theriantastic · 7 days
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coyotemolar · 9 months
Spectral bat collection pics. because they're fucking sublime.
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todaysbat · 9 months
Are there any bats that grab stuff with their hind claws like birds do?
For context, I often have dreams about turning into a bat monster and causing chaos.
The monster bat has had many traits I thought were unrealistic enough to be monster traits, but turn out to coincidentally be traits of a real bat species. I'm able to grab stuff like a bird in these dreams, and I want to know if that's also an accidental real bat trait.
Well....bats roost by grabbing on with their hind legs like birds do (just upside down), so just about every single species of bat.
But if you mean more like how hawks catch their prey with their talons...yes, several species do. A specific example that comes to mind is Noctilio leporinus, also known as the greater bulldog bat or fisherman bat, which uses it claws to hold on to the fish it eats.
As for sceficically grabbing birds though...there is at least one bat species that is known to eat birds (among other things), Vampyrum spectrum (aka the spectral bat), but it doesn't use it hind claws to grab stuff, it uses its thumb claws on its wings.
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punchlineartist · 1 year
my version of the silverwing big three, god i frickin love bats
you can grab sticker / pin versions of them on my redbubble!
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luckycavy117 · 6 months
Rereading the Silverwing series again. Redoing my little bat ocs for it. The spectral bat needed a new name,so meet Macuahuitl, or 'Mac!'
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She's *mostly* harmless.
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Hi I’m rereading Sunwing by Kenneth Oppel and WTF?!
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passimtemere · 2 years
Continued from X
If it was a fight he wanted, oh it was a fight he would be getting. But perhaps not as equally matched as he was hoping for. 
Fingers elongate and stretch, webbing beginning to sprout between digits, thumb curling, hook like claws appearing at the tips until arms and hands were becoming more akin to wings. Sickening cracking and warping of bones as the clothes around him rip from the new bulk and shape of this form. Weight shifts forward onto his newly formed wings, only a moment taken to adjust to them. This was a form he was almost more used to than his human appearance. But that did not change the fact that this challenge was a good excuse to quite literally stretch out his wings. Torn clothes are shaken free from his new near eight foot form (not counting the peak of his long pointed ears). 
However, he would not give his challenger much time to admire his new form (no matter how impressive) as one of those gigantic wings sweep out to knock the vampire over. If not with the bulk of his leathery wings but from the sheer force of the wind behind them. 
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antiqueanimals · 8 months
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Spectral bat (Vampyrum spectrum)
A Natural History of British and Foreign Quadrupeds. Written by James H. Fennell. 1843.
Internet Archive
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inkdrawndreams · 1 year
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Fun Fact: False vampire bats also known as "spectral bats" are known to eat lizards, birds, and even other bat species.
Chicken scratch trranslation below the cut
Kirk: oh fuck...This is the false Vampire bat strain, isn't it?
False Vampire Bat; vampyrum spectrum
Oswald: Spit that out!
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trunswicked · 2 years
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Empire Vampyrum Red
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capitan-baohao · 2 years
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If you’re wondering(u should)  what kind of bat Ace is, I’ll kindly enlighten you. He is a spectral bat/vampyrum spectrum, so he has funny nose that looks like a leaf :з 
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aeshnalacrymosa · 1 year
Yes, bats are not rodents, but this is such a cute idea! 🦇
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Bruno is holding a great fruit-eating bat (Artibeus lituratus), a species of bat living in most of Latin America. It belongs in the same family as the vampire bat (subfamily Desmodontinae) and the spectral bat (Vampyrum spectrum), the largest carnivorous bat in the world.
I'm also experimenting with giving Bruno a deeper tan.
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coyotemolar · 9 months
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As of rereading the Silverwing trilogy, I've debated with redesigning the main characters with how I imagined them. The TV adaptation could be referenced and have generalized fandom inputs so I went with whatever I could muster. I've struggled a shit-ton for some reason with Goth's design, mainly because I want him to be cool looking, but he rather came out as an emo dominator.
He's an absolute favorite antagonist of mine. Goth's character in the trilogy never failed to bore me, and with how little his description was, I put some of my headcanon designs in. I'm fairly satisfied with the expression, and how his scruff puffs out like a king's fur.
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todaysbat · 1 year
from The Wildlife Society:
With a wingspan of more than three feet, most people would choose to stay away from the roosts of one of the largest carnivorous bats in the world. But José Martínez-Fonseca, working through Northern Arizona University with TWS member and incoming president Carol Chambers, captured a great false vampire bat (Vampyrum spectrum) — also known as a spectral bat — in a tropical dry forest in Nicaragua and tracked it to its roost. They found the post-reproductive female bat living with two others, possibly its pup and an adult male, in March 2017. The researchers subsequently began work analyzing the bats’ feces to get a better idea about their diet, which includes birds, insects, rodents and other species of bats.
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lavinaigrette · 2 years
The Silverwing Saga is so freaking funny because it could have just ended with the Vampyrum all dying in the second book, but Kenneth Oppel understood his characters too well and knew that it was out-of-character for Goth to just stay dead, so we get an entire third novel set in Hell.
(I don’t even mean that it’s out-of-character for him to stay dead within the construction of Zotz’s realm, where it is established that reviving oneself is possible. I mean that it’s out-of-character for him to die, period.)
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daphnesilverwing · 1 year
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Okay, so my blog before was a side blog (which I didn't know at first because I'm pretty new here) so I just made a new blog so it could be my primary one. Oopsie daisy lol
Anyway, here's me! (My character lol.) I'm definitely a Silverwing at heart but Vampyrum Spectrums are also super cool.
I don't know how often I'll post but expect some art (old and new) within the next month!
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