violeteyedkiller · 1 day
“Hey Stan.. did you know there’s a tale of a huge cat eating people in winter because they didn’t get new clothes?”
New fear unlocked for Rei.
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Random Asks || Accepting
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Creatura had their own superstitions and myths (it was why he was so skeptical of felines) but they ALSO did not have very much affinity for winter and freezing temperatures.
So this is....concerning...
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pawnshcpdevil · 7 days
“You… sell… people..?”
He sounded horrified. Sure, it was a genuinely innocent question, and Rei didn’t entirely understand what it meant, but it seemed bad. Wrong like a bad taste in his mouth. It sounded similar to when he was still a test subject. An experiment to be used and tossed aside. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that people could be bought and sold.
Maybe it was time to leave, as this guy didn’t seem safe to be around.
(Space!Rei for space!jersey)
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Space Verse Asks || Always Accepting
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"I sell goods and services. Now as to what those goods and services are. Well. Depends on who's askin'." He brings a long digit and stubby finger together, rubbing them together.
"And depends on who's payin'. Information only comes to payin' customers."
Cervine like ears swivel forward. Or at least one does. The other was missing.
"Well ain't you interestin' lookin..." The large form takes a step forward "Where'd you say you was from again?"
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passimtemere · 5 months
“Someone threw water at me and now I feel really fucked up. I feel like biting now. Might terrorize Rei today, haven’t decided."
(For Alter!)
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He doesn't even remember who that is.
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dragxnsfire · 11 months
“You don’t smell like them.. the Volkihar clan I mean- but how can I trust you?” He seemed relieved, but there was fear laced in his voice.
(From Rei to Solurion!)
If Solurion'd had a heartbeat to speak of, it would have been drumming in his ears, loud as an orcish war-drum. He'd long come to recognize the aura of his fellow vampires— fellow undead— in the midst of living, breathing mortals. But the ex-Psijic was patient, and had stayed his hand, at least for the time being, to listen to the stranger. He gestured to a place before the hearth in his little hermitage, before moving to an ancient, long-dried stump of a seat. "If you want the honest answer," he said, voice soft, unused to speaking to others, "you cannot trust me— just as I cannot trust you. I am a creature of Molag Bal, just as you are, whether we chose this life or not." He moved slowly, coaxing the dying fire back to life with magic from a thin, spidery hand, before turning his silvery eyes back to Rei.
"But no— I would never associate with the Volkihar clan. I cannot say I know much of them, but from what I understand…" His voice fell quiet, and he shuddered. "They are the sort to have chosen this… this un-life. That, and—" he absently rubbed at the long-since scarred wound on his neck— "their strain of vampirism is likely different from mine. But I doubt you came for a lesson in our affliction. Tell me, waht do you want?"
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smokes-and-bullets · 2 years
"You seen another vampire around here? A little bit shorter than me, white hair." Sulvur did his best to seem non-threatening. "He’s my…" he had to briefly pause to think. "Boyfriend. Yeah." A lie.
Blinks at being told there was a vampire around, staring at the man before him skeptical though the stranger was searching for a friend. "I haven't seen anyone with white hair."
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"I didn't need to know he was your boyfriend.. Either way I haven't seen him. Try the places he'd go to."
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magioffire · 2 years
You play Vali so well and he’s a v interesting lil moth who deserves the world!!
Anonymously send me your favorite detail about how I play my character ; accepting .
tumblr didnt eat this ask this time!! 
he does deserve the world thats why i made an entire planet for him and his friends to run amuck in
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ink-arnate · 3 years
@vampiric-bite liked for small starter.
Waits until the other person is distracted before stealing some food off the plate.
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tazmilyxfamily · 3 years
@vampiric-bite​ inquired:
"Are you a faerie?" (From Xwee Rei!)
Among mortal bugs, those with fur were among the rarest for Her to encounter. This made perfect sense, what with the sharpness of nails and the maws of spike-filled pits so easily piercing skin; but logic could never suppress the goddess’ grief for Her Children. For as bitter and angry as She was over the wyrm’s misleading of those She’d created by Her own image, there was no use in denying how useful chitin was. A good choice on Her end.
Nevermind that it had been completely circumstantial.
Conversely, Hallownest’s dangers also made the appearance of such a creature that much more of a pleasant surprise. She looked upon it with an interested neutrality, willing to look past its shining white coat for the sake of companionship.
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“A faerie We are not, small one.” So said the Radiance. Warmth came off Her chosen vessel in waves as it was compelled to approach, albeit much gentler than that of the goddess’ raw power... “Our identity is well-layered; complicated beyond what thou must know. Whatever form We may take, know Us for Our most golden Light, and call Us only as the Radiance. Let none who claim to hold or succeed Our power disrupt thine memory of Us.” 
Her chosen vessel’s head tilted to the side then- something She’d witnessed the youngest of Her children do in order to express confusion. It was intended to be disarming, but staring down Her vessel’s mask at him likely only muddled its meaning.
“And what of you? What dost thou pursue, searching so deeply within these ruined lands?” 
Ruined for the time being, anyway. As long as this vessel of Hers continued to breath, She intended to change that.
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violeteyedkiller · 5 days
“… Scary snatcher leader? Why.. did you take me? Why… do you keep me?”
He had been quick to learn speech. And he’d been having thoughts.
“What is sentient..? Am I sentient? Are… you?”
Oh. He was having an existential crisis.
(For space verse Stan)
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Random Asks || Always Accepting
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The Creaturid turns his head toward the other as they speak. His head tips, letting out a small sound. Almost a chuckle. That name was...fitting but also amusing. However. The other's questions weren't.
"I took you because you were a prisoner. You're still here because I don't think you know how to live on your own." Simple as that. Though the mercenary guild leader had the reputation of being ruthless, he did not think himself so cold as to leave an obviously sheltered and helpless being on some lonely planet. He'd get the other some footing...that was the idea, and then he can leave him on some planet.
"Sentient means you feel things. Do you feel things?"
That question probably won't help someone having an existential crisis.
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pawnshcpdevil · 11 months
@vampiric-bite || Continued from X
There were a good many reasons why Jersey had a place to sleep above the shop. Break-ins and thieves were certainly on the list.
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He had come down the stairs, weapon in hand, ready to take care of a Mundy who had chosen the wrong shop to try to rob-
But once he saw Rei-
His glamour is dropped almost instantly as the cryptid tackles into him. Tumbling and twisting about, grappling and grabbing his shoulders and slamming Rei back down against the floor.
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No one steals from the Jersey Devil.
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passimtemere · 1 year
Rei is just barking at Alter
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dragxnsfire · 2 years
@vampiric-bite || starter call || no longer accepting
The ex-thief huddled close to the fire, holding his hands over it; all the power of the once-Great House Telvanni, and he was stuck camping in the wilderness like a common brigand. Such was the price, though, of being unwilling to pay the fees of the Kynesgrove tavern. He shifted, moving to set a pot of water to boil over the fire, when he heard a sound in the bushes.
Anovis stood quickly, dusting the dirt and leaves from his robes, eyes straining in the low light. "Ah, you must be—" He stopped. The stranger's eyes were glowing. Not his contact from the Guild. "You aren't from the Guild," he said slowly, backing toward the fire. Now that he could make out the shape of the vampire, he drew a short breath. "I do hope you're not here looking for a meal. I wouldn't make much of one, I assure you."
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ludjaci · 3 years
✧ (you can ignore if you want but Rei or Sulvur?)
Here come dat cursed but sweet elven prince Rei
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smokes-and-bullets · 2 months
“… I think I accidentally applied to be a sex worker.. is that bad?”
(From Rei!)
"Do you want to be a sex worker? You seem unsure about it and as you said, you applied on accident. Doesn't seem like something you were expecting to do."
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"It's not bad per say but you have to be prepared for what's ahead, not go in blindly but that's my thought on the matter. You can always decline or redact the application too. Maybe do a little research first on where you applied to, what they expect of you, their work ethics and pay, then make your decision after and if you want to do this."
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therelentless · 3 years
{ @vampiric-bite​ ;; cont.
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“Harkon?” Who the fuck was Harkon? he would have asked, but he found that whatever answer the other could give him, wouldn’t be that important to him at the moment. “What vampire is a nice vampire? vampires are not suppose to be nice, we’re suppose to be terrifying and scary, so good for him or whatever.”
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magioffire · 3 years
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?
some SALT ; accepting
you're gonna agree with this i know
the dr*gon *ge r p c
gonna tell you an amazing experience i had in that community. someone who'd whitewashed arc hon ra don is (look me in the eye and tell me this man is white) tried to tell me that in my au for vali couldn't possibly be a magister, and that the t*vinter *mperium was ONLY based off the western roman empire (lets just ignore all the ottoman, persian, and byzantine influence within the design of t*vinter) and, get this, that there were barely any people of color within the roman empire, and that there were NO people of color within any position of power within the roman empire in it's entire history. never ever any people of color of note within the roman empire. ever. lol
they then bragged about being a ''roman history buff''
that shit still makes me laugh. and the sad thing is it wasn't the only weird ugly experience i had in that community hJKJDKSJFL just
this is why i only interact with a select few in the fandom i know are cool cuz like....nah
whoops almost stepped in some shit (the dr a g on a ge r pc) now back to that money.
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