#Spectral bat
coyotemolar · 9 months
Spectral bat collection pics. because they're fucking sublime.
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theriantastic · 7 days
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todaysbat · 9 months
Are there any bats that grab stuff with their hind claws like birds do?
For context, I often have dreams about turning into a bat monster and causing chaos.
The monster bat has had many traits I thought were unrealistic enough to be monster traits, but turn out to coincidentally be traits of a real bat species. I'm able to grab stuff like a bird in these dreams, and I want to know if that's also an accidental real bat trait.
Well....bats roost by grabbing on with their hind legs like birds do (just upside down), so just about every single species of bat.
But if you mean more like how hawks catch their prey with their talons...yes, several species do. A specific example that comes to mind is Noctilio leporinus, also known as the greater bulldog bat or fisherman bat, which uses it claws to hold on to the fish it eats.
As for sceficically grabbing birds though...there is at least one bat species that is known to eat birds (among other things), Vampyrum spectrum (aka the spectral bat), but it doesn't use it hind claws to grab stuff, it uses its thumb claws on its wings.
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verdemoth · 1 year
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you don’t wanna know how many times i tried and failed to post this. i’ve typed this so many times. anyway i finished this Veils design! i probably had a plan for those embroidery panels when i first sketched them but that was over a year ago, and the sketches were ill defined so i had to guess at the shapes. They’re definitely meant to represent Veils’ other forms but i can’t give you more than that, alas the details have been lost to time and poor memory and poorer sketches. I have some alt lace colours below the cut
wait the white lace image keeps breaking and the black lace one duplicates. what if i put the white one here
wait the white lace image keeps breaking and the black lace one duplicates. what if i put the white one here
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ok that seems to work. thanks tumblr.
edit: deleting the duplicate was a bad idea. i’m in post hell. load bearing duplicate image/text
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Spectral Bat, via
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Round 1 Match 27
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Tongue Eating Louse: "Little isopod looking crustacean that eats a fish's tongue than masquerades as its missing tongue, eating all its food."
Spectral Bat: "Fun nose leaf! Largest bat in the Americas AND the largest carnivorous bat! Speaking of, one of the few carnivorous bats, mostly preying on birds and small mammals including other bats. They live in small family groups and the male will wrap his whole family in his wings"
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gummmy · 1 year
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Big bat Guillermo. Call me biased but I love crazy monsters, and I want Guillermo to have his main character moment and go bat shit wild through town and just fuck shit up. He deserves to have some fun
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asqadia-banthen · 2 days
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lobitoworks · 2 years
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It's Bad Bitch o'Clock! Here is Lilith's debut! This artistic freedom spectral bat fursuit was quite the labor of love, with hand-painted sigil wings, zip-on feet, detailed teeth, and extensive leg/haunch padding! Lilith ended up quite close to the concept art I created for her! I loved creating all the little details too, like her piercings and upside-down cross pupils. For the wings, I took inspiration from stained glass and from Lilith's sigil in occultism. We are not currently open for fursuit commissions and don't know when our next opening will be. We have a mailing list you can join to be informed of future commission opportunities: https://eepurl.com/cd9jLT More info on our work at http://lobitoworks.com!
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randallwallaceart · 2 years
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Ref sheet I created for an artistic freedom fursuit commission! The client gave me the direction of "female occultist/Castlevania-inspired spectral bat". I designed the colors based off of rare furs in my hoard, and the wings are inspired by stained glass windows and the demonic sigil for Lilith.
You can check out the fursuit on LobitoWorks!
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coyotemolar · 9 months
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As of rereading the Silverwing trilogy, I've debated with redesigning the main characters with how I imagined them. The TV adaptation could be referenced and have generalized fandom inputs so I went with whatever I could muster. I've struggled a shit-ton for some reason with Goth's design, mainly because I want him to be cool looking, but he rather came out as an emo dominator.
He's an absolute favorite antagonist of mine. Goth's character in the trilogy never failed to bore me, and with how little his description was, I put some of my headcanon designs in. I'm fairly satisfied with the expression, and how his scruff puffs out like a king's fur.
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antiqueanimals · 8 months
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Spectral bat (Vampyrum spectrum)
A Natural History of British and Foreign Quadrupeds. Written by James H. Fennell. 1843.
Internet Archive
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todaysbat · 1 year
from The Wildlife Society:
With a wingspan of more than three feet, most people would choose to stay away from the roosts of one of the largest carnivorous bats in the world. But José Martínez-Fonseca, working through Northern Arizona University with TWS member and incoming president Carol Chambers, captured a great false vampire bat (Vampyrum spectrum) — also known as a spectral bat — in a tropical dry forest in Nicaragua and tracked it to its roost. They found the post-reproductive female bat living with two others, possibly its pup and an adult male, in March 2017. The researchers subsequently began work analyzing the bats’ feces to get a better idea about their diet, which includes birds, insects, rodents and other species of bats.
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feral-violet · 2 months
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beansprean · 2 years
Laszlo is a nathusius pipistrelle bc they are teeny and actually SING to attract mates!
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Nadja is a geoffroys bat (which is hilarious bc...Jeff) bc they really like olive plantations for some reason and also do a lot of screaming
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Nandor is a greater noctule bat, big enough to eat birds but a face cute enough you'd let him
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kingbob2-0 · 3 days
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Been drawing some chibis as practice and ended up making some for the vampire au. Top left is Altair, top right is Desmond, bottom left is Connor, and bottom right is ezio.
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