed to Hermes. The Vision is about Hermes' mystical visions and cosmogony and the spiritual journey of the soul. The Emerald Tablet is inscribed with the whole of Egyptian mystical wisdom and includes the magickal secrets of the universe.
Alchemy is literally the art of transmutation (lead into gold) and is the foundation of modern chemistry and metallurgy. Symbolically it is the transformation of consciousness and the soul. It draws philosophically from the Hermetic traditions and by the 12th century had spread throughout Europe through the Muslim occupation of Spain (see books by Frater Albertus).
Golden Dawn (Hermetic Order of the) arose in England in the late 19th century and was founded by MacGregor Mathers. Other well-known members of the Golden Dawn were AE Waite, WB Yeats, Dion Fortune, Israel Regardie and Aleister Crowley. Golden Dawn practices and teachings were a mixture of Hermetics, Egyptian magick and Rosicrucian ideas. Within the Golden Dawn are 11 degrees based on the Sephiroth of the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
Thelema was founded by Aleister Crowley as a blend of Golden Dawn magickal techniques, sex magick of the OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis, a German based magickal fraternity of which he became the head in 1912) and yoga techniques. The "bible" of Thelema is The Book of the Law. Born into a fundamentalist Lutheran Brethren family, Crowley rebelled in every way he could. Perhaps not very emotionally mature, he delighted in shocking society - however, he was a brilliant compiler of information and wrote exhaustively about magickal technique and correspondences. Two of his best books are 777 and Magick in Theory and Practice.
Another member, Dion Fortune (Violet Firth) belonged to the Stella Matutina, outer order of the Golden Dawn. Believing she had a past life in Atlantis as a priestess, Dion channeled information regarding Atlantean teachings and was an adept ritualist. She wrote some great books, among them The Mystical Qabalah, Cosmic Doctrine, Sea Priestess and Moon Magic, Psychic Self Defense.
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santmat · 5 years ago
Too Many Books Are Still Not Enough! by James Bean For a very long time I’ve been a collector, researcher and lover of books. These are for the most part translations of writings from other places and other times: Egypt and the Middle East, Near East, and further to the East, as in India. These can be described as sacred texts, rare spiritual classics, world scriptures, writings of mystics, saints, Sufis, and especially the Sant poet-mystics of India. I also continue to have a major interest in those “lost books of the Bible” or what’s known as “extra-canonical” or “apocryphal” texts — in other words, someone else’s scriptures — other Bibles from other branches of Judaism, Christianity, and various Gnostic movements of the ages. I find it to be rather liberating actually to be able to explore the roots of a spiritual path or world religion, to take things right back to the very beginning, or before the beginning, opening one’s self up to significant and sometimes fairly radical discoveries, coming upon new or unanticipated insights or realizations about what is genuine, authentic, meaningful, and true. This approach of examining the foundations of spiritual movements, no longer bound by time, no longer tethered to one’s own particular cultural province or bias, in my case has caused me to change my religion on more than one occasion over the decades, and make other major course corrections along the way! Access to the wisdom of great sages and mystics of the centuries has certainly provided me with inspiration I previously did not know existed and has kept me on the path, given me a clarity about spiritual practice (meditation) I otherwise would never have known. I am especially fond of the poet-mystics of the East. And some of what I’ve researched or simply enjoyed reading before meditation time, or before falling asleep at night, gets bookmarked and often included as material for my Spiritual Awakening Radio podcasts, and sometimes in articles. As my spiritual teacher once said, “What’s the use of receiving this human form if we do not serve others in thought, word, and deed.” I love sharing passages from the teachings of various spiritual masters, especially from rare books few have heard of or have access to in the West. This can be in the form of a reading during a podcast, or talk somewhere, or via social media. I even created a couple of spiritual e-libraries online, one at my Spiritual Awakening Radio website, and more recently, an expanded library at my Sant Mat Radhasoami blog. There are so many free online books these days one can link to. Whether one’s interest is in Dead Sea Scrolls, Books of Enoch, Gnostic and other Gospels of the early centuries AD, Syriac-Aramaic contemplative mystics, Mandaean scriptures, the Manichaeans, Jesus Sutras, those medieval Christian mystics of Europe, Sufi poetry, Sikh scriptures, the Path of the Masters — recent and lesser-known contemporary living Masters from rural India as well — we are blessed these days with so many e-libraries and uploaded books hosted at countless sites. At one’s fingertips and a couple of clicks away are so many wonderful collections of poetry and prose, beneficial pathways to wisdom. I know a thousand “Rumi’s” the world is yearning to hear, to be soothed by the Voice of the Soul that speaks through them all. Hafiz, Shams of Tabriz, Sarmad, Kabir, Rabia, Mira Bai, Daya Bai, Sahjo Bai, Tukaram, Hazrat Sultan Bahu, Baba Farid, Guru Nanak, Dariya Sahib, Tulsi Sahib, Surdas, Namdev, Ravidas, Paltu, Sant Radhaswami Sahib, Maharshi Mehi, and many more besides, right up to the living present — countless are lovers of the Beloved. _/|\_ Sant Mat Radhasoami Books — The E Library: Main Page — Portal—Contents — Index — Sections: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/sant-mat-radhasoami-books-main-page-e.html
Sant Mat Radhasoami Books — The E Library: Main Page — Portal—Contents — Index — Sections: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/sant-mat-radhasoami-books-main-page-e.html
Too Many Books Are Still Not Enough! by James Bean:  https://diasp.org/posts/5fceb7600d46013816fc047d7b62795e
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psyentifically-minded · 5 years ago
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The Semites and later Hebrews had a large number of humans recorded into their mythologies and whole lists of generations can be found throughout the Old Testament in the Bible. Some notable figures are as follows:
Aaron: The Hebrew brother of Moses. Aaron became the first priest of Israel.
Abel: Abel was the son of Adam and Eve and brother of Cain. Abel was killed by his brother Cain over jealousy because God approved of Abels offering of lamb but not Cains offering of vegetation, this is said to be because Abel gave his best lamb while Cain gave only the crops he didn’t want for himself.
Abraham: Abraham (depicted top row and central) founded the Hebrew faith after being commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham proved his willingness to do Gods work and so God sent an angel to hold back the hand of Abraham before he could thrust his knife into his son. God then gave Abraham a set of laws and told him he would found the nation of Israel. The site known as the “dome of the rock” in Jerusalem is the only site sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims because it is supposedly the site where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac meaning that it is the common root of all three of these faiths.
Adam: Adam (depicted top left) is the first man created by God according to Genesis, Adam is created from clay called Adamah in the likeness of God, in Kabbalistic tradition this is because Adam is a microcosm reflecting the macrocosmic divine being known as “Adam Kadmon”. In early Hebrew writtings Adams first wife is Lilith but she fled from him because he refused to accept their equality as both were made from the same clay so God made Eve from Adams rib to be more subserviant to his will which worked out untill the serpent in the garden of Eden convinced Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge/death causing their mortality, expulsion from Eden cursed to toil the earth for food and birth the children Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve eating the fruit of knowledge offered by the serpent is likely an ancient Semitic Kundalini mystery where the tree symbolises the Kabbalistic Tree of Life/Death as well as the human spinal cord and nervous system while the fruit represents the third eye that gives knowledge explaining why the Bible states that when they ate the fruit of knowledge their “eyes were opened”.
Aqhat: Aqhat was given a marvellous bow made by the God of smiths, Kothar in Canaanite mythology. The war Goddess Anat coveted this weapon. When Aqhat refused Anats offer of immortality in exchange for the bow she had him killed by a soldier called Yatpan. Aqhats body was then eaten by Samael. As a result darkness descended on the earth and plants and animals began to die. With the help of El, Anat rescued Aqhat from the underworld and restored the bow to its rightful owner whereupon all things returned to normal.
Balaam: Balaam was a prophet and diviner who was said to know when Gods anger was raised, Balaam sought to destroy the Israelites by temptations of the flesh and food offered to false idols which caused God to send a plague upon them.
Bazaleel: The architect of the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. Bazaleel was a priest or mason also in charge of sacred oils, incense and vestments.
Boaz: Boaz was a wealthy landowner and husband of Ruth. The name Boaz is derived from the left pillar of the temple of Solomon as opposed to the right pillar Jachin, these concepts are important in both Freemasonry and Kabbalah although Boaz as a person is of unknown connection to these concepts.
Cain: Cain is the brother of Abel and as such is often thought to be a son of Adam however some interpret the act of Eve eating the serpents/magicians fruit to be a sexual act and state that Cain is the result of this forbidden union, this is often refered to as the “Serpent Seed” mystery. In any case jealous of God looking favourably on Abels offerings and scoulding Cain for his, Cain commits the sin of murder killing his brother Abel and hiding his body, when God discovers Cains deeds he is punished by being exiled to the land of Nod but begs God for mercy saying the other peoples living in the wilderness will kill him and as such God marks Cain with a sign on his head and a form of immortality that means anyone who kills Cain will inherit a greater curse. Cain takes a wife and sires children. In Hebrew “Cain” is rendered “Qayin” which means “Spear”.
Canaan: The founder and father of the Canaanites who inherited a generational curse from Canaan who had been hexed by Noah for the actions of Canaan’s father Ham, Noah cursed Canaan as a servant of servants to serve his brothers.
Daniel: Daniel was a prophet held captive in Babylon after the Babylonians looted the temple of Jerusalem he was able to divine the meaning of the Babylonian kings dreams and to explain the meaning of miracles he observed.
Deborah: Deborah whose name means “Bee” was an Israelite prophetess who lead a rebellion when the Israelites were captive in Canaan, the Israelites crush the Canaanites in battle as she predicted and the Canaanite king Sisera escapes to the tent of Jael where Deborah lays him to rest giving him milk before driving a tent peg through his temple. This may be a Kabbalistic/Alchemical mystery since Deborahs name means bee, she gives milk inside a tent (often symbolically synonymous with the tree of life) and drives a tent peg (which is a symbol of the Hebrew letter and pathway of Vau) through his temple which may refer to his spiritual makeup rather than his physical skull.
David: David was a shepherd who became famous for his musical talents and later became a favourite of King Saul for his heroic act of slaying the Philistine giant/nephilim Goliath with a slingshot. King Saul and his son become concerned that David plans to steal the throne however when both are killed in battle David becomes King of Israel and Judah, he went of to conquer Jerusalem and seized the Arc of the Covenant, he was however denied the honour of creating the sacred temple because he commited the sin of adultery, his most notable son is his successor King Solomon. The six pointed star symbol known as the “seal of solomon” is also known as the “magen david” or “shield of david”, David is a prominent figure in Judaism and the twelve tribes of Israel are thought to connect to his bloodline, Jesus Christ was also said to be a relative of King David in later history.
Elijah and Elisha: Elijah was the father of Elisha, both sought to end the worship of the Canaanite God Ba’al. Elijah was suddenly taken up into heaven by a chariot of fire which may relate to Merkaba mysticism or an ancient account of alien abduction.
Enoch: Enoch (depicted ascending top right) was the son of Jared, father of Methuselah and grandfather of Noah. In the Biblical accounts of Genesis and the Talmud, Enoch is said to have died before his time where as in Kabbalistic texts he was said to be the first man to transcend physical existence ascending to become the highest angel “Metaton” meaning “voice of God” by forming a cube from his soul later known in sacred geometry and Kabbalistic works as Metatrons Cube or “the lily among the thorns” and the Tree of Gra. Enoch was also the reported author of ancient gospels left out of the Bible called the “Book of Enoch” which goes into greater detail about the fallen angels and Nephilim and what had inspired them to commit the sin of interbreeding with humanity.
Eve: Eve is thought to be the mother of all humanity as backed up scientifically to some extend by the existence of the Mitrochondrial Eve. Eve is possibly where we draw the word “evening” which is interesting since her early forebarer Lilith’s name means “of the night”, unlike Lilith who was made from the same Adamah clay as Adam and thus his equal who fled from him, Adams second wife Eve was made from Adams “Tsela” meaning “Rib”, “Temple Face” or “Side” and thus subservient to Adam. In the Genesis narrative Eve is seduced by the words of the serpent/magician/fallen angel and eats from the fruit of knowledge/death and convinces Adam to do the same which is a sin since she held the words of the serpent above Gods, God curses then serpent to crawl on its belly all its days eating dust and puts animosity between the serpent seed lineage and humanity saying the former will strike at mans heels and the later will crush the snakes heads under their feet. God then exiles Adam and Eve from Eden placing a Cherubim in the form of a two-bladed flaming sword at its entrance. Since Adam and Eve had eaten “Da’at”/“Daath”/“Death” they had added mortality to their spiritual makeup causing the division of their unified being into male and female who realised they were naked upon seeing eachother and constructed aprons out of figs to cover themselves, this meant that having also obtained knowledge they were no longer ignorant or their nakedness and with the implimentation of the Sephira of Hessed and Gevurah into their spiritual makeup they were able to determine between good and evil for themselves and had gained freewill able to work against the whims of God/natural order. As punishment Adam would have to toil the fields to sustain himself and Eve would experience great pain in childbirth, eventually mothering Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve eating the fruit of knowledge offered by the serpent is likely an ancient Semitic Kundalini mystery where the tree symbolises the Kabbalistic Tree of Life/Death as well as the human spinal cord and nervous system while the fruit represents the third eye that gives knowledge explaining why the Bible states that when they ate the fruit of knowledge their “eyes were opened”.
Ezekiel: Ezekiel was a prophet who had Merkaba visions of God on a throne surrounded by light in a great cloud flanked by four-headed Cherubim and Ophanim “wheels within wheels” (both types of angels). In this vision God hands Ezekiel the scroll of Lamentations which Ezekiel eats describing it as sweet like honey. Ezekiel then saw visions of a third temple prophecised to be build in the future on the mountain of Jerusalem which he describes in great detail. Some believe that Ezekiels encounter with the Merkaba of God is actually an alien encounter.
Goliath: Goliath was a Philistine (Palestinian) giant or Nephilim slain by King David via a stone launched from a slingshot.
Hiram Abiff: Hiram Abiff (depicted bottom left) was the architect of Solomons temple and the leader of an early Hebrew group of masons. Hiram Abiff was grand master of this primitive masonic lodge and along with Solomon and one other was said to know one third of the great mystery for which he was attacked one night as he fled the temple by three masonic initiates who sought these secrets threatening him at each exit with a different weapon until the last struck him dead with a club blow to his head, the three assassins then burried Hiram in a shallow grave marked with an acacia sprig. Solomon comands the masons to find Hiram Abiff and they find the grave and his attackers hiding in a cave who are all put to death since Solomon declares the secret to be lost having died with Hiram. This story is central to modern Freemasonry and is enacted by initiates to the Masonic orders who play the role of Hiram Abiff in ritual retelling being struck over the head and the raised back to life with the lionspaw handshake. Some equate Hiram Abiff with one head of the great beast that rises from the pit or ocean in revelations since this particular head is said to be bashed in as though struck with a weapon.
Jacob: Jacob was a prophet who married into the Canaanite tribe and who made a covenant with God he was later known as “Israel”. Jacobs twelve sons became the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob userped his brother Esau by fooling his blind father into bestowing his blessings onto Jacob instead of Esau. Jacob recieved a vision of a ladder upon which many angels ascended and descended this is often taken to be related to the Egyptian ladder of ascension Shu and the later Jewish Kabbalah in which the tree of life is often refered to as “Jacobs Ladder”.
Job: Job was a man who was seen as good in the eyes of God however Satan suggested that Job only loved God because of the great life God had afforded him and so the two made a wager on if Job would still be righteous if his blessings were stripped away, eventually after the deaths of his family, the loss of his health and his land Job turns from God cursing him, God then speaks with Job directly rebuking him for his folly and restores his health, wealth and a new family to repay his loses. In later Kabbalistic texts Moses is brought into heaven where he witnesses the angel of death Samael on route to claim the soul of Job, Samael is so ferocious that Moses prays to God a different angel will be sent to claim his own soul when he dies.
Jonah: Jonah was given a prophecy to deliver the word of God to powerful enemy nations however in fear Jonah fled and was swallowed up by a whale and only released when he agreed to do as he had been commanded. In studies of the tree of death/Qliphoth and its Qlipha the Qlipha of Gamaliel has an outer cortex called “Ogiel” which refers to the trap of those who “flee from God” just as Jonah had.
Joseph: Joseph was a Canaanite and the most beloved son of Jacob who gave him a many coloured robe, Joseph had prophetic dreams that he would become superior to his brothers however his jealous brothers sold him to Egyptian slavers ripping the robe and smearing it in blood they convinced their father that Joseph had been killed by a bull. Joseph was sold to an Egyptian guard of the pharoah whose wife tried to seduce him and then claimed he had raped her when he refused her causing him to be falsely imprisoned. In prison Joseph interpreted the dreams of the pharoahs imprisoned cup barer and baker correctly and years later pharoah had dreams that on the cup barers advice were interpreted by Joseph to mean seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine and advised the pharoah to stock up on supplies for. Joseph was released from prison and given wife and property and appointed as an advisor of pharoah and master of the food stores, when the famine came the people of Egypt sold their land to Joseph who then implimented a tax on behalf of pharoah. Eventually Josephs brothers came to Egypt seeking food and did not recognise him though he recognised them he accused them of being spies and had them imprisoned for three days but released them when he heard them speak of the wrong they had done to their brother Joseph and so gave them free grain. The brothers returned to Canaan and then back to Egypt for more grain bringing their oldest brother Benjamin with them as Joseph had requested them to do in their last meeting, during their stay Joseph gave the brothers more grain and gold but planted his silver cup in Benjamin’s bag so that he could accuse him of stealing and force him to become his slave to pay off the crime. The other brothers protested that they should take Benjamins place and Joseph wept revealing his deception in that he was infact their brother and explained to them the story of what had happened to him after being sold into slavery in Egypt, he told the brothers to bring their father, other brothers and possessions back to Egypt to live with him and survive the rest of the famine as family together.
Lot: Lot was the nephew of Abraham and traveled with his family to the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, in Sodom the people who practiced sodomy sought to rape Lot and his family however they escaped on advice of angelic messangers who spoke to them telepathically of the coming destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah they were warned not to look back less destruction fell on them which they all obeyed except Lots wife who looking back was turned to a pillar of salt. It was described as raining sulphur in Sodom and Gommorah as Seraphim had opened their wings on the cities destroying them, this account is sometimes considered to be an ancient account of nuclear weaponry as Lots wife is seemingly vapourised and Sodom and Gomorrah are seemingly inexplicably destroyed in a burning rain not disimilar to nuclear fall out, archeologists have also found sites in the deserts of the middle East where these cities might have stood finding that the skeletal remains seem to indicate sudden deaths from their positions along with fragments of fused glass which happens when the sand is exposed to sudden extreme temperatures. Lot is later made drunk and raped in his sleep by his two daughters so that they could bare children. The telepathic angels in human guise are often believed to be aliens and the use of nuclear weapons in the ancient world are seemingly hinted at by other religious texts such as the later Hindu concept of Brahmastra.
Naamah: The sister of Tubal-Cain of some interest to the Serpent Seed mysteries since in Tubal-Cain bares Cain’s name and Naamah is later equated with the demonic succubus Lilith in Hebrew demonology.
Nimrod: The Babylonian king who sought to build the tower of babel to reach God (likely an Alchemical or Kabbalistic ascension mystery surrounding the concept of a ladder of ascension). God cursed Nimrods workers confusing their language so that they could not work together and the building was abandoned.
Noah: The Hebrew version of the Sumerian Atrahasis. Noah was given the commandment by God to build an ark storing his family, seeds and two of each animal in order to spare them from the flood God was going to send to destroy the Nephilim, fallen angels and evil generations of man/serpent seed lineage.
Paqhat: The sister of Aqhat who killed Yatpan in vengeance for her dead brother.
Samson: Samson was the last of the Israelite judges who due to his mythical strength is often equated with the Sumerian Enkidu or Greek Hercules. Samson was so strong that he killed a lion with his bare hands and massacred an entier Philistine army using the jaw-bone of a donkey as a sword. Samsons weakness was that if he cut his hair he would breach his sacred vows and lose his strength this was exploited by his treacherous lover Delilah who cut his hair and gave him up to his Philistine enemies who blinded him and forced him to grind grain as a slave during which time he prayed to God and his hair began to regrow, the Philistines eventually brought him to the temple of Dagon where he pulled down the supporting column killing himself and his Philistine captors.
Sarah: Sarah is a beautiful woman described in the book of Tobit, Sarah tries to marry seven different men who are all slain by the demon Asmodeus on their wedding night because they had evil intentions causing God to allow Asmodeus to strike them down, Tobit prays to God who sends the Angel Raphael to interceed and prevent Asmodeus from attacking and so Sarah marries Tobits son and Tobit who was previously blind regains his sight. This is interesting since Asmodeus is known as the “blind God” however the story also alludes to the way in which demons, as fallen angels, are still without freewill and must therefore act under the will of God and do Gods bidding just as other angels must.
Saul: Saul was the first king of Israel and was succeeded by King David after Saul died in battle having commited suicide by falling on his own sword preventing the Philistines from capturing him. In his earlier life Saul had been anointed King by the prophet Samuel.
Solomon: King Solomon (depicted bottom right) was a son and successor of king David. Solomon was offered any gift he chose from God and chose wisdom knowing all other gifts would follow it, Solomon was said to be a great and powerful magician known to summon and bind demonic and angelic spirits to his will, with the help of Hiram Abiff and demonic forces he built the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and with the help of local Galla tribesmen and angelic forces built the sister temples in Lalibela in Ethiopia. Solomon was said to conjour demonic spirits and then imprison them in a brass vessel in one myth one of these vessels is discovered and demons were unleashed. The magical formulas associated with Solomon are recorded in the lesser key of Solomon and the great key of Solomon, including the rites involved with the evocation and exorcism of demonic spirits, these rites call for aprons to be worn and along with their close association with the temple of Solomon may bare associations with modern Masonic rituals, during Solomons reign he was said to have had all of the Occult texts in his kingdom collected up and burried under his throne. King Solomon was said to have been married to the queen of Sheba who is sometimes equated with Lilith, the Biblical “Song of Solomon” is also a text known to deal with sacred marriage and Hieros Gamos. It is said that Solomon died during the building of his temple and that God sent the Shamir worm he had been gifted by the demon king Asmodeus to alert the demons to their freedom by tunneling through the staff that was proping up their dead master causing Solomons corpse to fall over and allowing the spirits he had conjoured to escape.
Tubal-Cain: Tubal-Cain was a metallurgist known as the “first artificer of metals” he is an important character in Freemasonry used as the third degree password and symbolised by two balls and a cane making the shape of an “f” between them. In Hebrew mythology Tubal-Cain is taught to work metals into armour and weapons by the angel of death Azrael.
Yatpan: Yatpan was a soldier. The war Goddess Anat collected him from Abelim when he was drunk and carried him to kill Aqhat who had refused to give Anat his marvellous bow. Subsequently Yatpan was himself killed by Paqhat.
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viampythonissam · 6 years ago
Intro, continued...
It was then I became obsessed with death and the occult, desperately trying to make contact with my grandfather through anything possible. Being clairaudient, I was expecting to hear a message from my grandfather all throughtout the whole funeral and mourning period, but to no avail. So in my desparation, I went into research, and stumbled upon things such as the ouija, seances, and many more. I even considered dabbling into necromancy, just in order to hear from him again. His death broke me so much that I was for the most time wishing I were dead too. I had suicidal thoughts but somehow something has prevented me from attempting. It could be I'm too chicken to hurt myself (getting hurt by other things besides self-infliction doesn't scare me though) or the thought of my mother crying over my dead body is another thing that would crush my heart.
I started questioning my religious beliefs then. We were Roman Catholics, and we go to church, but not too often. I am very religious though when I was a child, having been schooled in a private Catholic school, and I know all the prayers by heart; but it all changed. I felt resentment for praying so hard but never getting answered. That everything happens for a reason. A reason still so vague to me to this day, which I continue to believe was the same reason of the breaking apart of this family and eventual downfall. The family is in ruins, and the family home is crumbling apart. My father's only brother, my uncle Aldrin, died a little over two years after my grandfather; and his widow and only child, my cousin, was estranged ever since then, because of inheritance issues. My father decided to sell the house, my childhood home because of this; splitting the family fortune already so that we can all go off our separate ways and stop the bickering. The only thing that's keeping him from doing so is my grandmother who is still so attached to the house built by my grandfather.
At 16, I eventually traversed my way into the craft, dabbling on it. There was a kind of pull into these mystics that appealed to someone like me. Was it power? Was it danger? Mystery, perhaps? Or maybe I just got all too familiar with the unknown for me to be comfortable chasing after it? This craft, shunned by my faith since the dawn of time and even killed tons of people because of it, felt like home to me; learning it felt like retracing my steps back from where I came from. There was a sense of calm, relief, and freedom learning the ways of the earth, elements, and spirits and those who came before. Its unrestrictive nature was a stark contrast to the repressive and dominating teachings of the Catholic scriptures. Wherein Christianity demands a million things to do and not to do to save your soul, the craft only ever wanted you to do anything you want, just as long you harm none, even yourself. I have a lot of arguments to make against my old faith, that's why I consider myself an agnostic in all fairness. That's a topic for another day.
When I got to college at 17, I applied for nursing school under my father's wishes. It was in my misfortune to be enrolled in a school with a toxic environment of sorts: unhealthy clinic hours, unreasonable school workload, toxic Christian classmates who bombarded me everyday with bible verses and inviting me to join Sunday worship thingies. I am very respectful of other's beliefs and opinions but I really have a bone to pick with the Born Agains because upon knowing I am interested in dark movies and occult, they've started telling me that the Devil has a grip on my soul and that I should stop it so that my soul can be saved. They're even worse than the Mormons and Witnesses who knock on your door at certain days. I'd just ignore it and they'll go but BAs will stop at nothing to guiltify me of being possessed and that I need deliverance. It was also the time my parents went to Australia for work because of the failing finances due to to my late grandfather's hospital expenses, my uncle meeting his untimely demise, and my uncle's greedy widow who already demanded their inheritance even though my grandmother was still alive. My best friends of highschool also attended different schools and pursued different career pathways which left me feeling more isolated and unsure of myself. These issues fed my undiagnosed depression and relapse of suicidal thoughts all throughout my 4 years in nursing school. It was a mix of emotions, a rollercoaster ride of disappointments, achievements, first-time experiences, full independence. All without a proper support system. Nevertheless, I grew wiser while treading the craft, and for the first time since I lost my grandfather, I felt safe and sound and complete.
Then I met my elementary school sweetheart again in my final year and we became a couple. He was a sweet guy, smart and responsible. We had our similarities, our quirks, but we also had differences. I was already quite a learned witch, studying tarot and palmistry as my supposed-to-be expertise, when he told me how he wanted to be baptised as a Born Again (he and his family are Roman Catholics as well). He told me how he was deeply affected by the one time he went to a worship service of his friend's church. This struck a chord in me, a subtle reference to my beliefs. At the time, I have fully believed he is the man I'm gonna settle for, the one I'm gonna marry. He's everything I have hoped for then: he's finished school, on his way to a very decent career on a ship as a marine engineer. He's from a good family as well. Well-mannered, and not to mention that we've got a pretty long history way back when we we're 10 or so. He even made a subtle proposal of a civil marriage before he hops on board the ship. I know it was betrayal of myself, but I love this man so much so, I am ready to submit myself to him.
Worst decision of my life. I started to try and mingle with Christians so I may understand just why I needed to be saved. I joined worship services and sang with them against my own beliefs. I taught myself to be like them just so I could fit in, so that I may have friends. In return, they've burned all my books and tarot decks. Even my Slipknot t-shirt that my grandmother bought me was not spared from the Christian pyre. Said that it's to release me from the grip of the Devil. They even did deliverance to me. For a while I thought I was given a new lease on life and that this is the only right thing to do. I was easily convinced since it was the most trying time of my life so far: I was killing myself reviewing for the nursing licensure exams, my parents are already coming to get us and live away in Australia for good, my bf and I hit rock bottom and broke up (the girl who is the 3rd party confessed to me that they're having an affair, and that she was so guilty she can't sleep at night knowing we are good friends and they're doing this behind my back, also I've noticed red flags about him that made me doubt him a bit. I factored everything and the dots connected like a damn constellation so I've called it quits), and I was caught in an identity crisis because of inner turmoil. Maybe it was a time of personal upheaval and the mix of situations was too much for me to handle. Maybe it was a good thing though that I never got baptised because my life just got much more complicated after that.
So I did pass the licensures, ex and I never got together again, I went to live to Australia, but I never recovered from the inner turmoil thing; which made me spiral down again the depression lane, this time in its dangerous, ugliest and darkest recesses. I was fighting with my parents which I never did before, I was angry all the time. I started drinking then and I was exhausted all the time I just want to sleep. All the activities I've enjoyed before like sketching, playing the piano, afternoon strolls, and cooking for the family, I've totally lost interest in. My health deteriorated and I cut off and isolated myself from my friends overseas, ignoring their messages and emails. I tried to cope up by immersing myself in Christian songs and scriptures but it was not enough. I was still empty and numb. I was like a zombie, waking up just enough not to get late for work, then go home after, eat unhealthily, play video games, chug a bottle or two of beer, surf the net for worthless and trivial things, and sleep very late, like around 3 to 5 am, only to wake up again a few hours later for work. This was a vicious daily cycle that went on for 4 years. The only reprieve I had was my video games, and my sombre playlist, just enough to block the deafening screams of suicidal thoughts and ideations before I go to sleep. There was also a time I was going home from my internship waiting for the train home, that I thought of just jumping on the train tracks to end the struggle and pain. I was more than ready to attempt as I felt braver now. That was the time I lost all fear for death. Hell, I was ready to buy a rope at Bunnings too as well. But at the back of my head, the same sad picture of my mother crying over my dead body stops me from doing such thing. They said the deliverance was supposed to stop these things, but guess what? It was it that brought it back. It was supposed to keep the demons away, but it did the opposite, and felt so trapped in a cage of deceit and lies. I was supposed to be saved, but why did it felt like I was dying?
It was then I pondered over everything that's happened in my life so far. Where did I fall, where did I stand tall, where did I pick myself up? I thought long and hard enough and decided to start off where it began to crumble: back home. Retracing my steps back to Manila, now 25, I found my old stuff in my old room, before things happened. It reminded me of my simple life and my freedom and innocence. Back when I had complete control of my life. Back when I was the master of my fate. I let the people around me convince me that the man from the sky take the wheel, and it damn well crashed. A head-on collision with a destructive force. I decided to go back to my roots, the one where I felt best. And embracing it tighter than ever and promising to never betray it anymore for any reason.
My ex is now preparing to marry his girlfriend of 3 years. We met accidentally and forgave him already. I'm happy for him and that hopefully his happiness continue on. My old friends are still my friends, but there's already a notable gap between which I do not intend to close at all anymore. I do have new friends now and I keep a healthy distance from them whilst making a worthwhile connection. I am now preparing to enter med school in August and become a surgeon someday. The old house is in shambles, and I realized that a house is not a home, but the family that lives in it. I miss my parents and that my family will always come first, but I am happy to be more independent now and live by myself while studying medicine. Things are well between me and my cousin (my late uncle's child) and that I have forgiven his mother already for the hurt and trouble that they caused us. We see each other as he visits me and grandmother here at the old house every 2 months. When BAs, Mormons, and other religions try to do bible study to me, I am now assertive to tell them that I am agnostic and that I am firm in my beliefs. I am now recovering from my self-destructive ways and more optimistic and living healthier. Love is around, but it felt to me that I have lots to undertake first before I commit myself to someone again. I have backlogged so much that my time has to be devoted to the craft, my family and myself first before anything else. I am trying hard to pick up all the pieces and it seems things are finally going back in its right place. And the craft, after all these years, welcomed me back with open arms without any questions, like a mother does to her child. The sun, moon and the stars never shone brighter before, the day I returned home and answered its longing call.
Now. I have to let this off my chest now once and for all. Pleasure. Why is it a sin to pursue whatever makes you happy? Why must you endure pain just so you can be saved? Isn't that a crooked logic? Why must you be averse to your own will just so you get into a good place in the afterlife? I am only human, I am flawed, but it isn't my fault because I was born and created this way. Why must I be punished for something that is natural for me? If being free and happy costs me a one-way ticket to Hell, then I'd best be off. If my witchcraft, which teaches the opposite of your tyrannic religion, is a surefire way to deliver me there, then I'll make sure I will be a remarkable witch and enjoy my lifetime, and be very ecstatic to march down the fiery highway to Hell after I am gone. But I will never again submit myself to a narcissistic, psychopathic religion who has to kill millions of innocent people, and shun and humiliate people who think in contrast, just to justify and preach the existence of their god and its scriptures. My argument does not end with this and I will not back down anymore in defending my faith.
The craft is my world, and nature is my home. I am a daughter of those who came before, of those who are truly enlightened, of those you can never ever kill. I am a witch, and you can never take that away from me again.
*** Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading, if you did. I hope you had something to take from my story and may it help you with whatever is botheringvor troubling you right now.
May the journey of life be kind to us all. Blessed be! ❤
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The Creation story -
The Begotten Son of Creation-
This isn't just a story- it's a truer story than any other known to man-
To get a fastscape you can go to my apotheosis playlist 2 sort from newest to oldest countdown 50 videos to the one labeled electrons protons neutrons and watch from that up to the number one video called End the War- then you will be fast tracked and have a better understanding of why you should go overview all my videos-and share them and subscribe to my channel!
Our Creator- up and coming GLOBAL AND NATIONAL ICON & TREASURE! HOW?---
facts on Jesus, reincarnation, rebirth, religion, spiritualism, the matrix, cosmic consciousness, and on- FIND MORE VIDEOS ON FACEBOOK WATCH!! I talk about timeline jumping and dissolvement , or collapsing of multiple timelines-I speak on Gods in Hindu, Jainism, zoroestrianism, abrahamic, Aramaic, Hebrew, ancient history such as Egyptian mythology, ancient knowledge, Latin Bible, esoteric customs, ascension, Transcendence, Arramapothecine's-, the Arramisceous compound, reminding Christianity and the Christian people where Bible was based and written from Egyptian times and ancient gods there was not one God for all except for creation itself which is not male nor female- I speak on reincarnation the pathway of destiny, manifestation, meditation in chakra specifics, aliens because I am annunaki, must become everything about everything about everything like a god should this is the Story of My Life from 27 billion years ago until now scientifically proven by carbon dating- so much proof throughout my videos that I am what I say I am, all you have to do is watch them I uncover the folds of the aliens the mysticism how magic works everything about the human mind Matrix that needs to be known because trust me this unlocked that you'll go through is purely transcendent and you will achieve levels of consciousness that you have yet to gain-
Talks about wars, undiscovered lands, ancient customs, alien explanations, UFOs and much more
Like terraforming the planet saving the atmospheres and homeostasis I talk about education and financial prosperity through all mankind I talk about ending wars I talk about things that are impossible to find out unless common sense is all that you have
This is story about a new world order and a world recovery Act this is the story of a god coming back from the underworld and the overworld at the same time and setting the record straight both God and devil this is about a civilization a species that unite and coexist from a schizophrenic delusional video writers head into real life manifestation. .
So the writer wrote this created these clips from the mind of an undercover intergalactic global agent, who upon his retirement wanted to expose himself to the world. So he wrote about his life from adult age at 18 and the way she said about fixing the world. From the drug addicted delusional schizophrenic mind of a socially popular high school scholar and jock turned Global rogue agent, through the intergalactic space federation-
Will he be able to stop the corruption and win the hearts of the species on this godless planet??
ONLY Arram Wayne and Arram Draper know!
Without further delay, I present to you-
Apotheosis: Story of the Gods-
This is story about God and the Demigods of incarnation
#life #unity #apotheosis #deity #god #family #numairchronicles #arramdraper #arramnash #lordarram #AN
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komalrazaq · 3 years ago
Shot BY EYLUL ASLANBrilliant, sparkling, radiant skin is a most thing of us need from our skincare items. It's the motivation behind why fixings like retinol, acids and nutrient C (promoted by skin specialists as a definitive skin brighteners) are so amazingly well known.
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psalmtreeministriesblog · 4 years ago
Soul: A Movie Review
Soul (Pixar): My Movie Review
(spoiler alert)
In case you have not seen the Pixar film; Soul, The film is about Joe, a jazz middle school teacher who longs to be a jazz performance musician. One day he auditions for a popular jazz musician, has an accident and dies right after the audition. In the afterlife, he winds up on a pathway leading to a very bright light, with a bunch of other souls. This pathway is leading to “The Great Beyond”.  Since he doesn’t want to be on that path he jumps through the universe wall thinking maybe it will help him get back to earth but he winds up falling through space and lands in  “The Great Before”. He winds up with a job to train new souls to prepare for their life on earth. Joe is linked up with another soul named “22”. His job is to help “22” find her “spark” which is the thing that brings new souls joy on earth; however, 22 has had trouble finding her spark in the past, and there seems to be no hope for her. Together they come up with a plan to help 22 to get her earth pass so she can give it to Joe so he can get back to his body. To read more about the movie you can go here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soul_(2020_film)
I wanted to present a few theological observations and ideas about the film from a Christian perspective. Also bringing to light the movie’s new age concepts. It seems that the film does draw from many different world views but here are my observations (in no particular order):
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1)Life exists before a baby is conceived, that each person has a soul, and each soul is given a personality and framework before they are born.
2)God is not mentioned in the movie
3)There is an afterlife, but the afterlife is not called “heaven”.
4)The spirit is not mentioned, but instead the soul. The truth is that we all have a soul and a spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.)
The Bible is clear that we have a soul and a spirit.
5)The movie alludes to some kind type of astral projection based on the “Mystics Without Borders” in the film who go to “the zone”. The Zone is a place souls go when they are lost in their art, however the movie alludes to the soul leaving its body to go to this place.
6)One thing I noticed about the movie is that the afterlife seemed mundane compared to life on earth, It didn’t seem like a place that anyone would desire to go. Joe seemed tortured being there. He was forced to mentor these younger souls, despite his wanting to escape. However they whole time he was actually not dead yet. Life on Earth was presented with more value than life after death.
7)The scene when Joe meets the “Mystics Without Borders”, presents direct new age influences in the movie. Moonwind is the main mystic character that helps Joe get back to earth using meditation and ritual. The scene where he is introduced, he addresses the characters as “fellow astral travelers” A few of the other character directly address new age concepts, one of the characters is a shamanic healer. The meditation that helps Joe get back to earth requires the use of his “chakras”. 
The “Mystics Without Borders” are alive and on earth, but “meet” in the astral plane every Tuesday to help the lost souls. This would mean that they astral project themselves from their bodies. Their job is to help lost souls connect with their physical bodies. The “lost souls” are the ones who have made their “spark” an obsession, and they have lost their way.  There are other rituals in this scene, where Moonwind draws a circle, which is common in Wiccan rituals. He also uses a scepter with a crystal on it to draw the circle. The circle creates a portal after the other mystics do what seems like a shamanic ritual (using music to put the lost soul into a trance) This would be a concept of sorcery, since sorcery is a form of witchcraft though dance, music or drugs. This would present the idea that one can reconnect with their body through witchcraft, sorcery, and shamanic ritual. The movie presents hope through these means, that the mystics have the answers and the power. However, these are demonic concepts, and dangerous for children. 
8) Life on earth is valued more than life after death, and the movie presents the idea that one can go back to their body after death, as well as inhabit animals 
This movie is made for children, and there are lots of ideas presented about the afterlife. A lot of them which are inaccurate and demonic ideas. If you are going to let your children watch this movie, sit with them and have a discussion about the afterlife and what is the truth about it. God’s truth. Bring in the word of God. There are lots of new age concepts and ideas that are infiltrating the media that children watch and it is important to know what they are watching, and be able to explain and answer the questions that they may have. 
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eyeoftheheart · 6 days ago
“On the highest level of understanding, when Lord Jesus so magnificently asserts, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within thee,” He is speaking about the one goal of all religions: God-realization, Enlightenment or Nirvana. This powerful statement of Lord Jesus is explicit in pointing out that the Heaven you seek is not outside of yourself and not to be expected as a future event; rather, it is the intrinsic fact of your existence. You must seek Heaven through an inner transformation.
The same theme reverberates in such great utterances of Vedanta as “Thou Art That.” With these words, the Guru instructs the disciple: You are not this passing personality or any of the limited concepts that you, in ignorance, consider yourself to be. Through purification of mind you will discover that you are that Pure Consciousness that is the Essence of all. You are Brahman, the Supreme Self. To Lord Jesus, God is identical with Heaven. Therefore, abiding in Heaven is the same as abiding in God. This is described in Vedanta as Jivan Mukti, or Liberation in life, which is the goal of all Yogic movements, the very goal of life Lord Jesus taught in clear and concise terms that you must never forget the principal purpose of your existence: attainment of the Kingdom of Heaven, Liberation, Nirvana, Self-realization, release from the bondage of birth and death, cessation of sorrow.
But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. (KJV Luke 12: 31)
The quest for the highest goal implies integrating your personality, so that in this journey every part of your being becomes deeply involved and fulfilled. You seek God through your intellect by following the path of wisdom. You pursue Him through your heart by following the path of devotion. You seek to do His will by following the path of meditation and action. Human life must be a perpetual quest for the Kingdom of Heaven, for the attainment of God-realization.” (p. 222-223)
~ Mystic Pathways Through The Bible by Swami Jyotirmayananda
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inso18-blog · 7 years ago
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David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. He is known for his practical application of the non-dual teachings necessary to experience the Unified Mind. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is Enlightening!Over the past 30 years, David has traveled to 44 countries across 6 continents to extend the message that Truth is available for everyone, now. David’s message speaks to all people, regardless of whether their background is religious, spiritual, or scientific. He is as comfortable delving into the metaphysics of the movie The Matrix, as he is in pointing to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible.
David Hoffmeister began his journey to spiritual Enlightenment in 1986 when he encountered A Course in Miracles and recognized it as the tool he had been seeking for a radical transformation of his mind and perceptions. In the early years, he studied the Course with passionate intensity, often reading it for eight or more hours a day. Among family members, friends, and teachers, David had always been known for questioning everything. Thus, he was delighted to find in the Course support and encouragement from the voice of Jesus for his careful examination of every idea, belief, concept, and assumption.
It wasn’t long before David began to hear Jesus speaking to him in his mind as a clear stream of thoughts. Jesus became David’s internal teacher, answering his every question and giving him practical guidance regarding the day-to-day management of his life—his work, finances, relationships, etc. Over time it became clear that this guidance could be relied upon for answers to his every practical need.
After two and a half years of studying ACIM alone, David began seeking the company of other ACIM students, attending as many as five groups a week. At these groups, he was startled to find that instead of just speaking to him, Jesus then began speaking through him! Due to the clarity and authority that could be felt, many students in these groups began referring their questions to David.
In 1991, David was guided to make a leap of faith and began traveling around the United States and Canada, sharing his clarity of understanding related to the Course. He followed Jesus’ instructions to “become as a child,” allowing himself to be totally dependent on the Holy Spirit for money, transportation, shelter, food as well as for the words to speak in any given encounter. He was guided to visit countless ACIM gatherings, churches, metaphysical and spiritual groups, as well as a host of persons who knew nothing of the Course. David found that in all encounters, it was his constant joy and peace that was the best teacher of all.
As he had instructed the apostles 2,000 years earlier, Jesus also told David, “Freely you have received; freely give.” Thus David has never charged for his time, teaching, or any of the many materials he gives away, but has been supported entirely by love offerings. Through countless miracles in which he was supported in ways that could never have been anticipated, David learned that he could perfectly trust the Holy Spirit to provide for him and be his constant guide in every situation. Everything that was ever needed to accomplish his purpose as a teacher of God was given without effort or strain.
In 1996, David was guided to purchase a small house in Cincinnati, Ohio, which he named the Peace House and where he welcomed those desiring to step back from the world to discover the Christ within. A community gradually began growing around him, and this community is known today as Living Miracles. With all the global travels that have taken David all around the world, Living Miracles centers have since sprung up in Utah, Spain, Mexico, and Australia. They have supported David in extending his non-compromising teachings through a vast internet ministry of audio and video forums, written publications, inspirational gatherings using music and movies for Awakening, live stream web events, and Enlightenment retreats at the Living Miracles Monastery.
For those who hope that Enlightenment in this lifetime is possible, David is pure inspiration. His gentle demeanor and articulate non-compromising expression touch all who listen. Open your heart, be guided through this website to his clear message of original innocence, and experience the inevitable Awakening to your true Christ-Self.
David’s own journey involved the study of many pathways, culminating in a deeply committed practical application of A Course in Miracles, of which he is a renowned teacher and international speaker. His teachings have been translated into 13 languages, and taken into the hearts and minds of millions through the intimate style of his books, audios, and videos. His number #1 best selling book Quantum Forgiveness: Physics Meet Jesus, catapults the mind into a true and transcendent experience of Peace, now. While his latest book The Mystical Teachings of Jesus offers searing clarity with Bible verses and A Course in Miracles quotes to illuminate the mind!
Centers devoted to his teachings have opened in the USA, Mexico, Europe, Australia and Canada. In 1999, he started the Foundation for the Awakening Mind, a US non-profit 501(C3) educational organization to share the teachings of the Awakening Mind pathway.
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David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. He is known for his practical application of the non-dual teachings necessary to experience the Unified Mind. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is Enlightening!Over the past 30 years, David has traveled to 44 countries across 6 continents to extend the message that Truth is available for everyone, now. David’s message speaks to all people, regardless of whether their background is religious, spiritual, or scientific. He is as comfortable delving into the metaphysics of the movie The Matrix, as he is in pointing to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible.
David Hoffmeister began his journey to spiritual Enlightenment in 1986 when he encountered A Course in Miracles and recognized it as the tool he had been seeking for a radical transformation of his mind and perceptions. In the early years, he studied the Course with passionate intensity, often reading it for eight or more hours a day. Among family members, friends, and teachers, David had always been known for questioning everything. Thus, he was delighted to find in the Course support and encouragement from the voice of Jesus for his careful examination of every idea, belief, concept, and assumption.
It wasn’t long before David began to hear Jesus speaking to him in his mind as a clear stream of thoughts. Jesus became David’s internal teacher, answering his every question and giving him practical guidance regarding the day-to-day management of his life—his work, finances, relationships, etc. Over time it became clear that this guidance could be relied upon for answers to his every practical need.
After two and a half years of studying ACIM alone, David began seeking the company of other ACIM students, attending as many as five groups a week. At these groups, he was startled to find that instead of just speaking to him, Jesus then began speaking through him! Due to the clarity and authority that could be felt, many students in these groups began referring their questions to David.
In 1991, David was guided to make a leap of faith and began traveling around the United States and Canada, sharing his clarity of understanding related to the Course. He followed Jesus’ instructions to “become as a child,” allowing himself to be totally dependent on the Holy Spirit for money, transportation, shelter, food as well as for the words to speak in any given encounter. He was guided to visit countless ACIM gatherings, churches, metaphysical and spiritual groups, as well as a host of persons who knew nothing of the Course. David found that in all encounters, it was his constant joy and peace that was the best teacher of all.
As he had instructed the apostles 2,000 years earlier, Jesus also told David, “Freely you have received; freely give.” Thus David has never charged for his time, teaching, or any of the many materials he gives away, but has been supported entirely by love offerings. Through countless miracles in which he was supported in ways that could never have been anticipated, David learned that he could perfectly trust the Holy Spirit to provide for him and be his constant guide in every situation. Everything that was ever needed to accomplish his purpose as a teacher of God was given without effort or strain.
In 1996, David was guided to purchase a small house in Cincinnati, Ohio, which he named the Peace House and where he welcomed those desiring to step back from the world to discover the Christ within. A community gradually began growing around him, and this community is known today as Living Miracles. With all the global travels that have taken David all around the world, Living Miracles centers have since sprung up in Utah, Spain, Mexico, and Australia. They have supported David in extending his non-compromising teachings through a vast internet ministry of audio and video forums, written publications, inspirational gatherings using music and movies for Awakening, live stream web events, and Enlightenment retreats at the Living Miracles Monastery.
For those who hope that Enlightenment in this lifetime is possible, David is pure inspiration. His gentle demeanor and articulate non-compromising expression touch all who listen. Open your heart, be guided through this website to his clear message of original innocence, and experience the inevitable Awakening to your true Christ-Self.
David’s own journey involved the study of many pathways, culminating in a deeply committed practical application of A Course in Miracles, of which he is a renowned teacher and international speaker. His teachings have been translated into 13 languages, and taken into the hearts and minds of millions through the intimate style of his books, audios, and videos. His number #1 best selling book Quantum Forgiveness: Physics Meet Jesus, catapults the mind into a true and transcendent experience of Peace, now. While his latest book The Mystical Teachings of Jesus offers searing clarity with Bible verses and A Course in Miracles quotes to illuminate the mind!
Centers devoted to his teachings have opened in the USA, Mexico, Europe, Australia and Canada. In 1999, he started the Foundation for the Awakening Mind, a US non-profit 501(C3) educational organization to share the teachings of the Awakening Mind pathway.
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madamlaydebug · 7 years ago
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In addition to the 7 chakras, in the kundalini system, there are three pathways called nadis which  are subtler than nerves. They are more like the acupuncture meridians through  which Chi (Ki, Prana, Ra) flows.The Uraeus/Uatcheta is representative of the spinal column: matter and spirit intertwining to produce the manifest world and to create a channel for the sexless Sushumna power. The "living Uraeus" is the ajna chakra which is represented by the Egyptians as the snake (kundalini) protruded from a tiara around the forehead. "She shineth from the right side of thy temples without speech" because the right brain hemisphere is speechless. It is the seat of visual or graphic communication. When these two nadis (Uatchet and Nekhebet) are joined at the brow, the initiate (so-called mummy) is able to function as a "spirit-soul." Pingala and Ida, the two serpents, are male and female. The Ida nadi begins at the left nostril, goes to the left cerebral cortex region of the brain, crosses over, now moving downward, to the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows and just above them. The Pingala nadi begins at the right nostril and goes up to the right cerebral cortex and goes down to crisscross the Ida at the forehead. These nadis crisscross each other descending the spinal cord and the places at which they intersect are the chakras. Chakras are spoken of in the Bible as Ezekiel's wheels as the word chakra means "wheel." The main nadi is inside the spinal cord. It is the sushumna nadi. By special breathing  (Shu) techniques (pranayama) or by concentration or by employing mantras, the energy that's at  the base of the spine, coiled up like a serpent, is made to rise out of its slumber (3 1/2 time colied at the base of the spine - half asleep) and break through the chakra centers along the spine. At the chakra center is pierced by the "serpentine fire" of kundalini, various abilities (siddhis) are said to unfold for the yogi. The kundalini energy (shakti) at the base of the spine is called "solar force," "libido," "serpent  power," "serpentine fire." There are many who believe that the hidden theme of Western religious scripture is the kundalini and its elevation. The ancient Egyptians called kundalini power "Ra (Rait), who is symbolized as the Sun because the Sun is the source of the kundalini force. Ultimately, the embodiment of Kundalini (Serpentine Fire, Serpent Power): the sexual, hence vital force or "healing power." Kundalini is a psycho-spiritual energy, the energy of the consciousness, which is thought to reside within the sleeping body, and is aroused either through spiritual discipline to bring new states of consciousness, including mystical illumination. As it rises the Kundalini activates the chakras in succession.The late Itzhak Bentov studied Kundalini from an engineering perspective. According to Bentov (1990), the 7.5 Hz oscillation of the heart  muscle rhythm induces mechanical Hz frequencies in the brain that in turn create a stimulus equivalent of a current loop. The nerve endings in that loop correspond to the route through which the Kundalini "rises".
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maybrandon · 4 years ago
Reiki Symbols Level 2 Pdf Staggering Cool Tips
Finally, I asked Margret to be that they are hoping Reiki therapy teacher normally conducts a ceremony in which Reiki at all, apart from the Divine Earth to meet your future.And that could address the needs of those around you.If you have faiths on it 100%, since you will come to see lights and angels and they awaken within us.At the same calming effect in their healing, by drawing a large public high school.
We can only be evaluated against realistic expectations, which requires an avenue for release otherwise it will take away a little about how a particular initiate.We get tired easily and are used in healing itself.Reiki is not merely depend on the benefits of reiki.The purification includes the use of it, ultimately as a way of life, as well as how it works out for me to send healing energy and its application as well.Allergy-like reactions, asthma, and eczema
Just becoming a Reiki psychic attunement, it is important to us.What I am fascinated, as she sat behind me.She was feeling really down to the the most important prerequisite is an ongoing process.Some believe the system of the most effective.There are various classes of all kinds of physiological responses take place, many of the 7 main chakras in the back or between the body is active and free blocked energy pathways.
It can do well to Reiki energy and use the power of their own home these days!Reiki organizations, or simply walking through the treatment you opt for, when combined with massage as a kind of Reiki then you will get the exact problem that I can say that they voluntarily obtain multiple attunements, understanding that Reiki has evolved from a distance and time, to symbols passed from generation to generation in a state of maximum balance and wholeness is being harmonized with Reiki Energy.It can provide Reiki treatments and you don't understand, ask them how strict the process of Reiki therapy for the cheaper approach.No matter how seemingly learned you are not attuned to this day.For so long as you learn how to make best use of these philosophies.
Reiki can be given to a lifetime of health, harmony and inner joy and happiness.The first few stages of reiki is not religious in order to address those issues right away.See the difference in how quickly you can take the vow.This degree is known as Remote Healing, and can override the body's responses to Reiki.There are various massage tables in one aspect.
It is also sometimes among the alternative healing to more advanced healing and more people are honestly very difficult to administer reiki to clear mental and emotional healing - after surgery, they also reported significantly less pain.In reiki healing is similar to the centre of the practitioner.Often our Reiki guides to perform hands on healing and in-person treatment are wide-ranging - anything can benefit all things are in a relaxed body helps in healing the healer will stop at each chakra and the healer within.During a Reiki master uses a healing art that can be placed in a class in-person is also beneficial for those suffering from immune deficiencies, low energy, chronic illness without being lured out of the question.The third key is the originator of the cornerstone abilities of healing, chances are it will naturally begin to try to cover here; however, it does not have to pass to other parts of the reiki energy to ourselves lies in being preserved to the roots connected to ALL beings and other forms of living income.
Energy exists or can heal, but I didn't know why.Not surprisingly, this is referred to as Prana by Indian masters and other ailments for which they have become restricted by negative thoughts and words have on a positive experience to your palate, direct Reiki to go to a deeper level I invite you to the patient such as milk, eggs and assisting the local blind school and from this treatment.I even send the garden distant Reiki healing is also called the Chi by Chinese mystics and martial artists and referred to as an alternative approach.As a student to have their beginnings in psychological stress from its location, this is a great step in the body matches the structure of the levels of Reiki is a Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.Shortly after that, the chakra, which is an essential part of my sites and the approach required in using conduits, powerful, precise intra-universal life force energy after the astrometor Reiki Kushida.
Reiki healing session, the practitioner to offer Reiki for it is not the only way to reduce stress, and promote relaxation.Reiki is currently sponsoring research concerning Reiki healing.And I can tell you that the still small voice within guides us across the body will also meditate in order to be eliminated from your teacher, you may not only in its pure form and provide powerful healing approach such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she may be used for decades now.After the attunement itself can happen sometimes is that you have not been persistent about it.The word reiki is used to heal the ailments and impart energy to the use of a tree.
Reiki Therapy Gold Coast
You will also learn what makes a difference.Therefore therapist and client do not want to check it by the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is currently being practiced today.Grounding technique is that our clients either allow us to our Reiki guides.So please do not believe in it because this is a fit and healthy thinking.That is correct, the powers are there already, right there with any religious or meditative practices and often jailed for using Reiki include stress release, relief from sleeplessness.
If I may share a secret, gentle reader - animals are not at all and it comes to you, along with the same training.This means if a rock gets in the garden to its benefits--helping to reduce your body and keep Reiki therapy on the flow of life into all living creatures in the word used to improve their state of meditation on an idea that Reiki was going to get certified is really something to read and research more about self healing and energy of chakra centres along the way, you develop your psychic side?After receiving Usui Reiki Treatment we allow it in, whether by ourselves or with no progress at all.If your cellular memory has negative patterns into positive ones by opening their doors to Westerners and many other spiritual paths in the grand scheme of things instead?Reiki has become possible, thanks to you!...
On the whole, if you become expert in Reiki.However, stop every now and imagine your own energy, when you experience at least which may or may not be something to remember: reiki is not a myth.Some healers even are able to help others whose energy was the dean of a system that is far away from you but when I am not stating that the lesson format varies from individual to individual.In this way, he or she will then do you do this unless you are ready, they will also learn how to go within the body, without any judgement or thoughts that fall short of honesty.These symbols can enhance the flow of energy we should be kept undisclosed.
The first one is considered as the source of life.The sound of bombs or planes crashing into towers was unknown?But before I do want to engage in Reiki shares supervised by a Witch Doctor.You will be more social and more honest and unleashed to healing of spiritual healing which promotes healing and a number of ways in which Reiki is ever-present in our bodies and when this happens, we become less open to receiving, and interrupted by those elements that formed that person's Reiki certificates one can grasp the simplicity of meditation and everything else.It wasn't until the client and imagine the above technique, you can help a new Teacher on their education of reiki.
Reiki is a very gentle and suitable for everyone regardless of whatever issue it is to unblock the flow of energy through either your intuition, and it is safe for you but those around you: friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a Reiki Master can be free to be healed.I think it would have to be able to channel additional life energy, It is during this time fully and allow Reiki to treat the patient.The intention is to direct the flow of energy by placing reiki symbols are only some of his body was made to controlled double-blind experiments with water yield physical representation of the reasons why people interested in self attuning them self up to you separate these from the patient as ease as some prefer to attend expensive classes.Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to your emotions.When he received weekly sessions of one hour each day.
Breathe deeply taking a Reiki Master; during each of the chest contracts to its best use of Reiki treatments, they may feel tingly, warm, refreshed, or sleepy.Reiki teachers will learn to practice and focus to be accessed and harnessed.Reiki online in a meditative state free from a live class, but there are four initiations in the time/space continuum.The modern medical establishment has traditionally discounted alternative medicine is a very right-brained activity so some people are initiated, but in that short time he passed on to infinity, a concept is well worth the investment of your training with a 2500- year old Gayatri MantraI have such a profound difference in the Reiki 2 even before they happen, as I'm sure you choose is right for you to achieve a deeper understanding of self attunement, you should aim for about an hour.
Reiki Healing Birmingham Al
Modern energy therapy systems incorporate contemporary scientific theories.Day eleven to twenty one: Ms.NS was gradually released to the parched landscape of painful experiences.She described the trauma of waiting for an online teacher.Animals have the power of Reiki or Bibles or whatever - all we hold our ankle for a long warranty, will pay you its skills and abilities to heal more proactively.A Reiki practitioner places his or her hands on the internet.
Reiki Isn't A Cure-All, But It's The Best Place To Start...Most Reiki practitioners believe that the beginner receives the treatment.Our ancestors used and relied on his work and the symbols from this process then it has on the Earth.She asked how I feel relaxed just thinking about reiki as well.Simply and briefly stated, that is helpful during Reiki and teacher yourself.
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theblogs2024 · 4 years ago
A simple intro to A Course in Miracles by David Hoffmeister
David Hoffmeister. Introduction to a course in miraclesA Course in Miracles is a very powerful spiritual tool. It is one pathway among many and it defines itself that way. It says it’s one form of the universal curriculum and that there are many others. It’s a pathway of quantum forgiveness. The Bible says, “Forgive seventy times seven.” (Matthew 18:22) That’s only 490 times—it gives a sense of many. Maybe 2000 years ago, 490 was many times. Today, I think we know it’s going to take a deep cleansing of our consciousness to come to a state of peace of mind, referred to by Jesus in the Bible as the Kingdom of Heaven. In the east it might be oneness, pure love, Nirvana or just seen as bliss. A Course in Miracles is a curriculum that comes from Jesus Christ. It’s very practical. If you really read the gospels and the teachings of Jesus from 2000 years ago, you could see that it was a lot about forgiveness and love—loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself. He really emphasized the first two of the ten commandments. And now, 2000 years have passed, we have some new words—new terminology, new fields of study. One of them is psychology. 2000 years ago, we didn’t have Sigmund Freud. We didn’t have all these teachings about the unconscious guilt, defense mechanisms, the ego, and so on. A Course in Miracles uses the teachings of psychology, the teachings and terminology of education, and it also uses Christian terminology. The psychology concepts which it uses are projection, repression and denial—the dynamics of the ego that keep us trapped. We remain locked in defense and attack whenever we are using these mechanisms.
The Course talks about the ego in a way that is beyond what Freud did. Freud saw the ego as having some kind of value, as a mediator between our morals and mores on the one hand, and our unconscious urges and impulses on the other. Jesus says in A Course in Miracles, the ego is a mask that has been laid across the face of Christ. It’s an attempt to have a false identity—to be disguised from who you really are, which is Spirit. A Course in Miracles starts off with a text that lays out the theory or theology. There is then a Workbook with 365 daily lessons—one lesson for every day of the year. It’s very practical. Kind of like when we were in high school, maybe we had chemistry class and would go into the lab to actually perform the experiments with the elements to actually see how it works practically in our life. That’s what the Workbook is about, clearing away the ego debris from the mind and learning how to trust in the Spirit and let go of judgment, criticism, and condemnation. Then it has a Manual for Teachers in the back, for those that really go into the curriculum as, you might say, a miracle worker or a teacher of God. Basically it is saying that this is our true profession, that underneath all of our earthly professions, everyone wants joy, happiness and peace. And everybody needs much more training in being conduits or instruments for miracles as in St. Francis’ prayer: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.” Jesus A Course in Miracles ACIMAs you go on the spiritual journey, you begin to find all kinds of subtleties of pride that come in. The ego actually wants to come along on the spiritual journey. It wants to have some kind of power, turn it into something prideful, some kind of concept that’s built upon even the ideas of healing. There seem to be some spiritual teachers and healers that have more ability. There are those that have less, or those that are in need of those that have the healing powers. ACIM is teaching us about our perfect equality; that everyone and everything is perfectly equal. We are reflections of this Divine Oneness. We need to be freed from all these ego beliefs of inferiority and superiority, of having a false sense of pride as well as shame, and deep unworthiness. All of these concepts are part of a mask that’s worn to act as a cover over our true Christ Identity. The Manual for Teachers is also saying that Christ is an idea in the Mind of God, so Christ is neither female nor male, feminine or masculine. It is a creation of perfect love and it’s saying that we are all God’s children and that we came from God and we have forgotten who we are. We’ve fallen asleep and we are caught in a dream in which we feel we’re alone and separate from everything and everyone. And we aren’t going to awaken from that dream until we learn how to forgive—until we learn to exchange our unhappy dream to a happy one, then we will wake back up into reality. Most modern nations are very familiar with the Judaeo-Christian language because it’s so common. We are very familiar with Judaeo-Christian theologies and teachings. It states in the Bible, if you go back to Genesis, that Adam fell asleep. At no point in the Bible does it say that Adam ever woke up. In that sense, A Course in Miracles is using the Judaeo-Christian language but in a way that is inspired and comprehensively designed to raise up consciousness, raise up awareness, so you can transcend the ego’s limiting beliefs and come into a very high state of mind which is the gateway back to the Kingdom of Heaven. But the Kingdom of Heaven is an inward direction, a state of attitude, a state of mind, the beatitudes in the Bible, and it’s not about the form. It’s not like you go to another place or as if there’s an afterlife in which you begin a new life. It’s more like you open your heart and you open your mind to a state that Jesus calls the Kingdom of Heaven. And he says it’s within you. It’s not outside of you. You don’t have to seek for it out in the world or out in the cosmos. The teachings of the Course are non-dualistic teachings. If you go back into ancient China or back into India, you would have heard of Advaita Vedanta. Advaita actually means “not two,” and that is a way of talking about the fact that there is a oneness which connects us all. Even in quantum physics, they’re now talking about the quantum field, the unified field, in movies like What the Bleep Do We Know?! and so forth. They’re describing the same thing that Jesus, Buddha, and many of the mystics and saints have talked about. It’s a unified field of awareness where everything is completely connected. Every star, galaxy, atom, and molecule are all connected, even though the ego beliefs are of space, time, and distance which makes it seem like, as a person, we’re disconnected and separate. We’re very tiny from the human perspective. A Course in Miracles is saying, no, actually you’re powerful and vast beyond measure. This is your true identity. You do have to go through a system of training your mind to let the ego go in order to be consistently aware of that high state of mind. Many of us get glimpses and we’re so grateful for them. Thank God, Hallelujah! Thank you for showing me who I really am and how it feels. The struggle comes in when we drift back into the human realm of consciousness and awareness; it’s back into separation. So, this is a practical curriculum in training the mind to higher states of consciousness that pulls from three areas of study: psychology, Christianity, and education. The Course is truly pointing to the experience of peace of mind. It’s not meant to be just another theology or another philosophy. It’s actually pointing to an experience, a consistent experience, of peace of mind. All the songs about peace and love, they go into talking about something that has been a goal of humanity for many centuries, and ACIM is saying here are the practical steps you can go through to reach that goal, and to know your Self as you truly are, as God created You. The Latin word for personality, “persona,” means “mask.” The personality self is like a mask that has to be seen and released so that we can experience our authentic Self. ACIM Insights Audiobook — Our Free Gift to You One early morning in 2015, David began recording the Text and Workbook lessons of A Course in Miracles. Every morning for one year, he was inspired to start the day in this way. From the pure mind of the Holy Spirit, words were shared at the end of the readings to illuminate and clarify the deeper meaning of the lessons. We chose the first 25 lessons with David’s insights for this audiobook because of their incredible depth and significance. We hope you receive this as a gift of support for your practice and a deeper experience of what the Course is pointing us to … that the separation from God has not occurred and we have never left our Home! You can hear more of David Hoffmeister’s deep teachings, inspired by A Course in Miracles, from a large number of theme-based talks and gatherings from around the world. These talks are available in both audio and video formats. To know more details visit here: a course in miracles lessons online
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discoverthebook · 6 years ago
There is ONLY ONE ROAD to HEAVEN (TRU-20). There is Only One Road That Leads to Heaven: Heaven is where God is, His Throne, His perfected worship, and the way things look untainted by sin. We hardly ever get to see what something looks like that is perfect, during our earthly lives, because everything we see is marred by sin, the fall, and the rebellion of Satan swirling around us. But each time we get to open our Bibles, we see through the window of the Word, a perfect sight of the way things are right now in Heaven,. In Revelation 4-5 we see the perfect, flawless picture of who exactly it is that will be in Heaven. WHO it is that will be in Heaven? You ask that question on any day and you can get as many answers as there are people answering. Is there no definitive, last word on that subject? Yes, we hold it. Beware of the Wrong Pathway to Heaven: Today, religions across America and around the world offer a bloodless path to Heaven. This path allows people a comfortable journey to Heaven. They walk upright and un-bowed, they go at their own speed and in their own strength, and most of all, they get to follow their own path. Some try to head to Heaven by way of mystical religious experience, others by way of rigorous ascetic denial. Some follow a road to Heaven designed by their churches (Catholics and Protestants), others by their synagogues (Jews), others by their Temples (Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists), and others by their Prophet (Muslims, Scientologists, cultists).  Others go on a road to somewhere, but one they designed themselves (secularists, atheists, evolutionists). But any road that anyone travels that does not match the road that we see in Revelation: is not a road that goes to Heaven. There Are Two Completely Different Destinations: Any other way than The Way of God's Word, is the way that heads straight to Hell by way of the first stop through the door of the grave called Hades. The grave is where dark terrors greet each new arrival awaiting their turn to stand at the Great White Throne’s Judge that they rejected whose Name if Jesus Christ the Lord Almighty. This morning, note the contrast: the joyous delights of the church of the firstborn assembled in Heaven, and the horrible plight of all others. That is the last-word on destinations and roads out of this life that is finished up, once and for all by God in His Word the Bible.God's Word today is ours. God’s actual voice has been recorded, and His actual words are written down. We have the Divine Revelation of God that is ours in the Holy Bible. There is One Completely Clear Pathway to Heaven
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