THE END ACCORDING TO JESUS. Here's the point in this series of classes that I teach (Called WNS: What's Next Series) that every student from the NextGeneration sits up, starts paging through their Bibles, and takes notes. So, the Bible contains many specific events that would signal the end of days for life on planet earth as it has been for the past several thousand years.   The list of Biblical Signs of Christ's Return will not actually be full-blown until the time of the Great Tribulation. Each of the signs of Christ's Return He said--are trends. These trends are speeding up—the last seconds of the countdown clock of Christ's return are clicking down. Each day the prophetic picture Christ painted grows clearer. But, in all of history--ONLY our generation has seen EVERY ONE of these events starting to unfold. Jesus said these signs would not suddenly appear. He said that they would rather become a trend that amplified and strengthened until it became overwhelming like “birth pangs”. Now that we have surveyed the seven major events to get each one clear in our mind, let me give you just a handful of the precise, clear, specific predictions that Christ's Words in this Book give us. You may be startled. Every one of the signs Christ gave is present in your world today. You are the first generation in all of history to experience these trends, these signs—all at once! The Signs of the End of Days There are more apes of the Old Testament devoted to the End of Days than the New so we begin in the great Old Testament prophet Daniel’s inspired record of the “time of the end” as God called it. (WNS-40; 081116PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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ARE YOU ON THE TEAM OR JUST A SPECTATOR? As we have been challenged this weekend, the great commission is actually our “every day” commission as believers. We are all to be disciple-making by lifestyle. To help us all get closer to that goal, I would like to direct your attention to the 29th chapter of Acts. As you notice from your Bibles, it isn’t there, YET. The last chapter of Acts is still being written. It is being written tonight here and across the world. It is being written in blood, sweat, tears, and prayers. And it is exactly what God left us here on earth to accomplish for Him. WHAT IS GOD’S REPORT ON YOUR LIFE? What will be written by the Lord in Acts 29, about you and me? This is the great fall season with all the football games and the crisp cool weather. It is a time of memories for me. I have been telling my boys about my early days when I was on the Haslett (Michigan) football team.  Over the years various coaches would address us on the teams and try to get us “fired up” for the game. That was always an exciting time because we were quite committed already. We had already shown our dedication by joining the team, working out most of the summer in the heat, running endless gut-wrenching cross country miles, practicing plays until we were able to do them instinctively and so on. But now at the moment of the actual game “fired up” meant that we were to get even more fully engaged in the game, commit to again play our best, sacrifice our strength and even comfort by playing even harder, commit there in the locker room to not lose focus, to remember the plays we had been taught, to unselfishly work together as a team and so on. That is team athletics or team sports – whether football, basketball, wrestling or whatever. Later in college days I moved to a new kind of sports involvement. I was a spectator and a fan. Again we in the stands were encouraged to get “fired up” for the game. This involved wearing team colors, getting season passes, scheduling Friday nights or Saturdays so as to not miss any games, actually coming to all the games, sitting together with our side, paying attention to the game, knowing the team members, cheering at the right times and in a loud and supportive way. Some of the more “on fire” folks would not only do all that but they went further by really dressing up, painting their faces wit team colors and symbols, bringing big banners, getting there early, and generally be everywhere cheering and carrying on. That is quite a familiar setting for most of us. In fact the majority of sports and athletic events are pursued by the minority (the athletes) as they are cheered on by the majority (the fans). TWO QUESTIONS Today I ask you these two questions: First, “Where are you in the game tonight?” Are you on the team and actually working out, practicing, playing and “on fire” for the game? Or are you in the stands and “on fire” for the team? And secondly: “Where did the Coach, the God of the Universe through His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, ask us to be?” Most of us I would guess are in the stands as spectators. We are quite committed and zealous. (WNS-38; 081102PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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WHAT IS THE WORST TYPE OF WASTE? This class looks at one of the most sobering days of our lives as believers. The entire Trinity will be involved on that day. • We all were saved one day by God’s grace through the Cross of Jesus; • We all live each day energized by the grace of the Holy Spirit; but • We all will stand and have all our days lived as believers analyzed and tested by Jesus Christ for the works we used those days to accomplish. Don’t Waste Any Days of Your Life You see, even under grace, it does matter what you do with your life. Don’t waste your life is the message of God to us this evening. We need to be gripped by the reality that the choices we make have consequences both now and for eternity. Only our sins are forgiven and forever forgotten by God—wasted lives are not forgotten, rather they are remembered and dealt with by God at Christ's Bema Seat. Martin Luther lived by a motto he often repeated: “I have but two days in my calendar—Today, and the Day I stand before Christ.” In I Corinthians 3 we find ourselves standing before Jesus Christ. Christ's Coming simply reveals what people have been all the time. For us as believers, Paul tells us that when we stand before Christ "each man's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it" (1 Corinthians 3:13). Remember, the One who has planned the End from the Beginning has told us what will happen in the days ahead, and this is His Plan for History. (WNS-34; 081005PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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ANCHORED TO CHRIST OR ETERNAL DOOM. When the world darkens, culture crumbles, and truth dies—you know the end of the world is near. The World Detached from Truth--Shipwrecks. Love of the truth as we saw earlier in 2nd Thessalonians 2, is the proof of salvation. Lost ones never receive a love of the truth so they never seek out and find Christ's offer of salvation.   To not love the truth leads to “shipwreck”; it meant that the ship you trusted to take you across the dangerous waters had failed you and you were not going to make it. If you lose your ship in the midst of the sea there is usually no hope, no place to go—and certain death.   Think of the implications of being in a doomed boat. Not believing the truth about God means that all who count on a lie to get them safely to the other shore—are lost forever! Remember that Paul uses this word to describe those who thrust away sound doctrine and try to sail on their own and without Christ's way, truth and life. 1 Timothy 1:19-20 having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck, 20 of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.   What can cause a soul to be shipwrecked? False teachers and belief in a false Christ. That was one of Christ's constant warnings. The most dangerous shipwreck is not the one that merely endangers your body. Jesus warns that false teaching can sink your soul as well. So how do we stay safe as these dark days cast their shadow across society, media, culture, and every (WNS-29; 050612PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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END OF WORLD. SATAN. DRAGON. LIAR. DECEIVER. Satan knows that God has plans to save “a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands…” (Revelation 7:9). So to try to thwart God’s harvest of precious souls and to prevent the world from coming to Christ, Satan has deployed legions of liars. False signposts—all pointing people away from Christ. This is not new to our generation. False teachers have been a part of the landscape from the start.   Things were so bad one hundred years ago, that the greatest Bible teachers of that generation banded together to put up the flag of truth. What those men did is now a common form of mockery in the world. They sat down and declared what were the nonnegotiables of the faith. But as we open to Matthew 24 again, we are opening to what I consider one of the saddest doctrines in the Bible--the teaching in God's Word about the antichrist, and Satan’s all out, the final assault upon the Gospel. When Christ Returns there is a powerful, pervasive, and universal leader who speaks eternally damnable lies--backed by the most believable signs and wonders ever witnessed on planet earth. (WNS-27; 050612AM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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JAMES - A SERVANT OF GOD. Join me in this NextGeneration Class as I teach through the first book of the New Testament, written by the brother of Jesus named James: pastor of the FIRST CHURCH, the Church at Jerusalem. Note the AUTHENTIC CHRISTIAN LIVING that this first NT book explains! Here's James' Biography: Good morning my brethren in Christ Jesus, our exalted Lord, and King. My name is James; I am a servant of God and of my big brother while He was on earth - Jesus Christ. I was not always such a follower of Christ. Let me tell you my story . . . I grew up in a devout Jewish home with a saintly mom, a sickly dad (who died when I was young), three brothers, two sisters, and a PERFECT HALF BROTHER. What a difficult thing it is to live with the Son of God. I never got along well with my oldest brother. He was always right, He was never wrong, never bad, and He was never mischievous or impatient. He never argued, stewed or fought. He was kind, humble, generous and hard-working. He seemed to never sleep. Whether or not he worked late in dad’s carpentry shop. He always was up before the family. In fact, He would come in just before breakfast each morning from outside. We could tell He had been out there for quite a while. Mother always would just look at Him with such wistful and wonder-filled eyes. When He spoke which was seldom compared to us whose words filled the small house in Nazareth. When we sat at the table so well made by Jesus my big brother, His words seemed to sweep all of us along. He always was so amazing, saying things that defy explanation. He was so profound and yet easily understood. All us boys would leave the table saying “Yeah, that just what I would have said.” Although we could not resist His wisdom, we hated His words. The older we got they pierced our souls and irritated us to the bone! I remember the last day He was home. It was the day the small door leading to the carpenter’s shop closed for the last time. Gone would be the hours of wonder-filled talks the local folks had enjoyed with the kindest man they ever had met. No more would the wide eyes of children be seen looking wistfully off as stories from the Scriptures of David and Elijah and Moses came alive. When He taught it seemed to all of us that He had been there and had witnessed those events Himself and knew those heroes of our faith personally. (ACL-01; 970412AM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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JESUS DESCRIBES THE IMPACT OF A PLANET-KILLER ASTEROID ON EARTH. I always show the NextGeneration students current prophetic headlines. Here's one from the past week, on 2/12/20 in the International Business Times. Headline: "Potentially hazardous asteroid that’s big enough to trigger a nuclear winter and mass extinction events on Earth following a collision will intersect the planet’s path this weekend. According to the data collected by NASA, the approaching asteroid is larger than the tallest man-made structure in the world. Here's the lesson that follows, that I teach these students: Jesus said that the generation that sees His plan unfold for the end of days--will witness His second coming. That promise has kept the church throughout the centuries in the Word, on their knees, and ready to go at any moment. But are we really close enough to think that we are the final generation? For those of us who believe the Bible, the weeks since Christmas have been thrilling. Matthew 24:32-35 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.   So, are we witnessing His plan for the End of Days unfolding? • We have already seen that the global travel Daniel said had to happen is here, as well as the explosion of knowledge. • Then John said that there had to be global commerce that was based on buying and selling with a personal number—and that is also here. • Then Jesus said that Israel had to be back in their land—and they are.   But in Matthew 24, Jesus says that a series of specific signs will begin. When those specific signs occur, they signal the onslaught of birth pangs. Have the pains that signal the end of days started? I am not sure, let’s just list a few of the facts—not since the birth of Israel in 1948; not since the birth of United Europe, the World Council of Churches, the computer and the United Nations also in that same year of 1948.   How about what has happened just since Christmas 2004, nearly five months ago? Nearly everyone on Earth has witnessed the second biggest quake ever recorded, the government has warned that we are witnessing the biggest solar storm measurable, and now we are more aware than ever that the biggest threat to global safety may be hurtling through space towards our world right now. Does that list mean anything? To sort it all out, look back at verse 29 in Matthew 24. Let’s read that passage together this morning, and you listen as I emphasize three parts of Christ's warning in Matthew 24:29-32. (WNS-24; 050522AM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date:Facebook:
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THE PALE HORSE OF THE APOCALYPSE. THE PALE HORSE OF THE APOCALYPSE means that two-thirds of the world's resources 'used up'. The sound of the pale horse’s hoofbeats is getting louder. The human race is living beyond its means. A report backed by 1,360 scientists from 95 countries - some of them are world leaders in their fields, concludes that the human race has used up two-thirds of the world's resources, most of it in just the last sixty years. Robert Watson, the British-born chief scientist at the World Bank and a former scientific adviser to the White House, claims that mankind is using up all of our natural resources. He produced a six-point indictment against the human race and declares that it will lead to the extinction of all life on earth. 1. LAND OVER-CONSUMPTION: Because of human demand for food, freshwater, timber, fiber and fuel, more land has been claimed for agriculture in the last 60 years than in the 18th and 19th centuries combined. An estimated 24% of the Earth's land surface is now cultivated. 2. WATER OVER-CONSUMPTION: Water withdrawals from lakes and rivers have doubled in the last 40 years. Humans now use between 40% and 50% of all available freshwater running off the land. 3. OCEAN OVER-CONSUMPTION: Since 1980, about 35% of mangroves have been lost, 20% of the world's coral reefs have been destroyed and another 20% badly degraded. 4. FOREST OVER-CONSUMPTION: Deforestation and other changes could increase the risks of malaria and cholera, and open the way for new and so far unknown disease to emerge. 5. RIVER OVER-CONSUMPTION: Flow from rivers has been reduced dramatically. For parts of the year, the Yellow River in China, the Nile in Africa and the Colorado in North America dry up before they reach the ocean. 6. FISH OVER-CONSUMPTION: At least a quarter of all fish stocks are overharvested. In some areas, the catch is now less than a hundredth of that before industrial fishing. An estimated 90% of the total weight of the ocean's large predators - tuna, swordfish and sharks - has disappeared in recent years.  The study contains what its authors call "a stark warning" for the entire world. The wetlands, forests, savannahs, estuaries, coastal fisheries and other habitats that recycle air, water, and nutrients for all living creatures are being irretrievably damaged. In effect, one species is now a hazard to the other 10 million or so on the planet, and to itself.The study concludes by saying that we have plundered the ocean's bounty, we have destroyed the seabed’s riches, we are running out of sources for food, we are running out of freshwater, and because of all this misuse of nature, we are plunging towards the threat of killer plagues and epidemics.Most sobering of all is the timing of all of this overconsumption. This study concludes all this damage took place -- not gradually over six thousand years of human existence -- but within a single generation! That conclusion reminds me of what Jesus said about the end of days for the planet earth."So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done." (Mark 13:29-30) (WNS-23; 050515AM)
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JESUS TODAY. JESUS TODAY: Are you consciously, expectantly enjoying what Jesus is doing today?   On the first Easter morning, Mary was looking at the empty tomb and met Jesus. She had come in sorrow and confusion. All the memories of Him flooded her mind. Jesus had loved her, forgiven her, and made her so many promises. But now Jesus seemed to be so far away, all of those things seemed distant to Mary.   Mary needed to see Jesus. That is why she was last at the Cross, and first at the Tomb. Mary came needing Him, and now would be first to see the Risen Christ. Only He could strengthen her faith and comfort her heart and that is what He did. But that was 2,000 years ago—and it seems so long ago and so far away.   We live so distant at times from the quietness of the garden on Resurrection morning.  We live so removed from the gracious assurances that Jesus offered to Mary. But that is only our fault because the truth of the resurrection is that Jesus is alive. And since He is alive He is doing the same things He did then.   Did you catch that? Jesus wants us to know that He is still doing just what He did that morning, and in the days that followed. So much of His ministry was assuring the disciples of what they already knew, and encouraging them to do what He left them here to do. Today, will you meet again the Risen Christ?   And as you meet Him, will you see what He is doing today? That is what He wants for us--to see Him, and even, more believe Him. And then respond to His work in us through His Word. (WNS-16; 050327AM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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I AM WITH YOU. FEAR NOT was Jesus' most repeated negative prohibition. Yet so many believers seem to be AFRAID these days. How do we BANISH FEAR? By TRUSTING the One who said I will NEVER leave you.  wants us to know that He is still doing just what He did that morning, and in the days that followed. So much of His ministry was assuring the disciples of what they already knew, and encouraging them to do what He left them here to do. Have you met again the Risen Christ?    Have you seen what He is doing today? That is what He wants for us--to see Him, and even, more believe Him. And then respond to His work in us through His Word.   Will you see Jesus anew and afresh with me, and experience all that He wants to do in your life and mine today, and in the days ahead—if we will invite Him to be at work in us.   So what does He do now?    He is always there to touch us, lift us, encourage us, restore us, and remind us that all that He promised is true. (WNS-17; 050327PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook:
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JESUS IDENTIFIES THE FINAL GENERATION. Jesus held His private PROPHECY briefing of the Apostles on a hillside overlooking Jerusalem. He explained how to know when you are in the FINAL GENERATION. The disciples ask Jesus a question that interests all of us, I’m so glad they did. Follow along as they ask in Matthew 24:3, and as Jesus answers them in verse 8 and 33. This week I was examining just how much God has left for us to know about the future. Here is what I found summarized by a series of NUMBERS! I hold in my hand the ONE Book that God wrote—the Bible. That one book has TWO parts—the Old Testament and the New Testament. Those two parts are made up of SIXTY-SIX individual books we call the 39 Old Testament books and the 27 New Testament books. This one book, made up of 66 books has a total of 31,103 verses. Of all the verses in the Bible 8,352 verse are prophetic or spoke to future events. All Biblical predictions about the future in these thousands of verses can be grouped into 737 different predictions. Of these 8,352 verses, 6,312 (or 522 different predictions) have already happened to the letter, JUST LIKE God’s Word said they would. That leaves just about 2,040 verses with 215 specific predictions from God about the end of the world that are in the process of being fulfilled.  So, the Bible contains many specific events that would signal the end of days for life on planet earth as it has been for the past several thousand years. Each of the prophetic signs Christ and His apostles gave is specific and not vague. Jesus explained to us in Matthew 24, verses 8 and 33-34—that these events would begin at the same time, run concurrently, and crescendo like the pains of a woman giving birth—the closer we get to His Second coming. Matthew 24:8, 33-34 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. The list of Biblical Signs of Christ's Return will not actually be full-blown until the Tribulation time. Each of the signs of Christ's Return He said--are trends. These trends are speeding up—the last seconds of the countdown clock of Christ's return are clicking down. Each day the prophetic picture Christ painted grows clearer. Each of these signs was captured by the apostles and prophets between 2,000 and 3,500 years ago. Now they are happening in our lifetime! But, in all of history--ONLY our generation has seen EVERY ONE of these events starting to unfold. (WNS-32; 080921PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
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SEVEN PROPHETIC EVENTS DEAD AHEAD. God laid down a framework for us to understand the future. He clearly explains 7 foundational elements that tie together all the hundreds of prophetic Scriptures in the Bible. That is the contents of this series that I am calling “What’s Next?”  a look at the clear and well-described events that lay ahead for us who know Jesus, and for planet earth. There are seven major events. All remaining prophecies in the Bible are tied to one of these events. These are the seven steps that each of us should have marked in our Bibles and lodged in our hearts.   With each of these steps, there is an affirmation God wants us to make for Him. I hope that you will do so with me as we study. I call these seven steps from Now to Eternity! 1. RAPTURE I THESS. 4 BE READY – Christ is Coming for me 2. JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST 2 CORIN. 5 BE HOLY – Christ will test my life. 3. TRIBULATION REV. 6-19 BE THANKFUL – Christ will keep me from the hour. 4. SECOND COMING REV. 19 BE PATIENT – Christ will right all wrongs. 5. MILLENNIUM REV. 20 BE FOCUSED – Christ will perfect the earth 6. GREAT WHITE THRONE REV. 20 BE FAITHFUL – I will point people to Christ. 7. HEAVEN REV. 21-22 BE INVESTING – I will lay up treasure in Heaven. (WNS-09; 050220PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Purchase resources: E-Books: Traditional Books: Audio CDs: Donate to the ministry: PayPal QuickLink: For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to:
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WHAT’S LEFT WHEN BOWING AT CHRIST’S FEET? From the REFORMERS, through the greatest of the MISSIONARY HEROES, and right down to EACH CLASS we teach, Bonnie & I EMPHASIZE the MOTIVE for all we each do. Why not PAUSE and listen to this challenge to the NextGeneration we make for them to REFOCUS on living for the ETERNAL each day.   In the not too distant future, God is going to invade His world. Last time He did it disguised as a baby, and He died a sacrificial death for the sin of the world. This time He is not going to hide. That invasion is called Christ's Second Coming. At Christ's return, everyone will be seen for what they really were. As C.S. Lewis once said: “When that happens, it is the end of the world. When the author walks onto the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right, but what is the good of saying you're on His side then, when you see the whole natural universe melting away like a dream and something else--something it never entered your head to conceive--comes crashing in; something so beautiful to us and so terrible to others that none of us will have any choice left? For this time it will be God without disguise; something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it's become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing; it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realize it or not. Now, today, at this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last forever; we must take it or leave it."  (WNS-04; 050116PM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Purchase resources: E-Books: Traditional Books: Audio CDs: Donate to the ministry: PayPal QuickLink: For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to:
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JESUS EXPLAINS THE END OF THE WORLD. Always remember that JESUS is the BIGGEST PROMOTER of END TIMES PROPHECY! What we are teaching NextGeneration missionaries is not what Dallas Seminary or Dispensationalists invented: JESUS is the ULTIMATE AUTHORITATIVE TEACHER of PROPHECY! This passage we just read was Christ's reply to His disciples’ questions about the future.  This chapter is also called “The Olivet Discourse,” the greatest prophetic sermon Jesus ever preached. Since Luke wrote with the Gentile reader in mind, he didn’t record some of the strong Jewish parts of the sermon. What he records are the essential truths that we must consider and apply.   Remember that Israel and the Church are two separate and distinct parts of God’s plan—don’t confuse them. Remember Luke 21 was written to explain to the Jews and the Nation of Israel what God has planned for them. Notice as I read that he message is to people living in Jerusalem, Judea and about Israel. Jesus is not talking about the future of His Church but the destiny of His chosen people of Promise. Jesus wouldn’t be giving signs for His Coming for His Bride, for that can occur at any time and no signs need to precede it (Jewish Wedding customs in Matthew 25, as well as 1 Corinthians 15:51–58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18). Remember that God's Word says, “For the Jews require a sign” (1 Corinthians 1:22); but we Christ's Church have been instructed that we are not to look for any signs but for our Savior (Phil. 3:20–21). Luke 21 is an inside look at a stage of God’s program called “the Tribulation”. This period is when God pours out His wrath on the nations of the world. Most prophetic scholars believe that the Tribulation begins after Christ comes in the air and takes His church to heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11). The Tribulation ends at Christ's Return in glory to the earth, when He crushes His foes and establishes His kingdom (Rev. 19:1–20:6). (WNS-03; 050116AM) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Purchase resources: E-Books: Traditional Books: Audio CDs: Donate to the ministry: PayPal QuickLink: For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to:
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God's Chosen People: Jerusalem, Armageddon & World War III. DO YOU HAVE THE BIG PICTURE YET? GOD has SPOKEN, but most people don't usually step back to look at ALL that HE has SAID and CONSIDER what GOD EMPHASIZES. Here is a lesson I use to give NextGeneration missionaries the BIG PICTURE. The God who recorded the beginning, that no one but Him witnessed in Genesis; is also the God who gives us the ending, that no one but Him could have ever written, in Revelation. Isn’t it amazing that God devotes 1/4th or 25% of the Bible to the indivisible union that the world’s destiny has with God’s Chosen People of Promise, Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews? Never forget: The Centrality of Israel In the Bible Israel is the 3rd largest topic is the Bible right after: God/Lord Himself mentioned 12,000 times (God 4094x/Lord 6781x/plus Jesus, Christ, Spirit, etc.); and salvation (man 3323x/sin 1016x/Jesus 942x); Israel is mentioned over 2900x and Jerusalem 767x. The church 111x, prayer 128x, and the cross 29x are much less mentioned. Over 200 times God introduces Himself as the Great I am, the God of Israel (plus 17x the God of Abraham, and 25x the God of Jacob). He is not the “I was”, He is the “I AM”; and He is, His was, and has promised in the future that He will be the God of Israel. Using just a normal Bible with no study notes (my Bible is 1100 pages long) you find that: • 600 pages (Genesis to Song of Solomon) are Israel’s origin, history, wanderings away from God, and worship (that is 600/1100 pages or) 54%; and • 250 pages are devoted to the prophets (Isaiah to Malachi) that speak of the doom coming first to Israel then and the world in the future (that is 250/1100 pages or) 23%; and then we get • 110 pages devoted to the Life of Christ (Matthew to John) that lasts for (110/1100 pages or) 10% of the Bible; and then • 120 pages devoted to the record of Acts to Jude that explains Christ's Church’s birth and mission for 120/1100 pages or 11%; and then the • 20 pages of Revelation describing the centrality of Israel and Jerusalem in end of the world take up almost (20/1100 pages or) 2% of the Bible. So just a simple glance at the Table of Contents of God's Word would make a reader conclude that Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews are very important to God. He has chosen to devote fully (4/5ths or) 79% of the Bible to Israel’s origin, calling, chastisement, return, and future troubles that engulf the whole world. (WNS-63; 091025PM)  Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Purchase resources: E-Books: Traditional Books: Audio CDs: Donate to the ministry: PayPal QuickLink: For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to:
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ARMAGEDDON: WHEN THE ANGERED JUDGE OF THE UNIVERSE RETURNS.The CREATOR came to live, die and Rise on Earth as REDEEMER of His fallen creation, but His next visit will be as an ANGRY JUDGE to find all those who REJECTED HIM. Christ's Resurrection is the Central Truth of Time, Space, & History Actually, Christ's Resurrection we celebrate today is the center, the high peak of all of time, all of history, in the entire Universe. God has only revealed to us that we as humans exist as the sole non-angelic, and non-Divine beings in the Universe. As far as God is concerned for us to know: there are no other beings, super-heroes, or intelligent beings, besides what is recorded in the Bible. So, it is our Triune Creator God in Three Persons, then levels of His angelic beings fallen and un-fallen, and finally all of us humans, made in the very image of God. That’s all, according to all that God wants us to know, ponder, and probe.  The entire Bible points to this truth of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection as being central to everything.  The creator has revealed Himself, sacrificed Himself, and is coming back as JUDGE. That is what we could say is:   The Panorama of the Bible If we look simply at God's Word we could say that three truths can summarize all the pages of the Bible: • The Ignored Creator is Rejected: That would describe the background to every event from Genesis 1 to John 19. • The Crucified Savior is Risen: That describes the greatest event of all of history, and is written down in the 40 days chronicled from John 20 to Acts 1. • The Angered Judge is Returning: That covers the essence of what the Apostles each came to in their written presentations of the Gospel to the world, as the directly commissioned representatives or Apostles of the Creator & Savior Jesus Christ. Their words are recorded from Acts 2 to Revelation 22 (ROK-10) Follow Discover the Book Ministries to stay up to date: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Purchase resources: E-Books: Traditional Books: Audio CDs: Donate to the ministry: PayPal QuickLink: For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to:
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