#v: vampyrum
passimtemere · 2 years
Continued from X
If it was a fight he wanted, oh it was a fight he would be getting. But perhaps not as equally matched as he was hoping for. 
Fingers elongate and stretch, webbing beginning to sprout between digits, thumb curling, hook like claws appearing at the tips until arms and hands were becoming more akin to wings. Sickening cracking and warping of bones as the clothes around him rip from the new bulk and shape of this form. Weight shifts forward onto his newly formed wings, only a moment taken to adjust to them. This was a form he was almost more used to than his human appearance. But that did not change the fact that this challenge was a good excuse to quite literally stretch out his wings. Torn clothes are shaken free from his new near eight foot form (not counting the peak of his long pointed ears). 
However, he would not give his challenger much time to admire his new form (no matter how impressive) as one of those gigantic wings sweep out to knock the vampire over. If not with the bulk of his leathery wings but from the sheer force of the wind behind them. 
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abataday · 8 years
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Spectral Bat (Vampyrum spectrum)
The fading pen tool is kinda cool? I feel like it makes me look like maybe I know what I’m doing or I’m stylized or something when ACTUALLY I’m still mostly just banging on my tablet.
The spectral bat is a species you may be familiar with if you’ve ever read the Silverwing series by Kenneth Oppel. In fact, it’s the species of the book’s main antagonist, Goth. I think it’s too bad that this is the only introduction most people might get to the species, though, because they’re actually pretty neat. Do they eat other bat species? Sure, along with mice, and lizards, and birds, et cetera. But nobody yells at a hawk for eating a smaller bird, man! Double standards.
Anyway, the spectral bat is also sometimes called the false vampire bat, which is confusing as it is a member of Phyllostomidae and there is another group of old world leaf-nosed bats called false vampire bats in the family Megadermatidae. The ghost bat, which I drew a couple days ago, is one of those! Though similar in appearance and habit, the two groups are not closely related. Our pal convergent evolution strikes again.
Spectral bats are among a few bat species who are strictly monogamous, and not just seasonally monogamous- pairs may mate for life. Both parents care for the single offspring the female gives birth to each year, which suggests that the young of this species may be born particularly altricial (i.e., useless). The young may also stay with the parents for a year or two and help rear their siblings.
Bringing food back for the young ones and the babysitters is a big part of the spectral bat’s daily life (or nightly life, I guess), and it’s most often birds. The remains of 84 different individual birds were found beneath one V. spectrum roost, with representatives from 18 different species.
Final note, these fellas are pretty large- the largest bats in the Americas, in fact, with three-foot wingspans.
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passimtemere · 5 months
Looking around cautiously, making sure he’s not seen, then slowly making his way over to a carcass.
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Sniff sniff.
Seemed safe to eat. The werewolf reached his muzzle over, grabbed whatever chunk of flesh he could in between his teeth and tore off a piece of meat.
Then he scampers to hide and eat in peace.
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He’ll definitely come back for more free food.
(For Javier from Rei!)
The scavenger would only get free access to the meal for so long. Because soon enough the kill's owner would return. A large beast about eight feet tall comes into view, walking through the brush on the knuckles of his wings. Large ears swivel about, focusing on the werewolves hiding spot. But he makes no move to attempt to scare anything off. Instead, he keeps his head in the direction of the trespasser as he lowers his head down, beginning to bite and chew and remove his own chunks of flesh from the carcass. Not hostile, but certainly not outright friendly either.
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passimtemere · 7 months
What Horror Trope are you ?
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the ancient evil
they have wronged you. perhaps, once, you were something powerful– something to be looked at with adoration and worship and fear. but time does not yield to you, and when you lay to sleep, you awake to find yourself forgotten. your rage is insatiable. no matter what, you will make sure they do not forget this time.
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passimtemere · 2 years
@vampiric-bite liked for a starter
Dark eyes glance the other over as metal tipped fingers run through the hair on his chin. A metal bracer was clasped around his left wrist. Many other adornments were worn along with furs and other finery as he sat atop what could only be described as a throne. 
   “And just..what exaclty...made you think that I would welcome you into my territory with open arms? Because we are both vampyr? How presumptuous.” there was a coyness and a danger to his tone, lips curling back to reveal two sets of sharp fangs. One on top, one on bottom. 
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passimtemere · 2 years
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it was a doodling kind of day. Here's a quick were-form Javi since it's been years since I've drawn him
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passimtemere · 2 years
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Yeah I've been on quite a bit of a Javi kick. A real rough sketch still but I like da mouth
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passimtemere · 2 years
Red ichor dripped from the corner of his mouth, quickly glancing over his shoulder to the one who disturbed his feeding. The long haired male straightens, wiping his mouth, his focus fully shifted to the newcomer as the person he had been feeding on drops to the ground. Quickly, he drops his cowl over the body. 
  “Ah....senorita. You seem to have caught me in the middle of a meal.” 
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passimtemere · 2 years
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Decided to do a Lil sketch of one of Vampire Prince Javier's royal guards for his vampire verse. It's fun designing masks and stuff.
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